The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 23, 1910, Image 6

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" '7T
J '
iThe Chief
C. S. HALE, PuMlah.r
Home and Foreign Intelligence Cor
denied Into Two and F'our
Line Paragraphs.
Itpprt'Ki'HtntlVf (Ji'iirRu V. Nor lis
of Noliruskn nnnouiieud that ho will
not bo u muni bin to for tho republican
:ioiiilniitlon for tin1 himihIo iinil will ho
a enndldnto for icnomlimtlon for tho
Intoiiintloiiiil coiiiiuoiee, ncconllns
to KtiitlstlcH pronirod by tho depart
ment of ruiiiiiiorco and labor, showed
a marked Improvement in all tho prin
cipal countries of the world for tho
year ondlnK In April. 1910.
. Splendid prospects for mill In Now
KiiKlnml and tho I'nelllo eoast mates
almost counterbalance tho poor show
ing or tho central states, whoro lato
Host wot In tellliiK work, uccordlim to
a report niiulo public by tho depart
ment of aKiieiiltnro on eneral crop
Democratic nieiubcrs of the house,
who, on May lili, prevented tho $l!fi,0UU
appropriation for President Tnft'8
travelliiK expenses for tho lineal your
of mil boliiK made avallablo for use
for the closing months of the llscal
year, ending .luno :10, 1010, will not
oppose tho appropriation as arranged
by the senate In tho Blind ry civil ap
propriation. As a result of Information sent to
the house by tho war department dis
closing the alleged fact that Frank
V. Carpenter, executive secretary or
the I'hillppino government, and K. U
Worcester, had bought and leased
"friar lands" In tho Philippines, Rep
resentative Martin (dein., Col.) Intro
duced a resolution demanding an In
vestigation and charging malfeasance
in olllco.
Coal rates front tho Colorado fields
to towns along tho Northwestern rail
road between Chadron and Stuart In
Nebraska were reduced 2r cents a ton,
by the Interstate commerce conimls
Blon. Tho rates to IJeadwood, Lead
and Rapid City wero reduced 75 cents
per ton by the same order, which was
the decision of tho commission on u
complaint Hied by tho Colorado fuel
trnllln association.
Congress expects to be nble to ad
journ by .luno 25 at tho latest.
The supremo court of Nebraska
holds valid the employers' liability act
of 1U07.
A Moxlcnn refugee declares that
Mexico Is using a system of espionage
in tho United States.
President Taft's speech on social
ism Is Interpreted by politicians ns n
ulap at Senator La Kotiette.
Yellow fever has broken out In tho
Kouadoroan army, now being with
drawn from the Peruvian frontier.
John Pierce, one v the big real
estate operators In Sioux City in the
boom days, died at Oakland, Cal.
The'olllcials of tlio Reading rallwnj
and its trainmen have reached a satis
factory adjustment of the wngo con
ference. In aecordanco with tho wish of the
late King Kdwnrd, the duke of Con
naught will succeed Karl (irey as tho
goevinor-genernl of Canada, probably
next spring.
Federal Judge Campbell has set tho
trial of the Muskogeo town lot eases,
In which Governor Charles N. Haskell
Is one of the dofendonat for Septem
ber 'JO.
Treasury officials express the opinion
that the alleged sugar drawback
frauds, at New York, If they amount
to anything of consotpiunco, may
reach as high as $1,000,000.
Tho police are keeping a sharp look
out for Porter Charlton, husband or
the Aniorlcnn woman who was mur
dered and her body thrown Into lako
Conio at Como, Italy. They bellovo be
is biding In Switzerland.
Mrs. Mary H. Knapp, wlfo of Dr.
Seaman A. Knapp of tho bureau of
plant induBtry department of agricul
ture, died at tho family homo in
Washington. Tho body was sent to
Ames, Iowa, for burial.
Mitchell "D. Fdllansbee, '92, Chicago,
trns elected president of tho Associat
ed Unrvnrrl Clubs of America at the
annual convention at Cleveland,
Hrlgadler Gcnernl Wllllnm L. Mar
shall, chief of englneors, U. S. A., has
finished his actlvo sorvice with tho
army. Ho was fniuou3 for his dis
covery of tho "Marshall Pass" across
tho Rocky Mountains,
Taxes to the amount of J2.000.000,
Milch tho city of St. Louis Is trying
lo collect on stock in foreine cornora-
Ibnb held by St. Loulsnnn, woro held
bo illegal by Circuit Judge Wll-
Fruit Sandwiches.
