rjtm A Protection Against the Heat. When you begin to think it's n per sonal .matter between you nnd tlio aim to sco which Is the hotter, buy your Belf a glass or n bottlo of Corn-Cola. It Is cooling relieves fatiguu and quenches tho thirst. Wholesomo as the purest wnter nnd lots nicer to drink. At soda fountains nnd car bonated in bottles Gc everywhere. Bend 2c stamp for booklet "The Truth About Corn-Cola" nnd tho Coca-Cola llascbnll Hecord Hook for 1010. Tho latter contnlns the famous poem "Casey At Tho Hat," records, schedules for both leagues, nnd other vnluablo baseball Information compiled by au thorities. Address Tho Coca-Cola Co., atlantn, Gn. Carrying His Audience With. Him. Nobody was moie witty 01 moro bit ter than Lord Ellenborough. A young lawyer, trembling with fear, rose to mnko hlB llrst speech, nnd began: "My lord, my unfortunate client My lord, my unfortunate client My lord " "do on, sir, go on!" said Lord Ellenborough, "as far ns you have proceeded hitherto tho court is entire ly with you." important to Mothors Examine carefully every bottlo of CASTOHI A, n safe nnd suro remedy for Infants nnd children, aud see that it Bears tho Oy s1Ta . r " Blgnaturo of Cfra&xTcMcAtM In Uao For Over 30 Years. Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought Not His Fault. "Oratory Ib a gift, not an acquire ment," said tho proud politician, ns ho at down nftcr an hour's hnranguo. "I understand," said the matter-of-fact chairman. "Wo'ro not blaiuln' you. You dono the best you could." Mrs. "Wlns-ow's Boothlnjr Syrup. fbrchlldrcn terthlnu, aoftiinathoicunis, rrducraln DanunUoaUIajipln.ourenlDd colic. Zioabouia. Ono often wonders why tho woman members of a burlesque show require dressing rooms. Or. Pterce'a relleta, imall, tTumr-eontea.caBjr to take at canOr, r-wtilate unu lnlcuniU iiomacb, UTeraca bowel, uouutgrlpe. Many a budding genius has devel oped into a blooming idiot Lewis' Single Binder cignr is never doped only tobacco in its natural Btato. No other man appreciates a helping band liko a man In trouble Nebraska Directory JOI.N DEERE PLOWS Axe tho Best. Ask your local dealer or JOHN DEERE PLOW CO., Omaha, Neb. WW C ImU I lfl 3I tills process all broken parts ot nucliintry mado cood as new. Welds cast Iron, cast otocl. aluminum, copper, brass or any oihrr metal. Hspcrt automobllo repairing. BER.TSCHY MOTOH CO.. Council Blutfo, M. Splesberger & Son Co. I Wlll'ttlQW Ths Best In tho West OMAHA, NEB. AUTOMOBILE TIRES E5i? CENTRAL TIHE A RUBUER CO. Ololllbucr rii-sUltnt Doth Phones. 81157 Famam St., Omaha. 'I'd.! b.'L In n 1 (.tnitiiprfitil ( m ri. irf" niiaiiiiniii xpl ilns .Hi. .lilrvss Y. .11. miYAAT, 1'rcslilKlil Ho. llllullllullitliiK l.liK.illi.Xcb. rfSml HERBERT E. GOOCH CO. UHOKCRS AND DEALEKS Qraln, Provlilom, Stocki, Cotton Main Office, 204.203 FrMrrnity BUg. Lincoln, Nebroik.. Dell Phono MS Autn riiono 2CM) LurpeHt House In Stutc. Beatrice Creamery Co. Faya the hlgUent price for CREAM YORK GOLLEGE YORK, NEBRASKA College, Academy, Normal, Fliarmacy, Bust uesa, Music, Oratory and Art. Wo Usue state certlflcatea. IleatAdTantages. Lowest nates. Year opens September 12. AbIc for Catalogue. WM. E. SCHELL, Prosldont Gall Cure Horse Collars Are mado over Curled Hair Pads and will not gall the horse. Write us for freo sample of tho Pad. Give the namo of your harness dealer, soia by best dealers every where. HARPHAM BROS. CO., Lincoln, Neb. Get the best. Your dealer can supply jou with our brand. Your loss of hay will moro than pay. OMAHA TENT & AWNING CO. N. W. Cor. 11th & llrn S'.. Onuhi, Neb. ISlMMEi -v Qcneril MnrliiiiUU, SV. f Moilel Makers, Jff J J Auto Kcimlrlntf, rMJ I - llrans lijVn J tS&r Itnbber 'C VT IsSK hianiua, Btcn. OXih iT riUtt oll,rical,Traao d'jf A u JlftjHk Olit'Ck, lladges, Klo. -flr f mmmm 1020 M Street, Lincoln - J LOSES LIFE BATHING GUY MEEKER TAKEN WITH A CRAMP AND DROWNS. HAPPENINGS OVER THE STATE What Is Going on Here and There That Is of