i . uh- ttma -tm fftvtrj JWfcja'vy 'iwifi -t&ttm rnrrfwwnifMMnn' jf-rrtanVW ttrfwt u.MVw-frv'n(,.itti.ctfwvi4 r ?" r L'v p. A. Wultadt, Prop. E very-tiling IN D es m m CO m m i ti i' In u Grocery toe more than in anything else, k UluCiniinGSS buyers should demand Absoluto Cleanliness. fl Ym- cannot buy Groceries in a dirty, Ill-kept place unci no sure f pu re goods I carry a coir- etc line of strictly fresh" Groceries, and my prices are such that it will pay you to do your buying in this line of us. Only the first-class brands of canned and package goods carried. All staple Groceries in bulk at Bed-rock Prices. cieanlitiuss'.aiid sanitation are our hobbles. Hi 1j iti ii i) Hi ik) iv a it ik) 1 v4 W xii it ii ii COMMISSIONERS I'ROCIiliDlNGS. Urn Cini n. Sept. 111. I!li' I; i ml if ( nnly Cniir ii inner nf 'ii.'"i c ti Nfl.ni-.111, tii.'l pm i .Hunt in itrij'HirmiKMil. Mi'iiil'iM pi i" til 'I. J. C'liiipliu. l.oulc hchmliU, C. ' W llnuunell and .lames li. Overman. In the matter of the road petition of Kdward Hansen ct ill. for the opeh ing and ostabllhhliig of a road, coin- I seven and fiD-lOO dollars per aeie for a J -.trip of land i!U foet wMi aerifs the eiiM hje ami nltili.g the ,it lnii ill . ri h K'isi quarter ui' ( I I' 1 1 fur Sj ns" "f f' 'I tit( ! 'In' apptiiisiiK lit i.-d. In the matter ol the damage fr tlie liiml taken and used for said road. It was moved and seconded thiit G. W. Lindsey be allowed eiglit-sevtn and 00-100 dollnrH per acre for a strip tnoiieliig at the eorner of See 1, Town ! of land 20 ft. wide across the east aide ftfta'tf W.rttt AWAVttXvVSY,,; ,V il :f. ,y,t . 'vi.f, ?','-. "!x$&&& M,.i..n f.i.i. ,v ,v. ;: , w'': fjfl Loilftc anil Cliurcli Directory Uliarity LoiIk N'- 'r'. A. V. and M. meets at Masonie Hall every and 3d Krldny. K. K. Toe. W. M. li. Sellars, Secretary. Red Cloud Chapter Xo l!). Hoynl Arch Masons meets every Second and Fourth Friday. I) W. Turntire, II. P. II. A Lotson, Secretary Cyrerie Commandery No. l4,KnightH Templar meets every First Thursday. II. A. Letson, B. C D. W. Turnure, Kccordvr. I. O. O. P. Meets every Monday Niftht. C. U Hale, N. (?. O. C. Tctl. Cleric. Notice to Creditors. Stntiiot NeliniHka. i in tho muntv Court. WulisttTCiiuaty. i '"actouiii loan. In tluuiKittiTot tlioistato of Wltllain II. era hut. Urre.iM'd. ' I Notice Is licrcliy lvea to alt ihtmoiis liav lst ' ln clalias ami il(iiiimiU:i:Unr,t wtllliiiu It. , 1 1 ramer. tutu of WVtistur county, iteeenseil. tliat tlie tlniu llxi'd for Mini; claims anulnst snlil iHtate Is nI nioaths from lliu '.".Kit dny of Septeiuliur l'JIO. All Mieli jierHons are rciulrtil to present their claims, with the vouchers to the County .Indue of Raid comity, ii1iIh olllcc therein, on or beforo thu?Jth day of March lilt!; and all claims so tiled will lie heard before the said J tul we on the lioth day of March Hill, at one o'clock p. m.: ami that tho Kxecutrlx Is allowed one year from tlie tllHt dny of Am;ust l'JIO, In which to pay the dchlx allowed' nifnlnst xnld cstato and Rettle tho name, ska 1.1 I. W. Eiison County . I udo. ItEUBlvAH Mctts First and Third Thursday, In I. 0. O. F. Hall. Mrs. Lottie Smith N. (J. Carrit Holsworth, Secretary. HltKTIIIlKN rilUHCII. Corner of Mh AS'eiiue and chestnut Street. 10 a. ui - - Sabbath School 11 a. in..