The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 03, 1910, Image 1

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Viitn Hlitorlcftl Society
r?VcTtefch - - jSvr- jj&!fzsiiHL
Ml 4 111 ," ' , 1.9, m- - '-LSI - JZ.?
v hioli s (if vital importance to every
JlsltlOSS IIKIII Wild Would bo MlCl'fSS
nl, N n guiding Iii- Hunk Account
Arc you
irrriNd noon sf.rvicf.
where you have your account at pres
ent'.' We oiler the best of Banking
facilities to our depositors anil every
accommodation within teason.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits
Webster County Bank,
CAPITAL $25,000
B. F. Mizer, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier.
B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Vm. H. Thomas.
S. R. Florance.
Democratic Candidate For
1 Representative of Webster County,
Sh . King corn is tlie ordei of the
Mr. II !sel)iisli hus a new cook. Mrs.
i Ida B ulr.
.Mr. and Mrs. Alf Saladen Simrtavcd i
'Bed Cloud. I
Clara and I.eua l.'asser are boarding
In t'n since cold weather began.
''r. and Mis, A I Decker visited their
daughter. Mrs. Connie i:u$or Sunday.
-''" --s
A Newspaper lhat filcs Tin: News Flft)-to Weeks E,tt:!i Year Tor $1.50.
( U 1 1 1) i Uo C K . I r rrnrr ur i imo '"
M - (5l.i l- Chae fell Sunday even- uLUIUjL W. LINDSEY
uijr ami hs a result has a luoken collar
I one i
"I he M 11. Aid society tied cwnlorts
," Mrs (). .1. Kailcy one day this
.J T Mason and family visited over
Sunday at the lioine of . John Fishhurn
near Bui r Oak.
Mrs. .1 M. KoliiM 1 is said to be jjhIii
ing. -sl'e is at the Nebraska simitar
iiuii al Hustings taking treatment.
Tlie big pine tree in 1. V. Cray's
,at'4l was cut down Monday. It had
far out glow u the space diluted to it.
Miss VeniM I'ayne Iroin the state
line is here spending the week with
her gi and parents. Mr and Mrs .1. S.
Mrs. Rosaltl.e Ayer of Dust wick and
lier grand daughter. IMhcr Beall visit
ed a day or two with Mrs. v. A.Seeh-y
returning homo Tuesday morning.
Mis. Irvine Woodward is home fioiu
the sanitarium at Hastings and i.s not
us much improved as her t'liendseould
wish but she is leportcd a little belter.
Sunday guests at K. M. Parkoi's
weie Jjoyd Paiquhar. Merlin llaldwin,
Mr. (Jeorge MoKiuncy's sister and
son from Iowa art li.-io visiting tela-'
Miss Laey Decker visited Miss Dollie' ., ... . , . ,
. ' Mr. mill Mis .In hi Siilmli.ti mw
daughters called nt Uiarlle Bassers
Mr. aud Mrs. (ieorge Blair of Lin
coln liave come to keep house for their
son. Bert Blair.
Rusher Monday night
Mr. and Mrs. John Kasser spent Sun
day at her parents.
MU. Enie HoR-oinb Is vlsitinir her
brother Mr. John Saladen.
The Sunday school .rally was well
attended Sunday at Lester.
Halloween was well celebrated at
Lester but no harm was done.
Ed King spent Saturday and Sunday
jvitli his sister near Bnrr Oak.
Mrs. Andrew Klnir is able to be
about after a few weeks. sickness.
Mr. and Mrs. .lames Mitchell and
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cotting spent
Monday at I. Fribble.
Mr. and Mrs. Clare 'ox spent Sun
day at Charlie Frlsbies. They started
to town in their auto but had the mis
fortune of breaking down. Ask Char
lie Krisbie how they got home.
Miss Mael timber and. 1 .M Phillips
and wile of Supeiior who drove up lu
I heir auto.
The .Misses Olive, lone and Kthel
Dlekorson entertained their friends
among the young people with a Hal
lowe'en party Monday night at the
home of their parents Mr. and Mrs. F.
A. Diokersou.
Uo v. Bobbins preached one of the
bestsermonson ''Christian Citizenship-'
Sunday morning at tlio Baptlstchurch
that it has ever been our good fortune
to hear. There was also excellent
music Rev. Richards of Syracuse
who was returning from Hie west
stopped over to visit his old friend C.
K. Vaughan preached Sunday evening
at the requestor the pastor.
Wy r7s
iw -; . ".
xt ( B 1 oli r
j(nry B
ik J sir
sy k
Don't buy your supply of Dry Goods until you have looked
over Our Stock, have a nice line of dress goods, silks, laces,
embroideries, ginghams, muslin, kid gloves, suede gloves with
silk linings, outings, outing night dresses, outing ready made
skirts, sweaters, underwear and hose.
Childrens and Misses Dresses
l Childrens ready made dresses in ginghams,
mother Hubbard style at ZDc, ages I to D.
