The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 14, 1910, Image 4

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Red Cloud - - Nebraska.
Tin! Democratic oo'uriCy' convention
wilt bo held In Blue Hill next Tues
day. It ts to bo hoped Unit those who
have pronounced opinions on present
day lMies will bo on hand prepared
- " " j i to express them fearlessly, plainly
Sntcrol In llic l-oilonico at. Ht.l Cloud. Neb., , . . .... ,, ,, , . .
1 if. ''ir.'i
r Second Clni Matter.
For Rcprcscntathc
I hereby niinntiiii iiijm'II mm a candidate
for Hit! nomination for representative from
the nth district til Nclinmlui, Hiilijecl to the
wlllof tliel'oniocratleanil l' opItK 1 ntlupciKl
ent voters tit the primaries to beheld AumiHt
1(1,11)10. ii:ntii: J.iNli-i.i .
Weare autliorltil to amioiiiit'c I'rrit I .
Maurcr ns a candidate for tliouninlniiilnn for
tho tilllco of County Wtorney.ol WebterCo..
subject to the will ol tlui Oumocrallf and
Peoples Inili'pt'iiili'lll elietorHitl tlie primary
election, to beheld August III, Hill).
Wo iiro nutlicirltcil to announce Joseph c.
Snylor as a candidate for tin nomination
for tlui olllct'of County Attorney, ol Webster
County, Ntibjeet to the will ol the Kepiibllcau
cltctorH at the piluiiiry election to be helil
August liitlt.. I'.UU.
I hcichy iimiDiinre myelf as u candidate
for the nomination for representative from
the llth district of Nebraska, subject to the
will of the Socialist voters at the prlmarlcn
to beheld August Hi. IMO. N. . I'm..
Is to ncoupt tho resnltant nutlon mid
work for the party. This Is the place
to talk things over jttst as otio would
111 a family and having listened to all
phases of tho various questions only
one thill"; remains to be done anil that.
j is to accept the judgement of tho ma
jority and work as otio man for tho
Democratic pitri.v.
I heieby announce niyn If as a candidate
for tho nomination for Moat rcpii-Hfiilallvi-from
the Ultli district id Nebraska, subject to
the will of the Socialist Miters at the primar
ies to beheld Almost HI. 11)1(1.
IniiN ( lii.nmti.
Kniloit ll.M.r: I'leasohay to the Kepiib
llcau electors ol Webster county that At
torney Challln has announced his candidacy
for the olllceol County Attorney, Mibjtct to
their will as may be e pressed at the time ol
tilt) first InnltiK Aiicust III. ciisiiIuk, and
olilljic. sincerely outs.
.1. M. en i ris.
And now the days are gutting short
or. Had you noticed itV
Tho Argus last week contained a
lengthy article on "Tho Ingratitude
of Urynn." It scouts to the Chief that
a much bolter subject font republican
paper to discuss would be tlic"Tiirati
tutle of Taft" or "How I'nclo .loo
Works for the (iood of tho Masses."
Aldrloh and Tawney and the present
tariir law afford plenty of good mater
lal for house cleaning articles. Mr
IJryun needs no defonsc from us. Ho
is perfectly able to conduct his own
campaign and if ho sees fit to denounce
those who have innde him promises
with their lingers crossed it is his
privilege. Republican papers aio
never happier than when they turn
off tlio searchlight from their own
Lodftc and Church Directory '
Charity LodgoXo. M, A. F. and A.
M. meets at Masonic Hall every 1st
and 3d Friday. H. E. Foe. V. M. A
15. Sellars, Secretary.
Red riotid Chapter No It). Royal
Arch Masons nicots every Second and
Fourth Friday. 1) V. Turnuie, II. I'.
II. A Lotson. Secretary
Cy'rene Coinmandery No. 1 1. Knights
Templar meets cvety First Thursday.
11 A Lctson, E. C. D. V. Turntite.
H12S!CT (SZ13S53aa
It is to be hoped that tho stream of
patriotic oratory poured forth on
Independence. Day will bo productive
of good and that men everywhere will
wake up to thoir responsibilities as
citions. An excellent way to shovr
that you appreciate your country is to
got out to tho primary elections.
(i. V. Lindsay is mooting with con
siderable encouragement in his cam
paign for tlie nomination of county
representative. .Mr. Lindsay is one of
tho successful pioneers of Webster
county and knows tho needs of Ne
braska to a T. lie takes an active in
terest in anything which he undertakes
and would tiiiiko an ideal represent
Canadian land agents are telling
the peoplo thru the dailies that every
part of this country lias a crop failure.
