The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 29, 1910, Image 6

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TTilw t iia T TPhipriri " irn ill ill i Hf
The Chief
C. 13. HALE, Publisher
mini 11 j i nn
Homo and Foreign Intelligence Con
densed Into Two and Four
Lino Paragraphs.
August exports of Hour, corn, meats,
votton, nntl nilnernl oil show n
marked Improvement when compared
with August of lust year.
While about to board a. Bouthbound
Btiburban rar Into the city where she
Intended to purchase the llnal ar
ticles for her trousseau Mrs. Eliza
K. Williams, who was to have been
married soon to Warren K. .lessup, of
Los Angeles, Cab, was struck by a
northbound trolley car and Instantly
There Is a new counterfeit ten-dollar
national bank nolo nt large. It Is
a poorly executed, photo-etched pro
duction, printed on two bits of paper,
with a few pieces of silk thread dis
tributed In it. It Is drawn on tho
Homo National bank of Staunton,
Tex., series of 1902-1908, check letter
1). Tho nolo Is supposed to bo the
work of the samo counterfeiters that
recently produced a live-dollar Carls
bad, N. M., national bank note.
Deplornblo as It wns, the accident
on tho battleship North Dakota, re
sulting from an explosion of oil, will
not be permitted to check the de
velopment of tho use of petroleum as
un auxiliary fuel on naval vessels.
The lesson learned In the case of tho
North Dakota is that tho settling
tank containing 400 gallons of oil
should bo at onco removed from tho
lire room to some convenient place
where nny small leakage In It would
not bo exposed to heat sufficient to
let the oil on fire.
Pollco of Naples aro searching for
Timothy Sheckly, who Is said to have
escaped to Italy after having been
sentenced to thirty years' Imprison
ment In tho United States.
Sobriety Is In tho ascendancy In
England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales
and licenses to public bouses are de
creasing In number, according to
statistics communicated by Consul
General John L. GrUUths of London.
Prlnco Tsal Ilsun, Chincso minister
of naval affairs. Prince Tsal Ilsun,
who Is an uncle of tho Chinese
emperor, Is coming to this country to
look into American methods of naval
construction, and It Is stated to
place an order for China's new navy.
Chnrles M. Schwab, president of tho
Bethlehem Steel company was In San
Francisco -to meet tho prince.
The nuuunl meeting of tho perman
ent committee of tho Young Egypt
party opened nt Geneva, Switzerland,
and afforded an opportunity, of which
several Egyptians availed them
selves, to attack former President
Jtooscvclt because of his speeches at
Kharton and London. Among the
epithets applied to tho colonel were
"vulgar blusterer" and "self adver
tiser." M. Auburn, tho French aviator fly
ing In a Dlerlot monoplane broke all
speed records for 300 kilometers
(1SG.3 miles), negotiating tho dls
tnnco In three hours, thirty-three
minutes, seven seconds. At tho end
of tho second hour ho had Jlown 1C7
kilometers (107.7 miles) and at the
end of tho third hour 252 kilometers
(15C.19 miles). His averago time was
about flfty-flvo miles an hour.
Progressives won In thrco of tho
UllnolB congressional districts.
'lhls year's wheat yield of tho
world will bo above tho average.
Dr. Woodrow Wilson was nominat
ed for governor by New Jersey demo
crats. In a trolly car collision In Indiana
forty-two peoplo wero killed and
many others Injured.
Governor Hay of Washington rapped
tho men who controlled tho eoncorva-
tion congress at St. Paul.
In his next message President Taft
will recommend an appreciation to
fortify the Panama canal.
Tho Idaho republican state conven
tion adopted a platform endorsing
President Taft's administration.
Secretary Halllnger "denounced ns
Billy vot tho story that tho cabinet
was to pass judgment upon him.
Congressmen Insist on having tho
oestttero-Is of comforts at tho
capital when Uncle Sam pays tho bill.
King Manuel of Portugal has ap
pointed sixteen now peers, all of
.hem supporters of tho present minis
vy. Tho Independent democrats en
dorsed the republican candidate for
governor In Tennessee.
Tho Imposing granito monument
erected by tho statu, of Indiana on
Autletam battlefield was dedicated.
Tho Canadian Northern planning
to crocs Rockies at most northern
point may result In new routo to
Pacific coast.
Tho roport that Ambassador
Pryce, upon hl3 return from tho
Isthmus of Pannmn. will Inform Secre
tary Knox that Gioat Brltlan prefers
that tho United btntes fortify tho
canal Is not credited In London.
