The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 22, 1910, Image 2

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tU'lJ-H,-l' U.I1I"1 ! IIIUWHIW
ILWdmATlONS DY HfiWtji'?
ctPttoCfr net y oovuvvrfica T
MIhm Iiui(, ilti!ilor niid Kiintilliui if
(lirlriitlo mill lllilflpy. rlulillnlirtl hiiiiiiiht
lilMilfllllllii'iTl lit KliniOfclilc. Tim snviiliH
loxjl. tk-rtnidn iitnl llalitoy iiirlvt- with
Jnrli liuHcy. 'I'ho Ikuuu' -win iiwiikimi'ii ly
icvolviJ- 1u)t mill Aimilil ArriitirotiK
wiih foiiuil Mint to ilinili In tlm luill. Mm
liiiiut found HhIm-Vm iivoIvit on tlm
Inwn. lie; unci .lurk lliill'-y liml tllrfup
liiiiird. Ocrlruil'i M'Vi'iiloil tlmt Him Witt
iiiKiiKcil l JifU liilli.y. wlili wlinin Him
tulkdl In Hid lilllliird iociiii Mlioilly bcfiirti
tilt) IllllriU-. lH'tl'OtlVI' JllllllCKIItl HfOUMI'll
AllflH Iiiuc-m of liotdliiK ImrU f Jili-lici'. II"
HiiirlHtnMd mi liilrinltT In mi I'liipty room.
Tilt! lirbiMUT (WII'M-ll. fll'ltllllll) WIIH HUM-
IKictfd tiu'iuiwi of nn Injiiii'd foot I Fill
rtcy i-mti-miiH and juij'h ho mid Iliillcy
were HimI uwriy by u ti-li'itniin. Ciitlili-r
Itulliy of Piml Artiiilrotiu k lifmlt. ill"
fmirl, wiih iirn-Hlfil for cnilics-ali-UH'iit.
I'iiiiI AniiHtnuiK'M dniitli wnn iiliiiuuni'i'il
MntMiy'H Hunt ff, Lolilw ArtiiHlrnni;. lulil
Ilulmiy Hint wlili" iiIik Mill IommI liltn. Mini
wmh In nuirry (mother. Ii ilovi'lopi-d tlmt
Dr. Walker was tin- mini. I.oulm- wns
fonuil lU tlm liotltim of tho rlrriilur hIhIi-
(. l'C(H(.'ltll! I'onHrloilHIH'KH. Hll"' Hlllll
MinitdhliiK-linil lirimlnd lV hi-r on tin
ntiitrwny mid Mio ralnli'd. Iliillcy I mi
lii'ilrd of ArniHtroiiK'ii tmii cli After
"wpln: It Killiftl," TlioniiiH, tic IndKi'ki'i'P
or. wiih found ill-nil with u nllp In IiIh
iKirltnt l'tirltiK the niinii' of "l.urli n Will
Inn1." Dr. Wiilker nkod AIIhh Iiiihh to
vnt'iilc In favor of Mr. Auiittronu Hhc
irrtifcfl. A noln from llnllcv to fli-rliuilii
iirimiKliiK a iiucillnic ut iiIkIiI wiih found.
A InildiT out of plnro ditpcim tin iiivh-ti-ry.
The HtnliliH wpio Imrm-il DinlnK
tho cxeltcincnt a timn Moti" Into the limine
A unit ell fnllt'd to reveal lilin Mlct Iiiiu-m
iiliol mi Intruder. A mini llmplm; wiih
mwii on tlm i oud lliilii'V mv.Mtiiloiisly
illH.'ippciircil, I.oiil.ii' Hci'iitlm: (Iiinitei
fiHii lil.i itlwiifiii wn nnti'il
CHAPTER XXV. Continued.
"Ilo'it w Opiii to nif an lio la to you,"
hIir kM fuully. "1 trlnl to warn ltlni."
"NoiiKcnHo!" I Htilil an briskly an I
could. "Wo uro iiinUInt' n lot of Iron
l)lo nut of HomothliiK imrlmpH vory
munll. flalnoy wiih probably late he
Ih tilwayH liite. Any moment wo may
hr-nr tlm rar coining "1 the road."