- ITeacliliiB T:loi. in ClirlMlau WcirKn't-lland S:0O p. in I'rcachliiK All are liisltul to utttml. .1. t:. J anoi:. Minister. each (UtACt: (CMhL'Ol'AI.) C1IUHCM Huv. .1..M! llatiH, I'iihtor. Scrlcu lliu llrht two Sundiiys In iiimith. ' Holy Communion at mornlni; hfivlccnou the lit st Sunday. SuiuIhv school at Pio 'clock ccry Sunday Mrs. t:.lt. sinltli.crlntcii Supdent. CIHMICII OKCIIHISI'., lNCuaiMiAN Ciii'itcn KviniY Loan's Day lllblii school - 10 a. in. Sermon and Communion - 11 a. in. Christian Kndeavur GSW p. m. I'rcachlmt :: p. in. Prayers and praise, Wednesdays-,.. 7::w p. m. Statu free. Uond music. Come. Ilrlnsyour llllilcs, friends and Kood cheer. I.. Aa. llrsHONd, Minister. UIU'HCII 10 A.M. 11 A. M. 'i M. HOUKSOl'SKltVlCHATM. K Saiiiiatii hkiivick. Sunday School ... l'reachlnt; ............. Class meetlm; Kvunino I'.pworth Uauuii 1'reaclihiK l'rajer nieelliiK Wi duexday iM'iihi!8 P.M l.adlcsAld l'llday 'J P.M. Your previnco Is rcipitsted and a cordial Invitation Is i'tendid to all. M.T. STil'Pl.int Pastor. Order to Show Cause. mMt: f """e County Court. At a County Court held at tho County Court room In and for said county Mon day, Stptcmher Pith., A, P., I'.llO. In tlio matter of tho estate of Jacob s. Heinle, l)i ceased. UN rcadlm; and lllliii; the petition of I 'ran ees i:. Keltic. Administratrix, praying for the examination ami allowance ui her dual account, a decrc e of the County Court grant- Im; to tier an allowance for tho support of herself, assurvUlm; widow of said .Inculi S. l!li;lf. ilicenwd. and the minor heirs of said decedent, during the period nf the .iduilllls- tiatlou nf siild entale. mi assli;iimeiit to her of niicIi piTMinal projierty as Is allowed tohtr liy law as such widow and sucd'ollier pel son la properlj aswaii exempt to .the decedent In his lifetime, also aslunlm; and confirm lim to her as such sur hint; w Idow, a home- i.lend in the lauds of said decedent as provid ed by law. Oitin.iiiui, That Wednesday thoMh day of October A. I). P.IIO. at one o'clock p. in.. Is as. signed for hearlni; said petition when all persons luteiested In said matter may ap pear at a County Court to lie held In and fr said county and show cause why pr.ier of pvtltinucr should not bo granted: and that notice of tlie pendency of said petition and tlie hearliiK thereof bo ulven to all persons Interested In said matter, by publlshlm; a copy of this order In the lied Cloud Chief, a weekly mtwspaper printed In said county, for threo consecutive weeks prior to said day of hearlni;. I. W. Knsn.v iSi-.ai.) County Judge. 7 I', HP, M. M. CATARRH iioi;its op st;itvici-J at coN(iiti:u.v TlONALCIItntUlt. Saiiiiatii snnvici.'j, ' lllblesthuol ... 10 a. m. Prcachlni; , II a. in. Prcachlni! services 8 p. lb. l'rayor and Conference nieetlm; Wednes day at 8 p. in. A cordial Invitation ts extended to all. Kkv. A. A. CitKssM an Pastor. 3 i, 2x5 o Sot s . K2 Ei-SSts Kt 1.-H A S - ' g-au: . ?3 7i C 2 5-s I U -S Si1 B 5 M 'J a HAY Swift's Premium Hams or Bacons. wSS$L ?vVH I 5 I n. irv jki vj nr l- jvwj w nvyai'M- r j wa Fresh and Salt Meats of All Kinds Wrna Kaon .Red Cloud, Nebr. FEVER ELY'S CREAM BALM Applied Into the nostrils Is quickly absorbed. CIVCS RELIEF AT ONCE. It cleanses, Hoothes, heals and protects tho di-en-eil lneiulirane renltin frmn Catarrh and drivesaw.iv a Cold in the Head ipncklv. ltestores tho houses of Tasto and Smcil. it is easy to use. Contains no injurious drill?. No mercury, no cocaine, no uior- ( phlne. The household remedy.' i Trice, fill centu at Dru(?istH or by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 5G Warron St., New York. I'JUrMJ-KysMJ.inWVU:.