The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 20, 1910, Image 5

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    ,, n -f-imrtmt f-tif.
Aliv ilnsli" Irtiti is home from i hi
cngo. Kll U.i. was ilu . ii flout Bladen tins
Kil B'lrr was up from Guide Boek
V this week.
' Matt Doyle wits down from Hindi ti
tills week.
Klltnt 1'uit was in Lincoln the Hist
uf tho week. '
(!uy Bradbrook went to St. .loe Mon
day morning.
Marion Mercer an ived home Sunday
from Hastings.
(Jeo. Bushee was down from Hust
ings this week.
Will Mitchell and wife were hi Red
Cloud Tuesday.
Mrs. Low Ulupp came down from
McCook Tuesday. .
Mrs. L. C. Giirbor was in l-'airbuiy
the of the week.
Ueo, Coon shipped in iv ear load of
cattle Sunday to feed.
Harry Letsoit returned from Kansas
City Saturday morning.
See Dr. Stockman for eye glasses
Satisfaction guaranteed.
N. It. Simpson and wife left for Cali
fornia Saturday morning.
(1. l' Saum of Superior was attend
ing district court hero this week.
Win. Wocsner shipped in cattle
from Henklemun Sunday to feed.
Miss Helen Yearlui vUited her par
ents in Blootnington over Sunday.
Calicoes American Prints Five
cents per yard. Misim linos, and Co.
Mr. Lowery of Humboldt was In tho
city attending district court this week.
Bev. Bobbins will preach at the
Baptist church next Sunday Oct. 2.'lrd.
Dr. A. K. Boles left Monday morning
for a pleasure trip through Colorado.
Will Scrlvner has sold his residence
In the l'latt addition to Walter Francis.
(Jeorgo Pope and wife returned home
from their eastern trip Monday morn
ing. Hear Dr. Kdwin V. Lanliatn at the
opera house Thursday evening, Oct.
L. An. Hussong is on a business trip
to the eastern part of the -tato this
L;tfo llerbnrgeriind wife of Lincoln
were visiting his parents hero over
Mr. ami Mr-,. Uanson'.have returni'il
home after .spending the summer with
I. X. Wolfe and wife of Alva. Neh.,
visited with .). C. Wolfe the later part
of the week.
The Chief olllee takes subscriptions
mid renewals for the Twentieth Cen
tury Farmer.
Mr and Mrs. Kdgnr Cotting and
child of Chicago are visiting his father
C. L. Cotting.
Balph Foe has purchased some lots
of K. W. Stevens and will build u resi
dence thereon.
All the great artists sing for the
Victor and Edison. Hear them at
Xowhouso Bros.
Mr. and Mrs. Myrlck of Bristol,
Wis., arrived Friday evening for u visit
with C. L. Cotting.
L. II. ltust returned Saturday morn
ing from Batavia, Ohio after a !1 weeks
visit with relatives.
Bible school communion and social
meeting lit tho Christian church next
Lords day, Oat. Sid.
Ye1, you are correct. Mitchell tno
Jeweler has u splendid line of detach
able handle umbrellas.
Hear Dr. Edwin W. Lauhatn at tho
.opera house Thursday night. Oct. L'Otli.
Tho first number of the lecture course
This touch of ohlllv weather has
probably arrived in order that wo may
not forget that winter Incoming. Any
one having u surplus crop of coal can
exehango that commodity for sub
script ion at this olllee.
Absolutely Pure
jovk'.M ST' foi
- A? &. "V
UUl fife ibi jxr m tfl 111
Tho only baking powtfor
made from Royal Grapo1
Groom of Tartar
No Alum. No Lime Phosphate
J Our Newest Watch H
IB You have probably no- gj
tjtj ticed by all the magazines g
that there is a new watch out. m
R Every new tiling in llie M
S jewelry line if it's good J
you find first in this J
H store H
J Wc have examined the new M
7-JeweI Watch 5
and find it a strictly well
made, accurately running
watch, highly recommended
for all who need a good popular-priced
time-piece. $5,
$7 and $9 according to cases.