Interest to the Read ers Throughout Nebraska and Vicinity Broken Bow. Guy Meeker, ngod nineteen years, lost his life while bathing in a swimming pool Tuesday. Meeker was considered an athlete and had given several exhibitions, so when ho went into tho water with life preservers on his companions commenced bantering and making fun of him in a good natured way. He thereupon took the life preservers off and had hardly enteicd tho water the second time when ho was seized with cramps and disappeared beneath tho surface. An Engine Boiler Exploded. Lincoln. While threshing wheat on tho farm of Mayor Hon L. 'Lovo north of this city, Wednesday, nn old englno explded killing one man and Injuring three otheis. Isaac Punkhurst, aged twenty.o f Belmont, was struck on tho head by a plecu of Iron and killed. Hurry Rastnussen, who was on tho separator. sovent-livo feet away, was struck by something, whnt Is not known, and was knocked off tho ma chine and slightly Injured. Ho was able to he at the Inquest and Is exper iencing no inconvenience from tho ac cident. Nick Krntner, tho owner of tho outfit and engineer, was sraldcd and disfigured by Hying cinders. HlB Injuries are not serious. C. A. John son, nn old man, standing on a rack at the separator at tho time, nlso suf fered slight injuries. Threshing In Progress. Sutton, Neb.. July 2.1. Threshing in this locality Is In lull progress and re ports of farmers nre most encourag ing. The leturns so far Miry from 20 to .1!. bushels per acre of wheat, de pending upon the character of the land and the location. The quality is o. ropMnnully good and shows good wlrlit. THE NEW STOCK The dedication ot the new stato fair coliseum, which will tak-o placo on tho llrst day of tho fair 'Monday, Sep. tember 5 should bo attended by every one Interested In the upbuilding of tho fair and tho erection of per manent buildings. The coliseum, when complotod, will he 200x:i50 feet In area, tho roof of red tile, being sup ported by nlno stool truss arches 8S feet high, spanning a show ring 120x 270 foot, which will 'bo surrounded by 5,000 beats, and will cost from ?100,- i Tho Platto river bridge at Fremont haB 'been finished. Henry McKenzio, an old resident of Lyons, Is dend. A concreto dam will bo put In tho Dluo river at Ucutrlce. Farmers havo raised nearly $50,000 for drainage purposes at Fremont. Lincoln has become tho largest peach distributing point In tho mlddlo wost. The harvest homo picnic of Nema ha county will bo held at Johnson on September 1. Reckless driving ot automobiles hns caused three deaths in Omaha with in ono month. Tho railroad bridgo was partially burned at Louisville beforo tho flro was extinguished. 13. F. Springer of Mitchell, membor of the stnto lclslaturo from tho Fifty fourth district in 1907, died of heart failure or apoplexy Wednesday. At last (Alliance Ib to get a federal building. The United Statos govern ment is now inviting bids for a lot on which to place this building, nnd it is expected that sovdral sultablo lots wll bo offered. Ren Hardon, a 17-year-old boy of Gibbon, Nob., whllo driving an auto mobllo south of Shelton, lost control of tho car, which skidded In tho ditch, turned turtlo and pinned him under tho car. It was his first attempt at driving. Tho other pasBengera es caped with slight Injuries. A unanimous call to becomo pastor of tho First baptist church at Lincoln haB been extended to tho Rev. How ard Chapman of Saginaw, Mich. It is expected that the call will bo ac cepted. Tho church has been without a pastor since Dr. Datten loft In Juno. - " " .. - . I :r. ?r... .7 ..? .. vfif l".!! Dim T -i IHilsvillc will hold a thrco dayR street carnival, beginning August It and lasting until ugust 20. ! During the excitement caused by n , fire at York seven stores were robbed of various sums of money nnd n nuin- i ber of pockets picked. I Aviator Mars rose from the ground I thirty ft et four inches from the start. breaking the world's