,.,TWB, . , i j i ii iiiih' KHWlfflPlRWWffBWflWl11 urn t, i H . ..( t?'1!H''-iwWtiV t She CHIEF Red Cloud - - Nebraska PUBLISHED I3VEHY THURSDAY. Vulcrcdaln the l'ontunlco ntilleJ Cloud, Nob , nc Second CIum Mutter 0 11. HALE Puiit.isnr.tt TI1K O.S'liY IHJMOCItATIO I'AH'.ll IN WBIMTnil COUNTY Democratic State and County Ticket For U. S. Senator Gilbert M. Hitchcock For Oovornor James U. Dalilman For IjloutonantGovornor..R. A. Clark For Secretary of State C. V. Tool For Auditor For Treasurer George F. Hall For State Superintendent W. II. JaeUson For Attorney General.. C. II. Whitney For Commissioner ...Win. B.Kasthom For Railroad Commissioner Hon II. Ilnydun For Congress, Fifth District It. D.Sutherland For Senator ArsincL. Houroux For Representative. . . .OeorKO Blndscy For Float Representative Wm, L. Weosncr For County Attorney. .Fred E. Mauror Announcement. Having boon nominated by the Demo cratic and I'ooplo'a Independent part ies for the olllco ef County Attorney of Wobstor County, I take thiB mcth d of announcing ray candidacy and would most respectfully solicit your consideration at the coining election. If olectod I shall to tho best of my ability fairly and impartially preform tho duties of Countv Attorney, laying asldo all political considerations and having in mind only tho bost interests of nil the people of Wobstor County, regardless of party atliliatious. During my campaign I shall not allow myself to become obligatod by any political entanglements and if elected shall ontor upon the duties of the oiilce free from restraint or iniluonco of any porson or set of personsaud hampered by no anti-election strings or promises If olected my sole aim shall bo to pro tect and promote the best Interests of all the people of Webster County Fur.n M.M'tiEit, ltEi) Ci.ot D Nr.u. In following tho struggles of n poli tical campaign, seeing thoohurgosand counter charges watehing the lines advance ami retreat we are sometimes lost in the lnt.y smoke which envelop es us At such times it is with feel ings or great roliei' that wo can turn and contemplate thetmassumiugclinr acter of the lead rules or tho individ ual M. Quad. Kven pi falls to appear dlsustto'us. And that which wo arc wont to abhor bv contrast with those other thiiiL's seem to have lost tho power to arouse our animosity. Wo aro indeed thankful that this great stato of ours lias but ono election dur ing the year. Mr. W. h. Weesner stands squarely on Mm Democratic state platfotm and appeals to the voters for his support on tlm principles and declarations therein contained Air. Weesner is u catnliihite for lloat representative and as such candidate is entitled to the serious consideration of tho Intelligent voter. He is a careful pi iident man of airairs and if elected the stato will re ceive the benellt of his. years of exper iutieo and activity. It. I). Sutherland does not have the national hoiuo or representatives to assist him in making his oumpnign for a seat in congress. Neither lias he ever worn tho Cannon label. He Is relying upon his unquestioned ability, his opposition to "the best tariir law ever enacted," his opposition to all monopoly and vested luteiests, to ap peal to tho fairness and common sense of tho voters on election day. Mr. Sutherland is meeting with great en couragement. People every where thruouttho fifth district aie enlisting in his behalf and this cannot help but be very gratifying to Mr. Sutherland. This district is awake this year and recognizes that in Mr. Sutherland it will have u man who will icpresent tho interests of this district. Dahiman Speaks In Red Cloud The announcement that Mr. Dalil man would appear .on behalf of his candidacy for Governor drew n con siderable crowd to'the Bed Cloud opera houso last Tuesday evening. He made a forcible and interesting nddrc-s of over an hour's duration, and the opin ions expressed by those who heard him arc generally favorable. That Mr. Dalilman increased, his standing and made votes here'ieltUc opinion oil his friends, and it is certainly true that his alleged personal shortcomings which have so horrified the Repub licans lmvo been temporarily obscured by tho counter charges against his op ponent. After