'AmiPIMmnMBMM Odd News From Big Cities Stories of Strange Happenings in the Metropolitan Towns Soldier Victim of YYIfc- fc PORTLAND, Ore Sojourning here tlio lnat severnl weeks has been n man who han nttracted widespread at tention In medical circles. Ho Is Thomas P. Dunn, a native of Mon tana, who, aB a member of the First Montana voluntecrn In the Spanish American war, was Bhot through the head at Caloocnn In tho Philippines more than twelvo years ago and Is ullvu to toll of It today. When Dunn fell wounded on the battlefield of Caloocnn ho wns car ried to tho ward where- tho fatally Injured wero placed and no one paid any attention to him for two days, as thero wero too many other wounded whom tho physicians nnd surgeons In chargo believed had better chances for recovery. At tho end of two days, during which tho Montana boy lay practically without attention, the sur geon In chargo remarked upon his vitality nnd decided to try to save his lifo. A Mauser bullet had entered tho left side of his head Just above tho temple and emerged from tho right Bldo just below tho temple, a wound that had previously proved fatal aa fnr as any of tho medical men who havo examined Dunn ever heard. Woman Laughs Her N'ZW YORK. Tce-hcc-heo! Haw haw! Cra-a-a-ack!!! Mrs. Cecilia Goldberg's birthday par ty wns nn cnjoyablo occasion up to this point, or, to be exact, until she dislocated her Jaw laughing at her mistako In kissing tho wrong man. Tho occasion was tho eighteenth an niversary of Mrs. Goldberg's arrival in Harlem, where she has since becomo duly popular in her set. 'Sho Is n pretty young woman, and her parents invited all their friends and relatives to como around nnd celebrate. They came by tho dozens, nnd it wns ono of those "n-gorgcous-tlmo was-had-by-all" affairs. Tho tables groaned with good things to ent, and thero was a decorous but nil sufficient damp ness out In tho vicinity of tho Ice box. Along about midnight, when tho young folks began thinking of going homo, onmn nn alirvp-naf nrl ilin 'Klltiil nifln'o'; UW...V. V... UUQO4J,l W.MV .lft.U .111.11 ft buff" was a good gamo to taper off with. Tho music was stopped and i i &ME5H Sfel i igjj Day Spent in Circus Beats School SPRINGFIELD. Mo. "No session of tho public schools of Springfield after ten o'clock n. in. on circus day." This edict from tho office of Prof. Jonathan Fairbanks, life-long oducntor nud for 3C years superintendent of tho public schools of Springfield, brought joy to tho hearts of 9,000 school chil dren, for It meant thnt at ton o'clock on tho morning of circus days the city schools closed for tho day. "A circus Is something every child ought to see," Superintendent Fair banks said, in explaining his orders, "for It Is n vorltnblo. education in It solf. You can seo for a small sum attraction thnt havo'been grouped to gether nt n cost of hundreds of thou sands of dollars, nnd which would coat largo sums to seo outsldo a cir cus. "School ei Hdrcn read of lions and No Missionary Cash for the Indian & bmkli Kcnn if 6 IT TO V fl rut vy; HfAIHEN! IN&TIAO J MUSKOGEE, Okla. Tho Methodist church In Oklnhomn has decided upon a new policy rolatlvo to religious work among tho Indians. At a meet ing hero of tho exocutivo board of tho church it wnB decided to combine nil of tho five civilized tribes, Creeks, Chorokeos, ChlcknsawB, Choctawa and Scmlnolcs, In ono district, under tho supervision of ono presiding older, and to require tho Indians to support tholr own pnstors without tho aid of for eign missionary money. It wns nleo decided to request tho bishop to transfer every English- 4afe A & EMWHO MOWi TO gf cash for JLy iJi V etc II 'I f VlILI. SZtr 't 'ww iriKTM Rare Affliction Ills remurkablo recovery and tlu fact that he tctalns his reason art the most remarknblo feutures of this case. While ho is alive, In good health and ablo