fcf I feHM'Wm' ablt. " """"''""" """"-"-- llll Pu ifcftttAVtfr&lfi Ate. &&' VU .-- m ' -1 PL I 191 If K 1 The I P. A. home w (0 Wullbrandt, Prop. E (0 m m m m m m m m I carry a coir- etc lino of strictly fresh Groceries, and my prices are such that it will pay you to do your buying in this line of us. Only the first-class brands of canned and package goods carried. All staple Groceries in bulk at Bed-rock Prices. H f i' In a (Jroccry More tnoro than in anything else, ft UluUllllllvJu buyers should demand Absolute CleaulineH.s. tt Vr cannot buy Groceries in n dirty, Ill-kept place nnd bo sure Vr cannot buy GroccricB in a dirty, ill-kept place nnd bo sure o ff ff pure goods Cleanllncsr.and sanitation arc our hoblne. : : : : ' c- - H: &. Hi & &i 21: & 3& SLi : St SL ZL. : & XL ii i j' Lotlftr anil Church Directory Charity Lodge No. .Vl, A. I- and A M. meets at Masonic 1 1 till every 1st -and :id Kriday. K. B. Toe, W. M. A. D. Scllars Secretary. Red Cloud Chapter N'o 11). Koyal Arch Masons meets every Second and Fourth Friday. 1) V. Turntire, H. P. II. A Letson, Secretary Cyrciiu Commandcry No. H.KnightB Templar meets every First Thursday. II. A. Letson, K. C. D. V. Turnure, Recorder. I. o. o. F. Meets every Monday Night. C. II. JIale, N. (5. 0. C. Te-tl. Cleric. REBEKAH Meats First and Third Thursday, In I. 0. 0. P. Hall. Mrs. Lottie Smith, N. G. Carrie FInlsworth, Secretary. JJ IIUXTIIUKNCHUIteil. Corner ot Otlt Avenue ami chestnut Street. 10 n. in .Stititintli School tin. m. I'rcachliiK 7:15 p. in riirlhtlnu Wurku'hllniul ).00 p. 111 l'rcnchlnu All are Invited to attend. .1. K. .1 miiiok. Minister. it.ei: (i:ri.scui'Ai.) ciiuhch lluv. J. Ml Hates, l'swtor. hervleo thu llrst two Hundnj'H In each month. Holy Communion at inoriiliii; hei vices on tlm tlrnt .Sunday. Hnnday rcIiooI nt 12 o'clock every Sunday Mrs. lv.lt. Smith, erlnten .Siiiulei)t. eiiuiiciiurciiitts'i'., In CititisTiAN enuiicii Kvkiiy Loan's Day illhlf school 10 a. in. '.ScriiioitMiml Coiiummlon II a. in. I'hrUtlan Kndeavor 11:30 p. in. I'rc.iehlnu 7::t0 p. in. I'rayiTH and praise, Wednesdays,. 1M p. in. 'Seats tree, (lood iiiunIc. Come, lirlngyour lllliles, friends and tcood cheer. I,. Aa. llusso.Vd, .Minister. 'MOUlt.SorSKltVU.'KAT.M. K. CHUUCIl S.VIUIATII tiKKVICKS. Sunday School 10 A. M. I'rcnchliiK II A. M. Class nieetlliK I'2 M. KVKNINd Kpwprth lenguo 7 I. M. l'reachlin; 8 1'. M. I'raycr nuetliiK Wednesday evening K I'. M Ladles A'ld l'rlday '2 1'. M. Your presenco Is requested and a cordial invitation Is extended to all. m. T. srui i.rn 1'ahtor. 4IOl'!tK OK SKIlVlCi: AT l'l)N(MtK(i. TIONALCIIIMICII. S V llll.VI It SlUlVK KH. Itlblf BdlOOl U) , in, l'rcnclilm! u n. in. l'rc.ichliu; services 8 p. in. l'rnyer ami Conlereaco incctlui; WciIiuk Jay nt 8 . in. A conllal Invltntlon Is cxteiulcil to all. Ukv. A. A. Ciikssman TaBtor. Swift's Premium Mams or Bacons. .sM r -j "a Fresh and Salt Meats of All Kinds Wm. Koon 'Red Cloud, Nebr. JL T-. mJ? n nvFfW a i Hi i - " ; H Vttv" we ry il ill li ill Hi Hi Hi il) Ji il) Hi iff Hi Hi Hi ill Hi Hi Hi verything IN atables Hi DR. E. A. THOMAS DENTIST Dr. T. A. Trumble, D. D. S. ASSISTANT Over Cotting's Drug Store. Th WII-Cared For Plat in the oeinetory is iiiways a source of comfort to the relatives of the .sleepers therein. On the other hand there is always a reeling of neglected duty when one visits an unmarked grave. The Erection of a. Monument will vanish such a feeling It need not Li- expensive to lie artistic and ap propriate. We shall bo pleased to submit a