The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 03, 1910, Image 5

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A I McCurtfi' i mi 'In- sii-l lit.
Lowell UuIiIiiiii is li'Miic fruiii Ken
tucky. Found a fur collnretf. Inquire at
I opee.
Mm. (Jlinn. Grout Won the h'l IWt
thii week. ,
I'.uil Stotey ami wife were In Cow lei
Walter .Scott wan down from Who
Uill Tnosilay.
OiiasCruiit ciimo down from Hast
lugs Thui-Mlay.
Will Kent and wife wore In Guide
Hock Saturday.
Mrs. duo. Iludoll entertained the GOO
club Friday evening.
L-Yank Studebakor was in Hastings
Saturday and Sunday.
Hill Tuber of Ft. Morgan, Colo., is
in the city this week
Sheet Music Tor tie at Metoalf'.s
Studios. Potter Hlock.
Urlng in your furs while market is
high. J. O. C.w.nwKU.
Noble Ball and wife of Guide Rock
wore in this city Monday.
Ooo. Warren is moving his telephone
ofllce in the Tepco building.
Mrs. Gov. Harbor and Mrs. Roy Tait
spent Sunday in Guide Hock.
Mrs. Gus llolmgraiu was visiting
near Guide Koek Wednesday.
Kudolph Streit went to Kansas City
Tuesday where he took cattle.
Call and see the 1010 Patents of wall
paporat Sloss" Wall Paper Store.
Jim Gcnrou and Hoy Garber weie
over from Kensington, Kus., this week
The young folks enjoyed a dance in
the Masonic hall Wednesday evening.
Will (Kvi-nmn came down from Ox
ford to spend Sunday with his par
ents. Will Kellog of Seattle stopped over
Tuesday on his way home from Now
Hichard Howen and wife moved outo
their farm north west of town this
Foil Salk Three show cases, ln
quiro nt Ncwhousc's for further par
ticulars. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shorwood en
tertained the Senior Whist Club Thurs
day evening.
Donald Sloss is tho envy of all his
little playmates, he being the possess
or of a Burro.
Joe Kubick of McCook is tho guest
of his daughter, Mrs. James Moron
villo this week.
Prof. Brown and family moved to
Colorado this week where they will
lire on their claim.
Frank Studcbaker has sold hiB resi
dence to Mr. Carpenter and will leave
for Salt Lake soon.
Get your pictures framed, pastel
paintings and sheet music, at MeUmlf's
Studios, Potter Block.
Henry Sievors of Grand Island, presi
dent of tho Nebraska state base ball
league is In town today.
Mrs. Nicholas Thomas and Mabil
Thomas of Cowles visited at the home
of Dr. Thomas Tuesday.
Mrs. Paul Storey invited eighteen
little girls to help Miss Ksther cole-
hrato her lOtli birthday, which occureci
Mrs. J. II. ISuhiusmi is visiting in
the country with her daughter, Mrs
Hubert Schult. this week.
Kov. J. H. Jiirboe is on the sick list
ami will not l,t. able to 1111 any of his
appointments next Sunday.
Miss Florence .McDowell who has
been visiting relatives and friends at
Stella. Neb . arrived homo Friday
Bert Carr and family departed for
their homo in Miudeu Saturday, after
making mi extended visit hero with
their patents.
KiHint. .V Weesi and It. F. Mlor
shipped stock to Kansas City Sunday.
Wade KoonU and Mr. Minor accom
panied Hie sIih'U.
Mrs lloekineyei' oT host Springs.
Kansas K visiting her mother, .Mis.
Sanson! an I sisini. Mrs. Kov Uife ami
Mrs. Kl. MoMIMor.
Miss Wnlfp of (itnitliH. who trimmed
hat fur Mr. H'MiiT rl hut netisoti, im
ried in the eiiy hiBt evening and w ill
trim tor her this sensoii.
BiMiiard MeN'etiy received a telegi am his lrtliet, James had
been killed in a railroad accident nt
W ellington, Washington.
Mr. Iliissong has been asked (o con
duct the "Hound Table" work on tho
county X S. convention program at
Cowles nest Sunday, .Mar. (.
Sloss Wall Paper and Paint stoic is
now open for tho Spring trade. New
and artistic deigns in wall paper,
and tho strictly Guaranteed Kopullino
Brand of Paint.
l)r Warrick, tho specialist will meet
oye, ear, nose and throat patients and
those needing glasses fitted at Dr.
Dainerellb olllce in Hcd Cloud, Tues
day, March 8th.
Mr. and Mrs. Copleti wore somewhat
surprised last Thursday when their
friends came in bringing well lllled
baskets to snend the day. Tho Cop-
lens will move to the city this week.
