t' I f ? I K Or n i The Chief C. D. HALE, Publisher RED CLOUD) - - - NEBRASKA aewtttnKKr.t'.KnKK.p.nt'.n .1 I NEWO AND N0TE3 AND THERE. HERE t PERSONAL AND POLITICAL 1 S JS Other Matter of Interest Con- g ( denned From tha Mora jS Important Telegrams. V Washington. The Washington government will imrtlclpato In an nrbltratlou of tho long RtnndlriK dispute with Mexico ovor tlio Intornatlonnt boundary tit CI 1'nno, Tex., within a year. Looking to tho compliance- with tho president's policy of putting tho exe cutive1 departments and ofllccB of tho Government on a Round basis, with a view to a greater onlc-lcncy nnd Kreater economy. Secretary Unlllnger appointed a commlttco of tbrco de partment omdnlR to study tho question In the Interior department. In August tho export trado of tho United Stnten to every part of the world increased inoro than $12,000. 000, according to a summary complet ed by tho department of commerce nnd labor. In tho eight months of tho calendar year, which ended with August, the vnluo of exports to Europe alono wcro nearly $020,000, 000, and tho Imports for tho same period more than $525,000,000. Seventeen suits, Instituted by tho United States and charging that many thousand conveyances of Indian lands of tho live civilized trlbc3 allotted In severalty to them had been niado in vain of express re Btrlctlous against alienation, were tiled in tho cupremo court of tho United States for review. Tho cases Involve a determination of what Is the present policy of tho government toward tho Indians of these tribes. Foreign, "itussla Is far behind other civilized countries of tho world In tho matter of decreasing tho numbor of death rontences, ncording to statistics given to tho International prison congress at Us session by Dr. Frederick H. "Wines of Philadelphia. Thero Is a possibility that Great Britain will uso its good offices to so euro respect for tho porsons of King Manuel and tho queen mother, Amelia of Portugal, from tho revolutionists, who nro reported to be In control of Llsbou. Thero Is much public sym pathy for King Manuel In England. Professor Dombarda, the anti-clerical, who waB shot by nn army Hen tennnt at Lisbon, Portugal, died. NewB of tho death soon circulated nnd a crowd of anti-clericals as sembled near tho professor's home nnd shouted: "Down with the priests. At Oporto the Intelligence caused a violent collision between tho factions. Tho cholera epidemic has taken a strong hold In Amur province. Russia. twenty-six cases, with twelvo deaths, being reported during tho week. Of these twelvo eases nnd seven deaths wero at tho capital, Plagovlashtchcnsk, Fergana, In Aur kestan, Is also included In the cholera zone and has reported six rnses. On tho whole, however, the situation Is Improving. General. As has been anticipated, tho Bank rf England raised its discount rnto to i per cent. Dr. J. 11. Worst, president of tho North Dakota agricultural college, is to head tho International dry farming congress for tho coming yenr. The total estimate for tho ap propriations necessary for tho naval servico in tho next fiscal year were announced to bo J128.300.000. Ono hundred thousand dollars re ward Is offered for apprehension nnd conviction of tho parties who dyna mited tho Los Angeles Times build ing. The grnnd prlzo race for automo biles will bo held over tho Vnnderbilt cup courso on Long Island, October 15. Tho courso Is to bo thoroughly policed that accidents may bo avoided. Complaint was Hied with tho Inter ctato Commerce 'commission by" tho rnllrond commissioners of South Dak ota against Increaso on freight rates proposed by tho Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul nnd twelvo other railroads operating' in that .state. Thev representative committee of tho united brotherhood of carpenters nnd Joiners of America in biennial convention nt Des Moines reported In favor or a national homo for tuberculosis cases and aged carp enters. Tho convention will decide Upon tho report at the next biennial ponventlon nt Washington. D. C. Aviator Ilrooklns broko tho long dlstnnco flight record by sailing from Chicago to Springfield, II!. Tho work of the port of Naples has bnen suspended, practically, In