to walk around the streets and converse with his friends and acquaintance:), Dunn Is handi capped by the loss of all sense ol smell or tnMo and hns loK(tha Bight of his right eye. Despite theso af flictions he bears his lot with forti tude. He cannot enjoy a meal, for no matter whnt cholco viands ho may or der, he cannot relish them any mure than he would hardtack and salt pork Tho loss of tho sense of tnsto li looks upon as his worst affliction. Tommy Dunn, ns he Is known anions his friends, Is n ward of the govern ment, though not of his own choosing for ho has relatives and Inlluentla friends who take caro of him and lool after his comfort nt nil times, lift impaired eyesight hns proved an ob stnelo taVard his securing employ ment, and idleness Is something h( dreads because of his afflictions, Hit only nmusoment Is to Join severnl con genial companions nnd tell stories ol past experiences, or to take street cai rides or Journeys through tho country in automobiles. Ho cannot go to the theater, being handicapped by partial blindness nnd fearful lost, tho glare ol the lights shall Impair tho sight ol his remnlnlng eye. Ah a ward of the government Dunn must report nt Washington or some other military headquarters at certain periods nnd to undergo tho periodical examination required by tho surgeon general's office. Jaw Out of Joint Mrs. Goldberg wns chosen as the first to bu the blind one. Sho was blindfolded nnd led lntc the pnrlor. Sho was entitled to kiss any mnn sho could catch, and sho supposed that Jim, her husband, would lie on the job and see that ho was caught. Hut a young man named Har ry was caught by Mrs. Goldberg and was kissed. Jim wbb just a second too Into. Then they pulled the blind fold off nnd Mrs. Goldberg snw whom she hud kissed. The crowd combined In a roar of gleo and Mrs. Goldberg graciously joined In the lnughter. But she over exerted herself. In tho midst of an uniisunlly loud "Hu-hn!" sho grabbed her Jaws and began to dnnco nbout the room. Sho gasped nnd groaned, and Policeman Mott, rushing upstairs, found tho company In confusion and hysteria. Mrs. Goldberg seemed un able to close her mouth, and nobody could hold her long enough to closo It for her. A pollcemnn gave all tho first nld ho could muster without re sult, so ho cnllcd a doctor from tho Harlem hospital. The doctor mado a hasty examination nnd diagnosed tho troublo as u dislocated jaw. Ho final ly succeeded In getting It back In plnco, nnd ndvlscd tho patient not to laugh ngaln for a day or so. She won't for a week at least. seo pictures of tliem, but they don't really know what a Hon Is until they seo ono. Merely seeing tho animals In tho open cages of a circus parado Is of great value to children. They eco many animals with which they nro not familiar and get a real knowl edge of animals of which thoy have rend but which they havo little op portunity to see. In the menagerie thero aro nnlmnls from nil parts of tho world and tho child who goes to tho circus learns moro nbout nnlmnls In ono day than ho can lenrn from tho tencher of n nnturo study class In u year. "Then schoolroom work Is dono In tho most perfunctory way when thero Is n circus In town. Tho minds of tho children not nenrly all of the children are thero aro not upon tho work, nnd tho toacher enn put no life In his or hor tnsks. The tencher knows nil tho work will havo to bo gone over tho following day." Professor Fairbanks Is almost eighty years old, and he has been elected su perintendent of tho public schoohj hero nlmftst without opposition 30 times. s speaking congregation of Indians to Boino white chargo. This Is for tho purposo of getting tho Indluns under a whllo pastor In order thnt cducn tlonnl ns well ns religious worlc may bo carried on. Tho old Idea of teach ing n whito missionary to speak tho Indian tongue nnd sending him