The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 20, 1910, Image 6

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The Chief!
C. D. HALE, Publisher
Homo and Foreign Intelllgenco Con
dented Into Two and Four
Lint Paragraphs.
Nobraskn pensions granted: John
Olock, $15; Andrew J. Miller, $15; Al
fred Nye, $20; Carrlo M. Peters, $12;
Abram Sutherland, $15; David Vorls,
Tho secretary of tho Interior has
designated 1G7.000 acres of land In
Wyoming as being subject to dlspo
eltlon under tho provision of the en
larged homestead act. Tho land Is
In townships 48 to 51, north, rango
100 to 102 west. Up to dato n llttlo
over 17,000,000 acres of land In this
Ktato havo been designated under this
When the tlmo comes to rccognlzo
tho new Portugucso republic, expressly
or Impliedly, or to refuse to recognlzo
It, there aro amplo precedents to gov
cm America's course This govern'
ment would accord recognition by writ
ten or oral declaration, by entering
Into negotiations, by dispatch or re
ception of diplomatic agents, by ex
change of consuls or by formation of
conventional relations.
Special Examiner Matthews of tho
Intcrstato Commerce commission will
arrive In Omaha, October 13 nnd hold
a hearing nnd tako testimony In tho
following cases now pending before
tho commission: McShano Lumber
Company vh, Houston, 121 Paso &
Western Tcxns Hallway Company;
Sunderland Brothers vs. Baltlmoro &
Ohio Southwestern; C. Koehler Com
pany, et nl., vs. Chicago, Burlington &
Qulncy Uallwny company; C. B. Hav
ens Company vs. Chicago & North
westorn; Fremont Commercial Club
vs. Chlcngo, Burlington & Qulncy.
Tho lords In waiting and court no
tables who nccompaulcd tho king of
Portusal to Gibraltar havo returned
to LlRbon, tho king expressing a do
Biro to bo nlono in cxtlo.
Russia 1b far behind other civilized
countries of tho world In tho matter
of decreasing tho number of death
iientcnces, ncordlng to statistics given
to tho International prison congress
at Its session by Dr. Frederick II.
Wines of Philadelphia.
There Is a possibility that Great
Britain will uso Its good offices to se
curo respect for tho persons of King
Manuel nnd tho queen mother, Amelia
of Portugal, from tho revolutionists,
who nro reported to bo in control of
Lisbon. There Is much public sym
pathy for King Manuel in England.
Spanish monks nnd nuns who havo
fled from Lisbon nro arriving nt Vi
go, Babajoz and other points on tho
frontier. At Badajoz, on tho order
of a bishop tho nuns aro succored
nt tho Carmellto convent. Owing to
pending legislation affecting tho re
ligious orders, the influx of (refugees
is embarrassing to tho Spanish gov
ernment. Japancso and Chinese newspapers
received at Victoria, B. C, contained
accounts of unrest in Hunan. Tho
Slangtan correspondent of tho north
China Herald telegraphed news of an
Anti-foreign outbreak following tho
spreading of stories that missionaries
had killed some children. Tho mission
compounds wcro wrecked and looted
but tho missionaries managed to es
cape General.
Monks are being expelled
Portugal by tho now authorities.
Roosevelt Is making a tour of tho
South, drawing largo crowds every
where. Hundreds of settlers wcro burned to
death In tho forest fires near Ralney
River, Ont.
A cnll for aid for tho flro sufferers
has been made by the Minnesota Rod
Cross society.
A republic has been proclaimed at
Lisbon, Portugal, and a provisional
government established.
Frederlco B. Boyd has been named
by tho now Pnnnma government as
tocfetary for foreign affairs.
Argument was concluded in tho
government suit to dissolve tho mer
ger of tho Union and Southern Pa
cific. With thrco thousand delegates reg
istered the international convention
of Christian churches opened a b1x
day meeting at Topeka.
Diplomatic relations between Vene
zuela and Colombia which wero re
cently Bevered because of a boundary
dispute havo been restored.
Fourteen persons wero injured,
many of them seriously, when Chica
go & Alton train No. 30, from St.
Louis to Jacksonville, 111., Jumped tho
track two miles south of Jerscyvlllo.
JSplIt rails aro supposed to havo
cauRcd tho wreck.
Former Congressman Thomas Up
degraff from tho Fourth Iowa district,
died at his homo In McGregor, la.