conso rjuenco of tho cholora epidemic Jn tho poorer quarters of tho city. The total estimates for tho appro priations necessary for tho nnvnl rorvlco In tho next lineal year wero announced to bo $128,300,000. Virginia Hnrned Fothorn, tho vcli known actress filed suit for divorce against Edward II. Sothern, tho prominent nctor, In tho district court nt Reno, Nev Tho Independents of New York will put a full ticket in tho field. John A. Dlx was nominated for gov crnor by tho democrats of New York. Tho president withdrew 4,100 acres of land from the public domain In Montana. China is believed to bo on tho vorgo of an uphcavel similar to that of tho boxers. Necessity of frequent examinations of banks wns made nt tho Los Ange les convention. ltenr Admiral Charles It. Itockor. retired, died In Washington, aged olxty-nlnn years. A republic has been proclaimed at Lisbon, Portugal, and a provisional government established. Tho Independence leaguo of Now York declined to endorse tho nomi nees of tho republicans. Former Congressman Thomas Up degriiff from tho Fourth Iowa district, died at his homo In McGregor, la. Tho German ministry of war an nounced it would glvo J2C.00O as a price for an overland aviation com petition. Klwin, thrce-ycar-old son of C. A. Johnson, republican candldnto for governor of North Dakota, was burned to death. Diplomatic relations between Vene zuela and Colombia which wero re cently sevorcd becauso of a boundary dlsputo havo been restored. Walter Ilrooklns, tho hero ef the Chlcagoto-Sprlnglleld will attempt a Might continuously from Spriugtlcld to St. Louis, a distance of olghty-ilve miles. A $10,000,000 mergor of all the powder companlos In Canada with the exception of tho Giant Powder com pnny, branch factory at Telegraph Hay, has Just been effected. Becauso of tho cholera scaro In Europe, two Incoming trnns-Atlnntic liners tho I-apland from Antwerp und tho Perussla from Naples, wero de tained nt quarantino for Inspection. By an order Issued oy tho postolllce department land grant railroads here ufter will receivo only $15.39 for each 2,000 pounds of mall carried In excess of 48,000 pounds. Tho old rate was $17.10. The commission named by Presi dent Taft to determlno how tho gov ernment may best surpervlsc tho Is suance of railway securities will hold Its first session In Washington No vember 28. Quarters will be opened thero at once and a force of clerks hired. Tho state of Missouri has a popula tion of 3,293,335, according to the en umeration made during the thirteenth census, statistics of which were an nounced by the consuB bureau. This Is nn Increnso of 1SG.570, or 6 por cent over tho population in 1000 of 3.10C.C05. The Los Angeles Times building wns wrecked by dynamite and subse quently destroyed by ilro. Twenty or more lives were lost nnd a great printing plant utterly destroyed. The outrage is attributed to labor troubles, tho Times having for a long tlmo been nn open oince. So far thero Is no cluo to tho guilty parties. Tho Standard Oil company through Its olllclnl publicity representative, J. 1. C. Clarke, has announced that the company has inaugurated a cam paign to Increase tho world's con sumption of refined oil," and Is lower ing prices of keroseue In Europe and tho far east. This action follows that of August last, when tho Standard Oil company reduced rellned oil In bar rels 1 cents a gallon from Oi to 8-"Ji cents at the refinery, and rellned oil In tanks from C4 to 5 cents a gallon. In part tho statement reads: "Tho Standard Oil company has in augurated a campaign to Increaso the world's consumption of refined oil. Tho level of prices for refined oil to day In tho United States Is lower than at nny tlmo during recent years, and as a direct result of these prices tho consumption of refined oil In this country Is increasing. The snme pol icy Is- now being actively pursued abroad." As a tragic sequel to tho death of Edmond Polllt, tho French aviator, his fiancee, who had shown almost uncontrollable grief went to his grave Sunday and fired a bullet Into her heart. Polllot was killed on Sep tember 25 whllo making a flight with a passenger. While at a height of ninety feet a wing