The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 15, 1910, Image 2

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    ' . JytlBasa1slasaasa yKoffiKflaraSSy
-l4UJ... llll ti III I' O i Miiil
ILLUSmATlOJid 6Y RVvtr'-Kj-
ttrrtvcttT not cv atM-mtucn T
Minn InnRH. milnHtor mul Kmirdlim of
lf rliinlo ninl lliilsny. csIiiIiIIhIimI tmiiinifi
liiiitdiiuiirlL'nt nt HimiiyHlilf Tim hitvuiiIm
iIi-mtc. (lertriiilo unil llittsi'y nnlve Willi
Jack llnlloy. Tho Ikiiihii wiih uwiila-iinl liy
it revolver hIiiiI and Arnold AriiiHlmiiK
wild roiiiul nhiit li dentil In Mm hull. Mini
limes round HiilKi-y'H nvolvcr on l""
Inwn. ll ninl Ii"l MiiHi-y liiul illHiip
iiriiriMl. Mcrtruilp rcvcnlod Unit hIio wiih
iini,'iiril lit Jiulc llnlloy. Willi whom hIic
iiilknl In Ihc lillllnrd loom uliortly licforo
11 nt... Iljil..,.tlifi .Ifilnlimoll lire IIHIMI
I1IJ IMIIKII II . .... .. - .
MlflM Innmot IioIiIImk l"'k evidence I In
ItniirlMoiird an Intruder In mi empty room.
Tim prlsonur onpwl. (Iciliudo wiih hum
lnrlrd iHwitiijio of mi Itijuied foot. Iliil
ho' nmpiii'iini ninl hiih he imtl Hrwley
were riillid nwny hy n teli-KNim. flwliler
llnlley of I'uiil ArmstioiiK'H Imtik. tie
fiiurl. uun nri-cHtnil for niLesdemi'iit.
I'hiiI AriHHln.-nR'H doiiUi wiih iiiinoiiiireil.
IlftlKoy'B ilnni'i'i'. LoiiIhc Armntroim. lulil
Hulxey Mint while hIio mill loved lilni, film
twin H inlirry miollier. II developed Unit
Tlr. Walker wiih the limn. loiilxu wiih
found nl Uip. holloin of tm elivliliir Hlnlr
rnw. ItepovcrliiK piiineloiifliiniw. hIio Biild
HOiiiPlliliiR had lirimhed hy her on the
iti.lrifii v mill uhl- fiillihll. Itlllll'V IH HUH
peeled of Ariimtioiw'ii tniitili r. After
''KPPlliK H Klitml," TlinmiiM. the lodKekeep
it. wan found dead with n hIIp '. Jll,M
iioiltct heartiiK Mm nanio of "l.uelen ul
Incc" Dr. Walker naked MI.111 Iiiiiih to
vae.alo In favor of Mm. Aiinmroinr Hh"
ipfiiHeil. A nolo from Motley In (iuttriulo
nrruimlriK 11 nieolliiK nl nlKhl wiih found.
A ladder out of place tlcepeim the iiivh
leiy. Tim MnliU-H were huined. DurlUK
Iho i xrltoinent ft tunu Htole Into the liotinu.
A Heardi fallod to reveal hlni. MIhh InnrH
Hhot an Intruder. A mini lliupliiK wiih
hpcii on llm road.
"Did tlioy ro toward tli club?"
(icrlrurto iiBkeil maidenly. IuiujIiib for
wnnl. "No.'inlriH. I tlilbk tlioy came Into
tlip vitiligo. I didn't get ll lo(),c at
lliclr faccH, but I know ovry chick
and (Jilld In tho iilaco, and ovorybody
known rue. When tlicy didn't nhotit
nl me In my uniform, you know I
took II (bey worn utrmiKPrH."
Ho nil wo bad for our aftcrnoon'r.
work wnn Ibis: Somu one bad been
Hhot by, tho bullot that went through
llm door; bo bad not left tho vIIIuri,
and he had not called In a pliynlclan
AIho, Dr. Wnlkor know who Luclcn
Wallace wnn, and IiIh very donlal
nuiilo me conlldeut that, In that one
direction at leant, wo were on tho
right track.