Chop ono pound each of ralslna, figs
and dates, mix, and over tho nilxturo
i pour n wluo glass of orango Julco, and
t spread between thin slices of but-
Iteied bread.
A ilttlu soap or black lead rubbed
Ion tho bingo of a squeaking door will
often remedy matters.
Rlso In Interest rates Is a con
spicuous feature of tho financial situ
A cross-country aeroplane flight
from St. LoiiIb to Kansas City will bo
hold July 18 for a prize of at least
$10,000 and probably more.
IJovcrly, Mass,, Is making rondy for
the summer sojourn of President Taft
and his family.
Representative Mnrtln demanded an
Investigation of frlar lnnd leases In
tho Philippines,
President Taft formally received at
tho white house tho now Turkish am
bassador YoiiHHoufzlu.
The first cloudburst In ninny years
caused hundreds of thousands of dol
lars' damage In Derllu.
A large delegation from tho trade
organizations of the Pacific const will
visit China this summer.
Charles K. Hamilton mnde the trip
from New York to Philadelphia and
return In an aeroplane.
Outfloldcr Jack Dalton of the Des
Moines club has been sold to the
llrooklyn National league club.
President Tnft expounded the doc
trine or a square deal to a delegation
of shippers at the white house.
Governor Haskell recognizes Okla
homa City as tho now state capital
ami hns established an office there.
A bill has been Introduced In tho
Russian duma to abolish tho Jewish
pale. It hns the support of 100 mem
bers. Forest llros have swept over a sec
tion twenty-live miles In length In tho
OJo and Manseaual mountains of
In the course of a speech In the sen
nte, Senator Heyburn spoke or ISx-Forester
Pinchot as an "apostle of fallacy,
theory and Ignorance."
A cross country aeroplane- flight
from St. Louis to Kansas City will be
held July IS for a prize of at least
$10,000 and probably more.
Santa Darbara and San Lunn na
tional forests In California will be
consolidated July 1 and will thereafter
bo known as Santa llarbara forest.
The appointment or Sir Charles
llaidlnge, permanent undersecretary
of stnte of foreign affairs, as viceroy
of India, In succession to tho Karl or
Minto, was officially announced.
Not since President Roosovelt's
famous defiance message of the win
ter or MiOS has tho country had a
political address so straight Tram tho
shoulder ns Plnchofs at St. Paul.
According to tho ofllclal estimate,
tho population or Now South Wnles at
tho end or March was 1,055,(1:10, show
Ing an Increase for the quarter of 10,.
:j:S0, tho highest for many years.
Cannibals who ornament their huts
with tho skulls of their victims are
causing much trouble In tho French
Congo, according to Contain Prakos,
who has Just arrived from Africa.
With a record or 150 bills, carrying
$800,000 altogether, favorably report
ed, and 200 carrying $2,000,000 ad
versely reported, tho house committee
on claims has closed its work for tho
More government witnesses were
heard in tho blenched flour case In
tho federal court at Kansas City in
support of the charge that tho process
of bleaching Hour adulterates It and
Impairs Its food value.
With $;:o,0()0,000 provided for tho
completion of Irrigation projects, and
various other amendments, tho bonds
bill authorizing the withdrawal of pub
lic lands by the president passed tho
Joseph G. Cannon has decided to
make an extensive speaking tour In
tho coming campaign. n0 nmdo this
known in the course of a conversation
with friends. Undo Joe said ho had
not decided just what states ho would
visit, but ho would go to a good many
of them.
An appropriation or $7,500 Tor the
widow or former Representative D. A.
I)e Armond is carried by the general
deficiency bill, which wns reported to
the houso. Tho snmo amount also Is
carried for tho widows of threo other
members of the house who have died
during tho past year.
Vice President Shormnn nnd Speak
er Cannon must pay tho salaries of
their chauffeurs and buy their own
gasoline. The sennto gave up Its light
for the appropriation of $2,500 ench
for tho malntonnnco of tho automo
biles of tho presiding ot cers or tho
two houses of congress.
Attorney General WIckersham hns
rendered n decision In which ho holds
that Richard Parr Is entitled to re
cover from tho government the
amount of his claim for Information
given ngalnst tho so-called sugar
Jim Jeffries kept his promlso and
put in six hours of boxing.
Petitions are out to force W. J.
Hryan into the senatorial race.
