ISw&V'tfiL J l i MR 1 II 1 I i.rtAi IV ti I .u, It' if if! (fci ' M M r The Chief C. B. HALE, Publisher . ' ' RED CLOUD, - NEBR - i i i i 111' U' i EPITOME OF EVENTS PARAGRAPHS THAT PERTAIN TO MANY SUDJECTO. ARE BHIEF BUT INTERESTING Record of Wlint Is Going on In Con gress, In Washington and Ip the Political Field. 1 Washington. Jolin I). ltoeluiollur, always liopular among the leoplo of Tnrrytown, N. Y., where ho lives, la nldlng to that popularity thl print; by IHh fondness fur taking his friends nnd neighbors nut driving. Not a pleasant daya gooB hy without tlie oil king Inviting somo of them, men, women nnd children, to ride with him in nutomoLlo or enr ilngo, and It Is safu to sny that tho In vitatlomi mo Bcldom declined, for IiIh vehicles me thu host to bo had, nnd tho drives around Tarrytown aro beau Uful. Mr. Rockefeller, boforo starting for a tide, always dons a paper vest, declaring It a threat protection asalnut coldH, nnd ho Insists that tils guests do the name. After tho rldo ho roliihos to take bark tho garments, and con HOfiucntly In nearly every home In Tar rytown may bo found a papor vest pre nerved as a souvenir or n delightful lldu with tho multi-millfonalrc. Attorney General Wlcltersham do ellncd to Keud to the scnato, In io sponse to the resolution Introduced by Mr. Smith of Carolina, Information in connection with his investigation Into tho alleged pooling in cotton. Tho statu department returned to (lovcrnor Shnlleubergor tho extradi tion papers which he forwarded with tho request that tho stato dopartmont tako stops to return to Nobraska Thomas P. Shlromnn who Is n fugi tive from Justice in Calgary, Canada, and la wanted In Kolth county on n charge of obtaining money under falso pretensos. Governor Shnllun borgor's request for oxtradltlon was forwarded through Sonntor Ilrown. The house Judiciary commltteo re Iorted favorably n resolution offered by Representative- Craig (dom.) Ala- bamn, calling on tho attorney gen eral for Information concerning tho prosecution by tho dopnrlmcnt or Jus tlco of tho allcegd "pool" la cotton. Tho exchango of ratifications of tho trenty of Jnnuary 11, 1909, between tho United States nnd Great Britain, known as tho International waterways treaty, was announced by tho state department. This treaty was approved by the United States sonata on March 3, 1U09. A rato readjustment Is bolng mado by all lntcrstato carriers In tho ter ritory btewcen tho Mississippi river and tho Atlantic seaboard. Tho routes, Included aro tho watcr-nnd-rail, as well as tho standard and dif ferential lines. It Is understood tho Increased rates will become offectlvo about July 1. General. The county treasurer nt Seattle forced tho Seattlo Electric company to pay up $ 1C7.CO0 or delinquent taxos by seizing 12 of Its cars. The sundry civil bill carrying an appropriation or $111,819,211, was re ported to tho house. Carrying an aggregato appropria tion of $211,000,000. tho postofllco ap propriation bill was passed by the 2tinto after forty minutes' considera tion. An Imperative edict at Peking sum mons tho national nssombly to meet October 3 nnd nnnounco3 tho appoint ment of ninety-six mombers repre senting nil classes. Commander Robert 13. Peary has accepted nn Invitation to lecture before the Royal Geographical society of Antwerp. Two companies or mllltla that have been gunrdlng tho Dunzcn Conl com pany's mlno No. 2, nt Wcatvlllp, III., were taken to Danville to bo bold un der Sheriff Holmlck'B orders. Eight special deputleu nro standing guard nt tho initio. Tho International & Great Nortliorc rallrond Is to bo so'd un.lor foreclosure to satisfy tho claims of tho holders or cccond mortgage bonds, aggregating $12,1G5,G1G.G0. Tho dnto or tho sale will bo llxcd later. One hundred sociologists, land own ers nnd men and women Interested in tho bnck-to-thc-farm movement, at tended tho Hrst general meeting for thu promotion of tho national farm