rmmm Tjortatioa of Wild Arung$ aw- s 9tzr .m.i "lfrrJ"?. tmx Hoosovolt and party W, Sr""NaW$V 1 i)i?f(tW MSSENGER SJm eft from Africa, with thu fMAkl M Vff &$ $,$ W '-?? )& MWWWBiWrZnl& V Vk V.I AW5 JW .liMflr ' TiM i In fr 1 f i hit J ' iiU. nyKTrffiy rV IX!V. ? s.--. 1TJI Ml rtJ VVAWiVV X " i nr ihhiiiu ,a tffliwvosiiWNwa vv.v a Jt V II rVVWCrVir wVVSvSw - IWP 4 ITO ""ftllR return of Colonel Hoosovolt and party from Africa, with thu cargo of animal speci mens which had been killed during their In vasion of thu junglo. caused n Now York dealer In wild beaata to talk Interestingly ot the busi ness In which his tlrni la engaged. Thero aro nearly a dozen Arms In New York city that carry on an Immense b-jslness In the trans portation of animals fresh from tho Junglo. And this number, ot courso, does not Include such Immense foreign animal firms as Uio Ilagcnbncks. It Is a paying business, as indeed, nro all businesses where tho demand exceeds tho supply. Tho demand for wild blasts Is far greater than the supply, nnd as a consequence prices aro good, nnd tho dealers men of wealth. Tho extent of thla demand may be appreciated when one con siders that most of the great cities In tho United States havo zoological parks or monagerles, and that tho animals are constantly bolng purchased by them. Then there aro private collectors and circuses and the like, that aro over ready to pay tho highest prices for deslrablo animals. Tho ani mal dealer who could secure and bring to this country three or four gorillas would mako a small fortune But no dealer has over succeeded In do ing this. Tho gorillas dlo in a few weeks in cap tivity; they could not stand an ocean trip for a day. A rusty old German liner lumbora noisily Into Quarantlno, and then Ilea motionless on tho tldo. An ofllcor, with broad, red, bowhlskored face, stands at tho head of tho companion ladder, and bo smiles a peculiar smllo, as a husky screaming ululatlon rises from below "Tho animals aro get ting hungry," ho explains; "you know wo have several hundred of thorn on tho 'tween decks. Wont to seo them? All right." In another tninuto probably tho most competent animal man in tho world la at our side. IIo Is not a trainer, or even a tamer; ho Is moro. IIo la a sort of animal cook, and his special business is tho personal manage ment of wild animal tours. Ho receives them lions, tigers, leopards, elephants, everything olso at Hamburg, whoro thoy havo been brought fresh from their natlvo wilds and not only super intends their shipment aboard a vessel bound for Now York, but ho sails with thorn to mako sttro that they arrlvo Eafoly and In good health. And be sure that It tho tiger gets oft on his dlot and needs a nlco fresh live rabbit to tone up his sys tem, this man will bo aware of tho fact almost before the tiger is and, ergo, a nlco big jumping bunny Is sacrificed In accordance with tho pre cepts of wild beast materia medlca. Then, too, ono can never toll Just when tho big boa is go ing to rouso from his last gorge; when ho does ho want3 a toothsome young goat, and ho wants it quick. It Is a part of the animal man's duties to anticipate tho boa's appetite with all possible expedition. IIo Is a quiet, unassuming man, with stoop shoulders and bushy whiskers, and ho leads tho way to tho 'tween docks without a word. Par haps tho uninitiated may believe that a tour through tho animal section of a freight-carrying vessel is an unimpressive experience. Well, let them try it and see! This can bo said at tho out "set it is somewhat different from a menagorlo. It nieanB something to como into closo proximity to a hundred and odd wild nnlmals that havo been ruthlessly snntched from their lairs in Africa or Asia, or elsewhere, nnd clnpped Into little barred boxes, not as largo as dry goods cases; slammed in and out of dark holos in tho vessels of several seas on tho way to Hamburg; then finally placod in the Btyglan 'tween decks of a German hookor. The swinging cross seas of tho North Atlantic havo not improved tholr tempers, or their nerv ous systems, and tho visitor at Quarantlno is quickly Impressed with that fact. Tho howls nnd whines and tho barks ceaso abruptly as tho stran gers enter. For thoy bring tho smell of land, and tho great beasts sniff Inquiringly, and hungrily, too. Tho cages lined both sides of tho gloomy