The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 13, 1910, Image 4

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    I 5J6 .iWM
Red Cloud - - Nebraska
Entered In tho I'oitomco nil Hod Cloud, Neb,,
m Second CUmMHcc
0 . HALE
Democratic State
and County Ticket
For U. S. Senntor
Gilbert M. Hitchcock
For Governor James C. Dahltnan
For Lieutenant Governor. .R. A. Chirk
Fot Secretary of State C. W. Pool
For Auditor
ljfcttiTreasurer (Jcorgc F. Hull
.FA&titnte Stiporlntendoiit
&jff ,,',?4 W. R. Jnckfion
2jrv'Attorucy General.. C. II. Whitney
$pZ Commissioner . . . . Win. II. Easthnm
JTor Railroad Commissioner
V&v..- Ilen " IIylcn
3ldoiforss, Fifth District
-:&'. .!... .'?. U. D. Sutherland
.iFor Senator Arsinc L. Heuroux
For Representative. . . . George Llndsey
Por Float Representative
, .1:. ..., Wm. L. Wcesner
' For County Attorney. .Fred E. Maurer
1 - Announcement!
lIrtvinfrbu.Pi! nominated by the Demo
cratic and People' Independent part
ies for tho olllco of County Attorney
of Webster County, I take this ineth
(1 of announcing mj candidacy and
would most respectfully solicit your
consideration at the coming election.
If elected I shall to tho best of my
ability fairly and impartially preform
tho duties of Couutv Attornoy, laying
aside all political considerations and
having in mind only thou"bst Interests
of all the people of Webster County,
regardless of party atllliatious.
During my campaign I shall not allow
myself to become obligated by any
political entanglements and if elected
shall enter uponthodutlesof the olllce
free from restraint or inlluenco of any
person or set of persons nud hampered
by noantl-oloction strings or promises.
If elected my sole aim shall bo to pro
tect and promote the best interests
of all the people 'of Webster Couuty.
Frkd Maurir. Red Cloud Nwir
J. : i a h
Lfoa isay inatyau nvo no inxerfsi
in$litlcikou?indVtKc. & V
The city rccords4li!bCvJijrftWcqpl
bili-tor the power, julpUiut JUlyi wka.
$707.10 and for Sept. S112.30. Superin
tendent Rich is buying coal for 9.1.85
per ton while the July c6ul cost iTJOO
per ton This is stopping a pretty
good sized leak.
The only men of worth 16 n town or
community are those who forgot their
own selfish cuds long enough and are
liberal enough In their ideas to en
courage every publie and private en
terprise, who are ready with brain anil
purse to piiih every project calculated
to build up the town mid enhance its
importance. The cuterpiWe and push
of a town or community Is the tound.i
tlon of its permanent success. A town
may as well prcpuio for its funeral as
to become indltVerent to the eniei prise
in its midst. Men who come to a towi.
to make it their futuio home, who enn
ee far enough before tin m to see that
money plated judiciously in a public
enterprise of their own town will be a
hundredfold in the nnpreciiuiou ol
property, ale to bo pitied.
No Alum
1 No Lime Phosphate'
MI am
positive that tba
uo of alum bakin
powder should
-Prof. Vouthan, Vnixvrsiiy of Michigan.
In buying baking powder
examine the label and take
only a brand shown to be
made with Cream ol Tartar.
A pure, wholesome, reliable Grape
Cream of Tartar Baking Powder.
Improves the flavor and adds to
the healthfulness of the food.
About election .timo is tlio best seas
'on for tlio sowing of malicious stories
' T II. would probably say Lies. These
biorics uru in uu u.ipccieu in iukuiih
Intervals but the pity of it is most of
us believe the lies urn! never make any
elfort to verify them. If sonic one
would tell us that, the Moon block had
been taken to Innvale two would un-
doubtedly go to bee for ourselves but
when some one tolls us that one of
our most rcspectctj citizens linn-1 been
convicted of crime wo never take the
trouble of looking up the records to
satisfy oursolVes but vfe' swallov the
Whole story and vote" for the Other
fellow. Stories will be told some true
and some false butf It,! ,Jlio tltjty of
auy intelligent voter to Investigate
and satisfy himself as to the truth or
falsehood. While wo arorit It wlif not
treat the reports of, meanness in our
neighbors in the same manner.