Tho grand Jury nt Louisville, Ky.,
haB returned thirteen indlctmentB
against Aug. Ropko, former book
keeper for tho Fidelity Trust Com
pany, who is accused of embezzling
Our government will wnlt awhile
beforo recognizing tho now rulers In
Flro destroyed Pier "C" of tho
Southern Pacific terminal company In
tho westorn portion of Galveston.
Lorn, estimntcd at $120,000.
Tho president withdrew 4,100 acres
of land from tho public domain in
The Standard Oil company an
nounces a reduction of fifty points In
refined petroleum.
Flro totnlly destroyed tho Adellno
Sugar company's plant nt Franklin,
Pa. Loss, $200,000.
Special agents at Washington aro
looking Into allegations of tho ex
istence of & lumber trust.
Tho Btipremo court postponed ac
tion on most of the big suits pending
until there is a full bench.
With Lisbon tranquil and events
moving smoothly tho new republic of
Portugal BcomB destined to live.
A violent collision occurred on tho
streets of Valencia, Spain, between
republicans and members of tho Cath
olic club.
Thomas J. O'Brien, tho American
ambassador to Japan, will sail for tho
United StntcB October 18 on a sixty
days' lcavo of absence.
It Is ofllclnlly stnted that tho British
war ofllco is considering tho possibili
ty of securing a rcgulnr supply of
horses for tho mounted troops In
Tho will of Horaco B. Sllllman of
Cohocs, N. Y a former textile manu
facturer, bequeathes tho estate of
more than $400,000 to philanthropic
T. P. NIclson of Seattle, was elected
grand president of tho Danish Broth
erhood, defeating II. II. Vogt of Dav
enport, la., who has been president
twelve years.
To tho already largo area of about
17,000,000 acres, tho department of
tho interior has ndded 107,000 acres
of land to tho enlarged homestead
portion of Wyoming.
Joo and Ed Chandlor, negro high
waymen, wcro killed and Ed Black, a
third member of tho gang, was mort
ally mounded in Huntsvllle, Ala., by
Sheriff Mitchell and a squad of depu
ties. Rear Admiral John A. Rogorn, U.
S. N., retired, arrived from Alaska,
convinced that his missing son, Al
exander, who went north In tho sum
mer of 1909, periBhod on tho Valdez
Fairbanks trail.
Social Washington was . deeply in
terested in tho recent cabinet meet
ings nt tho Whlto House, at least in
that part of them which had to do
with tho filling of tho vacancies on
tho supremo court bench.
Adolph Rothbarth, tho hop mer
chant, who pleaded guilty to having
defrauded various banks in New
York out of $300,000, was sentenced
to servo not less than three and not
moro than seven years In Sing Sing
Tho long-standing unenslncss among
railroad employes In Franco . de
veloped In a declaration to Btrlko on
tho part of thoso employed on the
northorn roads. Tho decision is a re
sult of a refusal of tho company to
grant tho demands of tho men.
A move toward unification of all
of Chicago's street car lines was mado
when tho city council passed an or
dinance permitting tho rehabilitation
of tho Chicago Traction company and
tho purchaso of tho Consolidated Rail
ways by tho Chicago Railways com
pany. Thoro was a substantial incrcaso,
amounting to about 10 per cent, In tho
number of wooden cross-ties pur
chased for consumption by tho steam
and electric railroads In tho United
States in tho calendar year 1909, as
compared with tho number purchased
In 1908.
Uniformity in grnln inspection
throughout tho United States nnd In
the rules of trading In nil exchanges
will be tho principal subject con
sidered at tho fourteenth nnnual con
vention of the grain dealers' national
association, which held its initial ses
sion in Chicago.
Sir William Rcloar, the English
philanthropist and former lord mayor
of London, who has been In tho Unit
ed States and Canada a month, sailed
on Sunday on tho Celtic of tho White
Star line, nfter pronouncing tho Am
erican women tho "smartest dressed
women In the world."
Cousul Chamberlain telegraphed tho
stato department from Lourenzo Mar
quez, East Africa, that tho governor
general of that colony continued in
ofllco under tho now Portugucso reg
ime; that tho republic had been pro
claimed throughout tho provinces nnd
that the translation was peaceable.
Congressman McCall of Massachu
setts was renominated.
