if "i a lUfffffinfflJoyiilfflP I i w --'J Order To Show Cause. State of Nebraska, I ,. Th r...ln... r,.utt Wrl)lcr County, f ine Couolj Couti Am County Court hold nt Ilia County 'our t room In mid fur nnll county Monday March Ulli A. I)., 11)10. I Nth iiuittor of th oitnto of llrlrk I'.. IIiTrih.mi, Drccnird. on rrmtlttif mid llllim the petition of Olo liArKin.in lllwl on tho llth day of March A. I)., 11)10, pniylni; for thu uxninlnatlon and al I'lvYiuico of IiIh llnnl account of tin name i Uc. au order illntrllHilIm ttii' rKlilno of jilt hoiisI cNtnt and there upon an order iIIh HntrgliiK him from lurtlirr hiirdcn and ncr- ice In IiIh Hnld ollh'onn nclmlnltnitor. nitiii;uni, Thnt Tucmlay the nth day of April A. I)., HMO, al oils o'clock p. in,, U OHfli;tiiil for licarliiK said putltlon, when nil pprKoiMliitcrt'idi'd hi until matter may appear nt n County Court to behold In nml for mild county and HhoweaiiMi wliy prayer of poll tloiinrshould not lu granted; and that notico of the peiidciiey oft:ild putltlon and tho hear Iiik ttit-Ttnif lioxlvcii to all piThont IntercHlcd liiHalil ttifitlcr, by publlshlni; a copy of Mil order fit the Itc.l ('loud Chief, a weekly noun paper prlutiil In Kald county, for three con hci'iiIIvc wicKh prior to Raid day of bearing. H:, I. . KDHON Count v IuiIkc, Order to Show Cause. "'feuScSun'ty: ! "Th County Court Ar n County Court held at the County Court room In and forxnld county Thursday, March 10th A. I)., into. In the matter of the estate of Susan I.. Hauler, Deceased. On. readliiR and IIIIiir the petition of Sarah M. Hauler Died on the 10th day of March A. I.. 1010, pra) Iiik for the xamlnntlon nnd al lowance of her Dual account of thuNamadate, adecrcunf aKHlRiiment of tho lands liolony lilt; tosnld eHtntototb pernons cutltleil to llioNiune, an order dlHtrlhutlui; the reslduo of pergonal estate and thero upon an order illnrb:irlni: her from further burden and Ntirvlcolu her said olIlcnnH Kxecutrlx. UHliKltr.D, that Wtslncsday the (th day of April . I). 11)10 at i o'clock p. in., Is n4li;iHHl for liearlin: said petition when nil persons luterited In wild nmtter,'in:iy ap pear nt a County Court to be held In nnd for Htld County and show cause why prayer of petitioner should not be Krnnled; mid thnt notico of the pendency of said petition nnd the hearing thereof he. bIvcii to all persons riitorctited In said matter, by publUhliiK n i'4)iyof tbU order In the Hod Cloud Chief, n weekly newspaper printed In snld county, for thriHjeonsecuthe weeks prior to snld day of hwirliiK. I. W. Kdson, 0wH County Judge. Order to Show Caase. Htaleof Nobraskn ) ... n, ,.,,, ,,, Welwter County f '" l-ty Court. Ar a County Court held nt tho"; County Court room In and for Rnld county Thursday, March 10th A. I)., 1910. In tho matter of the eslnte of .lohn llarratt, Deceased. ONroadliiKandlllliiK the petition of John A MeUthurllled on the 10th day of March A. I) II0. pn) Iiik for the examination and allowance of his lliml nccount of the same dale, an order adjudicating the clnlm of li-ort A. Chamberlain and dlstrlbutlm; the i fhldue of personal estate anil there upon an order dlMlmrulim him from further burden and service In hlssaldolllceaRadmlnlstrnlor. Oitiii;iti:i, That Wednehday tho lilh day of April A. I). 