spaco, with a Httlo passageway between tho boxes. Por haps this passageway waB threo feet wldo, not moro. The 'cages woro piled two and sometlmos threo deep. In tho bottom cago, for Instance, would bo a tiger; In tho next ubovo a smallor ani mal, say, a leopard or a lynx, and abovo that a parrot, or a bunch of neerkats. Think ot It! A threo-foot passageway, with ferocious animals, Btrotchlng along for 100 feet on all sides. Talk about nightmares! Tho reportor's hair stiffened out like so many pieces of wiro, and ho wished most fervently thnt ho had not como. It was moro ngreeablo, ho felt, to seo theso animals in a mo nngorlo whoro tho cages aro amplo and tho bars an Inch thick. "Better koop in tho middle of tho alslo," says ono ot tho animal men; "theso follows sometlmos reach out for you." Words such as these, of courso, hardly tended to reassure. It really was too dark to seo much. Ouo caught a view of tho cages atrotchlng away in gloomy perspective until lost In the darkness, of traps Just as mice aro caught, and monkeys nro also trapped. Such great beasts as tho rhinoceros nnd tho like nro not captured by tho animal men, but are secured from natlvo poten tates, who give them away as n mark of special esteem or barter them for brnss and other trilling but showy gewgaw 3. "We tako comparatively fow lions from tho wilds now. It Is cheaper to buy them In captivity. Polar, griz zly and Russian bears also nro mainly bought nnd sold In captivity; but oth or wild beasts aro taken In tholr lairs." FOOD LONDON IS CHEAPER. IIEPD. OF ivtn flEPMttrj rows ot glowing green oyos nnd groat teeth with the flash ot red tonguo writhing between. A zebra switched the reporter with his tail and ho turned, only to Jump almost out of his skin as an elephant touched him on tho othdr shoulder with his trunk. Ho was hardly over his scare when, zip! a leopard reached out after his coat tall. In ono way this lower deck section was a good placo to visit; tho Joy and relief in being ablo to leave it furnished tho biggest and most absorb ing sensations that this monotonous world has hold for tho reporter in tho last few months at least. Bartels & Co., aro tho largest dealers In wild beasts in this country. "A largo wild animal dealer," said our inform ant, "imports considerably moro than a hundred largo wild animals each year. For instance, our record for ono year which I happen to havo at hand, Bhows that wo Imported In that period 20 elephants, 35 camels, 20 tigers, 5 'lions, 45 leopards, 20 pumas, 18 panthers and hundrods of birds and monkeys and small things. Cubs Hon and tiger and boar cubs aro in special demand by wealthy families. They nro reared and petted llko kittens, but in tho end thoy outgrow their playfulness and tho families who bought them from us aro only too willing to pay us to como and tako them away when they attain nny sort of growth. Wo havo received many orders for hippopotami, but tho boasts aro hard to capture and nlnety-nlno times out of a hundred thoy do not Hvo through tho voyage. In fact, menageries throughout tho coun try havo to depend of lato yearB upon tho progeny of .tho hippopotami in Central Park, New York, for specimens. "Llko all animal dealers, wo maintain export animal catchers in all parts of tho world, and It is theso men who fill tho ships which nrrlvo hero. Tho Ilngenbecks havo two collecting stations, ono In Calcutta and tho other In Aden, Arabia. From this point tho animal catchers go forth and spend months in the wilds, returning to tho stations with their catch. Wo oursolvos send catchers dlroct from this country at present' we havo men In South America, on the hot sands of Africa, in tho Himalayas, and elsowherc, filling our orders. Ono of them wns recently in Arabia on a camel hunt, two nro now in tho Eait Indies trapping tigers, and so thoy nro spread about In places where wild beasts abide. "Sometimes wo receive an order for a largo number of elophants. Wo telegraph this order to our catchers In tho olephant country, who, aftor organizing tho natives into u hunting bnnd, pro ceed to collect tho desired number. A hugo in closuro is built In ono of tho main elophant paths, and at night when tho big animals como to feed thoy aro driven Into tho lnclosuro or keddah by means ot fires and shouts and tho firing of guns. Beators on tamo