homes association at St. I.ouls. A soaking rain fell over a good pnrt of Nebraska. Insurgent senators, after a confer ence, dcclnrod they will not be swerved from their course. Regulnr trips wero started on the -Missouri rlvor by a cargo steamer. In Icbb than fifteen minutes tlmo Uio sennto considered and passed the pension appropriation bill carrying about 1155,000.000. Near'y two hundred miners are bo lloved to have boon killed by nn ex plosion In an Alabama mlno. Many Iowa manufacturing plants will closo within a fow days unless the mines resume work Boon. Flvo 'Hunrcd ppoplo nro reported killed nnd n town In Nicaragua de stroyed by nn carthquako. Crop da-nso roports from nil pnrti of tho country gavo wheat nt Chi cago n not ndvnnco. Roosevelt delivered his Noblo prize liftmen at Chrlntlnla. i -r,'L,--.--Ji,.-M-1tt rfr,- r'tTWi i itfJiTi rirnflriWrTPHHP ""' '""" The Now York Stock oxchange will no closed for two hours on Prldny, Mny 20, during tho funoral of King Edward. Montreal exporters fear a grain fnm Ino nt Hint port, owing to tho refusal of Mnnltobn grain men to market Inst year's crop for Ices than 99 cents. Advices received nt Guayaquil state that tho Peruvian government has Bin tloncd 100,000 men along tho frontier to resist invasion. Millers' reports of tho abandonment of wheat fields makes wheat at Chi cago turn sharply upward. King Edward VII died nt Rucking hnm Palace, London, after nn Illness of nbout one week, with pneumonia or complicated throat trouble. AH Eng land mourns for tho beloved ruler, and from all over tho British cmplro nnd other countries condolences poured In. Edward Is succeedoJ by his second oldest son, the Prince of Wales. Tho French minister or marines has ordered that all ships or the Fronch navy carry their Hags nt hair mast until nfter tho funeral of King Edward. The department of Justice nt Wash ington has begun Its crusade ngnlust tho buckctshops of tho country. It would be criminal to snciillco the ludlvlluallty or tno Independent party with n cloao alllanco with cither domorrats or republicans, In the opinion or W. R. Hearst. Max Berbuhm. thu writer and critic, and Miss Florence Knhn, an Ameri can actress, whoso homo Is In Mem phis, Tenn., were man led In London. Tho sundry civil appropriation bill will contn'n nn Item or $50,000 to en ablo tho department of Justice to con tinue tho Investigation nnd prosecu tion of sugar customs frauds. Thu king's bench In London con firmed the lower court's order for ex tradition of Frank Matusio, wanted for alleged forgery In St Louis. Approximately C.000 trainmen nnd conductors employed on tho lines or tho New York Central cast of Huston will receive wage lucrenscs nvoruidng 30 per cent. Tho demand of tho administration for two new balt'oshlps will be grant ed, the senate commltteo on naval affairs having practically decided to accept the provision or tho house bill on this subject. Tho federal government will con struct n wireless station at Omaha. The house passed a bill providing that Indian lands near Falls City in Richardson county,- Neb., bo Included In tho Nemaha river drainage im provement now being made. After twelve years tho Ill-fated bat tleship Maine Is to bo removed from Havana harbor and the bodies which went down with tho vessel and will bo Interred In tho national cemetery nt Arlington. . The Minnesota democratic state convention will bo held In Mlnno npolls July 23. Tho National Conservation congress will not bo held In St. Louis In August. J. 13. White, chairman of the executive commltteo or tho congress, has announced that Theodore Roose velt will nddress the congress. A Nlenrnugun citizen hn3 written the American consul that cruelties nro being practiced In Nlcnragua. Mayor McCarthy Is trying to show that San Francisco Is tho proper place for n Pannma exposition. There Is n disposition or tho houso committee to hold back tho postal sav ings bnnk bill. Tho tomb