The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 14, 1910, Image 4

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Red Cloud - - Nebraska.
Interod In tlio l'oitonico M, lied Cloud, Nl
no Second (JUnn Matter
Wo nro compelled to buck away from
our position on the wator question in
regard to a denp well, but' we do ho
gracefully rind unuluHhltigly. Wo ad
TOcnted n (loop well bccaimo we litivo
seen many localities whoroa aufllciont
water supply had been secured by
sinking a deep well and know of no
reason why the same method would
not do for Ited Cloud. However when
a man comes along who knows his
business and shows us why our theory
Is wrong we bow to his suporiorknow
lodgo and acknowledge that whilo it
Ytns a mutter of guesses wo wero as
competent as liny but when it came to
n question of science we wero as utter
'ly holpless ns were the balance of the
Wo notice by the record that In tho
Until settlement of the estate. Dan
Garbor has bought out tho interests
of the balance of the heirs and now is
solo ownor of the Old Joseph (tarbcr
homestead, just north of town. This
is without exception one of the finest
farms in Wobster County, or perhaps
in the Republican Valley. The location
is exceptionally dcslreablc, the soil
is doop and fertile and the timbor and
wator mnko it a very excollcnt grain
and stock farm. Dan has boon solicit
od to plat the s. o. 20 in five acre out
lots and has about concluded to do
so. Just a half milo from tho city
limits, this is a very convenient and
desirable location for residence prop
erty. Huvlng all tho privilodgcs of
our high school and in due course of
tiino would probably have- the con
vonlenco of electric lights.
Dr. Condra Speaks on
the .Water Question
In response to tho invitation of our
citizens Dr. Condra visited our city
last Thursday. In company with J.
S. Qilhom, Mayor Potter, Councilman
Bailey and Wator Commissioner Bur
goss, he visited our pumping station
and examined our water supply from
the wells to the Maurcr springs.
After his examination of the ground
ho met many of our people in tho
Commorclol club room?. He prepared
a few drawings Illustrating tho geolog
ical formation of the Republican valley
and more especially at this place. His
address was in reality u lecturo In
which he invited questions and dis
cussion. Ho began by stating Unit lie would
hhowthat tliore aro three classes of
wells in this section of the country
and would show why thoro are these
threo classes. In order to uiulei stand
tho condition of the water supply it
was necessary to know somothlug of
tho geological formation of tholtepub
Jican valley.
Tho rock which holds the water
commonly called shale is known as
Kiobria chalk, this material was worn
away when the Republican River was
formed and tho bottom land along the
valley Is tuado ground or Alluvium.
Wells in tills ground nro shallow and
not of gmd quality. Further up on
the blunN nro found poor or dry wells
not beciiiho tliore is a small supply of
water but because tho water will not
move fast enough thru rock to bo of
much uso and also the wator is poor
in quality because being mixed witli
tho oil and other matter found in tho
Hack upon tiie table land on top of
this Niobrla chalk is upland sand and
gravel, next Alluvium and on top of
this Loess. All the water In this sect
ion is derived from the rain fall. In
the tablo land thlu rain water per
culutos thru the Loess into tho sand
and gravt'l and rcstb upon tho chalk
rock thru which it cannot go. A well
put down in this land produces an in
oxaustablo supply of water of the very
host quality. The Mauror springs aro
simply an out let for this table land
Since the water at the pump house
is the same water as the water at tho
springs and siuco tho wator shed along
tho way was comparatively clean, Dr.
Condra recommended a system of ill
terage as best adapted for our pur
poses all things considered. He stated
emphatically that there was little
danger to bo feared from dead hogs or
cattle but to beware of tho dangers
lurking in water into which there was
the possibility of contamination from
any excrement from the human body.
Any well in the vicinity of a privy
vault or cess pool is exceedingly dun
garouB. He informed his hearers that we
had an abundance of pure water right
at our back door as it wore and said
we were to be congratulated upon our
good fortune. Ho promised to send a
working detail for tho guidance of the
council so that they could make no
mistake in following out his recom
mendations. Homo one asked him about tho pos
sibility of a deep well and ho replied
that such an idea was entirely out of
tho question. It would be possiblo to
strike an artesian How about 700 feot
down but the water would be of a vory
poor quality and usolcss for drinking
purposes. Ho then explained tho for
mation of tho earth for a milo or so
deep and showed that below the 700
foot level where the Dakota sand stono
bod lay, there was no water of any
description worthy of the name.
