The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 03, 1910, Image 1

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"An Ounce of Prevention" A check
account will run your business withouta
-'hitch". When you pay by check, you
get an itemized receipt for every bill.
Then, too, you have a complete record
of receipts and expenditures in your
pass book. We invite you to open a
check account with us. Your account
small or large- will receive attention a
bove the average.
Interest Paid on time
Webster County Bank,
CAPITAL $25,000
B. F. Mizer, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier.
B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas,
S. R. Florance.
Advance Styles so all Lines
Pretty Cottons - Beautiful Linens
Handsome Woolens - Gorgeous Silks
Yard upon yard of the New 1910
Dress Fabrics
We handle nothing but Reputable
Every article bearing our personal guarantee. We show
nothing but the Up-To-Date Styles. When selecting your
Spring needs call at
IS! Miner Bros. Co.
General Merchants
We will be pleased to show our goods at any and all times,
and we assure you courteous treatment.
m, o if iTOitAr.
A FeW Of tllC GOOd lllinSS
Dill l'iildi- ..,
Sour l'lcklcs .,
Sweet Pickles.
Hulk Olives...
Horse It.idUh ,
Colory Relish .
l"e per doz
1 glass
Ulomargorine Uutter. . .'JO V 2:.e per lb
OySttil'S r' '0 l,t!r fl'
The 4f Avenue Moat Market
c;inip HJnrlpM "ly
f&;, - .... 14 J,'.- ' 1
-!. Twfvarffc-yT
rt" ',r Stockman for eye glasses
Satisfaction guaranteed.
'.'" The Chief $1.50 a year.
. , . . J'lU
ioui.ei'iottio;Rt C. Rhode Island Red
10c '
Eggs For Sale
From Pure Blood Farm Range
R. F. D.No. 2 Phone 11 on 15
Mrs. T. W. White
,,- --Str-.vt -. . ',- - ,-!af-!S JrJgiayj:.;
A Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two
Mrs. Myrtle Fearn is visiting ut. her
in jthcr'e, Mr-. Robertson.
Lloyd Pcgg b:is hired to V. S. Dense
for this year on the farm.
Mr and Mrs. .los. Hewitt spent the
evening Friday at .loo Crows.
Tiney Gurnoy has moved on the Ad
Sprucher farm north east of Cowles.
Dell Ilollidny has moved on tlie
Warnoek plaeo and will work for Win.
Mrs (leo. Pierce was in Ked Cloud a
few days this week waiting on her
niotlier who K very sick.
Friday will bo a red letter day for
Mr. and Mrs. .los. Hewitt. That it was
a surprise well we will admit it.
About U o'eloek tho neighbors began
to drive in and unload tho good things
for tlie inner man. Twenty four of
their friends sat down to the feast
whieh was good enough for a king.
They received some nice presents it be
ing their lirst wedding anniversary.
May they have many more anniversa
ries and may we bo there to help en
joy tliem
Of all things of time or tide.
The newspaper poet Is the most a live.
Will FMierisou the sick list this
Fine weather for the last of Febr
uary. Kay Davis was on wind mill row
Sunday (.ml Monday.
Pole Mauley and lleatty arc braking
a broncho for Dr. Asher this week.
The lirst of March came in like a
lamb and we suppose it will go lamb it
.lolin Wittwer was at Will Fishers
putting up a new wind mill wheel
No school on Monday on account of
the school mam, Miss .Julia Bngols
being sick.
Mis; Blhi White went to lied Cloud
Friday night and staid over night with
Miss .Julia Bngels.
Tho thrashing machine started at
Low Ferry's Tuesday with Fisher and
Davis at the business end.
Len Mungor is a going to work for
Frank Smith this .summer. Glad to
see you back in Garfield Len.
The Kalcigh medicine man was on
wind mill row Monday and left some
good medicine and everybody feels
better now.
Artie Riolierson was up to visit tho
school and ho either studied to hard
or looked at the school mam to straight
for he hurt his eyos.
Lots of moving this week, lteod
and Davis will move where Henry
Wiggins vacates and Jim Dewitt will
inovo on the Taylor farm. Mr. Sher
man will do the lino part on the George
Harris ranch and Mr. Saylor expects
to fly high ou the Baxter place ami Joo
Mudd expects to work every body he
can on the Col Wiggins' place.
Mrs. Charles Murphy has pneumonia.
Oscar Evans and wife have a baby
Charles Guy was worse again the
last of tho week.
Tho Woman's Foreign Mission society
met with Mrs. Bhoda Simpson Friday.
Miss Malissu Lambert who teaches
the primary school at Dlllor has been
(J. W. Hagan Is homo from the hos
pital at Kansas City and is getting
along nicely.
Hov. and Mrs. Stceloy are in Kansas
City whero Mrs. Ste'eley is taking
medical treatment.
G. It. McCall and wife and some
friends visited Sunday at tlie homo of
M. Massluger and family.
The W. C. T. U. mot with Mrs. I).
.Jones Wednesday. The meoliug was
conuucicu uy .Mrs. ualilwin.
Friday evening fifteen ladies sur
prised Mrs. C. A lloland who will soon
return to Texas. Games were played
and luuoh served.
Weeks Each Year For $1.50. 2S"
The Unequalled Tone,
mechanical construction and through
honestness of quality have given to the
a popularity and SALE unapproached by any other
mechanical music maker,
The Edison
the same position among cylinder machines that VICTOR
does among the Disc machines. Hear Them Both At .