or Edward VII will be be neath the memorial chapel at Wind sor. Nearly a thousand bodies hnvo boon taken from the carthquako ruins nt Curtngo, Costa Rica. Fifteen people wore killed nnd fifty Injured by nn explosion near tho town or Hull, Quebec. Tho senate Judiciary commltteo lias reported favorably a bill to aid thu states bordering on Lnkc Michigan to break up gambling on specially chart fcorod boats along tho coast. Personal. Georgu V was publicly proclaimed King or Groat Britain. Former Stato Printer Mark Slater was sentenced to four years In tho .Ohio penitentiary. Mr. Roosevelt may bo designated a special ambassador to attend tho fu neral of King Edward. A warrant wa3 Issued for tho ar rest of Joseph G. Armstrong, director of tho department or public works in tho city or Pittsburg, charging him with rorgory, perjury nnd talso pre tenses. Slgnor Marconi has completed tho reconstruction or tho wlrelo3s station at Glace bay and Is now enrouto to Montreal. Orvlllo Wright has denied that ho )r his brother will attempt nn no o piano flight from Dayton to Ciicagn. Governor James O', Dav dson of Wisconsin, It Is authoritatively an nounced, will not bo n candidate lor renomlnatlon as governor or for any other office. Provident Taft baa sent to the sen ato the nomination of William H. Davis to be postmaster at Pittsburg, Pa. Gompors says ho Is not trying to form a new party, but wants farmers to bo non-partisan. Turning Hawk, an Omaha Indian, saw the comet soventy-flvo yoars ago when ho wns u young man. Thirty-two awards of medals ror acts or heroism woro mado by the Carneglo hero fund commission at Its spring meeting. Secretary Wilson promised Senatoi Burkett ho would loo kinto tho hog cholera situation In Nebraska. Senators Cummins nnd Dolllvcr A'ero In Iowa to open tho campaign or progressive republicans THEY ARE ALL OUST NEBRASKA GIRLS AND BOYS EN TER CONTE3T0. . FOUR T.IOUSANO PARTICIPANTS State Superintendent Bishop Tells of the Spirit Animating Youth of Nebraska, Stato Superintendent Bishop ro ports that instead or 1.0C0 boys and girls taking part In tho agricultural nnd cooking contests, nn was expect ed, 4,000 will participate. Reports or the participants for April nro now coming Into his ofllco. He snys of the contests: "Wo organized this yenr what 13 known as tho homo experiment do pnrtment or tho Nebraska Boys' nnd Girls' club. This provides ror dollnlto work to bo carried out nt the homes of tho members, especially during the Bummer vacation months. "Tho work of tho bojs has six di visions: Tho "car to row" experi ment with corn; ncro contest with com; husking contest; "slzo of seed ploco" experiment with potatoes; ncro contest with potatoes nnd sweet pea cullutc. "Tho girls handle problems In do mestle science. The work In cook cry Includes somo or tho best meth ods for cooking nnd toning nutri tious foods, canning and preserving oi some of tho fruits In season each month, the Btudy of bacteria nnd molds and the preservation of fooJs. It also includes butter making. Tho work In sowing Includes tho study and practice or tho eight fundamental stitches, their use In making articles which aro necessary and useful to tho girl. Sweet pea culture is also n part of the girls' work this year. "In all this work report blanks aro sent to thoso enrolled nnd they nro required to make a dellnlto report each month on tho work done. "In organizing tho work It was tho Intention to Interest only 1,000, but tho membership applications have come In so rapidly thnt a total or nbout 1,000 will be reached.. Theso young people vary In ago from ten to twenty-one years, and are scat tered all over tho state. They Includo pupils of rural, town and city schools. "Reports of the April work are now coming In. With tho boys, tho re porta deal with tho germination test for the corn they aro planting, nnd with tho planting of potatoes under "size of seed piece" experiment. "The girls