collapsed aud tho machlno fell backward. The executive commlttco of tho brotherhood of machinists, through Secretary Robert M. Lnckoy, sent to tho Interstate commcrco commission a protest ngalnst tho recent petition presented to tho commission by of ficials of various organizations of rail road omployes urging that tho pro pospd ndvnnco of freight rates should bo approved. Personal. Hoke Smiths has been elected to serve a second torm as governor of Georgia. Postmaster General Hitchcock , has made a number of promotions in his department. Rufus Blodgott, former United States senator, died at his homo at Long Branch, N. J. Ho was taken sick about six months xjo. Republicans and democrats nro to hold their state nominating conven tions nt Boston. Henry L. Stlmson wns notified of his nomination for governor of New York, and accepted tho place. "If my health continues to Improve I expect to bo a cnndldnto for tho United Stntes sonnto In 1912, other wlso not," said Senator Tillmnn. Thero is a possibility that Great Drltaln will uso Its good oillces to so euro respect for tho persons of King Manuel and the queon mother, Ame lia, of Portugal from tho revolutionists. G T FREMONT FARMER LOST $325 WHILE MILKING. HAPPENINGS OVER THE STATE What Is Going on Hero and There That Is of Interest to the Read ers Throughout Nebraska and Vicinity. Fremont. Checks and money to tho extent of $323 wore taken from the rosldcnco of Joseph Snyder, three miles cast of Fremont by a sneak thief who entered tho place while Mr. and Mrs. Snyder were mllldng the cows. Mr. Snjder had been In Fre mont during the day to sell sonic grain and produce. Ho tbok the money homo In a grip. While ho was milking tho grip disappeared. It Is believed that Bonieono who saw Mr. Snyder put the money In the grip followed blm home and seized the opportunity to stenl It. Of the amount taken only $75 was In cash. A Bold Hold-up. Central City. Quite n daring hold up occurred near Paddock, four miles west of here. John DIzney, son of Deputy Sheriff DIzney, was driving nloug tho Union Pacific tracks at that point, when out of tho darkness two men rose up from tho side of the road, ono nt his horses' heads and ono be side tho buggy. The latter pointing a pistol at him and ordering him to throw up his hands. Tho highway men went through Dlzney's pockets, relieving hint of all of his money, about $13, and then ordered hlin to drlvo on. Dedicate New Church. Chester. Neb. The new Methodist church hero wns dedicated Sunday with appropriate services. Officiating ministers were Bishop Nuelson ofOm nha; Rev. S. J. Henry Stltt, pastor; R. N. Orrlll, district superintendent; A. O. Hlnson of Syracuse, C. B. Lcn feet of University Place, and Dr. W. D. Parr of Indiana. Endeavorers Will Meet. Aurora. The twenty-fourth annual convention of the Christian Endeavor of Nebraska will meet In this city Oc tober 21 to 23. It Is expected that fully 500 delegates and friends from all over the stato will bo here during tho convention. New Postoffico Site. Wahoo. The inspector from tho U. S. treasury examined various sites for the new postofllce building here this week. At the last session of con gress a bill was passed appropriating $10,000 for tho structure. Elevator Burns. Eustis. The C. J. Miles elevator burned at this place with n complete loss. About one car of oats and one of wheat wero in the building. The fire started in tho cnglno room from an unknown cause. Creighton expects to put in a water system in the near future. No now cases of diphtheria havo de veloped at Cortland, nnd thoso who were quarantined will be out shortly. Tho public school savings bank will be established in Lincoln schools after a committee have outlined tho details. Tho Red Willow county fair closed a very successful Bhow last w.oek. It was Bald to be the best In tho history of the county. Tho trunnt officer at Nebraska City has been rounding up a number ot boya who have not been attending school of late. The thlrty-Eeventh nnnual session of the Nebraska synod of tho Presbyter ian church will bo held In Beatrice, October 12 to 18. The board of directors of the Buffa lo county agricultural association have decided to havo a