"(icrtrMdo," I Hald, "I have been a
very hcKIhIi old woman. You arc go
ing to leavo tills mlHctnblo Iiouho to
night, Annlo Morton Ih going to Scot
land next week, and you nhall go right
with her."
To my eurprlHo, hIio fliiHhed pain
fully. "I don't want to go, Aityt Hay," hIio
naltl. "IKn't make mo wave now."
"You nro losing your ' health and
you!1 good lookH," I ald decidedly.
"You hlunild luivo a change."
"I Rhan't Btlr a foot." She was
equally decided. Then, more Sightly:
"Why, you and Mddy need mo to ar
bitrate betweeu you every day In the
Perhapa I wna growing HUHplcloim of
every oue, but It aeeined to me that
ficrtrudc' jinyoty wiih forced and ar
tificial. 1 watched her covertly during
the rent of the drive, and 1 did not
like tho two upotH of crimson In her
pale cheokB. Hut I buJc! nothing more
nbout Bonding her to Scntland; I knew
hIiv would not go.
A Visit from Louise.
rnai uay was uesitneii to ho nn
eventful uio, for when I entered tho
house and found Kliza euseonsud In
tho ur.pcr hall on a chair, with Mary
Aline doing her best to stllle her with
bousehold ammonia, and Mddy rub
bing her wrists whatever good that
Is supposed to do I knew that the
KboBt bad been walking again, and
this timo In daylight.
Eliza was In a frenzy or fear. She
clutched at my sleevo when I wont
closo to her, and 'refused to let go
until buo bad told her fltory. Coming
Just after tho fire, the household was
demoralized, nud It was no surprise
to mo to Had Alex ami the under
Kardener struggling downstairs with
a heavy trunk between them.
"I didn't want to do It, Miss limes."
Alex said. "Hut she was so excited I
was arrald she would do as she said
drag it down horseir, and scratch
the utalrcase."
I was trying to get my bonnet off
and to kcop tho maids quiet at the
name time. "Now, Hllza, when you
have washed your face and stopped
bawling," I said, "come Into my sitting
room and toll mo what has happened."
Mddy put nwny my things without
Bpenklng. Tho very set of her shoul
dors expressed disapproval.
"Well,"I Bald, when the silence be
came uncomfortable, "things seem to
be warming up."
Silence from Llddy, and n long sigh.
"IT Eliza goes, 1 don't know where
to look for another cook." More si
lence. "Itoalo is probably a good cook."
"Llddy," I said at last, "don't dare
to deny that you nro having tho time
or your life. You positively gloat In
this excitement. You nover looked
better. It's my opinion nil this running
uround, and getting Jolted out or a
rut. has stirred up that torpid llvor of
"It's not mysolf I'm thinking about,"
fiho said, goaded Into speech. "May
bo my liver was torpid, and maybe It
wasn't; but I know this: I've got
towo feolinjro loft, and to see you
Htandlug at tho fool of that HtalrcaBU
Hhootln through the door I'll never
be the huiiki womuti again."
"Well, I'm glad of that anything
for a change," I Hald. And In came
Kllzii, flanked by Koalo and Mary
Her atory, broken with hoIhi and cor
icctloiiH from tho other two, wnB HiIh:
At two o'clock (2:10, lUmle (tiHlatetl)
hIiu It n il gone upHtalrn to get a picture
from her room to ahow'Mary Anne.
(A picture of a lady, .Mary Anne Inter
poacd.) ' She went up the ueKvantH'
HtnlrciiHo and along the corridor to her
room, which lay between the trunk
room and the unllnlHhed ballroom. She
heard a Kound an she went down the
corridor like Home one moving furni
ture, but alio was not nervous. She
thought Itmlglit bo men examining the
house after the tiro tho night before,
but she looked in the truukroom and
nuw nobody.
