NVMffwrvwntwrvi t CIRCULAR 5X4IRCA5C mo in &KMtkm? " MINEliART 'nwzmATiom by fryWtJf? 8YN0P8IS. MIbs InntM, Hpinsti-r mid itinmlliiii of Gertrude mill IInlnoy. uatnlillslicd hihii iner luwiilinmrliTM lit Htitiiiynldu. Arnold AruiMionjr wits found nliot to dcatli In tlio linll. Clcrlrudo and Imr llnnco, .Iiii'lt lliillcy, Imd lotivrrnnl In t lit billiard room nlmilly licfom tlm iiiiinlur. H'',,.C" tln Jiiinlc.son mxiiscd MIsh IniirH of liold Iiik ltr.l m Mrnrc funnier lliillcy of I'aiil AtiiiHtioitK'n bank, dcflinit, uus tirii'sted for riiilipzzlciiirnl Paul AriimtroiiK h tlfiilli win nniioiinreil. Urilmiy'ti llimrcp iKiulmi ArniHlronp. (old llul.tey Hint whllo nhu Mill lovrd lilm, hIhi wiih to iimrry an other. It developed tliut l)r Walker was tlio in. n, lidiilMi wiih found iiiicoiiitdoiM nt tlio lilittom of tlio clrriil.ir HtiilrciiHr. Hho wild nnmetlilnir Imd brushed by her In tlio dm It on I ho Mnirwiiv and Him mtlllcil. Ibllley Ih HllHpeeted of Ami" fitroiiR'H murder TIioiiiiik, tlio lodKekeep c.r, wan found ilcnd with n not" In bin xx-ltcl bearliiK tlio nnmo "I-iielon Will ncc." A ladder found out of pl.ico deep ciih tlio myHtery. Tlio atablea wcro hlirned, and in tlie dark Mini InneH hIidI nn Intruder. Hnlsoy myaterlously dinnp penrod. IIIb iiulo wan found ureeketl by a fioJclil train. 11 developed llalsey had nn nrRUincul. In the library with a woman Ik'Toio hlH dlHappo.iranue. New cook din npiieuni. MIhh Innes leurned llaldej was nilvi. Ir. Wnlkcr'M faeo beeome.s livid at mention of tbo namn of Nina Carrlmr ton. Ilvldcnco wiih aneured from u tramp that it man, mippriHodly lltilioy, had been liciuni) mid k.irkliI and thrown Into an rinpty l car. Clertrudo was iiiImsIiik. Jliiiitlwr for her. Minn Innen ran Into n man nnd fainted. A confederate of Dr. "Wnlker confrHHed Ida ii.ut In the my teiy. Iln nliiteil lliat tlio Cnrrlnglnn wo man bad beon killed, that Wnlker feared lier, nnd (hat bo believed that Paul Aim ntront; bad been killed by u hand KUlili-rf ly W.-.II'it llalsey wih found In a dis tant bonpllal. I'aul AiuiHtruiiK wns not dead. CHAPTER XXXI. Continued. Tito Blip had Bald "chimney." It van tlio only clue, and a Iiouho as Inrrco rtH Sunnysldo wns full of them. Thcro wan an open fireplace In my drowning room, hut noun In tlio bed room, nnd ns I lay thcru, looking around, I thought of sotnothluK that mndo mo nit up Buddcnly. Tho trunk room, Junt over my head, hnd an open flroplnco and a brick chimney, and yet Uioro wna nothing of the kind In my room. I not out of hud nnd ex amined tho opposlto wnll closely. 1'hero wan apparently no flue, and I know thoro wuk none In tho hall just beneath. Tho lioiiRo wiih heated hy nlcam, nn I have Bald before. In tho IIvIiib room was a Iiiiro open fireplace, Lut It. wns on tho other aldo. Why did tho trunkroom have both n radiator and an open flreplaro? Architect!! wore not imually erratic. It wna not 15 minutes before I wuh up BtalrH, armed with a tape-measuro In llou of a foot-rule, eager to juatlfy Mr. Jamlcaon'B opinion of my Intelligence, nnd firmly resolved not to toll him of my nunplclon until I had moro than theory to ro on. The holo In the trunkroom wall still yawned there, be tween tho chimney nnd the outer wnll. 1 examined It again, with no now re milt. Tho Bpaco between the brick wall and tho plaster and lath one, liovvovor, had a now Blgnlllcanue. Tlio liolo Bhowed only one Hide of the chim ney, and I dotcnulned to Invcutlgate what lay In tho r.paco on tho other Bldo of tho mantel. I had n blister on my palm when ut last tho hatchet went through nnd fell with whatsoundrdllko the toport ot a gun to my overstrained nerves. I sat on a trunk, waiting to henr Mdd fly tip tho stairs, with the household be hind hor, like tho tall of a comet. Hut nothing happoned, and with n growing feeling of uucanninouH I r.ot to wotk enlarging tlio opening. Tho result was absolutely nil. When J could hold a lighted candle In the opening I Baw prc.cisoly wliat I had Eoen on the othor Bldo of tho chimney n npaco between tho true wall and tho falsa ono, possibly seven feet long nnd about threo feet wide. It wns In no Bonao