being introduced to tho audience by Mr. llernard McN'eny, Mr. Dalilman said, in part: K,KV.KSnW ,rW fefc, w SP cl; i ! URCHASE NOW A Suit or Coat and begin Beautiful, Stylish Reasonable Cost BECOMING the Season in a Costume at i CopyrijthtedDlOby Hie II. Black Co. We have every opportunity 'to study and ex amine the productions of all the leading makers of women's clothing. Our experience has proved that the greatest dependence can be placed on Wooltex Gar ments. No other make that we have known of pos sesses such authentic and exclusive style features and Wooltex is the only line of women's cloth ing which has always guaranteed to the wearer two full seasons' satisfactory service.. When quality is considered, you will appreci ate how modest Wooltex prices really are. The (toer Bros. Go., GENERAL MERCHANTS The Store that Sells Wooltex mm mm MEMiwW Mil '5 1 111 vAt&1? v" M Bnii ii n 844 Hie if. Ul.iek Co. .-;&... 4mr. v wm The Chief this week tries to mislead tho voters by claiming for Mr. Mauror, the fusion candidate for county at torney, a btg law practice; and claims he has had, some 10 justice cases in tho last 12 months. Wo believe an in vestigation will show that these are small collections. Of course Mr. Mnuver docs lots of collecting and is known chletly us a collector." Argus. If publishing the sworn statements of the men who pi eslde over our courts of justice is misleading we plead guilty. If publishing plain statements of facts aie tnisleadlne then we have transgiessed. Some one started the story that Fred K. Maurer candidate for county attorney on the democratic ticket had no practice and somo ono did that to mislead. We published the facts as Miey appear on tho records aud now the Argus accuses us of "mis leadlim" the ncnple. The Argus inti- matos that Mr. Maurer has a good business as a "collector" and that is true. Good collect ms sometimes have cases in the justice courts, sometimes in the county court and good collect ors also appear in tho district court. This is part lor all) of mi attorney's civil cases. Now that tho ball has started to roll suppose that our es teemed contemporary produce the record of the cases handled during tho same period by Mr. Maurrr'.s op ponent. Tho facts ain Mr. Maurer is a clean capable, etllclont attorney, lie at tends st i icily to his own business and no amount ot abuse or belittling will have any ctl'cet upon tho minds of those who know tho gentleman, lie is a graduate of our high school and of the law department of our own btate univeisity and lias lived all his life lu Webster county. Ho is thoroly honest and reliublo and if elected to tho otllco of county attornoy he will give tho people a careful, honest and faithful administration. Wafcon Boxes. See Wullln for that new wagon box thntyouneed. Alsoeomplete wagons, H "Kvory American eltien lias the right to aspire to ii'jy olUce within the gift of the people, without getting. down on his kUees to beg the pardon of any man. That is what wo havo got to establish first In this coun try, and 1 am establishing it. It lias got so that yon have got to go around and ask Tom, Dick aud Harry whethor you can do something in this country. Well, I am an American eiti' 7.cn, born and raised in this country and have dono my part towards de veloping this country, and I under stand that our flag gives to every man the right to nsk tho votes of his fellow citizens, and I will not surrender that right. "Let us see what the Issue is in this state. Tile issuoisthe liquor question. Did I make that issue or did the peo- plo make it'.' Tho people made that Is.'.ue and the poople will scttlo It not mo nor a dozen men or women. They tell you that 1 am a terribly radical liquor man. When I left home my wifo was reading u lot of these nows paper reports. She and 1 have lived together for t wonty-tlvo years, and she has had an awful time livintr witli a tough like me. She graduated from Welloslcv College, in Massachusetts, aud a woman that does that is sup posed to know something. 