The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 22, 1910, Image 3

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Greater New York's
NIOW YORK. That tho New Vnrlc
city government hns, In sonic ways
lit lciiRt, ljpt paco with tho Hty'a
Krowth bs shown In tin- cpiihiib re
inrnH Is manlfi'Rt from a hudgot study
r-oniplled by tho city BtntlnticIuiiH. The
centum returns show an Iiutuiiho In
lhi population of 38.7 per runt. In tho
sainij ton-year period the city budget
haR grown trom $90,778,972 to $16:!,
00,270 an Incronso of over 74 per
cent. The figures optlmated for tho
oxpondlturo of the actual city, a
apart from tho county, were for 10(10
$79,201,7CS, and for 1910 $158,775,145,
or 94 per cent Incroaeo.
The Increased cost In the city gov
ernment 1b partly accounted for, ac
cording to tho budget ofTlcInlH, by the
widened Hcopo of municipal enterprise.
For example, ten years ago tho domed
tic relatloiiR conrtH In .Manhattan and
Hrnnklyn, tho upcelal schools for de
fective children or tuberculosis pa
tlentR and the OHtabllshment of play
groundH were entirely outside the gen
eral conception of what tho city gov
ernment Bhould do.
Tho expense of maintaining the
clty'K police force has Increased more
thnn a third in tho decade. The board
of education now requires twice as
much na in 1900 $28,500,000, Instead
0 IST -3
irm teiwcii iv 'ti r , - y,- i ,-1
Souvenir Postal Saves Heir $20,000
" 3ml"u CET
CHICAGO. An unusual story of a
lost heir to a $3,000,000 estate,
whoso chanco mailing of u souvenir
post card will bring him $20,000,
was revealed in tho probata court
tho other day. The man Is Corne
lius Carney, now a resident of Okla
homa City, who was thought to have
perished In tho San Francisco earth
(piako and (Iro in April, 190(.
The story ho told In court ran
llko this: Ho was born 30 years ago
In Troy, N. Y a member of n largo
family whoso head, John Carney, was
for more noted for his convivial hab
its than for his thrift and industry.
Consequently tho llttlo Cnrncys found
llfo in Williams street nlley a strug
glo In which dirt and want were dally
tnctorn. After being very bad for n
long time tho condition of tho Carney
family beenmo vorse, nnd Comollus
was sent to a children's asylum.
There wasn't much In life In Wil
liams street alley but liberty there
wnB plenty of that and tho compara
tive comfort of tho asylum couldn't
Ants Are Driving Kansans From Home
W CHITA, Knn. G r a s s h o p p e rs,
chinch bugs nnd Hessian files,
and a few other such pests, hnvo visit
ed Kansas In bygone days, eaten tho
crops, trimmed the leaves off tho trees
and driven more or loss hardy pio
neers back to their wives' folks In the
Kast, but never until this yenr have
ants in sulllclent numbers been no
ticed to causa peoplo to desire to leavo
their once happy homes In tho Sun
flower State.
From several towns como reports of
nnts In such numbers ns to cause nc
lual worry by the Inhabitants. The
people nro not unaccustomed to tho
llttlo black ant and tho red nnt which
vihlt tho sugar bowl occasionally, but
they can't account for tho swarms of
all sorts and breeds of ants which nro
Hog Raising a Social Eccentricity
LONDON. Women of title, jaded by
the fatigues of the season, aro be
ing offered unique opportunities for
cnlmlng their overwrought nerves.
Lady Wolseloy, head of the Ladles'
Park club, has conceived the happy
Idea of enabling tho blue-blooded mem
bers to llvo as farm hands. Tho re
treat that 1ms boon provided for them
is far from the madding crowd, In an
antique country houso In Middlesex
Duchesses tired of tho social whirl
go thcro to communo with naturo nnd
to enjoy tho delightful luxury of plain
fare. ' Llfo on tho farm will bo ulmost
bovuru, for tho spoiled darlings of so
ciety. They arc not allowed to piny
Increased Needs
of $11,000,000. Tim streei-cleanlng d
paitmcnt spends 50 per cent moro
$7,500,000, Inbtend of $5,000,000. Tin
health depart mcnt'H appropriation hns
grown 125 per cent from $1,050,000 lo
$2,750,000. The Jlro department costs
SO per cent more $8,150,000, in plnci
of $050,000.
