THE MINORS IE CREVT EVENTS in OMAHA, JULY 23, 24, 25, 2G and 27. AEROPLANES APPEAR IN RACES Curtlcs, the Noted Aviator, Will Contest With His Pupils, Giving an Interesting Exhibition. Tin- Mltl-Wost Avlator.s1 .Wot will In- hold In Oiniilin, .July 'J3, lM, 25, M and U7. Tliu Interesting; ovctita of tin- four dayn will bo under tlu aus jilcca of tho Aero club of Nobrnskit, and tho Onmlui Comttiercinl club o' Oiiiuhu, Nebraska. (lli'iin 11. lint tins, .1. ('. Mats, CugoiH' Kly, nnd other noted avlatorn will partli'ipatc, thiiH itssHiirlnt; an Interest liiK an entcrtulnltm occasion. TIiIk l the llrst western nieotliiK in which Curtis himself has taken pari and Is the only western meet in wlileh ho will appear this year, a fact, no doubt, that will tend to draw many who might not otherwise favor the meet with their presence. .Mr. t'urtlss will use the satuu aeroplane in wlileh he made tho flight from Albany to New York a few weoks ago, and which bt ought out so much taornhli com ment from the press and public His presence at the Mid-West Meet will be the signal for drawing thousands from near and far. The committee having In charge all ariangementH are: T. It. Kimball. J. .1. Derlght, (iould Dletz and Clark G. Powell, the latter being also man ager of the meet. The government has promised as sistance by the loan of a number of bullions at Fort Omaha, lly this and other aid It Is hoped to make this the largest meet In this country, being in keeping with the international ex hibition at Los Angeles There will hi' spherical and dlirig ilil" balloons us well as hcnvlei than air machlncK. Aviators will make at tempts to lower existing records in rapid flight, altitude nights, quick starting, skillful alighting, etc Will also have some races. The committee has ai ranged tor a seating capacity of (i.OOU, the grounds will accommodate 20,000 and the auto mobile park will be able to take care of live hundred machines. Speaking of the coming event, the Omaha Uce says: "First of all Curtlss will endeavor to lower his own world's record for iuick and short starttug In an aero plane during each day of the meet. In addition to this he will heel; to re duce his record for a mile on a circu lar track, which now stands at fifty eight seconds. "CurtlBS will race Kly and Mars separately around the circular course, giving them a handicap In seconds for the difference in horsepower In the machines. "The feature ol the meet will be the aeroplane races between My and Mars, weather permitting. There Is a great deal of good natured and tricndly rivalry between these two Curtlss aviators and each one tries to outdo the other on all occasions. Hoth aviators will drive the same horse powered machines during the meet bore nnd aro about equally matched in nerve and daring. "The course on the aviation field will be laid out by white signal Hags and thy United States army signal corps men will be placed around the inlleld of tho course to nee the avl.i tors do not cut corners "The army spherical balloon In charge of Llcutennnt Haskell of the signal corps will be anchored in the center of tho field, where observa tions can bo mado on the work of the aeroplanes and dirigibles. Atlantic City, N. J., July 12 (Menu Curtlss today tossed oranges as mim ic bombs within three feet of tho decks of tho yacht John F. Mehror II, used In place of a battleship during tho sham battle arranged to demon strate tho utility of aeroplanes In coast defense. Tho mock "bombs" wero dropped front a height of about ;t00 fcut and CurUss purposely failed to strike the deck oT the yacht for fear of Injuring the officials and pas sengers gathered on her decks. Visiting experts agreed that tho ex periments showed that a lleot of aero planes armed with bombs of high ex plosives could wreck any warship be toie guns could ho trained on them. CurtlsB was Hying about forty live miles an hour when ho dropped tho "bombs" and officials on the deck of the yacht declared that ho was with in accurato distance for rlllo lira loss than a half minute. Colonel William Allen Jones, re tired, formerly of tho United States engineer corps, who Is an advocate of aeroplanes for coast defenao, stated after the trials his bellof that the nlr machine ban proved Its eniolency. Activity at Fort Omaha. Omaha.