iceord In half nt the nvlntlon meet nt Oiiinhn. Fremont. Hastings and other towns in tho state have done away with the Btreet lunch wagons nnd Beatrice Is making an effort to do likewise. Thursday was the hottest day in tho history of Lincoln since temper ature records have been Kept. Tho thermometer rose to 100 degrees nt I p. m. Tho Dempster Mill Manufacturing company nt lleatrico will soon com mence the erection of a large ollleo building near the factory, which it is estimated will cost over $fi0,000 After being shut down for six months in order to make a number of needed repairs and to clean up the system, the Blue Springs pumping station has been started up again. 'Matt 'Malson. a single man living northeast of Mitchell on a homestead under the government ditch, commit ted sulrldo by tying part of a stove to his neck and jumping Into the cnnnl which ran by his house. Judge George Baker lnke, for a number of years a leading Jurist of this state, died at his home In Omaha Wednesday aged eighty-four years. Tho Intense heat of the last fow dayB wns partially responsible for Ills do misc. The ponds on the east side of the river at Nebraska City are fast dry ing up and tho fish are dying by the hundreds. The Iown llsh commission ers have been appealed to to Bave the llsh, but they replied they had no funds with which to do this kind of work. About forty-flvo members who with drew from tho Swedish mission church nt Stromsburg last spring havo bought grounds nnd will begin tho erection of a new church. They havo organised a new society called "Tho Swedish Christian Frco Mission church." Tho Bridgeport Electric Light and Power company has been organized with a capital of $50,000, all of which has been subscribed by home people. An up-to-date plant will be installed at once and the city will vote on a prop osition to ihsuo bonds for putting in a water pstcm. 'Si JUDGING COLISEUM. I Ooo to $llo,um). Only one-half tho building (2no17." feet, to sea.t about 2.u00) will be completed tills year. The walls nre of pining 'brick and It will bo of modern construction throughout, and when finished will 'bo one of tho bett live stock Judging coli seums In tho w03t. Goernor Shallen. borger will deliver the dedicating ad dress and other notable stockmen will bo present. All who nro Interested should mnko It a point to bo present nnd assist in tho exorcises. A mover with four small children In a "pralrlo schooner" passed through Ellis recently, enrouto to Colorado. Ills Jersey cow which ho had to tako along to supply milk for the baby be came footsore so ho had to havo eight shoos nailed on, ono on each half ot tho hoof Just liko they used to do in tho good old ox dnys. A largo amount of the machinery to bo used In tho new mica factory at Doatrico has arrived and is being placed in position. P. F, Lowry of tho Laurcntido Mica company is su perintending the work and ho hopes to havo tho establishment In running order by August 1. Tho factory will give employment to nearly 200 boys and girls. Tho mayor at Doatrico has informed tho proprietors of aaloons that tho Slo cum law will bo strictly enforced, and that they must bo good in the futuro or lose their licenses. Tho wator troubles of Irrigators In tho western part of tho stato havo be como so acuto that Secretary Sim mons of tho stato irrigation board has wired Under Secretary Willis to pa trol head gates to keep irrigators from using tho water belonging to others. Tho buttons usod for the pioneers' and old settlers' picnic to bo held at Tokumah tho last day of August will bear tho plcturo of tho "Old Block House," which was erected in 185G as a protection against Indians. The building has sinco been used for court house, hotol and other purposes, and carries tho pioneers back in memory to tho earliest days ot the county, Tho annual raco meet nt Nollgh will bo held August 17, 18 and 19, und lino purees will bo given tor tho races aud also for tho