mmv ! MAKING TRUCK FOR FODDER Directions for Constructing Implement That Will Be Found Handy on Any Farm. Tnko two 2 by 8's 1G feet long, two old mower wheels with their connect ing nhaft taking out the dogs In the wheels nnd boiuo pIccch of hoard 2 by C nnd 1 by G. Measure G feet from end of tho 2 by 8'u and cut a notch to fit over tho insldo hub of each WfeMW Handy Fodder Truck. Wheel. Notch a 2 by 4 nbout two feet long In a Blmllar way and nail on un der side to keep tho hub In place. Saw flvo 2 by G'a for cross sticks, notch their width and thickness in the 2 by S'b and splko them firmly, leav ing tho two end pieces long enough to stick out two Inches as a brace to the standards. Standards, writes Fred Ilartcr, Rich Hill. Mo., In Missouri Rural 1st, may bo made of 1 by G, and should bo bolted on. Put a pair of double-trees on tho high end, letting tho other end drag. Nail a 12-inch board on top, make wheel guards of 1 by G, and you aro ready for tho fod der. LATE WORK IN THE GARDEN Onion Bed Set In Fall Select Sweet Corn Seed From Growing Plant Burbank Plan. (By BESSIE L. PUTNAM.) If you are fond of young onions do Hot fall to set out a bed of "top onions" for the very earliest uso In tho spring. They do not form bulbs but arc more in form like scullions. Yet In early spring it is indeed re freshing to bo ablo to find an onion bed ready for uso. Tho tops of tho seed stalk produce small bulbs which should be set in autumn, and thus tho stock renewed from year to year. "While the plant is perennial, tho bulbs are more tender when grown each year from bulbs planted in tho au tumn. Select your seed sweet corn from tho growing plant, noting not only tho bIzo and evenness of tho enr and grains, but the number produced on a stalk. Turn the husks back, using them to braid tho ears together. You then have a convenient package for hanging up to dry. Save your squash seeds from tho first really good Hubbard that ma tures. Like begets like and if you wait until tho lato ones aro ripe you simply make a selection that will pro duce later fruit nnothor year. Tho Burbank plan has many applications 'which tho ordinary gardener will do well to observe. Keep tho lato root crops growing. Jf tho soil is lumpy or tho golden-rod gets in, tho wheel hoc and tho weed cutter will remedy this in short ordor. GATE IS EASY TO REGULATE Handy Device for Confining Cows to One Pasture and Allow Swine to Run at Will. This devico is a handy hanger when hogs pass from pasture to pasture, 'Whilo cowb aro confined to ono. Tho lianger proper consists of a length of strap-iron bent around tho posts and supported by pegs, which may bo in- Easy to Regulate This Gate. feortcd in holes at different lengths or lielghts. In tho north this can be raised abovo tho winter snows. Farming Intelligently. ' In everything connected with agri culture thero aro now and unseen con ditions that aro constantly presenting themselves, but with agricultural col lieges standing ready nnd willing to as islst us, and with practical agricultural ,JournalB brought to our door yards, It scorns almost incredlblo that thero ishould bo so much lack of Interest uimong somo agriculturists. No man can deny tho good that comes to him from Itching up to dnto on all matters appertaining to his lino of business, yet wo seo farmors on every sldo who soluom tako tlmo to read or think out tho problems con nected with their every day Hfo and business. A Farmer. U If 11 Jjm fl a i yoj pW ; m 4 TO MAKE CONCRETE CULVERT Proper Drainage Is Foundation of Good Roads Plan for Making Substantial Form. The proper drainage with good cul vert is tho foundation of good roads. Concrcto stands at tho head of tho class of materials for culverts and abutments. Excavate to tho depth of 3 feet and width of G feet, nnd tho full width of tho road. Set up and stake in placo two planks or Blabs 10 Inches wide, as shown at 1)1) In tho picture. As theso pieces nro to remain in place, they may be of any ordinary stuff Just good enough to hold tho concrcto in placo until it sets. These pieces nro set G feet nt the end whero tho water startB in nnd Gl