It is a falsehood and tho crops over
the country never were better and
especially this state, of course local
ities are a littlo short all over the
countiy, but the general yield will be
a bumper and peace and plenty are
lected to reign in Nebraska for anoth
ur year. Hundley Delphic.
I. O. O. F.
Meets every Monday Night.
Hanson, N. (i. O. C. Tool. Clerk.
Meets First and Third Thursday.
I. .(). P Hull. Mrs. I. II. Holms,
(J. Alice Kuuohov, .Secretary.
People generally aro much pleased
that Attorney Fred Maurer has filed
for tho nomination of County At
torney. Mr. Maurer Is. a Webster
county product, finishing our high
school course in tSU.'l and graduating
with honors from tho I'niversity law
feehool two years later. He enjoys tho
confidence of all his clients and would
1111 tho otlice of county attorney care
fully t(inl ored.ita.idv '
Garber's Tribute to
Red Cloiiil
"In older that yon might fully un
derstand that a prominent man was to
address you on this great occasion to
day, your committee ha advertised
me as a relative of a certain disting
uished Neb rash an. liilo I am proud
of my miinc and this relationship, let
mc state that Red Cloud's entire popu
lation is made up of people great like
I am. Resides tlie relatives of an ex-
governor, there lives there blood relat
ions of Abraham Lincoln, Gen. l'hil
Sheridan, tien. ,Ioo Wheeler, Admiral
Sampson and IJtiffalo Rill. Two fami
lies who claim direct lineage to the
Pilgrims of the Mayllower. Also a
few blood relations of Moses and Aron
and a few deeetidnnts of Cain. A
whole host of relatives by marriage of
Mathusalali. And those not included
in any of classes of great relat
ionship are proud honest industerioiis
docei.dauts of Adam who earn their
bread in tlie honest sweat of their
faces because of the original sin. In
addition to all these great pedegrees,
all of us people down at Red Cloud at o
decendants of Noah who walked and
talked with (Sod. It was Rod Cloud's
voters who sent William MoKoighan
to congress and Red Clouds braves
who scalped (ion. Castor and scut his
soul to heaven. You good people up
hero ought to get better acquainted
with us folks over at Red Cloud, you
would soon learn to like us all because
of our uniform greatness."
At 10::i0 tho exorcises nt tlio tiraud
Stand commenced and here it was that
the Hon. Dan Ciarbcr delivered one of
the best addresses ever given in Hiver
ton. The writer has interviewed our
best critics and one aud all together
fully agree with tib In declaring tho
oration by Mr. Garber, as being amost
masterful achievements. It was such
an oration as we love to hear, dealing
as it did with live issuc9 of the day
and hour and handled in an honest
fearless manner. IMr. Oarber's wittic
isms sandwitched in nicely with Ills
solid food for thought aud our people
are well pleasod with his oration.
Riverton Review.
Our Daniel is fast gaining promi
nence as a public speaker and is one
of tlio rising young orators of the Re
publican Valley. Ho has tho right
men till in his make up, is equaled aud
qualified to (ill any position he is call
ed upon to occupy. The Chief expects
much from Mr. Garber for ho is able
to deliver tho goods.
Saiiii.w ii sr.itvfciw,
Sunday School 10 A.M.
Preaching 11 A. M.
Class nicetln -i M.
Kpworth lea i(Uo 7 I'. M.
I'reaebliiK .'. s P. M.
Prayer iiiictlm; Wednesday evenings V. M
I.adlos A Id l'riilny 2 P.M.
Your presence U requested and a cordial
Invitation Is c tended to all.
M.T. S'urri.t'.ii Pastor
Corner of i 3th Avenue and chestnut stru t
III it. m Sabbath s h-.l
lla. in. Prcaililnu
7:l."i p. in Clirlstlim ml 1 1 Itni.d
S:(K)p. lit Prcacliluc
All are Invited to annul.
.1. !:. .lAiiiiiii:. Minister.
Is- c ii a is ri an' cur at ii Kviuiv Loan's iut
lltble school ion tll
Sermon yiul Communion II a. in
Christian Kndeavur in til i. in.
Priachluir 7:'lo . m
Prayers and praise. Wednesdays, 7:.!0 p. ie.
Seals Iree. (iood music. Come. Ilrliic ..ur
lllbles, friends and ood chier.
I.. Aa. llissosii. Minister
Itev. .1. M! Hates. Pastor.