Some whj or another the report has
been circulated that Mr. Fred Maurer
candidate for county attorney has
little if any practice before tho courts
of this county. For the benefit of our
readers who wish to know the truth
we have taken the pains to obtain
copies of the sworu statement of our
courts in regard to the matter. These
statements are not guesses or oil" hand
statements but are the actual findings
of our courts. Hero they ale:
In Tin: Cointv Count ok Wi:iisteii
County, Nkiiiiaska. I1i:koiii:
1 hereby eertity that Fred Maurer,
of Red Cloud, Nebraska, during the
twelve months last past has been at
torney, representing the estate in
Thirteen (1!1) estate cases pending in
my court during said puilod and 1
further certify that tho said Fred
Maurer has also been attorney in
Nlneteuii (I'.i) civil cases pending in my
court during said period of time.
Given under my hand and seal this
tlotli. day of Sept. I'.UU.
I. W. Eim)x,
(Seal) County , lodge.
In Ditiuiert'iiriiT or Vi:ii.sti.i: County
I, hereby certify that Fred Maurer,
attorney of Rod Cloud, Nebraska, has
been attorney of record in Fourteen
(11) cases ponding iu the District Court
of Webster Couuty, Nebraska during
a period of twelve months last past, as
shown by the records of my ollice.
Witness my hand and ofllclal soul
this 20th. day of Sept. 11)10.
Geo. W. Hutchison, f
fou Rkd Cloud Citv, Wkiibtkr County,
f I iiereby cejtjrytbit a search of my
docket shows that Fred Maurer, at
torney of Red Cloud, Nebraska, ap
peared of record in Forty-one (41) cases
pending in Justice Court within the
twelve months last past
Witness my hand and seal this 20th.
day of Sept. 11)10. "
J as. A. lkui)i:N,
Justice of the Peace.
Mr. Maurer Is perfectly able to con
duct the eases intrusted to his care
but if a case is of such magnitude that
it demands tlio assistance of an older
and mote experienced luwjcr he does
not hesitate to employ him. The
refolds of the courts show n above are
siilllcioiil to .sliow that Mr. Maurer en
joys a lucrative practice and lias the
coiitlduucu of his clients.
When one finds he is out of sym
pathy with ids town, and can only Miy
a good word for it coupled with an
apology, lie ought to get out. Many
people full into a sort of unconscious
habit of growling. Rut it's a
b condemned."
Qlerk of tke;Dist. Courfc
(JiyKirjciAdk INA
Beautiful, Stylish Cdstume at
Reasonable Cost ;
Copyrighted 191&br
The if. llUck Co.
able habit. Such people make of
themselves a di-ad weight, while, of
course, they imagine themselves par
ticularly independent. The individu
al has about all he can do to get along
under his own loads, and ha wants
help and encouragement from those
going his way, and who arc identified
with bim in interest. So with,, .the
town, It has its interests to caro, for,
;and it needs al the pluck, alljlthe
;en,ergy, all the.oo-operatbpn and. Ufclp,
.fulness its citizens.. can providerd J
fit his t.9.vri,l The,towptembrace8.8ltbe,
fortunes, and in somq Measures,, l
least takes on the qkaracter of .tho
man'. So loyalty t9 pne'(s town .is, no
more than loyalty to oue's self: and
this loyalty Is In the line of all well
Bhaped human nature. Therefore It
Is right to say that who does
not stand up for his town Is in some
way dwarfed. There Is something
wrong about him. His fellows will
pais tills judgement upon him, and
tlio chances are that while lie may add
to the discomfort of othcis ho will not
escape making himself unhappy.
The Columbus Telegram, one of the
leading democratic weekly newspaprs
of this state, has asNeo ongressnmn
Hitchcock to withdraw from the seua
toiial racebecauso the Telegram lias
just discovered sotiiethlugawfiil about
Uio. Hitchcock but which cannot bo
revealed on account of its being u
whisper seciet. For shame! if the
Telegram lias any facts as to the mis
conduct of Mr Hitchcock let it be
published if these facts are of such a
nature that "iionelf respecting citizen
of Nebraska would vote for the aforo
said Hitchcock If he know those facts."
The Telegram says that It cannot tell
those terrible secrets because it pro
mised not to roveal them. Stage
whispers, campaign thunder, social
tea gossip. Does Hro. Howard expect
us to crtdit his statements upon his
assurance that lie has suddenly found
out that Mr. Hitchcock Is a terribly
bad man but lie won't- tell why? "If
you knew what I know" is a pretty
weak defense for a politician as old at
the game as Bro. Howard.