nt tho lower end. They should hnvo n fall of 1 Inch to each foot in length. Now, put a lnyor of concrcto G inches deep, and hollow out and smooth do An. Itaiso the sldo toward III), keeping them in position as shown In tho picture. Set up 10-inch boards cc 18 Inches from Hll. This will make iho walls of curvert 18 Inches thick, and tho opening 2 feet wldo at tho upper end, and 2 feet nnd 6 Inches at tho lower. As tho forms aro being filled with concrete, sand or gravel should bo filled in at "a" for n core, which after ward may bo shoveled out and earth filled in behind tho outside pieces to hold It in position. When the form is filled to tho top of tho plnnkB tho center, or core, should bo rounded up with sand to form tho arch of opening In tho cul vert. This sand should be pneked solid and smoothed off nicely so tho surface of the arch will bo smooth. A plank should bo set up at each end of tho culvert boforo any concrete is put In, so the ends will bo smooth and look well. Wings, or sldo walls may bo built at the same tlmo as tho Concrete Culvert Form. culvert by cutting off tho ends of BB 10 inches, or 1 foot, and running a form out as long as tho wings aro wanted. Proportions for concrete: Two parts sand; four parts coarso gravel or crushed stone; one part Portland ce ment. Tho sand nnd cement should bo mixed dry. Tho gravel, if not damp, should bo dampened, then mix with tho sand nnd cement. Turn the mix ture three times, dry, and add enough water to make a thick mortar; turn two more times end shovel into tho forms; puddle or pack Into tho forms with stamping stick or plcco of 2x1 inch scantling. When finished let stnnd ono day, then put on the earth which will help to dry out tho concrete all alike. Any tlmo after ono week tho samo may bo shoveled out. Now you have a culvert of ono soiTd plcco; ono thnt will not rot out, wash away, nor can it bo torn down by tho boys whilo hunting rabbits. Pumpkins Good Feed. Pumpkins aro good hog and cattlo feed, but do not feed all of them im mediately. Save somo for lato winter feeding. Tho animals will relish them better than they do now. Tho green in them will aid digestion when tho an imalB aro on dry feed. Cow peas, flax and millet aro good sod crops. Tho greatest weed distributing agency is tho threshing crew. Tho only way to decrease Bmut in corn Is to pluck off tho smut-balls and burn them. Clean tho seed whent. Clean seed and the big, plump berries will In crease next season's yield. Farm machinery is expensive and to allow It to stand exposed to the elements causes an enormous wasto. Good plowing 1b economical in every Bcnso of tho word, and no amount of supplementary work will tako its placo. Tho first requisite for insuring a good wheat crop, granted a favorablo season, Is a well-prepared and en riched seed bed. A crop planted in deep ground will stand moro drought and matura with half the cultivation required bya crop on Bhnllow ground. Potatoes that have been well pro tected all through tho season by tho Bordeaux spray aro not so likely to rot In cellar or pit. Applying a fertilizer rich In phos phorus with moderate amounts of po tassium and nitrogen will provo valu able on most pasture lands. If roughago is scarce, stack well tho wheat straw. Bright wheat Btraw will go a long way toward filling out a season of short roughage crops. Few farmers recognize that a pas. turo needs fertilizing, that tho con stant removal of fertility reduces tho crop-producing powors of tho land. Wo aro prone to let a fow weeds go to seed in tho fall, hoping that frost will prevent seeding. But tho risk la too groat. Wo should watch tho cor ners and clean tbo garden as well as in tho spring. ?KcTCfs REVIEW Samitj School Leuoa for Oct. 23, 1910 Specially Arranged tor Thlt Paptr Golden Text "And It enmn to paps, when tho day wero well nigh romo that he ahould bo received up. ho nteadfnntly tot hln faca to co to Jrrusnletn, and nrnt HieasonKcra boforo his fnco." Luko 9:51. Tho first element of a good review Is to make it n real review, a general view of tho whole period which has been studied. In this case our