Childrens ready made dresses of ginghams,
percale, linen braid trimed, made with waist
and skirt from 50c to $1 .50, ages 2 to 5.
Misses ready made dresses of percale, gala
tea cloth and mercerized repps made with
waists and plaited skirts from$l to $3.75
ages 6 to 1 4. ,
Have the middy dress for misses made of
galatea cloth from $2.25 to 3.75, ages 6 to
Childrens heavy fleeced union suits, size 2
45c, rise 5c a size.
Childrens sepcrate garments heavy wool
fleece, size 22, 25c each.
Childrens all wool union suite, size 2, 75c,
rise 5c a size.
Ladies cotton union suits 50c and $1.00
to. hence I am sending you this ciieu
lar letter that we may become heller
acquainted and that yon may know for
what 1 stand. The only issue "wet or
dry lias been foiced upon the Voters
of Webster County. Shall Local or
County Option Control? Shall local
option vole a ta on the ta. payeis
out side of iiicot pointed towns'.' A
tav without representation." The ta.
pavers out side of the Corpoiallon me
compelled to pay their .sliaie of .tail
and Court expenses, beiud bills etc..
witlnlut repiesentation. Is (his just -is
it right.' NoV
livery ta payer in wary meoipor
aleil town in Webster Couiilv should
have the right to say what lie shall
pay taxes for-likewise every voter
outside ol eveiy Incorporated town in
Webster county should hae the same
"Bqual rights to all men. -Special
prlviledges to none," is sound Demo
cratio doctrine and should be the motto
of every -lijudidate.
rr II...." T. . . .
a iuumai -.'uiiiii v is oouuii io nic
tate against law, order ami morality
upon her head must rest the responsi
bility. I ask you as a olean honest
man as a voter of what Is right to rise
above such conditions and thus help
to place Webster county in a hk'her
sphere. A place wliero in years to
come you may point to with nrhle as
your home county.
I am opposed to the present Primarv
Law. II is a .needless tax'upon the
people ami should be icpcalcd.
The Agrienltuial interests (.f our
county are in need of better mads. A
law should ,(, enacted providing for
smaller road districts lu the counties
with local self government. All
moneys fur roads and bridies should
be equally appoi lioued and distributed
among the several counties.
I am a heavy tax payer in tills coun
ty. It is your home, it U my home.
My best interest is yours. We should
sale guai d our homes that they be not
over taxed. We should sttivo how
best we can build up Nebraska our
home tinanclally and morally.
Thanking you for your support at
the coming election and pledging you
If eleoted my very best ellorts for all
of Webster county and tho great state
of Nebraska. I am
Respectfully yours
CS. W. LlNltsKY.
Candidate for Repres
entative 11 District.
Huh conducted a clean straight for
ward campaign aud Inu, not failed to
Mr. Mauior hus made a good campaign. He stands on his own merit
There Is not n mi !:.. ....I... ... .in., in i
, " 1-.....1, ,,, ,, him, e me, ue is jusi wnat lie is every
Bin. Ci...fii, Nun:., Oct 'J7th. MHO. (,!'.v- mIi and ear. lie is the same kind or a man in Red Cloud that he in
lMl ".'.' f" "''' "'I!, Bladen, (Illicit. Hock. Cow les , h.avale lie Is conservative
On account r urgent business out caieful and p.udent. The county's nl.nhs can be safely trusted Io Mr'
sidenf thestale I llnd that it will be .Mm i ..i , . . . ,J 'U" '" 'Mr
impossible lor me to see vou , onal- . , , '"" "' l "" '" ' "nl' '"m" J """ "' 't he ,ne which
lybofuio election as I had Intended J"" WmiM ,'l,"s,' '" --.iii.lm.l your pi ivate business. Vote for Fled IJ. Mauree
lor county attorney.
Fied Maurer. Democratic and Peoples Independent candidate forcoiinty
attornev was born on a farm tive miles north or Ited Cloud. Nebr.. in 1871, bin
flit her H..IMauier being one or tho pioneer scttleis of Webster countv. Mr.
Maurer graduated from the Bed Cloud lllh School in ISiKl.mul from the Ne
brasku State rniverslty Law School in IWifl. earning his way through and
sartlng out In life .viihoutu dollar, Mr. Mauler passed through the hard
siilps.i,l to the early sel lf ,hl. ,uuntV) , ,,, tJmill
ami thep.od times and is proud of the county of his birth. He began the
practice of law at Bed Cloud In IS!7 and by careful and conscientious attent
ion to business ha., made a success as an examination id the va.inus court
n'co.ds will show, appearing as,,,, attorney in 87 cases in Webster county in
the past year. He has also gained a rcputrvtion more than local as a success
ful pens,,,,, attorney, practicing i all the varidus b.anches ofthe
of the Interior at Washington. I) C. M,, Maurer been alllleled since birth
with weak eyes, making it dinicult for bin. to iceogftize people tn the stieet
In-Mce his pe.Mmal acquaintance over the county is ,,.,l so large as It other'
wise would be but his many satislied clleuls attest to his elllciencv lu his
chosen profession. Mr Mu,er is a Webst,, county product with the'best in
tc.estso the county at hea..t and if elected will give to the, olllce tho same
arefulatentlon that has won hl, success In his private life. Mr. Maurer
'),,S0LT'1;k,,U, ositloii r Deputy county altorney of Webster county for
the past, four years and is thoroughly familiar with the duties of tho oll'lce
Sutherland Our Next Con
No one of tho largo audience that
greeted Mr. Sutherland at tho Bod
Cloud opera house last Monday even
iug doubted his entire earnestness in
the cause of Democracy and his ability
to lit y represent this district, in the
next Congress There is nothinir
apologetic in his attitude; his messag
ment oyer one providing that lie sotect
Mr. Norrl. contends that the old
maimer of the selection of the com
mittee on rules was bad, and that tha
result of such election stlilled legis
lation which tho people demanded.