nmong tho Indians to prench In tholr own language is to bo abandoned. It wns pointed out thnt, undor tho state government, tho Indian nnd the white mnn nro tho snmo socially nnd politically, that tho stato schools aro being extended Into every Indian set tlement, and thnt the Indian chlldron everywhero nro being taught English. It Is expected thnt other religious organizations will tnko tho aaino stop, It bolng practically forced upon them by tho now conditions arising from tho adoption of stato government nnd stato schools, f IAI"dB4RFt IrlPROVEMDEWT mzTZ riME FOR HARVESTING GRAIN if Left Uncut Until Dead Ripe Many Varieties Loses Both In Quality and Quantity. tTly IIOUHUT tl. CAItOON.) Among tho nunieious mistakes that (cad to enormous wastes en the farm, 'ow aro moro worthy of attention than that of letting grain, oats, wheat, yo, corn, etc. ,get to(o ripe boforo har vesting. No ono can rldo nbout the country In summer without beiiirj struck and imnzcd at the prevalence of this or or. You will notlco field after field that hns reached, or Is approaching, tho period of dend ripeness, nnd that ought to havo been harvested sovernl dnys before. Tho Iosb arising from this sourco Is moro appreciable and moro easily es tlnmtcd, perhaps In wheat, of which we cultivate comparatively little, thnn It is In othejNgrnlns, Hko oats and ryo, but the snmo gcnernl prlnclplo applies to all. If wheat Is cut two wcekB or so be fore it fully ripens, It contains moro gluten and starch and n bushel will weigh more, and It will make n larger tpinntlty nnd n better quality of flour, with n less quantity of bran or mid Jllngs. thnn If It wero nllowed to ripen. This is by no menus n matter of theory. It Is the result of careful ob servation. Tho straw will begin to change color slightly two or threo weeks beforo the grain comes to completo maturity. In tho best anil most fnvorable sea sons It will begin to ripen nnd change color at the bottom. In foiiic less fa vorable seaaons the upper Joints turn first. In the great wheat-growing sections of tho fnr East, where whent-growlng Is cnrrled on to a much greater extent thnn It Is hero, they have studied this point moro enrefully than we have. Tho best farmers begin to cut while a portion of tho stalk is green, as soon as tho kernel hns passed from tho "milky" to tho "doughy" stnte. The stalk has then begun to change color, sometimes from tho bottom, sometimes for throe or four inches bo low the bond. A most careful and nccurale experi ment was made to ascertain tho dif ference, taking wheat, first, when It was green: second, a week after, when It was changing color: and third, when fully ripe. Tho result wns In tho first cape Wi bushels an ncro; In tho second, 23M: In tho third, 23 ; nnd the same dif ference wns found In tho fitruw. The totnl vnluo an aero was: In that cut green, JC2.30; In that cut one week after, when the stalk was yellow be low the ear, $01.01; In thnt cut one wcok after, when fully ripe, $50.13. Tho first two productions had more fino flour nnd less brnn thnn that rut last, showing that gluten Is converted Into starch in standing to get fully rlpo. When either end of the stalk turns yellow, tho sap ceases to (low, and the covering or shell of tho kernel thick ens nnd becomes hard, and of course gives a lnrgor proportion of bran and less fino flour. HeBldc, in early cutting thero Is less loss from shelling out In handling, nnd from high winds, which Involves u very heavy loss In ripened grnln. Now what is truo of wheat Is, in tho main, also truo of other Bnmll grains ontB nnd rye. If wo rnise thorn for seed to sow ngaln, they ought to bo allowed to ripen fully, but if for grind ing or for food for nnlmnls, they should bo cut early, if thoy would bo In their best and most nutritive condl tlon. HANDY DEVICE FOR GRANARY Contrivance for Holding