variety of designs which wo will execute at ii decidedly moderate cost. Red Cloud Marble and Granite Works E. McAllstor, Proprietor Shops at IU:d CLoi'ii and Alma, Ni;iiii. Publication e? Summons. IX TUB DISTRICT COl'ItT OK WEUSTI'll COIWI'V XKIIII.VSKA. Irving t'rary h K.tt-uutor ot the I ant Will and Testament of (It'orglftna Warner, deeeaseil, I'lnlntltr., vs Clftri'iieo Warner ami . ... Mrs. Warner, his wife, first full naiiio an known; It. A. Wliltuker, first full mimu unknown ami Mrs. Wliltakur. his wife, llrst name un known; lUunelit' i:-crs, imil .loliu llBKtTh. hur litisliaiul: Wlllliiiu.l. taker, ami Mrs. Itukur. his wife, llrst iiaiiiu unknown: Wltlhuii iiuiiper ami Mr. Ilnpiiar. his w lie, llrst 11:11110 unknown; .leiiule ill. Delia .Miihonej; Annie Wuoilrult; Morris Wurnei; hilla .sheriiinu, now- liowcn; .Itsiiiettet'niuiwull; Olive lloiier; Nellie lloiitr; lleorKliiini linker, now DuWItt; Marjorle K. Iluktr. now routs; wmiain.1. A. linker; Katherlne II. 1:. linker. Defendants, 'I lie nlon mimed duffiidniiu unit en,ei of tliemwlll take notlie that on. septonilirr :w, I'JIO the iiInivii mimed plalntlll Hied his petit ion nnd eoiunieneed nn action in the nhow naniadeoiiri iiKiilust them, the object ami pmjiror which mo to unlet In the plnlutlll nsMiich I Mentor thu full U-mil nnd eciultnhle title to nil the follow lin; deMirlbcd Inml to wlf (hi North WesUJuarterof section twentj one Jii. township two (j.. mime nine cji. in W ebsttrldunty, Nebraska, except lu each ol the defendants It. . Whit- tlLar llt.nu.lwL l 1 .. 'v "hkbih, nun i inreiico warner, nnumllMded one sUtecnth Interest In the norm 1IJU.I., acres thereof; thai said shares he lonurnicii in said parties and that pnrtltlon he made nf.hiild premUes nccordlnijly, nnd th eoMs, Including plnliitllls attornays feu taxid proportlounttly nmlnst said several Interests, nnd for uenernl equitable rellel. on uru required to answer said petition, on llle In tho olllce of the, citrk of sld Courl. on or before Monday. November 1 1, 11)10. Dated .September :W. 1910. Irvlni; W. f'rnry.nsKxeeutorof the last will aud testament of (leorslana Wnrn. er. deceased, I'lnlntlil. Ilyl.. II lllnckUdKt, his ttorney. See The Chief for-up-date Job Work. Iq o..., .-. g fuescSay, Oct . 1 AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M., SHARP The undersigned will sell at Public Auction on the L. A. Haskins' farm, 2 miles south and 2 1-2 west of Red Cloud, the following property: 1&Q Head of Stock WO -DESCRIBED AS F0LL0WS 10 Head of Horses 10 I gray horse wciirht IK)" lbs. l l,a, Ihhm- weight Dm). 1 hind; '.'year old Imt-e colt weight I'JIHl,! black iniiri) initio colt I month', old. '2 gray two-year old horse colts weight 1100 each, 'J mules one year old, I bay mare tvvo-yiats old, weight !(), 1 sorrel mare 11 years old, weight 10."0. 56 Head of Cattle 56 II stock cows, some with calves by side, lo miloh cows, some fresh, some fresh soon, fl steer calves, from 2 to 10 months old, 1 1 heifer calves, from 2 to C mos. old, 1 Shorthorn bull, 2 years old, 1 red bull 18 mus old, 1 Shorthorn ( ow, (! years old, 1 heifer calf (5 months old. Pedigrees furnished last four head. 94 Hogs Consisting of 14 brood sows, 80 shoats weighing from 50 to 150 pounds. Farm Machinery and Household Goods One spring wagon. 