fall agricultural ex hibit In the city hall on November 15, 16, 17 nnd 18. Whllo tho family wero nway from home recently a burglar entered tho residence of Julius Pltz, a farmer liv ing south of Plattsmouth, and rifled the house, securing $30 In money. The $3,000 National Waterloo Cours ing Stake will be run at Sutton, Octo ber 11 to 15. Thero will ho some ex citing rnces hetwoen tho houndB and jacltrabblts. Over 200 dogs are en tered. James Russell, tho oldest veteran of civil war In tho state, was at tho of fice of tho county clerk at Lincoln filing his pension voucher. Russell Is 90 years of age, but Is still in excel lent health. Triplets, two girls and a boy, rang ing lu weight from Jl to C. pounds each, wero born to Mr. nnd Mrs. M. J. Curtlss nt Hastings. Tho heaviest of tho trio Is tho boy. So far as known this Is tho first caso of trip lets being born In Hastings. The Otoo county Sunday school con vention last week closed with a grand parade In which nearly 1,300 workers wero In line. Rov. Robert Lidden has tendered his resignation ns pastor of tho Te cuniFeh Prtsbytcrlan church and will go to Oklahoma. Tho Scottsbluff County fair closed Inst week with an unusually gcod at tendance nnd program. Owing to tho early frostB tho vegetnble display was not up to tho standard, but many good specimens of farm products were ex hibited. A number of Lincoln people have been getting lotters from some one In a Spanish prison trying to dispose of a fortune. All that Is required Is the presence In Spain of tho recipient of tho letter. Further details will then duvelop. Nebraska City. Joy Morton of Chi cago, who has been here looking after his largo real estate holdings and other Interests, wub 'thrown out of his buggy and suffered severo bruises. Ho b conllned to his bed at Arbor Lodge, IiIb homo, but formerly that of his father, J. Sterling Morton. Nebraska City. Gcorgo Maurcr, who lecently fell heir to a largo es tate in Germany, loft with hid wife for that country Monday evening. Ills children remain hero, but tho old pco plo oxpect to mnko their homo ovor there. Ho gave hlu friends a farewell reception nt tho Rathskeller prior to taking his departure. York will havo a hospital. A new electric light plant Is to be Installed at Silver Creek. West Point will hold a farmers' In stitute during January. Tho Cuming county poultry show will be held January 12, 13 nnd 14. A chautuuqun association Ib being organized by Grand Island citizens. Tho bank at Oakdalo was looted by yeggmen one night last week. They nro still at largo. Ono of tho Injured Lob Angeles printers was a Lincoln boy by the name of Hagerty. Tho state W. C. TV U. raised n $1,087 campaign fund nt its closing session at Falrbury lately. Tho Phelps county farmers insti tute is preparing a flno program for Its next meeting at Holdrego. Tho nttendnncc nt tho Peru Normal Is well above tho 500 mark, and new students aro nrrlvlng nlmost dally. Tho bank of Lorton, Otoo county, wns blown open nnd an amount of money estimated nt $2,200 tnken. Rev. J. W. Ferner of Tabor, la., has accepted a call to tho pastorate ol tho Congregational church of Beat rice. Hunters from Dlller report having scon a deer ono day last week, which was tho first seen In that locality for years. ts. -is- ri n. LINCOLN 1 vrtwm An Informal complaint has been filed with the stato railway commis sion by citlens of Beaver City against tho Beavor City Telephone company. Tho chief complaint Is that thero Is no servico after 10 p. m. and that there Is no servico on Sunday. Warden Smith of tho penal insti tute had a good month in tho matter of cash receipts. Ho took In $1, 5C1..01, of which C72.41 was gate re ceipts. Ho turned Into the stato treasury $1,273.65, leaving a balance of $519.64 on hand. Tho addition of a signal detach ment to the cadet battalion will bo a new feature in the military depart ment of the stato univorslty this year. Snvornl years ago tho signal corps was an Important part of tho cadet battalion. It was later disband ed. With tho reorganization of the de partment and tho creation of a cadet icglment tho need of tho "wig-wag-gers" is felt. Though Attorney General Thomp son has been sworn in