Hut It did not rimii!, After a lialf
liour of HimpoiiHe, I.oiiIko wont out
itulotly, anil did not conic back. I
hardly know hIic was roik; until I
hdurd tlio Hlatlon hack movltiR off. At
II o'clock the telephone rang. It was
Mr. Jamleson.
" Intvd found the Dragon Fly, MIsh
InncH." lie Hald. "It Iiiih collided with
a freight enr on tho Hiding above tho
ulntloii. No, Mr. lnnea wuh not there,
but wii ttlin.ll probably 1 1 ml ltlni. Send
Wainer for tlio cur."
lint Uiey did not Hint hint. At
four o'clock the next morning we were
Htlll waiting for howh, while Alex
watched tho hotmu and Sam the
j;roimtlH. At daylight I dropped Into
oxhauiilod tJeop. Ilalney had notcomo
jack, and there wau no word from the
Halsey'o Disappearance.
Mr. Jninleson came buck about
eight o'clock tho next morning; he
wna covered with mud, and IiIh hat
was gone. Altogether we were a and
looking trio that gathered around a
breakfuHt Umt no one could eat. Over
n cup of black coffee the detective
told us what ho had learned of Mai
Htiy'B inovementH tho night before. Up
to u certain iolnt tho car had made It
caHy enough to follow him. And I
gathered that Mr. Hiii-iih, the other de
tective, bjid lollowed a similar car
for mile at dawn, only to find It wa
a touring car on an endurance run.
"Ho left hero about ten minutes aft
er eight," Mr. JnmluHon mild. "He
wont alouo; at 8:20 he Htopped at Dr.
Walker'H. I went to the doctor'R
about midnight, but he had been
callod out on a cjiho, and had not
como batdc at four o'clock. Krom the
doctor's It hcoiuh Mr. Innes walked
ncro.415 tlio lawn to the cottage Mrs.
ArniHtrong and her daughter have
taken. Mrw. ArniBtrong had retired,
and lu) Bald perhaps a do.en wordn to
MlttK lAiutee. Sho will not nay what
Uiey wore, but tho girl evidently huh
pectH wlmt baa occurred. That 1h, bIio
BitHpocUt foul play, but bIio doesn't
know of what nature. Then, appar
ently, ho ntarted directly for the sta
tion. Along Bomewhere lu the dark
Htrotcu between Oatol Htreet and the
depot ho evidently swerved maidenly
porhapa boiuo ono In the road and
wont full Into tho side of a freight.
Wo found It thoro hiHt night."
"Ho might have been thrown under
tho train by tho force of the Bhock,"
1 Bald tremulously.
Gertrude shuddered
"We examined every Inch of track.
Thoro won no sign."
"Hut Barely ho can't be gono!" I
erlod. "Aren't there traces In the
mud anything?"
"Tltoro la no mud only dust. Thoro
tins been no rain. And the footpath
thera In of cinders. Miss lnnos, 1 nm
inclined to think that ho has met with
bad treatment, in the light of what
bns gono before. 1 do not think he
Iiiih been murdered." I shrank from
tho word. "DtirnB Is back in tho coun
try on a clow we got from tho night
clerk at tho drug store. There will bo
two more men hero by noon, and the
city ofllco la on tho lookout."
"Tlio crock?" Gertrude asked.
"Tho creek Is Bhallow now. If It
wero Bwollen with rain It would bo
different. Thoro Is hnrdly any water
in It. Now, Miss Innoa," ho Raid,
turning to me, "I imiBt ask you bohio
questions, Had Mr. Hulsoy any pos
sible reason for goiug nwny like this,
without warning?"
"Nono whatovor."
MH went awuy onco boforo," he
;ri.l wu fi I'r pwi
If Sim
"Miss Armstrong Is Very III
"And yon wete as sure
"Ho did not leae the Dragon Kly
Jammed Into the side of a freight car
"No, but he left It for repairs lu
a blacksmith shop, a long distance
from here. Do you know If he bad
any enemies? Any one who might
.wish him out of tho way?"