--Fort Omaha Is throbbing with activity preparatory to its part in tho Mid-West Aviation meet. Tho Haldwin Army War Dirigible No. 1 Is being overhauled by it force of men, who aro putting tho gas bag In shape for Inflation, while other soldiers of tho signal corps are working on the great hydrogen generator and tank. Tho grandstand of tho Crelghton field Is already assuming proportions nnd is being eroded so that the spec tators will have a clear sweeping view of the course at all times. Dives from Brooklyn Bridge for $250 NKW YORK.-A sharp-featured, un dersized youth in nigged swim ming trunks, with n skimpy coat and an old pair of trousers tin own over them, dived succesfullj from the cen ter span of llrooklyn bridge to the Hust river, lllf! feet below, for fUf.O In cash, two new suits of clothes and whatever renown the world mn hold In store for a bridge Jumper. The late Steve Hrodle acqulied fame us u bridge Jumper and long ran a Howery saloon on the strength of It, but man say It was never really proved that Steve really Jumped. Sev eral would-be suicides "have been llBhed out of the river unhurt after Jumping, but Otto Uppers Is the nrst to Jump with unquestioned witnesses as part of a prearranged plan. Tho boj's llrst words when he wns Ijsbed out of the river by the crew of a passing tug were: "dee! Hut I hit hard!" ' His next were: "Say, whose got the inakln's of a cigarette?" Uppers Is seventeen years old and the son of a lithographer. He weighs about 110 pounds and has been iinofll clul swimming champion of tin- Kant river ever hIiico he got Into the big Elusive Tooth Puzzle in Chicago Court CHICAOO. "The mystery of tho Missing Tooth," a novel exposition of how heven and three (sometimes) make eleven, was staged for a largo and appreciative, not to say quizzical, audience recently In .Municipal Judge Torrlson's court. Plot theme: "Can a dentist iccover damages for a swallowed tooth?" Leading characters: Dr. .lames I,. Illount, Oak Park, praying a monetary revengo, and Mrs. Alice Andrews, heroine in tho tragedy or "The Miss ing Molar.' Dr. Mount demanded his fee for U teeth, false If you please, whllo the heroine pleaded but ten seven In hand aud three hidden by rosy lips. "Tho teeth not only were lalse In material, but they were false to their trust and (ell out," said Alls. An drews. "One at a time they began falling out. The first one went on a round steak which cost 25 cents a pound. I thought it merely a coincidence. Hut when No. 2 fell Into the soup ono noon, I knew there was boinethlng wrong. Zoo Bear Trades J'fclS? -X v rv-1 X . &,m (y NKW YOItK. Old Hen. the big Alas kan bear at tho Now York zoologi cal pary In the Hronx, understands hu man nature well Indeed, and ho makes his knowledge pay him. Tho other day a woman from Mlddletown, who had happened to seo tho animals, paused before tho den of Old Hen and tossed In a hholled peanut. Instant ly there was a stampede on the part or Little Hen, Hrown Hoss, Old Hen's wife, and Karnak, his nephuw. Old Hen walked back to tho tear of the cage while the others fought for the peanut aud then ciowdod to the bars for more. Tho ylsltor was about to toss In an other when she was astonished to see old Hen standing on his hind legs, making motions to her to throw It high over the others' heads to him. Help! 45,000,000 vL pDUNffowN 'Y-- J) ' VL Dtw1 ,fi$ AUYfAf? nH VA'READY J J CHICAGO. Faithful hens of Illinois Indiana, Michigan and Ohio have slttco April laid 45,000,000 eggs for tho cold storage man, according to farmora who havo sold their product to representatives of Chicago cold storngo houses. Tho eggs, will remain In tho ware houses until the high prices of last winter aro duplicated. Housewives feel that the usual cor ner In eggs will take place next year. South Wnter street commission mer chants admitted thnt warehousemen have canvnsBcd tho four states for the last three months, buying up fresh eggs from the farmers and egg com- mr, SmI & - hovTn -. IIONC Iviiu inW 01 FFR?i&. boy class. Ilecently he beard thnt a lltooklvu merchant was willing to pay $LV0 out of his advertising appropria tion to the llrst man who would Jump fiom any one of the brldgi s over the Fast river. Otto was the boy for the Job. Ho had Jumped 101 feet fiom a bridge once betore hiuI