The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 16, 1910, Image 7

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iTl-i Chief
C. B. HALE, Publisher
Embrocino a Condensation or eventt
In Which Readers Generally Art
Knrninl rhuwi iiKitlnHt Senator
"Willimn Uirlnicr or Illinois woro laid
lurforo tlio m-nato by bin colleague,
Sonntor Ciillom. Tlio charge was on
tho premmtutlon if a mcinorlnl by
Clifford V. Ilarncs of Chicago, presi
dent of the lllluolti IcKlBatlvo voters'
leaguo, embodying tlio chnrgcu of
bribery or members of tho Illinois log
Tho atnto department lias taken
cognizance of the Associated Press
llHpatebes from San .Iiinn Del Sur,
that William L'lttliain. the American
ruptured by tho Madrlz troops, would
bo tried by court-martial. A telegram
to tho Mudrix government Is being
cnt utntlng In effect that this govern
ment nxpoctit fair and hninauo treat
ment for I'lttham.
V. 11. Hunter, Kred II. Hoyo and
"W. V. Wnpplcli, memberfl of the Fire
and l'olleo eommlsKlon of Omaha, to
gether with Charles A. Salter, chief
of tho Omaha flro department, wero
In Washington on u tour of Inspec
tion of firo department bouses. They
visited tho eapltol in chnrgo of Sen
ntor Drown. From hero they go to
New York, lioston and other cities to
determlno by personal Investigation
Hie best and most uhlclcnt equipment
to purrhaso for tho Omaha lire de
partment houses.
Treasury officials llguro that If all
tho money In circulation In tho United
Slides were divided equally, every
man. woman and child would have
$3169. This Id 14 cents per capita
moro than they should have had by
tho came process of reasoning a
month ago. Compared with n year
ago there was on Juno 1, $11,000,000
more money In circulation, and yet
itrango as It may seem, tho per capi
ta was VI rents less. This It Is said,
is due to tho incroaso In population
It being proportionately moro than
tho growth of tho medium.
DemandB have been made on tho
Ohlncho throne to convoke a parlia
ment. Col. Jloosovelt will pay duty on his
baggage when he arrives, saying ho
will not havo It any other way.
The president sent to the senate tho
nomination or William I). Crum of
Charleston, H. C, to bo mlulKter to
Chinese wurolilps with troops havo
bet-si dispatched to Nuuklng in anti
cipation of a native outbreak against
With 1!2G cases on Us docket as a
starter, tho United States court of
customs appeals will begin business
Japan is hurrying an expedition un
der Lieutenant Shireas to leave this
month In tho hope of anticipating the
Mrltish expedition to thu south pole.
A dispatch from Capo Henry says
tho steamer Uauublau, bound lor
Newport Nows, Is towing In tho
schooner Mary L. Crosby, which was
icported from Heaufort, N. C, as
southwest of Diamond Shoal light
ship, partly dismasted and leaking.
Tho Crosby ts from Wilmington, N.
(J., lumber laden.
An amendment to tho sundry civil
appropriation bill adopted by tlio
bouse stipulates that no part of thu
$100,000 provided in tho bill for tho
enforcement of tho Sherman anti
trust law can bo used In the prosecu
tion of labor organizations.
August Helmont was thrown from
his horse while playing polo at thu
Meadow Brook hunt club. For a time
there wero many rumors that ho had
been seriously Injured, but at his
house It wau said he was not seriously
Commander Itobert E. Peary was
presented to King Ceorgo at Marl
borough uouho. Ho remained a half
hour telling his majesty something of
his achievements nnd discussing tlio
prospects of Captain Scott's antarctic
Whether women will bo granted
Miffrago In Oklahoma will bo' decided
at tho regular election to bo hold In
November. TUo last obstaclo in tlio
way of voting on this question was
removed when tho stato supremo
court sustained thu action of the
stato court In overruling objections
to tho petition of tho suffragists ask
ing that the question be submitted to
the voters.