"Not that 1 know of, unless no, I
cnnnift think of any."
"'Was ho lu the habit of carrying
"llo never carried It far. No, he
never had more than enough for cur
rent expenses."
Mr. .lamlesou got up then and be
gan to pace the loom, it was an un
wonted concession to the occasion.
"Then I think wo get at It by elim
ination. The chances are agaluHt
flight. If he was hurt, we tlnd no
trace of him. It looks almost like nn
abduction. This young Dr. Walker
have you any Idea why Mr. Innes
should have gono there last night?"
"I cannot understand it," IJertrude
snld thoughtfully. "I don't think he
knew Dr. Walker at all, and their re
lations could hardly have been cordial,
under the circumstances."
Jamleson pricked up his ears, and
little by little he drew fiom us the
unfortunate story of Halsey's love af
fair, and tho fact that I.oulse was go
ing to marry Dr. Walker.
.Mr. Jamleson listened attentively
"There ate some Interesting devel
opments here." he said thoughtfully.
"The woman who claims to be the
mother ol I.ucleu Wallace has not
come back. Your nephew has appar
ently been spirited away. There Is an
organized attempt bolng made to en
ter this house; lu fact, It has been
entered. Witness the Incident with
the cook yestenlay. And I have a
now piece of Information." He looked
carefully away from (lortrudo "Mr.
John Malley Is not at his Knicker
bocker apartments, and I don't know
where he 1h. It's a hash, that's what
It Is. It's a Chinese pu.zle. They
won't lit together, unless unless Mr.
niuiey ami your nepnew nave again
Anil once again Oertrude surprised
me. "They are not together," she
said hotly. "'I know where Mr. llailey
Is, and my brother Is not with him"
"Miss (iortrudo,"hosulil.,,lt' you and
Miss Louise would only tell me every
thing you know and surmise about
this business, I should be able to do a
great many things. I believe 1 could
tlnd your brother, and I might bu able
to well, to do some other things "
Hut Gertrude's glanco did not falter.
"Nothing that I know could help
you to tlnd llalsey," sho said stubborn
ly. "I know absolutely as little of his
disappearance as you do, and I can
only say this: 1 do not trust Dr
Walker. I think ho hated llalsey,
and ho would get rid of him If he
'Perhaps you are right, lu fact, I
had some such theory myself. Hut Dr.
Walker went out lato last night to a
serious case In Sunimltvllle, and Is
still there. Hums traced him there
We hnvo made guarded inquiry at the
Grconwood club and through the vll
'ago. Thoro is absolutely nothing to
go .mi but this: On tho embankment
above the railroad, at tho point where
wo found tho machine, Is a small
houso. An old woman nnd a daughter,
who Is vory lame, Hvo there. Thoy
say that thoy distinctly heard the
Bhock when tho Dragon Kly hit the
car, aud thoy wont to tho bottom ot
thoir garden nnd looked over. Tho
automobile was there; thoy could see
tho lights, and they thought some ono
I had been Injured. It was very dark,
and Unable to See Any One."
but they could make out two llgurcs,
standing together. Tho women wero
curious, and, leaving the felice, they
went back aud by a roundabout path
down to the road. When they got
there the car was still standing, the
headlight broken and the bonnet
eiushed, but there was no one to be
The detective went away immedi
ately, and to Gertrude and mo wiih
loft the woman's part, to watch aud
wait, lly luncheon nothing had been
found, and I was frantic. I went up
stuiis to Halsey's room tlnally, from
Bheer inability to Hit across from Ger
trude any longer and meet her terror
filled eyes
IJildy was lu my dressing room, was
plclously red-eyed and trying to put
a right sleeve lu a left arm-hole of a
new waist for me. I wits too much
.shaken to scold.
"What name did that woman in the
kitchen give?" she demanded, vicious
ly rlpplilg out the offending sleeve.
'IUIss. Mattle Bliss." I ronlled.