I'lgures for church membership In
Greater New York compiled by local
organizations show that the numbei
of church members for the live bor
the new population figures. In 190(1
oughB is 1,310,421, or 37.2 per cent of
there were 1,233,077 members of
Christian churches. This was 35.9 pet
cent of the population.
The figures seem to show that thr
growth In church membership Is l.!l
per cent ahead of the population
growth. This growth, It is estimat
ed, Is divided about evenly between
Protestants and Homan Catholics. At
present It Is calculated that there are
140,783 Protestants to SfiO.tHR Unman
A remarkable fact In the religious
work of tho city hns been the growth
of tho Lutheran church, its additional
churches Bincc 1855 having been 22
per cent of those built In Greater New
York. Next to It conies tho Protes
tant Kplscopnl church, which has built
ninety-three churches lo the Luther
ans' 113.
There are at leas! (V! si-jniinte t'hils
tlan bodies at work In New York, ol
which the four which obtain the hug
est tax exemptions on account of prop
ertj are tho Unman Catholic, tho
Protestant, tho Presbyterian
and the Jewish.
compensate Cornelius for the loss of
bis freedom, so when he was old
enough to care for himself 13 years
old, to be exact Cornelius ran away
and started out to seo the world. After
several years of wandering. Charley on
listed In the United States marine
corps, no served for six years, and In
that time visited every port you ever
heard of and more besides. Karly
in 1900 Carney was in China and wrote
home that he was sailing soon for
San Francisco. That was tho lust bis
relatives heard of him In years.
In 190S Mrs. Anna F. tinker, who
was Mrs. Carney's sister, died In Chi
cago, leaving an estate of $3,000,000,
of which a considerable part went to
tho Carney children, who had grown
up nnd prospered In Troy. To set
tle up the estate It was necessary to
find Cornelius nllvo or prove him
dead, nnd one wns about as hard a
tusk as the other. Finally the courts
decided Cornelius was dead although
he was married and living in Okla
homa. Within a short time Cornelius' share
in bis nunt'B estate would have gone
to Cook county, but Jui.t In the nick
of time Cornelius sent a souvenir post
card to his sister, Mrs. Lizzie Pratt of
Troy, who at onco wrote him that ho
was an heir to his aunt's estate. In
court Camoy proved his heirship and
will get the $20,000 before long.
now in evidence. Klown and other
towiiB In Harper county tell of the
visits of the ants.
Almost tho entire residence portion
of Klown, a town of more than one
thousand inhabitants, is In the grasp
of untold millions of nuts. At first tho
enrth seemed literally to bo nllvo
with them. There were big ants, llt
tlo nnts, red nnts, blond nnts and
brunette nnts. They nil seemed to be
hungry and they got Into tho houses.
Not content with the food In the pan
tries, they infested carpets, beds,
chewed clothing to pieces and oiiiim-iI
a great deal of havoc.
Openwork stockings nnd porous un
derwear hnd to bo abniidnned for
closo-knlt clothing by the residents, be
cause the ants didn't remain on the
floor or In the beds, but swarmed over
human beings.
In certnln sections of the town fam
ilies actually moved out to get away
from tho nnts, thinking It was chenper
to move than to lose their household
goods. Others nro devoting their time
to lighting tho pests by fumigating the
houses and Inundating the floors.
brldgo or to smoke cigarettes within
tho charmed walls of the farmhouse.
Hut there is uothlng to prevent a
countess from sneaking away to en
joy a whiff In tho cow shed.
Titled turm hands may also dis
port themselves among the poultry,
and carry feed to hungry hogs, Ex
ports are on the premises to teach ben
keeping, bread making, how to run
a poultry farm and how to spin. It
Isn't compulsory for countesses to kill
fowls for tho mnrkot, though way
ward fancy may lead thorn to en
llvon their week-ends by waiting on
the pigs.