elephants then ride into tho ln closuro and ropo tho beasts, and In a short time they become accustomed to being led nbout. Elo phants aro naturally mild, and woro this not tho caso thoy novor could bo captured, because of their great, hulking strength. "The natives also captured elephants in pits, a barbarously cruel method) in which moro than 50 per cont. aro killed by tho fall. Tho animal catchers tako tlgorB and lions in pits also. Thoy dig a h61o, cover it with matting nnd placo on this matting a dead goat. At night tho Hon or tlgor steals from his Inir, sees tho goat and springs upon it. Tho matting, of courso, givos way and down into tho pit goes tho roaring boast. Then tho catchers run up and throw nets into tho pit and the struggling animal soon becomes hopolesoly en tangled. NooBes nro then lowered into tho pit and the beast is dragged out to tho cago. Six out of every ton nro killed in this process. Leopards and Jaguars and tho smaller animals aro caught in "For many years," said a man who enmo bnck from n European tour tho other day. according to an exchange "I have been In tho habit of getting Into an argument with frlonds after my return about tho prices of food In tho best restaurants in Now York and London. I havo been contending that Now York restaurants woro putting up their prices all tho tlmo and somo of my frlonds havo tried to convlnco mo that you could get a meal cheaper nt tho higher priced restaurants in Now York than in London. "I determined this tlmo to collect somo real data for comparison nnd as a result I havo kopt tho bills of many meals I had in Lond6n. It Is my Intention to dupllcato tho meals I had over thero nt somo of tho rostaurants hero, item for item. I did this with ono of them tho other, dny nnd demonstrated that for such a meal London Is a lot cheaper than Now York. "Hero 13 tho bill for a luncheon I had nt ono of tho most cxpcnBlvo hotels In London: b. d. Hors d'oeuvrcs varies 0 9 Pilaff o of sweetbreads 2 0 Asparagus 2 0 Cheese (Noufchatcl) 0 G Coffee 0 C Beer 1 0 Total3 C 9 "Now, bIx shillings nlnepenco nt $1,885 to the pound Is $1.G5. As for tho dishes themselves thoy could not havo boon surpassed anywhere. For tho hors d'oouvrcs I had a dozen different dishes to select from. "Did you over find hors d'oeuvrcs varies on tho bill of fnro of a Now York restaurant? Try It. Of courso you may get them nt a tablo d'hoto, but I mean on tho carto du Jour of a restaurant where you pay separately for each thing you cat. "In Paris thero Is n restaurant In tho Avcnuo do l'Opera, whero you can havo nbout twenty dif ferent varieties of Httlo fish and cold salads and appetizers for about 15 or 1C cents. It took mo a long tlmo to find this In a flrst-clnss houso hero, and then when I did so It was In n restaurant which Is not usually considered among tho most oxpenslvo In tho city. Hero hors d'oouvrcs varies masqueraded under tho tltlo of 'buffet russo.' They charged mo 50 cents for It, n3 ngalnst tho 18 charged In tho Iondon restaurant. "My pllaffo of sweotbroails tasted exactly llko that I had In London nnd cost oxactly tho samo, 50 cents. I ordered somo nsparngus. On tho bill of faro thoy had asparagus with Hollandnlso sauco for 40 cents, but I wanted It cold, with French dressing. They did not tell mo It would bo nny moro, but for It thoy charged mo 70 cents. For tho Noufchntol cheese thoy charged 20 contB and for tho coffee 15. Tho robbery enmo on tho beor. "In London if you want a Httlo pitcher ot beer thoy serve you an oxcollciu brow of Pllscner or Wurzburger In a Httlo sealed vessel holding a pint for n shilling. I asked tho waiter to bring mo n small pitcher of beer on draught, knowing thoy did not servo tho beer ns in London. IIo brought mo a pitcher and charged mo 70 cents for it. "Now my bill camo to $2.05, or exactly $1 moro than tho samo food nnd drink had cost mo In Lon don. I gnvo tho Now York waiter a qunrtor and ho scarcely nodded. I gavo tho London wnlter six pence and ho thanked mo bo that I could hear him." CONDITION PRECEDENT. "Tho rollglon of somo peoplo is too lenient," said Bishop Heslln In a rccont nddress In Nan tucket. , "Somo people suggest to mo, In tholr view of rollglon, n Httlo girl whoso tenchor said to hor: "'Mary, what must wo do first boforo wo can expect forgiveness for our slnB?' '"Wo must sin first,' tho Httlo girl answered. Nashville Banner. UNFASHIONABLE EVENT. Among other ovents, wo shall havo a sack raco for ladies. Professionals barred-. "What do you moan by professionals?" "Thoso who havo been wearing tube gowns." Answers. JESUS NEARING JERUSALEM Sanity School Lesson for Auf. 21, 19 Specialty Arransed (or This Paper LKSSON THXT. Muttlmw 20:17-3t Mrinoty vcmp.i 25-27. dOI.DKN TKXT.