"Mllss. M. It. Well, that's not what
sin. Iiiim on her suitcase. It Is marked ,
N. F. C."
The new cook and her Initials trou
bled me not all. I put on my bonnet
aud sent for what the Casanova liv
eryman called a "stylish turnout."
Having onco made up my mind to a
course of action, I am not ono to turn
bnck. Warner drove me; ho was
plainly disgusted, and he steered Un
livery horse as he would the Dragon
Fly, feeling uneasily with his left loot
for the clutch, and working his right
elbow at an Imaginary horn every
time a dog got in tho way.
Warner had something on his mind,
and after we had turned Into the road
he voiced It.
"Miss Innes," he said. "I over
heard a part of a conversation yester
day that I didn't undei stand. It wasn't
my business to understand it, lor thut
matter. Hut I'e been thinking all
day that I'd better tell you. Yesterday
afternoon, while you and Miss (lor--
trude were out dtlvlng, I had got the
car In some sort of shape again alter
the tire, and I went to the library to
call Mr Innes to see It. I went Into
the living room, where Miss I.iddy
said he was, and half-way across the
library I heard him talking to some
one. He hcciued to be walking up and
down, and he was in a rage, I can tell
"What did he say?"
"The first thing I heard was ex
cuse me, Miss Innes, but It's what ho
said, 'The damned rascal,' he said,
'I'll see him in' well, In hell was
what he said, 'In hell llrst.' Then
somebody else spoke up; It was a
woman. She said: 'I warned them,
but they thought 1 would bo afraid.'"
"A woman! Did you wait to see who
it was?"
"I wasn't spying. Miss Innes," War
ner said with dignity. "Hut the next
thing caught my attention. She said:
'I knew there was something wrong
from the stnrt. A man Isn't well ono
day, and doad tho next, without some
reason.' I thought sho was speaking
of Thomas."
"And you don't know who It was!" I
exclaimed. "Warner, you had the key
to this whole occurrence In your
hands aud did not see it!"
However, there was nothing to bo
dono. I resolved to mako Inquiry
when I got home, and in tho mean
time, my present errand absorbed mo.
This was nothing less than to eco
Louise Armstrong, and to nttotnpt to
drag from her what sho know, or sus
pected of Halsey's dlsnppearanco.
Hut here, as In evory direction I
turned, I waB baflled.
A neat maid answered the bell, but
she stood sqititrnly In the doorway,
and it was Impossible to preservo
one's dignity and pass her
"Miss Armstrong Is very ill and un
able to see any one," site suld. I did
not believe her.
"And Mrs. Armstrong Is she also
"She Is with MIsh IiuIhu and can
not bo dlHturbed." v
"Tell her It Is Mlhs Innes, and that It
Is a matter of tho greatest Impor
tance." "It would bo of no use, MIhh InneH,
my orders are positive."
At that moment a heavy step Hound
ed on the stairs. Past the maid's
whlte-Htrapped shoulder I could see a
lamlllar thatch of gray hair, and In a
moment I was face to face with Dr.
Stewart. He was very grave, and his
customary geniality was tinged with
'You aie tho very woman I want to
see." lie said promptly. "Send away
your trap, and let me drive you home.
What is this about your nephew?"
"He has disappeared, doctor. Not
only that, but there Is every evidence
that he has been either abducted or
" T could not llnlsh. The doctor
helped me into his cupaelous buggy
in silence Until we bnd got a little
distance he did not speak; then he
turned and looked at me.
"Now tell mo all about it," he said.
He heard me tbiottgh without speak
ing "And you think Louise knows some
thing?" he said when I had Mulshed.
"I don't In fact, I am sure of It. The
best evidence of it is tills: She asked
me if he had been heard from, or If
anything had been learned. She won't
allow Walker in the room, and she
madi! me promise to see you aud tell
you this: don't give up the search for
him. Kind liltn, aud llud him soon.
He Is living."
"Well," I said, "If she knows that,
she knows more. She is a very cruel
and ungrateful girl."
"She is a very sick girl," he said
gravely. "Neither you nor I can
judge her until we know everything.
