The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 13, 1910, Image 5

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Fieri Tempi o is in town tliis week.
Chits. lo. vv.ts in Hastings Tuesday.
District Court l.v in sehn this
Neil Grimes in in ltlue Hill this
week. t s '
Mrs. Polnloky bits returned from
Mrs.Sunsom !ms returned borne from
Krnest Starke lias returned from
Mr. nud Mr. Corbett have kudu to
Arthcr, 111. ;' i"-
Chas. Starr was over-from Lebanon, '
Kas., Friday.
Miss Ethel WhitnUer went to Heat
rico Monday.
Mrs, Fred Wallace has returned
from Deliver
Alva Sellarsh'a6 bought r new White
Steamer auto.
Jake Klllnger has bought a new K.
M. F. automobile
A. T. Walker and wife went to
Campbell Tuesday.
It. E Ashelmau and wife have gone
to Illinois for a visit.
See Dr. Stockman for eye glasses
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Mr. Clark of Oklahoma is visiting at
tho homo of .!. C. .Myers.
SI, 812. en and 511 will buy a good
Single Harness at Fooi:i.s.
Frank Ablo and Frank Kllinger
were in Campbell Sunday.
Miss Vera Wilson returned from
Chicago the last of the week.
Mrs. rJrway of Denver Colo., is
visiting .Mrs. Prurience Mooiv.
Miss Lottie Kinerton returned Satur
day from Arkansas City. Kims.
Dr. Andrews of lloldrcgo is attend
ing district court here this week.
Will Wolfe and wile left Monday
for u trip thru the eastern states.
Calicoes American Prints Five
cents per yard. Mi.i:it linos, and Co.
Harry Schwann of Pittsburg, Pa., is
visiting at the home of his uncle Chas.
Geo. Lindsey returned from Cripple
Creek Saturday morning.
Lewis Peislger and Frank Uuschow
of Blue Hill were in Red Cloud Tues
day. t(Mr, Hussong vyill preach a Vibe Gait'
Held 6cuQ,oJ,,JJoui8e next. .Sunday aCtf
fy Pitt "" .nif LuuiiJi in' 1 i'3''4 i"M '"
r A. good m-ay-VetrttenJlIng'theHair-'
vest Horn Festival at 'Hfcifcs"tni
wecH;--J '!, -"'i
Mrs. Cbas. PottSr'drew the1 cut glass
water1 set at the Lyric Tuesday
in Important L
lJ properties of JJ
L L . -. ML. .- - iv r I
x?v xnu vjrupc; cue in
transmitted M
ff Abmoiulify . l
H to the food, l
W The food is H
I thereby Kl
H made more d!
w tasty and
jl digestible l
l (1
attMliflvL itVl UHr' : Lfs'f I
aSHHftrJ U TjanWL
J Our Newest Watch
H You have probably no-
ticccl by all the magazines
J (Hal there i$ h hew; watfh out.
Si ' Every new ihing in the
5 jewelry line r-if it's good
S you find' first in this
g store.
I We hAV rMminnl ln new
-Jewel W ten
and find it a ttrictly well,
made,-accurately tundulg
watch, highly recommended
(or all who need a good popular-priced
time-piece. $5,
$7 and $9 according to cases.
filer c than Ihtmontytvtboughlltfotc
E. H. Newhouse, Prop.
Jewelers l'i Optometrists
W. S. Mnrlnn mi attorney for the 11.
A; M., is attending riistiiet court here
this week.
The Chief ollk'e take-, subscriptions
and renewals for the Twentieth Cen
tury Farmer.
Iieorgo Amuck and (iravenor Stanser
went to Hastings Wednesday via Mr.
A mack's auto.
All the great artists sing for the
victor and Kdison. Hear them at
Newhouse Urns.
Misses Clara and Kerthn McMillan
and Mrs. George Harioll were In Hast
ings Wednesday.
Lloyd and (Juy Uradbrook spent
Sunday nt home with their mother
Mrs. Finkeubinder.
Gilmer Thomas, County Attorney of
Harlarj County Is attending' district
cgurtjire t,h,is.week. (..., yafre 'correct. Mlttfhell 'the
Jop'eler'h'as atsplmdid Hiie W detach
ableJuiiidki'tmitfrellas'. i-" '
U. MifttctiJfathVr dfD. H. 'itlch'.
.WhtthadbenSfiltlngr)hm''l,6r a few
uajio nan icluiuwi ituuio.