Service the Mrs! two Sundays In inch
Holy Coiiiiuuulon at nioiulm; srivlcts eir
the llrst Sunday.
Sunday school at U o'clock every sundu
Mrs. l-:.H. Smith. crlnlcii supdeut.
A New
Stock of
- M I
Shirt waist weather means an extra slfirt
or so--our line of new skirts are now ready
for your inspection. Vc shall try and make
this department one of the best in our store.
Skirts like cut in all colors $4, $5, $6.
Black and white shepard plaid, panel front
and back flounce on sides at $7.00.
White sorgo plaided skirt SS. 0
Ulack voile plaided skirt -D.HO.
if w aiim mm mr I irrimi mi iiwti fi ri mnnrmn nri iimir nm nm
Confirmation and Graduation Dresses
We have anticipated your demands in this
particular and have ready for your viewing
an exceptionalyes a remarkable exhibit of
pretty white goods, lace and embroidery all
selected with the utmost care and thought to
get the best goods for the least money. It
willl pay you to look this line over before
Remarkable Waist Values
Remarkable from every lew point is this Spec
ial olVering of an all linen vai-t with still' collar
and cull's at i.'l.
The latest in Ladles Neckwear
;nlnty Ncr.U Fl.ln4s
Dainty! Hardly any other wordcotildadeiuate
ly describe the new neck wear.
Our Suinincr showing neck pit cos fur the .Sum
mer (iirl.
Wo invite you to view our new neckwear lie
fore buying.
Lace Dutch collars from 2,c to Si.
Lace stock eullars with jabos 'J.'ie to T."c.
IjIKv yokes in baby Irish el'ect from Too to ?L..lo
Agents for Buttericlf Patterns
It is what they get here for their money that brings
our customers
back th
e second time
From all we can gather we take it
for granted that managing a base ball
team W not all honey and cream,
fudging by tho remarks of veteran
players the iiiiiungeitioiit ill order to
get. a good team must banish all
friendly fooling and judge players
holely on thoir ability to play the
gamo. The management that allows
any sentlmont or sympathy to uonlrol
its judgement goes down to defeat. It
is tlie hard hearted, cold blooded
policy that wins.
satisfaction that women get from the garments and
other goods that make this, Red Cloud's leading
Dry Goods store.
It's the fabrics, the perfect manufacture, the correct styles
and patterns, found in our merchandies that place our
several lines ahead of all others and make them preferable
by all who care for quality style and value. : : : : :
Tho socialists liavo gained a foot
hold in tliis county and have started
the ball rolling by lilting a part of tlie
ticket. In the political announce
ments will bo found the name of S. W.
Foo for representative of the 14th dis
trict and John (illbort for Uoat repre
sentative of tho 'lilth district. These
gentlemen aro well known in this
county for tho honesty and sincerity
of their convictions and are true bluo
to their principles. Tlioro is much
good in the dootrincs advocated by
the socialist party, especially tho kind
they have in Milwaukee where city
appointees are chosen on thoir morits
and lltties for the K'Mtion aud nut fur
their political pull.
City Ctuncll Neds.
lted Cloud, July 7, 1'JlO
Mayor and council all present.
It. 1). Morit?. appeared and asked
council to eriuit MMK' concessions as
ltUl year during Chautauqua to be
held Aug (J toll. Moved by Oatmiui,
seconded by Kegel that satno concess
ions be granted as last year for S'J.'i.
Vote Nays, Hutchison and Uailoy,
Yeas Fogol and Oatinan. The vote bo
lug a tie Mayor Potter voted yea.
Moved by Oatinan seconded by Fogel
that city clerk notify all parties ow
ing Ucenso to call at city treasurer's
olllco and pay their license, and If not
paid In ton days that list will be hand
ed to city attorney for collection.
llids opened for cross walks and
alley crossings. Moved by Uailoy,
seconded by Oatman, that tlie bids be
referred to committee on side walks
and crossings, to roport at mooting
July 1 1th. Carried.
Adjourned to July 1 1th, i!)u.
Saiiiiath Smtvit'iN.
I'renchliuc 10:15 a, m.
lllblo school yt m
I'rencliInK bervkes h ji, m.
I'rnyer anil ('t)ii(iient'i) uitetlm; Wiilnes
ilny at 8 1. in.
A tionl'al ln itatlnn Is extended to all.
Ul.V. ..V.l'llK,sM N I'lihtor.
Special Prices
Suits Coats and Skirts
It is Oxford Time,
We have What You Want.
General Merchants.
' - Ji -rfUalM