-! rnmc IemgravimgIO All firfVJ KAKIL ITJllAoCT 1, Utilise II. and then ttinniii thence South one tnile. and terminating ut the sotttli ea'if corner of suit! heotioti 1, 1'oinin on for hearliif? nt, this time puistiaiit to tho order made Auk. I'.'. I!M0. upon sail petition and tho fol low iti,' claims fur i!ii!iiiij,'c it. connect inn therewith viz: (ien. W Lindsey e:iin, Henry (JllliniulfilJ. C. H. Iie.(.s:,u Auk'usIus lidii's ?'.'0(i. f. JJ. ,V 11 U. H. (Jo. eio.'l. The following netioti was IiiUuii. Tho petitions were represent ed by ). S. liilliatn uttoinev The claim of Augustus Hoiits present in person tuitl by llornnrd MeXeny at torney the claimants Henry Gllhatu and C. IE. Hesse present in person. After hearing the statements of the parties. It was moved aud enrried that thu members of the board, all no out tiud view tho proposed road, and report, and that tho board tuko fur ther action on said matters on Sept. ail. '10 at It) o'clock a. in. On motion board adjourned to '.) o'clock a in. Sept. -'or Sept. 120th. , MO Hoard met pursuant to adjournment. Moinbc,is till pres ent. On motion tlio further consider ation of the Hiiid road matter was laid over until Spt.'Jlst. It was moved and curried that the Uotitity take and accept for highway purposes the strip of land adjacent to tho present hiKhwny on bu 4, '20-2'l owned by J. H. Morse and decribed in thenlatof the survey made by the Conuty Surveyor Aug )ti, l'.HO and pay to said J. H. Morse by warrant on the general fund 310 for the same. It was moved and carried that tho clerk be and is hereby Instructed to draw u warrant for 510 ott the general fund in favor of J. II. Morse in pay ment of said right-of-way above des cribed. 2 p. in., Sept. UOth. It was moved aud seconded Mint tho board proceed to open the sealed bids for construct ing bridges as tiled by tho following named companies: Xebrnslm Con struction Co., of Lincoln, Nebr., Em pire Bridge Co., of Falls City, Nebr, The Midland Bridge Co., of Kansas City, Mo., Western Bridge 'und Con structlon Co.. of Omaha, Nebr., II. T. Ward & Co., of Teeumsoh. Nebr , Standard Bridge Co., of Omaha, Nebr.. The Canton Bridge Co., of Omaha. Nebr. (.Motion carried.) After ii carefur comparison of all bids as tiled by the several companies, it was fntiiul that the bid Hied by the Western Bridge and Construction Co, of Omaha was tlie lowest in price for material and construction of bridges, whereupon it was moved and seconded that the contract for the constructing of bridges for one year from the 20th day of Sept. 1010, be and is' hereby awarded to tho Western Bridge and Construction Co., of Omaha, Nebr., as per their bid on tile. Motion carried. It was moved and seconded vthnt tho County Clerk be and is hereby in structed to purchase ono copy of W. M. Leonard's Computation of Statis tics convoying laud sales in fil coun ties in Nebraska, from April 1st. 1009, to April 1st., 1910. (Motion carried.) On motion board adjourned to Sent. '21st. Sopt. Hist., 1910. Board met pur suant to adjournment. Mombeis till present. On nifitimi Mm frillm,.,.,. ,.l.,:., against the I'onrTurm Fund were al (lowed and the Clerk Instructed to i draw warrants In payment of same on said fund. Beiiuie Heed ..'. p 7,011 David Cloud )(l.81 Ked Cloud lldw. Co 81.00 C. F. Wallin , .!!! Oilier Wolf 8,'28 M.A Albright 100.00 II. V. Koontz. 