are reporting on the first monthB work In sowing and cooking. This Includes tho making of Chlneso muffins and cocoa, and In sewing tho first four of tho eight fundamental stitches with samples of the running stitch, over-casting, basting and hem. mlng. "Tho work in sowing for Mny In cludes overhandlng and tho making or an apron rrom directions given. "In cooking, during Mny, the girls will practice on pot roasts, brown gravy and dumplings." Memorial Day Order. In nccordnnco with tho usual ens--om, the comrades or the department of Nebraska, United Spanish war vet erans, will observe memorial day, Monday, May 30. No greater honor can bo done than to place a garland or wreath upon the last resting placo or thoso who offered their lives In defense of tho country's Hag. It la proper at this tlmo to recollect tho vnluo of tho lessons of patriotism taught by tho soldier dead, and to recall to mind tho glorl,ous results or their services to the nation. Thereroru, as department com mander, I request every comrndo to faithfully observe tho day by placing a flower upon tho grave of all Span ish wnr soldiers. Tho observance of this dny In cludes that of atteudanco or dlvlno service tho Sunday preceding memo rial day. I.ot ovcry nctlon brcatho tho spirit or fraternity. By order of E. II. PHELPS, Dcpt. Commnnder. HARRY F. M'GURLEN, Dopt. Adjt. Permit to Issue Stock. Tho stato rnllwny commission gavo tho Paxton and Sutjierlnnd Telo phono company authority to Issue $2, GOO of Btock for reconstruction nnd extensions. Permission was also giv en tho Elk Valley Tolephono com pany of Emerson to Issuo $7,500 In stock Tor tho aamo purpose. Want Candy Rato Reduced. GIMen & Boncy, an incorporated candy manufacturing firm of Lincoln, havo entered a formal complaint ngalnst nil tho railroads in tho stato with the railway commission. Candy Is now classified as first class freight. Tho first class rato Is unreasonably high, assert tho complainants. They want the rato reduced to third class. A State Fair Attraction. Following a hitch in the nogotla tlons with Glenn Curtlss ror a aones or neroplnno flights at tho next stato fair tho board of agrlculturo took up communication with tho Wright brothers nnd havo received a lottor stating thnt tho famous neroplnno In ventors nnd drivers would put on four flights ovory dny during the fnlr. Tho board regards Itself as lucky In securing those men, who nro pioneers in tho art or flying nnd who hnvo a wider reputation than any of their competitors. ASSESSMENTS MADE. Railroad Property of State Given At tentlon. The State Board of Assessment ns scsBcd the rallrond property of tho Ietnie without n speech having been made by nny railroad tnx ngent. Tho Increase over the vnluntlon last year Is $1,101,392. Tho lncrcaso Is con fined to tho Chicago, St. Paul, Minne apolis & Omaha and the Kearney, Central City nnd North Plntto branch es of tho Union Pacific. This makes tho 'total full value of nil rallrond prorerty In tho Btnto $273,893,217. Tho governor wns nbsont, being out of tho city. Thoso present wero Brian, Cowlcs, Junkln nnd Bnrton. After nn Informal discussion the board con cluded to make tho nsscssment nt once, nnd this was done. Tho voto was unanimous. No other railroad valu ation In tho stato was changed. A. W. Scrlbnor or the Union Pacific reached tho state house Just n mo mont nfter tho work had been con eluded, en did not get to dcllvor his speech. Tho following tablo showt Uio chnnges: Value Per Mile. Union Pnclllc 1909. Kcnrncy branch ...