the addition of a few more feet never eiuihed him mi much ns a thought. "Sure, I'll do It," he suld, and he did. Otto meant to dive fiom the new Manhattan bridge, because bo thought It was higher. The height hi reality Is the sumo for all the Fast river bridges. The police, however, were too waKhful. lie meant 10 shed his coat and ti onsets, but he didn't hnvo time, lie meant to take off his heavy boots, but the liver did that for him. He meant to dlvo in one long sweep ing arc, "but somehow ,' he told lift terward, "1 started to twist, and then I couldn't atop." Passetigeis on the ferryboats who saw hhu said he turned llku a plnwheel. "I wasn't scared a bit until 1 .lumped,' be continued, "but I don't re member anything after I hit until I came up again." He was found (loaf ing mi his back, half stunned and paddling feebly. "I could have swum to shore," be boasted, and in the next breath he admitted, 'but I wasn't feel ing very spry." A rubdovvn and two hours of rest in a hopsltal found Fppets lit to ap pear In police court, where ho was ptoniptly discharged for lack of evi dence that he had attempted suicide. "Nos a, I and ft came out In unison and Nos. i! and 7 when a boy het off n Itiecracker under my root tho last Fourth of .Inly. It was becoming so common then, I Inst track or tin cause aud scarcely noticed tho effect I couldn't even chew butter. "I refused to pay the dentist's bill unless he did the work all over again amj he wouldn't. He said I must have been trying to chew locks. Then he sued me." As proof of tho deciduous nature of the teeth, Mrs. Andiews began count Ing them out on Judgu Torrlson's desk, while court bnlllrfs looked on agape. Then as she reached "seven," .Mis. Andrews said: "Tin oo I have In my mouth. Ho put In 11 for mo In February, 1909. Most ot them camo out nnd 1 had three put back." "Hut where Is tho other tooth? Three you still use, boven you have shown the Judge, now where Is the other one?" was the Insistent query put to Mrs. Andrews. "Where Is tho other tooth?" Tho woman faltered. "I don't know where It can bo; I thought 1 had It, but I must have swallowed it while asleep" "Oivo the others to the bailiff; let them ho preserved as evidence," said Judge Torrlson. Tho bailiff kept the teeth; tho Jury found its verdict for the woman. Laughs for Peanuts At least that was what It Innknd mi Ho was standing up on his haunches, waving his right front paw over his head aa a 'uoj does when he moans you to throw a ball high. Tho ladv threw tho peanut high and Old Hon got It caught it in his mouth, at a distance of 20 feet, while the other bears In tho cage raged over missing It. Tho woman throw more, and kept throwing the peanuts till they wero all gone, and every one she threw ovei tho lieuds of tho other boars. Just ti, see Old Hen stnnd on his hind legs and motion for more. Hen learned this trick years ago, tho keepers say, when ho was n dancing bear. When he finally was put In tho zoo ho astonished the keepers bj making signs to them to throw the best food over tho heads of tho other greedy animals to him. Ho always takes ii.i his position In tho back giound, motioning the keepers and let ting the othor bears figlit at tho Iron bars. Tho rosult Is that ho gets the biggest part of tho dinner because It is so funny to watch bis secret sig nals to tho feeders. Eggs Are Imprisoned inlshlouetK. "Chicago cold Murage houses arc filled with fresh eggs." declared a moi chant today, "and I have been told that -Ift.OOO.OOO eggs aro now stored away In warehouses, to remain there until next winter when tho men who form tho egg pool can demand high prices for tho product." Tho millions of eggs bought up by tho cold storago representatives will not bo put on tho Chicago markets for Bale until there Is n scarcity. Tho eggs wero purchased from the farmers at an averago price of 23 Vj to 24 cents a dozen. Two cents a dozen Ib added to cover lnsuranco, Btorago costs, etc., which brings tho totnl cost up to about 20 cents n dozen. If the eggs enn bo rotniled In Chi cago next winter at 45 cents a dozen, at which thoy wero sold last winter, thero will bo a profit of 19 cents a uozen or u totul of something over J700.000. ONE THING CERTAIN. WM . dam ""-- 0kyt "Doit you know," shouted I ho earn est orator, "what to