Mrs. Cardi Noble was born In West
Virginia on February 20, 1831 and died
at her home in Walnut Croek, Feb. 2.'l,
11)10. She was 76 years and 3 days old
at tho time of her death. Tho funeral
took place Feb. 25, ll10.
In any case of stomach trouble, due
to indigestion or dyspepsia you may
feel sure that Kodol will give you re
lief promptly. This is what Kodol is
for. It digests the food you cat and
docs it completely. It is sold by All
At last a cream seperalor has been
built bv a roputablo house which Is
little in price yet big in capacity.
The Beatrice Creamery Co . have one
on exhibition in their branch otllce in
this city. Messrs. Hanson andTiiue
will bo pleased to show you.
Herbert Conover and J. K. McCnrlof
McCook stopped over here Tuesday
between trains while Mr. Couovor wns
transacting business. "Herby" is an
old Bed Cloud boy who was raised here
and Mr. McCarl is Chairman of the
.Republican Cpngressional Committee
of this district.
Friends of Miss Winnifred Perkins
in this city will be pleased to learn
that she has been awarded the gold
medal at the Peru Normal school for
belug the champion girl debater of
Peru for tho year 1910. Miss Perkins
has been called to the Omaha schools
whore she will teach the remainder of
the year.
The entertainment at tho Congre
gational church Tuesday night by
Miss Ethel Carpenter of Centralia,
and local talent was much appreciated.
The building was well filled by an ap
preciative audienoo. The piano solos
by Miss Fay Teel and MIbb Floronco
Kellogg was especially pleasing. The
vocal duet, by Miss Josle Igou and
Mrs. W. West was also appreciated by
all present.
The Chief olllce takes subscriptions
and renewals for the Twentieth Con
turv Farmer.
The usual services of the Church of
Christ will be conducted In the Christ
Ian chin eh next Lord's day Mar. 0.
Tho minister will preach both morn
iug and evening. Morning thome, at
11 a. m. "The Mission of Two Million
Christians," at 7.80 p in. "Divine
Healing Ancient and Modern," will bo
the subject discussed. Bible school at
10 u m. C. K. prayer meeting at (1:30
p. ui. Good music. Seats free.
Korytiody wolomo.
Wo are always pleased to note any
aelilexonients attained by people of
Webster county. Wo consider it u
gloat pleasuio to inform our roadeis
of tho advancement inade by Miss
Willa Catlior.
The Boston Transciipt In giving tin-",
''istineiivu poems of MM!)" mentions
.,. writ ton by Miss Catlior. Theyaio
umndmltlior. Think not 1 Forget.'
and London WosoV Miss Cut her Is
placed In lln same i-la-s of oioiitlve
poets with Henry Van Dyke, Bliss
C.irineii and Helen Kollitr.
The people of lied Cloud Icol highly
honored by the position attained by
olio of her ollielis
I have Il'.'o acres I niiJjj oast of Bod
Cloud. There Is a good 7 room house,
s't.e V2.1S, all rooms mo l( except
ing tho kitchen which is loxtl. There
are i porches, good cistern with well
at tho door, cistern will hold '2"0 bbls.
of water, good brick walks, house nice
ly painted, all kinds of shrubery. 20
kinds of rosses, fiuit of all kinds
Barn 58x38, mow that will hold (10
ton of hay, 3 cribs that will hold 8000
bu. of corn, all other out buildings
that are necessary on a farm. Good
living springs, 3 wells, good windmill,
good feed lots. There is about 40
acres in alfalfa, HO acres of pasture,
tho pasture land is In two different
pastures, tho balance of the land is
under cultivation. This Is a river
bottom farm. There are 4 hen houses,
one of them is now used as a store
house. This place Is all fouccd and
cross fonced There is some natlvo
timber in tho pasture.
I also have '210 acres 0 miles south of
Hiverton, Nebr. Thero Is a good
house 18x30, addition 10x21. Barn 24
x21, granary 12x11), corn crib 10x10-10
ft. long, buggy shed 12x10, hen house,
cattle shod, set of scales, feed lot, 120
acres in cultivation, 30 abrcs in 'alfa
ulfu, timber and pasture. If these
places are sold within the next 30 days
they can bo bought at a bargain. Fun
The Woodman Huyc a Bl Banquet.
On hint. Tliiirsflnv nvnnlllL. Ill tltir
---""--"- ---"-."" ' I
uuaiice to a circular iiiviuiuon io inu
local members of the Modern Wood
men, an Identification meeting was
held and a great number of serious,
but pleasant faces graced tho lodge
room, many of which by reason of their
long continued nlisonee almost needed
an introduction. Tho committee very
thoughtfully asked for pictures of
those unable to attend and now have
a number of handsome photographs of
wise men who furry fiutcriial Insur
ance which will bo duly framed and
used for decorations about tho hall.