Miscellaneous Matters of General In.
terest Here and There.
Doinoerats of tho country nro very
much encouraged over recent stuto
stato elections.
All Mexico celebrated tho 80tb
birthday of President Diaz.
Mrs. Hyde, wlfo of Dr. Hyde,
Kansas ity, Is critically- 111.
Tho cholera scourgo 1b swooping Un
way across Asiatic Russia.
Thero wero 100 Rockefellers In
New burg, N. Y., for a reunion.
Ono was killed and clghten Injured
In a collision of Burlington and Rock
Statistics show that American rail
road employes get better wages than
those of Europe.
From eight to ton thousand peoplo
listened to tho speech of Ex-Presldcnt
Roosevelt In Omaha.
D. 12. Thompson, lato minister to
Mexico, has sold his Interest In tho
Lincoln (Neb.) Star.
Tho democratic machine In Virginia
Is In n position to receive a severo
setback at nn early day.
Congressman G. W. Norrls of Ne
braska, returned from Wisconsin
pleased with Insurgent victory.
Tho report that Taft will step aside
for Roosevelt In 1912 was declared at
Bovcrly to bo unworthy of a donlal.
Tho voters of Shroveport, La., de
clared In favor of tho commission
form of government nt n special elec
tion. Arizona's constitutional convention,
which will meet October 10, will have
forty-one democrats and eleven repub
licans. Hamilton W. King of Michigan,
United States minister to Slam, Is
seriously 111 at a hospital at Balti
"I don't care what anybody says
nbout mo so long as I am conscious
of doing my duty," says Secretary
Governor Shallenberger has quit
tho rccouut game and declares Mr.
Dahlman tho democratic nomlnco for
governor of Nebraska.
A formidable bomb wns discovered
lying on tho railroad track In front of
Emperor William's train In which he
was proceeding to tho hunting lodgo
at Mohacs.
W. M. Brondshaw, a guard In tho
federal ponltcntlary at Leavenworth,
shot Bertha Schniotz. at her homo
near Horton, Kan., and then commit
ted suicide.
The building which stood upon the
slto purchased for tho Carneglo li
brary in Alliance has been moved
and work Is now progressing on tho
new. building.
Mon Win, St. Louis' only patient nt
quarantine, escaped from tho leprosy
Isolation but west of tho quaiantlno
station, leaving a note which read:
"Me going west."
Tho estate of tho lato Thomas W.
Evans, the Phlladelphlan who won
fame and fortune ns a dentist to ari
stocracy In Paris, has dwindled from
$0,000,01)0 to ?1,7.)0,000.
Tho wnr department decided to
send tho Seventh and Eighth cavalry
to tho Philippines to rellovo tho
Twelfth anil Thirteenth. Tho Seventh
is now at Fort Riley, Kas.
Acting Mnor Mitchell or Now York
has ordered that Pollco Commission
er Baker be removed on tho ground
of unfitness in permitting gambling
to llourlsh In the city unchecked.
Prospectors returning from Knlk
Arm, Alaska, a branch of Cook's Inlet,
report tho discovery of an immense
Held of bituminous conl that promises
to bo more valuable than tho Man
tanluska deposits.
II. T. Howell, ono of the jnost
prominent bankers and financiers of
Nashville, Tcnu., has resigned his
position as president of tho Fourth
Natlonnl bank of Nashvlllo to accept
the presidency of tho Carneglo Trust
compnny of New York.
Lightning struck tho statuto of
Henry Clay In tho Lexington, Ky.,
cemetery, shattering nt arm and leg
of the figure. Tho memorial was un
veiled In July and took the place of
a similar nionufhcnt which was struck
by lightning In July, 903.
Tho Right Reverend Joseph Char
trand was consecrated as bishop co
adjutor of tho Indianapolis diocese.
Charles Mindeleff, a New York ex
pert metallurgist, has been engaged by
tho treasury department to make a
study of tho methods of rcllnlng gold
In tho United Statos mints. Ho was
engaged by Acting Seerotary A. Piatt
Andiows and will begin work at once.
Indicted beef packers of Chicago
gavo bond for their appearance.
Now Jersey republicans adopted a
ticket that Is partly progressive.
Colonel Roosevelt di-nlos that he
went to President Tnft as a suppll
euut. Tho annhersary of tho entry Into
Rome of King Victor Emmanuel II
was marked by cele'natlons.