She went Into her room iilctly. The
noise had ceased and everything was
Mulct. Then she sat down on the side
of her bed, and, feeling faint she was
subject to spoils ("1 told you that
Struggling Down-Stairs
when I -jme. didn't I. Itosle?" "Yos'm.
Indeed bhe did!") she put her head
down on her pillow and
"Took a nap. All right!" 1 said. "Go
"When I ciuuo to, Miss Innos, sure
as I'm slttln' hero, I thought I'd die.
Sometltin' hit me In the face, and I
set up, sudden. And then I seen tho
plaster diop, droppln' from a llttlo
hole in the wall. And the flrst thing
I knew, an Iron bar that long (fully
two yatds by her mensure) "shot
through that hobs and tumbled on tho
bed. If I'd been still sleeping"
('Tainting," corrected Itosle) "I'd V
been hit on tho head and killed!"
"I wlsht you'd heard her scream,"
put In Mary Anne. "And her face as
white us a pillow-slip when she tum
bled down tho stairs."
"No doubt there Is some natural ex
planation for It. Hllza," I said. "You
nmy have dreamed it, In your 'faint
ing' uttnek. Hut If It Is true, tho metal
rod and tho hole In the wall will chow
Kllza looked a llttlo bit sheepish.
"Tho hole's there all right, Miss In
nes," sho said. "Hut the bar was gone
when Mary Anno and Koslo went up
to puck my trunk."
-nun wasn i an," Mtiiiys voice
came funereally from a corner. "Hllza
said that from the hole In the wall u
burning eye looked down at her!"
"Tho wall must be at least six
Inches thick," I said with asperity.
'Unless the portion who drilled the
hide carried his eyes on the ends of a
stlcJc, Kllza couldn't possibly have
seen them."
Hut tho fact remained, and a visit
to Kllza's room proved It. 1 might
Jeer all I wished; some one bad
drilled a holt In tho iintlulshed wall
of tho bnllroom, passing between the
bricks of the partition, and shooting
through tho unresisting plaster of
KlIza'B room with such lorco as to
send the rod Hying on to her bed. I
hnd gono upstairs alone, and I confess
the thing puzzled mo; In two or three
places In tho wnll small apertures had
been made, noiio of them of any depth.
Not the least mysterious thing was
tho disappearance of tho Iron iinplo-'
ment that had been used.
Mary Auiio and Hllza loft that after
noon, but Koslo decided to stay. It
was nbout Ilvo o'clock when tho l?k
camo from tho station to gut timni,
and, to my amazement, It had an oc
cupant. Matthew Golst, the drlvor,
naked for mo, and explained his er
rand with prldo.
"l'vo brought you n conk, Mlaa In
ness," ho said. "Whou tho mossngo
IHIIl II I Mil II I II llll il Jll I r-ft- - J I
Kli ll I I TTfffr'fftm'nriiTi
i 1 1 11 1 11(1 11 111 1 1 1! 11 II ...I. ,m i
xfvl Hlllllllllllllllll I I '
iii mm irsi f a
came to come up for two girls and
their trunks I supposed, tbero was
something doing, and us this here
woman had been looking for work In
the village I thought I'd bring her
Already ( had acquired the true
suburbanite ability to take servants
on faith; 1 no longer demanded writ
ten and unimpeachable references. I,
Ilachel Inneii, buvo learned not to
mind If tho cook Bits down comfort
ably in my sitting room when she Is (
taking the orders for tho day, and I
am grateful If the silver Is not cleaned
with Hcourlng soap. And so that day I
merely told Llddy to send the new ap
plicant In. When she came, however,
I could hardly restrain u gasp of sur
prise. It wuh the woman with the
pitted face.
She stood somewhut awkwardly Just
Inside the door, and she had an air of
self-coulldencc that wns inspiring.
Yes, she could cook; was not a fancy
cook, but could make good soups anil
desserts If there was any one to take
charge of the sulads. And so, in the
end, I took her As Halsey said, when
with a Heavy Trunk.
we told him, It didn't matter much
about tho cook's face If It was clean.