10.00 and along the section line of tlie south east quarter of section 1, township 1 range 11. In the matter of the claim-) filed lor damages by Henry Gilliam and C. It. He?se, they each of them appear cd lit fore the board and withdrew thou claims and waived any and all elalnn for damages that may ntise by virtue of the opening of tlie road. I Motion made and seconded that all ( other claims '.tor damages be and arc hereby rejected. Motioned cart ied. Motion made and seconded that the county BUyeyor survey and lay out said rondaB described in the petition and rnVko a plat thereof und file same with the county clerk. Motion carried. On motion board ndjourned to Sept. 22 1010. In tho matter of the road, petition of E. FItz, Patrick Kellett and others asking that n road commencing ut the south-east corner of section 1G, town ship 2, rnngo 11, Webster county thence running north, between sections 15 und 16 in said township ono mile to the to the northeast corner of Buid section ltl be opened up und established as a public highway, aud also ask that the road now being traveled und commencing at the northeast cornerof said section aud running in a southeasterly direction across und through the west quarter and southwest quurter of section 15, in said township and county be vacated. Moved and seconded that the above described road be and hereby is opened up and established as a public highway as surveyed and platted by Geo. H. Overing, county surveyor, and recorded in road record "A" ut page 3(59. Mo tion carried. Moved and seconded that the road running southeasterly as de scribed in snid petition across west nw i and sw i section 15-2-11 be and is hereby vacated. Motion carried. Moved and seconded that the follow ing claims be and hereby allowed und the clerk instructed to draw warrants on their respective funds in payment of same. Motion carried. Argus $180.5-1 1). Garbcr..$ 4 00 H ! W HOW NIGNUfflENTS ARE MADE BY OVERING BROTHERS and CO., THE MONUMENT MEN, tea loua, - - lNeDrasKa. g p. WjpsRVJSWtt'' SHOO17 petition. Total allowed In the matter of tho Bond I'etitioning for a load on the section line on east sido of Section 1, Twp. 1, Bange 11, Wobster County, Nebr. It was moved andf-econded that petition for said road.be granted. Motion lost. Motion made and seconded that tho matter of the above road bo taken tip for further action. Motion carried. In the matter of tho road imlltlon asking that a road commencing at the North-Fast t'ornor of Section 1. Twp. 1, Bango 11, Webster County. Nebr., thence running south I mile between Sees 1. Twp. 1. It, 11 and Sec. (i, Twp. 1, B. in, and terminating at tho South Fast corner of Section 1, Twp. 1, It. 11, be opened up and established. It was moved and seconded that tlie nbovo aud foregoing petition be grant- ed and snid road bo opened up and established as prayed for in said petit ion said road to be 10 ft. wide. Mot ion carried, in tlio inattor for tho damages for tlio land taken, and used for said road, It was movod and secondod that Aug'istus Boats lie allowed eii;hty W. Shannon 4.00 A. Crabill 4.00 F. Bean 4.00 L. Schmidt' 55.9.") Wm. Itenkel 15.00 G. Ohmstedc 01.10 G. " Jr. 12.00 J. Overman GO (5) Nafl Ofli Co W GO II. Mauier 40.00 E. M. Grubb 4.00 Hammond &S 7.95 " 01.50 C.C. HagerCo8.50 G. Hummel 5G.40 Argus 7 50 H. C. Letson G.10 C. Besse 1G.83 E. Peters 4.00 I. B. Colvin 4.00 E. S. Fitz J. B.Carr H. Gilliam Lee DeTour F. Bailey A. J. Bragg D. W. Gibnon 4.00 C. Guthrie 4.00 G. C. Johnson 8.00 