Emperor William ai rived at Vien
na, and fur two days was the guest
of Hmpeior Francis Josoph at Scho-
Ambassador Whltelaw Reld has
cabled tho stato department from
London that the British government
agrees to tho projected opium con
ference. Congressman Tawney has been
beaten for rcnomluatlon In tho First
Minnesota district.
Charles R. Helko of Bugnr fame
was sentenced to eight months on
Blackwoll's Island.
Colonel Roosevelt reiterated ho
would not accept tho nomination for
governor of New York.
President Tnft and Colonel Boose
volt had a conferenco, without arriv
ing at a perfect understanding.
Father Oliver, who delivered a son
sntlonal sermon at tho funeral of the
victims of the charity bazaar In Paris
in May, 1907, Is dead.
What 1b Going on Hero and Thero
That Is7 of Interest to the Read
ers Throughout Nebraska
and Vicinity.
Kimball. Peter Larson was killed
by lightning and Gcorle Jorgcnson
burned to death In liny set afire by tho
same stroke twenty miles southeast of
hero. Mr. Iirson wbb on the stnek
when it was Btruck, and was killed in
stantly. The hay caught flro and
ran away and wedged tho wagon be
tween tho barn and stack. Jorgcnson
was stunned, and was burned to death
along with the horses. The wagon and
barn wero also consumed. Larson's
daughters dragged his body away, but
were unable to reach that of Jorgcn
son and it wns cremated. Larson
leaves a widow and five children.
Jorgcnson was a bachelor. Both were
Drowned In a Big Jar.
Fullerton. Tho little eighteen-months-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
PancoaBt, who live llvo miles west of
Fullerton, wandered away in her play
and fell Into a twenty-gallon Jar of
water. As the other members of the
family were otherwise engaged It was
somo time before the child was inisscd
and the mother discovered that her
baby had di owned. Doctors wero sum
moned, but could do nothing, as life
was oxtlnct.
Want Districts Reduced.
Porn. At tho meeting of the quar
terly conference of the local M. E.
church, Just held, a resolution was
passed icquestlng the bishop to re
duce the number of districts and dis
trict superintendents In this confer
ence. Tho members of tho church
also unanimously requested the return
of their pastor, Rev. W. A. Tyler, for
the sixth year.
Trapeze Performer Falls.
Beatrice While practicing on a
trapeze Carroll Arnold, a' young man
about twenty years of age, lost his
hold and fell a distance of twenty feet.
He struck on bin face and right Bhoul
dor, nnd was picked up unconscious
Ho was bruised nbout the face and his
nrm was broken. His escape fiom
death was very narrow.
The Methodist conferenco was In
session at York last week.
Tho Farmers State bank at Cort
land has opened for business.
Modem Woodmen hold a big picnic
at Weering Water last week.
The Nebraska bankers' association
will meet at Omaha this week.
Gage county drew over $400 Inherit
ance tax from one estate Inst week.
Lincoln youths with a mechanical
turn of mind aro making aeroplanes,
and will organize a club.
Rabbi G. 11. Loewensteln will be
come the rabbi of the Jewish Re
formed congregation nt Llucoln.
Franklin Sutton, an old resident and
homestender. died Wednesday of can
cer at his homo at M laden.
County Superintendent S. F. Story
of Cherry county died at his homo at
Valentine Wednesday of typhoid fever.
The Nebraska school for tho deaf
ht Omaha opened with nn attendnnco
of nearly 200. which Is an Increase ot
twenty over Inst year.
A young man nnmed Harrison, serv
ing time nt tho penitentiary for n
burglary In Cass county, made his
getnway one day last week and Is
still missing.
Tho merchants ot Ixmlsvlllo hae or
ganized under the direction of tho na
tional retailers' federation for tho pur
pose of preventing further losses from
bad accounts.
Rev. Charles Becker of Gcnova has
been assigned to tho pastorate of St.
Joseph's Catholic church nt Bcatrlco,
succeeding Father Cronln, who has
been In chargo of tho parish for the
past few months.
The TccuuiEeh city council Is going
to c-nll a special election for Ninom
her S to vote on bonds In tho sum of
? 111,000 to extend tho water sen Ice,
and bonds In the sum of $7,000 to give
tho city sewerage mains.
The Nehawka Commercial club has
appropriated a largo sum for a two
days' sporting carnival, to he hold
September 1!.1 and 21. Several purses
of $25 will be hung up for games of
baseball aud prizes will bo given for
winners at lawn tennis, croquet, tug-of-war
and other games and sports.