$32,877 Central City branch 31.GG7 North Platte branch $17,500-20.000 St. Paul, M. & 0 41.112 1910. $12,900 31,700 25,000 41,450 Tito action of the Stato Board of Assessment marks tho shortest tlmo on record thnt any Nebraska boaid ever completed tho valuation of this class of property. Heretofore It has been tho custom of tho assessing board to listen to addresses or rail road tax agents nnd spend many weeks In consideration or tho quen tlon. So far ns the present board Is concerned it nrrivej nt tho con elusion that It could fix the valuntlon of tho property Just ns well on tho reports mado as It could by listening to the tnx ngonts rcclto their plena for n reduction. In the afternoon tho board mot aunln nnd ndded to the Burlington tho 9.S miles of new road from Lincoln to Denton. This wn3 vnlued nt $25,000 a mile, which increases the total valu ation that much. Lighting Plant Not Profitable. At the meeting of the Nebraska Stato Electrical association, President Scoutt or the County Electric Light nnd Water company, asserted that the city or Lincoln lost about $3,000 during tho last year on Its lighting plant and at thnt no estimated loss Is given for deprecintlou of property. Sito for Goose Farm. An enterprising capitalist who wants tho Lincoln Commercial club to furnish him tho sito for a goose farm Bomowhero around this city has submitted a financial prospectus In detail. In It ho shows how nn Invest ment of $000 can bo mado to produce returns of $339,7C0 In three yenrs, time. Apportions School Money. Stato Superintendent Bishop bns certified to tho state auditor tho amount of money to bo apportioned to the various countlcB of the stato, derived from tho forest rcsorvo fund. Tho totnl amount distributed amount ed to S2.817.31, involving a total acre age of GS9.002.93. National Guard Rifle Contest. Adjutant General Hartlgan has Is sued an order dlrectiug that tho stato competitive rlflo and revolver shoot of the Nebraska national guard shall bo held at the stato range at Ashland commencing Monday, July 18. The Postmasters' Meeting. It Is probablo that tho next conven tion of Nebraska postmasters will bo held In Omaha. This was tho senti ment oxpresscd by most of the mom bora or tho executive committee, which mot at the Lincoln hotel to which mot at the Lincoln hotel re cently. Tho convention this year will bo held In Lincoln. Sentenced to Prison. Axel Johnson, who served flvo yeara In tho United States navy, and who afterwards eluded federal offi cers for two years nfter being arrest ed for passing confederate money on unsuspecting people, wns sentenced to three and a half yeara In Uio foil eral prison at Fort Leavouworth by Judge T. C. Mungor. Dr. Walker Gets License Back: Tho stnto bonrd of health mot nnd reinstated Dr. I). 0. Walker of Llnd sny na a practicing physician. Dr. Wnlkor wns charged soveral years a?o with performing criminal oper ations nnd his license was revoked bj tho stato board. Permission to Increase 8tock. Tho rnllwny commission has given permission to tho Farraors' Tole phono company of Dodgo county to Increaso Its capital stock from $20,. 000 to $2G,000 for tho purpose or pay ing for extensions and new Hues. Better Railroad Depots. Tho Northwestorn railroad com pany has Informed tho rnllwny com mission that It will mako Improve ments In Its depot buildings nt Plerco nnd Plalnvlow. An Informal complaint had boon filed ngalnst tho dopot facili ties at Pierce. Tho Rock Island rail road has complied with complaint nsk iuuu nun iuuiintu ...... v...,, ........ ..o.- Ing that telephones bo Installed at tho dopot nt Richfield, Papllllon nni SnrlngHeld. Tho Missouri Pnclflo and tho Union Pacific roads havo not yet boon heard from In regard to tho mat ter. HlmMltf M'tfi)1 iif 'y- THE FACTIONS HIE AGREEMENT ON THE LONG AND 8H0RT HAUL CLAUSE. EACH SIDE CLAIMS A VICTORY Sudden Welding Together of Opposing Forces Bewildering to Thoso Not on Inside Voto Is One-Sided. Washington, D. C By a sudden welding late Friday of supposedly Ir roccncllnhlo factions, the tcnato, by a voto of 0G to 10, adopted n compro mlse amendment to tho railroad hill for the regulation of relative charges j for long nnd short hauls. Tho agree ment was reached chiefly for the rca fon that each radon npiurentlj thought It was getting tho better or a throwdly-drlveu bargain. Somo