The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 02, 1909, Image 1

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Bfi SUtuHlsloilcnlSorlity
HPLi .EtSffitiifiBBiK j V. ' iBzfzJzlF.i.. .jiawMaWfiriaaEawlaraLTJaawQawawfaaaax !'iiiii8filiiTHffaBMHawTfaaWaaMllif
Ba r' ' -- BBBT yaFBM'BaiBkBBffBri: jnr" i' ri-i'.vBBBI BJ t WBa BBBBBBBa .BaBBBlK: t?T,-r-i tt;rLBBBBki3.BBBEBBBHBBBBBE&BBBBBB BBI BalW.eBY&:Ba I xBBBBv BBWR2Bw BBEacBBl:c9K:BBBuP-1- BBBBBBl riBMBBeesxSBru
fr BjraJriilSfajWfeBEBBBfa5giaTr:f?- M WBBbIBB1BBBBSB ieqfcS5rr" -fc yBpPrlBwBfciPf BmjbbbBPhbbbmbmTt BBPwWBMBHMBBfc Ml Bl HH ilLlr nililllllUia!
fjflji- jaCTTi "i-tii3M p r !W ", m-BarOr TVlBBkw JPMMM T?f3BBaMBBBBTyBBBgBB'BWaW Lbbw I I IAmH W"ll KxBT BaBBBTfjT'TaM r HmJaw KBfMJtwBK5KTFC?iftrClL i'i niiiiirlilf'PB
We invite you to join
our growing list of satisfied
Interest Paid on time
Webster County Bank,
CAPITAL $25,000
B. F. Mizer, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier.
B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas,
S. R. Florance.
H Miner Bros. Co.
General Merchants
The weather man says it will continue to be cold,
If so, warmer bed clothing is surely needed by many
families. Our Wool Blankets are made from a se
lected quality of Wool. We have them in a large
range of patterns -and in several qualities. Our
Cotton Blankets are made from a soft grade of cotton
with the much desired woolnap finish, which makes a
very warm blanket.
Come In White, Grays and Tans, with colored bor
ders! and In plaids.
By all odds, our Blanket Stock Is the largest, newest,
best and lowest Priced In the City.
H. 4. LETSON. Mir.
See us always before buying elsewhere, as our stock of
New Goods is the Largest and Prices the Lowest.
I The Home Grocery
The Home Grocery
P. A. Wnllbrandt, Prop.
I carry a complete line of
and my prices are such that it will pay you to do ujr
9fc your buying in this line
W branfls ot canned and package goods carried. w
All stanle Groceries in
. ,.- ,-T f
W HlAaftliftocc
In a- Urocei7
JM Uwttl'UWWd. bJtaMuld
0i ouBOOt.bttylttspcetiin.a.dJrtylJijyptplc and ba ura o-
kk inire goods CleallKJ-iand sanitation are our hobbles. : : i : tt
strictly fresh Qroceries,
s ili
of us. Only the first-class ilf
bulk at Bed-rock Prices. W
store moi;e than iu anything else.
dewRd .Absolut CUaqllness.
4 FkMfer Tiaf film Tie Mm Flfty-twt
Mrs. Hannah Garbcr is still ou tho
nick list.
Thft M. E. society met vrith Mrs. I
0. Cone Thursday.
Mrs. Crane and daughter teft this
week for Colorado.
The Baptist sewing society mot
Friday wlthMr. J. J. Caasell.
Dr. I. A. Pace nnd family have been
entertaining hia brother Charlta l'ace
and wife from Farmer City, Iowa.
lira. Tompkins went co luavale
Wednesday to visit her ion Len and
and family. HIh littlo child is ill.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Jones visited in
Red Cloud from Saturday eve till Mod
day with George Morhart and family.
A son was born Nov. 'JO to Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd Simpson. The youngster
weighed fourteen and a half pounds.
Henry Myors and wife have been
visiting with Frank Fisher aud family,
Mrs. Myers is an aunt of Mrs. Fisher's.-
Wm. Sawyer nnd his assistants went
to Klverton .Sunday evening where
they have a lot of houso moving to do.
Mrs. Louisa Subin visltod a few days
last week with .1. W. Hughes and
family. Mrs. Hughes is hor daughter
Kev .Martin and family of Nelson
visited over Thanksgiving with O. .1.