Timothy Murphy, formerly a cap
tain or the Volunteers of America,
was, at St. Paul, sentenced to servo
heren years In the stato prison for
Stephen Van Itensselner Ford,
author, editor, composer and critic, a
mombor of one of tho oldest families
In the central part or New York slate,
died Sunday.
United States Senator Julius C. Uur
town of Maryland has announced hie
candidacy for re-election and his do
idro to Ikj endorsed by popular vote ai
tho primaries next fall.
Tho Nebraska c.enlonary celebra
tion will take place at Hcllevue Juno
W, 23 and 21.
Dr. W. M. Orccne, an aviator, will
attempt on Juno 21 to fly from
Rochester across Lako Ontario to
King Oeorgo and Queen Mnry en
tertained Colonel and Mr. Uoosevclt
at luncheon at Marlborough house In
Glenn II. Curtisn will attempt an
ncroplano fight from Cleveland to
I'ut-ln-Uny and Detroit somo tlmo
next month.
In London, June X, .Miss
Margarcta A. Droxol, daughter of tho
Philadelphia banker, was married to
an Kngllshmau.
Tho postolilco safe at Merrlam,
Wis., was blown by burglars and
money and stamps to the valuo of
flO.000 were stolen.
Charles Crldley, attorney or Vir
ginia, III., who represented the flshor
In tho Sprlnglleld lobby, was given a
clean bill by Mr. Iturke. arter he had
Reports received at llrlstol. Tenn ,
nro to tlio eflect that two churches
and probably a dozen dwelling houses
were blown down In a wind und hail
storm which visited that section.
Emll Seldel, tho mayor or Milwau
kee, In a speech declared tho mon
opolies wero labor-saving devices nnd
necessary. Mr. Seldel added that all
monopolies, however, should be un
der tho strictest regulations.
A mass meeting or Pittsburg iosI
dents of British birth or British de
scent decided to erect a research lab
oratory for the Tuberculosis sanitar
ium or Pittsburg as a local memorial
to tho late King Edward VII.
The grand Jury which was convoncd
May l(i by Governor Hughes or New
York, to Investigate alleged county
grafting casos returned llfty Indict
ments against twenty-seven persons.
Thomas E. Watson, onco a demo
cratic member of congress nnd once
named by the populist party for presi
dent, announced in a card Issued lust
week his return to tho democratic
In a desperate encounter between
revenue officers and "moonshiners"
In Wilkes county, North Carolina,
moro than a hundred shots wero ilrcd
nod several of tho moonshiners wero
When Colonel Itoosovelt comes ball
ing homo on Juno 18 Collector or the
Port William l.oob, Jr., and several
hundred loyal rrlenda will mcot him
down tlio bay In government vessels
and escort him up to Manhattan.
Attorney Oeneral Wlckorsham has
rendered a decision in which he holds
that Richard Parr Is entitled to re
cover from the govomment tho
amount or his claim for information
given against the so-called sugar
Charles Stuart Rolls started in an
aeroplane In an attempt to lly across
the English channel Irom Dover to
Cnlals. Ho had gono only a few
ards, however, when tho motor
broke down nnd he wns compelled to
postpone the flight.
Treasury officials ilguro that If nil
tho money In circulation In tho Unit
ed States were divided cqunlly, every
man, woman and child would have
$!. This Is 14 conts per capita
more than they would havo had by
tho same process of reasoning n
month ago
Notwithstanding recent throats
that a revolutionary movement would
be Inaugurated In China Sunday, the
ditto set for the opening of tho Nan
king exposition, this ceremony was
carried out without the slightest dis
order. In a desperate encounter between
revenue ollicers nnd "moonslilnors'
In Wilkes county, North Carolina,
more than a hundred shots weio Ilrcd
and several of the moonslilnors were
Injured. Tho ollicers destroyed four
Illicit distilleries and 1.000 gallons of
At the Press Club's dinner In honor
of Glenn Curtlss, the aviator, J. Ber
nard Walker of the Scientific Amer
ican announced that Edwin Gould
offers $15,000 as a prize to tho man
who shall produce thu first aeroplane
successfully employing two motors
and two propellers.
