The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 03, 1910, Image 4

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    re-c- W!i
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She CHIEF William L. Weesner
Ked Cloud - -
William L.
Cnn'idiite for Pn
tcternl In the I'usturtlrfl t iltel HoikI.N'cIi ,
n bccntnl (,'! .VUltet
ucord for honesty iilitl
. Weesner litis tunny
0 II. HAM?
niAmnr.rntlr. State
and County Ticket!"1 ,!"' (,o;'- : fl
..1. .. Iilr-Hl ml 111 111 III! I lltlT llll fc
For V H. Senator
Gilbert M. Hitchcock
Fordovernor . .lames C Diilitmtui
For JiiontcniiutOnvoinor .K. A. Clark
For Secretary of State . .('. V. fool
For Auditor
For Treasurer (ieorgo F. Hull
For Statu .Superintendent
W. K. Jackson
For Allorncy lleiirrnl. C. II. Whitney
For Commissioner ...Wm. 15. Husthum
fnr Itntlmild Coillllllssiolll 1'
" "------- lllllll III- lll-ll II lllilt 11 "III
lien II. Ilnyden vv L Weesi.eron thctiekot
I Advocate, Mitnkiito, Kansas
For Congress. Fifth IMstriol
U. 1). Sutherland
For Senator isino h. Ilcureiix
For Representative .. tieorge I.indsoy
For Float Representative
Win. L Weesner
For County Attorney.. Fred K. Muurer
Having been noinliiiitcd by Hie Demo
cratic and People' IndepeuileiU part
ies for the otllco of County Attorney
of Webster County, I take this moth
d of announcing J candidacy nnd
would most respectfully solielt your
consideration at the coming election.
If elected I shall to tho best r my
nbillty fairly and Impartially preform
the duties or Count v Attorney, laying
a&iile all political considerations and
having in mind only tho best interests
of all the people of Webster County,;
regardless of party atliliations.
During my campaign 1 shall not allow '
myseii io necome ouoguit'i j ".y
political entanglements and if elected
Hhall enter upon thodutiesof the olllce
free from restiaint or iulliionce of any
person or set of persous and hampered
by uonnti-oleclion strings or promise.
If elected my sole aim shall bo to pro
tect and promote the best interests
of all the pooplo of Webster Count;.
Fiti:i) Mauueii, Ufd Cj,oi D Ni:n.
Habit's formed in youtli during the
poriotl tf hllUol life will inlluence
nnd determine largely the entire life
of the individual afterwards. Habits
of promptness, industry! work, court
esy in fuel oveiything touching tho
school life, will never bo eruditated.
Pupil, teacher, parent, look well to
this peiiud of life.
'put Kcprescntatho
is "ii" id our l''t business 'men anil
Iiii- nti e uviablo
fair dealing. .M
friends in this city and enjoys the eon-
I lldencc of till Ho Is a man w hom the
i people can trust. .lust to show what
the people say who havo known him
'tile longest we quote the following
from his old home papet;
We notice that our old .Jewell county
friend W. 1 Weesner is running for
' iloat representative on the Democratic
mid Peoples Independent tichot over
wo are
Int.... nli.tit.iiil n In ii r (lint ln stands II
n. .i. ... " ... ...... ... .......
good show of winning out at the polls.
Weesner a for many resilient
of'.Jcwell county and the county never
had a more square, loyal public, spirit
ed citizen ami it our Nobiusku friends
semi liim to tho legislatiii utlie) will he
.eliding a man whose sympathies are
always with the people, a liinn who is
squur" on every oi cttsion anil it man
with the ability to do his constituents
some good. The party never makes a
mistake when it places men as
In usaying EJtw (faootus
For U 5 Senator.
And Womens Clothing it is a pretty good rule to go
where selections are broadest and store service is the
This store offers its patrons all this and more-it offers to
its patrons the highest grade merchandise produced in America and on
account of our large volume of business can show, an absolute saving
of a large per cent on any and all purchases.
We have assortments of what we believe to be the most beautiful and
most stylish merchandise that the makers can produce.
You will be interested in looking at our new lines of
Fall and Winter merchandise.
Large and Complete lines of Dry Goods,
Womens Coats, Suits and Furnishings, No
tions, Carpets, Rugs, Shoes and. Groceries.
14 4
vk nni:i , in v.n
Coprtffliicd 191t'by
Uhe if. UmcI. Co.