of tho word n secrot chum tor, and It wan evident It had not liocn disturbed since the house was 'InillL It wna a supreme disappoint ment It Imd beon Mr, .Tamleson'a Idea ttat tlio hlddon room, If thero wns ono, would ho found somewhere nenr the- circular stnlrcaso. In fact, I know that ho had onco Investigated tho en tiro length of tho clothes chuto, hang Iiir to a ropo, with this In view. I wna roluctantly about to conccdo that lie had beon right, when my eyes fell on tho mnntol and flroplace. Tho lat- tod had evidently never been used; It wrb closed with n motal lire front, nnd only when tho front refused to move, nnd Investigation allowed that It was not Intended to ho moved, did my Hpiittfl revive. 1 hurrlod into tho noxt room. Yes, Bint) enough, thero wna a similar man tel and flroplnco thoro, similarly closed. In both rooms tho chimney fluo extended well out from tho wall I moasurod with tho tapo-llne, un hands trembling so that I coiuY ncarcely hold It. They extended two foot and a half Into ench room, whld with tho throo root of space botween tho two partitions, made eight feet to ho nccounted for. Klght foot In onr direction nnd almost seven In tho oth cr what a chlmuey It wa3! nut I Imd only located tho hidden room. I was not in It, and no 1111101111' of pressing on tho carving of the woodon mantels, no acarch of the floors for loose hoards, nono of tin customary mothods availed nt all Tim. thero wna a means of entrance, nnd probub'y a Blmplo one, I could bt certain. Hut what? What would I find If I did get In? Wna tlio detect Ivo right, nnd wero tho bonds and anonoy Irom tho Traders' bank there? Or wps our whole theorv wratm? feiiijiiJuurMinwiiii nwti be "I Heard a Sad and Would not I'aul Armstrong havo taken his booty with him? If ho had not, nnd If Dr. Walker was In tho secrot, he would havo known how to enter the chimney room. Then who had dug tho other holo In tho falso parti tion? CHAPTER XXXII. Anne Watson's Story. Liddy discovered tho fresh break In the trunkroom wnll whllo wo wero nt luncheon, and ran shrieking down tho Btalrs. Sho mantalned that, as she entered, unseen hands had been digging at tho plaster; that they had stopped when sho wont In. and she .had felt a gust or cold damp air. In support of her story sho carried In my wet and muddy boota. that I hnd unluckily forgotten to hide, and held them out to the detectlvo nnd myself. "What did I tell you?" sho said dramntieally. "Look at 'em. They're yours, Miss Itacliol nnd covered with mud and soaked to t'10 tops. 1 tell you, you can scoff all you like; some thing has boon wenring your shoos. As Kure nn you alt there, there's tho smell of tlio graveyard on them. How do wo know (hey weren't tramping through tho Casanova churchyard laat night, nnd sitting on tho graves!" Mr. .lamleson almost choked to death. "I wouldn't be at all surprised If they were doing that very thing, I.lddy." lie said, when he got his brenth. "They ceitnlnly look like It." I think the detective had u plan on which his was working, but which was meant to bo a coup. Hut things wont so l.iot there was no tlmo to carry It into effect. The II rut thing that occurred wna n message from tho Charity hospital that Mrs. Wat son was dying and had asked for me. I did not cans much about going. Thero Is n aort of melancholy plea sure to bo had out of a funeral, with Its pomp and ceremony, but 1 shrank from u death-bed. However, Liddy got out the black things and the crepe veil 1 keep for such occasions, and I went. 1 left Mr. Jamleson and tho day detectlvo going over ovory Inch of tho circular stnlrcaso, pounding, probing nnd measuring. I was Inward ly elated to think of tho surprise 1 wna going to give thorn that night; ns It turned out. I did surpriso them al most Into Bpnsms. I drovo from tho train to the Chari ty hospital, and waB at once taken to a ward. Thoro, In n gray-walled room in a high iron bed. lay Mrs. Wat son. Sho Wns VOrV weak nnd ul, only opened her eyes and looked at mo when 1 Bat down beside hor. I was conscience-stricken. Wo had beon so engrossed that I had loft this poor creaturo to die without oven a word