mm wfcM -ittftt- wW - V ; 10GALETTES J Chas. (irotit was in Hustings Tues day. Mrs. .1 liuiilen i- bi Si. Joe this WecU Uenew your Mtb ription for the Chi.'t. .1 V Wintuis of l.'tiu'oln Is in town this week. Clins. Shnllak went to Hastings Wednesday. I. II Holmes went to Ktiirbury San da morning. Mrs. Frank Cowden is visiting In St. .Ion this week. Mr. Simpson e nnc home on 11 Wed nesday morning. Hilly Uense is moving out to hij fui'lll tll'lS C"U. Walter Warrun ami family spent Sunday in Superior. l'aul Storey was in Lincoln tho tlrst of tho weelc on business. Mrs. KtacUlioiide sl'ppedatlier home and sprained her iitihlc. llring in your furs while market is high. .1. O. Cai.iiwku.. See Dr. Stockman for oyc glasses Satisfaction guaranteed h. I.rndlleld and wife left Wednes day for their homu in Oklahoma. IJertrude lilaekledgc came homo Sunday morning from Hlooniiiigton. Mr. and Mrs. J. Harness arrived from Hebron the last part of last week. Dr. Dainerell'.s brother and wife ar rived Tuesday evening from Montana. Mr. Dobbins of Mankato, Kas. is visiting at the home of Iohu CrilVeth. Foil S.vlb Hhode Island Hed Cock rulls. Inquire of Mas. C. II. Kit, rfd No. 3. W. L. Egbert is moving his family into the Andy Hart's property this week. The Kebekah's initiated two new moiubers into their lodge Thursday eTcniug. Mr. and Mrs. Harry l.ot.son cuter tainud the Junior Whist lubt Thursday evening. l'oit Sam: Three show cases. In quire at Newhouse's for further par ticulars. drant'f urner has bought F. L. Hiues' dray line and 1ms taken possession of tbe same. Aubil Crabill is lookiug after the elevator busiuesa in the absence of his father. Geo. Overlug who has been ou the siok list the past week is improving at thiB writing. Clarence Eshelinan aud wife arrived home Sunday morning from their astern trip. O. C. Teel and Ben Grant went to Graud Island TueHday to attend tho base ball meeting. Jim Moranville has installed a rural pbonc aud thobe needing veterinary service call on him. Take your spectaeio caso to Mow house Bros. They will put your initials on It, free of charge Koontz fe Wccsnor snipped 2 cars of hogs to Kansas City Sunday. Mr. Weesuer accompanied thorn. Fo Sauk: Two typewriters good as new, one Smith Premier and one Rem ington. Inquire at this office. Get your heating and cook stove in to shape for w invor. Ordor your stove repairs from Morhart Bros. now. A public memorial scrvicp in houor of Miss Willard will be held In the Congregational church Feb. 17th. Mrs. 0. A. Wells has returned to her home In Cowles aftor sponding a few days with her sister, Mrs. J. K. Butler. Morhart linn, have their Intro coal stoves on their tloor. Cum .n v id see the tinest line of the best stoves you ever looked at The 111 in of Wallin & Hiitisen li-.s dissolved Mr. Hansen retiiing from the business and Mr. Wallin will con tinue the business. Mot hint I iros. carry a complete lino of Klectrie lumps, Carbon. Tungsten and Tantalum also hi-low lamp lt'-l (Jet your lamps of them. The spelling contest which was to have been held Friday evening, reb. llth., has been postponed on account of the Fanner's Institute. Teacher's Reading Circle meeting will be hold in olllce of County Snpei Intendentat Rod Cloud, Fob. VI, lull, at i! p in. Maiiix I)y, Co. Supt. Mr. ami Mrs. J. V llutlcr entertained a number of young people at their home last Thursday evening in honor or Miss Myrtle Wells of Kduiond, Kn Foil Sm.k Cut: vt a ! horse powi Tiaction engine in vicinity of lllue Hill, Nebraska. For full particulars, addicss, It. care of V. litor of this paper. Hoisi: and hois roii Si.k. A nice 15 room house and l1, lots located close in. I his is a nice place. In quire at the Chief olllce for further particulats. Do you want, a farm loan. Remem ber 1'. U Overman loans in Webster and Franklin county Nebraska and Smith and Jewell Co., Kansas Low est terms going. The pnople of ("owles have arranged to hold a Farmer's Institute in that place Feb. 2."th and '2tith. We received notice too late to give program this week. Full account will appear in tho next issue. The program rendered by the C. F. society last Sunday night was very commendable and highly appreciated by their