I hnve spoken of Ilalsey's restless
ness. On that day It seemed to be
more than ever a resistless Impulse
that kept him out until after luncheon.
I think ho boied constantly that he
might meet Loulso driving over the
hills In bur runabout; possibly ho did
meet her occasionally, but from his
continued gloom I felt sure tho situa
tion between them wns unchanged.
Part of the afternoon I believe ho
read Gertrude and I wore out, as 1
have said, and at dinner we both no
ticed that something had occurred to
distract him. He was disagreeable,
which Is unlike him, nervous, looking
at his watch evory few minutes, and
he ate almost nothing. Ho asked twlco
during the menl on what train Mr.
ilamleson and the other detective wero
coming, and had long periods of ab
straction during which he dug his
fork Into my damask cloth and did
not hear when ho was spoken to. lie
refused dessert, and left the tnblo
early, excusing himself on the ground
that ho wanted to seo Alox
Alex, nowever, was not to be found.
It was aftor eight when Hnlsoy or
dered tho car and started down the
hill at a pace that, oven for him, was
unusually reckless. Shortly nfter
Alex reported that he was ready to go
over the house atory to closing
It lor tho night. Sam Hohnnnon came
at a quarter before nine and began his
patrol of tho grounds, and with the
arrival of tho twodutectlvos to look
forward to I was not especially appre
hensive. At half-past nlno I heard the sound
of a horse driven furiously up the
drive. It camo to a stop In front of
the houso and Immediately after there
were hurried stops on tho vornndu.
Our nerves were not what thoy should
have been, and Gertrude, nlways np
prehenslvo lately, was at the door al
most Instantly. A moment later Louise
had burst Into tho room and stood
there baroheaded and breathing hard.
"Whero Is Ilalney?" sho demanded.
Above her plain blnck gown her eyes
looked big and somber, and tho rapid
drive had brought no color to horfnee.
I got up and drew forward a chair.
"Ho has not como back," I said
quietly. "Sit down, child; you aro
not strong enough for this kind of
I don't think sho oven henrd mo.
"Ho has not como back?" sho
nsked, looking from mo to Gertrude
"Do you know whero ho went? Where
can I find him?"
"For heaven's sake, Louise," Gor-
trude burst, out, "tell us what Is wrong.
Hnlsoy Is not here. He has gono to
the station for Mr Jamleson. What
has happened?"
"To tho station, Gertrudu? You are
"Yes." I said. "Listen. There Is
the whistle of the train now."
She relaxed a llttlo at our mattor-of-fact
tone, and allowed herself to
sink into a chair.
"Perhaps 1 was wrong," sho said
heavily. "He will be hero In n Tew
moments If everything Is right."
We sat there, tho three or us, with
out attempt ul conversation, lloth Ger
trude nnd I recognized tho futility of
asking Loulso any questions; "her
reticence was a part of a role she had
assumed. Our ears wero strained for
tho first throb of the motor as it
turned Into the drive nud commenced
tho climb to tho house. Ten minutes
pasi.ed. 15, L0. I saw Iouise's bands
grow rigid ns they clutched tho arms
of her chair. I watched Gertrude's
blight color slowly ebbing nwuy, and
around my own heart I seemed to feel
the grasp oru giant hand.
Twenty-nve minutes, and then a
sound. Hut It was not the chug or the
motor: it was tho unmistakable rum
ble of the Casuuova hack. Gertrude
drew aside the curtain and peered
Into the darkness.
"It's tho hack, I am sure,' she said,
evidently relieved. "Something has
gone wrong with the car, and no won
der tho way Halsey went down the
U seemed a long time before tho
creaking vehicle came to a stop at the
door. Louise rose and stood watching,
her hand to her throat. And then
Gertrude opened the door, admitting
Mr. .ramleson and a stocky, middle-
used man. Halsey was not with them.
When the door had closed and Loulso
realized that Halsey had not come,
her expression changed. From tense
wutchfulnefis to relief, and now again
to absolute despair, her face was an
open pngo.
