The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 21, 1910, Image 2

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Wmamvt't xh A -,- ju-.-.. jfc,(Jlui, v.
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WrWl Or 04MJ77M
Mlsn lnnei. ftplimlrr Mini iru-irillnn f
Oortrmlf nml llitlicy. cMtiililNliril Huiiuiiri
)ii'ailoimrlTK nl HiiiiiivhIiIi' Ainlilst ni
nioroiw tllfllt tiltlcH tin- M'lvnnlH I". rtrii
An MIsm IntM'8 IocKmI up for tlir iiIkM.
Ii una Htiirtlnl by n flail. ilKiiri- on in
vrrnmla. Hlie pimnoil u Inrltil" 1 1 1 l t .
whkli wus Illicit wlih iiriticinl noun h.
Jn tlic tiinnilnu Minn ItmcH fmiiiil
BtrniiKi. Ifnl. cuir liiilliui In n cldjlc!
Immiior. (Icrlinilc ami Hal"y mm "I
with .luck Mail. Tim liiniHci wiw nwiiU
cncil liy u icvr.lvi r who! A niniim'c "ti'
Willi foiinil :hnl in ilcnll,, In tlic "all.
It provcil li lie llm linily of Amnio Aim
Mrotig, whoxit hntilur ratlin- nwinil Hi"
country litm-ie AIIhh Iiiiicm foitinl llnl
mcv'h rovolvct mi tin- lawn, lie ami Jii'
llallcy Inn! illsaipirnl The link un
liiitlnu iny.'ili rlniinly illniipii-iirc'il. I"'
tr-cllve Jariiliisnn nml Hi" iiirimer arrived,
icillinlc nvcaleil Hint lm van miKiikpi
in .lack Uullcv w.tli wlioiu hIic Iiiui
talkeil In Ilia Iillllaiil motn a few iii'i
Jiiciita licloie Hie miiriler .latulcs'in lolil
MI;h lliinv Hint Hlie wiih lililln-,' evlileliee
from him lie liuprNoucil an liitrmlir In
an empty room. Tim primmer cxcaticd
down h liutiiilry chute. Il ileHii'l I hat
tlio Intruder was pinluililv a wuinan. Her
trude wan Kiipeci'd. for the Inliinlcr
left a tulnt or a lime foot, (lerliude h
turtiPd lioinc wllh her ilKlit ankle
xpralueil A ih-kio found the other half
if what proMil to ho .link llullcy'M (HIT
liutlim. lliilHi' fmililcnly reappeiiicd
Tin Hiilil he and Uullcv had left Iiccuimc
lliev had received a IcIi-kiiiiii. (lertruile
wild Hint win had kIvcii Uullcv an iin
loailed revolver. fcatliiK to lve IiIiii Iiui
jiey'H loaded weapon CiimIiIit Hiillcy of
Paul AriiiHtroniM lunik, ilcfuni l. wiih a r
rcHtpd. charged with cinhczs'.leineiit llal
iey mild AiiiiHlmiiK had uiccl.cil hln own
Imiik, nml was aide to i lear Hiillcy. A
leleKrnm contained ncwa that I'aul Arui
HtroiiK wiih ileail IIuIhc) Irappeil MrH.
VntHon. tlifl housekeeper, while hIic wiih
Htiiillm; from the Imuec. At the IihIkc
WIhh InncH and Ualwiy found llnNoy h
Jlanccc. I.iiuIhi ArniHlroiiK. hIhIt of tlio
lead man. She wan bellcM-d to Im In Cal
ifornia. The loilKc keeper told MIhh Iiiiich
that l,oulo and Atnold had hud u lotiB
tall; thn nlKlit of the murder I.oulsc wiih
CHAPTER XIII. Continued.