A quantity of counterfeit money
was dug up noar Central City recently
whllo workmen wore digging a ditch
along tho railroad. It had been burled
some time.
Tho brick work on tho new admin
istration building at the Peru normal
Is about completed. Tho building will
bo llrepioof, aud one of tho best on
tho campus.
As a result of nllegcd carelessness
on the part of a Calloway drug clerk,
Mrs. Etta Moses of Uroken Bow,
ng(i fort-tHreo years, died uftor
twenty-four hours of suffering.
Twelve thousand namcB wore nf
fixed to a petition against having tho
Johnson-Jeffries pictures show at the
Ak-Sar-Bcn carnival at Omahn.
Fontanellc, once a candidate for the
capitalshlp of Nebraska, has finally
surrendered Its chnrter bb a, village.
Fontanullo wanted to build, a now
school house and It was found by cltl
zens that In order to get possession
of tho old site It would bo necessary
to have the village board canceled. Bj
proceedings at Blair, Judge Day hat
taken away tho charter and Fonta
nello passes out of existence as an or
ganlzcd village.
Wymoro has Just bought several lots
centrally located for park purposes.
1'ho Nebraska Christian Endeavor
union will hold a threo days' session
at Aurora early In November.
Lincoln Is suffering n plague of mos
quitoes, picnics and lawn parties be
ing abandoned In consequence.
The Peru Normal schwol has tho dls
tlnctlon of furnishing twenty of the
twenty-eight toachors In the Falrbury
schools this ear.
Lincoln jobbers nnd manufacturers
will tako a trnde tour over the North
western railroad during the early part
of October.
Clarence Schmelzel of York was a&
cldentally shot by the discharge of a
shot gun which he was removing from
a buggy. Death resulted Instantly.
Tho annual Gago county W. C. T.
U. convention will be held at Adams
Thursday and Friday. Mrs. A. C. Zeh
nor of Dallas, Tex., a speaker of na
tional reputation, will be In attend
ance. While threshing at tho farm of
James Cameron, three miles east of
Beaver City, the threshing outfit of
A. II. Duscnbcrry and two stacks of
wheat wero burned by a spark from
the engine.
Charles Hart of Pros3cr drew $1,000
In silver from a Hastings bank, which
ho put, on tho seat of his auto, leav
ing It for a moment. When ho re
turned tho coin and auto wero both
gone, and he has bad no clue to
either since.
Superior. Word lias just been re
ceived hero from Clayton M. Uuighlln,
president of ihc Nebraska Portland
Cement company, that the contract for
the steel construction work has been
let to tho Karsas City Construction
comniny ami work will commence a1
Will M. Maupln, state labor com
mlssioncr, has hied complaints against
three Omaha business concerns for al
leged violations of the woman and
child labor laws.
Professor Alwny, E. S. Bishop and
O. R. McDole aro In tho western part
of the state, where they will secure
soil samples for analysis at tho stato.
experiment station.
The appointment of J. B. Hawthorno
battalion quartorma'ster, with tho rank
of second lieutenant, on tho staff of
Major W. F. Sammons, Second regi
ment, Nebraska national guard, has
been approved.
George II. Wennor of MInden, a
manufacturer of brick, has filed a com
plaint with the railroad commissioners
asking that freight rates on brick be
adjusted so that MInden will bo on
tho same basis with Holdrege and
A special term of the federal court
will bo held In Lincoln, beginning Oc
tober 10, to try easbs Involving mat
ters that date back .previous to tho
division of the state. No other mat
ters will be tried at this term. Fifty
petit jurymen arc being drafted t(
compoBo the ventre.
Tho stato board of public lands nnd
buildings has voted to expend $10,000
apportioned by the last legislature for
a sewer for tho soldiers' homo at
Grand Island, tho appropriation being
made by tho leglslnturo with the pro
viso that no part of tho money shall
be expended unless connection shall
bo mado with tho Grand Island clt)
sower systom.
Tho Nebraska railway commission
has sent a letter to President Tnft
recommending Judgo Ira B. Mills of
Minnesota for appointment as a mem
ber of tho now "commerco court re
cently created by congress.' Judge
Mills Is a member of tho Mlnnesotn
warehouiM commlbslon and lias been
a mcnibcfc of tho Minnesota commis
sion for seventeen years. Formerly he
was a Judgo of the district court. Sev
eral months ago tho Nebraska com
mission sent Prosldont Taft a letter
protesting against tho appointment of
any ono on tho supremo bench of tho
United States whoso life training had
been with corporations.