Richard Parr, the olllcer of the New
York custom house who unearthed the
gigantic frauds committed by the
American Sugar Refining Company,
will got his rewind Irom tho govern
ment In a short tlmo. Through Pan
tile government recovered almost $!!.
000,000. His loward Is likely to bo
sloao to $100,000.
Mrs. Doxey, on ttlal In St. Louis lor
murder, was acquitted.
Many postmnstors in Nebraska will
get salary Increases July 1st.
Formal charges against Lorlmor
wero presented in tho senato.
Sonntor Nelson of Minnesota criti
cised tho conservation policy.
Senator Cummins announced he
would support the railroad bill.
Tho name of President Taft was
brought Into the Iowa primary light.
Former President Roosevelt de
livered an address before Oxford uni
versity. Josoph S. Harris, former president
or tho Philadelphia & Beading Ball
road company died in Philadelphia.
A British aviator How iwlco across
the English channel without alighting.
General Estrada has renowed his
peace proposal to Piesldent Madrlz.
Expelling or Jews from Kilo is bo
Ing carried out in a modorato way.
Genoral Edward S. Bragg, tho
famous commander of the Iron bri
gade, Is said by his jihysiciaus to bo
Dr. Doxey has employed an attor
ney to Immediately sue Kato Er
der for big damages, expecting tho
suit to cause her to drop tho bigamy
chargTj against Mrs. Doxey.
Col. Roosevelt Unable to Come to
Nebraska Other Matters at
the State Capital.
Stato Treasurer L. G. Brian has
filed with tho governor u semi-annual
Btntemont or tho transactions of. tlio
treasury ror tho period from Decem
ber 1, 10011. to May 111, 1910. The fal
lowing table shows tho receipts and
payments during that period in the
different funds:
Fund. UccelptH I'.iyinnt!.
Oiminil SI.2L"l,tTrp.;iS H.";i9,Ui:i..".r.
Twnp. hcIiimiI ;ttl,7oi.ii ::ji,uu 1.2:1
Temp ti:iiii.sli Uiii.oio.oi 218,011. 21
Redemption .... 17,717 2U lk.202 20
Hosp'l for ItiMitif. I.7H :isn..1l
l'ormumint xcliool rtl.iHfl 92 2;.t,litn2
Permanent mil .. l2.r.,r.7S.7:i l()7,iaii.nii
An. col. endow... 7il,.!')2.i;r. UIWSJIH
Normal i-nilnw... 21, m fill 2l.M7.21
Normal lnul l.SSt. t. .I.GIil.OO
Peru Norm. IllnV l.CVj.r.i) 2,a2l.!ci
Ag. and Mm'. Aits 21,7fU.OO
U. S. At motion 11.m10.01) u,7t:i.!i
liilivcrsltv cusli.. r7,S70.3l 71,3Uf 11
Kearney Nor 1 1 1 . 2.000 01) 1,300.28
Oitliopullc liosp'l
F01e.1t resi'isu
inM. ca.Mli 2' fii'ior. i!
Unlveriilty liu-onio 22.filfi.or. 22,sx.:i:t
The com S.SSfl.GS -4,2.-i7.G3
Total $2,011,713.73 $2,211,033.12
BaliincpR- IH'cemlirr 1, $."0r.,70O 07; May
31, $S70,110.r,S: eii!h mi Imtul, $02,938.17:
rnph on deposits, I7S1. 172.21; trust fund
Invi'stmrntH, $N.fil7.tiOI 01: uomlt, $S,379.
3K1 25; unlvondt fund warrants, $103,
IS.'I.HG. Semi-Annual Report of Auditor.
Tho semi-annual report of Stato
Auditor Barton, Hied with tho gov
ernor, shows there nro outstanding
warrants at this tlmo to tho amount
of $297,771.71; there has been Issued
during the six months $l,C97,50C.i9j
amount outstanding December 1, 1909
$nCC,392.88; amount paid, $1,750,124.
:j;s, leaving tho balance outstanding
nB shown ubove. Tho treasurer has
enough money to pay all of the out
standing warrants and hardly miss It.