baseball tournamont to bo held at tho saiuo time. FIND A LIKELY I NEW YORK GOVERNORSHIP RECK ONS TO PINCHOT. NAME BROACHED FOR OFFICE Candidacy Suggested by a Mutual Friend and Is Not Displeasing Colonel Out of Politi cal Turmoil. New York. GlfTord I'lnchot. former chief forester under Theodore Uoose veil, has taken a place upon the list of possible candidates for the repub lican nomination for governor of New Yoik. and Theodoie Roosevelt was nfiUcd to support his candidacy. While tho c piesldent has not said anything that In any way resembles an outspok en declaration In fnuir of nn candi date. It Is believed that he does not look unkindly on the boom. Dr. Sam uel MrCnno Lindsay, former commis sioner of education of Porto Itlco and now n professor of Columbia univer sity. Is the man who launched the now boom lie had a long and ronlldcntlal talk with Colonel Roosevelt nnd left with the air of a man well pleased with the turn things had taken. Dr. Lindsay Is n close filend of both Colonel Roosevelt and Mr. Plncliot In common with other friends ho hns hecn working quietly on the Plncliot boom for some tlmo. and first sug gested to Mr. Plncliot himself the possibility that he might run No definite response, he said, wnfl re turned. Locates Long Missing Man. Hutchinson, Kan. Eight years ago John Ham. a wealthy man of Shubert, Neb., disappeared mysteriously from homo and left an estate said to bo worth many thousands of dollars. Mel Rupert, a Hutchinson tiavellng man, who knew Hutu In Nebraska, discov ered the old man In Hutchinson, where he has been working at hnrd labor for scanty wages. Finding that h's whereabouts and Identity were known Ham again disappeared. No reason Is known for IiIb actions. Ills family for years had given him up as dead, and have offeied rewards for information regarding him, and scoured the country trying to locate him, but never been able to find n trace of him. Many Cases of Ptomaine. Jonlin, Mo. Twenty-two now caseB of ptomaine poisoning havo been re ported to tho hoard of health here, making the total number reported In tho last week 102. Two deaths havo resulted and several victims nro In dangerous condition. Tho city phyni Hnn has nslffil flip stntn lienlth do partniont to send inspectors to aid in .l,-,nl..l. l,n ,,nn nf l,n frnllhlo determining tho causo of tho trouble. Justice Moody to Retire. Magnolia, Mass. Assnclato Justice William II. Moody or tho United Stntes supremo court liar, definitely Btatcd ho will announce his retirement from the bench prior to the expira tion of tho enabling net passed In hlr. behalf by tho last congress. This net oxpires In the mlddlo of November. Ice Cream Cones Confiscated. Kansas City. Local government of ficials, acting upon orders from Wash ington, confiscated 50,000 lco cream cones hilled to a local drug company. Tho government n'leges tho cones aro Impure. According to United States Marshal Durham his olllce has seized 200,000 cones during th'o last week. j Abernathy Boys Home Again. Oklahoma City. Tho Abernathy ' boys, sons of United Statc Marshal j John Abernathy, havo arrived horo after their long motor car trip from j New York. Tho boys rodo to Now I York city on horses to take part in ! tho welcoming homo of Colonel Rooso- ! TOIL Exclude English Cattle. Washington. Owing to tho discov ery of tho foot and nioutii disease among cattlo at Yorkshire. England, tho Importation of cattlo from that source Into tho United States has neen prohibited until tho extent of tho disease may be determined. Statuo of Mark Twain. Hoidelborg. Tho American colony hero has decided to erect a statuo of Mark Twain In Heldolherg. where ho conceived tho Idea of writing "A Tramp Abroad." Tho necessary funds for tho Btatue already havo been sub scribed. Washington. -Tho Bum of $1,718, 000,000 Is owed by tho 158 cities In 1 tho country having each a population of more than 30.000. The figures show l l-.l-l.. ! .