Hoth she and her mother are ghosts ol
their former Helves. I'nder all this.
these two sudden deaths, this bank
robbery, the invasions at Sunnysldu
and Hulscy'H disappearance, there is
some mystery that, mark my words,
will come out some day. And when
It does, we shall tlnd Ixiuise Arm
strong a victim."
Then we iiro' slowly home. I had
the doctor put mo down ut tho gate,
and I walked to tho house past the
lodge where we had found Uiulse, nnd,
later, poor Thomas; on the drive
where I had seen a man watching the
l'lKe and where, later. Kusle had been
lrlghtened; past tho east entrance.
where so short a time before the moat
obstinate effort had been made to ou
ter the house, aud where, that night
two weeks ago, Llddy and I had seen
the strange woman. Not fur trom the
west wing lay the blackened ruins of
the stables. I felt like a ruin myself
as I paused on the broad veranda be
fore I entered the house.
Two nrlvate detectives had arrived
in my absence, and it was a relief to !
turn over to them the responsibility
of the house and grounds. Mr. .lamle
sou, they said, had arranged for more
to assist In the search for the missing
mail, and at that time tho country was
bolng scoured in all directions.
Tho household stall waa again do
pleted that afternoon. Llddy was wait
ing to tell mo that tho new cook had
gone, bag and baggage, without wait
Ing to bo paid. No one bad admitted
tho visitor whom Warner had heard
In the library, unless, possibly, the
missing cook. Again l wna working lu
a circle.
His Little Joke.
"I'm sorry, old man," Bald tho doctot
when lila pntlent ciuno out of the
chloroform, "but wo had to removo
our leg to aavo yo'ur llfo."
"Will I get better? asked the man
"Yea, you'ro all right now. You
ought to llvo 20 years more."
"Ah," Blghed tho victim, "thnt'a a
long wnllo to llvo with one foot lu the
C AT-- W- '
t ill lQ '
Jonen After preparing a long
speech for the dinner tho other night,
I couldn't rcmomber a word of It.
Jagg8by I couldn't remember any
of mine tho morning after.
Because of Its delicate, emollient,
Banatlvo, antiseptic properties derived
from Cuticura Ointment, united, with
tho purest of cleansing ingredients
and most refreshing of llowor odors,
Cuticura Soap la unrivaled for preserv
ing, purifying and beautifying tho
skin, Bcalp, hair and hands, and, as
sisted by Cuticura Ointment, for dis
pelling itching irritation and In
flammation and preventing clogging
of tho pores, tho causo of many dlsflg
tiring facial eruptions. All who do
light in a clear skin, soft, white hands,
a clean, wholesome Bcalp aud live,
glossy hair, will find that Cuticura
Soap and Cuticura Ointment realize
every expectation. Cuticura Reme
dies aro sold throughout tho world.
Potter Drug & Chcm. Corp., aolo pro
prietors, Hoston, Mass. Send to them
for tho latest Cuticura Hook, an au
thority on tho best caro of tho skin,
bcalp, hair and hands. It Is mailed
free on request.
It Would Seem So.
"Say. pa?"
"What Is It?"
"Does I'ncle S.un ever his coi
tal button under the weather bureau?"
Sim. Wlnmnw'n Sootlilnft Kyrnp.
fori lillilten 'iTthliitf. (ofU'-iithi'BHiin rxlinvnln.
tuniuiulloii.ailii if itu. turns vimd colli;. auUjlUiv
A heart unspotted la
daunted Shakespeare
not easily
If you had positive proof that a certain remedy for
female ills had made many remarkable cures, would you
not feel like trying it ?
If during the last thirty years we have not succeeded ia
convincing every fair-minded woman that Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound has cured thousands and thou
sands of women of the ills peculiar to their sex, then we
long for an opportunity to do so by direct correspondence.
Meanwhile read the following letters which we guarantee
to be genuine and truthful.
Hudson, Ohio. "I suffered for a lonpr tlmo from a weakness,
inllmiimution, dreadful pains each month and Hunprosslon. I
had been doctorinp and receiving only temporary relief, when a
friend advised mo to take Lydiiv 13. Plnkham's Vegetable Com
pound. I did so. and wroto to you for advice. I have faithfully
followed your directions and now, after taking- only llvo bottles
of tlio Vegetable Compound, I have every reason to boliovo I nm
n. well woman. I glvo you full permission to use my testimonial."