-'Tho Bon of Man enmo not to bu mlnlntorrd unto, but to minister, nml to kIvu Ills Ufa a rannom for ninny." Matt. 20:M. TIMD. March A. D. 30. In tha lost month of Jonus' ministry. Aftor th riilslnn of LnssnruH (John 2.). I'l.AClJ. l'cren, t)o oriel Jordan. Suggestion and Practical Thought. An Kxnmplo. Tho Splendid Hero ism of Christ. Vs. 17-19. Tho com puny of disciples led by tho Master wero now drawing nenr to Jorusalcm. Jesus with n clear vision of all that was boforo him, wan moving Btcndlly on, "with majesty nnd heroism." to tho terrible scones of mockery, rejection, nnd crucifixion, which woro closo nt hnml. Tho heroism of Chrl3t was tho greater brcauso IIo was perfectly nhlo to oscnpo tho pain and death to which ho was go ing. Thlnkost thou," ho said to Peter, "thnt 1 cannot now pray to my father, nnd ho shall presently glvo mo moro than twelve legions or nngols?" (Mntt. 20:53.) They guarded his spirit from falling, but he ohoso to go to hla death. "Therefore doth my rather lovo mo, becatiBo I lay down my llfo, thnt I might tako It again. No man tnkoth It from mo, but I lny It down of my Boir. I havo power to lay It down, nnd 1 havo power to tako it again" (John 10:17, 18). IIo gavo himself for tho greatest and most worthy cnuso In nil history. A Warning. Two Ambitious Young Men. Vs. 20-23. Who wish to bo heroes, but sot out In tho wrong way. However at length they bocamo great er men nnd greater heroes in Christ's way, than tholr highest dreams ..: this tlmo. 20. Tho mother of Zobodoo'n chll (Iron. Not Httlo children, but sons. From comparing Mntt. 27:55, CO, with Mnrk 15:40; 10:1, It appears that hor namo was Salome. Tho sons wero Jnnios nnd John (Mark 10:35). Ac cording to Mark, tho sona enmo ma king tho request for themsolvca. This agrees with Matthows, for Bho camo with her sons. Tho Request nnd Its Motlvo. "Whnt wilt thou?" It wns best for them to nproad out In tho clear light tholr aecrot thoughts and hopos. ' Such a Btatumcnt Is often moro than half a euro. "Grant that theso my two sons may alt, tho ono on thy right hand, nnd tho other on tho loft, in thy king dom." Thnt Is, In tho two chief places of honor. Tho first placo of honor was tho right hand of tho sovereign; tho second, tho left hand. "Yo know not what yo ask." Thoy know not tho greatness of tho favor they n8kod how blessed beyond their highest dreams it wns to sit on tho right hand of tho Son of God, how radiant tho glories of that kingdom wero to Do. "Aro yo ablo to drink of tho cup thnt I shall drink of?" Havo you counted tho cost? Can you pay tho prlco? "They say unto him, Wo aro ablo." Tho languago of nssurnnco somewhat overweening, for it was the assuranco not wholly of fnlth, but pnrtly ot Ig noranco of thcmsolvos nnd of the fu ture. They fled with tho other dis ciples, in tho night of tho arrest. Jesus allowed them tho only truo way, and turned thorn from tho path they thought led to tho desired good, but which led them away from tho goal. They drank tho Lord's cup. Judas alone took tho wrong way, and utterly failed of his hopes. True Greatness. How to Mako tho Most of Lire. Vs. 24-28. "And when tho ten. heard It, they wero moved with Indignation." This shows that they had tho Batno feelings a3 tho two brothers. It Is our own faults that wo most condemn when wo seo them mirrored In others. Tho selfish think others nro selfish; tho fretful think others aro In bad temper. Thoy woro all in ono boat They all aliko needed the in struction which Jesus proceeds to give. "But Jesus called them unto him." Their controversy in tho last verso had been carried on nsldo and apart from Jesus. "Yo know that tho princes of tho Gentiles," i. o., .this is Uio plan in tho worldly kingdoms, In distinc tion from IiIb spiritual kingdom. "Ex crclso dominion over them." Lord it over thorn, exerclso tyrnnlcal and arbitrary power. Not for tho good of tho govorned, but for tho advantago of tho rulers themselves, as tho French king said, voicing tho old idea of kingship, "I nm tho state." Tho Need of Opened Eyos. Vs. 29-34. Thero is not room to enter upon this section of tho lesBon in do tall; and to do so, even if wo could, would detract from tho great lesson wo havo been studying. Jesus and his disciples havo crossed tho Jordan nnd reached Jorlcho on tho way to Jerusalem. Tho Truo Greatness. 