-.I l..nn .. I iici imiuuieiiiiuBB, unu aiu fiiti-ii uui Dy tho census bureau as a result of Its canvass. In Memory of King Humbert. (Rome.-Tho tenth annlversnry of tho tragic death of King Humbert, who was assassinated at Monza, July 29, 1900, by Gaotano BrescI, an anar chist, was observed by commemora tive services throughout Italy. Three Deaths From Heat. St. Joseph, Mo. Threo deaths, two men nnd a woman, was tho toll of tho excessive heat Thursday. Slightly lower temporaturo since Ib oxpocted to lessen tho number of prostrations. WHERE HE SAW RESEMBLANCE Apt Remark of Small Doy Embar rassed Toper and Filled Car With Merriment. Jlmntic, who is a very small boy living in tho Knst end, accompanied his mother downtown several days ngo. Nearly everything lie saw woa quite new to him, so he was not spar ing In his comments and opinions and questions Seated opnoslte Jluunle and his mother on the ear homohnuud ai an Individual who Judging by the "bios som" on his nose, bad partaken fieelv of Joy water None of .llinnile's neigh bors possess-d an appendage that could compare with the one across the aisle In silence .llninile look In the situ ntlon and the "blossom." His thoughts must have giown so cm lous that they could not be withheld any longer and he dually blurted out In a loud oIce "Mamma, Is that Santa Chins'" pointing to the man with the red nose Embarrassed, .llinnile's mother tiled to silence her son. but It was no use In an audible whisper the connection between tho innn and Santa Claus was disclosed much to the discomfiture of the mnn. "Why, mainina, didn't It sny In that story about Santa Claus that Santa, had n 'noso liko a cherry.' " he asked, and the enr was In un uproar Pitts burg Tlnies-Gazetto. SCRATCHED NOT on CUE nnill n bU 5Ht LUULU SLEEP ..r i. , . .n .... i,,., n,nnif,,i i "I wrlto to tol you how thankful I am for tho wonderful Cutlcura Hem- odlos. My llttlo nleco had eczema for flvo yoars and when her mothor died I took euro of tho aliild. It was nil ovor her faco and body, also on her head. Sho scratched so that hho could not Blcop nights. I used Cutlcura . .' V. , i.i. ..., .1 K n ,. Z ;U,,,""UI " m" ": plied CuUcura OlntmenU I did not U8U ijuiiu mill iiiu iuuuuiu ou.ni iiuu Ointment, together with Cutlcura Ro eolvcnt, when you could boo a chango and they cured hor nicely. Now sho Is eloven years old and has novcr been bothored with eczoma since. My friends think It 1b Just great tho way , tho baby was s cured by Cutlcura. I I ond you a plcturo taken when sho wob ' about 18 months old. "Sho wns taken with tho eczoma when two years old. Sho waB covered with big sores and hor mother had all tho best doctors and tried all kinds of salvcB and medicines without effect until wo used Cutlcura Remedies. Mrs. H. Kiernan, COS Qulncy St, Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1009." He Knew the Kind. Llttlo Kdwurd, aged lour, was an only child. Ho was anxious for a baby sister, and was talking of It ono day with a friend of tho family. In tho friend's family was a baby girl of ono year. Tho lady said: ICdward you may have my baby; she Is pretty I nntl ju)'1c(!L-" I Oh," KUld IulWOrd, "I doll't WUIlt nil old baby, uuilln on Han. Taking Father's Job. "Why should you hog? You nro both young and stiong" "That is right, but my father Is old and weak and can no longer support me." Mcggi udorfcr Illnettor. T.pwi' b'inglo Hinder fie cigar equals in quality most 10c cig.un. Tips you get nre almost hb worth less as those you give. I want a bran new ono wlf fMyluA but tacuin nowdor." Red 'knfStfl 4 The Fountain Head of Life Is The Stomach A man who lias a weak and impaired stomach and who docs not properly digest his food will soon find that Ids blood lias becomo weak and impoverished, and that his whole body is improperly and insufficiently nourished. Dr. PIEneE'S GOLDEN MEDieTIL DISCOVERY makes tho stomach strong, promotes tho flow ot dl&cstlvo lulccs, restores the lost appetite, makes assimilation