Mrs. Lena Carmocino, Hudson, Ohio. 11. P. D. No. 7.
' .i iiiyBJ&SA' . i
I'M. m-'
nictucinu una
letter for tho
ability of this
the roots and
female diseases. We possess
enough to convince the most
HIV. 71)
For 30 years Lydia E. Plnklinm's Vegetable
Compound has been tho stundard remedy for
female ills. No sick woman docs justlco to
herself who will not try this famous medicine.
Mado exclusively from roots and herbs, and
mis thousands of cures to ita credit.
RMS?53 Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women
KJ-Hflifi' to wrlto her for advice. Sho has
guided thousands to health free of charge.
Address Mrs. Plnkhum, Lynn, Mass.
S&ltfSiRttllF11 y,e9 ,,U0U, "
A hand-uiado cigar fresh from tho
tnblo, wrapped in foil, Uuia keeping
fresh until smoked. A fresh cigar
niado of good tobacco is tho Idoal
Btnoke. Tho old, well cured tobaccos
used are bo rich In quality that many
who formerly amoked 10c clgara now
etnoko Lewis' Single Binder Straight
Cc. LowIb' Slnglo Hinder costs tho
dealer Bomo more than other lie cigars,
but tho higher price enables thla fac
tory to use extra quality tobacco.
Thoro aro many imitations; thin't bo
fooled. There Ib no Biibstitiilo! Tell
the dealer you want a Lowia "Single
1 , i
Mm. Honhnin Kvery timo I alng to
tho baby ho cries.
Hcnhnm Ho gets his ability as a
musical critic from my side of tho
Oftentimes the stom
ach needs some assist
ance in its great work of
digestion and assimila
tion and an occasional
dose of Hostetter's Stom
ach Bitters will give that
assistance better than
anything else you might
take. Its merit has been
proven thousands of
times in cases of Poor
Appetite, Headache, In
digestion, Dyspepsia,
Costiveness and Malarial
Disorders. Be persuaded
to try a bottle today.
Refuse substitutes.
Cliiilve iiunllty; ruin uud rnnti'i,
vhltA fuccH or nngux boURtit m
nrtlers. Tens of Thoiihamln to
select from. ButlKfuutloii Cluar
nntccd. Correspondence Invited.
Como uml nee fur youruclf.
National Live Stock Com. Co.
At either
Kansas City. Mo. St. Jost ph. Mo. S. Omaha. Neh.
St. Regis Falls, N. Y. "Two years ago I was
so bnd that I had to tako to my bed every month,
and it would last from two to threo weeks. I
wrote to you for ndvico and took Lydia B.PInk
ham's Vegetablo Compound in dry form. I am
happy to say that I am cured, thanks to your
goou nuvice. xou mayusoiny
irood of others.".
ilJJS. (I uu
isreycre, st. ltegis Falls, N. x.
There is absolutely no doubt about the
grand old remedy, made from
herbs of our fields, to cure
volumes of proof of this fact,
Keeps the spindle bright and
free from grit. Try a box.
Sold by dealers everywhere.
2yc, Epizootic
Inii Fever
Catarrhal Fever
uipowl." l.lilUI,tl-viirnthetcnt.MioictiunlheUlcolncIolanli eiiJnOis
,.f?,u"rm"ff",'!,.,''?.,'0,1r- curil)litrrier In Dom mlHhf..piuilcinil,rli
...ll.lll. 11 --.HMnivBI-n -. flllVMJ, VMI-B Uril'IKI A III UU K UI-U11 DO-UK
ni Ii ; Ono Mdnty Minorir, Wa and II bolt Ui n mud fcfo m. iinh. nt thlnouL
CO,, Baffltt GOSHEN, IND., U. S, A,
EHEHIH1--I -- -.-ill i in ri'i im iii-MIIM-MIIWriftlT'-T'TtMiMliil