Roosevelt Declines Invitation.
Col. Roosevelt baa written to Gov
ernor Shalkinborger that at this time
It Is Impossible for him to accept an
Invitation to deliver nn address to
the Stato Teachers' association which
will meet next November. The former
president wroto from London and In
formed tho governor ho was so busy
that ho had not tho time to answer
personally all tho letters Uiat came
to him, but In this case ho so ap
preciated tho Invitation that ho had
done so. Ho suggested that the gover
nor write to him again upon his re
turn homo.
Secretary Junkln Flics Report.
Tho semi-annual report of Secre
tary of Stato Junkln for tho period
from December I to May 31 shows
tho total receipts for the of lice to
havo been $17,488,015. This was di
vided as follows: For filing articles
of incorporations and certificates of
agonts, $12,:i8s.8fi; notarial commis
sions, $5G(i; certificates and trans
cripts, $297.20; for labels nnd trade
marks, $24; Issuing marks and
brands, $213.05; motor chicle
license, $1,039.55; corporation per
mits, $25,515.10; corporation pen
alties, $3,790.
Not Running Sleeping Cars.
Tho Pullman company in an
Answer filed in Lho county court
denied that It is running sleeping
ears, but insisted that It supplies tho
vallroads with tho cars. The answer
mis mado to tho petition filed by
Elizabeth C. Slzer, who Is suing tho
company for $300 for tho loss of two
rings which she alleges wore stolen
from her while going to California,
duo to the carelessness or dis
honesty of tho company's employes.
Flics for Congress.
Clarence E. Harmon of Holdrege
has filed his namo with the secretary
of stato as eandldato for tho dem
ocratic nomination for congress In
tho Firth district. Mr. Harmon Is a
traveling man employed by a Council
Bluffs firm nnd Is well known over
the dlstrlit among democrats. Ho has
never held office, though a hard party
Aldrlch Files for Governor.
C. II. Aldrlch or David City filed
his namo as a candidate for tho re
publican nomination for governor.
Mr. Aldrlch Is an attorney and served
In tho senate In 1907, being ono of
tho auditors of tho railway comniis
elon bill and also a member of tho
committee which drafted tho primary
election law.
Tlio hearing on tho application or
candy manufacturers for an order
from tho railway commission for a
reduction in rates on this commodity
has been postponed indefinitely.
Nebraska State Institute.
Tho Nebraska Statp Instltuto closed
with a program at tho University
farm. Tho secretary's records show
that about 200 wero onrolled In this
Instltuto. Of this number fifty were
county sapor tondonts, 100 city
pupoiintendonts nnd twenty-flvo
Kchool officers. Superintendents from
other states prosent nnd taking part
In tho program woro E. T. Falrchlld
of Kansas, "W. E. Harmon or Montana,
C. G. Schultz of Mlnnosota, John W.
Keller or Ohio, A. C. Nelson of Utah,
and N. P. Swanson of South Dakota.
Gov. Shallcnbcrger Talks of State's
Governor Hhallonbergcr addressed
the Stato Teachers' Institute, giving
his endorcement to any movement
which tends to the upbuilding of Ne
braska schools. Tho governor paid
many compliments to tho great
work of tho educators and
repealed thet when It comes
to cutting down appropriations,
tho last Item to recclvo the knife
will be tho school appropriations.
Tho governor said ho had been In
formed that Nebraska spends somo
$18,000,000 every biennlum on Its
schools nnd It wns his opinion that
every dollar of tho money spent In
this work Is money well spent. Ho
believed nlso that the state could af
ford to spend that sum for lie had
received from tho treasurer of the
stato some time ago a notice that
he had on hand $100,000 and no place
to Invest. This was the first tlmo
any Htate treasurer of Nebraska had
over served such a notice, which Is
jeqtilrcd by law when tlio general
Itiml reaches that amount with no
place to put tho money. The law
lequlros that the governor shnll bo
notified of this condition, after which
he and tho trensurer and auditor shall
Invest tho money In government
bonds nt 4 per cent. The law Is an
old one, but there has never been
occasion to use it until recently, be
cause of a lack of runds. Treasurer
Brian round a place for tho money,
however, so it wns not necessary to
hold the meeting.