Kallcy and family and other friends
Itiehard Lambert and wife of Diller
came up Friday evening to visit re-,
latlves ttuv families of Fred Watt, John'
OgloVleltttutAV. 8. 1.ambort and others.
A very nice Thanksgiving dinner
was served at the Commercial Hotel,
Wm, Elliott proprietor, and at the
Watt Hotel, P. V. Roland proprietor.
Mr. aud Mrs. Hoc from Superior at
tended the wedding of Miss Amy I'ott
it and Mr. It. C. Ferguson Thursday.
Mrb. I'oo is a cousin of the groom.
S. E. Ely aud family returned to
Reynolds Monday. They had been
guests of C. T. Ely and C. E. Vaughan
and their families and other relatives
since Thanksgiving.
Mrs. M. Sheeley went to Inavale
Sunday evening to assist in tho care
of her little graudohild, who has pneu
monia. This is the child of Mr. aud
Mis. l.en Tompkins.
Mrs. J C. Warren spent Thanksgiv
ing Day with her aunt Mrs. M. F. Van
Woert. She was accompanied by her
littlo girl They returned Friday to
their homo in Hastings.
(nests Sunday of John Oglvlc and
family who reside near Kansas line
were, Mrs. Elmer Watt and two chil
dren, Richard l.ambeit aud wife, John
Watt ami Wilbur Wattall arc relatives,
The So-tnlltd "Spanish Swindle."
Tho Departmont has received a re
port from the American Consul-Gen
era 1 at Harceloua, .Spain, in regard to
the band of swindlers operating iu
various towns and cities iu Spain, who
mako a practice of writing to persons
iu tho United States respecting tho
Imprisonment of a relative and the
guardianship of a child.
The Consul-Ceucral states that the
alleged prisonor generally dcsciibes
himself as a political prisoner from
Cuba; he is at the point of deatli and
has but one friend tho prison priest
through whoso good ollicos ho is en
abled to smuggle au occasional letter
out of the prison fort,
The prisoner Is rich. He has u for
tune lu cash on deposit In the United
States, but the certilicate of deposit is
concealed in a secret receptacle of his
valise; the valise itsolf bas been taken
possession of by the court at Carl ha
gena, wbloh tried and condemned him,
and will be held until the prisoner or
his representative lus satisfied the
coatu of the trial. The prlsouer has an
only daughter; dying in bis prison, his
aole thought is of thli beloved off
spring. Hebaeno friend or relative
in Spain-to whos care ha can commit
her. Id tbla emergenoy his thoughts
I turn o 0v ,dlant relative In tbe
aMi)Kimnuuw iiouw uotbi mu
n.l r. l.nn k. l.n.u vl tU-J.V.
h.f.u. .. r.o.n. wuit..
aeemy or the ftsiily tree. WIMthe
auuit reiauve eeaune ue guerdlMi. ea tin propria pereoa to ty; other
ship of the darling dangotr, a4 th- wise prosecotloo woald be ttftlM
Wet lack Tear Br ttt itdtr.
darling daughter's fortuneof .about
130,000? If t ha dibtant relative accepts
tho trust one-fourth of the prisoner'
entire fortune will bo the material
reward. Tho good priest will go at
once to the United States and take the
darling daughter with him. There la
but one condition; the ready tfcofiej
wbloh the prisoner brought with xiIih I
a Spain hai been exhausted; tho dU-J
tmnt relative is therefore requested to j
end enough to liberate the valine oorr-j
KiBing me Hecrei receptacle ana me ,
certificate of deposit. This money U
to be sent to the good priest at an ad
dress indicated, and, having received
it, the good priest will at once secure
tbe valise and start for America, the
"land of tbe free and the home of the
brave, ""with the darling daughter.
The above is generally tho first tetter
of the sarics. It is quickly followed
by another In which the prisoner
pathetically states that his strength
is rapidly failing aud the eud Is near.