2 lumber wagons, one hay rack and wagon, no feed grind er, one Molinc riding lister, one walking lister and drill, one '2-row disc culti vator, one disc harrow, one American manure spreader, '2 riding cultivators, 2 walking cultivators, one 2 section steel harrow, one riding plow, 2 walking plows, one water cart, one Kndgate seeder, one road sura pur, 2 McCormick mowers, a hay rakes, one Daln hay stacker, one Daiu hay sweep, one .'10-gal' on kettle, one sled, one water tank, one set double harness, one set single har ness one sot lly nets, about ul) tons alfalfa hay, also one Field sewing ma chine, 2 ten-gallon milk cans, one DeLaval uream sepaiator. lunch given by the Ladies' Aid of Mt. Hope Church. J' "' cZnornOC, L. P. Johnson. w. a. j, Mrs l. A. Haskins. COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS. Red Cloud, Nebr., Oct. 4th, l!U The Hoard of County Commlssioneis met in regular session. Members , present J. (J. Overman, G. W. Hum-j mcll, L. V. Schmidt, G. Ohmstede and ' T. J. Chaplin, chairman of said board. On motion the followingclaims were audited, allowed and the clerk in-, structed to draw warrants on the Poor j i'arm fund in payment of tho sume. I J. (J. Overman railroad fare, supper and loduiiiK advanco Mrs. Anderson, 52 fin. .John Konechj for .'I mouths WAt-k on Poor Farm, May, June, July, STo.OO. (.'. !'. Peterson, Hastings, Nebr., for male hog S'2.i.0(). In the matter of the public highway west cf the nariows in Walnut Creek, precinct just south of the railroad track, to move said road north of said track aud to continue tho road from where it nowcrosses the railroad track west of Iho narrows In said precinct straight west 011 the north side ot fluid track in Inavale precinct. The Chair man of the County Hoard appointed G. W. Hummell, J. (J. Overman and' L, F. Schmidt as a committee to investi gate the matter of changing said road and report tho advisability of making tho change with location of said road. In tho matter of the road establish ed on tho section lino between Sec. 1, Town 1, Range 11, and Section 0,Town 1, and Range 10, known as the (tilham and Besso road. It was moved and seconded that tho survey of said, as re turned by Geo. II. Overing County Surveyor bo and tho same is hereby accepted aud the Clerk bo nnd Is here by instructed to draw warrants on tho general fund in favor of August Uoats forSlO."i.H8iuid Ueo. V. Llndsey for 5100.(13 in payment of damages sustain ed by the permanent taking and us ing of l.l.'i acres of each of their hind iu the opening of and establishing of said road. Motion carried. In the mutter of the Chas. Drubaker road on the east side of no' , Sec 23-2- 10. It was moved and seconded that tho strip of laud as recorded In raid record "A" Page bo and tho sumo Is horoby accepted as a public high way and tho said Chii. ltrubakor io colvo tho amount of 875.00 in consider ation of all damages that may arlso by virtue of tho permanent taking of said land public highway. Motion carried. On motion the followingclaims were audited and allowed and the clerk In structed to draw warrants on their several funds In full payment of same. Albright Ilros $ l.GO J. A. Tomliuson 112.10 August Uoats 105.88 G. W. Llndsey iOO.G.3 J. (i. Hyan, hauling lumber ld.Oo I A. Good, lumber 258.91 On motion board adjourned to meol Oct. sth, 1010. Uoard mot pursuant to adjournment. Members all present. In the mattor of Kliza Kellogg as sessment on part of tho hwj-f Sec. 33-2-11 containing 5 acres, It was movod and seconded that tho taxes on said abovo.doscribed land be and Is horoby cancolled and the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to strike hiiiiiq, from the tax list for tho year HUM) as It is an erroneous assessment. Motion $, lf carried 0u ,not,otl t,,t-' Hoard executed with James DuIFy owner, and adopted h lease for III years for a strip of grotiud .'