Honoring Mickey's Memory.
Out or respect ror ex-Governor
Mickey, who died nt Osceola, tho flag
over the stato houso was flown at
half staff nnd stato officers discussed
the work of tho former executive.
Governor Shallenberger sent to Mrs.
Mickey the following telegram:
"Mrs. J. II. Mickey, Osceola: Please
accept my profound sympathy lor
yourseir and family in your great
grief. Nebraska mourns with you tho
loss of your distinguished husband."
Adjutant General Hartlgan Issued
thu following order to the national
"With sorrow the commander-ln-chler
announces tho death or ex-Governor
John H. Mickey, which occurred
June 2, 1910.
"Governor Mickey wns born on a
farm near Burlington, la., September
30, 1845; wns educated In the district
schools and Iowa Wesleyan univer
sity. "He was a soldier or the civil war
and served with credit and honor as a
member of tho Eighth Iowa cavalry,
18ti3-'C5; served as a member of the
Nebraska house ol representatives,
1881-'82, and was chosen governor or
Nebraska November, 1902, and served
four years In that ofilce.
"Governor Mickey was always Inter
ested in tho progress and advance
ment or the great stato which hon
ored him, ami which he honored, and
In his passing the state surfers Irre
parablo loss.
"All armories or tho Nebraska Na
tional Gunrd will bo draped in mourn
ing for the next thirty days in testi
mony of respect to tho memory or
this soldier and statesman."
Fees Collected by the Secretary.
Tho fees collected by the secretary
of stato during the month of May
amounted to $3,800.20. This was di
vided as follows: Articles of incor
poration, $2,148.G5; notary commis
sions, $02; motor vehicles, $1,195.55;
brands, $33; certifications, $50; trado
marks, $2; corporation permits, $105.
Cement Walks Instead of Canals.
The State Board or Public Lands
and Buildings is figuring on putting in
cement walks around the stato house
In plnce of the Hagstono that Is now
there. Tlio present walks lor years
have been nothing Jess than canals
and every shower the water stands on
tho walks until It has dried every
where else, so tho board will try to
improve things some.
Apply for Seine Licensee.
Chief Game Warden Dan Gellus hns
already received forty-five applica
tions for licenses to selno and not
fish. Tho last legislature nmonded
the game law so as to permit seining
and netting of cnt fish, carp, buffalo
and gar fish from Juno 1 to October
31, tho price for a llcenso being $2.
Brief Is Filed.
C. C. Flansburg, city attorney, has
filed a brier in tho offico or U10 rail
way commission in opiKisltion to the
proposal of the Lincoln Traction
company to Incroaso rates In Lincoln
ir tho Ilavelock rate Is reduced. In
discussing tho earnings of the
company, Mr. Flansburg sets out
that the monthly pay roll to
tho general officers amounts to
$2,583.33. The brief says: "Aaido from
dent and other officers."
Perdue to Ask for Promotion.
Georgo D. Follmer, former state
land commissioner, waB given to ver
dict for $1,1000 in district court in
his suit against tho stato for $1,500.
Tho suit war, tho outgrowth of tho
Boyd county land cases.
Elmer J. Burkott, nt present
United States senator, Is eandldato
for re-election. Ho paid his entranco
foe or $50 to tho county treasurer or
Lancaster county and then fllcd his
namo with the secrotary of Btato as a
candidate for the republican nomination.
denounces my mz
Declares He Has Been in Jail Five
Times Since In United States
and Compelled to Undergo
"Third Degree."