Two of the graduating West Point
cadets woro married tho following
President Taft is hopeful that con
gress will get through before Juno Is
Wllllnm T. Vernon, registrar ot tho
United States treasury has resigned
the presidency of the Western Unlver
slty nnd Industrial School.
Johnson and Jeffries may have to
put off their much ndvortlsed fight.
Webster Grim was nominated for
governor by the democrats In Penn
sylvania. Judge Peter S. Grosscup discussed
Inollectunl honesty beforo the stu
dents or Augustuna college.
Party loyalty was tho kcynoto In
tho Wisconsin convention speeches,
Secretary of Statu Knox wns com
mencement orator at the Unlvorslty of
Pennsylvania exercises.
Governor Gllletto of California has
ordered tlio attorney general to stop
tho Jeftrlos-Johnson prize fight.
E 10
Also For or Against Proposed Amend
ment to Section 1 of Article 7
of Constitution.
Governor Shnllenhergor hns Issued
tho following primary election procla
mation: By virtue of tho authority in mo
vested and In aecordanco with tho
provisions of Section 117, Chapter 2(i,
Complied. Statutes of Nebraska, 1909,
I, Afthton C. Shnllenhergor, governor
or the Btato or Nohrnskn, do hereby
direct that a primary election bo held
at tho regulnr polling pluco in each
precinct throughout tho Btato, as by
law provided, on tho third Tuesday or
August, A. D. 1910.
At said primary election candidates
for tho following offices shall bo nomi
nated, to be voted on at tho genernl
November, A. D. 1910, election:
Ono governor.
Ono lieutenant governor.
Ono secretary of stale.
Ono auditor of public accounts.
Ono treasurer.
Ono superintendent of public In
struction. Ono attorney general.
Ono commissioner or pub "o lands
nnd buildings.
One railway commissioner.
Ono congressman First
slonnl district.
Ono congressman Second congres
sional district.
Ono congressman Third congres
sional district.
Ono congressman Fourth congres
sional district.
Ono congressman Firth congres
sional district.
One congressman Sixth congres
sional district.
State senators from each senatorial
Members of tho legislature for each
representative district.
An expression of preference for
United States senator.
Also for or against a proposed
nmendment tp section 1 nrtlclo 7 of
tho Constitution of Nebraska, defining
tho qualification of electors.
In witness whereof I havo hereunto
set my hand nnd caused to be alllxed
tho great seal of the state of Ne
braska. Done at Lincoln this 11th day of
Juno, A. D. 1910.
GF.ORGK C. JUNKIN, Secretary of
Republican State Convention.
At tho meeting of tho republican
state central commltteo Lincoln won
the republican state convention, which
will be held July 2(1. Beatrice scored
two votes, Lincoln sixteen and Omaha
six. Tho basis of representation will
be one delegate for each 150 votes
cast for O. C. Hell for presidential
elector. No proxies will bo allowed.
Principal of Chadron Normal.
Joseph C. Sparks, who has been
elected principal of the Chadron Nor
mal school, has been In tho olllco or
tho state superintendent for the last
ilvo years, having charge of tho work
of county certification nnd being also
a member of tho board of examiners
which passes on applicants for Hfo
certificates. Mr. Sparks camo to Ne
braska from Illinois In 1885 and since
that time ho has taught In tho follow
ing schools after his graduation at
Nebraska Centrnl college: Greeley,
for two years; Orleans, for three
years; Fairmont, for four years, and
Aurora, for Jive years.
Reed Files as Candidate.
Willis E. Reed of Madison has filed
his name as a candidate for tho demo
cratic nomination for United States
senntor. Mr. Reed Is an nttornoy and
was formerly a law partner of W. V.
Allen. Ho has been prominent in
democratic politics In tho Third dis
trict and over tho state for mnny
Crete Company Increases Stock.
Tho Crote Telephone company re
ceived permission from tho State
Railway commission to increase Its
capital stock $50,800, making its total
now $75,000. Tho money will bo used
In buying up tho lines of tho Krnmer
Donton company, which owns sonio
farm lines.
Ask for Injunction.
Attorneys representing tho city of
Alllnnco declare they will nsk tho su
premo court for an Injunction agnlnst
tho stato board or education to tnke
tho plnco of tho ono dissolved by tho
district court of Lancaster county.
Night Races at the Fair.
