The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 04, 1910, Image 1

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'""ricai Society
M-r twMJ'A-',' jgg PSrygyj-eyt w .-C-!3u- .
K aT ('''J r T I j . ' . i i "jMfc" '" ", 7 7 - ,ni p JBfc.ff Ijm "i yri J i" ' ?"S '-" ! y .p - . . M -jj7Ti f i ' iT ii i1 " '.' " 9 jt yjM
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.. :' - ,I1 JJM7' -. -.- A -- A V-XT5.TiaKv9ilKV NKkSM'Vl.l--'t'.-' I I i . 1 . i grS-rui VT ".I.-- . W, 4tV&. JVHbfeMIV ft 'Mil I I ll l illil I llWllJHHl ji II : -sXx-YZSr-C3ZL.--X
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in excess of your i resnt wants, the
most sensible thing to do with it is to
whore it will bo porfei't ly safe anil
subject to cinch. We otl'or a fuither
suggestion '011 cannot do better than
pon the account with us. as you are
sure hero or .safety and rortoous treat
ment. Interest Paid on Time Deposits
Webster County Bank,
CAPITAL $25,000
B. F. Mizer, President, S. R. Florancc, Cashier.
B. F. Mizcr, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas,
S. R. Florancc.
Art Uoon spent Sunday at I. O.
Miss Gilliam visited friends on
Farincrs,Crcek Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Kay Cochrane spent
Sunday at C. I.. Ilerrloks.
Mrs. Van N'ogloy visited Mrs X K.
Harvey Saturday afternoon.
Mrs liiilii Mathews and Mrs 1'ruth
er Sundayed at I. . Wulkois.
ij 1,. iloiilek and family visited at
li. Ikrrii'Us near Campbell Friday.
L. Daily has been shearing .sheep
for Frank llarwood thopast week.
Homer and Curtis Daily have been
working in the harvest Holds near
Karl Harvey and Fred McClintoek
went to ltlue Hill last week to look
for work.
A tine rain foil over this section of
the county Monday night. Farmers
wore beginning to look rather blue but
now they are all happy
We had a lovely rain Monday even
ing. Mr. Saylor of Hod Cloud was in town
3dr-. Ceorgo Monow is on the sick
list this week.
Several of our teacheis are attend
ing institute this week.
Miss liiiiu Hnlo will teach I list. OS
tins winter at Slid per month
Rev. Hill and wife returned from
Kansas I ity Saturday evening.
Mrs. Jim Vance and two children
returned from the eastern pint, of tho
stato Monday evening where they
have been visiting relative-.
Red Cloud Hardware and
implement Co.
Aii Old IMiafole &d&rS
Cream Seperater, 500 lbs-
Capacity for $57-50
This add Brought to Our store $
is good for $2.50 on the Pur
chase of the above seperator.
; i:::rX":?:ssr::?::
.ssSs?? -9zriii-- - as2S2?a
Sam Saunders of Red Cloud visited
n few days of this week with relatives.
Miss Anna Cilhaiu was iiiv. from
Hod Cloud Sunday visiting lrvin
Clms. Hunter an 1 Will Xorris went
to Kansas City with cattle and hogs
Sunday morning.
Miss Veda Cadinan of Lincoln is
visiting with her aunt. .Mrs. "
Mathews, this week.
Mrs. Owon Tlckner and threo child
ren who have been visiting with A. C.
Hale- for several weeks, departed
Monday morning for their now home
in Carlyle. Kans.
Allen Carpenters spent Sunday at
Alf Saladens'.
Ed King spent Sunday evening at
.John Holcomb's.
Mr. mid Mrs. Al Decker Sundayed
at Will Robertson's.
Mr. and Mrs. l'orter Hale spent Sun
day at John Kmick's.
Miss May Frisbie was seen on the
streets of Superior Sunday.
Wo wonder what takes Luc Frisbio's
attraction at Lincoln so often.
Irving Ohmstcdo of (iulde Hock is
visiting his uncle. Mr. Hulsobush this
Mrs. Charlie Fry and family spent
Saturday and Sunday at ("lotolieb
Mr. and Mrs. John Holeoinb. Mr.
and Mrs. John Saladen and family
and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew KingUinned
at Charlie Raster's Sunday and in the
afternoon a good many of tho neigh
bors gathered in and all went to tho
Newspaper That (lives The News FIrty-lwo Weeks Each Year For $1.50.
Would like to set all tho young folks
out to Sunday school and KndoaVnr,
Mr.ainl.Mrs.C.lI. Harris and Mr.
and Mr-. Charlie Friable spent Sun
day at I Frisbio's.
Itcnnic Itas-cr was kicked in thu
luc'i ly hi- driving horse tho other
night and was knocked senseless for
some time, lie 1-better at this writ
Artie Hicherson Is working
(ieorge Harris.
It is nice ami dry in (iarlleld now no
mud to bother.