A number from here will attend the ,
County Sunday School convention at
Cnvlcs Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. Bininet Ilngnn of Huhhell has ,
been ill for the past three weeks. Tho
family formerly lived here.
Mrs. 12 vu Dlckersoit has returned
from St. .Joseph where sho purchased
her spring stock of millinery.
Mis. James Colvin and children have
gone to their homo at Wauueta after
visiting relatives for several weeks.
Sunday, Mrs. L. B. Tait and Mrs.
Lyra Garber came down from Hed
Cloud to visit Mrs. A. J. Hayes and
Mrs. Hannah Garber.
Mrs. K. S. Schobourg bought her
spring millinery the past week in Kan
sas City and lias added u line of hair
goods and ornaments.
The Uoyal Nolghbor lodge had a
basket social Friday niirht which
netted tho ordor a nice, sum of money.
Some of the baskets wore extremoly
lieorgo Watt and wife visited over
Sunday with Mr. Watt's sister, Mrs.
Chris Hansen and family and attended
the wedding of Miss Clara Snyder niece
or Mrs. Watt.
Mrs. Harriet Hoover was strucu on
the head by a board falling from above
while she. was getting coal from her
bin. While the bruise is quite severe
it might have been more serious.
Perry Xorris will soon move to town
anil occupy the brick residence in thu
north part of town which he purchased
of Oscar KvnnH. Mr. Bvans now lives
in tho house vacated by Lee Columbia.
Albert Vollers and family will soon
move to Leavenworth, Kansas, whore
the parents of Mrs. Vollers, John Unity
m wlf0 are located. Their neighbors
.and friends surprlsod them .Saturday
evening and brought baskets or good
tilings for supper. All regret to have
tliem inovo awny.
JJ. I J) 10.
The Cntrce served by division one of
tlie M. B. Aid society at the home of
Mrs. Charles Ely Thursday was a suc
cess. Fortyllve were in attendance.
Receipts including lunches sold were
Howard Font, and Mi-s Clara
Snyder were married Sunday evening
at six o'clock at the home of tho bride's
parents Levi Snyder and family who
reside in the Maple Grove neighbor
hood. Kev. G. W. Pool performed the
Miss Mary B-.tella Coplen eldest
daughter of G. M. Coplen and wife
was married Wednesday afternoon to
Mr. Minard Gates of Cambridge Hov.
(5. W. Pool performed the ceromony at
the M Fi. parsonage. They will roslde
at Cambridge.
The south eaat district held a very
Interesting "rally" Sunday afternoon
at '2 o'clock at tho llaptist church. T.
A. Baldwin, president gave an address
of welcome. There was singing by a
largo choir. Addresses and talks ou
various Suuday School topics by B. C,
Christie, Hov. Pool. Frank IJailoy,
Lloyd Farquhar, Mrs. Albin, Mrs. Bald
win, Mrs. Dickorson and others. A
collection was taken. T. A. Baldwin
was re-elected President and C. E.
Vaiighan was re-elected Secretary.
Good rami For .Sale
on reasonable Terms. Also some good
City residences lor sale. Inquire of
Ciiii.i Oilici:.
Letter List.
List of letters remaining uncalled
for at postolJlco at Bed Cloud, Neb,
for the week eliding Feb. 31, I'JiO.
Vcno Cronklcton W. O. King
O. A. Smith Chas. Ware
Those will be sotit to the dead lotter
ofllec March 10, 1910, if uncalled for
boforo. Whon calling for abovo ploaso
say "advertised."
T. CrllACKUR, Posttnnator.
JSP' "'' " f""'
There's No Risk
If This Medicine :)ocs Not Benefit, You
Pay Nothing.
A physician who made a specialty of
stomach troubles, particularly dyspop
sia. after years of study perfected tho
foi inula from which Uexnll Dyspepsia
Tablets are made.
Oar experience with Boxall Dyspep
sia Tablets, loads us to believe them to
bo tho greatest remedy known for the
relief of acute indigestion and chronic
dypopsla. Their ingredients arosooth
ing and healing to the inflamed mem"
branes of the stomach. They are rich
in pepsin, otio of tho greatest digest
ivo aids known to medicine. Tho re
lief they afford is almost immediate.
Their use with persistency and regul
arity for a short time brings about u
cessation of tho pains caused by stom
ach disorders.
Itexul Dyspepsia Tablet will insure
hoalthy appetite, aid digestion and
promoto nutrition. As evidence of
our sineore faith in Rcxall Dyspepsia
Tablets, we ask you to try them at our
risk . If they do not give you entire
satisfaction, wo will return you the
money you paid us for them, without
question or formality. They come in
In three sizes, prices, 25c, fiOound 81.00.
Bcmcmbcr you cau obtaiu them only
at our store, Tho II. B. tirice Drug
Store, Bed Cloud, .Vebr.
lillACK iKl'ISfOl'AI.) L'lIUlU'U
Itov. .1. M! Hales, l'nstor.
Survlrc till! Ill St two SillliluVH III filch
Holy Cuiiimtiiiloa at imiinliiti ourvk'txi on
tlioilrst Htuiiluy.
Kniiilay school n.UVi o'clock every Sunday.
Mm. K. II. Smith, Superintendent.
Preaching ; I0:l3u. in.
Ulblo echool ... 12 1,,
Treadling services r j, ,.
l'raycr and Conference meeting Wednes
day at 8 p. in.
A cordlnl Invitation Is extended to till.
Kkv. A. A. CnmsMAN Pastor.
i i
1 1