ecna tors suggest thnt tho supremo courl may have to arbitrate tho question nt to which taction's Judgment Is right As ndopted, the now provision itrlkcs out or section Tour or the In terstate commerco laws "under sub stantially Blmllar circumstances and conditions," and also eliminates the proviso of that section nnd amend? the section eo as to mnko It read tu follows: "Section 4 That It phall bo unlaw ful for any common carrier subject to the provls'ons of this act to charge or receive any greater compensation In the nggregate for the transporta tlon of passengers, or of like kind or property, for a shorter than for a longer dlstanco over tho same line or routo In the same direction, the short er being Included within tho longer distance, cr to charge nny greater compensation ns n through route than the aggregate of tho local rates. But this shall not he construed as author izing any common carriers within tho terms cf this act to charge or receive as great compensnt'on ror a shorter as for a longer distance. "Provided, however, that the Inter state commerco commission may, from Its knowledge, or from informa tion or upon application, ascertain that the circumstances of the long haul aro dissimilar to tho circum stances nnd conditions of the short haul wiiether they result from com petition by water or rail. Then It may authorize a common carrier to charge less for the Icnger than for the shorter distance for tho trans portation of passengers or property. But In no event shall the authority be granted unless the commission is satisfied that nil or the rates Involved are just and reasonable and not un justly discriminatory, nor duly prcror cntlal or prejudicial. "And provided, rurther, that no rates or charges lawhilly existing nt the time of tho passage of thlB man datory act shall be required to bs changed by reason of the provisions of this sectlrn prior to tho explratlrn of six months after this act, nor in ary case where application shall have been filed before the commission In accordance with the provisions of th's section, until a determination of such application Is mado by tho commls slon." Of tho fifty-six votes In favor of the amendment, twenty-two were given by rcpubl'can senators who have opposed tho Insertion of any lcrg anl short haul provision in the rallr-ad bill thirteen by democrats chiefly Insurgents. The negative voto was cqunlly di vided between republicans and demo crats. Hclds Strike Is Illegal. Moston, Mass. An Important deci sion In favor of "open shop" as affect Ing the construction of building. was given by Judge Rugg In the supreme court In granting nn Injunction re straining a "building trust" and n number or labor unions rrom Interfer ing with L. P. Soulo Sons & Co., con tractors. Soule & Co. maintain an open shop and started last winter to construct ono of tho largest wool warehouses In tho world In South Boston. A union called n strike on tho building nnd the owners sought to terminate tho contract with thq Soulo firm becauso the work was bo lng delayed. The court decided that tho iitrlko was Illegal nnd the contxnc) must not terminate. Arrival of Uncle of King. London. King George's uncle, the. Duke of Connnught, accompanied by tho Duchess of Connnught, arrived In Londcn Friday cvonlng from their African trip. They wero met nt tho station by tho king nnd Queen Mary nnd tho royal party Immediately drovo to Buckingham palace, whero tho body of King Edward lies. Tho coffin was opened to give his brother a last view of tho body. The casket rests In tho center of tho throne room, which presents tho appearnuco of a richly adorned private chapel. Young Bandits In Custody. Phoenix, Ariz. When SherlfT Carl Hayden arrived hero Friday, having in custody Ernest and Oscar Wood son, tho Maricopa train robbers, It was learned that Ernest, the younger brother, was almost famished fcr . . ... IM ' want of water when tho sheriffs po3se camo upon thorn. He appealed to the sheriff for water nnd both boys sur rendered wltbciit orfcrlng resistance Tho two young bandits cnrrled a rlflo, four rovolvers and two bowle knives. ANOTHER WOMAN CUED ByLydiaE.