do to tho trust?" "Nov but 1 know blamo well what they're doing to us'" said u man la tho front row. Casey at tho Bat. Tbis fatnoiiH poem Is contained in tho Coca-Cola llascball llecord Hook for J910, together with rccordu, schedules for both leagues and other valuable baseball information tur.ipllcd by au thorities Thin Interest fug book sent by the Coca-Cola Co ol Atlanta, (hi., on receipt of 2 stamp for postage. Also copy of their booklet "The Truth About Coca-Cola" which tells all about this dellcloiiH beverage and why It la so pure, wholesome aud refioBhlng. Are you over bot tired thirsty? Drink Coca-Cola It Is cooling, re lieves fatigue and qucneheB the thirst. At soda fountains and car bonated In bottles 6c everywhere. The Stomach Hold. Col 11 N Ketiouf, at tho "Old Cuard" bauqiM l at Delmoiilco's, em phasized the Importance to an army or a good commissariat "You havo perhaps hoard," be said, "of the company ot privates that a pattlotic lady entertained one Me morial day to dinner "It was a good dinner, and at Its end a pretty maid servant entered with a superb dessert. "'Dessert sergeant''' Mm said to the stalwart young soldier at tho head of the table "'Desert''" the ci rgeant answered. 'When I can get eats like this tor i otbiii"? Nixie' Not mo!' " ROUTT COUNTY, COLORADO, LAND BOOM PREDICTED. Keen observers predict a big boom In properly in Wantland, Colorado, tho new town which Is being built in tho center of tho Little Snake River Vol ley in Houtt County, Colorndo. A big Irrigation system is being built to Irri gate GO.fiOO acres of very fine land Mir rounding Wantland. The land Is be ing sold by the State of Colorado for CO cents per ncre, under tho Carey Act, and water rights cost ?35.00 an acre, in ten year payments. Sugnr fac tories, Hour mills, canneries, etc., aro among the possible Industries to be lo cated at Wantland. Full information can be obtained from the Routt County Colonization Company, 1734 Welton St , Denver, Colo. Back to the Tall Timber. Alfred Aro you going to pass your vacation at the seashore? Gilbert No, thank you. It's tho woods for mine this year. Alfred Don't like the shore, eh? Gilbert Oh. 1 like it well enough, but it's too risky I passed my vaca tion there last year and had several narrow escapes Alfred From drowning'' Gilbert No; summer girls. Seven of them proposed to me. FINE POST CARDS FREE. A Big Package Sent to All of Our Readers Who Write at Once. To any render of thlH paper who vvrlteu Immediately and IiicIorob 2-cettt Htamp we will mail a Hot of five mot beautiful pout cardH you ever Baw. Or wo will hoiiiI our hlf; mai;nzlno on trial li months nnd net of eight choic est Floral Motto, Birthday and Friend ship cards, all different, In exquisite colors. Bilk ilril.u, beautifully em bossed, all for only 10 contH, 3 full sots, 'M cards all different, and one yenr's subscription, ISA cents AddrcsB Household Postcard Hopt , H!l Capper Uldu; , Topoka Kan Their Object. Hanks -The women of my town have formed n hoeret Koclety. Hi ver A M-erot moiety"' Surely, that's a misnomer, women don't know how to keep secrets Hanks Hut thoy know how to tell them, and thatb why they formed tho locK'ty What Ails You Do you frcl wenk, tired, despondent, havo frequent head Dches, coated tongue, bitter or bad taste in morning, "heart-burn," belching ol uk, acid ritinga in throat after eating, ttomoch gnaw or burn, foul breath, dizzy spells, poor or vurioblc appetite, nausea at times and kindred symptomi? 11 you Imyo any contiderablo number of tho above symptoms you nro suffering from bilious ness, torpid liver vnth indigestion, or dyspepsia. Dr. Pierce' Golden Medical Discoycry is raado up of tbo most valuable medicinal principles known to medical science for tho permanent rure of such abnormal conditions. It is a most efficient liver inyigorntor. stomach tonic, bowel regulator and nerve strcngthencr. " The "Golden Medical Di.covery" is not a patent medicine or secret nostrum, a full lilt oi its ingredients being printed on its bottle-wrapper and attested under oath. A glance at theso will show that it contains no alcohol, or harm ful habit-forming drug. It is a fluid extract made with pure, triple-refined glycerine, of proper strength, from the roots of native American medical, forest