The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 10, 1910, Image 4

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Red Cloud - - Nebraska.
Inlori'tl In I lie I'ontnfllru nt Itcil Cloud, Net; ,
Second Claim Mutter
0 H. II A LB
Tin: ONLY !i:.MOUUATIO l'Al'Ht;r()i;NTY
Tho Democratic Central committee
meotH in Lincoln on Monday Feb 11
mid considerable business of impoil
aticc to tho party will bo transacted.
All ncrsoiiH who can possibly attend
should iniiliu every ellort to do so as
this meeting will be worth while.
There aro many in this city planning
to attend and there ought to bo a large
delegation from the county.
It is to be hoped that the deliberat
ions at (rand Island this vecl( wil
result in the organization of u .state
base ball league. Last year demon
stinted that a lengne is not only pos
sible but that it is the best method of
playing the game, lied Cloud played
fast ball and teeeived considerable
advertisement over the stiite and we
truly hope an organization will be
"What has become of our chicken
enthusiasts'.''' asks the Red Cloud
Chief. Search us! Any one caught
stealing chickens in tins neighborhood,
with eggs at their present price, would
bo tried by a viglleuce committee and
executed instant er. If any of Red
Cloud's chicken enthusiasts have
visited Holbrook lately the Chief
editor probably has good reasons for
asking tho question. Holbrook Ob
server. Saturday is tho anniversary of birth
of Abraham Lincoln. Last year being
the hundreth anniversary tho people
of tho United States and many foreign
countries paid high tribute to his
memory and it is doubtfull indeed if
any other man received such an a
inount of simultaneous praise and
adoration. His life was one of the
marvels of creation. No wonder his
acts filled the thoughts of millions of
people last year. A thousand years
hence ids greatness will be recognized
even more than it is today. Ho stands
out us a true American, noble, gentle,
agrosalve, patient, kind und unflinch
ing. Miss Mabol Day, Couuty Superin
tendent has been visiting schools and
reports conditions at Blue Hill as bo
lug exoollont. Prof. Harry Hooper is
Superintendent and he appears to be
progressive and doing well. All the
departments weio well handled aud
Oluo Hill is to be congratulated upon
tho sorvice rendered. She reports
considerable advancement at Cowles
They have added one tcaehor to the
corps this year. This became necess
ary owing to the mauy students at
tending from the adjacent districts.
The corps of touchers being L. It.
Gregory l'rin., Miss Lottie DoaUin
Asst. l'rin., Miss Trankie Martin In
termediate und Miss Mabel Brooks
l'rimury. They are doing exoollont
work und the school is progressing
St. Valentine's Day has become uu
important event especiully among tho
children. How our present custom
originated is enveloped in obscurity.
During the reign of Claudius socond,
at the time of tho niobt vigorous per
secution of tho Christians was at its
height, St. Valentiue was burned at tho
stake. Later young people would as
semble In honor of this saint, tho
names of the young ladies wore put in
u box and young gentleman would
proceed to draw. The young lady
whoso name was drawn would be his
valentine and he was in duty bound
to net the gallant toward her for a
poriod of otic yenr. The custom lias
gradually changed to sending pretty
gifts by way of remembrance. Tho
ngly insulting, kind are fast going out
Vo have had several opportunities
lately of publishing articles ostensibly
for the benefit of the general public
Lut upon careful investigation we
found tluit they cleverly disguised
udveitisemeiitsaud wo liavo refused;
4h l.n iiiiwl Mntif vtiwtfiln nvn I rrn-tritt t ,
, i . ., ,7 . i
Ul Willi I nil- williui ia luuiiiuK it i'iijiui
for and for their delightenmeiii wo'
wish to say that as fur as we are con
cerned we are in business to make a
living and If possible lay up a little
for the rainy day. Our stock in trade
is he space in our columns. N e sell
this spaeo and with the proceeds mv
our bread und nutter. No one ;"
u.UKiu-. i .. -
rreo o charge and no one should ask
Al 1U.H t . Iiimil LlCLnfinM i itli
... 1-...I... iu ........ .., ...,... ,...-
nut money or price 1 ho printing of-,
lice is it business place where articles,
. ,. , , ,
...... I. .-....1.4 .....l .in it ritlrl in .
-i.U UUUUl mill Bum, um li- i ii iill'i .- -
changed and in addition to that it is
Jin institution that boosts local enter
prises louder and longer than any
other business organization. We oll
our space and ask you to buy it.
In our article two weeks ago in ic
gard to tho discharge of Chief Forester
Piuchot we entered a mild protest
Other periodicals thruout tho country
were less re-etved. We select an edi
torial on this subject written by that
brilliant journalistic Col. Henry Wat
terson of the Louisville Courier Jour
nal than whom there is no more
gifted person in all these Culled
States. He but voices the opinion of
the rank and file and the renl thinkers
of all parties, when he says:
I-'iir the Hist time in the history of
the country a President of the United
Stales has openly proclaimed himself
the friend of thieves and the enemy of
honest men.
That, and that alone, Is the Issue
pieeipitated by the Executive order of
Friday removing CI ilVord Pinchot from
olllee. "Uy your conduct," says Mr.
