The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 23, 1910, Image 4

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Red Cloud" "-"- ""Sfobrnskn. '
tutored In tlio I'OBloinco nl llcil Clnml.Nch
mi Soeoml OIam Mutter.
niK only ii:.uounync vwv.w in
Wo never fully vull.eil the grout
bounty of trees unill Wu saw I hum tho
uihur day tn full relief without-country
court houho for u ba'ch ground I3e
foro these trees were trimmed the court
hotibO wus piacticully Invlsablc but
now tho commit Is appalling. T1h
trees are hoautlf'il.
Kvoryoi.o Is pleated with tho now
roud oast lending to Crooked Creek.
It has boon fixed and fixed right and
anyone can now got into (own without
going around Uobinhood's barn. All
the newly painted buggies and highly
polished autos can now come and go
as often as they please.
.Ml loyal Democratsshotildmake tin
effort to attend the banquet and pre
paration meeting at Columbus on the
i!7. All the big wheel horses will be
there and a pormaucnt organization
will bo made. All parties and isms
nro disappointed with tho showing
tho Republicans nro making and tho
opportunity is hero to help in righting
things. Tho great obstaolo to over
come is imliU'oroiicc but surely tliero
Is enough this year to rouso tho most
sleepy. Tho peoplo nro with us but
little can bo done without conceited
notion. Remember the date ami attend.
nt Central City tho other day showed
that lio possesses tho qualifications
neccossary for holding high olllclal
position. This address was in reality
his platform declarations and it con
tains much that meets with our ap
proval. Among other things ho said:
"Jt is only necessaiy that wo stand
firmly for the essentials of good gov
eminent and do not allow ourselves to
be swervod from tho basis principles
upon which our party rests." But
more than all I want to seoan amend
ment submitted giving tho right of
initiative and roferondum, or direct
legislation, to the. peoplo of Nebraska.
I am in favor of this great pinciple of
free government heeauso it gives ad
ditional power and protection to tho
people and democracy always trusts
the judgement of the majority. 1 am
in favor of It because it is democratic
in principle and carries with it the
solution of questions upon which the
democratic party is divided. 1 am op
posod to capital removal, county
option, prohibition or woman's sutler
nge going into the democratic plat
form because all of these questions
ought to bo finally settled by a major
ity of all the voters of the state and
this will only bo possible whon tho
init'iativo and referendum shall give
to the peoplo tho right to pass judg
ment upon them at tho ballot box.
This position will, wo believe, appeal
to thinking men everywhere as sound
and opportune. Tho same piluciple
Is involved in dealing with tho liquor
question for tho state as for the city
mid we have always contended that
this question should be settled bv it
self and not in relation to other in
terests. With the initiative and ref
orondum tho peoplo of this state can
take up tho liquor question and settle
it without jopordlsiug other import
ant Issues. Like city elections it will
transfer the light from tho candidates
to tho question itself and can be set
tled on its own merits. The majority
should inlo and this will give the
people an opportunity of registering
their judgment, unbiased by any other
Continuing the Coventor said: "As
democrats we should stand today
where our party has always stood and
where it will always stand for equal
riglu to all and special priviledges to
none; for law and order and good
government; for economy retrench
ment and reform; no oppressive laws;
for tho homo and for tho school; for
civil and religious liberties; for tho
sanclty of, tho ballot box; for a fair
wage ror au lioncst day's work; for
the man above the dollar; for saftr
and better.bauklng laws; tho ellmln
ation of partisanship from our courts
and from our schools; for a graduated
income tax; for an equitable system of
taxation so distributed that the rich
as well as the poor shall pay their
share of the burdens of government;
for a fair and Just revision of the tariff
downward; for theolection of senators
by the direct vote of the people; for
the right of tho people to reserve to
tbemsolvos thru tho initiative and ro
lerondum the power to determine tho
final solution of all matters of moment
essential to the public welfare."
- To All Nebraska Democrats:
IJy order of the democratic state
committee, mid under its auspices, a
hI al( wide meeting of the Nebraskii
democracy has been called for Coluiti
bu. on Juno 27th, at 0:30 p. in., at
which hour a banquet will bo served.