Tho board or managers of tho Ne
braska stato fair will meet on Juuo
24 to tnko up tho mnttor of lighting
tlio track for tho night races. Tho
lighting for tho night events Is uot a
difficult matter of itself, but It hns
been planned to havo tho aeroplane
lllghtB start from tho quartor stretch,
and tho wires will Interforo with tho
flying machines unless care is takon
to havo tliom placed In such a man
ner that thoy will bo entlroly out of
tho way. Other fair matters will also
bo considered.
The Employers' Liability Enactment
Tho supreme court has upheld tho
validity of tho employers llnblllty
act passed by tho legislature of 1907.
In tho case of Frank Swoboda against
tho Union Pacific Railroad company,
wherein a Judgment was given In fa
vor of Swobodn, the railroad alleged
that the plaintiff at tho tlime of his
Injury was not engaged in construc
tion or rcpnlr work within the menu
Ing of tho employers' liability act.
Tho court holds that the evidence Is
Biifllclent ns It shows that the plnln
tiff wns engaged In construction or
repair at tho time he was Injured
by a steam hammer, which ho was
helping opernto In the Union Pacific
blacksmith shop at Omaha. Swo
boda and another employe wero oper
ating a steam hammer weighing
nbout 500 pounds in flattening iron
washers which were being made for
general tiso by tho railroad compnny
In repair of engines and cnrB.
Tho employers' liability act pro
vides that every railroad company
operating a railroad engine, car or
train In the state of Nebraska Bhall
be liable to any of Its employes who
at the time of Injury arc engaged In
construction or repair work or In the
use or operation of an engine, car or
train for said company for all dam
ages which may result from tho
negligence of nny of Its ofllcers,
agents or employes. The court snys
this Is a valid law and not repugnant
to the fourteenth nmendment to tho
federal constitution.
Waiting for Decision.
Just as soon ns the courts decide
the case wherein tho 2-cent fare law
tho freight rate law and other rail
road into questions nre Involved, the
railway commission will bo In posi
tion to Issue a schedule of class rates
that may bo charged in Nebraska.
One or the principal points Involved
In the litigation now pending, Is n
division of the enrnlngs and expenses
of railroads between state and Inter
state business. The attorney general
has maintained that the arbitrary ap
portionment made by the railroads
Is not just to the state. If ho Is up
held then the commission will be in
a position to know just what the
rates should be in this stato ns It
will bo possible then to figure just
what the expenses of tho roads nre
ns well as tho state earnings. ,
National Guard Recognized.
Adjutant General Hartlgan has re
ceived Information from tho War de
partment that- the postmnster general
has ruled that employes of the post
olllco who are members of tho Na
tional Guard nre entitled to leavo
their duties without pay wbenevor
called out by ono In authority of tho
Kllgore Reappointed.
J. M. Kllgoro of York has been re
appointed a member of the slate
board of osteopathy. His new com
mission Is for a period of three years
and dates from July 1.
Fined In Federal Court.
An attorney for Luke Tarpennlng
of Wahoo, who was Indicted on tho
charge of assaulting a revenue officer
entered a plea of guilty for his client
In federal court. A fine of $100 wnb
Imposed. This was paid by the at
torney. Files for Governor.
Ralph Clark of Stella, Richardson
county, filed his namo with the sec
retary of state as a candidate for
lioutenannt governor on tho demo
cratic ticket. Mr. Clark was a mem
ber of the last legislature.
Must File by Petition.
W. J. Taylor of Mernn, candidate
for the fusion nomination for con.
gross In tho Sixth district, has
written to the secretary of stato to
sec If he hnd completed his filing ns
a candlduto of both the democratic
and populist parties. As Mr. Taylor
filed his personal application to go on
both tickets, tho secretnry will write
him to got up a petition for one of
tho parties If he expects to go on
both ballots.
Judgment Against Newspaper.
A Judgment In favor of Walter
Qulnby, ngalnst tho Beo Building
company was afTlrmed by tho su
premo court. Qulnby, aged 12 years,
acting as messenger boy, wns Injured
In ono of tho passenger elevators ol
The Beo Building.
Thank Mrs. Pierce.
Camp William Lewis No. 2, Depart
ment of Nebraska, United States
SponlBh-Amorlcan wnr veterans, has
passed a resolution, thanking Mrs.
Margaret Plerco of Malco for llovvers,
which she presented to tho camp
with which tho graves of dead voter
rnnB were decorated on Memorlnl
day. Mrs. Plerco has been furnishing
flowers for the decorating of graves
for tho last threo years and though
offered cansldernblo money by the
florists this yenr sho refused and pre
sented tho posies to tho veterans.