Aviator Eugene Ely abandoned his
Chicago-New York flight.
Charles E. Hughes took the oath as
a Justice of the supreme court.
Colonel Roosevelt took nn air rjde
with Aviator Hoxsey at St. Louis.
Senator La Follcttc, operated upon
for gall stones, Is rapidly recovering.
Governor Eberhart calls tho trag
edy In northern Minnesota a ghastly
Colonel Roosevelt took issuo with
President Taft on tho duty of tho gov
ernment in reclamation work In
Tho banns of tho marriage of
Prince Victor Napoleon; and Princoss
Clementine of Belgium havo been
Commander Robert E. Peary wll'
bo promoted to tho rank of cnptali
In tho corpB or naval civil engineer
on October 20,
Lambert Tree, former circuit Jud'n
at Chicago, died at tho Waldor
Astoria in New York of heart fallu.v
He was 78 years old.
What lo Going on Hero and Thero
That lo of Interest to the Read
ers Throughout Nebraska
and Vicinity. ,
Wymore, Neb. J. E. Edwards was
shot In the abdomen nnd Frank Jack
son was shot In tho left forefinger by
tho accidental discharge of a 38-culi-bro
revolver here Wednesday. Jack
eon had tho gun, and thinking it not
loaded, snapped tho trigger. There
wero three shells in tho gun and one
was discharged, Edwards wuh taken
to a hospital in Beatrice to bo oper
ated on. It is said that there is llttlo
hope for his recovery. Not much 1b
known of cither of tho men.
Breakfast Bacon Special.
Lincoln, Neb. Tho Rock Island will
run a train of seven cars, known as
tho Breakfast Bacon Special, starting
from Omaha, October 21, In which loc
tures and exhibits will bo given In re
gard to tho most profitable method
of raising hogs and of tho uses of
pork products nnd bl-products. Sev
eral exports from tho Nebraska school
of agriculture nnd tho agricultural
commissioner of tho Rock Island linos
will glvo lccturoB on this train. Two
of the lecturers will be domestic sci
enco teachers.
The Midwest Life.
In tho death of Mr. A. A. Scott, the
chief paying teller of tho First Na
tional bank of Lincoln, Nebraska, The
Midwest Life had Its first loss among
Its Lincoln policyholders. Mr. Scott
held policy No. 797 for $1,000, dated
Juno 8, 1907, Issued on tho fifteen pay
ment life plan, nnd ho had thercforo
paid four premiums. None would
havo selected Mr. Scott as tho first to
go out or over three hundred Lin
coln policyholders in this company.
The total premiums which he had paid
tho company amounted to $198.21.
This is another practical illustration
that In no other way can one create
as valuablo an estato by tho payment
of a small sum of money as through
life Insurance if death should occur
within a few years after tho policy Is
taken. Tho Midwest Life issues all
the standard forms of policies. Home
ofllco, No. 119 South Tenth street,
Liucoln. Write for a local agency.
Big Yield from One Tree.
Humboldt, Nob. At tho fnrm of Jo
seph Ogle, east of Humboldt, the
pickers secured fifty-five bushels of
Iowa Blush apples from one tree,
leaving quite a number of cider ap
ples still on tho branches.
Franklin haB voted bonds for elec
tric lights.
Tecumsoh will extend her system
of waterworks.
Tho Presbyterian synod is In ses
sion nt Beatrice.
Albert Dodge is the new city mar
shal at Fairbury.
Peru will hold a farmers' institute
November 7 nnd 8.
Fairbury school Janitors will act as
special truant ofllcers.
York wants to change her city gov
ernment to tho commission system.
Lincoln Knights of Pythias dedi
cated their handsome now temple last
Tho Pawnee City high school has
an enrollment of 175 and the senior
class numbers thirty-six.
Cyril Sloat nnd George Norvell, two
13-year-old Kearney boys, have built
an air ship In which they havo taken
a flight.
Kt. Rev. Anson Graves of the Kear
ney bishopric of tho Episcopal church,
has been, by his own request, retired
from activo service.
Tho annual state convention qf the
Nebraska Christian Endeavor union
convenes at Aurora, FrWv, Saturday
and Sunday, October 21-23.
William Boylo of Liberty caught his
hand in tho goarlng of a cornsheller
and mangled it so badly that tho third
and last flngorB had to bo amputated.