A dozen democratic orators will bo
heard at tho banquet.
Tlio purpose oi.tltat meeting is to
organi.o a Nebraska Dutnoctatlc club.
On that club, perhaps more than any
other agent, the party will have to de
pend for victory in this fall's election.
mo ciuu is expected to Do inane a
state organization, reaching Into every
county, town and precinct.
The Nebraska Democratic club is to
bo no temporary campaign expedient,
but a permanent Nobraska orgauizat
Ion. Its importance, however, In this
year's campaign is obvious. Less than
five months will intervene between
tills date and election. Within thoso
five mouths our local and stato con
volitions must bo hold, our platforms
agioed on, and adopted, out-candidates
nominated, and tho campaign organ
ized and perfected. Kvory day will
count. Hvery Democrat's help will bo
needed, and the club will furnish the
thousands of handles of which demo
cratic hands may take hold. That is
why we are organizing it.
I want to urge every democrat who
can possibly do so to attend this meet
ing at Columbus. It will bo the must
ittipoitaut meeting of the year,e.copt
ing only the stato convention. It will
perfect and launch a stato dcmociatic
club, decide on its plans and policies,
choose its officers, and start it to work.
If this duty is wisely attended to; if
the meeting is sulllciently represent
ative in character, we will begin there
a work that is indispensable, and that
spoils victory in Novembor. If, on
the other hand, the meeting is slight
ed and neglected, it moans tho delay
ing of our stato campaign for at least
another month: a mouth, when days
aro precious'.'
The democratic paity management
has nowhero'to go but to tho peoplo
for tho brains, the energy, tho bone
and muscle, tho money and the devo
tion which arc all necessary to carry
on a successful campaign. Wo there
fore come to you now. We ask you to
come to Columbus on Juno 27th, and
help us start this fight. .1. C. Byii.nkh
Dated at Columbus, Nebraska, Juno
1.1th, 11)10.
P. S.- (Jovernor Sh al leubc rger,
Mayor Dahlmiui, W. B. 1'rico, Hichard
L. Metcalfe, W. II. Thompson, It I).
Sutherland, Judge Dean, W.J. Taylor
(of Custer), Willis . Heed, Dr 1 L.
Hall and many other well loved demo
crats have promised to be present and
assist in tho organization of the club.
mils we
Of course at thoso gatherings
talk Nebraska, what good
have had there and what good friends i
wo have thoro now, but all Say the,
same thing, '! do not want to go back
thoro to live."
I was surprised also to find a sister
of .Mr. l'ort of lied Cloud, a Mrs. Hunt-'
or who lives in Los Angeles. We en
joyod a visit together.
Apricots are just now ripening fast,
and tliero Is a rush to prepare them
for market, so peoplo rich and poor,
old and young, arc going out to tho
orchards In the surrounding country
to holp in tho business of cutting ami
pitting them for drying and canning.
The work is remunerative for a few
weeks as it has to bo done swiftly;
theiefore many who go, do not stay
Wo are having beautiful weather
now, but Miss June brings such
weather most every where- but wc
havo had the same kind over since the
Hist of April. B. B. ICnmcjiit
' " ' 1.
I Seasonable Merchandise
Day Current Assured.
The city council by unanimous voto
lias decided to install u day electric
current and glvo us contiuous service.
For somo time it has been evident
that such a borviee would pay but ow
iug to the lack of fuudsdelliiatoaction
was deferred until yesterday. The
city finances aro now in good condi
tion and the necessary funds aro avail
able to give us this much needed ser
vice. Instead of being an cxpotiso tlio
day current will undoubtedly net a
neat sum as there are many establish
ments which nre ready to put in motors
and do away with the troubles of gas
engines. Rod Cloud is rapidly taking
on the conveniences of modern invent
ion. Slowly but surely this cityis
growing and tlio development has
been very pronounced tho last four
years. The now service will be install
ed tho first of the month. Another
evidoucoof the growth of lied Cloud.
A New
Stock of
The Chief $1.50
Shirt waist weather means an extra skirt
or soour line of new skirts are now ready
for your inspection. We shall try and make
this department one of the best in our store.
