The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 26, 1910, Image 7

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5r.1lfs? h. v i . .trrRw.? J. ...A A y- -. , j
From atereotirnph, copyright, by Underwood & Undmol,N. Y.
London, i:ng. Tho funeral of King
Kdward is declared to huvo becn'tho
most Imposing ceremonial Great
llrltnln's capital ever witnessed. Thirty
thoufaand soldiers were brought from
Aldershot nnd other military camp3 to
lino tho ttrcets when tho procession
Ab there was no room to barrack
them over night, the boldlcrs blvouaccd
In tho parks and streets Tho city had
the nppearanco of an Invested town
for two days. Some of tho soldiers
alept In tents In tho parks, while- tho
remainder lay down beside their guns
In tho strcctB.
At a conservative cstlmato 700,000
perbons passed through Westminster
hall to look upon the colIln of tho king
lying In state. Barriers wero built, by
means of which tho people wero
ushered through In four lines at tho
rate of 18,000 an hour. Tho body of
the lalo king was not exposed to view.
Tho mourners saw only tho coffin,
with tho official regalia and heaps of
Queen Mother Chose Hymns.
Tho hymns sung at tho scrvlco at
Windsor wero ull of tho queen moth
er's choice They were "My God, My
Father, Whllo I Stray," "Now tho La
borer's Task Is O'er." and "I Heard u
Volco From Heaven."
Scotland yard had all Its detoctlvos
on duty, nnd these wero reinforced by
a hundred inoro from continental
oltlos. All visitors wero watched, but
thoro was Httlo real fear of anarchistic
attempts, because it was known that
every ono undor Eurvcllance would bo
doported from England If any troublo
wero caused on this occasion, rind It
was not likely that tho persons of tho
nnarchlBt typo would glvo up volun
tarily their safest refuge In Europe
Tho procession to Westminster hall
May 17 for tho lying In state was al
most on as great n scale as tho fu
nernl procession. Tho cortego Included
King Georgo and all tho foreign sov
ereigns on horseback, and tho queen
mother and tho royal ladles lu car
riages. When tho funernl procession startod
every street car In Loudon camo to n
standstill for a quarter of an hour. All
tho public houses In London wero
closed whllo tho procession was pass
ing. No Distinction Shown.
Thoro wbb no distinction as to per
son nor wero there any ticket privi
leges for tho lying In state In West
minster hall. All had to tako their
turn in lino.
At St. Gcorgo's chapel, at Windsor,
from whenco tho body waB carried to
Its llnal resting placo tho carved
stalls wero removed In order to glvo
placo to timber seating, Otherwiso
not a tenth of those entitled to attend
would havo been ablo to enter. The
chapel was draped with violet hang
ings. Tho sorvlco held In Westminster
aoboy did not form nny part of tho
loyal funeral. It was a memorial
benlco held especially for those mom
born of tho house of lords nnd house
of commons, who wero unnblo to go
lo Windsor.
i:iectrlc standards were fixed around
tho place In Westminster hall whero
tho catafalque Btood Tho public was
admitted until ten o'clock at night.
Tho catafnlquo occupied tho spot on
which Gladstone's catafalque stood.
The Court at Windsor.
Tho coffin waa sealed and draped
ind surmounted by boiuo of tho royal
) 1.
tijrfa Wa
regalia and King Edward's flold mar
shal's sword.
Tno court removed to Windsor tho
day before tho funeral. Tho arch
bishop of Canterbury, nsslsted by
Canon Wllborforcc, conducted a bhort
servico at Westminster hall on tho ar
rival of the body on May 17. Tho
members of both houses of parliament
ntletided this service.
Kept Away by Kaiser.
Neither M. Loubet, M. Delcasso nor
M. Clemcncenu formed part of tho
French mission to attend the funeral
of King Edward. Piemlcr IJriand In
tended to go, but nlso gavo up the
Idea, owing to tho fact that Emperor
William was there Under these cir
cumstances tho mission was purely
formal. It consisted of M. Pichon,
minister of foreign affairs; General
Dalstcln, military governor of Paris;
Adtnirnl Marquis and an nttacho rep
resenting President Falllcres.