That disposed of that phase of tho
Tho real effect of the Doctor's visit
was to clarify the atmosphere sur
rounding this water problem. Had ho
been summoned hero many years ago
it would have saved tho city many
dollars in tnonoyVud many hours of
anxious worry.
Tho people wore unlversallysatistiod
with him and to a man acknowledged
him to bo fully competent to pass
judgement upon our conditions hero
or any other locality in Nebraska.
Good Farm For Sale
on reasonable Terms. Also some good
City residences for sale. Inquire of
Ciunr OrncK.
THE Chicago Specialists!
Chronic and Serious Diseases, Only.
Pkiimanknt Office
Rod Cloud, Royal Hotel
Consultation Free, in German and
Thursday. May 5th, 1910
APRIL 15th. 1910.
Open meeting for the benefit of the High School Athletic
SELECTION - - . Orchdra.
PAPER - Low Simmonj, Guy Hirwood, Margtrei Beal, Will
Boren and Chcitei Dickey.
VOCAL DUET . . Pea.l Smith and Loii Simmom.
READING . . - Maude Barlow.
VOCAL SOLO - .. . Grace Sheiei.
INSTRUMENTAL DUET . Mildred Fulton and Phoebe Geer.
DIALOGUE - Emma Peterson, Florence Gilraore, ha Rutledge, Elenor
Gilham. Will Brunner, Will Storey, Ray Saunden and
Will Gilham.
Neta Argabright.
Grace Leonard.
Mable Smith.
Athletic Club.
Resolved that free trade is inimical to the best interests of
. ' our country.
Mi$ Davit, Vincent Jolmtton and Mmgorct BcbI.
Mrt. Ccttor, Harold Green ami Ruth Dow.
SONG - Bate-ball Club,
ORC1 IESTRA - Gertrude Blacklcdge, Rulli Dow. 1 ioward Foe
and Roy Robinton.
Real Estate Transfers
for the week ending Mar. 30, as furn
ished by tho Fort Abstract Company,
Red Cloud, Nehr.
Jacob Goll to Katie Siebrass wd
lots 1, 2 and 3 bik 7 Kohrcrs
nddtoliluo Hill S 325
E L McLaughlin to Lydia E Mc
Laughlin wd pt nw bw 8-4-11. . COO
Aimon W Cox to Elmer L Garner
wd lot 9 blk 1 Cox'o add to Bla
den 1G0
George II. Wcap to J F Duck
worth vd pt no 11-1-11 3000
HenryArcnda to Chris F Rosewd
lot 9 blk 8 Roscmont 75
State of Nebraska to Wm Irons
deed ei nw 36-2-12 560
Stato of Nebraska to Wm Irons
deed bw and nw so and pt no 36
2-12 2513
Joseph Gencrcux to Frank A
Wauflo wd bo 16-4-12 7000
Total $14133
Mortgages filed $13354
Mortgages released $1409
Lincoln, Nkiiii., April 12 (Special
Correspondence.) Ten years ago at
this time the political pot would havo
been boiling, and tho machines would
havo been working over-time. Now
hero it is the first of April and poli
tico aro making scarcely u rlpplo on
the surface. Ten years ago there
would have been a dozen avowed
candidates in every parti for each
state otlice. Today the candidacies
aro practically limited to the gover
norship. Two democratic guberna
torial candidates aro in tho Hold.
Governor Sballcnborccr is acaudidato
for re election, and in addition to a
record surpassed by no other governor
bus tho unwritten Jaw of a second
torm for a faithful und cillclcnt otllo-
ial behind him. Mayor Duhlman of
Omaha has announced his caudiducy.
This closes the Held in the democratic
ranks so far as any ono knows.
The republicans are all ot sea.
Sheldon is talked of in some quarters.
Aldricu is talked of In other quarters.
Miles has u following but he shows
symptoms of shyness.
Cowles, land commissioner, Bishop,
superintendent, and Barton, auditor,
will naturally be re-nominated by the
republicans, but there is a derth of
men willing to tako tho once cock
sure nominations for treasurer, at
torney general, and secretary of stato.
Charley Pool, Bpeakcor of the last
legislature, Is an avowed candidate
for tho democratic nomination for
secrotury of state. But this seems to
be about tho limit of present know
ledge on matters cundidatorial.