Skirts like cut in all colors $4, $5, $6.
Black and white shepard plaid, panel front
and back flounce on sides at $7.00.
White serge plalded skirt 88.00.
Black voile plaided skirt $0.00.
Confirmation and Graduation Dresses
We have anticipated your demands in this
particular and have ready for your viewing
an exceptional-yes a remarkable exhibit of
pretty white goods, lace and embroidery all
selected with the utmost care and thought to
get the best goods for the least money. It
willl pay you to look this line over before
Remarkable Waist Values
Remarkable from every view point is this Spec
ial offering of an all linen waist with stltV collar
and cuffs at SI. 25.
The Latest in Ladles Neckwear
Dainty Neck Fixings
Dainty! Hardly any other word could adequate
ly describe the new neckwear.
Our Summer showing neck pieces for the Sum
mer tJirl.
We Invite you to view our now neckwear be
fore buying.
Lace Dutch collars from 2."ic to SI.
Lace stock collars with jabos 2."c to TCc.
Lace yokes in baby Irish effect from Too to Su.r.o
Agents for Butterick Patterns
It is what they get here for their money that brings
our customers back the second time
WlfkH'3 PCRSlMI.
The recent act of April 10th. 1008
Ijlves to all soldiers' widows a pension
f$l2pcr month. i?red Maurer, the
attorney, has nil necessary blanks.
E. 8, Hnlght Heard From.
Wii.i.owimoou, Cai.., Juno H, 11)10.
Dr.Ait Clliin: Southern California
is booming. Moro peoplo camo from
tho east and north to settle in Los
Augoles and vicinity this year than
ever in one year before. Now build
ings aro going up everywhere. Crops
tiro line and fruit is plenty.
Memorial day was colobrated in the
city and stirroundiugtowns hero loyal
ly Long Beach especially has r. beau
tiful service for that'day. Delegations
from tlio Relief Corps and the Q. A. R.
carrying baskets of tlowers march out
to tho ond of tho long pier wlioro a
boat is waiting which takes them out
on tho ocean a half milo or more.
whoro thoy strew the lloweJVln mem
ory of tho "Sailor dead," then they
come back to land and automobiles
are ready to whirl them away to the
different comotcries whoro .sleep the
"Soldier doad" and their graves, are
covered with (lowers.
I was glad to find in tho columns of
the "Chief" an account of Red Cloud's
old soldiers being favored with auto
mobile rides to tlio comctcry. They
havo taken that long march many
yours and I hope in future years that
kindness will bo continued to them.
Tlio old noldiers aro honored here and
tliero are a great many of them in this
country. Thoy live longer in tills
mild climate
My daughter, Mrs. Turklngton of
Alma, Nobr., came out hero in April,
accompanied by her youngest daugh
ter. They fell in love with th nniin.
try as soon as they got through the
mountains and saw the roses aud 1111-
los in bloom.
Wo took them to Long Reach hs
soon as posslblo after they arrived for
they were anxious to see the ocoan
and they were as much impressed
with its granduer as people generally
are at the tlrst sight. Next they wont
to tho cltv to visit somo of the parks.
Los Angeles is famous for Itsbeautlful
parks, containing many tropical troea
and plants which cannot be grown in
more northern countries.
One day last week wc wont to Ro
lando Reach to attend a picnic of the
"Nebraska Soolety of Southern Call
fornla." I met there a Mr. Clay of
l'assadoua, formerly a Sheriff of Lan
caster County, Nebraska. In compar
ing notes about Nebraska we found
we hod "mutual friends1 in Rod
Cloud, George Warren is one of them
to whom he sends his "kindest re
gards." He said he liked Nebraska
wheu he lived there and still has warm
friends there but ou accountof climate
does not waut to go back there to live?
satisfaction that women get from the garments and
other goods that make this, Red Cloud's leading
Dry Goods store.
It's the fabrics, the perfect manufacture, the correct styles
and patterns, found in our merchandies that place our
several lines ahead of all others and make them preferable
by all who care for quality style and value. : : : : :
Special Prices
Suits Coats and Skirts
It is Oxford Time,
We have What You Want.
I """" &ky
General Merchants.
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