Roosevelt Among the Monarchs.
Ex-President Hooscvclt, who was
named ns special envoy of tho United
States to attend tho funeral of King
Edward, wns presented to King Georgo
soon after his nrrlval In London. Mr.
Roosevelt occupied a placo with tho
visiting monnrchs In tho funeral pro
cession and attended tho burial at
The flowers nlono contributed by
organizations and Individuals repre
sented many thousands of dollars in
valuo. The most claborato wreath
was sent from Windsor, consisting of
costly whlto flowers, Interwoven with
purple, which i3 tho royal mourning
color. Tho wreaths contributed by pri
vate Individuals, numbering thousands,
weto hung on posts in tho streets.
Jackles Drew Carriage.
King Georgo being so closely
identified with tho navy, tho naval con
tlngentB took a prominent part In tho
ceremonies. Hluojackets drew tho
gun carrlagu to Windsor, as they did
tho carrlago which boro tho body of
Victoria, although on that occasion
they did so becauso the horses be
catno restive.
Soldiers from tho king's company,
grenadier guards, kopt sontry watch
over the body in tho throncroom at
Buckingham palace. They wero re
lieved each hour. With slmplo cere
ill J tEMIfli SwSB.
i ,r v" " airL?i'2Jdrt&ar1
, , ,.,. iis;ni"ix
. J. . ... .iA.; . JtJ-?6 ..,rs rfi"!-jii?; v 7--ir$i" . .&
mony nmnn ono of tho visiting royal
ties entered the room ovory now and
then, and the wldovcd queen went
thuro frequently.
Body In Magnificent Tomb.
Tho body of King Edward lies with
that of his lmmedlato ancestors lu tho
magnificent mnusoteum at Frogmoro,
In tho Home park of Windsor castlo.
In this structure, erected by Queen
Victoria at a cost of $1,000,000, Prince
Albert Edward, father of ttm lato
king, wns laid to test In 1SG1. In tho
snmo j ear Queen Victoria's mother,
the duchess of Kent, wns burled In an
elaborate tomb In the grounds near by.
In 1U01 Queen Victoria herself waa
burled lu the mausoleum bcsldo her
The structure Is probably ono of tho
most elaborate of tho kind In exist
ence. It wns planned in tnlnuto detail
by Queen Victoria ns n memorial to
the prince consort. Tho general pub
lic is not admitted to tho chamber
wlioro lie the royal bodies in two Im
mense sarcophagi, hut tho spot Is a
great magnet for tourists, dozens of
whom Inspect tho mnrblo mausoleum
Queen Mother's Grief Deep.
The successive delays In the remov
al of King Edw aid's body from tho
bedroom whcio ho died to tho throno
room at Buckingham palace wero duo
to Queen Alexandra's reluctanco to al
low tho body to bo removed from tho
proximity of her own apartments.
All arrangements had been mndo
for tho reception of tho body in tho
throno room and notices wero issued
to memboro of tho housohold thnt
they would he permitted to view tho
body lying In state thoro, but day by
day the removal was postponed nnd
tho Invitations deferred.
Tho queen's pilvato apartments
'onnnunlcatp directly with thoso of
ho late king, and It Is not known how
'jften she visited tho room In which
her dead husband lay or tho duration
of tho vigils sho mndo there, but It
Is hald her sister, tho dowager em
press of Russia, fcaied her grief
might prove too great n strain.
During the later years of tho king's
life ho nnd the queen wero on tho
most excellent terms of friendship
nnd good feeling. Indeed, It 1b no ex
aggeration to say they wero deeply at
tached to one another. Tho king waB
most kind nnd considerate In his at
tltudo toward his consort, who valued
highly tho attentions ho nlwaya
showed her.
King's Consideration for Consort.
For years they had been, to quote
an informant of credit, "tho best of
pals," nnd whllo the inclusion in tho
ilt published in tho papers of a house
party at Saudrlngham of a certain
woman's name caused some astonish
ment in general society, there was
considerable tho more astonishment
among thoso In the Inner circles of
couit llfo at the efforts made by a
foiclgn ambassador to suppress any
mention of tho woman's natno in tho
list of guests who wero Invited to
meet the king at his country house.
