w LOCALETTES ; .Joe Cut went to ' nvles Tueilay. Geo. Hollister lias letiirneil homo, MatiiieGpnt the Tepee- "vitimlav after- ( ihooii. ' . I F 1 , 'OhI pipers ft cents u bundle tit this oiliee. Ij'isI riot court is in session t lit" week. Saturday afternoon Matinee lit I ho Tepee. Miss Cluni Hures was in UhuU'ii Sunday. Fred Vallaee was in Orleans over Sunday. '!? I ' ; Will ifuut was, down from Ditto Hill Monday. I Attend tho Tepee next Saturday afternoon. L. M. Crabill returned front Cripple Creek, Colo. Mr.and Mrs. A. 1'. Ely have moved to Ked Cloud. ! Fred (Jorlach was down from Hose uiont Sunday. Reese Thompson was down from Cowles Tuesday. O. C. Teel was In Aurora ami Grand Island this week. Miss Clara Able returned from Chi cago Friday evening. Miss (iraoo Leonard of Rivcrtou was in the city Saturday. '. Eli Cox was down from ltladen Tuesday ou business. Sta Dr. Stockman for eye glasses Satisfaction guaranteed. Will Letson, wife and baby arrived Monday front California. Sit, $12. SKi and SI J will buy a good Single Harness at FonKL's. Mrs. Mark Parkes returned front Denver Sunday morning. Mrs. Tony Clark returned from McCook Sunday morning. E. E. (.Jeer of Superior was in the city the last of the week. Lloyd liradbrook was down from WoodrutV, Kas., over Sunday. Mrs ("has. Suhult. left, for .Madison. Xebr , Monday to visit a sister. O. W. Burgess made a business trip to Omaha the first of the week. X. IX Simpson nnd wife took in the reunion at Superior Wednesday (Siiy Bradbrook went to Blue Hill and Bladen Monday on business. Kichard Albright spent Sunday with his grandmother at Orleans. Mr. Sopor of Mexico is tho gttest of his daughter, Mr,s. Henry Nyberg. Win. Crabill has purchased tho James Overman farm west of town. Calicoes American Prints Five cents per yard. Mim:u BAos. and Co. LOSt A stnoll Berkshire pig. Find r please leave word at the Chief olllee. Attorney Walters wos down from Ulue Hill this week attending District Court Mrs. Howard of Oinalia aunt of Willie Holmes was in the city over Sunday. John Rose, Louie Schmidt and Miko Dunlin were down from Blue Hill Monday. Chas. Baker is up from Wytnore this week packing the box ball alley for shipment. The Chief ollice takes subscriptions nud renewals for the Twentieth Cen tury Farmer. Preaching at tho Garfield school house Sunday Sept. 18 at !$ p. in. by Elder Hitssoug. All the grtat artists sing for the Victor irpl Edison. Hear thorn at Kowhouse Bros. Miss Myrtle Baker of Hastings ar rived Saturday to visit her mother, Mrs. Herb Ludlow. .!. W. Bogonrief and wife also 'brothor and wife went north on No. 4 Wednesday morning. Geo. Blair of Lincoln is visiting his son, Bort nnd family this week also made this ofllao a call. , , . y T-rzX. mm, . mffi ,: Absolutely Pure The only baking powder made from Royal Grape Graant of Tartar NoAtajFSote Phosphate ftOYAl IB u,j-r.Lji- M) IP!) Pg?tTgt a MBMtet MBEH MBlfr OWDER igftwig Our Newest Watch You have probably no- g ticcd by nil the magazines pg that there is a nc vrwattlt out. p Every new thinpj in the M jewelry line if it's good J -y6u find first in this store. jq Wc have examined the new M fogexoilIVenton ,7-Jewet wntcn H and find it a strictly well made, accurately turfe-' V watch, highly recommended for all who need a good popular-priced time-piece. $5, $7 and $9 according to cases. fitcri lhafi Ihtmonrv tixtbovthlbtfoit flEWHOUSE BROS. E. H. Newhouse, Prop. Jewelers 0 Optometrists W.v.vieii To borrow 8C00 for one year on Real Estato or Personal mort gage with good security. Mr and Mrs George l'opo left for Annapolis, Maryland, this morning to visit theirson Ralph Pope. All of tny pianos are Standard, and if I tell you they are NYew, it means they are New. Argabright. Remember that every thing is cheap er and bettor in the Harness line at Foi.kis than any other place. Claudo 1'ieroo returned front Lincoln the last of the week where he has been having his eyes treated. Who is sorry they bought a (hie piano'.1 "Better bo sure than sorry." Argabright sells Fine Pianos! (Jo to the Bod Cloud Milling Co., for your short and