A. F. Krou3e 4.00 Levi Wright B. F. Watt C. J. Cox J. I). Story F. Frisbic J. B. France W. Prathcr L. Schmidt A.D. Ilanney4 00 C. B.Stewart 4,00 Jacob Iteig 4.00 W. C. Nolts 4.00 Alex Bentley C. B. Isom G. Davis G. W. Crow J. Huhatlca J. It. Horn D. Bennett J. A. Heaton 4.00 WaltGarnor G 70 Ben Oberg,- D. L. Groat E. Wolsch B. F. Mizer O. C. Tool W. Tompkins G 50 St Journal Co 139.09 Saunders Brs 245.00 W. Bennett 4.00 T Dufty 4 00 W. II. Norria 1.00 G.BIaniebal:er7.20 Milo Powel 4 00 J W. Ueigle 4.00 A. B Larrick 4 00 Klop&Bartlct 17.45 J. A. Hall 4.00 .1. It. Scott 4.00 E. B. Stevens 4.00 W. McKimmey-l.OO W. G. Warren 4.00 G. Hutchison 207.70 T. J. Chaplin 47.90 Com-Ad 14G 25 13.95 40.25 10.82 7.20 4.00 4.00 4.00 4 GO 4.00 4 00 4.00 4 00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4 00 9.00 4.00 J. Chrisman 4.'007 W. Richard 7.00 F. Duffy 4.00 S. Vaughan 4.00 C. SchafTer 4.00 B. F. Hudson 4.00 J. Christy 4 00 W. It. Shirley 4.00 J. Koometcher 8 20 A. Perriound 4.00 Frank Ailes 4 00 Guy Barnes .4 (JO F. It. Amack G.G0 W. Lippencott 4.00 C. Brulifiker 6 90 B. Harrington 4 00 C. E. Putnam 4 00 T. J. Chaplin 4.00 Fred Huppert 7 30 GeoCrcig 4.00 Fred Welines 1.00 K. McKinzie 8 20 Ben Banks 4.00 Jos. Snlndcn G 60 S. H. Johnson 7.90 Wm Thomas 4.00 W. Reynolds G.90 M M. Kudrna 4.00 J. Eglingston 4.00 C. W. Itinker 4 00 Oliver Sutton 4 00 W. Patterson 9.00 A. S. Campbell 4.00 N. It. Simpson 4.00 E. J. Ovoring G.OO JohnGrifTelh 4 00 PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. THo follov.ir.K proposed :nucnd..u,iit to the constitution of tho State of Ve biitBkn, us horelualter set totth In li.l', is submitted to tho electors of the State of Nebraska, to bG voted upon nt the general election to he held Tues day, November Stli, A. D. 1910: A JOINT RESOLUTION to amend Section one (1) of Article seven (7) of the Constitution of the State of Ne braska. Be It enacted by the' legislature of the State of Nebraska: Section 1. (Amendment constitu tion proposed.) That section one (1) of article seven (7) of the constitution of the state of Nebraska, tho senate concurring, be so amended as to read as follows: Section 1. (Who nro electors.) Ev ery male citizen of the United Slates, of the age of twenty-one years, who shall have been a resident of this stato six months next preceding the election nnd of the county, precinct, or ward, for the term provided by law shall be nn elector; provided, that persons of foreign birth who shall have declared their intention to become citizens con formably to tho laws of the 1'nltod States and nro voting at tho taking ef fect of this amendment, may continue to exercise the right of stiff rngo until such time nr, they may have resided In the United Stat s five years, after which they shall take out full citizen phlp pnp'M'B to ho entitled to vote at any succeeding election. Section 2. (Ballots ) That at th general election nineteen hundred and ten (1110) there shall ho wibmltti'd to tho electors of the state for their ap proval or rejection the foregoing pro posed amendment to tho constitution relating to the right of suffrage At such election, on the ballot of each elector voting for or ngalnst snid pro posed amendment, shall he written or printed the words: "For proposed amendment to the constitution relating to the right of suffrage," nnd "Against saliV proposed amendment to the con stitution relntlng to the right of suf frage." Section 3. (Adoption) If such