Tim Kiirdcncr iiu-ntlniu'd liy MiilHuy
nnnit! out iiliout two o'clock In tlio alt
ciiinon, tmd sall(l up from the sta
tion. I was favorably InipioKSctl by
him. IIIk niftToncuH woro kchk! lio
Iiiui bncii omplnycil by tint llmys' until
thpy wont to Kuroprt. and Im looked
yottni; and vlKorotix Ho linked for
oiio nHHlHtnnt, and 1 wuh kIiuI onotigh
to Ki'l off ko easily. IU wiih a pleasant-faced
youiiK fellow, with black
hair and bluo oyos, and his name was
Alexander (Iraliatn. I havo been par
ticular about Alex, because, afl I said
before, ho played an Important part
That afternoon I had a now insight
into tlio character of tho dead hanker.
1 had my first conversation with
Iconise. Sho sent for mo, and against
my bettor judgment 1 went.
She held out her hand and I took
it between both of mine.
"What can 1 say to you, Miss In
noB?" sho said alowly. "To havo
como like UiIb "
I thought she, was koIiix to break
down, but she did not.
"You nro not to think or anything
but or Butting well," 1 said, putting
lior hnnd. "When you are better, I
nm going to scold you for not coming
lioro nt once. This Is your homo, my
dear, nml or nil people In the world,
Halsey's old mint ought to make you
She smiled a little, sadly, I thought.
"I ought not to see llnlsey," she
nald. "MIrb limes, there arc a great
many things you will never under
ntand, I am afraid. 1 am an impostor
on your sympathy, because I I stay
hero and let you lavish caro on me,
and nil tho tiino I know you are going
to despise mo."
"NonHonso!" 1 said brlnlcly. "Why.
what would Ilalscy do to me ir I even
ventured such n thing? Ho Is so big
and mnsterful that If 1 dared to be
i e
i.- -. r.a.i -
if- :; ,rri;,
n a
He Looked Young and Vigorous.
anything but rapturous over you, he
would throw mo out of n window. In
deed, ho would bo aulto capablo or It."
Sho socmed scarcely to hear my fa
cotious tone. Sho had eloquent brown
;yes tho Innescs nro fair, and prone
to a grayish-green optic that Is better
for ubo than appearnuco and they
Boomed now to bo clouded with trou
ble. "Poor HnlBoy!" bIio said softly.
"Miss Innes, 1 cannot marry him, nml
1 nm afraid to tell him. I am a cow
arda coward!"
I ant besldo tho bed nml stnrort at
hor. Sho was too 111 to nrguo with,
and, besides, elck people tako queer
"Wo will tnllc about that when you
nro Btrongor," I said gently.
"nut thoro nro somo things I inuiit
toll you," Hho insisted. "You must
wonder how I camo horo, nml why I
stayed hidden at tho lodge. Dear old
Vjj..' -'t'f
trQi.. ap'"-- T-fttkV1
BHnllmBll " "" "
'liSlfifHiHffifflF? FFRPKWKH
I" 11 Pf-)1 rJllllS
ill R 1 H I fli7,7VX
ll III) Kir fir 'Vafe laAssaKsabmssaaa.
wit wMf k i
' iyrzzzzmvj.i jzsvcskfmwii n i jmi i wwjs 1
"I Am Very Sorry You Have
Thomas has been almost crazy, Miss
Innes. I did not know that Sunnsldo
was routed. I knew my mother wished
to rent It, without lolling my step
father, but the news must have
reached her after I Ion. When I
started east, I had only one Idea to
he alone with my thoughts lor a time,
to bury myself here. Then, 1 must
havo taken a cold on the train."
"You came east In clothing suitable
for California," I said, "and like all
young girls nowadays, I don't suppose
you wear llannols." Hut sho was not
"Miss Innes," she said, "has" my
stepbrother Arnold gono away?"
"What do you mean?" I asked,
startled. Hut Louise was literal.
"He didn't come back that' night."
she said, "and it was so Important
that I should see him."
"1 bellovo he has gone away," I re
plied uncertainly. "Isn't It something
that we could atttind to Instead?"