Spinning Is Included In the cate
gory of Interests, because spinning Is
hold to be such a restful nnd poetic
occupation. Spinning wheels have
been imported from Scotlnnd and les
sons aro given at $1,50 by a profi
cient Instructress. Tho rolo of shep
herdess at tho farm Is popular, but
tho most nmiiECd people on tho prem
ises nro tho rustics who do tho real
Veterans In Legislation Mltjhty Par
ticular About Their Quar
tets and Pernapn a
Bit Whimsical.
Washington. While numbers ol
congrchs are campaigning In their re
spective districts ICllIot Woods, super
intendent of the capltol Is directing a
Binnll army of men who are engaged
In tho task or making the capltol of
tho nation mote beautiful nnd tho
private ofllces of the htntesnieii more
Up to a few years ago only the most
Important committee chairmen were
accommodated with ofllce rooms In
the capltol building. Now. however,
every member of congress Is pro
vided with a private olllce. Most ol
the members of the house have to
f.trugglo along with one olllce in which
they work with their clerks. Senators,
however, are given at least two of
fices, one for their clerks and an elab
orate furnished prlvnte ofllce. Kach
branch of congress bus a beautiful
marble office building. In the old
days of congress tho averago states
man kept his office under his hnt. To
day he Is quite as well provided for
ns a bank president, and far heller
than the aveiage merchant.
Coming to Study Our Navy.
San Francisco. Prince Tsal llsun,
Chinese minister of nnvnl affairs, will
reach hero Monday from the orient.
Prince Tsal Hsun, who Is an uncle of
the Chinese emperor, Is coming i
this country to look Into American
nicthoJs of navnl construction, and It
Is stated to place nn order for China's
new navy. Charles M. Schwab, presi
dent of the Hethlehem Steel company.
Is here for the purpose of meeting the
prince, and Is accompanied by Archi
bald Johnson, and II. S. Snyder. ie
spectively first and second vice-president
of tho company.
Rate Hearing In the West.
Chicago. Four members of the in
terstate commerce commission, Prou
ty, Lane. Clements nnd Clark, will
hear the testimony hero when the
commission's Investigation into a pro
posed railroad rate Increase Is re
sumed after a ten days' sitting In
New York. The. Investigation began
under a special examiner three weeks
ago and ufter u week was transferred
to New York to get the testimony of
eastern roads.
Ready for Odd Fellows.
Atlanta, Ga. This city Is In gala
attire In honor of tho eighty-sixth an
nual meeting of tho sovereign grand
lodge of the Independent Order of
Odd Fellows, which opens Mond:i
morning. All or I he olllcers of tin
grand lodge have arrived with the ex
ception of Gland Marshal K. L. Pils
bury of Churlestown. Mass., who Is
dotalned because of Illness. Sam.iel
A. Uead of Windsor, Vt., has been ap
pointed In his place,
Entere School at Eighty.
Columbus. O. Mrs. A D. AVinsMp,
aged eighty years and a former resi
dent or Uncine, Wis., has registered
as a student in Ohio state university.
Mrs. Wlnship will take an optional
course, and says she Is going to col
lege simply because she like to n'c
qulro nil tho knowledge she can. She
has recently retained from Michigan,
where sho lias been attending a sum
mer school.
Veterans Meet By the Sea.
Atlantic City. N. J. Tho hotels,
piers and board walk are quite crowd
ed with old soldiers nnd their families
who aro here to attend the fort
fourth annual encampment of the
Grand Army of tho Republic. Every
train brought reinforcements to the
crowd that began arriving last week.
Five thoiisund veterans gathered In
the Savoy theater Sunday morning
and listened to a patriotic sermon.
Successfully Shooto the Rapids.
Niagara Falls. -Cap!. Klaus lar
sen, In his little motor boat, tho Form,
Sundny afternoon made n successful
trip from tho foot of tho cataract
through the whirlpool rapids to with
in one mile of Lewlston. a distance of
four and one-hulf miles. He started
from the Maid of the Mist dock at
4:45 and ran on a rock near the
American shore at 5:30.