Tuft in elTeet, "you bave destroyed
your uiefulnoss as a helpful Htibordin
ate of those who hold the Republican
imrtv as the (iovornment and are
bound to protect those alio, by their
con opt organization and campaign
contribution, have brought the Ite
p.iblii'iiii party to power and are relied
on to maintain it in power." In oilier
words, the public lauds and fianeliises
belong to tho Saints, ami we ate tiie
Many Republican Piesidents have
by indited iuu through the Protective
policy proclaimed themselves the
friends of robbery under tho ioiins of
law: Mr. Tuft becomes the first to de
part from the pioeess of licensed rob
bery, and to announce that the debts
of his party are in futuie to be paid
out of the people's domain. It is not
worth while for anybody to heat about
the bush, or to deal in anything but
plain Lnglish. The truth will not
down. That tho I'lesident is, person
ally, an hone-it, well-intentioned man
need not bo denied, or doubted. The
world is full of men who can see no
wrong where their own interest is nt
stake: who aro blind to right .when
their passions are awakened; who will
do for party what they would refuse
to (Soil. The candidate of straw upon
a platform of imposture, inducted to
olllee, sees his house of cards about to
tumble on him und his Cabinet, be
cause of the act of an upright but im
prudent servant, and, in u panic of
anger and fear, thinks to avert tho
threatened catastrophe by driving tho
upright servant out.
It will not sutllce. All mm now
Know, if they did not know before,
that tho decapitation of Olavis was
meant to kill a dangerous witness;
but, in tho decapitation of (H fiord Pin
chot, and his associates, Price und
Shaw, the Administration has com
mitted hurlkuri upon itself. Hence
forth the ground about tho Whito
House and around the Throne of the
Czar of tho Congress will be sowu
with dragon's tooth.
Aud, from now onward, let thero be
no politics in this country except the
rescue of the (iovornment from organ
ised pillage, which, not contont with
raising up favored classes and dibtri
bating mammoth fortunes through
the Tarlil, reaches forth its corrupt
und impious hand to steal from the
people the public lands and franchises
that yet remain open to bona fide sett
lers aud honest but poor men.
We read of the days of Robert Will
pole with mutcatnuzement. We stand
ughust before the rapacity of Henry
Fox. It seems inconceivable that
there could have beeu ft Government
of Rotten Boroughs exchanging titles
aud estates lor votes. Yet tho system
in Knglaud in the Eighteenth Century
was infantilo by comparison with the
system In tho United States during
the latter part of tho Nineteenth cen
tury and thus much of tho Twentioth.
Tho spoliation of Walpole, and his
body of mercenaries, was child's play
by comparison with theschemo spolia
tion contrived by Cannon, Aldrich &
Company, of which tho President of
UJjPnitcd States now makes himself
the legal advocate, tho backer and de
fender. Nothing over wltnossod in the
.vorld before compares with it in lin-
mensity and audacity.
Poor old, dignified, fat wittcd James
Buchanan, who, standing by the ex
tremists of Domocracy, let the country
drift into war, seems the only parallel
to the good-natured indifferentialist
now occupying tho Chief Magistracy,
who thinks with n smllo to slick over
the treason, stratagems mid spoils in
which a thick skulled, thoroughly ma-chlno-niade
Administration is engulf
ing the country.
There are enough upright men yet
' '" Uo.igressto forbid
Tho President's
pal in the lower liouso will not bo al-
mwmi iu puua a committee oi suoserv
, lent, stand-pat Republicans and rascal
ly Democrats, prearranged and lire-
f mlrnil in f ln inllftt .....I
, '.. ,,, ,,.?, ,,...
,, JimlnM ft hml
; ,,, tho Semt0i Wo ,, lmv n ,.
, vest iKution tliut will investigate. He
w,lu (,ujUes ,)et.onuV)
(lmt (1()lll)ts , Mm, ,0
dastatd; he
be damned.
Tu 1(hlu, rHlMM, b lu, p , ,
jIimth a tho ,mstleilll ()f Ul, A, , ,
, . ., u Cti.. ..
i. , ivi. ..,, jivkii-.jti.-iiii,ii.:Ji.ii--.ifii
at tho masthead of Congress' "No
quarter he tho word, until the truth,
t lie whole truth and nothing but the
truth comes blading from the crucible
to put u blister upon the forehead of
corruption, in vindication of true mo ,
and all for tho glory of God and the
honor of the Republic! Amen!" Col
ller's Weekly.
Lincoln, January ,'il, HMO.
Kditor, " blef."
Rod Cloud, Nobr
Dear Sir: -In the matter of the com
plaint of F. A (lood, of Cowles, again t
C B. &Q It. R. Co. in regard to train
service, which was set for hearing at
Hastings on Wednesday, February !rh.
at !) a. in.
Wo have to advise you that .said
hearing lias been continued until
Wednesday, February U!!I, at. U a. in
to take place in the court house at
Hastings, for the reason that Mr.
Kolby, general solicitorof tho Burling
ton, Is required to be in Washington
on tlie'Jtli to attend a hearing before
the Interstate Commerce Commission
Yours truly,
(5 C. Wm.LS,
Acting Secretary.