friends, who attended in largo numbers. A splendid testimony was the liberal offering for Medical Miss ions in India. At last a cream seperator has been built by a reputable house which is little in price yet big in capacity. Tho Beatrioo Creamery Co . have one on exhibition in their branch olllce in this city. Messrs. Hanson and Trine will bo pleased to show you. Tho regular services at tho church of Christ will be coudueted next Lord's day in the Christian church. Every body is cordially invited to hear Mr. Hussong discourse on these themes; "A Bid tqr Men," at 11 A. MandThe Prince of Traise," at 7:30 P. M. Teacher's examinations will bo held at Rod Cloud and Blue Hill Friday, Feb. 18 and Saturday, Fob. 19. Regis tratlon hours 8 a. m. to 10 n. m. and 1 p. in. to i p. m All who register must remain until close of registration hours. Maiikl Day, Co. Supt. Foil Rent: ISO acre farm: Webster Co., Nebraska, L miles boutb of Inavale, Nobr. 130 acres under cultivation, 320 under fence for pasture or hay land as desired. Write or call on Dr. C. W. Waldkn, Beatrioo, Nebr., John D. Fulton, Riverton, Nebr., or Bank of Inavai.k. Jtiavale, Nebr. I HAVE A quarter section 3 miles from Red Cloud which I have just for Bale this weelc. There is 130 acres un der cultivation, part of it is now In crop. This place will sell on first sight to a man that is able to make his first payment. Can get possession by the First of March if desired. If sold soon this place can bo bought at a bargain. For further information call on A. II Caiut.stku. Special services at tho Congregation al church next Suuduy. In tho mom ing at I0;l."i tho pastor will endeavor to answer tho question "Are wo under r,ittfnt inn tn the colored race, and if J so how can we discharge that debt?1 '. In thu evening ho will hold a me See The Chief for job work. F. W. Cowden left Sunday for a visit to the eastern markets. Mrn. Cow doti accompanied him as far as St. Joe where she will visit friends and relatives. Ho will personally in spect a largecoiisignnn tit of upto-dato clothing for tho Cowden ICaley Cloth I' g Co., of thisoitv. This linn believes in knowing that it bus the best the market all'mds for Its customer Mr. Cowden will be gone about ten days. The ' Layman's Missionary Move ment" convention, which -r. Hussong discoursed last Sunday morning, is to convene in Lincoln, Nebr., Mar. lfi-li. This -movement" is an oyeopmer to the present opportunity to ovaugello the world with tho gospel aud necess ity of Christian unity to accomplish it. The "Christian Endeavor," "League." 'II. V. P. U.," "Y. M. C. A ," "Y. W. C A," student Volunteeis' and "01 .i.his" have all tended to raise up i iiis 100.000 christain men in tho churches in America. They will hold T.'i conventions in America and raises M.yOiiO.OOO to preach the gospel to all people. Mr. Hussong has been asked in assist in tho convention at Lincoln. I have a quarter section 8 J.j miles -until oast of Red Cloud There is a gooil new house,!) rooms, barn to hold Pi head of stock, hog house, two chick en houses, wood house, tool shod and other buildings. Theio Is 70 acres broke, 31) of which is in alfalfa, 15 acres fenced hog tight, 3 or I good springs of water, good cistern, no well, lo not need any, buildings are all painted. This place is in (iartleld township, 1 mile south of the Dunkard church. Tho Methodist chinch is 1 f. miles from it and It is only '., uiilo to school Price SOSOO. Can givo good terms to tho right man. For further particulars call on A. II. Cahpi:nti:u. The last number of tho Lecture Course for this season will be given by tho Wilbur Starr Concert Company Wednesday Fob. 10 at 8:10 I". M. in the Opera House. This is one of the best if not the best ontertaininent of If you wish u seat it stands you in hand to secure it early as every body wants to hear Mr. Starr one of the best baritone sdngers on the stage. Mrs. Starr Is an accomplished Cellolst and Miss Livingston comes highly re commended as a violinist. They are a stroug company aud will give a most delightful entertainment You can not afford to miss it. If you do you will be sorry. Tickets on sale at Cook's Drug Store Feb. 9th. W. C. T. U. ITEMS. (This Space