brands in half ton lots or more at wholesale prices. Miss Dessie Ford of Wray, Colo., arrived Sunday morning for a visit with her sister Mrs. Luther Crabill. J. II. Bailey and wife have returned from Omaila whore they have been visiting their sons, (Jrant and Vern. (J. V. Argabright has accepted a position on the road for a Wholesale Piano House. Rend his ad in this issue. Turnuro Bros, have purchased the Beunett stock of merchandise at Cowles and will at once dispose of tho same. Lost A hand bag, containing three purses, a watch and several other smnll things. Please leave at this ollice. Tho Buck Junior Range will be given uway Saturday, September tMth., at the Red Cloud Hdw. .v Impl. Co., store. Mrs. Uife arrived homo Saturday night from Beatrice where sho had been visiting her son Will Rife nud family. Jim Morauvillo was called over to Don Claries south of Inavalu Tuesday to treat a horse which was cut badly in the fence. Potor Morten Jr., and wife were down from Blue Hill last week taking in the ball games and visiting Ed A mack and wife. Fred Jarrott, Jack Musters utid Guy Bradbrook went to Superior Wednes day to play ball with Guide Rock ugainst Superior. Foil Thade 1(50 acres at North Platte. Will trado for 5 or more acres near Red Cloud. For particulars in quire of J. C. Slosh. Fori Sai.k A If Horse Power Whitty Oasolino Engine, Dynamo and Switch Board completed. Good as new. Inquire of Andy Haiit. Use n'Hull Detachable Handle Um brella. Children siztsSl.OO nud up. Ladies or gents sizes special 1.2.'. and up" Got them of Xowliouse. A brand new ''Capocoiistlo" Chiuker ing Bros, piano, lit a price that can not bo duplicated, is one of Arga- brlghts bargains Tins Wr.KK. Mrs. Dr. Damorell and niece, Miss Martheiiu Lamaro went to Denver Wednesday morning where Martheiiu will attend school this winter. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hullur. Mrs. Joo Fogel aud daughter, Mrs. (ieo i Trine and daughter and Mrs. C. B. Hale were in Superior Saturday. Don't wait for lack of Cash. Buy u piano on Time if you wish. But buy ono of Argabriglit's bargains this week. This Is your Opportunity. Clarence Mitchell came up from Red Cloud Sunday, the state lenguo base ball season having been finished last week --KmiiUln County News. t IftM st im-Hki Next Sundny at ' p. m. Mr. .lurbcc will preach at the Indian Creek school house and at the Urethral! church In Bed Cloud at S p. tn. in the evening. (lta. Walter, Mike Finkeubinder, Met edit h Butler and Alby Pope re turned front Blue Mill Friday where they hud been laying cement sido walks Time is too short to call upon you. If you -eouro one of Argubiight's bargains you will have to eonio to Bed Cloud, or write or phone. Tim Wn.K. All tho big amusement features in the west can be seen at the Central Nebraska Fall Festival, which will bo held in Hastings October 10 to lfi In clusive. Ed ward Parkes and daughter, Mrs. Lucy Richardson, of Council Bluirs, Iowii arrived in this city Friday night for a two weeks visit witli his brother William Parkes, Sr. The usual preaching services at 11 a m. and 8 p. in. at the Christian church next Lord's day Sept. 18. Ser- mqn subjects, "lite, ivinguom, ami "The Bnilness of the King." All in vited. The local talent that assisted Mr. Ellis in putting ou tho Modern Wood men play at this place went to River ton Saturday night and put on tho play before a largo crowd there. The Red Cloud Hardware & Imp. Co., are making extremely low prices on Woven Wire fencing. Call early and get tho benefit. Don't delay, for the prices fixed will move tho stock in n few days. "Cast Aside," a new play by L B. Parker will be tho offering at tho Opera House on Monday night Sept. 19th. It Is said to be ono of the biggest dramatic successes of the present year. Tomorrow our tennis club goes to Cowles to play for the championship of the county. Whether they come home with n brass baud or sneak in after night will depend upon the re sults of tho game. Dr. C P.. Cros will open up a Dun till Ollice in the rooms over Albright's Furniture Store. October 1st. The Doctor comes here