These sighs and innuedOB which aro
apparently for the purpose of intimid
ation are unworthy of the conduct .f
auy respectable newspaper and wo aro
surprised that Bro. Howard should so
far forget himself as to stoop to such
methods. If the Telegram has such
facts tho people will bo pleased to
have them but simply saying that ho
has something P his sleeve but can
not lot it bo known is too much like
a lady intimating that she has some
letters that would not look well in
print. In tho opinion of this editor
it would bo far bettor to either keop
still or elso produce tho proof.
Successor to Dv J. S. EMKJH
At the old stand overt He
State Bank.' ' ,Phone!3f.
or Koat and begin me
We have every opportunity. ; t;& study and ex
amine the productions of all the leading makers
of women's clothing. :
Our experience has proved that the greatest
dependence can be placed on Wooltex Gar
ments. No other make that we have known of pos
sesses such authentic and exclusive style features
and Wooltex is the only line of women's cloth
ing which has always guaranteed to the wearer
two full seasons' satisfactory service.
When quality is considered, you will appreci
ate how modest Wooltex prices really are.
The Miner Bros. Go.,
The Store that Sells Wooltex
On Tuesday October 11th Fred
Clatto and Miss Louisa A. Chatterton
of Oak Creek precinct drove down to
tho County Seat und were married by
Judge Edson. Mr. Clatto is well ac
quainted over the county, and know
ing that a large number of bis friends
were going to Hastings, be concluded
to drive this way and have a quiet
wedding at the County Seat, but oil ar
rival found District Court in 'session
und twenty-nien clamoring for 'cigars
the instant b,e emerged from the
Judge's office, ,He in an all, around'
gqpd fellow, sober as a judge, a num
ber one farmer .possessed of.a good
farm, and WQrthy of the excellent
young woman who has joined bim for
li,fe. The Chief oit'ers Congratulations
both to the happy twain ami the
Township where they will reside.
Disbursements tf This City
The following is tlio disbursements
of t lie Citv of Red Cloud from May 1.
11)10 to Oct 5. 1010 as taken from the
City Clerk'.s records.
Repairs Water .V Light plant S '2S'2.0i
Hxpeuse - " " l-'ill.-'il
Extension" ' .V.).(i"
Streets and Alleys '2'MSt',
Law and Order li)2..r)0
Mis'cl Items 'J0.-.h9
8710!). IT
The above disbursements were al
lowed iiiioii tlio following funds.
General Fund 8 125.70
Electric Light Casli Fund 2.1 MS)
" " Levy " 1020.")
Water Cash Fund ' rmXy
' Levy ' 2G0.G8
Occupation " 1I104.10
The disbursements covering the
same period for the year WOO was as
General Fund $ 105.00
Electric Light Cash Fund 2700.98
Levy " .... SitU7
und'- 'MoP.OPl
Water Cash Fund
" Levy
Occupation ., .385170,
Fireman's - ' ' "''
The Llucoln S,ti4jr'tyJ'&l "Ub
nounbed a tlfty cent rite (or, Its- d
did ly
from now until Jamiury' 1, 1911, or
ill Y-'A '- , mil
j j - -
seventy-Hve cents iuclullng Sunday.
If you want to know the real truth
about all that's going on in the politic
al mix-up this fall in Nebraska, get
this paper that is froe from all sorts
of strings Is not running for ofllce,
holds no olllce and doesn't want any.
The Lincoln Dally State Journal is
the stato paper that Is walking right
to the front these days on account of
its clean-cut. fourlcss stand on public
questions. 0 matter what your bo
liofsvyou do not want your news tam
pered with)-. News colored for soltlsh
ends'should be unbearable. The paper stopped iwheu your time is up.
Nisvbr pa(86&feM rfnoney
but send
to tlio publishers. direfA Llndoln
Geo. W. Lindsey, Democratic Candidate for
Representative of Webster County, Nebr.
The object of this card is two-fold: First of all to thank yon sincerely,
for your royal support in nominating me a compliment which any man may
well be proud of.
Second. It is tny'way of Introducing myself into the noliticnl Arnna
Let's shake" now that" We re acquainted let's get to biz.- I anva Candidate
for RcprtBentativttfor Webater'Coonty the beatiCotiDty- in the"Sta'teY 'It is
YOUR HOME, it isMX HOME. sJOoV first and great object should be to make'
.laws that shall IlUILHlUf Had PllOtJMJjjH, fifaMevHQMSSi,flf WbU.r
Conntv! To thin "f-nmnmn r?.,-' In. .. . iu "' ... .. -. . - ....