11)10, nt 10 o'clock a. m li .iNlncd for hearliiKsald petition when all persons interested In said matter may appear at a County Court to be hold In and for Mid county and show cause why prayer of petitioner should not bo Krantcd; nnd that notice of the pendency of said petition nnd the heat Iiik thereof Imi kIvoii to all persons Interested In said matter, by publlshliiK a ropy of this order In tho Hid Cloud Chief, a wtvkly newspaper printed In said county, for three conseculUo weeks pi lor to snld day of hearluK- ihi.I. I. W. Unsn.v CountyJIudKe. C.A.SCHULTZ&CO. Real Estate Brokers We have a select list of lands in E stern Colorado, Cen tral and Western Kansas and Nebraska. We have the best of facilities for showing you any of these lands at no expense to you except Rail Road Fare which will be refunded if you purchase from us. Hefore deciding upon location it would be well to call at our office and see on the map just where our lands lie. V c can locate vou close to any of these towns: AKRON, COLORADO, OTIS, COLORADO, BIRD CITY, KANSAS, CARIJEN CITY. KANSAS, AND RED CLOUD, NEH Our list is too large to publish but we want to SHOW YOU THE LANDS REMEMBER "'One personal investigation is worth a hundred descriptions." We loan money at lowest prevailing rates on Real Estate, and write v ire, Lightning and Iornado Insurance on your property. A competent Notary always in the office. C. A. SCHULTZ & CO. Potter Block, Red Cloud, Nebraska. PI A NOS! ONLY A FEW LEFT Order to Show Cause. NtBte of Nebraska. I ... ..... ,.,.. ,.,, Wetwter County, f "l l"' l " '"rt. At a County Court held at tho County Courtroom In and for said county Satur day, Mnreh lUth A. 1 11)10. In tho matter of the cstnto of lliinnn.li A. hiuiucltrx, Dcciascd. On rcnUliiK nnd mint' tho petition of SiiiuuelSnuudersprnylnB that ndmlnlstrat Ion of aald estate may be Krnnted to hlmxelf, tuos.ild Samuel BaunderH, m Admlulhtrator. UidiK.itKi), thnt Wodncbdny tuo 13th day of April A.D. inio, at one o'clock p. m Is assigned for liearlnc said petition when all persons Interested In snld matter may appear at a Count) Court to be held In and for said t ounly and show cause why prayer of petitioner should not be Krnnted. mid thnt notice of the pendency of snld petition and the licarliiK thereof be kIvcii to all persons luleiested In said matter, by publlsbtiiK a cop) of tliK order In the Kid Cloud Chief, a wieUy ucuspapir printed In said count, I t three consecutive wteks prior to hnld day ' liiailn. I. v. c.iison. '"i"' County Indue. Mteiai&nTaafaia i IF Y011 WANT a monument for Decoration day place your order NOW! PUCE IT WITH US and it will receive the most careful attention. Material first class, workmanship un excelled. OVERING BROTHERS and CO., THE MONUMENT MEN, Red Cloud, WWJXWWWWimSWffiW&WlBPX Nebraska. pseREsssmsmemsi Notice Farmers 6 Breeders Tliiit the Perclieron Stallion, Mu TKAr (()707!) imported from IYatuv in HMO by Stri'iim Wilson of Cteton, Iowa, is registered in the American Hreeders and Importer's Poreheron UeK'istery, and that his recorded Hum bor is .VJO'22. Color and Description, Black. l'KDioiiKc: Folded .lunu 0, 100.1; bred by M.TisouCommtinuof Sarbnes, department of Sarthe; got by Dausset (51721) ho by Ayor 27350 (13115) ho by Doutoe (105110) ho by Picador III, f.078 (4S15) ho