HcIoiikh to the V. C. T t'.i The sins of the father shall bo cast upon tho children even unto the third ami fourth generations One swallow does not make aslnner, but it makes a young man loose all that stands for manhood and right eous. ... The W.C. T. l of Missouri is going to appeal to the luiatlve aud reforeud ti in since the Missouri Senate voted down a constitutional amendment ou prohibition. The Hotels and saloons in Denver were closed last .Sunday voluntarily. l'hey say they fear state wide prohibit ion They sutoly have committed themselves by their own words and actions. Be not deceived tho women in Colorado can vote too FOR EXCHANGE BY C. A. SCHULTZ & CO. orrtci: In I'orri it III n.iusu 'Jin acres of land within t miles of Uberliu, Kansas; one half in culti vation, improved. Price !." nor acre. 'lo acres, part bottom laud, near' state line in ClieyonneCouiity, Kansas. ?() acres cultivated, I in acres tillable, some linpiovemonts. nice &. p(r acre. Hioacies 1 ' .. miles north of Limon, Colorado. Laud lays Hue aud could all be plowed in one land, i!0 acres broke, small house. Price S3U00 clear. Residence new and modern except heat. wlthf'). I fit) It. lot in Holdroge, Nobr. Rents for S1.1 Price SWOO. 'A'M acres near Palisade, Hitchcock County, Neb. 'Jon acres in cultivation, a lino tract. Price i.'SO per aero. 100 acres in Smith County, Kansas; 10 miles from Rod Cloud, Neb. Tim ber, water anil Improved. Price ?M) per acre. THESE ARE FOR TRADE SUB MIT WHAT YOU HAVE TO OFFER, THF.RH1SNO TELLING WHAT A MAN WILL TRADE FOR. Foit Sam:: A meat market doing bininessof SIO'K) per month. Cream, poultry and ice business; slaughter house and ico house with Rl: tons of ico. Only market In town of COO in North Kansas. Price $1500 for quick sale. C. A. SU1UI.TZ& Co., Potter Building Red Cloud, Neb. -VVVVvMvMvAVANrs (Spring the House Cleaning Time will soon be here, you will find us prepared with all the New Snappy Styles in our line. Lace Curtains. Rugs all Complete. CflLady Assistant our own Personal Services in our undertaking Depart ment. License Nebraska & Kansas. AIL THE PHONES Ed. Amackp Prop. LEADERS IN FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING. B .:-x: 'X"Il,X"!- ;:.: 1 WE ARE READY To show you our new line of Spring photo mounts of fine quality. We have all size Card mounts, Squares, Ovals, Panels, Bust, Different sizes for family groops. Folders, of neat quality. Come and look at them. See STEVENS BROTHERS Photographers. 1 ::? '''''.l-.i' wvf.s o : .SC.t.C.,.'Wi,i It" a & ttfffrfetfffrKfffftftfftfrCfffftetttttfftffnftfrttfrffcc SAY MISTER!!! Having secured three carloads of wire fencing at I.O.O.F.PUtlce. All members of tho I. O. O. F. arc re quested to be present at tho regular meeting Monday night as the second and third will be put on. En. Hanson, N. 0. Mrt.. R. (5. Runchey, who has been visiting hor sibter. Mrs. Will Beltler norllll sorvce in honor of Lincoln's at Cowlos returned home Wednesday ,ni hivthilav and will give the char noon. I urn now prepared to do your haul ing, price reasonable. Commercial trade hollcltod. V. T. Maoism;, Manager. acteristiiss which made Llucolu great. Tho old soldiers, teachers and pupils of our schools will find this lecture inter esting and helpful aud with otherH aro most cordially invited to be present. Letter list. List of letters remaining uncalled for at postotllce at Rod Cloud, Neb for tho woek ending Feb. 0, 1910. J. O. Saudberg Mrs. H. T. Wilson Those will be bent to tho dead letter office Feb., 24, 1910, if uncalled for before. When calling for above please say "advertised." T. C. Hackeu, Postmaster. We Arc It. The Htate high school inspector was inspecting our high school Wednes day. Ho asserted that for tho size of tho city Red Cloud had the best school in the state. He found every .thing very satisfactory aud general conditions excellent. He was unstint ed in his praise of Supt. Moritz. What a change one little year lias brought. Card f Thanks, I wish to extend my sincere thanks to all those rrho so kindly assisted mo In my late bercavemeut. Especially do I wish to thank tho ladies of the neighborhood for what they have dono and aro doing, also tho A. (). U. W and Kagle