review cov ers 13 lessons, from Lesson III. of tho third Quarter to Lesson III. of this quar ter. Tho Bccond olement Is that tho re view bo mndo attractive atid inter esting. And It can bo so conducted both in tho class and for tho wholo school as to bocomo ono of tho most attractlvo and helpful sessions of the roar. Tho period covered by this roviow extends from tho Bummer of A. D. EJ to April 4, A. D. 30; about nine months. Tho place in tho Ufa of Christ is tho Inst pnrt of tho great Galilean min istry; tho wholo of tho Porcan minis try in the country cast of tho Jordan; and tho last four days of Christ's pub lic ministry, in Jorusalem and vi cinity. Tho Mop. Traco on tho map tho movements of Jesus Capernaum. Cacsarea, Phlllppl, Galileo, Caper naum, Jerusalem, Galilee, Pcrca, Jeri cho, Bethany, Mount of Olives, Jeru salem. Picturo Review. ftoproductlons from photographs of great paintings, nnd of Biblical and historical places and events, (both in color nnd in black and white"), aro now bo reason able In price as to make them avail ablo for regular uso in tho class or Sunday school. It is a great help to tho memory, if each class or each Bcholar makes a picturo book of this part or tho life of Christ. Tho best book for this purpose Is ono made for this object, of 140 pages, with a peculiar but simple back, which enables ono to fill tho book with pictures without at all distorting tho covers, which are of heavy board covered with tasty paper. Tho text of Matthew's Gos pel can bo pasted in from somo cheap edition of the Gospels, or, better, writ ten In tho wordB of tho scholar. Great interest can bo added to tho making of theso volumes In various wayo. They nro ornamented with pen drawings. "For lnstanco, tho fact of Jesus working no a carpenter during his young manhood 1b happily Illus trated by sketching a hammer, a jack knife, saw, or other carpenter's tools." Maps and charts and small pictures can bo cut out of claused Quarterlies; illustrations can bo preserved from magazines and newspapers; small cards can bo obtained with beautifully arranged pressed llowcrs in various natural colors, from dlffcront parts of Palestine which Jesus has made sa cred, two cents each, In packages of 25. Another Form of Picturo Review. Mrs. Estollo M. Hurll, author of a capital volumo on "Tho Llfo of Our Lord in Art," advocating tho greater uso of pictures in the Sunday school, says: "A successful teacher of a largo Bible class in ono of our churches, wishing to provldo some thing usually Instructive for Re view Sunday, choso this plan: sho procured a largo number of photo graphs descriptive of the life of our Lord, placed them upon tho walls and upon easels in the cI&sb room, un til she had tho wholo story told in pictures. During tho session no word from her was necessary, except a fow simple explanations, whilo tho pupils passed in silence from ono picture to another, taking in its beauty and Its lesson at tho same time. "It was tho most Impressive servlco I over at tended," said ono who was thero, and tho wholo class echoed tho same sen timent as they slowly left tho church. Travoling by Stereoscopic Pictures. Theso aro growing moro popular, be ing used In day schools on well as In Sunday schools, because tho pictures aro incomparably hotter than thoso of a few years ago. Thoy are such llfo-llko representations of tho places whero our Lord lived and walked and taught, tho figures and tho scenes are brought out so clearly that It Is almost the same as if wo wero actu ally traveling In the Holy Land. Peo plo are moro and moro waking up to the HkenoBS of tho experiences that may bo gained In tho stereoscopo to thoBO gained by vlowlng them on tho epot. Thero aro 100 pictures of Palestine, in a leather case, with a book on closing a map and a description of tho tour through tho Holy Land. Of course a selection can bo made of the pictures. This can bo mado most useful for an evening meeting with tho class. It would bo well for each Sunday school to own a set of these, Tho Topical Review. Let the schol nrs go through tho lossons during the provious week, some taking