Bags 8o That They May Bo Filled Quickly Is Cheaply Constructed. Thero nro various kinds of dovlccs to be mado quickly for filling bags when ono hns to do It alono, but I think It Is wlso to havo n contrivance in your granary nil of tho time, writes A Useful Bag Filler. Ralph IIer8oy in Farm and Home. I hnd n blacksmith mako mo ono that works very well. I CUt thO bottom OUt Of fl lnrrrn tin L-pnn and hnd thlB mounted on nn iron rou as snown in tho drawing. Small hookB aro placed around this. Tho bag la hung on theso hooks and tho grain shoveled in at tho top. Using Waste Land. Soma western fnrmcru nro pluntlng wnsto land to hickory trevu to bo used in making axo handles. lil!il'U;l'l"T FARM LEVEL IS ESSENTIAL Most Successful WorK Cannot Be Done Without Aid of Instru ment Brings Meturns. It Is usually found difficult to es tal.llsh a grade, plan a ditch, or lay otn a drain with tho eye only to sug gist or some cheap device to assist, biijk a writer In Orange Judd Farmer 1 l.avo tried It several times, and have iiowr been satisfied, nor have I been able to do the most successful work without the nld of a real leveling In strmneiu. If nil of us were engineers Effective Farm Level. and owned costly leels, these simple matters would bo easy. Fortunately, thero are on the market simple, In expensive levels mado purposely for the farmer; $10 will buy ono, and so Invested will bring in great returns. Tlio simple level, Illustrated here will meet the requirements for all kinds of drainage, underdialnage open ditch'-s or drains, all kinds of lr rlgatlng work, canals and laterals, terracing Inud. load building, house foundation work, grading of all kinds setting out orchards, running fences, getting angles nnd every sort of farm work requiring a level. Farmers, ns a rule, have most of tho common tools and Implements for doing farm "work, the level excepted. Now that tills hi available to up-to-date farms of tho substantial farmers, this recent addi tion (to the farm equipment may prove most helpful In performing many of these tnsks thnt have heietofore been done by guess and, therefoie, unsat isfactory. LOG-FLOAT FOR LEVELING Can Be Made nt Heme at Little Ex pensc and When Used Leaves Ground In Fine Shape. We tiuo plnnk ilraKa or floats out here, hut thcru Ih a hotter way than cultlns Iok1", Hpond your llmo to draw them to mill, pay tlio aaw til'l, and draw tho lumber hack homo to mako! a plank dnif;, pays a writer in llural New Yorker. Any man who can hwIihc an ax and twist nn nufjcr can mako what you call a (Joat or tlod crush- j.. , w3 Q Ft. LONG Home-Made Log-Float. cr. It consists of throo Iorh eight foot long, tho first one bolnp; four Inches In diameter, tho kccoikI flvo Inches, tho third six Inches, with two Inch 'Holes through each log about a foot or so from each end. Then put a chain through each holo, tic a knot In tho chain between ench log. This kcops them from nil drawing together. Havo your chain long enough ho that It is two or threo feet longer than tho logs require. This is left In n loop In front to hitch your tonm on; then it Is ready for iyc. Tho logs thus fastened do not draw rigid, but what tho llrst log does not do tho second ono helps, and nftcr tho third ono pnsses over It leaves tho ground In n fino shnpe. I know ono farmer who never puts a harrow on his oat ground, but uses ono of these log floats. Stingy manuring does not pay. Tlio Hharp corn plow doos tho best work. Careful cultivation will exterminate tho weeds. Itnko up and burn all rubbish. Let no wcedrt go to seed. A good corn knlfo makes tho work of cutting corn easier. It's a safo guess that seed corn will be saved right this year. When Irish potatoes aro fully ma tured, dig them on a dry day. Spray tho asparagus tops with Hordeaux mixture, ns it prevcntlvo ol rust. Next to tho mowing'inachlno In Im portance