Afore than Iht moiv uti tevght ktfore
E. H. Newhouse, Prop.
Jewelers & Optometrists
Mr. and Mrs. Ztnn of Still Well, 111.
arrived Sunday morning for a visit
with their daughter, Mrs. E. U. Over
man. Hear Dr. Edwin W. Lanham at the
opera house Thursday evening. This
is the llrst number of the lecturo
Mrs. Hlcksou of Itookford, 111., is
visiting her mother, Mrs. James Mc
tiiiire also her sister, Mrs. Harry
Misses Mary Peterson and Clara Mc
Millan went to Lincoln Monday liiorn
ing to attend the grand lodge uf
Bruce I'obinson and his friend Jesse
Johnson of Clay Center spent Sunday
with Bruee's parents Mr. and Mrs. C.
I). Uoblnsriii.
.1. 13. Keithlcy and wife of Spokane,
Wash.. liao moved to this city and
will open up u variety store in the
Doyle building.
E. II. Newhouse, I'aul Storey, Ed.
Hanson and (). C. Teel and wife are in
Lincoln th's week attending the grand
lodge of Odd Follows.
Mrs. hla Heatoit who luisboen visit
ing her parents Mr. ami Mr. John
Einsol returned to her home in Lin
coln Monday morning.
FoltSu.i: A (! Horse Power Whitty
tJasolino Engine, Dynamo and Switch
Board completed. Good as new.
Inquire of Andy Haiit.
Mrs. Clara (Martindale) Willun and
baby of Colorada, arrived in tho city
Saturday for a visit with her parents
Geo. Martindsle and wife.
Lo-r Between Red Cloud and Noah
Wagoner's place a Ladies Black Coat
with fur collar. Finder leave at this
otllce and receive reward.
Mr. and Mrs. (loo. Gale and Post
master Kclltini and wife of Franklin
spent Sunday in this city tho guest
of J. M. Burgess and wife.
Use a Hull Detachable Handle Um
brella. Children sizes SI. 00 and up.
Ladies or gents sizes special $1.2.r and
up. Got them of NewhoiiK'.
See I'ncle Tom's Cabin at Tho
Tepee on Friday and Saturday and
Suturdnv afternoon. Extraordinary
program but at regular prices.
Fred Xewhouso returned homo from
The Dalles, Oregon Monday morning
where ho has been visiting his son,
(Jeorgo Newhoiiho and family.
F. M. Barlow who lives south of
town had the misfortune- to luivo four
head of cattle killed by lightning dur
ing tho storm Monday evening'. .
Dry Creighton has returned. Dur
ing this winter he will do olllee work
only. He will be glad to meet anyone
wishing his services at his otllco.
Tho Boyal Neighbors initiated live
candidates last Wednesday evening.
An oyster suppor wus served nnd every
body present enjoyed themselves.
Hon. R. D. Sutherland will ad
dress the people of Red Cloud
Monday Night October, 24th.
In the Opera House at Op. m.
Harvey Vincent left Monday morn
ing for Oiiinja, Cuba where he will
make his futtiro home. His family
will leave in tho near future for that
Charity Chapter No. 17, Order of
tho Eastern Stars, meets ut Masonic
Ball alternate Monday's Mrs. Corn
Potter, W. M. Mrs. Edith Itobinson,
The Bed Cloud High School basket
ball teani went to Guide Rock last
Thursday nnd played the High Sohool
team of that place. Our team came
homo defeated.
B - KWttV
Mr and Mrs N'oblo San ford of Ax
tell who have been visiting at the
home of W. N. Uichardsoii returned
home Monday morning. Mrs Sanford
Is a sister ut Mr. Uichardsoit.
Several of the prominent farmers
t)f this vicinity are planning the oi
gaiilv.ation of a stock shipping asso
ciation such a- is now in successful
operation in (iuhkBoeU and Superior.
Ward Finley who has been foreman
at the Argus olllee fur the past year
resigned his position and left for
Valisca. Iowa Saturday inornlng-where
he has a position in a printing ollleo.
SeeHho Dutch Kid chorus in "Dan
Cupid' at tho opera house next
Wcdno-ibiy, Oct. iMth. Tho Italian
number Miss Flutl's da Knit' gets them
all with Its originality and tuneful
ness. This week Boy ltust purchased the
Boyal barber shop of Sid Longtln anil
will tuke charge before the llrst of No
Vein ei. We havo not learned what
Mr. Longtln will do in the furture.
Wo wish you success Boy.
