m TJ" v' 1MWIPWHWJM M I i I) I Save Come In, See One and Take Advantage of this Great Opportunity. GEO. TRINE, Agent. RED CLOUD, NEBR. rder te Show Cause. Hlntoof NclirnHka, I in the County Court; WciMtur County, f At a County Court helil at tho County Courtroom In anil fur nail county Tuesday. Atareh fflth., A. !.. 1010. In tli matter n( tlio (Mtaleoi .lley II. Ilnr . ..-.. i OS readlnc "d ' tu lUlltni "' Noah I K. Harvey Hied on thaKlth day f Mnrcli A. I).. 11)10, praying lor ma obiiiiiiiiuuh - 1 . ... 1.1. final Mf-fillltlt flf 111 f I HHII1U IIIWHIIV III 111. ItMUl .vw.... " j data, a decree ol ntulgiuuenl "I the la""" - , liinglr gliiCtnaalil estate tolho persons entitled i. -... ....i tt.nn. ttiu.ti nti oritur tt Is .--." - - .. toUieaamc. and there upon an oritur .us- . okiikiikii. That Tuesday the mm day tiff April A. l. ibid, nt mm u'eioek p. in., in an-' aiKtiitl far hcariiiit wild putltlon when nil j persona interested In hUI matter tuny an-' pcur at a County Court to Ih held In and lor Mild county and hIuiw eaiwa why prayer ol petitioner Hliould not lie uraiited; and that Motlco ol the pendency ot naut pel lion .urn , , if hearlm;. I. v. Kdson (when tho physical processes of our (ski.) CoimtyJudi;e. frames are left to discharge their , Notice of Incorporation of the Am!oy Telephone Company. Int. The name, ol thN corporation nball hi) tho Amlxiy Telephone Company. 2nd. The principal place ol trausiictln (he business ol this corporation Hhall ho Webittr County. Nebraska and the rehldence tlho president ot tho corporation Miall he Oui olllce ror.UiCitr.iimetlou ol nuslniwi mi loss otherwise ordered hy the hoard ot direct urn. :inl. The general nature of the business to I m transacted by thN corporation shall ho i iiecoiiitriicUiiK. bulldliiu, owuliiK. leasliiK , site, mid Hclllni,', etc. of Telephone and tele graph lines, nriiilrliiK and selling rltfhts In ioulral exuhniiKtii. etc. and all such othor fiitiotloiisas are neceisary for curryln on (ho business of the transmission ol news and mcssiiKcs local and turn; distance for It im'iuncrs'auil the public in ueucrai. io ac lulre and disposed! property, real and per gonal as may he necessary for the transact ion of the .said husducsn, Ith. Theauthorlcd cnpltal stock of this orporiitlon shall he 1000.00 divided Into vharcs of iM.OO each to he Issued one hhare to 'ach of tho signers of this corporation lusrce incut. In consideration of their surreuderiiiK to mild corporation all their rllit, title nud Interest In tho co-partnership now known as the Authoy Telephone Company and one Miaro to each of the other memlicrs ol sum s'o-piirtnerhhlp, The Amhoy Telephone Com pany In consideration of their transferiiig to K-ild corporntlou all their right and title in said co-partnership. The remaining shares in lie treasury stock In lie disposed of as tho Iwmnl of dlrietors may designate (or the heuellt of said corporation. r 1 1 1 . The time of the commencement ,of this corporation shall be April Mil. I'.lIU and H Nlmll continue for the poriod ol Di) years. iith. The highest amount of Indebtedness -or liability to which this corporation shall at uuy tluui subject Itself shall not exceed . 'J) lrieiit par value of tho paid up stock, Issued mid outstanding. 7th, The hiihluct ol this corporation shall lx. conducted by n txiard ol directors, not to jneeed live In nuinbur who shall he elected -uuually from nud by the stockholders. V lirt-xltlcnl, vice-president, secretary uml treasurer to he selected from and by llicald Ixiard of diiectors. .suUsciihcd and sworn to this .1th. la of .April 1910, .1. 11. Klllngcr. I'.S. Krlshle. lleo. i:. 