Hut she shook her head. "I must do
It myself," she said dully.
llnlsey came to the door at that mo
ment and I could hear him coaxing
Llddy for admission to the sick room.
"Shall I bring him In?" 1 asked
Louise, uncertain what to do. The
girl seemed to shrink back among
her pillows at tho sound of his voice.
I was vaguely Irritated with her;
there nro few young fellows like llnl
sey straightforward, honest, and will
ing to sacrlllce everything for the one
woman. 1 know ono once, more than
oO years ago, who was like that; ho
tiled a long time ago. And sometimes
I lake out his picture, with Its cane
and Its queer silk hat, and look at It.
Hut of lato years It has grown too
painful; ho Is always a boy and 1 am
an old woman. I would not bring him
back If I could.
Perhaps It was some such mem
ory that made me call out sharply.
"Como In, Halsey." And then I took
my sowing and went Into tho boudlor
beyond, to play propriety. I did not
try to hear what they said, but every
word came through the open door with
curious distinctness. Halsey had evi
dently gone over to tho bed and I
suppose ho kissed her. There was si
lence for a moment, as If worda woro
superfluous things.
"I havo been almost wild, sweet
heart." Halsey's voice. "Why didn't
you trust mo. and send for mi be
fore?" "It was because I couldn't trust my
self," sho said in a low lone. "I am
too weak to struggle today; oh, Hal
sey. how I have wanted to see you!"
There was something I did not hear,
then Halsey again.
"Wo could go away," he was say
ing. ' What tloes It matter about any
one In the world but just the two of
us? To be always together, like this,
hand In hand; Louise don't tell me
it Isn't going to bo. I won't believe
"You don't know; you don't know,"
Ixiulso repeated dully. "Halsey, I care
you know that but not enough to
marry you."
That Is not true, Louise," lie said
sternly. "You cannot look at mo with
your honest eyes and say that."
"I cannot marry you," alio repeated
miserably. "lfB bad enough, Isn't It?
Don't make It worso. Somo day, be-
lore long, you win be glad."
"Then it la because you havo never
loved mo." There woro depths of hurt
pndo In his voice. "You saw how
much I loved you, ami you lot mo
think you cared ror a while. No
that Isn't llko you, Louise. Thoro Is
something you haven't told mo. Is It
becaiiBo thoro Is somo ono else?"
"Yes," almost Iimudlbly.
"Loulso! Oh, 1 don't bollevo It."
"It Is true," sho said sadly. "Hnlaoy,
you must not try to ueo mo again. Ab
soon as 1 can, 1 am going away from
hero wlioro you nro all so much kind
Made This Decision," He Said.
er than I deserve And whatever you
hear about m try to Hunk as well
of mo as you can. I am going to mar
ry another man. How you must hate
nit hate me!"
I could hear Halsey cros.-i the room
to tlio window. Then, after a pause,
he went back to her again I could
hardly sit still; I wanted to go In
and give Iter good shaking
"Then It's all over," ho was saying
with a long breath. "Tho plans we
made together, tho hopes, tho all of
it over! Well, I'll not bo a baby,
and I'll glvo you up tho minute you
say 'I don't lovo you and I do love
some ono else!'"
"I can not say that," sho breuthed,
"but, very soon, 1 shall marry tho
other man."
I could hear Halsey'.s low trium
phant laugh.
"1 defy him," ho said "dweetheurt,
as long as you care for mo, I am not
afraid "
The wind .slammed tho door between
tho two rooniB Just then, and I could
hear nothing more, although I moved
my chair quite close. After a dis
creet Interval, I went into tho other
room and found Louise nlouo. Sho
was staring with sad oyos at tho
cherub painted on tho colling over tho
bed, and because sho looked tired I
did not disturb her
An Egg-Nog and a Telegram.
Wo had discovered Loulso at the
lodge Tuesday night. It was Wednes
day I had my Interview with her.
