The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 19, 1910, Image 7

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Mexico Military
Tut j ' o IBf- t tl r
! WIMM11 IW1M1WI Ml Bill
Ella I think thoco follows arc Bet
ting their heads together over Bomo
thins. Stella Yea; I guess thoro's somo
thing In It.
Ella Which one?
The Jeweled Set.
An actress Bald of Eleanor Robson:
"Slut is a dear. She haB married Au
gust llnlniont. Now gIjo is in the Bet
that I once heard her so wittily ridi
cule. "She eald that in conversation with
a loading matron of this gilded, this
Jeweled set, Bho onco said:
" 'Aud whero do you think you'll
spend tho summer, Mrs. Van Gelt?'
'"Er tho North Cape, I bollovo,
Mrs. Van Gelt answered. 'One can got
skt-lng thero all through August, you
" 'And whero will you spend the win
ter, then?'
" 'Oh, Florida, by all means. There's
Mich ripping January bathing at Palm
Donch.' "
Even Among the Hoboes.
"Hullo. Dusty," said Weary Wag
p'.eu, au tho two tramps met in tho
street. "How's llvin'?"
'Somcpln nwful," replied Dusty
Rhodes. "The co3t of everything's
gono up so a feller enn't hardly get his
thrco meals per."
'Humph!" ejaculated Weary, "I
never knowed you to pay for nothln'."
"No." returned Dusty, "but it's tho
solemn fact that nloug my route,
whero I used to have to ask only onco
Jor n breakfast, they make me nsk
twlco these days." Harper's Weokly.
A Surprlslro Event.
Mr. Brown (rushing excitedly Into
tho room) Marie, Marie, intelligence
has just reached me
Mrs. llrown (calmly Interrupting
him) Well, thank heaven, Henry.
All Old Folks
That talie NATUIlfcTS H13MEDY (Nil
(nblfttB) tonight will feel' hotter In .tho
mornliK. It Hwrctona the stomach, cor
rect u tho liver, bowels kidneys, pre
vents biliousness and eliminates tho rheu
matism. Uettrr than Pills for Liver Ills,
Iii'cuii3u It'u different It's thorough, easy
Hiiro to not. Get a 25c Ilox. All Druplts.
Tho .V. II. Iowla Medicine Co., tit. Louts.
Not Quite Qualified.
Policeman Do you havo to take
care of tho dog?
Nurse Girl No. Tho mlss'ls says
I'm too young nnd Inexperienced. I
only look after tho children. Life.
If You Aro a Trifle sensitive
About tlin nlzfl of your hbocx, tniniy pt-opla
wear ain.iller sIiocb by using Allen's Foot-Kane,
the Aiitlneiitlc Powilrr to Hliake Into tho hIiuom.
It curt' Tired, Swollen, Aching Feet mid
given rent nnd comfort. Just tho thing fur
reakhifr in new shoes. Fold everywhere. Sic.
Ham))lo Heut l'UKIi. Address, Alien 8. Olmsted,
Lo Huy, N. Y.
Looking nt It In another way, what
'' harm Is thero In lotting ono head of
hair mako severul generatloua of
women beautiful?
drawn tin piiln and Inllaruinattiin trum tx-u-stlnirs
atnt InsiH-t uiles. ShiIIius nnd allies llio iintul
Itching of raowiultobltrs. 2.1c, o und 60c bottles.
Oft liatli even a wholo city reaped
tho evil fruit of a bad man. Heslod.
When Your Meals I
It is certainly time to tako immcdlato
action if you would ward off a serious
sick spell. It is positive proof of a
weak stomach and deranged digestion
nnd for which you cannot take a bettor
medicino than Hostettcr's Stomach
Hitlers; but remember this, the longer
you put off giving tho assistunco need
ed by the digestivo system the harder
't HgoiDg to bo to euro you Wo know of
hundreds of cases, taken in hand at tho
very beginning in which a short course
of tho Hitters proved very efficacious.
Therefore, be persuaded to get a bottle
today from your druggistor dealer, and
thus avoid all possiblo 'danger of a hick
spell. It is a wonderful tonic and in
vigorant for overworked, nervous and
run-down persons, and in case3 of Poor
Appetite, Bloating, Heartburn, Indi
gestion, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, and
Malaria it is the best.