In alfalfa harvest Is tho side delivery rako. Heets In the garden aro nil right where they aro until tho ground bo glno to freeze in tho fall. The mnrket gnrden furnishes a large amount of wnsto products which mny bo utilized for poultry food. Tho only wuy to decrenso the amount of smut In corn Is to pluck oil tho smut-balls and bum thorn, Corn Holds nro unusually clean thl! year nnd thoso thnt wero best cult! vnted suffer least from lack of rain. Harvest tho onion crop ns soon nt most of tho topiIiavo begun to tiirr yollow nt tho neck nnd tho tops loj over. tRot2Ijs If you find any sub- ftttnri in vnrr hntt- s in$ injurious to" neaim maae. from ing powder T In in mm there, Calumet lias been of $1,000 for any T- T-i pMEf found in the bakinj; prepared with it. Docs not this and the fact that it complies with nil pure food laws, both State nnd National, prove that Calumet ia absolutely pure? With the purity question settled then Calumet is undoubtedly the best linking Powder. It contains more leavening power; it is more uni form every can i3 the sntne. It assures better results and is moderate in price. Received Hifiliett Award CALUMET BAKING Pur In In THE "A STEADY WHITI UCIIT letters sell 4 STYLE FOR MEN Dress- Business-Work Desncprs "SK M5fflK?Kvw3!. TiBsW.flCrrpiNc ?VJ w4.4y:tv iSms Guaranteed for Full Six Months' Wear Onr c"it iwiTlnKoniollliicoiponsnrnnlili-n nn lcatlicrrindmnknlUiflrfoctlr waterproof nnrtfoilhln touso icntliontlut otl.on cull latlunl Ourrli.oz liyimr arena tannlnx rocoi. Tlio Army Muck lln- olosuro Iriitu Hm ikh tililrs. 'Ilio uppom fiom Turin lns wotmocofcttwlrounnitirli an onllnary lliilni;'). Voala thn toiighi-nt nml licit raw nulcrlnln procur- Tim uppers nro mitrd tnurtliitr hy lix-U-Mltcli uia- ablo. Wo aiid noudcrlul ncurliiK qualities to tho cliliiei, asluu tliorory helical fcraiio silk tliioaU. I IRIIT MPAT CTVI IQU-0'"' "Hlx Monthn" Shorn not only Iihto wrarlnaqualltlon that will UlUlllf tlbHIf ullUIOIl atirprltotho liaioonuiioo wourcn onoartb, hut thoy liarou beautiful atylo and finish that will dollgul tho most particular drcsier, IIMR IQ (1IIR WRITTPH RIIADIMTPP tl rely f f en of charim. If xltlinr t h notes or tippora it. . i. at. if ltti. t link. .Ink tr tititwir wnrWiii t ilii nthrr words If thnnhomahouldtiuti(lvo full alx month' wrarwnrnfund mora thin thn proportion they fall abort. Your ilcnlorivlll iimUouiiy rntlomptloii acoordlus to our Ruuruutuu., You dunt havo to aouil to tlio factory or clout with trungera. SEND FOR DEALER'S NAME AND ahi ir, yon will nnd Jnntwlmtjou want In a Dfunnyrrn "six juonuvi ,bdoo. wna poauii loreijio boon ana moot dealer near you who uondlua "Six Months" Shoe a. I nuinu Desnoyers Shoo Company, Not on Your Life. An Irishman obtained a position In a skyscraper that wns being built. Ho hnd to enrry niurtnr up to tlio top floor. Ono wny ho went up nnd couldn't find his wny down. Tho boss missed him and called up to him. "Put," snld the boss, "why don't you como down?" "I don't know tho way," said Pat. "Well, come down tho wny ou wont up." "Faith and I won't," said Put, "for I enmo up head first." Mm. Window's Rootnlnir fijrnp. Fbrchll'lron trnthlmf, xifloniltiogunu, rciliicriln OaimuaUon,allayiiDuin. cures wind co 11 u. 'AoaootUa. T-o much strategy can tnnglo itself moro than it can fool others. Lcwjh' Single Hinder cigar is never doped only tobacco in its natural btate. The wlso know better than to try to live on the splco of life alone. The BjjfepswSSL self regardless of digestion and nutrition. Ho might almost as well eat shav ings for oil the good ho gets out of his food. Tlio result is that tho stomach grows "weak" tlio action of tho organs of digestion and nutrition are impaired and tho man Buffers tho miseries ol dyspepsia and the agonies of nervousness. To strengthen the stomach, rcstoro tho activity ot tho or