amendment shall he approved by a majority of nil electors voting nt such election, snid amendment shnll consti tute section ono (1) of article sovon (7) of tho constitution of tho Stato of Nebrnskn. Apnroved Anrll 1, 1909. J1 1 FIRE INSURANCE POLICY 4fm your visit Don't Delay Ordering 11 fire Insurance policy frem us a single day. Fire isu't going to stHy away because you are not In-; sttred. In fact, it seems to pick out tho man foolish enough to bo without A FIRE INSURANCE POLICY. Have us issue yoiru policy to-day. Don'fl hesitate nbout the inattor. The lire fiend may have house down on the list for 11 thia very night. MARK WHA Tl SAY Reliable insurance. UNDERTAKING We Carry Funeral Furnishings in Stock and answer calls clay or night. Have ar ranged to secure the 1 services of Albright Brothers on Short Notice withoutjExtra Charge to Patrons. 4.00 G.lft 4.00 4 00 G.OO Total amount ullowed $1973.92. HIUOGK I'UNI) Chas Brubaker $18.00 Saunders Bros. $1275.65 Cl'iicago Lumber Co. $212.20 I, Oeo. C. Jiinkln, Socrotary of State, of the state of Nebraska do hereby cer tify that the foregoing proposed amend ment to tho Constitution of tho State of Nebraska Is a truo nnd correct copy of the original enrolled nnd cngtossed bill, as passed by the thirty-first session or tho legislature of tho Stato of Ne braska, ns appears from said original blllon file In this olllce, nnd that said proposed amendment Is submitted to tho qtialllletl voters or tno .state 01 roe braska for their adoption or rojectlon at tho general election to bo hold on Tuesday, tho 8th day of November, A. D., 1910. In Testimony Whereof, I havo here unto set my hand nnd nftlxed tho great seal of tho Stato of Nebraska. Dono nt Lincoln, this 29th day of July, In tho year of our Lord, Ono Thousand Nino Hundred and Ten, nnd of tlio Indepen dence of tho United States tho Ono Hundred nnd Thirty-fifth, and of this Stato tho Forty-fourth. GEORGE C. JUNK7N, (Seal.) Socrotary of Stato. G. A. WEILS, COWLES. NEBK. Cm -. V I) li?s5.r IrX. jIM" Bti L'jB fs L I 7V 50 YEAIIS' EXPERIENCE Total $1505.85 E. W. ROSS, County Clerk. tMLwLLt MVSiilm Warning. At u mooting of, the city council held Sept. 11,1910 thu city tnarshnll was instructed to arrest nny pcrs'oti found dumping garbage within lh olty limits of Red Cloud. Attest C II Potteii, Mayor O. C. " 1:1:1., C'leilc. Trade Marks QEBiaNB COPYTGHTS &C. I.-, AnrotiB seniltiiB nUoteh nij description my loiilekl Mcortnlii our opinion freo wliottier n rtiToiitlon H probsblf put ept ; 11 -om muii icv. "loiwitrlclly TOiiOdsntUI. "IWNOBOOK on I'atents recoil f aulck r mcorium nur imuiiioii ireu "iu iVniiilon is Drobsblr ptitM.?ominuiiliv. lions trlctlyoonfldsntUI. HANDBOOK on ratew cut fre. Olrtett sBencrfor securing iwtoiils. "stents taken tlirousli Mumi A CV recoil n..ti nntlrr. idthout chsrse. Ill ins Scientific JMicrican, FOR HALE BY YOST & BUTLER Tho Ath Avenue Meat Market CHICHESTER SPILLS T.arseit rtr. Se.v;,!KrWsii?a. i.HlNN8Go.3GJ3sdB"r-NBWorI' Slrsnsti WIU'u. i5 V XI Wnslilunloii. I. U. BRAND ' Gj DIAMOND LADir.S I Alfa your Irurlt for CHI-CIinS-TUR'S Got.n metallic boxes, sealed 1UDDGU. I'AKB NO OTIIEIt. Dm! anJ k for CIII DIAMOMl niiANii I'U.I.H. for twcntT-DrO jears rocarJed ns Beit.Bafcit, Always Rellsble SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS :ni-ciins.TKR's a LI.H 111 Kl!t Btlds Bealcd with Blue ten. Hpyor JaiirVV' S EVERYWHERE ffiS KD jk V .rfei i.'-..f . fjKsrr.-i win"