1 aw. 1). M.Cockrall. A. II. Ilrlght. Tuko your apcciuule ease to New siotiho Bros. They will put your initials uti it, free of uliurgu CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND BRAND 7r, a.7"a 1M.:!I.M lilt AMI I'lj.I.H, for twenty-flvtj years regarded ns Jtest, Safest, Alway Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS TIMl? EVERYWHERE Skd ritiuu jSiM3fV!n. .t !?.. j3Sim CoV l& & "". w -- ii trc . !' v ii -- "j; A.k jour IiriiKlt for CIIJ-CtlKR-TER'S A DIAMOND 1IKAN1) I'JU.H in Krt! nnd Hold metallic boKCi, scaled with I)lue? Kitllmn. Takr no OTlir.n. Hiif oFjourVV $25 to BEATRICE CREAM SEPARATOR SKIMMING CAPACITY 500 Pounds PER HOUR Oilier Sizes al Oilier Prices The Best Separator Ever Sold a.t nny Prico Surpasses all others in Efficiency, Simplicity and -Durability Absolutely Guaranteed by the BEATRICE CREAMERY CO. Lincoln, Nbr. Fun Sam:: Two typewriter good us now, oiio "iiiith Premier and one Rem ington. Inquiroat this oillcc. SHOULD NOT READ AT MEALS ,. Many Reasons Why the Habit Is In- Jurious an Well as Unman IIWIIi nerly. Tno nabt of readng iju uuuii ui reauinc ai mca:s is to conr1omnH ., mnp nnrttn,ar, f "! whfn the reader endeavors t0 Btt,n knowlodge and to save time at hlo meals. Tho solitary reader, if ho reads, should only read what Is nBht and amuBing. The common )iraotlce of having the morning paper ftt our breakfast table Is not csDecIal- ,nJurlouB aB t fllrnahoa omR fnr particular- Bhould dlscon- a host worK rreo from nervous trammels. It is on mo Frrounn or the elevation or Bplrlts producod by cheerful associa tion with others that pleasant com pany at meals has always formed a condition of soclnl enjoyment. The stimulus to nervoun activity which Is thus given acts benoflclally on tho di gestive powors, Just as the man who Is haraasod, worried and ezcltod will not bo likely to digest or eat a satis factory meal. Family Doctor. Unwritable English. "Did you know that there is at least ono sentence in English that can be spoken, but that it is Impossible to write?" nskod a Cambrldgo university dou. "Yes, It's correct Emrllsh. I buddobo. and then again it isn't. Here Is the sentence, although I vow I don't know how you aro going to wrlto it: 'Thero are three twos in the English lauguago.' You see, If you spell two, t-w-o, tho sentenco is incorrect, as it Is If you spell it either 'too' or 'to.' Catch the point? Really it is Incorrect to say It, although It certainly should bo possible to oxpross the thought. This thing has set mo going, and it simply goes to Bhow what a tanglo the English languago is. There cer tainly is a word 'two' and a word 'too' and another 'to,' and they are all throe pronounced alike two, too, or to which makes it correct to say: "Thore aro threo twos,' or 'threo toos,' or 'three tos' In tho English languago. Hut what's the use?" Would-Be Clceros Take Notice. Unless a man can speak offhand, ho ought not to engago In tho Cicero busi ness. Beyond all things, he should never read his Bpeech from manu script. It's like n pailful of icowator in tho faco of nn audlenco. It would be wiser, hotter, to havo it printed In tho papers and lot the audlenco read It. In bucIi caso, since a word loss Patrick Henry has IUb homo In evory breast, each of us would furnish what flash and flro tho manuscript- reading "orator" leavos out, and so save tho lattor's credit while multiply lng tho weight of his words. This I throw In for tho good of those who aro to como aftor, and In tho hope of subtracting from what number of rostrum manuscripts aro waiting to be read. Alfred Henry Lewis, In Hu man Life. "Aunt Arle." In otio of tho districts of southern Franco a bell is heurd to ring on Christmas morning, which announces tho arrival or "Aunt Ario," a beauti ful bolng, who Is tho especial guardian nnd patroness of children. She Is tho declared enemy of Idleness, and pun iahes It by soino mischievous trick; but those who have behaved well may rejolco on hearing hor boll, for it tolls them that in some room of the house is to be found n store of presents and delicacies as rewards for good children. $40 $50.00 9IED AS HE HAS FORESEEN Curious Premonition of Coming End That Took Possession of Con necticut Man. A peculiar caso of a man foreseeing death and Inviting his friends to a farewell mooting occurred at South Norwnlk, Conn., tho other day. Friends of John Gi Hoffman, a retired manu