State Senator Twenty-Sixth District Geo- W- Lindsey, Democratic Candidate for
Representative of Webster County, Nebr.
Thore uoier was iu preacher or
president, poet or political! who could
please everybody There never was a
linker or tailor, soldier or sailor who
could salt us all. Show us a doctor
or lawyer, a meichanl or sawyer w ho
pleases the whole multitude. The
Lord himself and all the angels in
heaven have never half succeeded in
comforting the human race. There is
not a tiling on earth or tiny where. eNe
that meets the approval of all man
kind. Then it would be nonsense for
oil! tors or correspondents to tret when
their honest efforts fail to please a
k tain few. Write with sound judg
ment, an honest purpose and ti decent
pen, and the majority of sensible peo
ple will lise up and call you blessed.
(iilbert M. Hitchcock Dcmociatic
candidate for Fulled States Senator is
much stronger today than he was at
the beginning of this mud Hinging
campaign After all is said and done
the oiislought of Howard, Hartley ami
Hosewater reveals so much venuin that
a candid open mind musi needs ic-ciit
th' attempts to make .Mr Hitchcock
a villain of the deepest dye It is
plain toall that this attack- was not
initio to purify politics but to injure
Mr. Hitchcock. These attacks have
not been made by Hurkett'-. friends
but Hitchcock's enemies. From the
appearance of the evidence it looks as
tho when a bit of paper did not just
suit the clique it was changed so as to
made it as damaging as possible. Mr.
Hitchcock did borrow money of Burr
ley the banker, he did renew those
notes from time to time but hedid not
take one Cent of stu'e monev. Why
was this story never spruny before'.'
Mr Hitchcock will be vlndicted next
HRTt i'aSwKfyr M'-IHt
Tlicru lll'u llil('i gl'eal rocks ahead
of the practical young man who has
l young
io biflder
Ids feet upon tho luflder and is begin
ning to lise Fitsf, diunkeniiess
which, of couise, is fatal 'llieie is
no use wasting any time on the young
man who drinks liquor, nil niattfi
bow exceptional ids talent SiCond'
spec la lion. The business vl a spei i.
lator and that ol ; iiiauulai tuti r
man of all'alrs are not only disimt
but incompatible. The uianulactini t
should go lot ward steiuli1.). nueting
the inurket pnci.s. Wlien thru ate
goods to sell, sell tin III : when sup
lilies are needed, putehase tliem with
Out regatd to tile mailtet price in
cither case I have neer known a
fcpecnlative mauufactuier or business
mull wlio scored a pctiituticiit success,
io Is rich one day, bankrupt the uet .
The thitd tock is akin to speculation
endorsing. Thoieare eineiKetieos.
no doubt, in. which men should help
their friends, lint tliere is a rule that
will keep one safe; no man should
place his name on the obligation o
another if lie has not Mitllcicnt to j
meet it without detiimuit to his lui-i
Tho above is a likeness of Mr. Arsene presont serving as a director.
IHoitreux of Campbell Deinocratlo Mr. L'Heureiix stauds hquately on
and People's lndenendont candidate the l")enioeratie platform and believes
for State Senator. Mr .LMIeuivux was in the initiative and referendum. He
born in ism mid eiimo to Frank- is a progressive hard working man
lilt county in IS70 residing here and well qualified to bold tlierospnnM
coittinuously since that time. He lie- ble position to which ho aspires.
The object of this curd is two-fold: First of all to thank you .sincerely,
for yiur royal support in nominating me a compliment, which any man may
well be proud of. ,
Second. It is my of inttoiluidng myself into the political Arena
lift's sliuke" now thai we are acquainted lot's get to bj.. I am a Candidate
for Hcpnsentallvc for Webster County the best County in tho State. It is
VOUlt HOMH. it is MY Hn.MK. Our tlrst and 'reat object should be-tomake
laws Hint shun IT' and IMIOTKUT all f the HO.MKS of Webster
Counl. ! To tills "Coiutuon Cause" let me ask the support of every voter.
Tlr.niUiiiL' you for whutevet you may be able to do for me, mid pledging
you. if elected, tnv very best efforts for all of Webster County.
in Ibis age of political Chicanery every voter has a right to know what
hi Itepreseiitutive stiinds for. Ho should declare himself openly, an I "on
the square. ' and when elected, should thus conduct himself.