Hans or dtUcstloa and nutrition and praco up tho ncrvest uso Dr. Plcrco'a Golden Medical Discovery. It Is an ua talllai remedy, and has tho confidence ot physicians as well as tho pralso ot thousands healed by Its use. Ia tho strictest senso "Golden Medical Discovery" Is a tempcranco medi cine. It oontains neither intoxicants nor narcotics, and is as free from alcohol ot frorn opium, cocoino and ether dangerous drugs. All ingredients printed on its outsido wrapper. Don't let a dealer deludo you for Ids own profit. There is no medicine (or stomach, liver and blood f'jmt as good" as "Golden Medical Discovery." it for yon backed for years by an offer substance injurious to hcalt Itl. World's Pure Food Exposition POWDER Ui Can Pur tlio Baking. Tho Rayo Lamp is n, hlh grada tamp, told at a low price. Thrrn um Ibiuih tiiat co-it imiro. hut thorn In no lienor Inmprrmrtn ret nnf price. (onMrui'ti'rt of tollil Iimm; tilt k-l lOutrd runlljr kri telrnnsnn (irnamnnt ttmnr mom In nnr rimim. Thrro in millilmr known to tho nrt of liiiuii'iunkliiK t lint i-unnitd tn ihnTnlun of tlio HAVO I nmtionn light (ilTltii; ili'vli-i-. Kvcrr rlrulcr o tit jn ho re. If not at yours, nrlta (of descriptive circular to thn iio.irmt iiirt-nnr of tlio STANDAHD OIL CO MI' ANY (Incorporated) 500 Dig Shoe Eta Aro Fighting Our Plan Vo havo aroused tho wholo world with our Six Months' Gu.nrantt.-o olfur on shod. Wo havo blasted tlio schcniu of 500 bit; bhoti mun to mal;o tho public pay h'ive Miliion Vol iurs tt year Bulling expenses $5,000,000 for high-salaried traveling men nnu tnuir Dig Hotel D"H, railroad lares, etc. 3j, 000,000 for which you bhoo buyers never get one fifnny's worth of benefits. We aro goiter, to do away witu traveling men nnd their enormous expeiiici. Wo nro fjoing to mako do tlio work of ealcsmun. Wo aro gouiK to direct to Ihu dealer by letter. Two-cent stamps for Bulling cxpcnsc.i mean btinurccla of thousands of dollars saved for better ma terial and better workmanship hundred. of thousands of dollars that mako it pos sible for us to mako tho first and only shoo good enourjh to guarantee. 11THS" Shoes If "."" h0 91 uppo" wearont within ifoup month, wo aim-n t furniMha new imlrof nhoun nn- wrar out during tho fifth month wn nti-o to rotund tl 00 Mnir tlinulxlh luoritli wo ucroo III mfund II Ulln cunll. in STYLE BOOK &i82:s2XS2ZJffZtf2l& 2231 Pine St., St. Louis, Mo.' Indispensable to every man KNOWN THE WORLD OVER PEARS W linvo Bhlppctl 'em from IlltnolH ulnco 'V0. Cnru In 10 countlen In Nebraska, thin venr. We miv freight. Ktnml Iohh (If nuy) in Hlilpplinr and Rimranteo Katlnfactlon. I. ri:r, cliolro onen keep tlirro nionthai unoiellnl foronnnlnK, bavins, butter and fmh. Am nfferlnir KX) bujIn-U at hlitnoat bldn ro rolvod. Wo ship till Oct. 1& Uth. Valuablo rocelpta forte "IIiithutKutn di-claluii and action ertn any thlnu ho wunu.,r Write. Jio It right, rluhl now. Your for hcultli and onjoymrnt. 1'rutUa, Alfc lAXUHTKU I'XAU CO. Baakf r 1IIII, III, DEFIAK STRCHHeS -other alarctina only 1J ounces aamo prlco and "D6FIANCE" 18 SUPERIOR QUALITY. W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 40-1910. Tenderfoot Farmer "CCjJJjljafc It was ono oil theso experimental farmers, who put grceri apcctaclud on ids cow und fed her shavings. His theory was that it didn't matter what tho cow ate so Ion; as sho was fed. Tho questions of digestion and nourishment bad not entered into his calculations It's only a "tenderfoot" farmer that would try such nn experiment with a cow. Hut many a farmer feeds him- AXLE 0RAS Keeps the spindle bright and free from frit. Try a box. Sold by dealers everywhere. STANDARD OBL CO. UncursorttUtll I H 1 1 I i KLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMIMsa " ,"l,'?""'l"l"iw"-"-v MfettMfeMitouft..s mt4t i .-a-. . un tm MWw-wwri0ii'w -?4& 2Srr tmr- lrii IM.M.H Mhlimi