Queen Alexandra herself, by a loiter
which tho London Times described as
artless, has shown how deeply she Is
affected by the death of her consort.
Authorltntivo details of what passed
on the day of Queen Alexandra's rei
turn to England show In what regard
King Edward held his queen.
On that Thursday beforo his death
Edwatd was continually speaking of
her majesty to his entourage In tho
morning ho announced his intention
to go to tho station to meet her on
her nrrlval, and when llo was forced
to bow to tho advlco of his physicians
in this matter he said ho would at
least meet her at tho head of tho
stairs in Buckingham palace.
From tho day Rho landed in Eng
land ns Princess Alexandra, ho said,
ho had never failed to moot her when
sho qaijiq 'from abroad, 1 lo followed
all stages of her Journey, and as' tho
day woro on and his condition becamo
worse ho gavo instructions that sho
waa to bo guarded against tho shock
of seeing suddenly how changed by Ill
ness ho was. Thero aro two doors
to tho room In which his majesty died
ono facing tho Invalid chair in
which he waa reclining, tho other at
tho side. Ho directed that tho queen
bo brought in at tho oldo door, so sho
should seo him In tho most favorable
When tho queen arrived King Ed
ward, by an effort which taxed his
powerB to tho utmost, stood up to re
ceive her. As sho clasped him In hor
arms ho fell back into tho chair in n
state or collapse For a time it wns
feared tho end was at hand.
V V ffffJZ''' v""' ' ' "" DACK TO THE WORLD.
jiBjKeas, two usiuuiv j-i. uc,suir mm. l
km fc3jte32 i mm i
"And this day hhnll be unto you
Tho day that is meant for llonco tho day
that Is sot apart
To show all tho lovo and honor that throb
in tho nation's heartj
To show that wo still hold snerod tholr
hope, and tholr faith nnd trust,
By placing tho tender trlbuto of rosos abovo
tholr dusL
Tho day that is moant for quiet, oxcopt that
tho mufllcd drum
Shall thrum to tho whlsperod fifing that
tolls when tho marchers como,
Elxccpt that tho soft-voiced buglo shall
sing of tho growing gap3
In tho ranfts of tho living comrad03-that
lullaby low of "Taps."
Tho day that is meant for sllencoi a day
that is meant for thought)
Tho flag as a sign and symbol of all that
thoso doad havo wrought
And roses and waxen lilies, u-drlp with tho
dews of dawn,
To gleam in tho silont places whero slumber
tho soldiers gone.
This day it is meant for stillness, for otlll
ness on land or sea.
For hushes on hill, in valley whorovor
tholr places boi
For somo rest below tho billows and somo
sleop beneath tho sod,
But all havo a country'3 honor, and all havo
tho poaco of God.
(Copyright, 1901, bjr W.a Aijimau )
Quickly Turned
the Tables
N lnstnnco of rare personal
bravery, in which a man's
coolness nnd prompt no
tion cnnblcd him to turn
tho tables on his enemy
Just in tlmo to savo hla
life, Is thus told by a vet
eran: "The morning of December
31, 18C3, Is recalled as a time that
tried tho mettto of tho soldiers who
wero engaged in tho battle of Stono
river, when tho Union linos woro
broken, tho teams stampeded to tho
rear and stoppod nt the crossing of
Stowart'a crock, a rough steep-bank
stream. Tho bridge on tho Nashville
pike waB tho only placo of crossing
for qulto a distance in each direction
and thero wbb a closo rnugo fight for
tho possession of It, with the confed
erates gaining and tearing up tho
floor of tho brldgo, cnpturlng tho men
and teams and marching them south
about a mile Our cavalry hnd at
tacked our captors, during which
closo range fighting occurred often.