1 gradu ated on tho plains of Texa, and that was a nice meeting, wasn't it a cul tured woman, who was born in pro hibition Maine, and from one of the oldest families there, and I, from wide open Texas? She says: "Jim, I have been reading thoso newspaper reports about you." Well," I says, "What about It'."' She says, "I never knew you woie that bad." 1 said, "Uattle, I am going to admit half of it mid deny the oilier half." You can take cither half you want, but one-half of it 1 am going to deny, because if I were to come into lied Cloud and go to picking upsutne man s record 1 expect I could hear as many things among his neigh bors as you can hear about mo. If ho will admit one-half and deny thcothor half lie is mi average American citlzon, and that is what I am. : When the newspapers toll a story about mo all I ask Is that they put it on the front page and put It in black type." Tho Chief has space to quote as above lint a few sentences character istlo of Mr. Dahlmau's plain and homely treatment of questions which appeal so strongly to tho common peo ple and give him that hold upon them which is ever tho surprise of his, en emies, llo declared his unqualified opposition to county option; empha sized ids life long udhoreiioo to th'o Democratic parly and thi fact that several years ago ho had his namo taken from the ticket as the Demo cratic nominee for State Auditor in behalf of the Populist candidate; de clared that the trust reposed in him b. his ek''lion to various otliees bad been leturneM to the people "without stain or blemish:" denied that lie had "pardoned l.Ooo eiiminals" during his two terms as mayor of Omaha; that he had panloned that number out of (JO, 000 petty offenders j.dled for misde meanors whose release was justified; defended the Stoctitnb law as u most successful legulatlve measuro and more in accordance with Democratic principles than tho proposed county option law. Uncle Tom's Cabin at the Tepee. "UneloTom's Cabin" a draniutl.Uion of ono of the most famous stories will be given in picture form at Tho Tepee ' on Friday and Saturday nights and Saturday afternoon. This will be a program of more than usual merit which none should fail to see. Owing to the unusual length of the progiam tho evening shows will commence tit 7:'Jo. Cases Tried In the District Court. In tho case of Nels. V. Anderson vs the C. B. "k Q., judgment was render ed in favor of Anderson for Ml3.f7. This was an action for shrinkage in tho shipment of 03 head of fat cattle shipped from Cowlesto Kansas City In which lie claimed damages in the sum of $:i77. The case of Wm. Holmes vs tho C. B. & Q., was an action for personal in jury sustained by Holmes in May lflO!) on a freight train between Washing ton and Haddam, Kansas. Holmes sued for $1900 aud the jury returned a verdict for 150 after being out seven hours. In the case of .lohn Urusli vs Tho lied Cloud Investment (.'o. in the Dis trict Court, wherein Brush sued for 82500 on contract for the purchase of land, a jury leturned a verdict for plaintilV for SlOu. In the case of Henry K. l'opejoy a iralnst Kdwln K. Burr of Cubic Hock for SI00. for tho valuo of three horses stolen from Mr. l'opejoy three years ago last July and sold by the thief to Burr for $200 Tho jury brought In a verdict for. 6:iti0, for l'opejoy. In the caso of It. B. Kummer against C. 11. Minor for 81200 damage and rent for the Hed,Cloud Mill. Tho jury re turned a verdict in favor of Kummer for S181.U0. In the case ot the State Bank of lied Cloud vs tho city of lied Cloud. Trial to court, jury waived and judgment for plaint I IV for full amount S1BS1 was rendered. In the case of Chas. II BeVso vs Bed Cloud. Trial to court, jury' waived and judgment for plaintilV lor full amount Sl5!)l.:K) was rendered. , lu the caso of Saunders Hros. vs. the city of lied Cloud. Trial to court. jury waived and .judgment for plain Dan lunhl "D.iu 'lipid" the latest musical comedy success (joining to the Bed Cloud opera houso is said to be till that is promised for it. With till the possibilites of situations at ising from such a thetnu and with the credit ot its origin belonging to the model u stage this comedy is said to be of the cleanest type. The scene is laid in a Washington hotel frequented by the nobility of England and Franco aud changes with the season to a swell hotel at Nurra gausett and the theme deals with