Hay Davis was at Will Fisher's Sun
day on wind mill row.
Alfred and Heto Mauley attended
the Odd Fellow lodge Monday night
in Red Cloud.
It looks like the weather man had
went dry as well as Red Cloud for it
does not rain.
Mrs. T. XV. Whito has boon visiting
friends in the western part of the
state this week.
Clyde Simpson is staying with tJuy
Barno- this week Thev go a hunting
every day in the corn Held for sun
llowers ami cuekleburs.
(ieorge Harris Is hauling -mid and
lumber for a new barn. He is think
ing some of building one that he could
put Starke' barn in side of it but he
may change his mind but we hope not.
Louis Man ley and family went to
Guide Hock, the old land mark in tho
early days and then eios-ed the liver
and came home around by Amboy and
had a good time in general. Pretty
gooil for Sunday.
Alfred Mauley hoard of a young
girl about forty years old and never
had a fellow and he struck out to hunt
her up but wo have not learned how
they got along but suppose thoy play
ed tag or horse or perhaps set in tho
corner and grinned.
Ilr.n CLorn, Xmm , July .'10, A. D. 1010.
Tho board of Webster County Com
missioners met pursuant to adjourn
ment. Members all present.
On motion the following claims on
the Poor Farm wore allowed, and tho
CouutyClork instructed to draw war
rants on the Poor Farm fund in pay
ment of same. Elmer Wilson Supt.
Poor Farm for sundry purposes S.10.W).
Albright Bros, for goods furnished
Poor Farm 510.7a.
In tho matter of the lots owned in
the Hod Cloud Cemetery by Webster
County Xebr., tho County Hoard of
said Cemetery requested tho Board of
Commissioners to make an allowance
of S'J per year to take care of said lots.
On motion tho above and foregoing
request was granted.
In tho matter of checking up and
settling with tho several county otll-
cers for tho first half of the ensuing
year. The chairman of tho County
Board appointed tho following named
Commissioners, James Overman and
G. W. Hummel as a committee to check
up with tho County Clerk, Clork of
the District Court. County Judge,
County Superintendent, and County
Sheriff of Webster County.
li.Ohmstede, L. Schmidt and T. J.
Chaplin as a committee to check up
and settle with County Treasurer.
On motion the olllclal bond of C.
Fulton as overseer of highways in uiul
for Road District Xo. US Harmonypre
cinct, Webster Count j. Nob., was ap
proved. Complaint having been made on bo
half of tho citizens of Rosomont, re
specting disorderly conduct. On
motion Commissioner Chaplin was ap
pointed with authority to investigate
and tako such action as ho deems ad
vlsablo and report to tho board.
On motion board adjourned to July
Sstli.. 1010.
July 28. 1010. Board met pursuant
to adjournment. .Members all present.
On motion Board wont Into commit
tee work checking up County odlcers.
Tho Board convened and tho several
committees mado their report us follows.
We your committee unpointed to
check up the County Cleik, County
Judge. Clerk of the District Court,
County Supt. and County Sheriff or
Web-tei- County Hud that the soini
annual repot Is of the several oillcors
arc t uio and corieot us tiled by tho
several oflioors. .1. u, overman and
G. W Iluinmoll committee.
To the Hoard of County Commiss
ioners. o your committee to cheek
up the I utility Treasurer Hud his
vouchers for moneys disbursed to cor
respond with the i coords in his olllce.
T. J. Chaplin, ti. Ohmstcdo, I.. Schmidt
On motion the above and foregoing
reports of Hr. several committees weie
approved and the semi-annual reports
of the several County oillcors approv
ed and ordered spread on the iccoiil.
Red Cloud. July 1, 1!H0. To the
Board of County Coinmissioiieis Web
ster County, Xebr. Report of IiiihIh
In Institute fund July 1st, HU0. Re
ceipt, Balance on hand Jan. 1, 1010.
$53,110. Received from examination
unci registration feesiSl.oO.totalSll'J.
liti. Disbursements, Balance on hand
July 31 12.IM1. Respectfully submitted.
Maiiki. D.u, County Superintendent.
Incidental expenses of olllce of 'o.
Supt., fiom il.iiuiary (1th to July 1st.
11)10 Sl'.'O.iW. M.iu:r. Day. c0. Supt.
Red Cloud, Xobr.,.luly 1st, 11)10. To
the Honorable Hoard of County Com
missioners. Centleineii. I hereby bog
leave to submit the following semi
annual report of tho ( ouuty Clerk'sof
ilco'of receipts and disbursements
fiom Jan. 1st. into to July 1st, 11)10 as
follows, let's collected in January
ini0 8l2'.ui, lebiuary f2v.i.A, Match
S:j.'l!).7o pi il ol7i.7.", May J.77X), June
S:tOil.!tr. Total receipts. ei.",7ti.:;o. Paid
out for stamps and incidentals Jan.