facturer, who lived alone, received a summons fiom him. savinir that he would like to see them. They went to tho houso and found tho old man awaiting mem. Tiioy observed tnat ho had swept the walks, tidied up tho rooms, dusted tho furniture and everything as nent as could be. "You aro all dressed up, John; what is thnt for?" ho was asked. "Yes, I'm going on a journey," the old man replied. "I want to leave tho homo in good con dition and look well myself, too." Then ho told them ho had a premonition he was going to die. Ho said he was not ill, but that ho suddenly had be como cognizant of the fact that his end was approaching swiftly. His friends became much impressed as he took a chair and settled himself in a comfortable position, meantime bid ding each o'f them farewell. They ob served that ho closed his eyes and took it for granted he was wearied by the exertions' of preparing the house for their reception. After ten minutes n lifelong friend stepped forward and laid his hand on tho old man's shoulder. There was no response. Ho was dead. CARRIES HIS OWN WELCOME Man of Sweet Disposition Finds Friends Everywhere, While Sour One Is Shunned. The preacher said there Is no place In heaven for sour Deoole: nor Is there really any placo on earth; but there aro some people who too often insist upon occupying auch a place. They wouldn't if they knew how little they wero liked. A person may show sor row and feel the pressure of a gloom upon his heart, but to bo sour, crab bed, Ill-natured, Is to express a phaso of disposition that Is extremely dis tasteful, If not dlsguBUng. To bo sour is to find fault with ev erybody excopt oneself. It Is tho worst sldo of eeotiam. It is beinir mad at tho world. Nobody enjoys being that way. It Is punishing oneself In order to ovoko sympathy, but It never work3. Nobody ceres for a sour person. Ono fools more like kicking him if it wore lawful to do so. The opposite of this spleenful con dlUon of soul Is sweetness of dispo sitiona kindly temper turned toward tho world. Such a disposition Is worth a ton of gold. A man can do moro business with It, make more friends, create morn hnnnlnesH nnd Innnrn linn- plor homes than ho can with almost any other grace. Tho genial man Is always welcome. He Is like a flower, a streak of sunshine, the song of a bird ho is in harmony with the beauty and Joy of all things. Asbestos Slates. Asbestos slates, It Is claimed, aro as hard and as strong as the natural slates, and can, therefore, bo laid on wall or roof construction without any wooden laths being necessary. They aro very easily worked, and can bo uoreu, naued and cut Just llko wood, without any danger of splitting. They form a fireproof covering for inside and outsido wooden walls, aro valu able for insulation work of all kinds, evon for oleotrical purposes; aro of groat use In building railway car riages as Insulating material under tho seats, for use in postal telegraph work for insulating tho swltchos; for covering Iron and wooden construe Uons; for use na flteproof doors for closing off' slnglo rooms In stores, warehouses, etc.; for lining wooden doora and for covering walls and ceil ings of all kinds so as to protect them from Are, hoat, cold, dampness, dis ease, germs and vermin. CLING TO ANCJENT METHODS Many Egyptian Farmers To-Day Use Tools Such as Ancestors Had Centuries Ago. "One of the curious sights in tho Egyptian harvest season is a modern threshing mnchine noisily working in a flold adjoining that in which u na tive thresher is treading out tho grain," said a Chlcagoan, who has made n tour of tho world in tho inter ests of American farming implements. The brown-skinned tiller of tho soil, clad In his flowing robes of white or tho favored dull blue and yellow com bination sitting on tho high sent of the crude thresher, which Is dragged over tho fields by a yoke of patient camols or perhaps a camel and n donkey or n cotiplo of buffalo cows, uppenrs to the stranger who sees this for the first time llko the principal