the attempt nt a certain foreign nobleman to marry certain American heiresses, and tho successful wiles of "Dan Cupid" is foiling their woll laid plans produce many mirth provoking situat ions. Tho score is very harmonious thru out and is enlivened by the introduct ion of the very latest musical special ties, consisting of musical numbers. Tho cast is well balanced and well formed and the llnal result of seeing Dan Cupid is to leave ouo still more in love with the little God of Love than over. Opera house Wednesday, Oct. 20th. Geo. W. Lindsey, Democratic Candidate for Representative of Webster County, Nebr. Tno object of this e tnl is two-fold: First of all to thank you sincerely, for your royal support in nominating qie a compliment whinh any man may well be proud of. Second. It is my way of introducing liiysulf into the political Aieiui "Let's shake" now that we are acquainted lot's get to hi.. I am a Candidate foi Uepc'sentatlve fur Wel'Ster Coitnly-the best Count; in the Stnte. It is YOUll HOMK. it U MY IIo.MB. Our lir.s mid gient ohj.-ei should be lomnko laws that shall BUILD VI' and I'ltOL'tiOT all of the IIO.MI5S of Webster Count; ! To this "Common Cause" let me usk the support of every voter. Thanking jou for whatever vmi may be able to do for me. and pledging you, it elected, mv very best elloi ts for all of Webster County. In this ago of political Chicanery every voter has a right to know what his Representative st uids for. He should decline himself openly, and "on the square. ' and when elected, should thus conduct him-elf. (Jovernnient first, party second; principles first, pai ly second; men Hist and party second. This is MY political creed. Business principles should bo inculcated into politics to the end that all needless expense may be saved. Biennial elections is what the lax payeis want, it would uve thousands of dollars. The present Primary Law is a needless double-tux upon the taxpayers, and should be repealed. The Agriculture Interest of our County demands bettor roads. A law should be enacted providing for smaller road districts in the counties, with local self-government. All moneys for roads and bridges should bo equitably apportioned and distributed among the several counties. I stand for County Option, and llrinly believe that Good Government and Public Morals will be best served in that way. Respectfully submitted, GEO. W. LINDSKY. Bko Cloud, Np.hr , Sept. 20th., lino. till' for full amount $1087 was rentier ' question or formality we will i i i i. a,. ...... ... tidiiMv vmi in od. In the case of tho Nobiaska Tole phono Co. vs the city of Red Cloud. This caso was set for trial. Bt Grows Hair Here Arc Facts Wc Want You to Prove at Our Risk Marvolous as it, may becm, Rexall "!i:i" llalr Tonic lias grown hair on heads that were once bald. of course, in none of those cases were tho hair roots dead, nor had tho scalp taken on a glazod, shiny appearance Rexall "US" Hair Tonic actssclentl llcally, destroying the germs which ate usually responsible for baldness. It penetrates to the roots of tins hair, stimulating und nourishing them. It Is a most pleasant toilet necessity, is delicatly perfumed, aud will not gum or permanently stain the hair. Wo want you to get a bottle of Rexall "9.T' Hair Tonlcaud use it as directed. If it does not relievo scalp Irritation, remove dandruff, prevent tho hair from falling out aud promote an In creased growth of hair, and in every way give entire satisfaction, simply come back. and tell us, and without hand back to you every penny you paid us for it Two sizes, 50c. and 1. 00. Sold only at our store-Tho Rexall StoreJ Tho U.K. Grlco Drug Co. all i DR.S. J. CUNNINGHAM DENTIST Successor tp Dr. J. S. EMIQH, , At the old stand over the State Bank. Phone! 31. Hon. R. D. Sutherland will address the ueople of Red Cloud next Monday, 0fti)2ii(tlie opera house at o p. m.. ,. , "Tho use of nlum and oalto of alum food should be prohibited." Prof. Wood, Harvard Safeguard Your Food by Using Always Dr.PRIC CREAM mm powo Mado from Grapes Its purity, wholesome ness and superior leavening qualities are never questioned. Fifty Years the Standard ina in '111 W.iiXI Univ. iiMili inl E I i '"t V M 8Si i,