Isi to July 1st, i!)io, gso.oy. Ilespect
lully submitted. E. Ros-.
County Clerk.
I'o tho Honorable Hoard of County
Coiumh.siouois. GcntltMiiau, ICeo. W.
Hutchison Clerk of tho District Court
of Webster County hereby certify that
the following is a true account of all
fees collected in tho otllco of the clork
of tho District Court from Jan. 1st,
HMO, to July 1st, 11)10. January $0.05,
February S.Vi.H.-., March 8187 fir.. Total
1st quartor 1010, S'.MI'.i.r.O. April S72..T,
MayS:!!.','.'., June ll.:i."i. Total 2nd
quarter HM0 $2.V.V.).-,. Total 8.V22..10.
Expense for above date SI 1.10. Wit
ness my hand and the -eal this Is
day of July HMO.
Gi:o. W. Hi r hiso.n.
Clerk of the Distmt Court.
To the honorable hoard of county
ciiiiuniHsionorH of Webster county,
Nebraska. Tho undersigned county
judge in nnd for said county begs leave
respectfully to report the collection of
the following fees for tho half yearly
period of Jnnunry-.Iune, 1910. January
1 to January 31 inclusive $12-1.80. Feb
ruary I to February 28 inclusive,$109.80,
March 1 to March 31 inclusive $75.rG.
April 1 to April 30 inclusive $155.70.
Mny 1st to May 31st inclusive $130.10.
Juno 1 to Juno 31 inclusive $131.08.
Total fees G months $727.03 incidentals
onice for sai J period 0 months $0.00.
J. W. Edson, county, judge, stute of
Nebraska, Wel3tor county as. I, I. W.
Edson, county judge, in and for said
county do hereby certify that tho fore
gointf ib a true and complete statement
of fees collected in my ollice for the
period above Bet forth. Given under
my hand and the seal of said county at
rny oflico in Red Cloud this 5th day of
July, A. D., 1010. I W. Edson, county
judge. (Seal.)
Red Cloud, Nebr., July 1, 1910.
Report of 0. D. Hedge, sheriff, nnd
F. A. Hcdgo deputy sheriff of Webster
county, Nebraekn, for the term Jununry
to June 30, 1910. Fees for county work
$103.80, all other fees 388.25. All other
milage $37.95. July 13, 1910 county
treusurer R No. $88,25. Respectfully
submitted, O. D. Hedge, Sheriff.
Board adjourned to July 29, 1010.
Motion made and seconded thnt the
depository bond of Webster County
Bank be nnd is hereby accepted. Mo
tion carried.
T. J. Chuplinof Commissioner Dist.
No. 1 reports to tho bonrd that it will bo
necessnry for him pi commhpioner of
(Continued from page four)
" HB"50ir tTC
There are times when a whole lot de
pends on the watch you carry. If
you buy your watch here there'll be no
missing of trains or engagements, no
being late on account of your watch.
In Ihis Jewelry Store
You can select a watch at a moderate price or
one as expensive as you care to go. But no
matter what you pay you'll have a watch well
worth carrying. A good 17 Jewel Watch
man's size 20 year guaranteed case, $12.50.
Jewelers & Optometrists
They All Agree
when it comes to a live cent smoke
that the R B eigars aio in a eluss by
themselves. They ur mild, mellow
and rich. They burn evenly draw
frouly nnd have a line flavor. Try ono
and you will keep on trying like thc
rest of 'tlie boys."
City Itakery and Restaurant.
Br. T. A. Trumble, D. D. S.
Over Colting's Drug Store.
iiorits ov sr.KVHT. at conkiikoa
Illblo RCllOOl in n. in.
1'rcuehliii; 11 a. in.
1'rtitclilnn kcrvlccR 8 i. m.
I'raye? and Confereneo nicotian W'ciIiich
day at H ji. in.
A cantlal Invitation Is extended to all.
liny. A. A. PiinssM.v.v 1'astor.
The Chief $1.50
you cannot get at the ordinary res
taurant. The quality of the food, the
excellence of the cooking and the per
fection of its serving make a dinner
hero one to bo remembered with pleas
' the next, time you fasl like eating
something xtra nice. We can gratify
you to the quoeti's tast. Come ulona
If you must, with a friend if you can
A good dinner like ours flight to bo
eaten in good company.
The EJinTon Bnkcry and Restaurant
H. fteuerburg, Prop.
Si Ja
Successor to Dr. J. S, EMIOll
At the old stand over the
State Bank. Phonel31.
THE Chicago Specialists!
Chronic and Serious Diseases, Only.
Pi'iim.vkknt Office
Rod Cloud, Royal Hotol
Consultation Free, in German and
Thursday, Aug. Ilth, 191
I "1
1 11
j&trTtpfnt fiWlKll A Vi&1WiiffiSi?wtTit '-V 'ii -