actor In a sceno worked out by an Ingenious mind for stage effect. "The natlvo plow In Egypt Is sim ply tho forked portion of a tree or two pieces Joined together and smoothed off, a primitive contrivance which may still bo seen In use by Cuban farmers. Tho thresher Is a sledge-like affair fitted with round crushers of wood or iron and weighted down from the top. The grain Is crushed into the ground and when gathered up it Is mixed with lumps of mud, but it is said that never n kernol of it is lost or wasted. "American farming machinery may ho found in the rcmostest parts of the world and where loast expected. In what manner it gets there I could not ascertain. The natives could not en lighten me." MARINERS' FEARS OF FOGS Numerous Safeguards Devised for Protection Against Dire Peril of the Ocean. Probably the greatest menace to tho safety of navigation at soa is tho fog. Modern steamships arc seldom endan gered by the severest storms, but when tho impenetrable envelope of mist en closes a vessel, she is exposed to the most terrible of perils a collision at SOa. A slnKle shin mar he enmnnrn. lively safe even in a for. but when there Is a fleet of vossels the danger 'a greatly multiplied. In nddltion to ' customary iog-norns ana slrenB a ,lfjet of warships often will keep in ormed of their rotative nositlons hv the f.-ing of ilguai-guna from the flag ship. Another excellent method gen erally employed 1b the use of tho fog buoy. Each vessel In a warship fleet carries a fog buoy, a largo cask paint ed a bright red. This Is cast over board at the first sign of any fog and floats from the stern of tho vessel at tached by a ropo of grass fiber which does not sink beneath the surface of the water. Sufllclent ropo is paid out by each vessel, so that its fog buoy floats at the bow of the ship next astern two cables' length (400 yards) when in close ordor and double that distance in open order. Ily this means the exact stations of the Individual ships of a fleet are maintained, evon though proceeding nt a moderate rate of speed. Suppressing a Nuisance. When Professor Taft went up to Cambridge ho had to live outside the college and was located noxt door to a musical family. The lady practic ing her scales disturbed his equani mity Tery much indeed. So much so that he remonstrated with her fa ther. The result was a curt reply: "Mr. regrets that hla daughter's mu sical education cannot be neglected." The future collaborator with Lord Kelvin wb "cast down, but not do stroyed." He sent away to Edinburgh for some bagpipes, and, not knowing a note of music, he started practice whenever the young lady played the piano. It was then her turn to buo for peace. Then came tho future pro fessor's triumph. His reply was that Mr. Taft much regretted that his mu sical education could not be neglected. Terms wero soon arranged. London Olobo. Cure for Chewlnn Gum Habit. In ono of tho West Philadelphia pub lic schools Is a little mite or a teach er who has a mighty way of preserv ing discipline. Her pupils being un mindful of all injunctions barring the use of ohowlng gum during school hours, the Instructross determined to rnako a horriblo example of a couple of the moat willful boys. She accord ingly announced that she would deco rato the school room u little, and thereupon stationed the boys on ono corner of the platform where they would be conspicuous. Then she gave each lad a roll of clean whito paper and told them to chew it. Tho boys, with their cheeks bulging out with paper pulp, were compelled to chew steadily for 16 minutes. There is a slump in tho chewing gum market. Suffocated in Church. Owing to tho defective means em ployed in heating the Church of Ge Trees, In Upper Bavaria, 30 men and women and all the school children in tho gallery were rendered unconscious by poisonous gases during the sor mon. The preacher stopped the sermon at once, but despite immediate ven tilation many other persons wore tak en 111 as they were leaving the church, Different. "Miss Angela, may