as solicitor of the treasury department at Washing ton, ho has not yet severed his con nection with tho legal department of tho state. When ho left Mr. Thomp son expected to return to Lincoln some tlmo In October and wind up soma cases In which tho Btato is a party. Ho probably will not resign until nfter election. Tho state hoard of purchase and supplies has been notified of an in creaso In the price of coffee. Tho board has been somewhat wedded to coffee that costs 15 cents a pound. Tho board has been buying 15-cent coffco for use in stato institutions, tho pfllccrs of such Institutions being excopted from tho use of such grade, but now it has been Informed that at loast 4 cents a pound moro will be asked for this coffee by Jobbors. According to a recont report of Sec ictary Royso of tho stato banking board, thoro aro 54,701 stockholders In the soventy building and loan asso ciations in Nebraska. Of this number only 19,025 aro borrowing members. The first mortgage loans mado amount to $19,C43,822.82. There was an In creaso of 453 In the number of loans mado for building purposes nnd an increaso of 506 over last year In tho loanB made for tho purposo of paying off mortgages. Tho survey authorized by tho Lin coln Traction company directors for an intorurban route between Lincoln and Auburn will not bo undertaken for some tlmo yet. It was not desired to start tho Burvcy at a time when surveyors would have to go through fields of growing crops, because of tho damago expense Hint would bo nec essary, and ns tho soason went by it was finally decided to jit off tho sur vey until such a time us llttlo dam ago will bo done by tho surveyors in going through fields. mm. NIT SETTLERS DIE FOUR TOWN8 WIPED OFF MAP BY FOREST FIRES. REGULAR TORNADO OF FIRE The Number of Dead May Reach Over One Hundred Searching Parties Aro at Work In Smoking Rulno. Warroad, Minn. Tho greatest catas trophe that Minnesota has experienced sinco tho Hinckley horror fifteen years ago, occurred Friday and Satur day, when tho whole Minnesota-Man!-toba boundary country wns swept by flrfa and ns dotallB become known, tho disaster assumes nppallng propor tions. Tho number of denths Is esti mated at from 100 to 200 almost en tirely among Bottlers In tho woods nround tho towns of Beaudcttc, Pitt, Roosevelt, and Grnceton, very few of the Bottlers aro known to havo es caped and this estimate may fall con siderably short of the actual number. Scenes of honor are reported from every point. People lost their heads completely nnd ran aimlessly about be wailing their Iobs. Streets of towns wore strewn with personal belongings which were thrown away In their flight. Crowds of able bodied men, mostly workmen, with no families to caro for, ran pell-mell to board tho waiting train at Benudetto to tho exclusion of women and children, and refused pos itively to assist In saving property. An eastbound freight went through a burned culvert near Pitt and blocked the line. The towns of Pitt, Spooncr and Beaudcttc wero burned" Friday night. A hurricane was blowing at the time and within ten minute's after tho ap pearanco of the llro the Inhabitants were forced to flco for their lives, be ing unable to save any of their proper. ty. Fifty Entombed In Mine. Starkvlllo, Col. At least fifty-two men are entombed in the StarkvUlo mine of tho Colorado Fuel and Iron company, while In tho approaches to the mines hundreds of their fellows with oxygen helmets, movable rotary fans and picks nnd shovels, nre striv ing simultaneously to unseal tho liv ing tomb and to draw from It tho pois onous gases with which it is partly filled. Tho men have been Imprisoned nnd tho rescuing parties have tolled slnco Saturday night, when an explosion, probnbly of coal dust, Bhook the earth for a radius of soven mllcB, destroyed the main entrance to the mine and sealed the tollers within it. Cholera Reaches New York. New York. A case of cholera devel oped In the Btcerago of tho Hamburg American liner, Moltko, which has been detained at quarantino ns a pos sible cholera carrier since Monday. Dr. A. II. Doty health olilccr of tho port, reported the case with the ndditlonal informntion that another cholera pa tient