A mysterious cloud hung osor llio i
countenances of many piosont. This i
was nut to bo wondeied at for prluei .
imllv the ollleors alone base lieon mak
uiu ii the business quorums fur some
II re. Natuially any oidiuut.x mem
ti. I slu p would tie olislilouileil ml
nn-ton to hoar thoir own mio . ami i
Io ilstopH III II place mi desin.ii. !
tlxir presence but so infreqiii nlly
i- lied.
U aii opportune time Deputy Nil
s. ii niVicd a ery satisfactory and im
pit s-ivo explanation for the meeting, i
staling it was up to all the members'
t identify themselves with the best '
inteitsts of the order in. d to wake up I
libi'ial enthusiasm for growth and
iiiembeiship to which ho would lend
his time and energy.
Judge IMsoii was called upon and
casting away the slnond of prevailing
mystoiy unwound an excellent talk
for the good of the order and highly
complimented tho committee on tho
success of their eiVorts in securing tho
attendance of so iiiaiiv partially identi
fied members.
B. II. Nowhousc furnished good en
tertainment with his Victrola and high
grade records while the committee sot
out a sumptuous feast of coirce and
sandwiches, which was wound up with
a smoker and general good time.
Evoryono present enjoyed hhnsolf
and tendered his assistance to the
enmpaign for now members. Two
now members, V. A. Kent and L. A.
Mauley were initiated.
Conic r o( 5tli A venue unit chestnut Nlrt et.
Ul a. in - S.'ililiiith School
tin. ui I'rciichlm;
T:lr) ji. m Christian Worker's Htuiit
s-UO p. in l'riaehliiK
All are invited toalteiul.
I. i:. .1 Minor, Mlnlsti r
Bring Your ffusbandl 4W5
with you lo see J "
fefleM"Sewing Maclike
" If he lias worked with automatic locking desks, automatic
shop machinery, or on the farm with automatic harvesters,
He will appreciate
He will not want you to sew for the familv with a marliine
..i.ti. 1. ..,i. 1..... f... ...1 i. ( 1..'. oe . .0.. it.., 1.
tTlllll II.I-MI , HUH lllllllll, tl III 'III .lh 111 III! ... ,till3 11,1111
01 you will lie i-ntiiimuMU' .iiinut '
Tlic"Hotoclll" Mmci mil
'I lie Automatic Sliutll. I d-ilur
The Antiinntli.lj.klimllrnHtts
'1 lie Autnl.iatlc 'I union l.'i U .
sin Ii iiuprocmcnts as:-
Tin Untiiry Spool Pin
'II, KSctsnf IIalM!t'.irlni!4
11k licniidrul 1 iciuli Italic-
eli,i,iu,il. It it. i4 mil hmvitnt l.llll' (WllltS.
Only Inourcd Sowing M?vchinci
The Tree AtlncliPM-nli nrr f tho bot tr-aUc.
Come nr it ec it.
t m.
I - HUlir m
j 3?JTJ!yfyy(Fi'y3ciw)'vf'Vi.v i
To show you our new line of Spring photo
mounts of fine quality.
We have all size Card mounts, Squares, Ovals,
Panels, Bust, Different sizes for family groops.
Folders, of neat quality. Come and look at them.
See STEVENS BROTHERS Photographers.
Card of Thanks.
Words are inadequate to e.Npressour
feelings of gratitude and anpreeiatlon
of the thoughtful earo and tender
ministrations of the doar friends who
so faithfully endeavored to supply
overy want of our dear wife and moth
er while living and touching evidence
of love and bympathy whou her sight
less eyes could no longer recognize
the flowers and friends she loved so
well. God will surely reward such
devotion to the aillicted and unfortun
ate It. B. Fulton.
W. P. Pulton and Wife.
V. 11. Fulton and Family.
HBS lilil erti.iT- I
u n
Having secured three carloads of wire fencing at 5
Sa BIG BARliAIN, we are willing to divide with you.
Yours truly,
P. S. we sell only full rolls: 15, 20 and 40 rods.
The Wed Cloud Roller Mills are work
ing night and day lately. This extra
work has hoen caused by tho Increased
demand for Red Cloud flour. The
management havo sold a car load to
some buyer In Kansas City last week
uritvvlti.aMtwllMtr tho fact that thero
1 was strong competition. This speaks
I ,11 .... ...... .ii.irltwif fiml flimnni.tifttf!3
1 WUII IUI lllll imniiw. nil" vu...u v..
last Thursday. Ksther wns quite Mir- tlmt the Red Cloud Roller Mills are
making good.