ono class of subjects, and others another, if they are unable to examlno all thoroughly. I. Find all the statements that wero applied to tho llfo of th'o apostles. II. Find thoso two which contain references to children. III. Find those which refor to mar rlago feasts. IV. Find thoso which aro based on vineyards. V. Tell tho story of each of tho par ables. VI. Toll tho Btory of the triumphal entry. VII. What do wo learn about watch ing? VIII. Note the references to Christ's ufforlng and death. A TRAIN LOAD OF TOBACCO. Twenty-four Carloads Purchased for Lewis' Single Binder Cigar Factory. What Is probably tho biggest lot of all fancy grndo tobacco held by any factory In tho United States hint Just been purchased by Frank P. LcwIh, of Peoria, for tho manufacture of LowIb' Slnglo Binder Cigars. Tho lot will mako twenty-four carloads, and Ih se lected from whnt Is considered by ex perts to bo tho finest crop raised hi many years. Tho purchase of tobacco Is sufficient to last tho factory moro than two years. An extra price was paid for tho selection. Smokers of Lewis' Hlnglo Binder Cigars will appre ciate this tobacco. Pcvrla Star, January hi, 1SQD. "Thank YouV Tho man who is not thnnkful for tho lesBonB ho lenrned la adversity didn't lenrn any. Thero must he plenty of thankful ness In tho world If those who hnvo loved and lost could know Just what they have lost. "Why nro you giving thanks? They took $10,000 from you In Wall Street n llttlo while ago, didn't thoy?" "Yes; but I got out with $20 they didn't know 1 had." Judge. How's Tills? We offrr On Ittindrrd Dollars Ilcwurd for any Mm nt catarrh lust canuot be cured by Hall Oslarrn Cure. T. J. Clir.NKY A CO . Toledo. O. We, the tindertlmeJ, have known I' J (.'timer for the lad 15 jrsr. and tiellrvr him perfectly lion orabla In all tiuilneM tmnactlonii ami financially able to carry out any utilisation! made by lila Orm. Wauhno, Kinnan a Hanvit, Wholesale DrtiHlila. Toledo O. llftU'n Catarrh Cure la taken Internally, acting dlrectlv utxin the blood and mucoiia mirfacea nt tin )-lrm. lettlmonlnla font tree. J'tlre "5 ceuta per bottle. Pnht by nil DruMlita. lale llall'a Family rills tor eomtlpatlon. Slightly Mixed. Two Englishmen were resting nt tho Rod Homo Inn at Stratford-on Avon Ono of them discovered a ptlnt pictur ing a low, tumbling building under nenth which was printed: "Tho Iloiiso In Which Shnkespcaro Was Born" Turning to his friend In mild surprise ho pointed to the print. Ills frlond exhibited equal surprise and called a waiter, who assured them of tho ac curacy of tho Inscription. " 'Pon my word," said tho observing Englishman, slinking his head dubious ly. "1 thought he was born In a man ger!" Tit for Tat. Lloyd C. Grlscom, In an Interview in Now York, said of party dissen sions. "They nro animated by a nnsty splr It, a tlt-for-tat spirit; and they go from bad to worse. "It's like tho rnso of tho engaged couple at tho scasldo tlanro. Tho young man, a little jealous, said cold ly to his finnceo at supper. " 'Let mo see was it you I kissed In tho conservatory?' " 'About what tlmo?' tho young girl answered, with a llttlo laugh." TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyos andGranulatcd Eyelids. Murine Doesn't Smart Soothes Eyo Pain. Druggists Sell Murlno Eyo Remedy, Liquid, 25c, GOc, $1.00. Murlno Eyo Salvo In Aseptic Tubes. 25c. $1.00. Eyo Books nnd Eyo Advlro Free by Mall. Murine Eyo Remedy Co., Chicago. Prudent Bridegroom. "Tho uncertainties of llfo In Now York aro reflected In wedding rings," said tho Jeweler. "Of all the wedding rings I hnvo sold this season moro than half wero brought back after tho ceremony tohavo tho date put on. Tho rest of tho Inscription was engraved when tho ring wns purchased, but in order that tho dato might bo correct It was cautiously omitted until nfter tho knot was tied." When Rubbers Become Necessary And your nhoen pinch, nlmko Into your ahocn Allon'n Koot-Kntte, tho nntlseptlo powder for tho feet. Cures tired, itching feet and taken the stint: out of Cornn and Bunions. Always ubo It for IircaUInK In New Bhoes nnd for danclnR prtrtlen. Bold