Will Mr. Norrls point out one single,
time when he voted against any Jut
quitous leport made by this committee?
Mr. Norrls' light on the rules is li
on all tho issues before hs. Ho hits
been the same man In every precinct
in the county. Mr. LiiuTsev is nro-
gresslve and a tireless worker. He
lias the Interests nf tin. nnmil.i
J and will bo elected by a large major-
1-2 wool "
all " "
extra size "
$1.50 " 2.50
$3.00 " 3.50.
in cotton COc to $1
PHONES: Itnrnl K). Beil, Black 41.
' District Court Finishes ti
.ludgo Dungan llnlshed up a three
weeks term of DlstrlctCourt Thuisday
and left tho Attorneys feeling that
they had had plenty or work and llti
grants feeling that nobody had been
slighted. """
lu the case of Fairbanks Morse vs
Boo. Coon for tho price of a gasoline
engine .ludgineiit was given for Coon
for tho amount of Trolglit ho paid on
the engine.
Tho case of Manser vs Cather was
olio in which, the vallie of improve
incuts on a piece of school laud was
litigated. Judgment was given Stan
sor for 110 for tho breaking out of tho
is ono of good cheer to the hosts of ' 'l--shift to obscure tho real issue.
Nebraska Democracy, and it is dilll
cult to imagine that such an earnest
advocate of tho people could be de
feated in this year of enlightened
public opinion. Bven the so-called in
surgent movement in the Republican
party is nothing but the advocacy of
iJe.i.ocialic pili.oiples under u spur
ious label and no Democrat or l'liim
u .in', .orrls was i I'm I. (,...,. !..,..-
I gent, why did he vote for the Payne-
1 Aldrich bill. and why did he vole for
the conference report'.' Did lie vote to
give tho pooplo of this district aud
, stale free lumber, fieeooal, free farm.
iug implements'.' He did not
I Will B. I). Sutherland vote tj give
I .i... i.. i ... ... . ..... .
niv t-uiu in linn (iibirict and state
.. . . i -. .urn. ..ill, ilium
list who has been lighting lor years ' free coal, free lumber, free salt, free
for tho principle,, which the Bepub-' farming to break
Bean party has consistently and al-j the hold which the monopolies and
ways opposed should now be looled j trusts have upon the homo builders
by the sudden spasm of political vii- on tho prairies of Nebraska: He will
tue by which Congressman Norris ( Norris admits tho hold which these"
hopes to be again elected to Congas, j llllert.hl, ,mv ,,,, yQU ()f t(o
Norris aud his friends Intro never District, but lias never done a thing
made so strenuous a light In his inter- to break it. He hub wasted his time
not ul Hi... ........ nil 1.1I.. .i.-i.i. .. . ...
I iiKiim.git laisc and fc trued Issiib
in congress ovor the rules.
est as this rear. The assiinnw,. .r
former campaigns is gone, and Ne
braska politics lias never, witnessed a
more cringing, whining attitude than
that of George W. Norris in this cam
paign. It dou't make any difference to Mr.
Cannon whether )ic selects the com
mittee oil rillftK nf Mix ITniion nf O ....
- l"" Mttfl HWfc lUIICIi IUI " "" .-wiiwii mi 1IDD-
iu form every voer just where he stands .potatives or,his friends select it, aud
tho title that provides that his friends
select this committee h no improve-
lie savs
it was to deprive Sneaker Cauiion of
his tyrannical poyvcr, yot before the
noise of this shum battle ovr tho rulea
had died uway, he was the first man
to spring to his feet to save Cannon,
when Burleson', resolution was intro
duced to depose this &auio man, whom
Norrls only it few moments before had
characterized as a tyrant, a czar and
ana an iron duke.
5c 10c 15c 25c 50c $1.1
Saturday, Nov. 5th
We open our doors to the public. We invite
everyone to an inspection of our popular priced
variety goods. Come in let us get acquainted
for we know we can save you money.
Located at 125 E 4th Avenue
The Model Variety Store
5c 10c 15c 25c 50c $1.00
'W VK- H ULM4W4.
n-rtr &' -frm nt ww tf a
M- -
The Chief $1.50