Uncle Sam Will Pay Expense.
Tho wnr department has notified
Adjutant General Hartlgan that his
requisition for $5,000 to cover tho ex
penses ot tho stato rifle camp at Ash
land will bo grnnted. Tho rlflo camp
will bo made up of a team of Ilvo
men for each qualifying company, a
team from each regiment and from
ench staff. Tho camp will bogln tar
got work August 15. Two days later
that pnrt of tho guard which doea not
go Into cump at Ashland will start
for Fort Riley to tako part in 'tho
muneuvers thoro.
Governor to Take No Further Action
but Devoting His Energies to
Troubles That Are of
a Nearer Date.
Snn Francisco. Desplto tho fact
that Tex Rlcknrd positively states
that tho Johnson-JcftrloB fight would
be held In Goldfleld, Nevada, the
sporting world Is unconvinced. There
is a lingering suspicion, nnd a strong
one, that Reno will bo tho battle
ground. Rickard's announcement was made
on receipt of n telegram from Maurice
Sullivan, a merchant or Goldfleld. It
contained an offer of $120,000 for tut
fight, and Rlcknrd, without a moment's
hesitation, declared for Goldfleld. Tht
promoter, however, knows tho danger
and Inconvenience of definite state
ments. Ho immediately qualified this
decision with the phrase, "If no higher
bid 1b received from a Nevada town.'
No sooner had word of Rickard's
action reached Nevada than the wires
were burdened with messages of pro
test and entreaty from Reno nnd Ely.
Rickard's olllco was swamped with
messages nnd while few of them have
been made public. It 1b butc that
strong guarantees bnck tho requests
that the fight be taken to one oi
the other of these places. So deter
mined was the opposition to Gold
Held by the other Nevada towns that
the promoter informed urgent peti
tioners In Reno and Ely that ho would
listen to what they had to say on
Sunday night In Reno. Tho mntter of
tho fight alto will be considered at a
Joint conference Sunday night. Jurig
Ing from Rickard's wily qualification
of his decision, tho meeting will be an
auction, at which the much-desired
rVrlzo will go to tho highest bidder
Rlcknrd said nothing new hud prison
to alter his plans since ho arranged
for the conference. He spent a busy
day reading and answering telegrams,
not forgetting to keep a wary eye on
tho controversy between Governor
Gillette and Promoter Louis Blot over
the Langford-Knuffmnn "contest."
Upon the outcome of a dispute, which
will be settled before his departure for
Reno, the ruture or Rickard's big show
rests. Tho promoter kept careful
watch of tho astonishing developments;
In that case, but hold himself com
pletely aloof from the controversj
nnd all persons concerned therein.
San Francisco. "I still havo an ace
In the hole. When Langford and
Kauffman appear In the ring sitting In
the same box with District Attorney
Flckert nnd Chief of Police Martin
will be Adjutant General J. B. Iauck,
commander of tho stato militia of Cal
ifornia. I have the positive assurance
that they (Flckert and Mnrtln) will
not permit a single round to be fought
Their promises wero given to mo per
sonally. I believe nnd expect they
will be kept. Tho doom of prize light
ing In Calirornla hns been sounded."
Statement by Governor Jnmes N. Gil
Crosses Burning Bridge.
St. Paul. Traveling thirty miles an
hour, tho Orlentnl limited, tho fast
Burlington train from Chicago to St.
l'i'iil, carrying Prince Fushlmi, cousin
to the emperor of Jnpan, and Princess
Fushlmi, shot out onto tho bridge
which spans tho Wisconsin rivor
whilo tho structure was burning. The
fire was not discovered until too late
to stop tho train nnd tho cnglneor
kept steam on until his train had
run tho gauntlet. Then ho applied
tlie brakes and members of tho train
crew with flro extinguishers and buck
ets of water fought the fire. The dam
ago wns slight.
Adopt Stand.pat Platforms.
Guthrie. Okln. "Insurgency" was
denounced by tho Oklnhoma repuhll
can state convention on Thursdny,
which adopted a platform decidedly
James A. Harris was re-elected
stato chairman by ncclamatlon.
Tho four republican candidates for
governor John Fields, J. W. McNeal,
C. G. Jones and T. B. Ferguson ad
dressed tho convention. Tho nomina
tion will bo made at a direct primary.
Town Destroyed by Fire.