I No Need to Longer Suffer from Kidney
Mrs. Catherine Sullivan, 1712 Mof
fntt St., Joplln, Mo., says: "Like most
elderly pooplo, I Buffered from kidney
troublo for years. My back ached In-
I-". tnnRolv nnil Hmw
was n feeling of
numbness in my
cplno. My hands
cramped aud tho
urinary passages
wero profuse. Doc
tors prescribed for
me but I was not
benefited. At last I
began taklnc Doan's Kidney Pills.
Thoy drove my troubles nwny, and I
now enjoy excellent health."
Remember tho name Donn's
For sale by all dealers. CO cents a
box. Foster-MUburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
--Jj- graduated from tho'ini- j(0 ( A M i jSm-SZ2SSSSSS2SSSS 1
AUjfm Itary college. In add!- NT Vi fcr ? I " "taj
mmWJMW t'on t0 0,,lpr rn'otis, AmW-XSc7 fee V ' I flr fl
UMjfvGfwfft the war department of I&iin'iS&VV, (S$7 v ss53"-1-"5155 9 fl?
Wfirr "'"lit. which nt that J lyf Uy7ThQW60-x1 Xr I Ml I
T irVOr rectlon of General hf r VCJ k&A-. Z 1 1 N I 9i2k I
Vy VKSV) .M C- JTSWW. Mf il
JL -W- "Wyf DRILL Jffilf
. vifciwHrT V i a.M,j?yyi WJH JL 4 B 5B
ECAVSB of numerous
vncanciea In the rank3
of Etibordlnato oRlcers
of battalions and regi
ments nnd tho small
number of offlrlalj
graduated from tho Mil
itary college. In addi
tion to other reasons,
the war department of
tho Mexican govern
inont. which nt that
tlmo was under the dl-
rnrtlnil nt fliMiornl
J Menu, submitted n bill,
appioved by congress
on December 7, 1004. In the form of a
decree, by virtue of which the "EDcuela
Mllltnr do AHpirnntcs" (Military Train
Ing school) was established. The school
has for Its object the training or sub
ordinate officers for the Infantry, cav
alry and artillery service. The Institu
(Ion was opened on Janunry 23, 1U0.".
In the remodeled building of tho old
factory of Santa Fe. In Tlalpam. which
had been acquired by the department
for that purpose. The rules and regu
lations now in force in the school were
Issued nt that tlmo. according to which
It was specified that young men desi
ring to onter tho school must bo Mex
icans between 18 and 21 years of ngo
In the case of minors it was necessary
to obtain the consent of the father or
guardian. Further requirements pro
vide tlint the candldnto shall have fin
ished a course of primary instruction,
fchall be of good character, vacelnnted
and possessed of tho health and phys-
leal strength necessary for the pursuit of a mili
tary career.
Young men having the foregoing qualifications
and who wish to enter tho school are required
to apply In their own hnndwrltlng to tho secre
tary of war and navy, accompanying their appli
cations by documents stating their acoa nnl -:.i.
condition as well as bv certifies showing their
academic and social training. At the bottom of
the application the father or tutor must give his
content in writing to the entry of tho applicant
Into tho army as a prospective officer. Applica
tions are to bo made so as to reach the war de
partment in November or during the first half of
Docember. nlso In May and during tho first half
of June of each year.
If the applications aro accepted and after tho
medical examination certifying to tho physical
fitness of the candidates for the military service
has been made, tho applicants enter the training
school on July nnd January 1, respectively, und
are enrolled therein in due course Record Is
made of tho class of officers the applicants deslro
to become and of tholr agreement to serve ns
such during the time thoy attend the military
training school and In the nrmy for a period of
flvo years thereafter, the latter time to be reck
oned from tho date they leavo tho Institution.
Young men admitted ns candidates must ap
ply for ontry Into tho school on tho dates already
mentioned nnd pursue theroin three theoretlcnl
practical course. of six months each, nnd after
separately completing said courses enter such
bttttullon or regiment ns may bo Indicated by
those In charge of the school for a courso of
practical instruction. After a year's ecrvjeo as
htiblloutenanta In tho r.escrvo army, If they have
"hovvn evidence of ability mid of n military bpirlt
they will be transferred Into tha regular army.