from Franklin where lie has been practising for tho last ten yeais. In order that those living out of town may have an opportunity to s tho moving pictures the management has arranged for Saturday afturnnon performances, connntneing with next Saturday at It p. m. sharp. Theolllcoof .Morgan and Co., the prominent Wall Street Bankers has been used as a model for the sotting of the tlrst act in "Cast Aside," the now play by L. B. Parker which comes to theoporu houso on Monday Sept. 111. We desire to thank tho kind friends, tho A. O. U. W., and M. W. A., lodges and Dr. Moranville and H. J, Maurer for their assistance in helping get my tricycle chair. Mil. AND Mux. FllANK NKI.sON. At the ladies monthly market of tho Christian church to be held at Ed Attack's furniture store- on Sept. 17th. will be found all kinds of cootl tilings to oat, as woll as aprons little and big short and long and dKiorent styles. We invite your patronage No play in recent yearshas attained such immediate proof of public ap proval as has "Cast Aside" which comes to the Opera House on Monday Sopt. 10. It is said that it lias been greeted by capacity audiences in every city it has played slnco the tlrst production. Wednesday oveniug the Royal Neigh bors had a "hard timo" social for the benefit of their friends. Everybody wore their old rags nnd those that didn't got fined and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mauley captured tho prizes as boing the best representatives of hard times. Mr. J. S. Gilliam niado a short talk on tho benefits of tho order which wan appreciated by all. Music and singing was. also on tho program. A lunch was served to which overybody did justice. Everybody present re ports a good time. LINK BY LINK wo are forgluir the chains that will bind tho public tons forthcir future Jewelry purchases because we aie still giving THE BF.TTER. GRADE OF BARGAINS in gold and Nilver'Jewi'liy and pre cious stones. Hold Hiatus it special ty. Novel and uiigiii.l designs in 14-kt. gold. J. C. Mitchell The Jeweler Mm fc$ wwflWMPWwsBwwmpi HrtJKHTK imHKM One of the features of the Big Fall Festival, to be held at Hastings dur ing the second week of October, will be the horse show. The contest will be in the hands of ablest horsemen of the state, and the prizes ate sulllcient ly large to assure an exceptionally largo entry. At the regular meeting of Iho I. O. O. F.. lodge Monday night tin follow ing delegates were elected to attend the grand lodge which com ones in Lincoln nest month: I'M Hanson and .1 '.Saylor. The following were elect ed as alternates: (.'has. Reigle and Bnone Saunders. The High School toot ball team in stalled three new shower baths In the basement of the Washington building Saturday for their beuetlt. They have also ordered new suits and sweaters. They will undoubtedly have the best High School foot ball team In the southern part of Nebraska this year. The I'JlO assessment shows the fol lowing valuation for Webster county: Lauds and Improvements, actual valiu'12,CO.r:o.OO; Lots81,r.l0,l)lU.(l0; Personal S.V.fJil.Go.) 00; Railroad, SV iKJO.O.'IO.Uf' a total of twenty-two million one hundred thirtyseven thousand six hundred sixtytlvc dollars. Andy Hartsoldhisrcstaurant Satuv day to Herb Ludlow who took possess ion of the same Monday morning. His brother Percy will assist him in the restaurant and they are two of the best cooks in Nebraska and will undoubtedly satisfy their customers in the meal line. We wish you success Herb. Shall Bcd Cloud be divided into three wards'.' This question will bo discussed Monday night at the Con gregational church. Attorney Maurer and Superintendent Moritz are tho principal speakers. This lneetingwill be in charge of the Brotherhood and as we uiulorstuiMl it all eltiens ate invited. .lust as much care, in fact a little more, sliauld be exercised in buying electric sad irons.' as In buying any thing ttlse. Soma irons us more elec trlcity than others in doing the sam wrk. Got. your electric irons f MmiiiAiir Dims., they carry the anther iztd iron. Be carefull of "just us good" electric lions. Theladiosof