"Washington. A dramatic tale of en
forced flight from Mexico nnd of al
leged persecution by American and
Mexican officers In this country was
related to tho rules committee of the
houso by L. Do Larn, a political ref
ugee. After recounting his experiences In
Los Angeles, Cab, whero ho said he
was arrested five times on "trumped
up" charges at tho Instances of tho
Mexican government nnd served more
than 100 days In jail, Do Lara ex
claimed: "I have been in jail five times since
I came to tho United States and have
suffered the 'third degree' at tho hands
or officers; I have been thrown Into a
dungeon and kept for days with noth
ing to eat but a rotten potato, and
neither my attorneys or friends al
lowed to see me. I am liable to be
arrested again at any time, and unless
you gentlemen help mo, they may get
me and hang mo."
Do Lara denounced President Diaz
as a "dirty dospot" wto had de
stroyed free people and free presn nnd
tho bnllot In that country. "Moro than
40,000 people have met violent deaths
for political reasons since Diaz took
tho reins of government In Mexico,"
said Do Lara. "Ho never was elected
president. He never was chosen there
by voice of tho people, but has main
tained himself by sheer force. The
Mexican government has caused thou
sands of persons to be killed because
they resisted tho existing order of
things in that country and souglit to
restoro to the poor people tho rights
that wero taken from them by force."
Seek to Move the Capital.
Oklahoma City. One of tho most
exciting campaigns In the history of
Oklahoma "has Just closed. A special
election will bo held throughout tho
stato to decide the question of tho per
manent location of the state capital.
The election bill names Guthrie,
Shawneo nnd Oklahoma City ns can
didates for the capital, but it Is gen
erally conceded that tho real contest
Is between Oklahoma City and Guth
rie. Woman's League In Session.
St. Louis. Rain drove the delegates
to the first annual convention of the
American women's league from the
meeting tent in University City to a
nearby theater at the opening session.
About 1,000 women wero present.
Mayor Krelsmann welcomed tho
delegates, who came from all parts of
the United States. E. F. Lewis, mayor
of University City, Is founder of the
Small Boy Caused Panic.
Omaha, Neb. A small boy shouted
"fire" whllo the fire department was
passing a moving picture show In
Workmen temple In South Omaha,
and In tho panic which followed a
dozen persons wero moro or less In
jured. Tho place was packed at the
time and during the rush for tho exits
several persons wero trampled and
otherwise Injured, none dangerously,
Predicts Hardwood Famine.
Louisville, Ky. A hardwood faminn
as tho result of the reckless wasto of
timber by lumbermen in tlio United
States is predicted in tho report of
J. IT. Stimson of Indlann, submitted
to the national hardwood lumbor asso
ciation in annual session here. His
report suggests reforestratlon and ex
emption from taxation of holdings of
standing hardwood timber as reme
dies. To Open Reservation.
"Washington. Tho opening to settle
ment of tho Crow Indian reservation
In Montana, comprising somo three
million acres, has been provided for
In a bill ordered favorably reported
by tho houso commltteo on Indian af
fairs. Owls to Meet In Spokane.
Spoksne, Wash. Twolvo , hundred
delegates, representing' every Ktnte,
territory nnd provinco in America,
havo been registered for tho annual
grand couclnvo of tho Fraternal Broth
erhood of Owls In Spokane, July 18 tc
San Francisco. Four distinct earth
quako shocks were recorded just be
fore midnight Thursday by tho Santa
Clara collego solsmograph. Tho move
ment lasted three minutes and wna
from west to cast.
Rev. Chan. A. Dickey Dies.
Philadelphia, Pa. Rov. Dr. Charles
A. Dickey, ono of tho host known Pres
byterian clergymen In tho United
States, formerly moderator of tho gen
eral assembly, Is dead. He has been
111 for somo time. Dr. Dickey waH
born in Wheeling, W. Va in I8S8, and
was a graduato of Washington and
JefTerson collego and tho thoologrcr.1
somlnnry of tho United Prosbyterlan
church in Allegheny City. Ho served
ns pastor In churches in Allegheny, St.
Loult nod tills city.