overywhero 23c. Rrunplc mulled FIIEB. Address, Allen S. OlmBted, Lo Hoy, N. Y. A Biased Opinion. "Do you think buttermilk will long one's life, Col. Soaksby?" pro- "Ahem! I have no doubt, Miss Plumper, that If a person had to drink buttermilk every day It would mako life seem longer." Wo onco heard of a man who loved to pay his debts, but we have forgot ten his address. Fads for Weak Women Nine-tenths of all the sickness of women is due to some derangement or dii esse oi the organs distinctly feminine. Such sickness can be cured is cured every day by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription It Makes Weak Women Strong, Sick Women Well. It acts directly on the organs affected end is at the same time u general restora tive tonic (or therrhole system. It cures female complaint right in the privacy of home. It makes unnecessary the disagreeable questioning, examinations and local treatment so universally insisted upon by doctors, and so abhorrent to every modest woman. We shall not particularize here as to tho symptoms of those peculiar affections incident to women, but those wanting full information as to their symptoms and means of positive cure are referred to the People's Com mon Sense Medical Adviser 1008 pages, newly revised and up-to-date Edition, sent free on receipt oi 21 one , cent stamps to cover cost oi mailing only; or, in cloth binding for 31 stamps. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y. To accept defeat gracefully, start your retreat In tlmo. Mrs. Wlnsimr'B Boothlna; Ryrnp. Korchlluntn tneiuinif. boftrnslliiiviim. rcuucrnlru Cuuulioai lays tula, cures wluUcoltciKjuUiiU a. Tho word "tired" is much used and abused. PUTNAM Cslor mtra saos'i brlghttr and fatter colors than Tau tan tfjs in; aarmtnt without rlpplna spirt Writs CONVINCING PROOF OF THE VIRTUE OP Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound What is the use of procrastinating in the face of such evidence as the following letters represent? If you arc a sick woman or know one who is, what sensible reason havo you for not giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Corn pound a trial r For 30 years we have been publishing such testimonial letters as these thousands of them they arc genuine and honest, too, every Sirs. S. J. Harbor Bays : "I think Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound Is tho best inedi- cino in tho world for women and I feel it my duty to lot o thorn know tho good It haadono lor mo. Thrcovcarsmro I had n tumor which tho doctor I said would hnvo to bo removed by nn oiioratlon or I couiu not nvo moro than a year, or two, at most. I wroto Mra. Pink ham, at Lynn, Mass.. for advlco, nnd took 14 bottles of Lydia E. Pink ham's Vcgotablo Compound, nnd to day tho tumor 1b gono nnd I am a iiorfectly well woman. I hopo my testimonial will bo of benefit to oth ers." Mra. S. J. llAIUIKlt, Scott, K. Y. Mrs. E. F. Ilayos says: "1 was undor tho dootor'8 treat ment for n humid tumor. I Buffered with pain, fiore ncr.s, bloating, nnd could not walk or stand on my foot any length of timo. 1 wroto to Mrs. PiuUluim for ad vlco, followed hor directions and took Lydia E. 1'inkham'n Vcgotablo Compound. To-day I am 11 well woman, tho tumor wa3 oxiiolled ntid mv wholo Bystom strengthened. I advlso all women who uro ufllictcd with tumors or fomalo troubles to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." Mrs. E. V. Havkh, 1600 Washington St., ISoston, Mass. im w BBSrSHM m x. Mm '"Uflli For 30 years Lydia F. Pinlclintn's Vcpfctablo Compound bus been tho Htnndard remedy for fomalo ills. No Hick woman docs jtiHtico to herself who will not try this famous medicine. Mado exclusively from roots nnd herbs, and lias thousands of cures to its credit. Mrs. Pinlcham invites nil siclc women to Avrlto her for advice. Sho has guided thousands to health frco of charge. Address Mrs. Pinlcham, Lynn, Mass. Stupendous Publicity Piano Contest FREE to you FREE 1st I'rltn, WOO.W) HWIKUSTHOM I'lANO. Jtid 1'rltn. Oontlomnn's flnlrt Wntfh ami OlioeV. tUSUB. lint I'rUi. I aUk'S 'tlulJ W ulcli im.l (JIhm L.H2S it). 