26. "But It shall not bo bo nmong you." Tho whole prlnclplo of Christ's kingdom is tho exact opposlto of tho usunl world ly plan. Nonrly nil tho ovlla that havo como to tho church havo como through a disregard of this command a deslro to be honored nnd to rulo, rather than to servo and help. "But whosoever will bo great among you." Josus does not forbid tho deslro to bo groat, but only tho deslro for solflsh greatness. Tho wish to bo greater than othors Is a wrong ambition. Tho wish to bo ns great, ns good, as posslblo, is right, but has its dangers. TEW TEARS OF SUFFEnma. Rcntitrcil nt I.nt to l'rrfrut Health by Donn'n Kldner IMUa. Mrs, Naiclssa Waggoner, Carter vlllc, ill., says: "For over ton years I Buffered terribly with backaches, head nches, nervous and dizzy spoils. Tho kidney sccrotlons woro unnatural and gavo mo great trou bio, Ono dny t sud denly fell to tho floor, whoro I lay for a long tlmo uncon scious. Threo diwv tors who treated mo diagnosed my enso na paralysis nnd said thoy could do nothing moro for mo. As a last resort, I began using Doan'a Kldnoj Pills nnd wns permanently cured. I am stronger than boforo In years." nomomhor tho name Donn's. For anlo by nil dealers 50 cents a box. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. THE DOCTOR'S IDEA. Invalid Doctor, I must posltlvoly Insist upon knowing tho worst. Dr. Wlso Woll, I guess my bill will bo about $85. Doll Houso Library. A search for n child's short story, "Tho Griffin nnd tho Minor Canon," In 11 volumo all by Itself rovealed to n persistent city shopper tho thought nnd money thnt aro oxpendod on tho rumlshlng of dolls' houses. Book stores had not tho story In n slfiglo volumo, but In a dopartmont storo ono young womnn Intorviowcd had re cently boon transferred from tho toy dopartmont and was ablo to contribute n helpful hint. "I think," Bho said, "you can find it In ono of tho doIlB' houses down stairs." Curiosity had by that time bocomo a sauco to literature, no tho shopper hurried downstairs to Inspect tho doll houses. Threo ot tho most oxpenslvo houses contained libraries consisting of a score ot dtmlnutlvo books nnd each book contained a child's story complete. Ono of thorn was "Thu Grlflln and tho Minor Canon." A Bernhardt Trick. Mmo. Sarah Bernhardt, who Is sup posed to bo somothlng ot nn nrtlBt na well us an actress, was recently call ed upon in ono of hor mnrvolous crea tions to enact tho role of a sculptor, and to modol n cortnln bust in view of tho nudlonco. This fairly eloctrlflod tho critics, but whon going Into rhap sodies ovor tho technical skill in han dling tho clay which Mine. Bernhardt exhibited thoy showed that they know Httlo of tho artistic tricks of actors nnd nctrcssos; as a matter of fact, sho doos nothing of tho kind. Tho bust Is modeled nnd baked, and over It is placed damp clay ot tho same color. This tho talented actress merely pulls off, exposing tho beautifully modeled head underneath. A Fitting Design. "I want nn estimate on 10,000 letter heads," Bald tho professional-looking man with tho silk lint. "Any Bpeclal design?" asked tho engraver. "Yes, sir," ropllod tho caller. "In tho upper left-hand corner I want n catchy cut of Patrick Henry making his momorablo speech, and in distinct letters, under tho cut, his soul-lnsplr-Ing words, 'Glvo mo liberty or glvo 1110 denth.' You Bee," ho ndded, hand ing n card to tho engraver, "I'm a dl vorco lawyer, and want somothlng fit ting." Llpplncott's. Summer Comfort There's solid satisfac tion and delightful re freshment in a glass of Iced Postum Served with Sugar and a little Lemon. Postum contains the natural food elements of .field grains and is really a food drinlc that relieves fatigue and quenches the thirst. Pure, Wholesome, Delicious "There's a Reason" POSTUM CEMJAl, CO,, Ltd., Duttlo Creek, Mich, I OMgMU.. A 1 -. .-w-.ffwMty.itfy1(-yytyy V'flJIJWWRKS 8 BTiwswua 9Hmmygav!swT'msgtmj9aKaMtMJAbBiMu iwwwrriiBirTWfcriMti H