Thursday ami Friday wore uneventful,
snve as they marked Improvement In
our patient. Gertrude spent almost
all the time with her. nml tho two had
grown to bo great friends Hut cer
tain things hung over mo constantly;
tho coroner's Inquest on tho death of
Arnold Armstrong, to bo hold Satur
day, ami the arrival til' Mrs. Arm
strong and young Dr. Walker, bring
ing tho body of tho dead president of
the Traders' bank. Wo hud not told
Loulso of either tlonth.
Then, too, I was anxious about tho
children With their mother's inheri
tance swept away In tho wreck of tho
bank, and with their lovo affairs In a
disastrous condition, things ' could
scarcely bo worso Addod to that, tho
cook and LIddy hail a fluro up ovor tho
proper way to make benf-toa for
Louise, and, or course, tho cook left.
Mrs. Watson had boon glad enough,
1 think, to turn Louise over to our
care, and Thomas wont upstairs night
and morning to'greot his young mis
tress from tho doorway. Poor
Thomas! Ho had the faculty round
still in some old negroes, who cling to
the traditions of nlnvery days of
making IiIb eniployor'a Interest his. It
was nlways "wo" with Thomas. I
miss him sorely; pIpo-Binoklng, obse
quious, not ovor reliable, kindly old
On Thursday Mr. Hnrton, tho Arm
strongs' legal advlHor, called tip from
town. IIo had been advised, he said,
that Mrs. Armstrong was comlug oast
with hor husband'fl body and would
arrivo Mouday. Ho camo with boiiio
hesitation, at last, to iho fnct that ho
had boon further Instructed to ask
mo to relinquish my IcaBo on Sunny
side, as it was Mrs, Armstrong's do
slro to como directly thoro.
I wna nghnat.
"Horo!" I Bald. "Suroly you uro
mlstnkon, Mr. Harton. I Bhould think,
after what hnpponed horo only a fow
daya ago, ulio would novor wish to
como back."
"NovertholosB," ho ropllcd, "sho la
most nnxlous to corno. TIiIb 13 what
Bho says: 'Ubo ovory posslblo moans
to havo Sunnyaldo vacated. Must go
thoro at once.' "
"Mr. Harton," I Bald testily, "I am
not going to Uo anything of tho kind.
I and mine havo suffered enough at
the hands of thW family. 1 rented tho
house at an exorbitant llgtire and I
have moved out here for the summer.
My oily home Is dismantled and in the
hands or decorators. I have been here
one week, during which 1 have had
not a single night or uninterrupted
sleep, and I Intend to stay mil II I
luno recuperated. Moreover, ir Mr.
Armstrong died Insolvent, uh I believe
was the case, his widow ought to be
glad to bo lid of so expensive a piece
of property."
The lawyer cleared his tin oat.
"1 am very sorry jou have made
this decision," he said. "Mlhs Innes,
Mrs. l'ltzhugh tolls mo Louise Arm
strong is with you."
"She Is."
"Has she been Informed or this
double bereavement'.'"
"Not yet," I Mild. "She has been
very III; perhaps tonight she enn be
"It Is very sad; very sad." he said.
"I have n telegram lor her. Miss In
nes. Shall I send it out?"
"Hotter open It and rend It to me,"
I suggested. "If It Is Important, that
will nave time."
There was a pause while Mr Har
ton opened the tolegrfun. Then he
read It slowly, judicially.
"Watch for Nina Carrlngton lioinc
Monday. Signed K. L. 7 "
"Hum!" I sold. "'Watch for Nina
Carrlngton. Home Monday.' Very
well. Mr. Harton, I will tell' her. but
she Is not in condition to watch for
any one."
"Well. Miss Innes. If you decide tc
or relinquish the lease, let me
know," tho lawyer said.
i shall not relinquish it." I replied,
and I Imagined his Irritation from the
way he hung up the receiver.