Dr. Creipjitou and vviferandMrs.
Miner and daughter Miss Irene arrived
home Wednesday evening
Remember that overy thing is cheap
er and better in the Harness line at
Fookl's than any other place.
Charles Meeker and .lames Uurk of
IniperialyNebr., are lu the city this
week attending district court.
Mr. anil Mrs. Carl Ferguson and his
mother, of Orleans, spent Sunday in
this city with I,. II. Fort and wife.
Chus. Heliult. ami wife went to
liloiiuiington Sal ui day to visit Mr. and
.Mrs. Low White, returning Tuesday.
The usii:il preaching services will be
heltl at tlie Christ inn church next
Lorri'ri day, both morning and even
ing. David F. Kuriri has received the (list
installment of his special pension of
6JI.00 per month. Fivri Maurei
his attorney.
Mrs. F,ekley and two children of
Springfield, Mo., are in the city visit
ing her sisters, Mrs. Kd. A mack and
Miss Ruth Cough.
Foil Sai.k A (I Horse Power Whitty
Gasoline Engine, Dynamo and Switch
Hoard completed. Good as new.
Iuqulre of Asm Haht.
Nnney J. Turner, widow of Uichard
A. Turner has been granted u widows
pension of 812.00 per month. Fred
Mauror was her attorney.
Use a Hull Detachable HaudleXJin
brella. Children sizes 81.0 and up.
Ladles or gents sizes special 1 1.25 and
up. Qet them ef Newhuse.
Her. J. M. Bates will take the serv
ices at St. Mark's, Hastings, to help
out the rector, who is atteuding the
goneral convention at Cincinnati.
Tickets Tor tho Lecture Course will
be reserved at Cook's drug store be
ginning Saturday, Oct. 15th, at U u. in.
The first number will be a lecture by
Dr. Edwin La.ihatn Oct. '20th.
The ladies of the Christian uhureh
will hold their market of "home cook
ing" In Arnault's furnlturo store on
Saturday, October 1.1. They will try
to please a host of uu&tomors.
Al. Warria with hlh company played
the "Widow Perkins" at the opera
house Saturday evening to a full house
which was highly spoken of by nil
present. The specialties were line.
The Hud Cloud Hardware & Imp. Co.,
are making extremely low prices on
Woven Wire fencing. Call early and
cet the beueflt. Don't delay, for the
prices fixed will move the stock in a
few days.
Miss Viola Strayvr and Mr. Otis
Legt'tt were quietly married Satur
day evening at the home1 of the bride's
parent. The young couple are woll
and favorably known in this city and
the Chief extends congratulations
The Hod Cloud High School foot
ball team will go to Smith Center, Kas.,
Friday to play foot ball with the High
SchooHeain o.f that place. Our boys
will iio doubt have the champion fooi
ball team of the Republican valley
this year.
Last Frhjay the Lebanon Business
Collego'foot ball team came over and
played' the Keri cloud High School
foot ball team. Hed Cloud won the
game by a bcorc of fi to 0. It was a
good game and tho homo boys had to
woilt for till they got.
1 wish to announce to tho general
public that 1 will be located lu Hed
Cloud and ready for work lu a week
or ten days, and will be pleased to
meet alt old friends and patients, also
any now ones who may desire my pro
fessional services. Dr. Nellie E
Maurer, Dentist.
The Nelson Wild West Show, which
exhibited here Monday, ottered a prize
of ?" to anyone who would ride their
outlaw horso Crazy Snake, which had
thrown fifty-four out of fifty-eight
riders who had attempted tho feat.
Lafo l.ewniau, who is with the Carver
show, accepted tho challenge and won
the prize easily.
lust as much cafi, in fact a little
more, should be exercised in buying
electric sad irons, as in buying any
thing else. Some irons uso more elec
tricity than others in doing the same
work. Get your electric irons of
MoitiiAisr Huns., they carry the anther
izeri iron. He carcfull of "just us
good" electric irons.