.' feet wide for highway purposes on the east, south and west sides of the south half of Section 3.'), Township 2, Range !), us per lease, signed and on Hie with the County Clerk. On motion the County Hoard will sell 1 head of grade and 17 head of Registered thorough-bred Durham cattle aud other articles to numerous to mention at public sale on tho flrd day of November 11)10 at 1:.'U o'clock p. in. fcaul sale to be Held at Wtvinty Poor farm 0 miles northwest of Ked Cloud, 10 miles south and 'j mile east of Itlndun, and 7 miles northeast of Inavale. Terms of sale, all sums of ten dollars and under cash In hand and a credit of 0 months will bo given on all sums over $10 at 8 per cent In terest with approved security, all stock and other articles must bo settled for before taken from the farm. In the matter of the petition of Win. M. Wegmann, R. C. Chevalier and others in regard as to the way in which the public' highways In and around Illaden are being worked. It was moved and seconded the petition be rejected. Motion carried. Ou motion the following claims were reduced as follows: C. E. Vnughan $l3..r.u to 4.50, C. E. Vaughau S53..r0 to 830.rO, School dlst. No. 2, $25,to SlO.OO. On motion the followingclaims were allowed and tho clerk instructed to draw warrants on their respective funds in payment of same. .. . . T . . . .'. J. II. Simpson iV: Son 8 117.40 O. 0. Hedge iW.U C. 1 Moranvllle 0(1 00 II. S Ueed M I). 10.i).'i 10. or. 15.I.-1 to No- V. C. Buschow Mike Dunlin Ou motion board adjourned vember l.ltli, KM0. (Seal) K. W. Unsa County Clerk. CATARRH J' tffcoo iii Hm o S B fc c Z S ?Efc 5 H Iq-S 3 3S& sSbsI c $$ HAY FEVER ELY'S CREAM BALM Appllod Into tha nostrils Is quickly absorbed. QIVC8 RELIEF AT ONCE. It clonnsos, soothes, henl aud protects tho disensed membrane resulting from Catarrh and drives away a Cold lu the Head quickly. Restores tho Souses of TiWto and Smell. It is oney to use. Contains no injurious drugs, No mercury, no cocaluo, no mor. pliino. Tho household remedy. Prico, B0 conts nt Druggists or by mall. ELY BROTHERS, 5G Warren St., New York. The Chief $1.50 HOW MONUMENTS OVERING BROTHERS and CO., THE MONUMENT MEN, j Red Cloud, - - Nebraska, g .W'CT.,ASCCTiCT PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. The following proposed amendment to tho constitution of the State of ' braskn, as lierelnalter set lotth lu full, Is submitted to the electors of the State of Nebraska, to be voted upon at the general election to be hold Tues day, November Sth, A. D. 1910: A JOINT RESOLUTION to amend Section one (1) of Article seven (7) of the Constitution of the State of Ne braska. Be It enacted by the Legislature of the State of Nebraska: Section 1. (Amendment constitu tion proposed.) That section one (1) of article seven (7) of the constitution of the state of Nebraska, the senate concurring, be so amended as to read as follows: Seit'on 1. (Who are electors.) Ev ery male citizen or the United States, of the age of twenty-one years, who shall have been a resident of this state six months next preceding tho election and of the county, precinct, or ward, for the term provided by law shall be nn elector; provided, that persons of foreign birth who shnll have declared their Intention to become citizens con formably to the laws of tho United States nnd are voting at the taking ef fect of this amendment, may continue to exercise tho right of suffrage