Governors Shnllenborger of Nebras
ka and Crothers of Maryland, W. J.
Bryan and numurous speakers of note
from all flections of tho country art
billed to address tho farmers' na
tlonnl congress at Its llvo days' ses
slon In Lincoln, Octobor G to 10.
Because tho penitentiary Is short
of steam coal tho warden hns shut
off tho electric light current that Is
furnished by tho penitentiary to tho
stato houso, governor's mansion nnd
homo for tho frlcudlcBB,
Harvesting of Bumper Crop Another
Cause for National Content
' ment and Trade Balance
in Our Favor.
Washington It is unlikely that
thero will be any shortage of monoy
this fall anywhere In the United
States, according to tho view of tho
ticasury department. In Its opinion
tho danger mark, If there actually
has been one, during several mouths
past has been left astern. Tho de
partment officials give these reasons
lor their prediction of plentiful money:
Primarily tho banks saw what
looked like a money shortago coming
severnl monthB ago. They knew thoy
could expect no help from the United
States this year, such as they got In
1908, nnd prepared themselves. They
havo piled up money, piling up re
serves snd cutting down risky loans
and bonds of other securities, which
might not be easy to sell, having been
turned Into money. By doing all that
the banks havo fortified thomselves
against an emergency. How well they
did It was seen last week, when $10,
000,000 wns moved out of New York to
other banks nndi done very easily.
Tanlc foreseen, never comes, finan
ciers say.
Money is plentiful in England and
on the continent of Europe. That is
always said to be a good sign In mak
ing a prediction for this country.
Nearly every crop in this country
this year Is reported to be a bumper.
Corn will set a new record. Four
fifths of the crop has been gathered,
so the chances of loss from frost Is
small. The oat crop Is the greatest In
yenrs. The cotton crop will bo ono
million bales bettor than It was last
year. Nearly all otjier crops are re
ported very large.
Irish Delegation Arrives.
New York. Four Irish members of
the British imperlnl parliament havo
lauded hero on a mission of education.
They will to'ir tho country to tell
Irish-Americans what tho Irish natlon
nl part, under the leadership of John
E. Redmond, Is doing for tho political
and Industrial emancipation of Ire
land. They uro John Redmond, Jo
seph Devlin, Daniel Doyle and T. P.
O'Connor, who will make a flying
dash Into Canada. '
Bryan to Irrlgatlonlsts.
Pueblo, Colo. A determination to
permit the greatest latitude In discus
slon of irrigation problems, but to
keep the deliberations tree from any
sectional disputes, or pcrsonnl griev
ances, Is voiced by ofTlcers and dele
gates already here for the eighteenth
national irrigation congress. W. J.
Bryan will be the principal speaker be
fore tho congress Monday night. Tues
day tho congress will get down to
Missions In the Congo.
Boston. A recommendation that no
missions bo established, In the Sudan,
but thnt tho missionaries on tho Con
go ho reinforced and the work extend
ed Is made In the report to the Amer
ican Baptist foreign mission society
ot tho commission sent by tho society
to Investigate conditions In those re
gions. Vote for Sympathy Strike.
Kansas City. Missouri Pacific
bollermakers In two locals have voted
practically unanimously In Kansas
City, Kan., to go out on strike In sym
pathy with tho machinists of tho line
who struck last May. A general vote
is being taken among bollermakers
over tho entlro Bystem on tho proposi
tion. Cardinal Visits St. Louis.
St. Louis. Cardinal Vannutclll ar
rived hero to bo the guest for two
days of Archbishop Glennon. At the
depot, local priests greeted him whllo
kneeling. Tho day was spent by the
cardinal In visiting churches nnd col
leges. Ho was tho guest of honor at
w leception by tho Knights of Colum
bus. Shout "Death to Estrada."
Managua. Former President Cnrdo
lias, with other prominent conservative
exiles, nrrlvcd at Corlnto from Puntn
Arenas. At Leon A about 1,1100 middle
class liberals attacked tho train on
which wero many ladles, shouting
"Death to Estrada, Chamorro, Carde
nas and tho conservatives."
Now York Mrs. Francis Victoria
Sankey, widow of Ira D. Sankey, tho
singing ovnngelist, died Sundny morn
ing at her homo in Brooklyn.
Sultan Arrives at Washington.