perfect, Invigorates tho liver and purities and enriches the blood. It Is the Hreat blood.makcr, ilesh.bulldcr and rcstoratlvo nervo tonic. It makes men etronQ In body, active In mind and cool In lud&cmeaU This "Discovery" Is a pure, glyceric extract of American medical rootJ absolutely free from alcohol and all injurious, habit-forming drugs. AH its Ingredients are printed on its wrappers. It has no relationship with secret nostrums. Its every ingredient is endorsed by tho leaders in all tho schools of medicine. Don't accept a secret nostrum as a substitute for this time-proven remedy ot known composition. Ask your nbioiidohs. They must know of many cures mado by it during past 40 year, right in your own neighborhood. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. R.V. Pierce, Pres., Buffalo, N. Y. V I F A !?. I Mha tm a !.. sib.bk.1a Ibbmh al bbI J ami. bb Ib.s mS Trmre arn lamps triatcoit morn, but therels no hcttrrlniiipinadoatany lW prion. (Yiiutnictcil of nolld hnissj nickel plated -alljr kept clean; an I .j- bSPM vii. uunui in u.ij iuijili ill ,ny uiiur-.'. . iii-iri.iiuiiiiiiH .ibjuh i .110 Mil ' Tnt t-W of lainp-riiaklntftliatcnnant lottiovalro of ttioIIAYOI umpan llghu STEAOYV-m. irlvlra ilnvlrn. KTorjr diMlrr vprywtior. If not at journ, write lot WHITE, dekcrlptlToclrculartotliu .H'ureh.iiKi'ix.-)' tbo UCHTMP STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) EiksV0$Hfl&46Jtt KrWA Wl Ji iUI HVllTlllsfl liaElflHGIAn l&7!af& V BifLWJI M NOTbV3IH WANTS HER LETTER PUBLISHED For Benefit of Women who Suffer from Female !Hs Minneapolis, Minn. "I was a great PUiTerer from fotnalo troubles which caubiu ii wcaiinesB and broken down condition of tho system. J read no liiuehofwliatLjdln K. J'iiikliam'a Veg o' bio Co in pound had dono for other iiuilorliifr women I felt euro it would help mo. audi must Bay It did help ma wonderfully. My rains all left mo. I grow Btroiiger.nnd within tlireo montlu 1 was a perfectly well woman. "1 want, this letter inado public to show tho bcuollt women may derlva from Lydla E. Plnkhain'a Vegotable Compound." Mrs. John (I. Mor.oAN, 2115 Second St., North, MiuncapollB, Minn. Thousands of unsolicited and Rmu ino testimonials liko tho aliovo provo th0 pnicloney of Lydla E. Plnkham'a Vcgotablo Compound, which Is mado i exclusively iroin room nnu jioroa. ' Women who HiifTcr from those dls. : trcsnlng ills peculiar to their box Hhould llot i0H0 fiRht of t,pg0 facta or doubt u,0 ability of Lydia E. I'inkhara'a Vegetable Compound to rostoro their health. If you-wnntspeclftladvlcowrlto to Mrs. Pinklmin, at lyun, Mnas, BliowilltreiityouplottCrii8HtrlotIj 'confidential. For 20 years 8ha ' linn been, liclptwr sick women In thH WJ fn0 ()f cimrff0i Don't Lcaltuto ivrito at ouco. Make the Liver Do its Duty Nine timet in ten when thclne u right tla tomach and bovveu are right. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS gently but firmly com pel a Ury liver to do Ui duly. Curet Con stipation Indiget tion, Sick Headache, and Diitrcii after Eating. Small Till. SmAll Dot. Small Prica Genuine mmtUat Signature ft&u? 'f?z . DAISY FLY KILLER tfrM.'.iT.K: m Iftl oiarrllirlit .llifiph I UU ill HfllOB. M. .cftuiit Q.oa.l mill or tluovr. wl imt .ml of injur, tor HtbiritT ll'ir,nifl.fr v iirftiii.i.n i uiirtpailroi70. iiuiomi pnnm I ill I'f hill. ... Orwiktjn, Ww ! p&il .MCER'S KAIFc UALSAM CJfir.fi i..l Uu ' n Uu bilr. rrmuf n Iuurf.it rrowth. trrvcr I'jlU to Il-ttore Clriy lllr to Itif Yontiiful Color. Cure, iLr.Jp iliir.nt U b.lt (Ilixig. i'lr, ii,1 tlfut l)ru;r!itl BEF.JWir. Cold Wafer Starch uiaktiH luumlry work a pleasure 10 oz. iiltir. 100. W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 32-1910. V. U P MtSKfr- T smmsjHi Avru (jp1wiTTLE - mm i Mi i w h -" " m .mv i m i m - ZMim INflLU. MMWM lS 7i0-rfSvlL 'SllfJ'X&Aifci MM 1 f ' J A v i i .- '.'A . 'J jMy'' vfBpB p'tiwyyagj .i..'tiilfcikl i.',. 'i. ????mMmiiimBMmh&&itm&' weBssBsssessssfam