Cadets uro allowed 711 cents Mexican money
per day for board nnd other minor expenses; aro
slvon fiO cents a day as a loan, nnd are allowed
an additional amount ot CO cents a day for tho
purpose of forming n fund to be applied in tha
purchase of equipment and uniform to be used
in tho school, which becomes their property on
leaving tho institution mid comprises their first
equipment as oillcers.
Cadets are subject to military law for crimes
and misdemeanors committed by them during tho
time they are in the service. The cadets o In
tho school, tnke tholr meals there and only go out
on Sundays aud national holidays, or by permis
sion and according to tho Judgment of the com
mandant. Tho studies of tho half-yearly theoretical
practical courEes arc, for tho tlrst six months,
rules nnd regulations; auditing nnd military nc-,
i.-ountlug; geography In general; clcmento of his
tory, arithmetic and algebra; elements of Span
ish grammar and panoramic drawing. For tho
Lccond six mouths tho studies embrace taction
with tho weapon used in tho department to which
the cadet Is nsslgned; campaign fortifica
tions; practical knowledge of explosives
nnd elements ol phyblcs and chemistry;
military jurisprudence nnd Inw; geometry
and trigonometry; topographic drawing.
For the third six months tho studies com
prise gencrnl tactics or tho use of tho three
weajons, Including the application of
themes relating to maps or charts of the
"ountry; theory and practice with smnll
frcarnn' (or artillery): communication and
work in tho Held; military topography;
r.illitnry hygiene and military horsemanship
ror mounted ofllcors.
In addition to tho foregoing during tho
three six-months' terms which mako up the
course the cadets are Instructed by a spe
cial professor lor each subject In physical
culture, swimming, fencing nnd marksman
ship with tho revolver. Infantry cadets
lini'A 'l ennnlnt el v.mnti Hia nmircn In hnren.
I mnnshlp nnd mounted cadets aro Instructed
in this branch during the entire period of
the three six-months' terms. The cadets
also receive military Instruction In the Interior
scrvlco and management of the institution, ns
well as In maneuvering In solid phalanxes and In
struction in campaign operations-during the en
tire period of their training, dnlly practice being
given them under tho orders of tho captains In
...-"""I'l nnd In conformity with tho programs
-approved by tho commander.
During the llrst years of the school
thecrntlcal-pracllcal courses of In
struction were limited to two terms
and one term of practise In the serv
Ice of thu rnnks. Experience, how
ever. Induced tho commandant of tho
school to broaden the course to tho
extent of tho studies which now ob
tain All the professors of the school
must be military men of acknowl
edged ability und practise In tho sub
jects they teach. The school natu
rally Eceks to Impnrt Instruction to
the cadets along all Illicit of UEcful
knowledge, with particular reference
to a military catoer The btaff of teachers con
cists of 22 profesrors.
Examinations are held during the first two
weeks of Juno and December of each year, no
grades being accepted that fall below tho ap
proved standard known ns- the "three lVs."
It Is reported tl at the able director of tho
school, Lieut. Col. Miguel Ruclns. has submitted
now niliM and regulations In detnll that are most
appropriate for the needs and growth of the In
stitution and considering his nntural ability and
the desire he has to correct ruch defects as hi.)
expeilence of nearly II vo years has shown him
exist, these regulations will undoubtedly bo ap
proved by the war department. Under the new
regulations tho artillery battery will again bo
established and the course of Instruction extend
ed to foui terms of six months each.
Tho present budget provides $174,551.3."! Mex
ican money for the use of tho institution, not In
cluding items of-forage for 08 horses and six
mules now.Jn use nt the school, ahd the keep of
which Is charged to tho general expenso account
of the department of war.
Tho following rcmnrkablo statement
wan roccntly mndo by L. T. Cooper. It
concerns tho preparation which has
been so widely discussed throughout
tho country during tho past year, nnd
has sold in bucIi enormous quantities
In loading cities:
"It is now n well-known fact that
wherever I havo Introduced my Nsw
Discovery medicine, hundreds of peo
plo havo brought Internal parasites, or
tapoworniii, to mo. In ninny cases theso
people did not know tho nature of thu
parasite, nnd wero consequently ex
tremely nervous until I oxplalned tho
matter to them. In somo cltlca so
many havo had this experience that
tho pubdo generally becamo alarmed.