Washington. Jnmalulklram II sul
tan or Sulu, with five members of his
Miljo, has reached Washington from
Now York. Tho Btiltan will endeavor
to make n white house appointment
for some dny during the week.
Hole In Heart of the City.
Dondwood. Tho firing of a blast at
tho 00-foot level of tho Homestnkc
mine at Load, S. D startod a cavo-In
which camo to tho surface making a
holo In the heart of tho'cUy fifteen
feet wldo and forty feet long.
Only Relief From Terrlblo Suffering
Thomas E. Vest, 1G05 B. 12th St.,
Torre Haute, Ind., says: "I had no
control over tho urlno nnd tho pain
when voiding It was so great I often
Bcrcameu. I grow
worso and lay in bod
for weeks, tho only
relief being from hy
podormlcs. I wbb
treated by threo phy
sicians without help
and tho last one said
a n operation w a h
necessary. At this
time I began using Doan's Kidney
Pills and passed n gravel stono an
largo as a pea. Tho next day I
passed two moro nnd from then on
improved rapidly until cured."
Remember tho name Doan's.
For sale by all dealers. CO cents n
Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Which Do You Like Worst?
This Is tho greatest known way for
undecided peoplo to mako up their
Nono but a strong minded woman
can over decide which of two or threo
hats she likes "tho best," particular
ly If thoy aro all comely.
Popular belles havo been known to
havo similar troubles with their
sweethearts. Which do I like best is
often a momentous question.
Why not try tho other way?
Dccldo which, of men, or hats, "or
nttractlvo "dates" you Hko tho worst,
and then proceed to eliminate.
From there you can factor out In
tho grade of desirability, until you
actually find yourself at a decision,
because it, whatever it is, Is tho only
ono left .
Tho process is delightfully simple.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local application, aa tlioy cannot reach ttio dLv
rasoil portion ot tho car. 'lln-re H oily o-ie way to
cure ilfntnca.1. and that la by constitutional remold
Deafness Is c.iuwl by an liflimcil condition ot the
mucous lining ot ttio KmUchlan Tube. When this
tube Is Inflamed jou have a rumblln; sound or im
perfect lieari.iic. nnd when It 11 entirely closed, Icaf
nc&i Is the rctmlt. and unless tho Inflammation can bo
taken out nnd tills tuba restored to lis normal londl
tlon, hearing t!1I be ilrslrojcd forever; nli.c rav
nut of ten arn caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing
but an Inflamed condition nf tho mucous surfaces.
Wo will Rive One Hundred Dollars tor nny case Jf
Deafness (esurd by catarrh) that cannot be cured
by Hall t Catarrh Cure, ticml for circular, free.
I. J. CHUNKY 4. CO.. 'lokilo. O.
Bold by Drusclsts. lie.
Tako Hall's Family Illt9 for constipation.
Thanks for the Relief.
Mrs. Nngglt I don't feel Hko myself
Mr. Nnggit Then we ought to have
a very pleasant evening, Stray Stor
ies. Important to Mothors
Examine carefully every bottlo of
CASTORIA, a safe and suro remedy for
infants and children, and see that It
Tlnnra flin
Signature CLtMLC
In Use For Over 30 Years.
The Kind You Havo Always Bought.
It Is surprising, It Is often astound
ing, to discover, now nnd then, whnt
possibilities of rehabilitation thero aro
In the most unfortunate of us. Alfred
If Your Eyes Bother You
get a box of PETTIT'S EYE SALVE, old
reliable, moRt-nircoRftil eye remedy made.
All druggists or Howard Bros., Buffalo, N.Y.
Mnny reformers would go out
shoot gophers with a brnss band.
Lewis' Single Binder He cigar equals
in quality most 10c cigars.
Most politicians claim the Bllent
voto so long ns it keeps silent
Cured by Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound
Park Rapids, Minn. "I wns sick for
years wnuo passing
through the Chango
of Lifo and was
hardly ablo to bo
around. After tak
ing six bottlCB of
Lydia E.Pinkham'a
Vogotablo Com
pound I gained 0
pounds, am now
ablo to do ray own
work and feol
J well." Mrs. En.
J LA Dou. Park Kan.
Ids. Minn.
Jlrookvillo, Ohio. "I waa irregular
and extremely nervous. A neighbor
recommended Lydia E. Pinlcham'a
Vcgotablo Compound to ino nnd 1 havo
become regular nnd my nerves aro
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Evory suffering woman owes it to hor
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