of sympathy. Tho nurso gave her a stimulant, nnd In a llttlo whllo sho was ablo to talk. So broken and half-coherent, however, wns her story that I ahull toll It In my own way. In an hour from tho tlmo I entered tho Charity hospital I had heard a sad and pitiful tarratlvo, and hnd seen a woman alio nto tho unconsciousness that Is only i step from death. Hrlelly, then, tho housekeeper's story was this; Sho wns almost 10 yeara old, and had been tho alBtcr-mothor of u large amlly or children. Ono by one they had died, nnd !ieon burled beside their wonts in a llttlo town In tho middle west. Thero wns only ono Bister left ho baby, Lucy. On hor tho older girl hud hnished nil tho lovo of an Impul--Ivo and emotional nature. When Mine, tho older, was .12 and Lucy 19, t young man had come to tlm tnwn He wna going oast, after spending tho summer at a colebrated ranch In Wy omingone or those places whero wealthy men send worthless and dis sipated sons for a season of temper Pitiful Narrative." ance, fresh nlr nnd hunting. Tho sisters, of course, knew nothing of this, nnd tho young man's ardor rath er carried them awny. In a word, seven years before, Lucy Haswell had married a young man whose name was given as Aubrey Wallace. Anno Haswell had married a car penter In hor native town nnd wns a widow. For threo monthn everything wont fairly well. Aubrey took his bride to Chicago, whero they lived nt a hotel. Perhapa the very unsophlstl cation that had charmed him In Val ley Mill jarred on him In the city. He had been far from a model husband, even for tho threo months, nnd when he disappeared Anne was almost thankrul. It was different with the young wife, however. Sho drooped and fretted, and on tho birth of her baby boy sho had died. Anne took the child nnd named him Luclen. Anno had had no children of her own, and ou Luclen she had lavished all her aborted mnternnl Instinct. On ono thing sho was determined, how ever: That was that Aubrey Wallace should educate his boy. It was a part of her devotion to tho child that she should bo ambitious for him; he must havo ovory opportunity. And bo sho enmo east. Sho drifted around, doing plain sewing nnd keeping a home somewhere always for tho boy. Finally, however, she realized that her only tialnlng had been domestic, and she put the boy in nn Eplsco plallan homo, nnd Bccured the posi tion of housekeeper to tho Arm strongs. Thero alio found Luclon's father, this time under his own name. it was Arnold Armstrong. I gathered that there was no par ticular enmity at that tlmo In Anno's mind. Sho told him of tho boy. and threatened exposure If ho did not pro vide for him. Indeed, for a time, ho did so. Then he realized that Luclen was tho ruling pasalon In thla lonely womnn'a life. He found out whero the child was hidden, and threatened to tako him away. Anno was frantic. Tho positions became reversed. Where Arnold had given money for Luclon's support, as tho years went on ho forced money from Anno Wat son Instead until sho was always pen nllesB. Tho lower Arnold sank In tho scale, the heavier hla demnnda be came. With the rupture between him and his family things wero worse. Anno took tho child from the homo and hid him in a farmhouse near Casanova, on tho Clnyaburg road. There sho went sometlmeB to seo tho hoy, nnd thero ho had taken fovor. Tho peoplo wero CJcrmans, and ho called the farmer's wife grossmutter. Ho had grown Into a beautiful boy, and ho waa all Anno had to live for. Tho Armatronga loft for California, and Arnold'a persecutions began nnow. Ho was furious over tho chlld'B dis appearance nnd sho was afraid ho would do her some hurt. Sho loft tho big houao nnd wont down to tho lodge. When I hnd rented Sunnyalde, how ever, alio had thought tho persecutions would stop. Sho had applied for the position of housekeeper nnd secured It. That had been on Saturday. That night Ixsulso arrived unexpectedly. Thomas sent for Mrs. Watson nnd then went for Arnold Armstrong at tho Greenwood club. Anno hnd beon fond of Louise alio reminded her of Lucy. She dh( not know what the trouble was, but Loulso had been In a state of terrlblo