plants. World's Dit.pcnt.ury Medical Association, Props,, Iluffalo, N. Y. Autolnn nntl Optics. "Is not nuto (hiving terribly hard on the eyes?" wo asked. "Well, I guess not," replied tho chauffeur, withering us with scorn. "Why. before 1 got to rutinln' n car I was tlilukln' o' gottln' specks, my eye sight was that poor I couldn't seo the contribution box In church until It was so near past mo it wan too late to dig for any money. Hut I hndn't been rtinnln' that wagon two days till I could see a policeman's llttlo finger stlckln' out from behind a tree four mllos away. 1 could oven seo which way a copper's eyebnlls wore turned If ho was Htandlu' In tho shade three miles off. Hard on tho eyes! Well, not much! It's tho best medicine for weak eyes that was over Invented, don'fcyou forget It." Hit Claim to Prominence, At a social gathering a certain man, Intent on knowing every one, was In troduced to Sonntor Julius C. Hurrows of Michigan. "Tho iiitiuu Hurrowti Ib very fnmll Inr to mo," ho said. "1 ant certain that you nro a man of somo promt nonce." "Yes," replied Senator Hurrows. "I am the man that 'died nt first' Just before Casey camo to bat In that cele brated ball game In Mudvllle." Suc cess Magazine. Small Job. Him I was confused for a bit, I Kinross, but It took mo only a moment to collect my wits Her- Yes, It couldn't take any longer thnn that. Go on. Protected. Stella- Aro you arrald of cows? Holla-Not with my hntplns. New York Sun. fowl's' Sinulo Hinder Mraiplit 5c cigar i nuulc to H.ilicfy tho finolicr. Truth is cut up to patch too many lies. You can never boll tho lies back into truth ngaltt. EEDLD3ES fLC0)IOL-3 PER CUNT AVegcfablc Preparation for As stmilating ihcFoodantllfcgula linglhcSlomnclts and Bowels of Promotes Dioslion.Chccrful ncss and Rest.Contains neither Opium .Morphine nor Mineral Not Narcotic Pttipt crow DrSANvanrcffst funili!n OHif j4lxStnnm A'nfoU Sttl Jlili Still ftpptrminl -iit trfritttttbfirfii ' hirm Seid CUrfirii Sufi" ttiitiryirm Fttivor AncrfcctFkmcdv forConslipn lion , Sour Stornach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions.Fcvcnsh ess and Loss of Sleep Facsimile Signature of The Ckntauo Company NEW YORK. Guaranteed under lite Fuodan Exact Copy of Wrapper. ' I I II III I" ! MMiWIl M auiiini:;i:MiijHi:iuiiijiiiijiimij!nr iWifi;TiTn'i7irnri.t?Kiai;riTffirTimimtmTtTTTTTr MICA Didn't Care for Expenses. They wero seated at the breakfast table. "John, dear," said tho young wlfo, "this Is my blrthdny." "I'm glad you menlloncd lt darling," rejoined her husband. 'I'll buy you a present tho first thing when I get downtown." "Well," sho said, "I hope you won't get any cheap ON-ront affair" "Of courbo I won't," ho replied. "Why, I would bo ashamed to piesont you with anything that cost loss than n dollar." And somo people havo too much re spect for other people's homos and. not enough for their own Mr. Wlnnlow'a femtlitni; Myrtjp. KnrrliUittrti trMhlnu. witlciiHllMKum, fiMucmtrt. muiimillull.illhijsiulli.iufimwlii.lnillu, -elxlti, Many of us havo cause to bo thank ful for what wo don't got. h -mMi maeas hi STOCKERS & FEEDERS Chnlru nmllly; rnln nntl ruann, wlilto Jiu'i'M or niiRUN Ixuiplit on tirtlrrn. IVim of TIioiihuiiiIh to Hclcot from. Hatlxfui'tlon (luar niitiTil. CorrcHpumlrnrc Invited. Come ami nee fur yourself. National Live Stock Com. Co. At eilfaer l(miCily,Mo., St. Joseph, Mo., S. Omaha, Neb, GASTORIA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years OASTI wc ecHTAun mummy, new voaa crrr.' AXLE GREASE is the turning-point to economy in wear and tear of wagons. Try a box. Every dealer, everywhere STANDARD OIL CO. (Lncorvorsted) Sfdly Wipe it off your otherwise I good looking face put on that good health smile that LAS CARETS will give you ci a result from the cure of Constipation or a torpid liver. It's so easy do it you'll see. 9U CASCARKTS lOo a box for a week's treatment. ull druralsts, nisgct seller In Uio world. MiUlon boxes a mouth. PARKER'S HAIR BAL8AM Clttsiu awl txaatinei tht hair. Promote a loiiuUnt growth. Meyer Fat If to Ucntoro Oray llatr to Jta Youthful Color? Curt, nalp dlieuet hair laUlae. Pn.andSI.UUat DrarjrUU W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 30-1910. rftw ' AW m Senile M i' i i'f , V ''raagaag . . steM' ijC. sdJosJML wtgvla9h-i'