"I take this opportunity of explain
ing; whnt those, creatures tiro, and what
I hnvo learned about them lti tho past.
"TapowoniiB nro much moro com
mon than would bo supposed. I venture-
to say that ten per cent, of nil
lirunlc stomach trouLIo, or what Is
known n a 'rundown' condition, Is
caused by them. An Individual may
suffer for years with ono of thoso
great parasites nnd not bo awnro of It.
"Contrary to gonernl belief, tho nppo
tlto Is not greatly Increased It only
becomes Irregular. There Is a general
feeling of falutucsH, however, nnd a
gnawing sensation In tho pit of tho
"Pcoplo nflllctcd with ono of these
parasites nro nervous nnd depressed.
Their chief sensation is ono of lan
guor, and they tiro very easily. Lack
of energy nnd ambition nffect tho body,
nnd tho mind becomes dull and slug
gish. Thu memory becomes not so good,
and tho eyesight Is generally poorer.
"Tho New Discovery, In freolng stom
ach nnd bowels or nil Impurities,
Bcems to bo fatal to thoso great worms,
nnd nlmost immediately expels thorn
from tho system. I wish to n3suro any
one who has tho experience just re
lated with my preparation, that thero
is no cuuso for ularm In tho matter,
nnd that It will usnrulomcnuaspoedjr
restoration to good henlth."
Cooper's Now Discovery Is sold by
nil druggists. If your druggist can
not supply you, wo will forward you
tho name or n druggist In your city
who will. Don't accept "something
juBt ns good." Tho Coopor Medicine
Co., Dnyton, Ohio.
"Well," said tho head of tho family, "It's
come to a choico between two things."
"And what is that?" asked his wlfo.
"Whether we'll continue to eat meat or con
tlnue to maintain an automobile."
Mrs. Vlse I told tho next-door
neighbor today that It was a sin to
play tho piano on Sunday.
Mr. Wise Why did you montlon
For years and years tho prospectors In Sonorn,
Mexico, havo been searching for tho second ot
what has been recorded In history ns tho "twin
lost mines." In certain old records of the early
missions mention Is made of two certain lost
mines. The names undor which tliev are record
ed, like tho names of most of the inlsMmis estab
lished under the Spanish crown, do not corre
spond with nny known landmarks today nnd
henco only relntive location can bo used as a
basis for exploration.
When tho San Pedro mlno, locnted south of
Nacozarl, was discovered somo years ngo, with
Its old underground workings, It Is llrmly be
lieved that one of the two lost mines had been
discovered. Now It seems probnblo that tho sec
ond uleo lm3 been locnted nnd In tho bolt Indi
cated In the ancient documents. Even If tho
second of the famous lost mlnos has ;iot been
discovered an antlgua mlno of great ngo has been
found, with proofs enough to Indicate that It has
not been worked for many years.
Tho discovery waa mado by John Gullfoylo, a
well-known pioneer mining prospector of Naco
zarl. When nut west of Nacozarl about ten miles
ho enmo across a piece of detached oro, which
ho picked up and examined. He spent many days
looking over the neighboring ledges In tho hopo
of coming across tho mother lode. But his search
was in vain. Meantime ho brought In tho sped
iueu of ore nnd was surprised to find thnt It ran
1,870 ounces of sliver to the ton, with good values
In gold. This assay ran bo high that ho returned'
to tho district and continued his soared, Whllo
using u steel in a crcok bottom ho found rock
almost at the surfuco. but continuing his sound
ings he suddenly Btruck a spot whero tho steel
rank several feet.
Gullfoylo knew that tho rock formation could
not have ended so nbruptly nnd ho began to ex
cavate. Ho uncovered a long cut in tho solid
rock of the creek bed which hold down stream
aud which could not have been cut there whon
the water was (lowing In tho present creok bed.
As ho progressed ho found old Btono Implements,
Including stono hammers, hatchets, nnd finally ho
came across a great ancient inatcta or stono bowl
In H'Ulch tho ancient workup pulverized the na
tive ores before smelting In their crui'-' dobo fur
naces. Later ho uncovered matetas, nil mado of
a hard (lint rock, which must havo been brought
Into tho district from n considerable distance, as
there Is no flint of this hardness near the mlno.