Covet iimeiil lli-st. parly second; principles liiM. put ty second; men first
and p.nty spcoihI. This is. MY political creed.
ISiisiness principles should lie inculcated into politics to the end that all
needless nspetihc inu.N be s.ived.
Iiientiial elections is wltat the tax payeis want, it would mivd thousands
of dollars.
The iveseut I'limiiiy Iiaw is a needless double-tux upon the taxrayers,
ami shonlo be icpciiled.
I'he Amicul ture Interest ot our County demands better roads. v law
should lie enacted providing for smaller road districts in the counties, with
I net I self-government. All moneys for roads and luidges should be equitably
apportioned mid distributed among this several counties.
I stand for County Option, and firmly believe that Wood (lovertiinent
and I'ublic. Montis will bo best served in that way.
Uespectfully submitted,
I!i:d Ci.ot'n. Nmiu s,epf. 'JUMi. luio.
gun hks career in t Ids state by vwuking
out by the month. When :M yeni'js of
age ho began operations for hliuself
and has principally devoted himself to
With these (nullifications and plat
fottn it certainly would seem that Mr
li'Heureiix would boa most excellent
acquis! Ion to our State Senate to
farming and stock raising. Mr. : which oftloe lie uspites and asks the
l.oierh of high ihiss ainiiseinelit will
be ullorded a iaie treat in the fin in of
a High Class Fsueei .uuedy "A I'.ACllH
l.oU'S II()N'K MOON" which makes
itsiippearaiice heie on Friday Novetll-
her It I) at tho Opera House The play
is replete of witty lines ami sayings,
and abundant with side splitting, sit
' nations. The cast is composed of re
cognized pet formers, fully capable of
port raying their icspeellve roles. The
! specialltleii and musical nuuibors are
ot a puns clean nature lhat is sure to
R.S. .9.
Successor, to Dr. J. S. I:IIUH
At the old stnnd over the
State Bank. Phonel3f tfr,ltl l1u h,,,ivty pp-vhi f mi who
, witness it. All in all the play Is .one
" " " that w 111 ainiisc, minus init thing lhat
Subscribe for the Chief-;""""11 k"'"" " "'""
li'Houn'ux'.s farin Is u model lu every
respect. Ho has over been progress
ive and has shown wiiat Intelligent ef
forts will do In tho way of making
farming pay.
lie was one of tho organizers of the
First National Hunk of Campbell and
at the present time, is vice president of
that institution. He also helped or
ganize the Fraiiklin coiiuty Farmer's
telephone coiupany being mi lite com
mittee which drafted the constitution
ami by-laws of that company. He
liloutilled hlinscH with tho party in
bSD'J and has vigorously championed
the c'Uiso of equal rights tor all and
special ptiviledges to none.
When It wus'ovldenl that an elevat
or would greatly benellt tho farmers
aroniiil Campbell, Mr. lYHoiuuix im
mediately got busy and did every
thing in ids power to inako that enter
prlso possible. The elevator was
erected and' was a success from the
start. Mr. llluhruux Is still connect
ed witli that Instituting and is at
support of the people at the coining
Mr. iriiourciix Is an optomlst and
does not believe that the state of Ne
braska is doomed to dismal failure.
Jtuthcr he believes that this stuto of
ours is just entoring a greater period
of usof ulness. llo is a reformer of tho
liiiFuyottc type. Set bucks are not
discouragements. The fight which He
has waged with the unfriendly ele
inents bus but strengthened him to
continue perserveringly against all
obstlcals. Ilo has single handed and
alone made a success of tunning and
stock raising in Nebraska and if elect
ed to tho scnatu of this state he will
curry the samo ability nnd the same
thorouecs into our state legislature
tliat ho has used to make his private
ail'airs a success.
Mr. iri.eureiix is u joun of Ideas and
a man that wo wouhjuot be ashamed
o point out as our ilautor Vote for
Arsone H'liOiircuxfAstnte Senator.
MIam entirely opposed to the ute of alum in
Baking Powder." Prof. Chandler, Columbia Univ.
Rmad tho Label $ Inform Yoursoli
For making quickly and per-
fectly, delicious hot biscuits,
hot breads, cake and pastry
there is no substitute for
Baking Powder
Fifty Years the StianclawS
1 i
Hfi ipwiiiiiiiwi