"Halsey?" I tusked unceremoniously,
Ignoring tho stranger. "Did he not
meet you?"
"No." Mr. .lamlesou looked slightly
surprised. "I rather expected the
car, but we got up all right."
'You didn't see him ut all?" Louise
demanded breathlessly.
Mr. Jamleson know her at once, al
though ho had not seen her before.
Sho had kept to her rooms until the
morning she left.
"No. Miss Armstrong," ho said. "1
rnnir rwitliliitr ,-f film YVMmt lu wenm?'?"
iu ., iiiviiuio w. ..... . ... ... o-
"Then we shall have to llnd him,"
she asserted. "Every Instant Is pre
cious. Mr. Jamleson, I have reason
for believing Unit ho Is In danger, but
I don't know whut It Is. Only he
must be found."
Tho stocky man had said nothing.
Now, however, he went quickly to
ward tho door.
"I'll catch the hack down the road
and hold It," ho said. "Is the gentle
man down In the town?"
"Mr. .Iniulftson,"' Louise said ltnpul
slvely, "1 can uso the hack. Take my
horse and trap outside and drive like
mad. Try to llnd the Dragon Fly It
ought to bo ensy to trace. I can
think of no other way. Ouly, don't
lose a moment."
Tho new detective had gone, and
a moment later Jamleson went rapidly
down the drive, the cob's feet striking
fire at every step. Louise stood look
ing after them. When she turned
around sho faced Gertrude, who stood
indignant, ulmost tragle, In the hall.
"You know what threatens Halsey,
Louise," she said accusingly. "I bo
llevo you know this whole horrible
"I Believe You Know This Whole Hor
rible Thing, This Mystery."
thing, this niy8tory that wo. aro strug
gling with. If anythtng happens to
Halsey, I shall nover forglvo you." .
Loulso only raised her hands de
spairingly and dropped them ugaln.
Prompted by Instinct.
Thero Is n cortaln typo of femininity
which Instinctively understands thu
proprieties of a buggy ride. Holon,
aged thrco, cuddled up closo to hor fa
ther, this being her first rldo with him
unattended. As father tucked tho
robo about tho dainty miss nnd
chirped to his liorso ho asked: "What
shall wo talk about, doarlo?" "Well,
father," as sho laid hor llttlo hand on
hla arm, "lot's talk about loving eucL
fey 4 . ftf
Mull, n
Sunday Sclool Luoo for Spt. 18, 1910
Specially Arranged for Ttilt Paper
LESSON THXT. Matthow 22:15-22,
34-46, Memory verses 37-39 .
QOLDIIN TK.VT. "HfiiUor thcroforo
unto Oaemir tho IIiIiikk which are
CncMnr's; and unto Clod tho thliiKS that
aro tlod'H." Matt. 22:22.
TIMK. Tuesday. April 14, A. D. 30.
Iho mime day us our taut lusaon.
I'LAC'i:.- Tho Court of thu Tumpto In
Suggestion and Practical Thought.
Tho rulers of tho Jews had deter
mined ou tho death of Jesus (Mark
11: 18), and wero now seeking some
way of ensnaring Jesus Into express
ing opinions which could be used as an
accusation for which ho could bo con
victed in tho courts. Hut by Jesus' an
swers DIvinu truth was made more
Tho question was asked by n wily
combination of two parties. It was, Is
It lawful to glvo tribute to Caesar, or
not? Tho Pharisees sent tholr disci
ples, learners, students, who would
como as those who wanted to learn,
and not as the teachers who, being
supposed to know, would appear to bo
merely wanting to entrap Jesus, "A
cunning device." These would repre
sent one side of the question, opposed
to paying tribute to Caesar.
"Flerco opposition was offerod to
tho tribute law . . . which was regard
ed ns an Impiety, Inasmuch as no Lord
could be recognized but God. . . .