The man who ran the wheel or for-
I tune table. on our streets permitted
little boys to play tho game and when
one of them drew a razor tho man in
formed him that he could have tiie
razor or fifty cents in cash. Tho boy
took the cash and played tho wheel
again for that amount. When the
city permits strangers to ply their
trariu on the street it should also pro
vide police protection.
Tickets for the Lecture will bo re
served ut Cook's Drug store beginning
Saturday morning Oct. 15th at nine
o'clock. The course consists of two
lectures and three musicals. The
first number will bo u lecture by Dr.
Edwin W. Lauham Oct. 20th. The
season tickets can be secured from Dr.
Doles,, ,E. 15. CaldweU;or nt.,Cpok!e
Drinj: Btdrii for SLG0 tfor adult a and
9.1.J0 for all, 60,hpoJ children,.. WJ
-On Saturday; Oct. 1, we will 'put on
sale our entire Stock o'f BuggleV and
Carriages at 0 per ccUt above' cost.'
This, means a chance at any vehicle In
our ware house; nothing will be reserv
ed. Our reasons for making these
unheard of prices is on account of n
misunderstanding with our wholesale
house whereby two cars were shipped,
when only one was ordered.
Tin: Rr.n Ci.ovn How. .tl.Mi'L. Co.
The following program will bo given
by tho Music Study Club, at the home
of Mrs. K. S. (itirber Thursday even
ing, Oct. ().
Current Events . . .Miss .losie lgoii.
Vocal Trio-Mis- Etta Coon. '.Miss
Alice Ciioinbs, Mrs. K. S limber.
Uiogrnphy -Miss Elsie Arnold.
Instiumental Duett Mrs. Ethel Whit
taker, Mrs. ('. .1. Rope. '
Accompanied Heading Mrs. Di. Cun
ningham, Mrs. Stewart Albright
T. A. Triiiiible. who has been so
oilhiioutly assisting Dr. Thomas in the
dental parlors, tool; the Lincoln train
today to look for his bride to be. Tho
doctor has been making regular pil
grimages to the capital city, ostensi
bly to perfect himself in his chosen
profession, but now the truth has
escaped and we know that he is going
on this trip to be married. Tho Chief
will be pleased to welcome Dr. and
Mrs. Tritmble as permanent rosidents
of this city.
monogrrn made
v'.iile .oa-vait.
J. C Mitchell
The Jeweler.
! '
Moon Block, Red Cloud
In Rfverlon every Monday
Herb Ludlow, proprietor of the Puri
tan Cafe, formerly owned by Andy
Hart, is now prepared to furnish you
anything you want from a fancy pott
e'rhouso to u choice oyster fry. Ills
short order department Is equipped
with the best of everything and Is pre
sided over with an expert cook Call
and give us a trial. Everything cook
ed in the up-to-date style. Ladies and
gentlemen are cordially iuvitid to our
place. We also flervo regular meals.
Call and give us a trial us we are sure
to pleaso you.
The stock holders of the Farmer's
Independent Telephone company held
their annual meeting in the court
house last Saturday. President Ueck
with and secretary Hanson retired.
The following wero elected on the
board of directors;.!. II. Klllnger
nnri Clark Stevens for the. two year
term and Frank Wittwer, Don Saund
ers and O. K. Kinney for the one year
term. A resolution was passed requir
ing the secretary and treasurer to fur
nlsli bonds in the sum of Si.'.OuO the
expense of which is to be paid by the
Tlie attention of all Christian E11
deavorcrs is called to the coining Con
vention of the Nebraska C. E. t'liion,
at Aurora, October 'Jl-'J.'!, during which
Aurora will entertain more than T.'iO
delegates from societies all liver the
state. The Convention program pre
sents many notable features, among
which are addresses by many speakers
of national reputation, including
Francis E. ClarK D. 1) . President of
the World's C. E Fnion; a school of C.