I wrote the telegram down word for
word, al raid lo trust my memory, and
decided to aslt Dr. Stewart how soon
Louise might be told the truth. The
closing of the Traders' bank I con
sidered unnecessary for her to know,
but the death or her Ktopfnthcr and
stepbrother must be broken to her
soon, or she might hear it in some
unexpected and shocking mannei.
Dr. Stewart came about four o'clock,
bringing his leather satchel Into the
house with a great deal of care, and
opening It at the root of the stairs
to show mo a dozen big yellow eggs
nesting among the bottles.
"Heal eggs." be said proudly. "None
of your anemic store eggs, but the real
thing some of them still warm. Keel
them! Fgg-nog ror Miss Louise!"
He was beaming with satisfaction,
and before he left, ho Insisted on go
ing back to the pantry and making
an egg-nog with bis own hands. Some
how, all tho time he was doing it, I
had a vision of Dr. Wllloughby. my
nerve specialist In the city, trying to
make an egg-nog. I wondered if he
ever prescribed anything eo plebeian
and so delicious. And while Dr.
Stowart whisked tho eggs he talked.
"I said to Mrs. Stewart," he con
fided, a little red In the face from the
exertion, "after I wont home the other
day, that you would think me an old
gossip, for saying what 1 did about
Walker and Miss Louise."
"Nothing or the sort." I protested.
"The fact Is," he went on. evidently
justirylng himself, "I got that piece of
information Just as we get a lot of
things, through the kitchen end of the
house. Young Walker's chauffeur
Walker's more fashionable than I am.
and ht goes around the country in a
Stanhope car well, his chauffeur
comes to boo our servant girl, and ho
told her the whole thing. I thought
It wr.s probable, because Walker spent
a lot of tlmo up hero last summer,
when the family was here, and be
sides. Klggs. that's Walker's man, had
a very pat little stoiy about the doc
tor's building a house on this proper
ty, just at the foot of the hill. Tho
BUgar, please."
The egg-nog was Mulshed. Drop by
drop tho liquor hail cooked tho egg,
and now, with a dual whisk, a last
toss In tho shakor, It was ready, a
symphony in gold and white. The
doctor sniffed It.
"Ileal eggs, real milk, and a touch
of real Kentucky whisky." ho snltl.
IIo Insisted on carrying It up him
self, but at the foot of the Btnlrs ho
"KIgga said tho plans wore drawn
for the house." ho said, harking back
to tho old subject. "Drawn by Hus
ton in town. So I naturally believed
When tho doctor camo down, I wiib
ready with a question.
"Doctor," I asked, "1b there any ono
In tho neighborhood named Carrlng
ton? Nina Carrlngton?"
"Carrlngton?" lio wrinkled his fore
head. "Carrlngton? No, I don't re
monibor any such family. Thoro used
to bo Covingtons down tho creek."
"Tho name was Carrlngton," I said,
and tho subject lapsed.
Woman a Rural Mall Carrier.
Mrs. Carrlo Doherty King, of Cry
atal Springs, Miss., Is tho only woman
mall carrier In her Btato. Sho deliv
ers mall on n rural route, making u
circuit of about 25 miles a day. In
her gjrlhood sho won mnny trophies
for hor horsomnnshlp, an accomplish
ment that la now of great Bervico to
Recipes for a Week's Dally Variation
of the Vegetable for Those Who
Have It Habitually.
For the household which demands
Its "dally potato" here la a sugges
tion nnd n reclpo for a dally variation
of the vegetable:
Sunday Mashed potatoes, peel,
thin, steam, placo In n pan and mash.
Add milk, butter and Bait, and beat
like a cako batter, tho longer the bet
ter, till they aro nlco anil light. Thla
fileninlng and heating will ho a great
Monday Hako potatoes In their
jnckets. If any aro left over thpy
may be warmed; do not peel them
till cold, and thou slice.
Tuesday Pool and bako them with
roant beef.