Vienna. As Count Klolmniihegg,
governor of lower vAustrla, his wife
and nephew were motoring home from
an aviation meeting where tho emper
or nnd arch duko wero spectators, a
shot wns fired through tlio wind
Bcrcen of his car. No ono was hint
Guns for Panama.
Itavurly. Ueforo leaving Beverly
for Boston President Tr.ft mini iincel
that in his message to congress in De
cember ho will recommond tho appro
priation of $2,000,000 to begin tho
work of fortifying tho Panama cnnnl.
Mr. Taft has always fuvored the pro
tection of the canal with great guns
ntid he thinks the time has arrived to
begin tho work. Tho president will
aluo recommend to congress that pro
vision bo made for two lm:U3h!r-3 of
tho Dreadnought type.
PreclotiB Qevcrngo Wno First Drnnk
by the Early Drltona Only In
Homeopathic Doses.
Liverpool, I-ng.- A few pnrtlrttlarn
of the Introduction of ten Into ling
land will he Interesting In connection
with the Illustration of the nccoin
panyitig curious old-fashioned pot
which fins been In one fnmlly for
nearly 200 years The out Is about
one-third the actual size of tho pot
and shows the homeopathic quantity
of the precious concoction used nt
that time.
The household hi .ok of the earl of
Northumberland. In the flfti-enlh con
tury, gives the following account of
Old English Teapot.
the provisions for nn English break
fnst at that period:
HiirlnK I .ml -HrnlkfuM for no t.iintc
nnd I-mlyi;
rural A loir .if brnle In Tri-nt her. IJ
uuirii'lictts, n (iiuirt if Iiith. u qimrt of
wjn IJ jii-rys of wilt finch, vj baronuM
tu-rryng. Ill) white licrrynK, r a Oynotio
of HprilltH-J.
llrnlkfitKl for tlif iiiicry for my l.udyn
Morgan t anil Mnttttrr Innrnm lVrcy.
Ifcm A tnnm-lu-t; u nimit of hem, n
iUw-Im of butler, ii pine of milt flub, ft
iUhIi of MiroiitH, unit II J white hcrryng-j.
ItrnlkfiiHl for my Irfulyr'n gi-ntyHitntiien;
Item -A lonf of brnle; u potlel of bTn;
n pece of unit flui-lie. or IIJ white hrrry-IriKs-J.
&c. At-
llnilkfiiht for flench d;iy iluy (hrntvt
the yere.
Itnilkfnnt for my loiile unil tjiilyi .
Kurnl- A loir of lireilo In trinchm, IJ
in.iticbi-i. J qunrt of bcrc, u quart of
wyne. half u thyni- of mutton, or ells u
ehym- of ln-fe. liollrl-J
llrnlkruM fui my l.onle Percy iinit Mr.
ThoiniiH I 'trey.
Item llulr a loif of hiiiiHi-holil tireile, it
maiirhet, J poti-ll of here; a i-heekyiiKi', or
ell.i IIJ iniilon IxmyM. hoyleil-J.
IlrulkfiiHt for the tnirery of my ljulye
MMrginet unil Mr. limram Percy;
Ittin- A muiii'het, J ipinrt of Ix-rc, unit
IIJ miiton hopyc, tiolleil-J.
I!rc:iKf:iHt for my liiilye's grnlleuoiiK-n:
Item A lulf of hoiim hold hrelil, n putlrl
ct heic, iiiul IIJ miiton bonyn. bolleil, or
ellH II pece of bclf-J.
From this time on the qunutlty of
strong nle and wine used by all
clashes was excessive and must have
greatly affected the intellect and
other qualities of our nnccBtors.
In the reign of James I. and the suc
ceeding reign, the English followed
the Danish custom of drinking health,
nnd no matter how large a company
might be. each guest was compelled
to drink the health of each In rota
tion. Such gatherings were conducive
to quarrels and discussions, and many
ended In duelt' and bloodshed. This
excess among tho higher classes wan
not available to the poorer people,
wines mid file being beyond their
reach In price.