from tho Moltko Is under treat ment at Swlnburno Island. This makes three enses of cholera which have ac tually reached this port. The latest victim is Giovanni Falclglla, thirty-six years old, who came from Naples In the steerage of tho Moltke. Los Angeles Victims Burled. Los Angeles. Seventeen of the twenty men who lost their lives in the explosion that wrecked the Times newspaper plant eight days ago, were burled side by side in Hollywood cem etery Sunday. One funeral service was held for all in Temple auditorium, which was packed by 2,500 men and women while a greater crowd, unablo to enter, stood outside. Want the Mayor Ousted. Benttlo. Circulation of tho petition for tho recall of Mayor Hiram C. Gill Is being mado. Tho wording of tho petition is similar to that in the recall of Mnyor A. C. Hnrpcr of Los Angeles. It declares Mayor Gill has ahown him self incompetent and unfit. Calls for Contributions. St. Paul Governor Eborhart, ns president of tho 'State Red Cross soci ety, this afternoon called upon tho citizens of tho stato for contributions of money, provisions nnd clothing for tho Minnesota fire suffcrcrB. Turkey Has a Revolution. PnriB. A newa dispatch from Rome statCB that a message from Ibrahim bay at Constnntlnoplo stntes that n revolution has broken out at Scurtarl and thnt it !b spreading throughout Albania. Has Natural Ice Plant. Deadwood, S. D. Englowood, n small town south of here, boasts a naturnl Ico plant thnt la probably not duplicated anywhere. It Js owned by Harry Shaffer, and is nn old mlno drift 90 feet In length. Vapors arising from tho drift freeze oven in summer nnd keep the tompcratur6 thero al ways about 12 degrees below zero forming natural lco sovernl Inches .thick which Mr. Shaffer uses for do mestic purposes. Shnffer Is of tho opinion that this Bchcmo could be used on a larger scale. s "CAfin You'll bo de lighted with tho re sults of Calumet Baking Powder. No disappoints no flat, heavy, Boggy biscuits. cake, or pastry. Just the lightest, daintiest, most uniformly raised and most deli cious food you ever ate Reserved Mahettreward Werld'a run reed Exposition, vnieif. i aur. FREE 5 Beautiful Post Cards Thoso Are tho Very Latest Postcard Designs To qnleklT lntrodnp our new unit Trpto-dat Una of Unrils, w will for tho next JO daya (end abtolutely free this choice assortment of 5 Ar tljtlo Cards, lncluillne Mlrthday. Chrlttmat, jtnies and I'loircrs.Uett Withes and Good Lark. If ynuantrrerthi ad lmtnedlntelynr.il ami i'o tamp rur poit.ico. in ou lorciy Art rtt cam In beautiful color and exqnlslte goltletnbotatri (letlsna. comnrletlie crrttlest and ninnt at tractive collection ever offered. With each art we Include our peclnl plan for gettlnir a Mc Pot Card Albnm and 40 additional mtrn flno card4 of your own da ctmn I'ltliK. This arte 111 limited ailvertltlnjr offer good only 0 days. Write Immediately. U tho coupon Wlowt AST POST CARO CtUB.801 Jaekun St.T(ttki,Kaa. Cnrlmtil find Vo tump. l'U.u icml mt th cosupltte Ml el flu Unit ilyle pott cudi ei ducilled. Ity Name... A1i1ri.... LIVE STOCK AND CI COTDATVDEC MISCtLLANEOUS CLClf I till I frCO In Ktrnt variety for anient tho lowest pr sea by WK1TTU1 KEWal'irCK lillOX, IllW.AilMM SL, rklne )wiHMHHiMaaam Nebraska Directory ir YOU WANT THE BEST BUT A 'MARSEILLES GRAIN ELEVATOR AB TOUK LOCAL SEALEK OB John Doere Plow Company, Omaha RIIPTIIRF CURED in a few days HUriUnu without pain or aeur rical peratioo. No pay twtll cured. Scad fox literature. Dr.Wray,307 Boo Bldg.,Omaha, Neb. - Oysters, Celery, Poultry. Cream Wanted. DftVID COLE COMPANY. Omaha. Nat), HERBERT E. GOOCH CO. BROKERS AND DEALERS OKAIN AND BTOCUS MAIN OFFICEi Fraternity DoUdlng Lincoln. Nebruka Bell Phone 812 Auto Thono 1669 Larcrst House In the West Beatrict Creamery Co, Py the nlftheat price for CREAM NEBRASKA HINGE DOOR SILO COMPANY 60 Saved on Feed Corn, alfalfa or clover. Send for our catalog with silo statistics from all the SUteExperlment Stations, NEBRASKA HINGE D00H SILO COMPANY Lincoln Nebraska (Col. P.U. WOODS, I'fMldenL) ill & m His i Is Vf-7 T "jj Ha AJJ &i m r iiwMWHMain -fTJJP1! .awr.iilin i ,. Li.iuiimLii.il iinaiL r53CE,.J?KSSr: iy Nt tmmmiffmm '.' I ILI'H..' ! ""vm