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Black Duck. Minn "Atmnf. o VM. ago I wrote you that I was sick and couiu not do any of my housework. My t-ickness was called retroflexion. When I would sit down 1 felt ns if I could not POt 11 . X t.nnlr .LydlaE. Pinklmm'a v ego en mo com pound nnd did just as you told mo and now 1 am perfectly cured, nnd have a litrr tinl.n 1.. ) tz. a"'. ;";"-?"'".." "uiV. . Duck, Minn. Consider This Advice. Xo woman should submit to a surgi cal operation, which may mean death, mtil Mio has Riven Lydiu 12. Pinkham's vegetable Compound, made exclusive ly fiom roots and herbs, a fair trial. This famous medicine for women has for thirty years proved to bo the most valuable tonic and invigoratorof tho femalo organism. Women resid ing in almost every city nnd town in tho United States bear willing testi mony to the wondurful virtue of Lydia E. rinkham's Vegetable- Compound. It cures femalo ilK nnd creates radi ant, buoyant femalo health. If you aro ill, for your own sako as well an thoso you lore, glvo it a trial. Mrs. PInlclinni, nt Lynn, Mnss., invites nil sick women to writo her for nd vice. Her advice ia free, und always helpful. Information. Census Taker What is your color? Sweet Young Thing Gcoi go says It Is peaches and cream. Get Some Free Land In Colorado. Rich soil, fine climate. Write W. F. Jones, 750 Majestic Bldg., Denver, Colo., for full particulars. Exercise Good for It. Asked tho progressive woman oi the beauty culturlst: "Don't you think women should exercise tho suffrage?" "Certainly. My method will Increase It two Inches." Puck. Something Visible. "Show mo somo tlaraB, please. 1 wnnt ono for my wife." "Yes, sir. About what price?" "Well, nt such n prlco that I enn sny: 'Do you see thnt woman with tho tiara? She is my wifo.' " Out of the Race. Because of the general scrapping match between tho vailous cities as to who shall hnvo tho honor or tho Nntlonnl or International Congress of Aviators, Washington nnd Baltimore have both withdrawn from tho whole business. A Divided Tamlly. Tho bright ulx-ycar-old daughter of a physician happened Into his recep tion room tho other day and a wait ing woman patient engaged her in cou ersatlon. "I suppose you go to church and Sunday school?" sho asked. "Oh, yes, ma'am," she replied. "And what denomination do yonr parents belong to?" "Why," said tho little one, "mnra nn'a a Presbyterian and papa's a ptomach spccla.lbt." Benefit in Outdoor Schools. Speaking before tho National Asnocl ntion for tho Study nnd Prevention of Tuberculosis recently, Dr. Henry Far num Stoll of Hartford, Conn., said: "Every city should havo one or more such Institutions for nil delicate, so called scrofulous or anncmlc children, nnd thoso with tuberculosis of tho bones, who nro now In ordlnnry schools. Doctor Stoll dcclnred thnt twenty to forty por cont. of school children In lnrge cities nro Infected with tuberculosis. By tho uso of tu wan ascertained that 79 per cent, or the children rrom tuberculous homes wero Infected ns against only 20 per ceut. of thoso from supposedly healthy homes. It was also round that no per cent, or the frail children from healthy homos had the germs of tho dlseneo, but that only 13 per cent, of tho robust children rrom similar homes wero Ihus affected. A dear brain and Steady, dependable nerves Can win wealth and fame For their owner. Clear headedncss and a Strong, healthy body Depend largely on the Right elements in Regular food and drink. Coffc; contains caffeine A poisonous drug. Postum is rich in the Gluten and phesphates that Furnish the vital enerpv That puts "ginger" and "hustle" Into body and train. "There's a Reason" hi'i'Vlksttinr", J.-. 1 1 ' rt . . If ' " 4f' Y