Tho Breakfast Bacon Special will
make forty-fivo mlnuto stops at all
stations on tho Rock Island lines in
Nebraska, Btnrting from Omaha Oc
tober 24.
Roy Holly and John Hadraba, two
young men of Plnttsmouth. havo Just
completed a gasoline launch nnd took
it to the Missouri river for its initial
trip. A largo crowd was on hand to
witness tho launching. The trial trip
of tho boat was a most satisfactory
Ed Fallu, a Wymore boy, was acci
dentally Bhot Sunday and died a few
hours later from his Injuries. Ho was
using a hammerless shut gun and go
ing down hill, Bllpped and tho gun was
discharged, tho load striking him diag
onally across his brenBt and face.
Tho Masonic bodies of Lincoln and
vicinity will hold special communica
tions for Bchools of Instruction at tho
Masonic tcmplp on tho artornoons and
evenings of October 19, 20 and 21, and
under tho direction of Robert E.
French, past grand master and grand
Over 1,000 wero In nttendance at
tho Kearnoy farmers' instltuto last
week. An effort Is being mado to
hold for two days hereafter.
Dwight Tilden, a painter, of York,
was badly burned by the explosion of
a gasollno torch while burning old
paint from a building ho was work
ing on.
Tho Midwest Llro haB good open
ings for active, competent men to
represent It locally. Write tho presi
dent, N. Z. Sncll, at Lincoln, tor par
D. M. Gourley, a prominent cattlo
man of Rushvlllc, came near losing
his llfo while digging a tronch. Tho
sides of tho ditch in which Mr. Gour
ley was working cavod in, completely
burying him.
An unsuccessful attempt was mado
to rob tho Meadow Grove Stato bank
by unknown parties. Tho outer doors
of tho safe wero blown off, but tho
robbers evidently wcro frightened
away beforo the inner doors woro
Saturday was tho thirtieth anniver
sary of tho great blizzard of 1880, re
membered by all Ncbraskans In tho
western part of the stnto, when tho
snow drifts wcro piled ten feet high
and the thermometer registered below
zero. Many people and thousands of
cattlo perished. All that fall of snow
did not melt until tho following Muy.
As the result of the confession of
Thomas Slaven, who Is now In tho
city jail nt Norfolk, Implicated In the
bank robbery at Oakdalc on Octobei
1, and at Meadow Grove, October 8,
a reward of $1,200 has been offered
by tho 'Madison county authorities for
the arrest and conviction of tho three
companions of Slaven, who wero with
him when ho was captured In a run
ning light with ofllcers.
Bartley has organized a commercial
Fromont will have an nutomoblle
flro wagon.
Arcadia is nursing hopes of a big
flouring mill to be erected there.
Robbers blew two safes In business
Iiouscb at Elk Creek and secured onlj
The new Congregational church at
Crete was dedicated Sunday with Im
pressive services.
The annual meeting or tho NebrnBka
federation of women's clubs will bo
held In Tccumsch on October 25, 2C
and 27. ,
Tho Catholics of Wahoo havo awnrd
cd tho contract for the building of a
school, to cost over $20,000 when com
pleted. The new $30,000 high school build
ing at Ravenna is fast nearlng comple
tion, and It is hoped that it may be
occupied In part by tho llrst part ol
the year.
John McGInnls, tho fourteen-year-old
son of Joseph McGInnls, while squirrel
hunting accidentally shot himself in
tho left side. He missed his heart,
but made an ugly wound. His condi
tion Is critical.
Charles Jordan, a man living In Val
entino, was bitten by a rattlcsnako
whllo out hunting. He had shot at a
rabbit, which had run down a hole In
the ground, and when he got down to
look In tho hole the snake, which was
lying to one side of the hole, bit him.
Seward. At tho recent meeting of
tho city council, it was voted to issue
bonds In the amount of $10,000 to pay
for the street paving now being done.
Tho bonds are to be in $1,000 denom
inations, draw 5 per cent interest and
aro to be paid off at tho rate of $2,000
each year.
Fremont. Lyman W. Reynolds, who
has resided here continuously for fifty
three years, died Friday. Mr. Reynolds
wns Btrlcken with paralysis several
weeks ago, and later pneumonia set it,
causing his death.
The forty-fifth annual session of
tho stato teachers' association con
venes in Lincoln this year, Novombcr
23, 24 and 25. This is during Thanks
giving time nnd is an Innovation in
respect to the date.