., r -...r..T,.w ,v "v ?n ttftft n wptv oi.vFys wior; '
, Thanking.ypu fqr,wbj.Sveryqu,lria'y be able to do for me, and pledging
you, if elected, jayt verj,beSt.effort8 ip.r all of Vebster County. , .
In this age of political Chicanery e'very voter has a right to know what
his Representative stahdsTor. He should ilpeinrn i,trCnif nnani.. o.i i...
.the square, ' and when elected, should
' f?n.... n .
wuoiuiut;ut urai, piucy sceonu; principles Hrst, party second; men flrst
and party second. This is MY political creed.
Business principles should be inculcated Into politics to the end that all
needless expense may be saved.
ltionnlal elections is what tho tax payers want, it would save thousands
of dollars. '
The present Primary Law is a needless double-tax upon the taxpayers,
and should bo repealed.
The Agriculture Interest of our County demands better road.-,. A law
should be enacted providing for smaller road districts in the counties, with
local self-government. All moneys lor roads and bridges should be equitably
apportioned and distributed among the several counties.
I stand for County Option, and llrmly believe that Oood tioveniineiit
and Public Moials will bo best served iu that way.
Respectfully submitted.
- n !Ko.V. MXIISBY.
Ri: Ci.ucn. Xi.iut . Scpt.'JOth.. lino.
Don't Be Bald
Nearly Anyone May Secure a Splendid
Growth of Hair
Wc have a remedy that has a record
of growing hair and curing baldness
in Oil out of every 100 cases whore used
according to directions for a reason
able length of time. That may seem
like a strong statement it is, and we
moan it to be, and no ono shall doubt
It untlll they have put our claims to
an actual test.
Wo are so certaiu Uexull "i)3" Hair
Tonic will cure dandruff, prevent
'baldue8&,,stimulatc the scalp and hair
.roots, stop falUng hair and grow new
hair, that we personally give our
positive guarantee tp refund every
penny paid us for It In every instance
where it does not give entire satisfact
ion to the user.
Rexall "93" Hah Tonic is as pleas
ant to use as clear spring water. It
is delightfully perfumed, and does
not grease or gum the hair. Two
sizes, r0c. and S1.00. With our guar
antee back of it. you cortalnly take
no risk. Sold only at our store The
Roxall Store. The II. E. Grice Drug
Real Estate Transfers.
Transfers reported by the Fort Ab
stract Co. for the week ending Wed
nesday, Oct. 12, 1010.
Louis Horchcrdltig to Robert CI
Blum, no H-4-10, w'd lOlUO
Rosanua Jones to J. M, Davis,
lots 10, 11, 12, ltlk. 10, LcDucs
add to Red Cloud, wd 2G00
Rattle Munson Culp to Arthur
Robinson, lots ft, 0, Dlk. 10,
Smith &. Moores add to Red
Cloud, wd Sou
oeason in a
The 11. UUck Co.
thus conduct himself.
. . .T
Hlso Jenson to C. S. oimstead.
lots 1,2, lllk.2, Rail Road add
to Red Cloud, wd HJOo
Bdwiii L. Harvey to Mrs A. U'.
Keed, lots 1, 2, ISUt 11, Rail
Road add to Red Cloud, wd . 1
Kmily M. Clark to Florence t.
Strong, lots 18, IS), Dlk. 24, Red
Cloud, wds 500
August Martin tp John Stabe
now, pt se se SM-10, wd CO
Lewis L. Watt to Martha M.
Montgomery, lot 7, Blk. ft,
duide Rock", wd ;: r. PiO
ClaiiBlWa.eto PhUi liock, -pi
lots l, i'0, Grus'eifl (Tub 'div to'
Kohroraadd to Wife Hill.Svd.. I '
Harm Rose to Philip H.llook, lot
3. Blk. 2, Tylers sub "div to
Uolirers add to Blue Hill, wd.. l35
Thomas P. Duffy et al to David
O. Bennett, lot 8. Hlk. 7, Hla
den, wd ; jgOO
$ 17032
Mortgages Hied, Sl-Kill.05.
Mortgages released, SI 800.00.
Subscribe for the Chief
Red Cloud, - Nebr.
Is ready to cry your sales. Get your
dates early. Hejpfqrs you tohls many
customers for recommendations! Tele
graph, phouu, wrtte or see. him for
datefc. ' "1" r - ' T
MTjII (t. n 1 1 hi Mu& HV1I ftOMMHtf 9
jtt'A v.isjiiii iii)
"f.ii. k
' mJBAvm
.tMit tnll"-
"Srsf T '" - j
lnYruv.i kniiWsML'if i,-