A Sad Accident-
Coroner Amuck was called to Blue
Hill Monday to investigate the death
of one Win. Baker. The best account
which we are able to obtain from the
coroner himself who hays:
"There was a gang of about twelve
laborers tunnelling under the road
bd of tho inilroud to make a water
wnv. They had dug a place about
eight feet wide and twenty three feet
deep extending back fiom the road-bed
about twenty live feet. Win. Baker
Walter Kvaiis und Sylvanns Mugner
were in tho pit at work under the
track when the embankment caved in
on them. Evans aud Mugner were
tlrst found aud taken out badly
bruised but not seriously injured. It
took about forty five minutes to Und
the body of Baker. He had fallen for
ward with his pick in his hands anil
pushed back over his .shoulders. I
examined the body and could find no
marks of violence, there being no
bones broken. Ho appeared to have
been a man about forty years old and
ii good health.
The Cause of Colds
Good Advice Regarding the Prevention
or Ctughs and tolds
If people would only fortify and
strengthen tho system, the majority of
cases or coughs, colds and pneumonia
might be avoided. These troubles are
frequently due to weakness, which
produces n catarrhal condition of the
mucous membrane, which is an inter
nal skin of tho body. When this skin
is weakened it becomes easily infected
with germs which cause many of the
diseases to which flesh is heir.
Healthy mucous membranes are es
sential safeguards of tho body's goner
al health.
An excollent nid in the prevention
of coughs, colds, pneumonia, and such
like infectious diseases, is a remedy
that will prevent or cure catarrh.
Wo have n remedy which we honest
ly believe to bo unsurpossed in excell
ence for the prevention of coughs,
colds and all catarrhal conditions. It
is the prescription of a famous physic
ian, who has an ouviublo reputation of
thirty years of cures gained through
the use of this formula. We promise
to make no charge for tho medicine
should it fall to do as wo claim. We
urge everybody who has need of Huch
a medicine to try Rexall Mucu-Tono.
It stands to reason that we could
not atl'ord to make such statements
and givo our own personal guarautee
to this remedy if wo were notprepared
to prove tho reasonableness of our
claim in every particular, and we sco
no reason why any one should hesitate
to accept our oifer and try it. We
navo two sizes of Roxall Mucu-Tono,
prices fiOe audSl. Sometimes n Go.ccnt
bottle Is sulllcient to give marked
rollof. Asa general thlnir the most.
chronic case ib rclioved with an aver-
ago of threo large bottles. You can
obtain Rexall Remedies in Red Cloud
only at our storo,-Tho Rexall Store.
Tho II. E. Grice Drug Co.
Ely's Cream Balm
Suro to Civo Satlnfnction.
It cleanses, soothes, heals and protect? tho
disensed membrane resulting from Catarrh
and drlve.snway a Cold in th- Head qiiieklv.
Restores tho Senses of Taste and KinoiL
liisy to use. Contains no injurious drugs
Applied into tho no-tilU and absorbed
Largo Sio, M) cents ut Druggists or by
in.iil Liquid Cream Balm for use in
utomizcrs, 75 cents.
ELY BROTHERS, SG Warren St.. New Yorlo
Wa.ntkd A load of cobs on sub
ciiption. Inquire of the Clitof.
To close out what is left of our
winter underwear will close out
cheap as I do not wish to carry any
over until next year.
Children's fleeced drawers or vests
size 16 at 10c were 15c.
Children's fleeced union suits, size
4, 5, 6, at 20c.
Children's heavy fleece union suits,
size 4, 5, 6, at 40c.
Ladies cotton fleeced vests and
drawers. The 25c ones at 20c, the
50c ones at 40c.
Ladies fleeced union suits, the $1
ones at 80c, $1.50 ones at 1.10, $2.50
ones at 1.75, $3.00 ones at 2.25.
Outing night dresses from 50c to
are 10c
i ..
An Improvement over many Couch, Lung nnd Dronchlal
system of a cold by actintf as a cathartic on the bowels.
Biusracuon or money
mmXikizMM m ammoem oHuwjjwli
1 1-
ercnanaise at
stocking feet, 4
to $3.25.
i ' i M i'J
- AV
V.VV. , I l,W y
v ' "l
This month's Butterick Patterns
and 15c none higher.
tJAre Coming in and are being
made ready for your selection.
CJThey are the Newest and Nobbiest
Patterns, and the Styles.
DThe quality is the same that has made
this Store famous as a safe place to
IjJWe are showing the advance
Styles of H. S. & M. Clothing
rctunaed. Prepared by P1NEULE MEDICINE CO.. CHICAGO. US a!
Nazareth waists for
children are the
handiest garment
made, have metal
tubes for hose sup
porters all sizes 25c.
Stop darning hose and
come in and buy the
pairs for 25c.
Ladies muslin
nightdresses at
50c up to $1.50.
Ladies muslin
corset covers at
25c up to $1.
Ladies muslin
drawers at 25c
up to $1,00.
Ladies muslin
skirts at 50c up
Remedies, because it rid, &
No oolates. ?.!??' .B!