During theso fights thero wero many
lncldontn, both humorous and pathetic,
that will novcr lenvo tho memory of
thoso who wero engaged In them. A
soldier, Isaac H. Miller, driving a two
horse team hauling tho butcher's out
fit or tho Gen. Jeff C. Davis division,
wns on his wagon, waiting for a
chanco to cross the bridge; and whllo
a hand-to-hand fight was going on a
confederate cavalryman pointed n ro
volvcr nt Miller, snapping It sovornl
times, but It failed to go off. Whllo
ho was roplaclng It in his right boot
leg and drawing another from tho left
bootleg Miller sprang from his sent
and seizing a musket lying on tho
ground used It for n club, striking the
mnn on the side of tho head and
bringing him to tho ground. Miller
took tho revolver from tho cavalry
man's hand nnd, remounting his
wagon, coolly nnd deliberately drove
away as If nothing unusual had hap
pened. The last wo Raw of Miller's
victim ho was still on tho fjround."
r. . mjl 'i crii i
for n memorial."--Exodus xll, 14.
T wan lust nfler tho hattlo
of Slilloh that William C.
Phlpps met tho man who
waB to live and has lived
over since In hla memory
an "lila silent partner,"
says tho Indianapolis Star.
Hero Is tho story as Mr. Phlpps
tells it:
"You see. It happened llko this:
After the fight at Slilloh most of tho
boys or a good ninny of them nt
least had lost all they had In tho
way of equipment, extra cIoUicb and
such things. A good many wero
wounded. I was wearing a bloody,
torn nhlrt nnd I wanted nnother
wnnted It bad, too. I went out to
forage for It. I hndn't left enmp very
far behind when I snw n fellow chop
ping on n log getting firowood, evi
dently. I started toward him and ho
kopt chopping on. I got closer nnd
finally stopped near him nnd watched
him. Chop-chop ho kept right on
didn't Bccm to seo mo.
"Then I snlJ to him: 'Partner,
look hero; see my shirt. I'm lookln'
for nnother ono. You don't know
whero I could get one, do you?'
"Ho hnd stopped ns I started to
speak and when I finished ho raised
his ax 'way up and sank It Into tho
log. Ho let It stick thero, ripped off
his coat, threw it down nnd peeled
off his shirt. Ho tossed It to mo nnd
put his coat back on, grabbed hla ax
and went on chopping. Ilo never
opened his mouth never so much as
"Did I tako that shirt? Well, I
guess I did. That follow was my si
lont partuor, und ho Is yet. No, I
never met him ugaln. I looked back
as I started far camp and ho didn't
faocrn to henr mo when I thanked him,
Just kept chopping ou that log chop,
Editor Wove lost nnother poet.
ARfllHtant What waa tho troublo,
EditorNo; ho got back his old Job
in tho department storo.
Tho constnnt use of Cutlcura Sonp,
assisted by Cutlcura Ointment, for
toilet, bath and nursery purposea not
only preserves, purifies, nnd heautlficii
tho skin, ucalp, hair nnd hands, but,
prevent;) lufinmmatlon, irritation nnd
clogging of tho porcn, tho common
cniiBU of pimples, blackheads, rodnesa
nnd roughness, yullow, olly, molhy nnd
other unwholesome conditions of tho
complexion and skin. All who delight
in a clear skin, soft, whlto hands, a
clean, wholesome nenlp nnd live, glossy
hair, will find Cutlcura Sonp most suc
cessful in realizing ovory expectation
Cutlcura Soap and Ointment aro ad
mirably adapted to preserve tho
health of the skin and scalp of In
fanta and children, and to prevent
minor blemishes or Inherited skin hu
mors becoming chronic, and may bo
used from tho hour of birth. Cutlcura
RemcdlcB nro sold throughout tho civ
ilized world. Send to Potter Drug &
Cheni. Corp., solo proprietors, Boston,
for their free Cutlcura book, 112 pages
of Invnluablo advlco on caro and
treatment of tho sltin, scalp und hair.
The Man Invasion.
Tho witch out for a moonlight
Jaunt on her fnvorltu broomstick,
lind Just escaped being run down by
mi aeroplane manned by n Joy-rider
"Oh, tlilB la simply maddening!"
she cried, hysterically; "to think of
man invading the one field of which
wo women havo hnd a monopoly for
centuries! And I believe I heard tho
brute say, nn ho passed: 'Oh, you kid
Mow's This?
W offff Onn ltwulnit Dollar Hcwrml for n
csui nt Catirtli tlut (annul ba tuti-U by Hall'
Uatarrli Oirr.