by Picador 1251 (780) ho by Picador (11321) he by t'avori. Dam: Charniante (3:i385) by Vor mouth (5497) he by Tlcador I (l'rWO) he bv Hayard(0l0:)) he by FJatabu 187(706) he by a bon of Jeau Le Hlanc (7.19j. HLOCKV BOY and M.MtTKAl' will make this season at tho I)Hy barn. R. . BORVM OwNT.lt Rural phono No Hi:!. Swift's Premium Hams or Bacons. A Fresh and Salt Meats of All Kinds Wm. Koon Red Cloud, Nebr. IN8URANCC POLICY J&A I1 mm m mmm'dlJIip .Jl"-' i nun SAVE DEALER'S PROFIT BY BUYING NOW ARGABRIGHT Chas. A. Schultz & Co. REAL ESTATE BROKERS POTTER BLOCK RED CLOUD, NEBR. PUBLI LAND SALE! Don't Delay Ordering a lire insurance policy from us a sliifjlo day. Firo Isn't Rolnp to stay away bccaue you are not In surod. In fact, it seems to pick out tho man foolish enough to bo without A FIRE INSURANCE POLICY. Have us issue yon u policy to-da, . Don't hesitate about tho matter. Tho lire llond mayj have your house down on tho list for a visit thin very iii(;ht. MARK WHA TI SAY UNDERTAKING We Carry Funeral Furnishings in Stock and answer calls day or night. Have ar ranged to secure the services offtAlbright Brothers on Short Notice vithoutExtra Charge to Patrons. G. A. WELLS COWLES, NEHK. Col. J. H. Elllnger AUCTIONEER Does livestock and general auc tioneering. Satisfaction guaran teed in every case. Understands pedigrees and 'stock values. Many years experience. Phono ( him anytime. Red Cloud, Nebr. i'W'WW''W'V In order to close up the estate of the late ERIC BERGMAN, of f afUr- ton Township, Webster County, Nebr. we will sell at public sale, on Wednesday, Apr. 13, 10 at 1:00 o'clock, P. M.,' sharp, the following Land, viz: The Northeast Quarter of Sec. 20, Town 3, Range 1 2 The Southeast Quarter of Sec. 20, Town 3, Range I 2; and The Southwest Quarter of Sec. 2 1 , Town 3, Range 1 2. All in Webster County, Nebraska. Sale to take place ON THE LAND, on the above date Without FAIL. I i i u I r r Reliable ' Insurance. The Chief $1.50 S. J. CUNNINGHAM DENTIST 'Successor to Dr, J. S. EMIQll At the old stand over the A Few of the Good Things Dill Pickles IGo per doss Kntii Pli.lrlnfc 10rt ' i Sweet PicUles too " Hulk Olives 100 " " Horso Kadish 10c. per bottle Catsup Wo " " Colory Relish 10c " " Mustard lUc "J glass Olomargerlno Butter. . .20 t '2.1c per lb Oysters SO & UOe per qt YOST & BUTLER The 4th Avenue Meat Market Widow's Pension. The recent act of April lltlli. 1U0S gives to all soldiers' widows a pension Rtita Rani rkl j0i oi i-per monin. i'leii .-Mauier, tile Oldie DdnKi PllOneUli attorney, has all necessary blanks. TERMS OF SALE Purchaser must pay one-fourlh (1-4) of the purchase price in cash, balance YEARS, with interest at 6 per cent, payable annually. Purchaser may have thirty days to make up the first cash payment; Provided, that he onc-lilth or tne nrst casn paymenl, on day ot sate, as a tortcit should he fail to pay the balanc payment within the 30 days given him. 5..A7 nuis suuiiiiiicii to tnc auctioneer in writing Dy parties wlio can not be have proper attention. ERIC and OLE BERGMAN, AGENT FOR THE HEIRS, Campbell, Nebraska. J. D. FULTON, Auct. Riverton, Nebraska. on or before FIVE will pay of the present, will Jr-- h'T' A jmmsmmmmMmmmim KMMHMMtit'V 'wmwmmmamp , sjrtiVi,Wwii). imiitwiyi ii(Kiitft.n iTiii7fikTjiUivjSx'jaiaiii .