Find Help in LydiaE. Pink-:
faam'sVegeiable Compound
Hudson, Olilo. "If mothers realized
tht) nood VOIir rmnoiHna wnnlil tin iliM.
cato RirlB I bcllovo thoro would bb
icwcr weaic ami ail
ing women. Irreg
ular nnd Ttalnfnl
poriodo and such
troubles would bo
relieved at 01100 in
Ill.'lll v enst'fl. T.vdl.a
K. linkham's vege
tablo Compound is
lino for ailing girls
and. run-down wo
men. ThoJrdclicato
lore-inn need .1 fn1i
irtTifl flm rinmtiniirwl
LVCS now nmhlMnn nnrl Hfn frrrm )hn
lrstdnRe', "Mro. nivwinT-einiimi-T r.T.
Hudson, Ohio, 1L No. 5, Uox 32.
IlUlulrCtlS of HHC.ll letfnrn frnm
mothers expressing their gratitido
for what Lydia 31 Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound lias accomirtislied for
them havo been received by tho Lydia
E. PinkluimllcdJcino Company, Lynn,
Young Girls, Ilccd Thfg.
Girls who aro troubled witli painful
or irregular periods, backache, head
ache, dragging-down sensations, faint
ing spells or indigestion, should tako
immediate action to ward off tlio seri
ous consequences and be restored to
health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound. Thousands bnvc been
restored to licalth by its uso.
If you would like fipccinl-tulvico
about your case writo a confiden
tial letter to Mr. Pink Lain, at
Lynn, Mass. Her advice ia free,
and always helpful.
Trial Bottlo Free Bar Mail
H yon enffcr from Enllcpe7. Fita, FalMoR Biekness.
Bpiume. or have children ihat do o, my New DU
cofciy will it llcvo them, and nil you nro Mlitd to
BplIOFctloIcIo Ours
. i has cmrd thousand whero CTcrrthlnB elaa
failed. GiisjMitctd by May Medic el lalmVitoiy
under Turo Food and DnigaAct.Oono SOih.lSOO
Oii jramy No. 1S871. I'lcano write for Special Frco
(3 lioiuo aiidplvo AGE and complete nddrcts
DR. W. H. MAY, 548 Peail Streat, How York.
I'luato mention this yaperDrccslU nilordors.
The Rude Visitor.
There rs a story about tho secretary
of a golf club who was a man of di
minutivo stature. It wan summer tlmo,
and the Krass bad been allowed to
grow rather long, Tho secretary vras
playing in front of a visitor who was
a very long driver, and lsept dropping
his ball in the neighborhood of tho
secretary all the way round. At lust
tho llttlo man could stand It no longer
and walked back and remonstrated
with tho visitor on his conduct, but
tho only reply ho got was, "If you
would cut the grass, ono might bo
able to seo you."
Ohok-o qimllly; tciIh und ronnH,
wlilUi f.u'i-n or uupiH buiiRlit 011
ordi-TH. Tenn (if TliouHaudH to
Helect from. Hutlsfiictlon Ounr
wHeed. CorxCKlKJiiileuce Iuvltud.
Cuino and B:e for yourself.
National Live Stock Com. Co.
At c'rlher
Homos Ci I y. Mo. St Joseph, Mo. S.Omaha, Neb.
Nebraska Directory
Jhn Deere Cultivators
Vw b, hmlJ I N (a tliit process nil broken
tuns of uucblniry mado cood as now. Welds
ca-.t Iron, cast steel, nlnmlnuro, copper, brass or
auv nlhnr metal. Kxpcrt sntomobile repairing,
BEFtTSCHY MOTOR CO., Counoll Bluffo.
Mall onion ulren nprlal sUentlnn. All kinds
uiuuteur fcuppliuH hlrlt-Uy frvsli, rknJ for cuuWog.
ftainamlmi, AUHtaiirtartlM&kn.MMorTtiitutl. Hunt
applied It jrun rmrelia. 'aehli slilppwt nnjrnlirrn
" WC): oJtI'3t.I"l01"''1 Wrllo for .'aUloif.
l22NortllltriGtroot Lincoln, Nob.
(fold and rented everywhere. WrltoforuarKStnlutt.
BltlllUhcvl VM.
iiu H. luuirit., Lincoln
Beafric Greenery Go,
PnyH tbo highest price fur
1 mm vl1'
S y -Q?i &