the W.C.T. U. have secure the kindergarten building and will install a rending room there. This will be an excellent place for young men to spend it profitable- hour. A competent man will be in charge and every convenience arranged. Wo tuust that this beginning will result in-establishing n Y. M.C. A. in tills oily. Chas. K. Harris has presented to L, B. Parker the. author of "Cast Aside," which conies to tho opera houso on Monday Sept. 10 an autographed copy of tho song of the same title, which suggested to Mr. Parker the theme for his play. The copy presented to Mr. Parker is the flrstthat was issued from tho press and is indeed a unique souvenir. Mr. Fred Barber brought this oillco some sumjilcs of his corn and tamo sunflowers Tuesday. Tho corn is not more than eight feet high but it has two woll developed ear on each stock and Fred informs us that he has a wholelleld.justllkoit. The sunflowers are fully ton foot high and the heads are as large as a large, stowkettle. This shows what Webster county can do with an unfavorable season. Many of our people visited the state fair last week. They were consider ably disappointed because they did not see the Hying machines in oper ation but they all declaro that the fair itself was the best over given. Animals, exhibits, grain and every thing was of a high order. It takes a good state to make a hotter showing in fact we very much doubt the utility of any state making its good a showing as Nebraska when sho is at her best. The Music Study Club met last Thursday evening at the homo of Mrs. Stewart Albright. A delightful pro gram was given, after which, the club adjourn od to meet with Mrs. Dr. Cun ningham, Thursday evoning, Sopt. 22. At that time the following numbers will be given: Current Events Mrs. Clifford Pope Piano Solo Mrs. Bdith Hughes ocal Duet . .Miss Igou and Mrs. Ed. Garber (mi tar Solo Miss Elsie Arnold P. into Duet Mrs. Ethol WhittnVer and Mrs. Stewart Albright Vocal Solo Ml-s Etta Coon Paper Mrs. H. J. Cunningham Monday wo visited tho thrhing cii (.1 Inavalo and weio much ploai-cd at the appearance of that city. Business there seems to bo good. Mr. Irons , took us in tow and showed us his new I addition to ills lumber yard. This is ' ;i'.'x70.ll ft. Tho bottom of this shed Is made by using cement walls every three feet and large enough to carry any load. Ho has also added a com plete line of paint to his business and will carry a large' simply of that ma terial. Mr' Irons is inuoii pleased with tho patronage he is receiving nnd t,li)nUs that next, to Red Cloud more business is transacted in Iuuvale tluiti in any other Nebraska town for its size 'HwiiuMiimiai' .wyV'ri -ffimini"i i yaw -j-Wi rw,rfffaBiLffwii4aBra A NY day that you'd like . to know something about the best clothes made, in a i 11 store where nothing but the highest grade merchan dise is handled, drop in on as and let us shoui yoa some of oar Hart Schaffner & Marx fine clothes. They'll interest you; they're made of strictly all-wool fabrics,, and tailored perfectly. You will not find any such clothes ready-to-wear,, anywhere else; they're better than the average custom tailor can make. ie J We'll sell you Hart Schaffner & Marx suits from $20 to $50. Ready for service PAIL STOREY THE CLOTHIER. This is the home of Hart piRNITlRE (VUPETS AND 1 1NPERTAKING Ladie Assistant in our Undertaking Department. ALL THE PHONES Ed. Amackp Prop. LEADERS IN FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING. I 'JL I but not ing stiff E:ss:c:::: 'Mi'fimni mM' ffuwiiW I WWW : 11'" W f P1 --' Ww 1 1 im 8- Y t.t Schaffner & Marx clothes. I tmxmt "affective." There's noth or formal about anything that pertains to this Photographic Studio. Ease of posture, proper shading and correct delineation of feature is de picted in every photograph we print. GOING AWAY? GET PHOTO GRAPHED. It won't cost much. THE MODEL STUDIO STEVENS BROTHERS RED CLOUD, - - NEBRASKA. v if,A 1K- .reaacgTWsw;;aMi r,jmw&?fflT.rJwA.J 1 if A I fi m -'si 1 y & 8 m '4 IB t mmmmmmmmmim mum&Suiiii .mr--nmW.iMmm0mmm itytWW III Will ! f rniljfciiiriM 1T AAM