Governor Shallenborger has issued
a requisition for tho return of Joseph
French from Tacomn, Wash., on a
chargo of deserting his seven-year-old
child, Merl French. Tho complaint is
signed by Mrs. Mary E. French, tho
wife of tho accused. Sam M. Melick
of Lincoln was appointed agent of tho
stato at tho request of tho county at
torney to bring French back.
Commandant Yates of tho univer
sity cadet battalion is busy preparing
a military text book for tho uso of
tho cadets whon tho woathor becomos
too cold for outdoor drill. In past
yoars indoor classes of instruction
havo been held, but tho work waB
embarrassed by a lack of a toxt ex
actly suited to tho needs of the de
partment. Now tho department will
preparo its own toxt which will bo
printed in regular form for class uso.
For tho murder of his elster-ln-law,
Dert M. Taylor of Minden is to bo
hanged at tho penitentiary on tho af
ternoon of October 28. Tho supreme
oourt overruled Taylor's motion for a
rehearing. This finally disposes of tho
case in court nnd nothing except tho
Intervention or tho governor or a hear
ing to dotermlno insanity, granted by
a Judge of tho district in which tho
conviction took placo, can savo Taylor
from tho gallows. It is said ty nttor
ncys that neither relief will bo grant
ad if asked for.
nOrZi n cTVovi
Hurried Preparations for Departures
And Not Many the Wiser Gcgo-
llne Enough to Keep
Aloft Many Days.
Atlantic, N. J. Sailing Into a thick
fog that hung low over tho Atlantic
ocean a few minutes after 8 o'clock,
Walter Wollman, with a crew of five
men, is believed to be on an epoch
making voyage to Europe In the hugo
cigar-shaped airship America. Num
berless wireless messages wero re
ceived during tho day and the latest
Indicated that Walter Wcllman Is
sailing easily through the darkness off
tho Now York coa3t.
The men making tho flight are
Walter Wcllman, commander; Melvln
Vnnlman, chief engineer nnd next In
command; F. Murray Simmons, navi
gator; J. K. Irwin, wireless operator;
John Aubert and Albert Louis Loud,
assistant engineers.
Tho start of the America was one
of tho most dramatic oventB ever oc
curring here. Roundly criticised by
people who did not bcllevo that he
would ever undertake what was
thought to be a foolhardy venture,
Wcllman startled tho whole Island "by
bringing tho America out of the hang
er, and, without ceremony, going Into
the air.
Strike Situation Acute.
Tampa. Thirty-six cigar factories
out of tho thirty-eight belonging to
the manufacturers' association will
open their doors to all cigar makers
willing to work In tho manufacturers'
Bhops. This Is tho sixteenth week
since selectors went out and the
twelfth of the general strike.
Interference with the men who
will go to work Is not Improbable.
Citizens havo pledged themselves to
protect workmen returning to the fac
tories and fifty automobiles to be
manned by armed men, wero made
Thero will be 300 special policemen
on duty to maintain order.
W. H. Cowglll Dies.
Lincoln W. H. Cowglll, railway com
missioner, who has been lingering be
tween llfo und death for the past
week, passed away Sunday evening at
tho Lincoln sanitarium. Mr. Cowgill
suffered astroko of paralysis on Octo
ber 8 while he was a spectator at the
Nebraska-South Dakota football game.
Tho stricken man was taken to the
sanitarium where he remained in a
critical condition, death being expect
ed at any moment.
Death of Senator Dolllver.
Fort Dodgo. Senator Jonathan P.
Dolllver died at his residence here
Saturday while ono of his attending
physicians, Dr. E. M. Vnn Patten, was
examining the distinguished states
man's heart with a stethoscope. His
death followed an acute attack of
stomach trouble which affected his
heart. His physicians announced that
his death was directly duo to dilation
of the heart.
Denounce Arrest of Dletz.
Milwaukee. A big mass meeting
with an overflow gathering was held
in the city auditorium at which May
or Scldel was tho chief speaker and at
which resolutions denouncing tho ar
rest of John F. Dletz of Cameron Dam
us an outrage were passed. The meet
ing took tho position that Dletz was
being persecuted by the lumber coraor
ation nnd raised over $200 to help pav
his lawyer.
Get Gift From Rockefeller.