I wish to announce to the general
public that 1 will be located in Bed
Cloud and ready for work in a week
or ten days, and will be pleased to
meet all old ft lends and patients, also
any now ones who may desire tny pro
fessional services. Dr. Nellie E
Maurer, Dentist.
An Irishman who was sleeping all
night with n negro, had his face black
od by a practical joker Starting oil
in a hurry the next morning he caught
sight of himself In the mirror; puz
zled, ho stopped and gazed, and dual
ly e.xclamcd: "Begorra, they've woke
the wrong"inau!"
Mr. F. Newhouse returned from tin
extended visit to the Pacific coast
Monday and brought with him several
samples of the fruit raised in that
country! Apples raised for exhibition
purposes arc about as large as n sum
mer squash and the pears are about as
largo as cord wood.
Last Friday the Red Cloud High
School foot ball team went ovor to
Smith Center, Kas., to play foot ball
with the High School team of that
place. Our boys cot beat by a scoro of
17 to 0. The Smith Center team was
composed of four high school players
ami tho rest, were town boys
Insists much care, in fact u little
luoro, should be exercised in buying
electric sad irons, as in buying any
thing else. Some irons use more elec
tricity than others in doing the Mime
work. Get your electric irons of
Mokiiadi Bitos.. they carry the anther
iwd iron. Be euiel'ull of "jitst us
good'' electric irons.
Dan (Surlier lettiriied on thirteen
yesterday from an active political trip
in company with Representative Madi
son. Mr. Madison was the, iiisuigent
member uf tho committee which heard
the testimony in the Ballinger case.
Tho two gentlemen made campaign
addresses in all the counties from
Harlan to Nuckolls.
Dr. T. A. Trumble of this city and
Miss May tJardncr of Lincoln were
married Tuesday morning- at St Ther
esa's pro-cathedral, tho Hev. Father
Bradley otllciating at the nuptial
mass. The Dr. and his bride arrived
in this city Wednesday evening and
will immediately go to house keeping.
Tho Chief extends congratulation.
A medley of popular airs, by the
megaphone chorus of "Dan Cupid"
took so well with the public that they
were given a two weeks engagement
at Riverviow, (.hicago'slnrgestniniise
merit park, the past summer. This
speaks potently for the class of spec
ialties produced by Caylor and Vetter
in this now musical comedy which will
appear at tho opera house next
Wednesday, Out. 2(lth.
Widow's Pension.
The recent act of April lflth. 1908
gives to all soldiers' widows a pension
ofSl2per month. cYod Maurer, the
ntt"',ni'V. has all necessary blanks.
:tc;i -:' n, made
i i. . i i
wniij ;od wait.
J. C Mitchell
The Jeweler." c '
fcKJ LtTtS I Hi Til I I V
Wi MinC
Moon Block, Red cioi.ii
I I7,',,,.n,. n..r.r., M.wl.,,.
Lust Saturday night about I0:.'l0 the
flie alarm was tinned in that Mrs,
Julia Warren's house on the corner of
fith avcinieaiiil Seward street occupied
by Dr. Unities was on lire. The lire
department turned out promptly, it
is not definitely known how the lire
oi-eured lint is supposed that It was
from a lamp explosion. The family
lost most of their clothing besides
quite it loss on furniture by water,
tire and breakage. The house anil
contents were insuied.
The alumni value uf poultry nnd
eggs snlil is more than that of the sil
ver, goldand pig Iron produced. There
Is niillons of money In poultry and
eggs, and but small capital required.
The annul import of eggs in England
approximates 100,000,000 dozen, and
Into the .'ntted States 17.OHO.000 ilo.eli
a year. Here is an industry In which
the demand is greater than our home
supply. Look well to the poultry, mid
they will assist you to tlnd the "golden
The ''Eastern Star" gave a reception
Monday afternoon, at the home of
Mrs. MoKeeby in honor of Mrs. Anna
M. Evans, Grand Matron of Nebraska.
The rooms werobeauUfully decorat
ed with ilowers and frns. Dainty re
freshments were sorved during the
afternoon. In the evening tho Chap
ter hold a special meeting, confecring
the degrees on three candidates.
There was u largo nttendanco in spite
of the rain. Thero .wero several vis
itors from other chapters.