Naco, Ariz. Tho entlro mining
town of Movarabl, in Senorn, Imiud
Ing a ten-stamp mill, has boon de
stroyed by tho forest llro thnt In
sweeping the OJo and Bncnachl moun
tains. Tho miners had a narrgw va
capo for their IIvcb, nnd had to bulk
backfires to enable them to fleo to
Former Congressman Parsons Dead.
Talfooton, (la. Formur OongrosH
man Henry Parsons, aged slxtyslx,
died suddenly while sitting In a chair
at his home. Ilia wire, while occupy.
Ing tho same chair, expired In a simi
lar manner a whorl time ago Mr.
Parsons represented the Fourth ill
trlot In tho rort -sixth cougivss,
Celebrate Bunker Hill Day.
Boston. Boston and vicinity Friday
Joined In tho ciiBtomnry celebration ol
tho unnlversary or tho battle of Bunk
er Hill.
A Protection Against the Heat.
When you begin to think it's a per
sonal matter between you nnd the sun
to see which 1b tho hottor, buy your
self n glass or a bottlo of Coca-Cola.
It is cooling relieves fntlguo and
.quenches tho thirst. Wholesome as
tho purest wnter nnd lots nicer to
drink. At soda fountains nnd car
bonated in bottles 5c everywhere.
Bend 2c stamp for booklet "Tho Truth
About Coca-Cola" and tho Coca-Cola
Baseball Record Book for 1910. Tho
latter contains tho famous poem
"Casey At The Bat," records, schedules
for both leagues, and other valuable
baseball information compiled by au
thorities. Address Tho Coca-Cola Co.,
Atlanta, Gn.
It I) quite useless expecting to find
perfection when wo do so little to pro
,moto It ourselves. Iloyuton.
Tho young who tnko advice nre nl
almost beyond tho need of It. George
P9 DN Send postal for
PKh H Frco Package
I 1 1 la Ih of Pnxtine.
Better and more economical
than liquid antiseptics
Gives one n sweet breath ; clean, white,
germ-freo teeth nntitcptically clean
mouth and throat purifies the breath
after smoking dispels all disagreeable
perspiration and body odors much ap
preciated by daint" women. A quick
remedy for sore eyes and catarrh.
A little Paxtine powder dis
solved in a gls ol hot watei
make a delightful antiseptic so
lution, possessing extraordinary
cleansing, germicidal and heal
ing power, and absolutely harm
less. Try a Sample. 50c. a
large box el druggiils or by mail.
Nebraska Directory
Tire Hepalrs nnd
Tiro Supplies of
Ole Ullmcr, I'roHldpnt
Botli Phones. 8187 Farnam St., Omaha
W EL La nJ I Eli fa this process all broken
pans ol machinery made cooil us new. Welds
cast iron, cast steel, aluminum, copper, brass or
any other metal. Hxpert automobile repairing.
BERTSCHY MOTOR CO., Council Bluff.
Wi Gi
Lincoln, Neb.
Manufacturer of
lib 00 nnd up, AllhtomUnl MaV, oll orrtml!. Kent
P pile! if ymi Tmrvhano. MaohlneH tOilpixxl ftnywitr
on approval
ti'iiiiiinii f it ni-'iirii it-viiiiisi, wriinitir inmn
122 North llth Stroot
Lincoln, Neb.
The only Snnltnrlum In tho Btate uslnrj
Natural Mineral Water ItathR Uimur
pnpsrd In the treatment of Acute nnd
Chronla 1MIEUMATISH. Moderate
Charges. Address:
DR. 0. W. EVERETT, 14lhand M. Sit.
Beatrice Creamery Co.
rays tbe hlgneat price fur
Grain, Provisions, Stocks, Ootton
Main Offld, 204-208 Fraternity Bldf.
Lincoln, Nabratka.
Dell Phone SIS Auto Phona 2CW
Largest IIous In State.
Gall Cure
Horse Collars
Aro made over Curled Hair
I'ntli and will not gall tho horse.
Wrilo us for frco samplo of tho
l'ad. Give tho namo of your
harness tlealer. hoia
by best tlunlors ovory
wlinro. HARP II AM
BROS CO., Lincoln, Neb.
Get tho best. Your dealer can supply
j on with our brand. Your low of hay
will mora than pay.
N. W. Cor. Itth & Harney Sts. Omaha, Neb.
..tin A , .. " i-1 u.i.,tt
.- . jLL .t. - nWiiiitV s.- t '