After pursuing bis work for several days, tho drift
in the. rock led Into tho oro lodgo, but tho old
workings were found to bo closed up solid with
Gullfoylo pursued his Investigation nnd found
under tho soil on tho creek upland tho romalns
of an old Blag dump. As Is customary with tho
prospectors In Sonorn, Gullfoylo at onco had this
Blag assayed. On nccount of the primitive meth
ods of Bracking employed by the ancient work
men the slug found on these old dumps Is usually
rich enough to bo worked over again In the mod
ern smelters, which leave nothing of value In tho
slag, but, strango to noto, in this case the slag
was found to be absolutely worthless, Indicating
thnt at this mine the pulverizing of tho ore had
assisted In the extraction of tho metal values
Tho antique smelters also knew a lot about tho
UBO- of certain chcmlcalti In the extraction of
metal from tho ore and nt thin mlno probably ono
of those processes was used In connection with
tho furnace only fragments of tho foundation of
which were found by excnvallon.
Tho finding of tho stono tools has caused con
Hldorablo Interest among thoso of an archaeolog
ical turn of mind. Tho Spaniards wwro exports
In tho manufacture of steel, eo that tho toolB were
not used by them. Tho supposition Is that an
Indian trlbf worked this mine and thnt this tribe
probably operated following tho Invasion and oc
cupation of the Spanish adventurers. It Is well
known that there Is a long gap between tho six
teenth nnd eighteenth conturlcs whero tho history
of Old Mexico nno thnt district now Including Ar
zona an'i New Mexico Is missing, probably bo
causo tho missionaries, finding that tho crown of
Spain robbed overy mine reported, ceased to
mako report of thorn. In 1720 the Indians killed
nil tho mlno workora In Sonora and Arizona and
many mines abnndoned nt that tlmo havo boon
lost to tho world Sonora has many mines which,
on opening, aro found to bo nntlguas nnd many of
them are very rich.
"My Httlo Kon, when nbout a year
end n half old, began to havo sores
como out on his face. I had n physi
cian treat him, but tho Bores grow
worse. Then they began to como out
on his nnns, then on other parts of
his body, nnd then ono camo on his
chest, worso thnn tho othors. Then I
called another physician. Still ho
Brow worso. At Uio end or nbout a
year nnd a half of Buffering ho grow
so bad thnt I hud to tto his hands in
cloths nt night to keop him from
scratching tho sores and toarlng tho
flesh. Ho got to bo a mero skoleton,
and was hardly ablo to walk.
"My nunt advised mo to try Cutl-
cura Soap and Cutlcurn Ointment. I
sent to n drug storo and got a cako of
Cutlcurn Soap nnd a box of tho OInt- .
inont nnd followed directions. At tho
end of two months the sores wero all
well. Ho has never had any sorcB
of nny kind olnco. I can sincerely say
that only for Cutlcura my child would
havo died. I used only ono cako of
Cutlcura Soap nnd about thrco boxes
or Ointment.
"I am a nurso nnd my profession
brings mo Into many different fam
ilies and it Is always a plcasuro tor
mo to toll ray story and recommend
Cutlcura Roraedles. Mrs. Egbort Shel
don, Litchfield. Conn., Oct. 23, 1009."
The Slmplo Shepherd!
A Cockney, whllo spending his holt
ays In tho Highlands, met an old
hepherd driving n Hock of sheep.
vVlshlng to show off n b't, ho said:
"Now, If I wero a shopherd I would
teach tho sheep to follow me."
"Oh, ayo," said tho shephord, "arid
I hlv nao doot yo wld mauago, for
If they, saw nnlthor sheep In front
they wld bo Btiro to follow." TIt-BIts.
Thero is no sorvico llKo his that
servos because ho loves. Sir Philip
Mrs. Wtnslovr's Soothing Sjrnp.
rnrctiM-ut'ii iwiniiiir. fW-nlnMnu,ri'UCCFftl!.
U-Ji.ajiiou,uli)tu..a,tLcuHiuJtoi,o. Xculkoj.
SelMovo Is tho only kind that puts
a matt In tho undertaker's hands.
P. I
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