lodges, the school touchers and pupils sf grudes .1, (J and 7 and to Miss Alfa Longtiu and Father Fitz gerald. All these have my hoartfelt thanks. J. V. ? Hn7yLf J2H jKiBp m nv mixtures are offered e Kiihstltutes for Royal. .. . is ihe same In composition or effectiveness, so wholesome and eco Somlcarnor will make such fine food. ROYAL Baking Powder Absolutely Pure Royal Is the only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar City Council Precedlnfts. Red Cloud, Feb. '2, 1010. Council met in regular session. Mayor Potter presiding. Councilman McArthur, Pulsipher, Bailey and Oat man present. Minutes of January' Sth and l'2th read and approved. Mr. Trine on behalf of Mr. Leonard tthkscltyto take actlou in opening street south of Mr. Leonard's tract. Mayor appointed Bailey and Oatman to look up tho matter aud report at next council meeting R. D. Moritz et al appeared In be half of petitioners and asks Council to take action in opening streets apprais ed by the committee selected. Petitious and report of appraiser! on thn Overman tracts presented aud read. Moved by Bailey and seconded by Oatman that the report of apprais ers on tho Overman be layed over until the next, regular meeting. No Mc Arthur, Pulhipher, yes Bailey aud Oat man. Mayor voted yes and declared carried. Petition and report of appraiser ou the '1 aber et al tract presented and read. Moved by Bailey seconded by Oatman that report of appraise on Taber ct al tract be laid over until next meeting. No McArthur, Pulsi pher, yes Bailey and Oatman. Mayor voted yes and declared carried. Clerk read communication from L. II. Blackledge In regard to Ohmbtead vs city, caso pending in Supromo Court.- Mayor stated ho had arrangod with Mr. Blacklodgc to attend to this case. Moved by McArthur socondod by Pulsipher that Mr. Blackledge present his expenso account. Yos Mc Arthur, Pulsipher, Bailey and Oat man. Carried. Petition of voters on license or no license read. Moved by McArthur and seconded by Bailey that the ro quest be granted and clerk Instructed to placo the question ou ballot. Yeas McArthur, Bailey, Oatman, no Pulsi pher. Moved by McArthur seconded by Bailey thut Mayor appoint a committee of three to buy a now dosk not to ex ceed 815 for the uso of Light and Water Commissioner. Vs McArthur, Pulsipher, Bailey. Carried. Mayor appointed McArthur. Bailey and Bur gess committee. Clerk stated that Frank Peterson and Uoo. Morhart had been notified to fllo bonds for plumbing and oloctrio litrht wirlntr license. Moved by Bailey and boconded by Pulsipher that if bond Is not furnished by next regular 1 meeting the clerk is instructed to j cancel license. Veas McArthur, Pulsi pher and Bailor. Carried. W. K. (Jeer appeared aud asked Council to pass on a now "JJilley"j which ho presented. No action taken. 1 Report of (i. W. Burgess Water and , Light and tiled. 1 Report of . I. o. Butler cltv treasurer, road aud tiled. Motion to adjourn. J O. C. Tcki., City Clerk. a BIG BARGAIN, we are willing to divide with you. COME AND SEE, Yours truly, PLATT & FREES. P. S. we sell only full rolls: 15, 20 and 40 rods. vV Ml . 44444444444444444--444444 The home Grocery P. A. Wullbrandt, Prop. 1 m m m m flji l carry a complete line of strictly fresh Groceries, and my prices are such that it will pay you to do your buying in this line of us. Only the first-class brands of canned and package goods carried. All staple Groceries inbulk at Bed-rock Prices. E verything IN atables m is m m m m 1 (rtiitnre '" a Urocory store moro than In anvbiog else, Ji UluallllliCbb buyers should demand Absolute Cleanliness. (fjl You cannot buy Groceries in a dirty, ill-kept place and bo sure o ffi pure goods Clcnnlincss'.fliul sanitation arc our hobbies. : : : : ft f& KT a. .M.a. e.e & & asaflftaaafc, , IF YOU WANfa monument for Decoration day place your order NOW! ill will receive PLACE IT WITH US and it the most careful attention. Material first class, workmanship un excelled. OVERING BROTHERS and CO., THE MONUMENT MEN, Red Cloud, - - Nebraska. JSetfreCTY4WiWS3iH FARMERS INSTITUTE! At Red Cloud, February 10 and 11 6 1 1 a - I j 4 7 I, ,fj' f j f ..1 M 1 I1 I 11 :u Hi' 0 i, M i n'V a Ji . ' j i&'jl&faikx'b n . V - )