Considerable interest Is manifested
In Mr. Byran's return from South
America. He is expected about May
1st, arid there are those who aro anx
ious to havo him say something that
will clear up tho senatorial situatlou.
L'util he does a lot of democratic and
independent voters will bo "all at sea."
That Peru Normal trouble is not yet
sottled. It is reported that Secretary
Luddeu blames Prof. Crubtree for tho
introduction of the bill creating the
board uftorvvurds declared unconsti
tutional, and that the ministerial poli
tician is getting revongo. Tho fact of
tho matter is that Crabtrec had noth
ing to do with tho drafting of the bill,
nor was ho consulted. Tho bill waa
drafted by three prominent educators
of the state, two of them republicans
and one of them u democrat. They
were more interested in the cause of
education than they wero of party.
In this they soem to differ very much
from tho ministerial-politician, whose
acts arc such as to show him up to be
vastly more interested in g. o. p. sue
coss than he is in the cause of education.
Washington School, Friday Evening,
April 15th. At 8 o'clock.
The Bureau of Labor and Industrial
Statistics has been pursuing some
original investigation as to the "cost
of living.",,. One of the interesting
foaturcs brought out is that rents cost
tho average wage earner in tho cities
just oue-ilfth of his total iucomc.
Another is that increases in wages
have fullcn far behind the iucreabc in
the cost of living. The full percent
ages havo not yet boon worked out,
but the diiTcreuce is startling.
April 1st., marked tho opening of
tho fishing season, except for bass.
This limits tho fishermen to "bull
heads" until .hum 1, except they may
catch trout not less than eight inches
long. The early spring li'is made the
"bullhead" tibliinggood, and reports
reach Uamo Commissioner Geiltts of
some good catches of cropplo in the
bayous along tho Missouri river.
Senator Iturkett's machine is uoik
ing night and day. its managers being
bomovvlmt fearful of ono Gcorgo W.
Non-U, to nothing of tho fears en
tertained ur one Charles () Wliedon.
The JJnikett machino gives every
evidence of being about one of the
most perfect pieces of.mechanisiu ever
dovibod in Nebraska. It skilled ono
little cog, however, when Postmaster
Si,or attempted to use tho postmaster
delegates to tho 'Layimiii'n Missionary
Meet ing" as an adjunct thereto. When
it comes to wily manipulation of poli
tical wheels Kdward It. Slr.or is there
with the goods. , '
It Is a real pleasure to Invite our customers to view our new lino of wash goods selected as usual with
the host of care and with tho thought always of the best for tho least money.
Clipped Swisses in bars or dot at Sflo. Stripped or barred dlmletles at.... 12), 15 and 20c
Fancy strippod or barred lawns at 20 and 2.'i(!. Flaxon in all white or colored figure at 18, 25,33, 40
(Jinghams selected for their wearing and washing qualities at 10, 12J, 15 and 18c
Kid gloves at S1.00 and S1.50. Silk gloves in all shades with double tipped fin
gers at 50c. Silk lislo gloves in all shades at 50c"
Long wristed silk gloves double tipped fingers at 81.50. Long wrlsted silk lisle gloves at 81.25,
To make your new dress or skirt fit you will need a
new corset. We have them in all the newest styles, extra
long on hip, high, medium high, or girdle top at 50c, $1,
$2.00, $2.50 and on the reduco at $3.50.
Call and look and if you do not find what
you want you do not have to buy.
Always willing to show goods
Agent Butterick Patterns
w If
'- a amaioo Cortet Co., Maker
i Complete Satisiact
ion for All-
One Price to Everybody.
That is our store policy
We offer you only such goods as we can heartly
1 If by any chance any article bought here does not give
full satisfaction, we will cheerfully make it right. We
prefer to lose money on a sale to losing a customer's confidence.
Nothing unworthy, will bo
allowed a place in our store
1& We have but one price for everybody. No
exceptions will be made to this rule. : : :
jj In every case the price will be as low as is consistent
with good quality.
We have the largest and most complete stock
of New Merchndise carried in
Southern Nebraska.
General Merchants
Dont fail to see our fine line of Spring Suits and Coats.
MWiKIVMtU.tttlWSw .
"w"-;ntti. jrwrtwi"ft' .
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