It was Foini-wbere In the fall of
lfiCO that ten first round its way
from Chlnn, but It wns so scarce that
the Infusion of It in water wns taxed
by the gallon. In common with
chocolate and sherbet. Two pounds
and two ounces, In the same year,
were given the king by the East In
dia company as a most valuable gift
Tea gradually came Into ubc In
.England, first as a medicine lor coldB
und Inter us n luxury tor the wealthy,
made In smill pots as the Illustration
hIiows. These pots held one-half a
pint nnd the tea was drunk from cups
holding llttlo more than a tablespoon
fill. Plucked Triumphs From Trouble-
Indianapolis. A local retail mer
chant rccentJy took advantage of
an necldcnt which happened to hln
A runaway trolley car had crashed
Into his show window, wrecking It.
While tho crowd of people who hnd
been attracted by tho collision wero
still gathered about tho front of tho
store the enterprising retailor camo
struggling through the wreckngo and
placed o lnrgo card bearing tho words
"All enrs Btop at Blanks" In a prom
inent plnco. The effect wns forthcom
ing. Oldest American Ruins.
Phoenix. Arlx.-The very oldest
American ruins aro to be found In
cither Aiizonn or Now Mexico. These
aro tho lift dwellings along the Colo
rado river nnd the Rio Grande, which
wero built centuries before Columbun;
and approaching them In nntlqulty
aro the mysterious adobe compounds,
whoso walls, labyrinths, subterranean
chambers and Imttlomcnts wero lately
dug out of an Arlzonla desert nur
rounding the ruin of Casa C.rando, now
nclloved to have been tho tomple of
tho chief priest or a. sect of sun wor
shipers onco Inhabiting this region.
Again the Cost of Living.
Chlcngo. A young lady who taught
a class of small boys In tho Sunday
school desired to impress on them
tho mennlng of returning thanks bo
foro a meal. Turning to one of tho
class, whoso father was u deacon In
tho church, she naked hln1!:
"Wlllinm, what 1b tho first thing
your father nays whci. ho sits down
to tho tablo?"
"Ho says io slow with tho butter,
kids; it's 40 cents a pound,'" replied
tho youngster.
AYetJcfable Preparation for As-
lin ihc Stomachs and Uovvcls of
Promotes Digcslion,Chccrftil-
I ncssnnti Kesl.Conmins neither
I Opiiim.Morphinc hop Mineral
fictpt fO!i DrSAlWllmfiEK
limplin Sua T
JbMhSlt$ :
HinHryrrm fttr
Ancrfccl Hcmedv forConsllpn
lion . Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea,
ncss nnd Loss of Sleep
!fac Simile Signature of
JTiir. Ccntauh Company.
Miarnntecd under tho FootlaM
Exact Copy of Wrapper,
Mr llayrlch .Mandy, thla hero cntu
loRiio phj-h thot thet urtiBt got $5,000
ler paintln' thet llttlo plcturo.
jslrn. llnyrlck My rohIi, lllrnm! I
wonder vvhnt on earth he'd charge for
pa I n tlu' n hnrn?
Hackache, hendachofl, dizzy upoHa
nnd dlBtresHlnR urinary troublea warn
you of dropsy, diabetes nnd fatal
Ilrlght'B diHCUHc. Act In time by curing
tho kldneyH with
Dunn's Kidney Pills.
They hnvo cured
thousands and will
cure you.
Mrs. Frances Col
lins, niirfio, Iiox :i0,
Hoonvllle, Mo says'
"For .'10 yenrs 1 suf
fered from Hldiioy
trouble. 1 had back
pains and wns both
ered by dizziness, I
beenmo tired easily
and wnr. verv nervous.
The kidney secretions also provod nn
noylng. Donn's Kidney PIIIh benefited
ine promptly. They hnvo my holiest
Remember tho nnmo Donn's.
For sale by all dealers. fiO contB a
box. Fostcr-Mllbum Co,, Buffalo, N. Y.
He was very bashful and hhe tried
to innko It easy for him. Thoy wero
driving nlnng the seashore and she
became silent for u time. "Whnt's
the matter?" he asked.
"O, I feel blue," she replied. "No
body loves mo and my hnnds aro
"You should not miy that," was his
word of consolation, "for God loves
you, and your mother loves you, nnd
you can sit on your hnnds." Huccesu
She Was a Big Fighter.