E. methods, under Field Secretary
Karl Lehmaun; chorus music, led by
.1. Herbert MaeConnell; 11 great Junior
Hull) ami a Citizenship Mass Meeting.
addressed by some of the most imuul
ncnt moil in the state
The way to build up a community
is for every person in it, who can, to
put some money Into Industries that
give the people employment, and push
the Industries to success. Industries
that last all the year round are the
boBt; but those that last part of the
year are better than none. The most
valuable power on earth is human
power, and when it is not employed it
is not only lost bnt it also consumes
part of what other earn. Work creates
wealth? work"set moiiev" in' motion?
wortn tbj ' debt6T((worW"lf thcMtalj
power-'lu VtovWirM.- Hiid that' fcW v'.'
than commtlnfty ''aba , thai' "Aatfoji'
wllose" tetyVe"ar!' Vcile,' are p'63r, "and,
poDrm porporutm lo 'Uie'toUmuor tnat
work and the Hvrcre they work'.' 'Heav
en's greatest eart'hly blessing to any
people is to give them' honest, re
munerative work.
St. Elmo.
In all its splendor and replete with
a cast of players of exceptional merit,
Mr. Luc Moses takes pleasure in offer
ing a sumptuous production of tho
famous story ''St. Elmo," 11 drama lu
live acts, at the opera house, Friday
night, October 1 1, with all the elo
incuts of popularity so interwoven as
not to inteileie with the plot, "St.
Elmo" stands alone in the annals of
theatrical production-. The novel is
familiar to millions of leaders and
thuieforu meet.s all the requirements
necessary to impress one in a most
favorable manner with what is con
tained in the erntnatization. See "St.
Elmo" Friday night. October II.
Prices, 50 and '2,') cents.
The Rushton Land Case
Tho case of Rushton vs. Iturlce .V
Campbell and Carpenter occupiod tlie
llrst two days of the term. This case
has been on the docket since January,
1007. . It has been tried three times.
The first time Judgo Adams, without
the aid of a jury, decided the case In
favor of plaintiff. An appeal wus
taken to the auprsmc court, which re
versed Judgo Adams' decision on tech
nical grounds.
The cause was again triad before a
jury which disagreed.
' At thin term the jury gave the plain
tiff a verdict for I1.4M) and interost
from January, 1007.
The facta in the cawc are substan
tially. aH follows: In the fall of l!K)U
Joshua Buihton accompanied Allen
H. Carpenter to Imperial, Chase coun
ty, whore ho niado a contract for the
purchase of quarter section of hind,
paying Sl.-t.lO down and agreeing to
pay W,2T)0ou the UOth day of January.
1907. when he was to receive a deed.
Becoming convinced that ho had
been misused, he employed Attorney'
Bernard McXeny. who went to Im-
pcrial and rescinded the contract, and
domanded tho return of tho $1.150 '
Without going into particulars, it is
suUlcient to.say that tho. general sen
timent approves the verdict endoredl
lu tlie case, which returns Ktisltfon
money to him.
Widow's Pension;
The rfiyent act of AjjrUjIOth. lOOjJ,
rlvftslo alruoliiierir widows n pension
' bf82ner month. nirrd Maurer. the,,t5
atthrnS v life iflVetessar'ftBri-s: -
VOtTLL find that it's poor policy
to shop around in buying clothes;
to go where you see the lowest price
quoted. Price doesn't mean much in
clothes unless you know what the
quality of the goods is.
If you govern your buying by the price you
pay, without reference to what you get for it,
you'll find some mighty cheap clothes for sale;
their cheapness is likely to be more in quality
than in price. But you'll find plenty of good
clothes, tqp;
Hart SchafTner & Marx
dont make any other kind. All their fabrics
are all-wool; the tailoring is the best possible;
the styles are correct to the smallest detail; and
we guarantee satisfaction. One trouble with
poor clothes is they're always unsatisfactory,
even when you buy them.
Our clothes satisfy; they're profitable
to you and to us. Suits $20 to $50.
I . (
TaC ?
, a it i "J 1 IIj' "V ip
This store h the hom'ebf
i '. - i .r
Ladie Assistant in our Undertaking
Ed. Amackp Prop.
I 1
i ' iY i i '" " '"
.: is-.'. vYii "' .
of it in
i .
-) 5. T-zrr
' 31185,
u t tfKiCtBi::C:.
) "
i .'
jVjJfanf. x in i jptjy $!
1 !"
HirtSchaflfner & Marx cUthes-.
C, "V
is ften more effective tWn the mtsl
elaborate pot. You can see Bratf
the sample photos to be seen
at this studio.
We Take the Photos
as you want them, however. You
select the attitude you prefer. We
vill do our best to make it the best
photograph you have ever had taken.
v t