P. J :!lt:NP.YftCO..T0lntn,O,
Wi lh unilrrtlstittl. tmn known 1 J. Uirney
for (ha Ut 1 r.iri. ami IicIIpxo lilm KT(tly nun
oritilo In nil liunlicm trunraitloni anil OhMitLiUr
ibln to carry nut nny otiltoitluiu micto tY U Onn.
Wauiino, Mnnan A Maiuiv, ' '
W liolraaln DrnccUt. Toledo. O.
IMtrsOiLirrh Oiro U UU-n Intirnnliy Uctlia
dlrrcUy upon tlm Moot) ami muconi aurlvtii t tho
vstim. 'Intlmunlal ami free, l'rlco ;s rtnU per
buttle. Bnlil by nil DruciMstA.
'iako II all' J Family Pllla for consUpaUoo.
A Grievance.
Hewitt It 1b no longer fashionable
for a woman to havo u small
Jowott I know It; you long-armed
fellows havo a cinch.
l'KKUV HAVIS' l'A!NKlI.T.i:n
For n Miclili'ii chill or colli (ImtKiil of wlilkkny) nn
P.ilnlillliT. hiir uilli'. illnrrlicnnnil hummer ruiniilnlnl
UilBiuvdk'inuni ror fall. Uc, &c anil too buttlus.
Wo nro our best when wo try to bo
It not for ourselves alone, but for our
brethren Phillips Urooks.
Lewi)' SttiRlt Hinder cipar. Orisinfil
Tin Foil Smoker Pncl;nt;e, 6c straight.
A trickster Ib moroly a person wht
gets tho bettor of tin.
Tn. IMrren'n Pcllrln. urosll. nmr-xlt.niiiiy In
tnWo nn rnnily, rtuulatn uml Inrlicurulo ktouucii.
liver und buwula. IMjuutgrlpo.
Farmers and washladipa got .their
living from tho Roll. . '
What J. I. Hill, the Great Railroad Magnate,
Soya About Ita Wlieat-Froduclntr Powari
The PTcatoot nenl of tM country
luiuUM n in ttfl In another t--vnora-
tlon or tun will Iki tho m.
viuinu or, num rur lu
K-opl anil I rixludnu
nuClolont for thorn. 'I lie
Uu)a of our prnnilnfnce
it n lunt fsportlnu
country aro eunu. Onn.
lulu U to bo Itio grunt
vtlieat country.
rintn In tal.lnu atlvnnUiKU
of tho vltuntlon by -
Jt'imlro rnllwiiy build
nu (ol'iouliont fluids
of Western Camilla.
Upwards of 125 Million
Bushols of Wheat
wpmlmrvwti'illii 1U00. Arernso
of tho tliruo iruvlnrra of Allrta,
llaikatcliovf nn anil Mnntlobu ulll bo
uimarJaot !J liualii'laiMTiicrc.
I'n linniOHtcnili of IGOdrnw,
nnil luljoliilnir )r-rinitloua of
10O urrH Hit 3 iM-rnirot, nroto
bo lirnl In tlio tliulciit illMrlcts.
Sclinoli conTcnlciit, illmnlo
excellent, soil lint iiiry buxt,
rnllniDK clowi nt linml, ImlM
llie lumber rticnu. fin I wr to
KVi iiiiii ri'iiKJiiauui 111 iinvi'.
nter enjilly iirocuroili niUrtl
fimntntr ii auecMS S run no to
beat pliu-o for aetllrmunt. m ttlrra
low rnllnay ratin.lrcriptlvnllluv
trutol"Lnt lluatWtt"lnt froo
on applloatlom, m' other Infornift
tlon, to Kup'l of Imuilvratlnn,
Otunn, Can., or to VUo DftumllMi
Uoi enuncut AcanU
(loan 4 Be Bldf. Ooafcl, Kti.
(TJn alJren nrro.t yonV M)
i c
i Sum xiC
Triilf Ivi-f
ilr ar;fgwt wow&swbb" yX4xrvi&wra.i:
m-w 'A
yt.M,-.. ,.