Adds Healhful Qualities
to the rooa
Economizes Flour,
Butter and Eggs
V 'L. .. .,
HAKlMv rww
fm.A Anmr fustVino oowdcr
made from Royal GrP Cream
ol Tartar
Ho Alum-No Umm Phoaphmimm
W. G. T. I). ITEMS.
(This Space UclonnB to the W. C. T. U.)
D. B. Gilbert. Chairman of the Pro
hibition campaign committee and one
of the Trustees of the Anti-Saloon
League, spoke at the Court House on
Wednesday evening. lie reminded
the voters of the right they possebs to
govern themselves und urged them to
make uso of it in a way to build up
tho town and remove temptation from
those who are weak. He declared
that liquor selling is uot a business,
slncj business consists of a scries of
commercial transactions in which tho
purchaser is supposed to got value for
his money. Tho buyer of intoxicants
is tho worse oiF instead of the better,
tho more purchases he makes, lie
cited Mayor Lovo'j testimony to the
improved condition of Lincoln af tor
ten months of prohibition.
Red Cloud School's Bi-monthly Spelling
lowest lilgli intrant!
percent percent staiullnc
Don't Delay Ordering
a lire insurance policy from ub n
single day. Firo isu't going to
stay away because you arc not in
sured. In fact, it beems to pick
out the man foolish enough to bo
Have us issue you a policy to-day.
Don't hcBltatc about the matter.
The tire fiend may! have your
house down on the list for a visit
thin very night.
Reliable insurance.
The home Grocery
P. A. Wullbrandt, Prop.
jfi I carry a complete line of strictly fresh Groceries,
ifl and my prices are such that it will pay you to do
your buying in this line of us. Only the first-class
w? brands of canned and package goods carried.
The Columbia Phonograph
of woritH
Grade 7
Hoys W
UlrlH 00
Grade B
Uoye K)
Girls u0
Grade &
Hoyn 00
GlrlB U)
urado i
Hoys U)
Girls U)
Grade. 3
Hoys W
Girls W
Those having the highest btanding
In the spelling contest In their respect
ive grades are as follows:
(Jrade 7 Puul I'oluicky, Hula Fitz,
Alison Cowdeu, Josophino
Esalg.Pcarl Hadloy, Maurino
Caldwell, Laura Pierce,
ltlanohc Bonei.
Grade 0 Five boys and twelve girls
made a grade of 100 percent,
tirade 5 -Six boys and llfteen girls
made ugrado of 100 percent
Grade 4 Five boys and eight girls
made a grade of 100 percent.
Grude .1 Ralph Newhouse, Morwio
Edson, Beatrice McAllister.
LAt ag' ?
All staple Groceries in bulk at Bed-rock Prices.
In a Grocery store more than in anything else,
buyors should demand Absolute Cleanliness.
You cannot, buy Groceries in a dirty, ill-kept place and be sure o
pure goods Cleanlinessand sanitation are our hobbies. : . : '
With Dtublc Disc Records
is making the people of this
community "set up and take
notice," which is proven by
the sale of all the machines
we had in stock.
Our New Stock is expected
any day and we invite you to
come in and hear the beauti
ful and perfect tone produced
by these machines.
Double Disc Records only 65f
Disc Phonographs $25 to $250
Do You Know
that Bellevue College, including College, Normal School,
Academy, Business Course, and Conservatory of Music,
Painting, and Dramatic Art, located in Omaha's beautiful
suburb, is the most delightfully situated institution 'in the
West? Able Faculty. Successful Intercollegiate athletics,
debating and oratory. Fine College spirit. The advan
tages of the city combined with the health and freedom of
the country.
Classical, Scientific and Philosophical Courses
Graduates of the Academy and Normal School receive
State Certificates. Academy and Normal admit students
who have completed the Eight Grade work. Summer Sess
ion of eight weeks, beginning June 13th. Expenses moder
ate. Send for catalog and bulletins.
S. W. ST00KEY, LL. D., President.
Tolto your spectacle caso to Now
houBoBros. They will put your initials
on It, free of chargo.
IIousk and Loth koii Bale. A nloe
ft room houso and Hi lots looated
(dose in. This is a nice place. In
quiro at the Chief office for further
Successor to Dr. J. S, EMIOH
At the old stand over (fee
State Bank. Pkonef 31 .
..,-.; ...,.ws5Srf2iaS"r'; - t
mum mmtimmf'
! u.