excitement. Mrs. Watson tried to hide from Arnold, but ho waa ugly. Ho loft tho lodgo and went up to tho houso about 2; 30, was admitted at tho east entrance and camo out again very soon. Something had occurred, alio didn't know what; but very Boon Mr. Innea and nuothor gentleman loft, using tho car. Thomas and sho had got Loulue (pilot, and a llttlo before throe Mrs. Wntsou started up to tho house. Thomns had a key to tho eaat entry, and gave It to her. On tho way across tho lawn sho waa confronted by Arnold, who for somo reason was determined to get Into tho houso. Ho hnd a golf-stick In his hand, that ho had picked up somewhere, and on her refusnl ho had struck her with It. Ono hand had been badly cut, and It wna that, pola oulng having sot In, which wna killing hor. Sho broko away In n frenzy of rnge and foar, and got Into tho house whllo Gertrude nnd Jack Hnlloy were at tho front door. Sho went upatnlrB, hardly knowing what alio waa doing. Gertrudo'B door waa open, and Hal soy's revolver lny thcro on the bed. Sho picked It up and turning ran part way down the circular staircase. Sho could hear Arnold fumbling nt the lock outside. Sho slipped down quiet ly and opened the door; ho was In side before sho hnd got bnck to tho stairs. It waa quite dark, but sho could see his white shirt-bosom. From the fourth stop sho llred. As ho foil somebody In tho billiard room screamed and ran. When tho alarm was raised, alio hnd hnd no tlmo to got upstnlra; Bho hid In the weat wing until every ono was down on tho lower floor. Then alio slipped upstairs and thew tho revolver out of an up per window, going down ngain In time to admit the men from tho Greenwood club. If Thomas had suspected, he had never told Whwii sho found tho hand Arnold had Injured was growing worse, sho gave the address of Luclen at Richfield to the old man and almost $100. Tho money wns for Luclon's board until sho recovered. Sho had sent for mo to ask mo If I would try to Interest tho Armstrongs In tho child. When sho found horaelf grow ing worae alio had written to Mra. Armatrong, tolling her nothing but that Arnold'a legltlmnto child waa at Hlchfleld, nnd Imploring her to recog nize him. Sho was dying; the boy waa an Armstrong, and entitled to his father's share of tho cstnto. The pa pers wore In hor trunk at Sunnysldo, with letters from the dead man that would prove what alio said. It waa Bhe who had crept down the circular staircase, drawn by n magnet, that night Mr. Jamleson had heard some ono there. Pursued, she had fled madly, anywhere through tho firs door she camo to. Sho had fallen down the clothes chute, and been saved by tho basket beneath. I could havo crlod with relief; then it had not been Gertrude, nftor all! That was tho story. Sad and tragic though It waa, the vory telling of It seemed to relieve the dying woman. She did not know that ThomaB waa dead, and 1 did not tell her. I prom ised to look nfter little Luclen, and sat with her until tho intervals of con sciousness grew shorter nnd finally ceased altogether. She died that night. (TO HIS CONTINUED.) Ways to Keep Neat. "My children wero becoming dread fully careless about leaving their things around," said nn original moth er, "and tho older members of tho family weren't any too tidy. So I mndo up my mind that I wasn't going to bo a 'pick-up drudge for the rest of tho household. I set up a big fine box, n box with an oblong holo In tlio top, Into which I put every single thing hat, coat, toy, plpo, no mnttcr what that I found lying around in the way. And to get his or her prop erty the owner had to pay a penny If It waa ono of the children; ten conta In case of tho older ones. As tho children havo only an allowance of ten cents a week each, they didn't naturally want to pay It out In fines; so thoy began to bo careful. Gradual ly tho wholo family mended their ways, and now my fluo box Is general ly empty, and tho houso Is as tidy as you pleaBe." Cheering Her Up. Islington, which la no longer rural, was onco so estoemed by medical mon that they sent their patlenta thoro nfter Bovero lllneaa. Many also went thero In tho last stages In tho