until such time as they may have resided in tho United States five years, after which they shall take out full citizen ship papers to he entitled to vote nt any succeeding election. Section 2. (Ballots ) That at the general election nineteen hundred nnd ten (1910) there shall bo submitted to tho electors of tho state for their ap proval or rejection the foregoing pro posed amendment to the constitution relating to the right of suffrage. At such election, on tho ballot of each elector voting for or against said pro posed amendment, shall bo written or printed the words: "For proposed amendment to the constitution relating to the right of suffrage," and "Against said' proposed amendment to the con stitution relating to tho right of suf frage." Section 3. (Adoption) If such amendment shall be approved by a majority of all electors voting at such election, said amendment shall consti tute section one (1) of article seven (7) of thp constitution of the State of Nebraska. Apnroved April 1, 1901. I, Geo. C. Jtinkln, Socretary of Stnte, of tho state of Nebraska do hereby cer tify that the foregoing proposed amend ment to tho Constitution of the State of Nebraska Is a truo nnd correct copy of the original enrolled and engrossed bill, as passed by the thirty-first session of tho legislature of tho State of No brapka, as appears from said original bill on file In this office, nnd that said proposed amendment Is submitted to tho qualified voters of tho state of Ne braska for their ndoption or rejection nt tho general election to bo held on Tuesday, tho 8th day of November, A. D.. 1910. In Testimony Whereof, I havo here unto set my hand nnd nlllxed tho great seal of tho Stato of Nebrnska. Done nt Lincoln, this 29th day of July, In tho year of our Lord, Ono Thousand Nino Hundred nnd Ton, nnd of tho Indepen dence of tho United Stntes tho Ono Hundred and Thirty-fifth, and of this State tho Forty-fourth. GEORGE C. JUNK7N, ' (Seal.) Secretary of Stato. 60 YEAKS' EXPERIENCE TflADE Mafiks Oebiqns Copyrights &n. D'Anrone endlne n tketch and detcrlntlnn ray aoTcVlr lucertnlu our opinion froo whether on Communion- Hon, utrlctl! confidential. HANDBOOK on TatoiiU I'itenti taken throuiili Muun Co recetrr tvtcw nolle, frmioui cnarae, 111 111c Scientific American. A liwidiomolr lllmlratM weoklr. l-iirccst rir. dilation of nor irleiitldo Journal. 'I erm. 1.1 a jenrt four nionthi, tt. Sold t nil nowertolcr. IVIlJNN&Co.30U5road New York iinjTjM ARE MADE BY 4 FIRE INSURANCE POLICY Don't Delay Ordering n fire Insurance policy frm us a single day. Fire isn't ging to stay away becau.ie you nre not in sured. In fact, it seems to pick out the muti foolish enough to be without A PIKE INSURANCE POLICY. Have us issue you a policy to-day. Don't hesitate about tho matter. The fire ilond may hnve your house down ou the list for h visit this very night. MARK WHA Tl SAY O. C. TEEL, Reliable Insurance. UNDERTAKING We Carry Funeral Furnishings in Stock and answer calls day or night. Have ar ranged to secure the services of Albright Brothers on Short Notice withoutjExtra Charge to Patrons. G. A. WEILS COWLES, NEBR. FOR SALE I1Y YOST & BUTLER Tho 4-fi Avenue Moat Markot CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND BRAND ' fifli. tADins 1 Art 7.",!r?ut for cni-ciins-THR'a WS A ruusrv ::-"" ." r uiii.iin.H.TLiiit S5P .BXALL DRUGGISTS m rfv. wv r aaaaaal XVaiVv W dim' iL f 'jB f-A 7 SfivKSkk tbibu tvtKYWrlERE Si; r IS- jJjgC $it&M-!0Lu& " ii - . J ,oia&ayJ, ZvJiLAiirkW. i - sitijiUBukmta!,. . iiK,.. 1 . rmkfoVr