Wednesday The potatoes are sllred
thin as for frying nnd allowed to re
main in cold water hair tin hour. Tho
slices aro then put In a pudding dlnh
with salt and pepper mid somo milk,
about one-half pint; put Into nn oven
and bake for nu hour.
Thursday Pool, steam and servo
Friday Potatoes a la pancake.
Peel, cut In thin Alices, lengthwise,
sprinkle with popper nnd salt and fry
In butter or beef dripping, turning llko
griddle cakes.
Saturday- Potatoes boiled In their
Never try any brass or silver polish
on lacquered ware. It will mean re
lacquering If you do.
When cooking diled peaches rub
or cut on" tho skin. They will have
when cooked a totally different and
more delicate flavor.
If tht flavor of onions Is unpleasant
afterward they aro not digestible
wllh every one use soda mint or a
pinch ol" salt on tongue.
The secret or keeping chamois skin
soft and supple Is to hang It up to dry
while still soapy. Homcmber this
when washing chamois gloves.
If there Is no regular day for silver
cleaning the hostess will frequently
be mortified by that sign of bad house
keeping, dingy tnble silver.
The cook who knows how to mnko
good soup clears It with tho white of
an egg. it gathers together all small
solids, as It does when dropped Into
coffee, thus mnklng It clear.
Do nol uso oither brontl or cracker
crumbs without seasoning. No amount
of seasoning In tho interior or a cro
quette or other mnde dish will make
up lor this omission.
Try putting horaoradlsh through n
meat chopper Instead of grating It. It
Is much less trying to prepare. Dread
crumbs aro also moro easily prepared
ir run through tho finest cogs of the
meat chopper.
Knives that aro used In peeling or
culling an onion should bo Immediate
ly plunged Into boiling water, then
rubbed with sand soap ami well rinsed
or thny mny flavor tho next thing that
Is cut with them.
Cream of Cucumber.
Peel two largo cucumbors. cut them
In quarters, remove tho soeda and
slice coarsely. Parboil In salted wa
ter and drain. Put In a snucopnn with
two tablespoons of butter and ono
Binall onion, minced; cook together
for ten minutes. Season with sugar,
Bait, popper and colcry salt as re
quired. Molt in another Baucepnn two
tablespoons butter, stir In a table
spoon flour and cook without brown
ing; add tho cooked cucumber nnd
one qunrt of hot milk. Cook slowly
for ten minutes. Heat well tho yolk
of ouo egg In tho tureen. Pour tho
soup slowly on tho beaten yolk nnd
servo with wafers and croutons.
Bran Cake.
Ono cup of brown sugar; ono table
spoonrul or granulated sugar; ono cup
or sour cream; ono beaten egg; ono
tcaspoonrul of soda; tho grated rind
of a lemon; a pinch of salt, two and
one-half cups of flour; ono-hnlf cup
of chopped raisins. Mix nnd cook In
IS gem pans or a good-slzod loaf tin.
Keeping Curtains Clean.
To provent curtains from becoming
eolleil when tho windows aro open, by
blowing against tho scroeus, nttnch a
safety pin to hem of curtain nnd catch
over a small brass hook, Bcrowed to
tho sldo of window, at a coavonlent
Steamed Pudding.
Ono cup of milk, ono-hnlf cup of mo
lasses, one-third cup of butter, one
third tcaspoonrul of soda, ono and one
half cups of flour, Bplcca to taste. A
fow raisins may bo added If those aro
liked. Stoam for two hours.
Eggs With Tomato Sauce.
Holl six eggs hard; cut thorn length
wlso In halves and lay in a dish. Cov
er with seasoned tomato sauce. Stand
over hot water for 15 minutes and
How She Conciliated Them.
Fllmor How did It hnppon that
theso flvo men who woro ho angry
with tho woman In tho nickelodeon
Tor not taking orf her hat became so
friendly with her nfterwnrd?
ScreenorH It was ruining llko rury
when the show waa over and Bho In
vited them to take Bheltcr with her
under her hat.