forlorn hopo that tho Invigorating air might restore them to health. A story re lated by Dr. Abcrnothy turns on tho latter class ot visitors. One of hla patlentB engnged Bomo rooms In Is lington, and caaunlly remarked to Ute landlady that the banlBters on Hie staircase wero very much broken. "Lor' bless you, mam," said the land lady, "U'b no uao to mend them, for they alwayB got broken when tho un dertaker men bring tho cofllna dowm stalra." London Chronlclo. Intelligence In the Kitchen. Tho higher tho Intelligence aud tho broader tho education of tho woman In tho kltchou. tho greater tho plena uro and satisfaction In household du ties. Tho woman who cooka Intelligently la commanding great and mysterious forceB ot nnturo. Sho Is an alchemist behind an apron. At her command food constituents that are indigestible unpalatablo and oven poisonous, are subjected to chemical chnnges that render them an epicurean delight. Thr woman of real Intelligence and poweis of Imagination finds in her well 01 dored kitchen n source of deep and on during interest and pleasure. TERRIBLE 8UFFERINQ ENDED. How An Allegan, Mich., Woman Re gained Her Health. Mra. Robert Schwnbo, R. F. D. No. 8, Allegan, Mich., say a: "Doctors could not cure mo and I waa rapidly running Into Brlght's disease. KIdnoy secre tions wcro like blood and I arose 8 to 10 times at night to void them. I bocamo fright ened at my condition. My sight began to fall and pains in my back wcro llko knlfc thrusto. I cried for hours, unable to con trol my nerves. After I stnrted using Doan's KIdnoy Pills, I began to feel hotter and soon I was cured. I am a living testimonial of their merit" Remember tho nnme Doan'a. For salo by all dcaloro. GO cents a box. Fostcr-MUburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Poor Prospects. "Yes," said Miss I'aBsny, "I found n very nlco boarding houso today, but tho only room thoy hnd to offer mo hud a folding bed In It, and I detest thoso things." "Of courso," remarked Miss Port, "ono can never hopo to find a man under a folding bed." Catholic Stand ard and Times. HIS HANDS CRACKED OPEN "I am n mnn seventy years old. My hands wcro very sore and cracked open on tho insldea for over n yoar with largo sores. They would crnck open and bleed, itch, burn and ncho so that I could not sleep and could do but llttlo work. They wcro so bad that I could not dross myself in the morning. They would bloed and tho blood dropped on tho floor. I called on two doctors, but thoy did mo no good. I could get nothing to do any good till I got tho Cutlcura Soap nnd Cutlcura Ointment. About a year ago my daughter got a cake of Cutl cura Soap and ono box of Cutlcura Ointment nnd In one week from tho tlmo I began to uso thorn my hands wcro nil healed up and thoy havo not boon a nilto soro since. I would not bo without tho Cutlcurn Remedies. "Thoy nlso cured a bad sons on tho hand of ono of my neighbor's children, and thoy think very highly of tlio Cutl cura Remodlos. John W. Hnsty, So. Ef fingham, N. II., Mar. 5, ttnd Apr. 11, '09." ,JM More to De Pitied. Tramp (to lonely spinster) Come Missus, nrst yer 'usband If 'o ain't got a pair o' trousers to glvo away. Spinster (anxious not to expose her solitude) Sorry, my good man, he eh never wears such things. Punch. Against Orders. "If you refuse me, Miss Gladys, I shall get a ropo and commit sui cide." "No, colonel, you must not do that. Papa oald distinctly ho would not havo you hanging ubout hero." Beautiful Post Cards Free. . Rend '2c titanip for five fumplca of our very beat Gold mid Silk Finish Hlrthtlny, Flower and Motto l'oat Cards; beautiful colors and loveliest dcsi(?ni. Art Pout Card Co., 731 Jackson St.. Topcka, Ivan. You mny call tho farmer slow, but ho takca more chnncea from year to yoar than any dozen mon who work lnaldo at a salary. Money mnkea tho mnro go, but wo nro never qulto auro of her doatlna-tlon. y.. U,bM&4 TOW W. L. DOUGLAS 3 '3-1? & $4 SHOES 2MIK BOYS' 8HOE8, $2.00 2.00 AND $3.00. W.LiDougias $3.00, $3. SO and$4.008hooa bto positively tho boat matio and most pop ular shoos forthoprloolnAmorSoa,andapo tho moat economical shoos for