4tl l'r(c, 6 Ni t llcsl Aim.rrn Uicek, ll.'J W. Mh 1'rlio, 0Nnitllinl AiniifiUlH'ik,fltMliU. 'ith I'rlri', 15 Noxt Ilcht Answer OliecK.lM) DO. bill l'rlo,20Nmitiai AnniTKrMl.OU Kicliln (lulil. Tim ntKv;iiiTWn urn kixxI nauio uj cuih towards iho purcliaao of buy no lilnnulnuurOuUlM, Nobruilca, urMimiiuiiullHtorva. 55 Big Prizes FREE for Solving: This Rebus 55' OEGER5 trom m m 1 (OJytfft- (C IKW34 iifA J-&. 3Xt 1 tT.T tt"-2 sy vs "" si r n THE to drortliwi our factory, and to accomplish I n one T"r what 1 1 hoa taken oUicr nanafactnren CO ye&n to do. Our pianos aro todonwd by BJ or AmorloV. greatol llvlntf urllsui , and aro wo'V KUndard, Onr plan of telling planoa direct from factory to homo cuts out tua middleman. You aro your own agent. UrkVAS Tn nO IX Htylolbo Helms carefully thon wrlto tlm nnnwfr plainly t originality nnd v ' ' neatnem count, llo euro and nnclotu a nult addrctnod cnrelopo to assure UiAl yuur unarU "111 nut bo mlwant or lost I n tbo mall. Address SEGERSTROM PIANO MFG. CO., Minneapolis, Minn. Economy 1b tho art of living as though you aro poor when you nro really not bo; whereaH, if you aro really poor and live that way that's HtlnglneBi. m for Mfrnvtr arnv7an distemper PINKEYE FADELESS DYES any othtr ore. Ona tOc package colors all flbtrt. They die In cold ttsltr bottar thaa any othar dra. for Ires booklet How to Ojo, Bleach and Mis Colors. MONROE DHU0 CO., Qyfomy, lllhftot one 01 them. Mrs. Georgo May Bays "No ono lmowa what 1 havo suf fered from fo malo troublorj, neuralgia nalnrf. and baolcncho. My doctor naltl ho could not gly'o mo anything to euro it. Through tno nuvico 01 a friend J bogan to uso Lydia E. Pinkham'fl Vcro- table Compound, and tho pain soon disappeared. 1 continued its uso nnd am now in per foot health. Lydia E. Pinkhanvu Vegetable Com pound has been n (lod-send to mo ns I bcliuvo 1 should havo been in my grave if it had not been for Mrs. Pinkhain'a ndvioo nnd Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegctablo Compound." Mrs. CJroiim; May, 80 4tli Avo., Patorson, N.J. Mrs. AV. K. Iloush Hayst "I havo boon completely cured of a eovoro fo malo troublo by Lydia E. Pinlc ham's Vcgotablo Compound, and want to rcconi-meudittonllsuf-ferintr womon." -Mrs. W. K. Housii, 7 Ea3t vlow Avo., Cln cinnnti. Ohio! UeeauEO your case iu a difficult! one, doctors having dono you no good, do not continue to Buffer with out gi vinfr Lydia E. Pinkham's Vcrr etnblo Compound a trial. It suroly hui) cured many cases of fcmnlo ills, fibroid tumors, irrogu lurlties.porlodiopaliis.backnoho.oto. rsL T TJ 11 ""ir" W mfc ! .1 i'' '-AhI-1 wi'S I'll'". r;iflfflUM baaaaaaaaaaBaaaaBaaaaaWfcasVTn' iaal5 on 4- Mm I1 ratswra? Wir " f l I vtTAYriTiKtixPP" mmmm m a y vcjilvjiu rv2s'x . u i IT. wm ffl 1k1 if Bad Breath "For months I hadcreattronblcTrithmy stomach and used ell kinda of medicines. My tongue has been actually as green as grass, my breath having a bad odor. Two weeks ago a friend recommended Cascareta and after nsing them I can willingly and) cheerfully eay that tbey have entirely cured me. I therefore let you know that X shall recommend them to any one Buffer ing from such troubles." Chas. H. Hal pern, U4 is. 7m St., ew Yoric, n. x. Pleasant, Palatable, Potent. Toato Oood, Do Good. Never Sicken, Weaken or Grioa. 10c, 23c. 50c. Never sold la bulk. Tho gen uine tablet stamped G C C. Guaranteed to cure or your money back. 823 n "r 1 of this paper de- jxeacters vy anvthinp adver tised in its columns should inuit upon having what they atk for, refilling all fubnitutes ot imitations. L DATPUT YOimiUEAH. They may bring yon rAICrll wealth. Ci-inttfe Buok krr. KhufttO. 'lUerald&Oo.,lNtUUiyi..nuxK.WaiUwKu,&0. ' W. NLlTNCOrN7NO. 43-1010. CATARRHAL FEVER AND ALL NOSE AND THROAT DISEASES Cures the akin and acta tut a preventive for othern. I Iqnld Riven on the tongue, hnfe for brood nmrea and al I otherx. Bent kidney remedy Ml centaandtl.(jOnlM,ttl;tuOUnndIOOOtho(loien. Bald by all dnKRlsts) and nurse goods Iioubch, or bent expreba paid, by the manufacturers. SI'OHN MEDICAL CO., Chemitts, GOSHEN, INDIANA fl VA ?f. t 1 ii '.litti'iiuiiimiii lliJtktii1- IV V4MfVvJ