I kiBs you or don't you like to bo kissed by a man?" "No, it would givo me tho horrors for a man to kiss me, but you may kiss me, Cholly." Houston Post. A Word of Explanation! Might be the right thing at this time that the public may know why we have the John Deere Lister for sale, not that we think they are anywhere near as good as the Rock Island Tri-cyclc, but the reason is simply this: Our competitor who is little in stature and smaller in principle has purchased from a local dealer a few Rock Island listers. The reason for this is they can sell but very few of their own so think they can make the public believe we are getting more for our goods than we should, so the fight is on you may be the judge, Commencing March 26 We call prices off and there may be a lolly time. Red Cloud Hardware & Impl. Co., Wm, Wolfe, Secretary. Swift's Premium Hams or Bacons. Fresh and Salt Meats of All Kinds IVn- Koon Red Cloud, Nebr. Col. J. H. Elllnger AUCTIONEER Does livestock and general auc t ionocrinK. Satisfaction guaran teed in every ease. Understands l pedigrees and '.stock values. Many years e.xperionee. l'liono ( him anytime. Red Cloud, Nebr. iA-WA,'WAr' Aaj-AasNasAa'WAa J S. J. CUNNINGHAM DENTIST Successor to Dr. J. S. EMIQH At the old stand over the State Bank. Phonel3f . CATARRH &rs m RMtt r v ffV i rouv 7'N Vlft WFEVER -K38 m frffwaS Elvs Cream Balm Suro to Clvo Satisfaction. OIVES RELIEF AT ONCE. It cloansca, soothes, heals nnd protects tho dLsoased niombrano resulting from Catarrh and drives away a Cold in tho Head quickly. Itestorcs tho Konsos of Tasto nnd Smell Easy to uso. Contains no injurious drugi Applied into tho nostrils nnd nbsorbed Largo SIzo, GO cents nt Druggists or by mail. Liquid Cream Balm for uso in atomizors, 75 couts. LY BROTHERS, SG Warren St.. Now Yorfc Market Report As Furnished by Hanson & Trine llens(fat) l.a per lb. Springs 10 " " Cox :i " " Ducks 8 " " Geoso 7 " Butter 17 " Eggs (rots out) 18 " ' See The Chief for job work. WANTr.n A fresh mlloli cow. Inquire at Newliouso Bros Storo. Widow's Pension The recent act of April 10th. 1008 glvos to all soldiers' widows a pension of St2 per month. Fred Mnurcr, the attorney, lias all necessary blanks. Don't Delay Ordering n fire insurance policy from us a single day. Fire isn't going to stay away becatioe you are not in sured. In fact, it seoms to pick out the man foolish enough to bo without XI FIRE INSURANCE POLICY. Have us issue you n policy to-day. Don't hesitate about the matter. The fire fiend may-- have your house down on tho list for u visit this very night. MARK WHAT I SAY n .r Reliable Insurance, UNDERTAKING We Carry Funeral Furnishings in Stock and answer calls day or night. Have ar ranged to secure the services of Albright Brothers on Short Notice withoutJExtra Charge to Patrons. G. A. WEILS COWLES. NEBK. Notice Farmers & Breeders That the Pcrcberon Stallion, Mah teai; (07(579) imported from Franco in 1910 by Stream & Wilson of Creton, Iown, is registered in tho American Breeders and Importer's Parchcron Hegistery, and that his recorded num ber is 52922. Color and Description, Black. I'kimqrke: Folded Juno 0, 100ri; bred by M, Tison Commune of Sarsnes, department of Surthe; got by Duussot (51721) ho by Ayor 273:(i (13115) ho by Boutoo (193(10) be by Picador III, G078 (4815) bo by Picador 1SC4 (780) ho by Picador (14321) be by Favori. Dam: Chnrmante (KI385) by Ver mouth (5497) lie by Picador I (TOO) he bv Ilayard (9495) he by Eatnba 187(700) lie by a son of Jean Le IUanc (739j. ULOCKV BOY aud M.MITEAU will make this season at tho Day barn. R. C. BORUM Owm:ii Rural phono No, 103. A Few of the Good Things Dill Pickles IGoperdoz Sour Pickles I0o " ' Sweet Pickles io0 " u Bulk Olives iuo " ii Horse ltadish lOc per bottle Catsup , ioc it I, Colery Relish jOc " " Mstnl loo "J glass Olomiirgorine Butter. . ,'J0 &. 25c per lb O Vfctrrs so ,t 00c per !qt YOST & BUTLER The 4th Avenue Moat Market A t-' tl OTT'4.",'!2$-Lite3it 3CJ -TmaHr?$m?-r "3tr 0.'-- t y M.l , 'rKAi,iM rts. pi .