Others offered opposition to tho legal
ity of tho tax, while one leader, Judnh
of Gamnla, associated with a Pharisee
named Zadok, formed n party to work
solely on this line of attack. Then ven
geance was Bwom ugalnst whomso
ever should transgress the Mosaic law,
and the Zealots were pious assassins
who Imposed upon themselves tho sa
cred obligations of killing all trans
gressors of the law."
Tho Herodlans wero adherents of
tho Hcrods, who owed what power
they possessed to tho Koman govern
ment. "They vied with tho Sadduces
In skepticism, and with tho Greeks lu
licentiousness, pandered to tho vlco
and cruelty of the Hcrods nnd truckled
to tho Komniis." These represented
the other side of tho question, favoring
trlbuto to Caesar, and opposed to the
Messianic hopes of the Pharisees.
No matter which side Jesus took It
teemed Impossible for him not to seri
ously damage his cauae. If ho decided
for either Jarty, tho other would bo his
enemy. Ho wna sailing between Scylla
and Charybdls. If he said It was not
right to pay taxes, he would bo In col
lision with tho whole Koman power,
which would regurd and treat hlni as a
criminal. His career would bo ended.
If ho snid It was lawful for tho Jews,
the great mass of the people would be
against htm, and be would lose his
hold upon tbum; for they bated tho
Koman government, nud one of tho
tlrst and greatest things they expected
of tho Messiah was dollveranco from
this subjection :o a foreign power,
"The taxes wero n constant causo of
They say unto him, Cnesnr's
(pronounced Katsar by Komnna and
Greeks. It is tho Gorman kaiser and
Uusslan cznr). "Kender therefore unto
Caesar the things which aro Caesar's."
The Imago and superscription on thu
?oln Implied the sovereignty of Caesar.
Tho Jews, by using tho coins, in ho far
wero served by the Koman govern
ment. They therefore owed It Borne
i 3ervlce In roturn. This service was the
payment of taxes
"And unto God the things that nrfl
God's." God as your maker, preserver,
giver of countless good gifts, one of
tho choicest of which was the gift ot
his Son, their Messiah, had a right to
claim lovo and obedience from them.
Christians hnve to llvo In countries
whero the government is not perfect,
and It Is their duty to bo good citizens
lu them, the best cltlzons they have.
This was ono of tho ways by which
Christianity conquered tho Koman em
pire. To havo fought the emplro with
their worldly weapons would havo
been ruin; ns Christ hlmsolf said:
"For nil they that take the sword shall
perish with tho sword" (Matt. 20:52).
God's luiugo Is stamped In tho soul
of man. It Is sometimes soiled In the
mire of sin, dimmed by tho friction ol
worldly cares, bent and distorted by
wrongs done and wrongs received ; but
every man was created In tho Imago of
God. This mnkes It possible to bo re
stored, to recolvo tho fuller, sweeter,
moro perfect Imago of God's holiness.
When Tnnierlano was in his wars,
ono ot his captains dug- up a great pot
of gold, ami brought it to him. Tnmor
lano nsked whethor It had his father's
stamp upon It; but wiien he saw it had
tho Koman stamp, and not his father's,
ho would not own it.
A lawyer, a scribe, a student and
teacher of tho law, asked, "Master,
which Is the great commandment of
tho law?" Tempting hlni, testing iilm
to seo whut kind of an answer tho
wise teacher would glvo to ono of tho
stock questions which divided tho
Jewish teachers Into rival schools, for
ho realized that Jesus had answered
wisely tho Sadduceo's question (Mnrk).