Cleveland, O. Announcement was
made of a gift of $250,000 by John D.
Rockefeller to tho medical department
of Western Reserve university. Tho
gift, which Is a personal one, Is mado
conditional on tho raising of $750,000
moro by tho university. H. M. Hanna,
a trotting horBO owner, has pledged
$250,000 of the remainder of tho pro-
posed million dollar fund.
Big Sale of Indian Land.
Billings. Eight hundred thousand
acres of land on tho Crow reservations
in this state, comprising ono of the
largest allotments over offered at pub
lic salo in this country, waB put up at
auction hero in pursunnco of tho
recent orders of the president and sec
rotary of tho interior. Tho lands are
Bltuated principally for dry farming
and grazing.
All Bodies Recovered.
Starkvllle, Col. All of tho flfty-slx
bodies of miners entombed In tho lo
cal mlno of tho Colorado Fuel and Iron
company by an explosion October 8
have been recovered. Twenty-seven
wero hurled, seven of tho bodies being
taken to tho cemetery In hearses. The
others wero transported on a big van.
Many or them wero not identified. Tho
last eight bodies recovered will bo
burled Monday. Tho mlno officials
hopo to havo tho mine In working or
der bv November 1.
Get a ,
If it fall
to euro '
I will
your '
money. '
Nebraska Directory
Bold and rrnlnd ererjnliere. Wrlto for bargain ltiU
EttAMUhcd IBM. 14a 8. 13th St., Lincoln
John Dooro Plow Company, Omaha
trn ntul Atncrlcnn ltadlatora. Btnndard phtmb
InR kooiIh nnd Air Prenanre Systems. Oct yonr
lif allnK work dune now. Write for Information.,
THE MURRAYCO. Lincoln, Nob.
Beatrice Creamery Co.
ry the blgbest prleo for
50 Saved on Feed
Corn, alfalfa or clover.
Send for our catalog with
silo statistics from all the
StateEzporlment Stations,
Lincoln Nebraska)
(Col. F.M. WOODS, President.)!
Dynamiter, Himself a Married Man,
Knew What Awaited Fornetful
Tho business man was sitting In bis;
office, thinking of starting for homo,1
when n suspicious looking peraon1
como in with a leather bag in his
"If you don't glvo mo $25," said thoi
visitor, coming nt onco to tho point,'
"I will drop this on tho floor."
Tho business man was cool. "What
Is in It?" ho asked.
"Dynamite," was tho brief reply.
"What will it do if you drop it?"
"Blow you up."
"Drop it!" was tho Instant com
mand. "My wlfo told mo when I lefti
homo this morning to bo suro and!
send up a bag of flour, nnd I forgot'
it. I guess It will tako Just about asi
much dynamite as you havo thero to
preparo mo for tho blowing up I'll got
when sho sees mo!"
Ho threw himself back in his chair
nnd waited for tho explosion, but iti
did not como.
"I'm a married man myself," said
tho dynamiter, and quietly Bllpped out.
Illustrated Hits.
History of Red Cross Seal.
"Charity stamps," first used in
Boston In 18G2 for tho soldiers' relief
funds during tho Civil war, wero tho,
original forerunners of tho Red Cross'
Christmns seal, which will bo used
this year to bring happiness and cheer.
to millions. Tho Delaware Antl-Tu-I
berculosls society In 1907 for tho first
tlmo in America mado uso of a stamp
for tho purposo of getting revenuo to
fight consumption. In a hastily or
ganized campaign of only threo weeks
they realized $3,000. Tho next year,
1908, tho American Red Cross con
ducted tho first national tuberculosis
stamp campaign. From UiIb salo $135,
000 was realized for tho antitubercu
losis movement. In 1909, under mnny
ndverso conditions, $250,000 wns rea
lized from these stamps. This year
tho slogan of tho tuberculosis fighters
nnd tho Red Cross is "A Million for
Tuberculosis From Red Cross Soala
in 1910."
Can be made o! many ordinary
"home" dishes by adding
The little booklet, "GOOD
IES," in pkg tells how.
Two dozen or more simple In
expensive dainties that will delight
the famdy,
"The Memory Lingers"
Foatum Oreal Company, Ltd.,
Ilattle Creek, Ulcb.
sP Msy t 3
ir iMiii
3 1 ill B
!fl" frTI