you to buy Do you realize that my shoes huro beon the sfunilard for aver SO years, that I mnka and sell mora 9.1.00, S.I. (10 nml B4.no shoes than any other manufacturer In the li.s., nnd that III) L t.ail irmc. niiu.A it. I ll ir A uan'TICK MY Siloes to hold their hnpe, look ond Ut hetler.nnd weor lonicortlinn uny other 3.00, 3.50 or 64.00 shoes you ciui buy? QurIUy couiiU. It lias You will bo nleasod wtion you uuy mysuoos oerausuoi mu m mm hjijmhhuiiwt, nnd vrhon It comes tlmo for you to purcliaa another pair, you will he more tlina ploaseil Itecauae the lust tines worn well, nnd ve you so murli rmrort. CAUTION! .ra It ,our dealer cannot .upvir ,flnitli i'i'Ii'uVe'.C'ii.Jou, Mo... BBBBsHP LsBBBBBBBBBBslSBBVlBMPPSSBBSBIHiiH BBBa SBBBSBBHSBBBBBBBBBS"tiflBlsBBSBHISB9VW-VSs1sBsl J.9 BBBBBBBSBBBISBBflBMBMrMDSBBBlsSBBslSBBr1ll sWaV & V 11 1HaHflSBSAiVIf BT77'TnSBVl!rn77,laB'SBBBBBBSBBBBVHwHssfllBBSBsflBBK2lM TKC steadt WHITE uorr Just Guessed. "Mrs. Wndsworth, I am very glad, Indeol, to meet you. But, hnvon't I had the honor of being Introduced tc you before? What was your name formerly, If I may ask?" "My maiden name?" "No; your namo before you were divorced." "How did you know I had boon divorced?" "Why, hasn't everybody?" Weather Forecast. Colder with rains causing Rheu matlc pains. HUNT'S LIGHTNING OIL stops all aches and pains wheth er from Rheumatism, Pneumonia, Cuts, Burns or Bruises. Tho QUICK. EST acting Liniment known. 25o and COc bottles. All Druggists. Free Samplo wrlto A. B. Richards Modi, cine Co., Sherman, Texas. An Admission. Fred I proposed to Miss Dlnglcy hm night. Joe Don't bellevo I know hor. Is she woll oft? Fred Ych, I guess so. Sho re fiiBcd mo. Important to Mothors Examlno carefully every bottlo of CASTORI A, a safe and Bitre remedy for Infants and children, and seo that It nnarn tho Signature of USaAfrMtAA In Uso For Over 30 Years. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought It is never polite to contradict a girl, except when Bho says sho doesn't want to be kissed, and then It can bo done silently. Constipation canf ana ncsraratcJ many srrlons (U'wasc. 11 In Uiiircn chljr curi-il liy l.r. I'loixu'i Vlcatuiit l'ullvli. Tlio t-v.ritu family lrxndve. A cheerful man is a pessimist's idea of a fool. Life Is a grind, but the world is full of cranks. A Bad Stomach! will cause you untold mis-1 cry, for when this organ is I out of order the entire di gestive system becomes de ranged and the first thing you know, you are real sick. The best medicine to correct, sweeten and tone the stomach is Hostetter's Stomach Bitters and a trial will convince you of that fact. It is for Head ache, Indigestion, Dys pepsia and Malaria. Get OSTETTER' CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTER The Army of Constipation I Growing Smaller Every Day CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS we leipomible they not only givo rebel they permanently CARTERS euro tonilij tioa. Mil ITTLE IV ER PIUS. lion! uto them (or Ittlionta Ben, IndigeitioB, Sick Heidache, Sallow Skin. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL P&ICS Genuine mmtbeu Signature I for Coughs & Colds OKLAHOMA LAND OI'ENINO. OoTemmfiit upfni land nnar Klllono. Oklnhomn, Norrmber 16th, IU10. Hi-nil tl for ilPM'Iptlon of land, man and re qulrmnonu. I.OHWH.N iUlltCENllUUU, lSnld.Okla. DEFIANCE Cold WatirStarch makes laundry work a pleasure. 19 or. pUff. 10a DBS "'XAv'mI ra jgy-4 yPf, tPiso'st I -THE BEST MEDICINE I ' IWO'ftv The Rayo Lamp is a hlnh irrade tamp, sold at a low price. Thfre are Ismes that eoit niore. but th;rel a noN'tterlarannmrtnat any price. Constrvct- of wi'lrt brai oirkel iilulert-enmiT krUoleaniin omHmoiHtoaerrnomlnanr holihi. 1 hern Is ncitMnu known Tin tlin art of lanip-rnaklnglhatcjn edit to thoTalne of tlio nA YO I nmpoiin llghu iTlrs deTlre. Ktp-7 tl-nVr eTerrwhfre. If nut ot youraV write to UOMrTpUroclrculartottoiiraMtoj;rnuroftlio """ " STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Iacsrporated) J. fmmw,mKtm:miMiiTm "mwmvrmsm i!2tWJ.T?.'-, amniMi M rcn.iruu nKiimiwn WiWViitilT'JiiB'' iSBWMMIMIBMiisaaaaMsaaswWIKWIIsaMsfiHCTira