An experienced hotel man tolls us
that the fads of health theorists are u
great blessing and saving to hotel
men. A healthy guest with u normal
appetite for good things to eat loaves
no profit for tho poor landlord, lifter
he gets through with the bill of fare,
but his brother with advanced ideas
oiithe food question is mi easier pro
blem. He has not sullloient strength
to kick on his food, and as ho does not
oxnect it to tasto riirlit its manner of
cooking is of no importance.
I lerli Ludlow, proprietor of t ho Puri
tan Cafe. 'formerly owned by Andy
Hart, is now prepaied to furnish you
anything you want from a fancy pmt-orhous-o
to a choice oyster fry. Ills
shnit older tlepai tinent is i quipped
with the best of everything and is pie
sided over with an espeit cmiU. Call
and give us a trial. Everything cook
ed in the up-lo date style. Ladles and
gentlemen tile cordially invilid to our
place. Wo also serve regular meals,
full and give us a trial as we are sure
to please you.
Many persons feel olVeudeil because
their comings and goings in c not men
tioned while those of others nre, and
wonder what the matter can be. The
explanation of the mutter is that the
editor menus to tie impartial, lint some
escape mention. The likes and (lis
likes of an editor havo nothing to do
with it, and while it is not pretended
that the editor is more than human ho
knows that the success of his journal
depends on his fairness and impartial
ity to all It is the best way always
when a notice is desired to mention
it to the editor, or communicate
tliroiiL'h the post olllee. No one feels
worse about any seeming neglect or
partial performance of duty than the
editor himself.
A critical young lady was recently
heard expatiating vigorously against
the silly way that women havo of kiss
ing each other every time they get to
gether She said: "If twenty women
wero to meet in the street every last
one of them would have to kiss the
other nliiteen, and there would bo-
let mi! see !l80 kisses worse than
thrown away, for probably in ten min
utes the whole party would separata
into squads uud go nil' talking about
each other. Whenyoiiseooneofthese
violent in iscollancous,klss-e very-thing
iii-sight kind of a woman, it is safe to
sot her down as it fraud, which she
generally is. If I had my way, kissing
should be confined to family uses and
for medical purposes. Now, don't, yon
put my namo to this or I will kiss you
right on street the first cluinco
I have."
A quiet wedding took place at the
homo of this editor last night. Miss
Ull.ti Wright and Mr. Arthur Itobin
son were made man and wdfe by that
past master in the art of tying knots,
Bev. C. W. Hummed. Only the Imme
diate relatives were in attendance to
witness the formation of a now family.
The happy couple wore tho receipt
onts uf many useful nnd valuable
The Chief is pleased to extend con
gratulations and trusts that Mr. and
Mrs. Itobinson will mako Bed Cloud
their home for the next one hundred
' T '
Keep Hool.
We have taken over tho Ice business
and iire now giving the same our por-
rjonai, ttttpatioji (J1 j?"1 yur Ice
Card and we will do our beat to please
youN-'A?'!11:. TunNEitTnrf Ice Man.
WOU'LL find that it's poor policy
to shop around
to go where you see the lowest price
quoted. Price doesn't mean much in
clothes unless you know what the
quality of the goods is.
If you govern your buying by the price you
pay, without reference to what you get for it,
you'll find some mighty cheap clothes for sale;
their cheapness is likely to be more in quality
than in price. But you'll find plenty of good
clothes, too;
Hart Schaffner & Marx
dont make any other kind. All their fabrics
are all-wool; the tailoring is the best possible;
the styles are correct to the smallest detail; and
we guarantee satisfaction. One trouble with
poor clothes is they're always unsatisfactory,
even when you buy them.
Our clothes satisfy; they're profitable
to you and to us.
This store is the home of
Ladie Assistant in our Undertaking
Ed. Amackp Prop.
of it in
at this studio.
I liMl
1 iW
,' ccmttCHT.
31193 1
i cc:s:::'cc':$:
in buying clothes;
Suits- $20 to $50.
Hart SchafTncr & Marx clothes
-r wy f
jHi;re u.Jt.
r r n
,- '
'- v..
the sample photos to be seen .
We Take the Photos i
as you want them, however. You $
select the attitude you prefer. We il
will do our best to make it the best 1:1
photograph you have ever had taken.
. .,-1, rw r itr.'v GjwariiMViK&'Tit-xnSXt&TA