Women In Love.
"Women In lovo nro generally trou
blesome and persecuting." Such Is
tho reported opinion or M. Kmlle Fa
guet. And If a French critic does not
understand the subject, or whom shall
we seek understanding?"
Hia Clg Bill.
Guest How long la thla lease of
your hotel to run?
Hotel Clerk Whnt lease?
Guest The one I just gave you the
money for.
Otherwise Hopeless.
".My daughter's voice Is to be tried
"Have you fixed the Jury?" Cleve
land Leader.
I)r. I'ItcpN PellrM. mniill, MiT-mated, envy t
nkn iiB iiiiidy. rivulntii nml invluuntiii ttmiuch.
liver nml buuuUutiili'tiiu cumulation.
Man cnntiot be happy when Idle, un
less resting from previous Inhor.
,r.T',";lv., '"rIp Hinder cigar. Originil
tm I-oil Smoker Package, 5c straight.
Somo men carry a sandbag because
they are too proud to beg.
Nebraska Directory
Arc the Heat. AbIi your local dealer or
APB niMfT5(flUT0 GENOUS) llr
pnm nf machinery niailo cooil ai now. Welds
caM Iron, cast Meet, aluminum, coiipi-r, lirass or
auv other motal. l'.xpert aulomolillo rruairlnu.
DERTSCHY MOTOR CO., Council Bluffo.
re Itep:ilrs nmt
re HiuniUeH of
irhr-Ht nimlltv.
Olc Wilier, l'rosliliut
Both t'liones. Si?? F.-irimm St., Omahn.
Nl. Spiesberger & Son Co.
. ...-. ... .... .i -
Wholesale iiS!iBtry
Tho Best In the West
mHrfmran wzntSflJisuHMMt
rl'l.i I...., in .. 11 ,.... ...B..I..1 . ... .
i rr" c.immiriiH I'triuint nil. AdilrcM
v . . ..". 'V- "VAiT, l'rcalilniit
o IlllullJlulUlliiK Lincoln, Jfcb.
. " " ... ..I. wiii.ti.i.'iciiii ukm:.
drain, Provisions, Stocks, Cotton
Main Office, 204-205 Fraternity Dldg.
Lincoln, Nebraska.
Jli'U Phono 613 Auto Phone 2C59
Lnrfst IImic In State.
Beatrice Creamery Co.
rays the liljilicwt price fur
The only Hanltnrliim til the ntntn lifting
Natural Mini-rnl Water lluthi Unsur
pabHi'i! in the treatment of AtMiteuuil
t'hronli' IMIIWMATIHM. Moderate
Chargei. AililrvHHt
DR. 0. W. EVERETT, Hlhand M. Sis.
CollPf-e, AcauVmy, Normal, rhnnnney, llunl
iichm, Music, Orutury nml Art. Wo Ikhuo ntntn
t'crtltlcntci. Host AilvuntiifjCH. LowcutllnlcH.
Year oivuh September 12. AbIc for Catalogue.
WWl. E. SCHELL, Prosldont
Gall Cure
Horse Collars
Aro made over Curled Ilalr
Pads and will not gall tho horse.
Writo us for free eaniplo of tho
T'ad. Give tho name of your
harness dealer, bold
by best dealers every
BROS, CO., Lincoln, Neb.
tho best. Your dealer can supply
with our brand. Your lost of hay
moro than pay.
N. W,
Cor. Illh & llarnej Sis. Omaha, Nab.
The Wretchedness
of Constipation
Can quickly be overcome by
Purely vegetable
act surely end
gently on the
liver. Cure
oess, and Indigestion. They do their duly)
Small Pill, Small Dose, Small Prlca.
Genuine wmtbeat Signature
rilri ATvrprYc '
Mmmr c ov Ml I W 1
j0r v BHoBH "
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1 1
r? .1 ,Spfct,'1'IL - .--.i I
nf a'Wftumtwfcmi MlMWitWfa...
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