All wo havo and nro wo owo to
him; nnd tho only way In which wo
can mako any return la to lovo him
and oboy him In lovo. That Is all that
Is oura to glvo; to withhold It Is unut
terably mean. "Tho best thing In man,
Is lovo, nnd God wants tho best." Such
lovo not only honors God, but olovntos
man. Lovo Is tho most enuobllng net
of the soul; nnd tho noblor and higher
tho object and tho moro Intenso tho
lovo, so much tho moro Is tho ono who
thus loves ennobled, purified, onlargcd,
exalted in naturo. In him nro found
all that ought to movo tho highest af
fecUona of men.
ble Compound Cured Her
Knoxvillo, Iowa. "I sufTorcd with
pains low down in my right Bldo for a
year or moro anil was bo weak nnd ner
youh that I could not do my work. I
wroto to Mrs.riiiK-
.'w:'"ii,!!.-!l"- 9m-
ham nnd took Lydin
12. 1'inkham'B Vege
table. Compound
am glad to Bay that
your medicines and
kind letters of di
rections havo done
moro for me thnn
anything olso and I
had tho oost physi
cians hero. I can
do mv work and rest
well nt night. I bollevo thero is noth
ing like tho l'lnkhato remedies."
Mrs. Claha Franks, R.F.D., No. 8,
Knoxvillo, Iowa.
Tho success of Lydin E. Pinkhnm'a
Vegetable Compound, mado from roots
nnd herbs, Is unparalloled. It may bo
used'Wlth perfect confidence by womou
who suffer from displacements, inflam
mation, ulceration, fibroid tumors, ir
regularities, periodic- pains, backache,
bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indi
gestion, dizziness, or nervous prostra
tion. For thirty years Lydia E. Plnkham'o
Vegctablo Compound has been tho
standard remedy for femalo ills, and
suffering women owo it to themselves
to at least glvo this medicine n trial
Proof is abundant that it lias cured
thousands of others, and why should it
uot euro you?
If you ivjiiitKpccinl advlco wrlto
It is frco and always helpful.
Send postal for
Frco Package
i of Paxtino
Belter and more economical
than liquid antiseptics
Girea one a sweet breath ; dean, white,
germ-tree teeth anusepucally clean
mouth and throat purifies the breath
after smoking dispels all disagreeable
perspiraUon and body odors much ap
preciated by dainty women. A quick
remedy for sore eyes and catarrh.
A little Paitinc powder du
solved in aglau of hot water
makes a delightful antlteptic so
lution, poueuips extraordinary
clesming, germicidal and heal
ing power, and abiolutely harm.
leu. Try a Sample. 50c. a
large box at druggiiU or by mail.
Make the Liver
Do its Duty
Nine limes in ten when the liver is right ito
stomach and bowels are right.
gently but Ermly com
pel a lazy Urcr to JHtaratyrcn-c
co its duty.
I Cures Con
Headache, and Distress after Eating.
Small Pill. Small Dot. Small Pric
Genuine muuUa Signature
Choice qunllty; red in id matin,
wlilto facttH or nncus bought on
orders. Tens of Tlioitsuudu co
nelcct from, SutUfautlon Guar
anteed. CurrcsiiondetH't) Inrltcd.
Comr anil Hce (or youraeK
National Live Stock Com. Co.
At cither
Kansas City.Mo. St. Joscob.Mo. S.Ootaha.Neb.
ClttSHi and bwiUflet th runv
1-romolei a laiurl&nt cravth.
Nnver Falls to Heatore Qr
Jlalr to Ua Youthful ColorT
Curu fc-ilp iIIkum bslrmUuR.
uc,tnqaijuur liruflpm
Nebraska Directory
Are tbo Beat. Ask your looul dealer or
M. Spiesbergcr & Son Co.
Wholesale Millinery
Tho Dest In tho West OMAHA, NEB.
Thit lutht tnnll IVinimrtrrlnl rvniru..
tt" cniniovim iixniBins nu. Anilrnss
Y. Al. IIKVAT, 1'ruslilKiit
o. 11 Hull llullilliii; Lincoln, Neb,
drain, Provisions, Stocks, Cotton
Main Office, 204-203 Fraternity IlMc.
Lincoln, Nebratka,
lli'U IMione SI3 Auto Phono SCT.9
l.nrKt'sl iiouho In Htutc.
Beatrice Creamery Go.
Pays thu ulgbesi price for
i .J'.' ti" IMUIV4 ' It .'.'!
i&Tft Wity
k- Li.iiUTWIMMIJiKlll