Mrs. Ilenhnm Do you remember
when I had my comlns out?
Henham No; but it must have been
llko the launching of a battleship.
2 w
"v! -) ' T1TX
It is non-secret, non-olcoholio and has a record of forty years of cures.
Ask Your Neighbors. They probably know of soma of it3 many cures.
If you want a book that tells all about woman's diseases, and how to euro
them nt home, send 21 onc-ocnt stamps to Dr. Pierce to pay cost of mailini
016', and ho will send you n free copy of hii grcit thousand-page illustrated
Common Sense Medical Adviser revised, up-to dato edition, in paper covers.
In handsome cloth-hindinij, 31 stamps. Address Dr. R.V. Pierce, Uufftilo, N.Y.
For Infanta and Chilflron.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Don't Persecute
your Bowels
Cut out ctilkartTrt tnJ rumra. Tb7 mUvtrf
-hnh onfW7 iT
IVtl it siitiit. Aa
Cnlly on 11m It
rlimintta !!. ti
oolhUi tit licit
tnerabrane of
d tin IxiwcJ.
1.0ft Ll- Ag-JT-I
Upitioo, 5ir W
Sick llultcU isj biifntUa, muuUjomIbow.
Small Pill, Small Doa, Small Pric
Genuine aunbeu Signature
hand-sewed QUnETQ
MEN'S $2.00, $2.60, $3.00, $3.60, $4,00,56.00'
wuau.w a au.ou, 3,3 au, si
SOYB' $2.00, $2.00 & $3.00
They aro absolutely the
most popularnnd bestshoea
for the price hi America.
They are tho leaders every
where becauso they hold
their ohape, fit better,
look better and wear lon
ger than other makes. ,
Thov are no.sltlvelv the
moat economical shoes for you to buy. V. L.
Douclas came and tho retail price are stamped
on tho bottom value guaranteed.
cannot tucply you write (or Mall Order CaUloc.
W. L. DOUGLAS. Oivckton. Mtu. '
"Caicarets are certainly fine. I save n friend
one when the doctor was treatlnc aim for cancel
ol UtcKtomacti. The next morning he passed
four piece of u tape wonn. lie then got a boa
and In three ilnya ne paued a taps-worm 45 feel
long. It woj Mr. Matt Hreck.of MIlleriburK,
lauphln Co., Pa. I am quite u worker for Casca.
lets. I tine them myself and And them beneficial
for most any disease caused by Impure blood."
Chaa. It. Condon, Lemiton, I'a., (MlfQiu Co.)
Pleasant, Palatable, Potent, Taste Good.
Do Cood. Nover Sicken, Weakon or Urtpc.
10c, 25c, 50a. Never sold In bulk. Tho acnu
lne tablet stamped CCC, Guaranteed to
euro or your money bock. S2i
Live Stock and Miscellaneous
In great vurlcty for stilo
at the lowest pricca by
521-531 W.Adams St., CHICAQO
Do you want n Ijnd llnuirritendT Informnlluii
brutfrri'. How toClot u Fnrm of Ijind. AOdreis
Board ol Trade Buildlno Indtanapolli, Indiana
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 39-1910.
Bears tho - t
Signature ifO
jy Jv In
Jr For Over
Thirty Years
yHKZV nivtn
W IB k
$m& F
njitir'rl t
Despair and Despondency
'No one but a woman can tell tho story of tho suffering, the
de(pairt and tho despondency endured by women who carry
a daily burden of ill-health and pain became of disorders and
derangements of the delicate and important organs that are
distinctly feminine. Tho tortures so bravely endured com
pletely upset the nerves il long continued.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a positive cure Tor
weakness and discuso of the feminino organism.
It allays inflammation, heals ulceration and soothes pain.
It tones and builds up the nerves. It fits for wifehood
and motherhood. Honest medicine dealers sell it, anil
have nnlliini to urifa nnon vou as ' iust as itood."
! J
LBsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssa '"'"-'y""" "'"' ''"' ' """m'fi0K.firmimtml