He beseeches his dear distant relative
to assume tho trust and be a loving!
father to the darling daughter. The
third letter Is from the good priest
himself, who iu brief, touching terms,
aud hopelessly bad English, aunpunct's
the death of the unhappy prisoner; the
good priest adds that tho darling
daughter is under his care. He is
ready to put his promise into execution
and start for the United States as
necessary funds from tho distant rola
tlver tfbc.good priest frequently in
closes with his letter a bogus news
paper clipping announcing the doath
in prison at Karcelona of the famous
Cuban patriot (somatiiues called
Augustln Latlcnto); the newspaper
notice also speaks cunningly of the
confiscated valise and tho darling
It is a simple scheme, but presented
iu such a plausible way that almost any
unsuspecting "distant relative"' of
European extraction would be more or
less deceived by the glad prospect of
falling heir to the agreeable custody
of a darling daughter with a big for
tune, and a one-fourth interest therein
as an additional recompense.
Naturally the first impulse of the
distant relative is to ask a lawyer or a
judge ursomo authority what course
he ought to pursue in tho premises,
but as he thinks of doing this his at
tention is taken by the warning In the
prisoner's letter beseeching him not
to mention the matter to any living
soul lest tho seciet of the vallso and
the hidden receptacle be indiscreetly
betrayed. -
The valise, after all. with its con-
cealeil certilicate of deposit, is the ko
to the situation and possession must
be taken of it befure any thing can be
done or said, t his (so cuiiiiIiikIv set
forth by the prisoner) is very evident ,
to the distant relative, and so ho quite,
frcmientlv nreseivcs the seeret intact.
and instead of consulting a lawyer or
writing to the American Consul (Jen -
eral at Uarcolona ho quietly sends a
draft for the sum demanded to the J
good priest and awaits results. Of
course he waits lu vain, and the poor,'
dead pi Isoner and the good priest and
the durlinir daughter iu the course or
time nass out of Ms lit fnr,n-i,r. li.nv. '
ing him ouly an uncomfortable mem -
ory of the money ho so cheerfully con -
trlbuted to the confidence game. , Swotmila se se i-i-it wo i.ikmu
For nearly twenty years these same Klohaid H- Morlt.toL A. Hus
knaves have been practicing their hong lots SI to "l Ulk. !
kivtriillf. nnd Jt. Ih n,.,.ilnss to nairist. ' IMatts 1st add to lted Cloud
that they are very carefully organized
,....... .T ...... . . ............ . .. ,.on ...
l.nv Imvn ,.nnf,lnrntw ,,nt ntiltr InW tin
United States but In most other coun-!
tries. Tho confederates iu question
solect a man aud find out all they cau
about him; they get bold of family
names, family origin and fBinlly
characteristics. This information is.
-uml.l .V. ruBnla in flna In. '
transmitted to the rascals in Spain,
aud letters are at once written to the
prospective victim. Thescheme Is pre
eented and developed In a very plaus
ible way and many of our fellow
countrymen have "bltterr promptly
add cheerfully.
' Udder the tipapUu laws a felony contuapted before, tqe
j'poJlcV'yaay ectuMdja mere. attempt to
ti Jomaney .bf,je PWtfW 4i
h'uoT appear' to warren t arretft. Tbe
L'llAt knDM
money most be actually peJd over and
the pcotioe wltatu uust be pre
ti. UOJ.
Red Cloud Opera House
We tfiiaruitee thi- to he one of the best attractions we will have thlt
Heusnn. Mnll.AllT IiltoN,. Mull.
Are durable, attractive and
mechanically correct.
Red Cloud, - - Nebraska.
WAiVW.V-V!,AX,WIWV.,W Estate Iransfcrs.
Transfers reiioited by the Fort
'struct Co. for the week ending
! nesday, 1 Mum
W. (J. Fralim C i.Treas. toSilas
.. Fineher lots 1H. 1 1. 18. 1.
i22. i:i. 'JT, 'JH Ult blk. I and lots
l,'-MW; f. Kail Uoad add
to ! Cloud tax 1) lu.t :il
Asu F. Hd'nbangh to Charles
F. father lot HI Hlk, 1 Vels
, ers add to lied Cloud q. o. d :i.0O
' 1'oter J Helii. to Josheph T
I ' cl .......... SOoO.00
SllSail F. Kyail to .101111 KIICSOIl
' w M ,w !KK,'W w- d- 4,)0-00
Minnie B. DurrK to Florence
U. Haladen uud u i iiw
3S-2-10 q. u. d 1000.00
g, u f sjruska to William
. A, ,,. , nfcHWtl
UOlgers Tt-al 11 l, DSWtlO
10-2-12 deed 2000.00
First Natl Hank Blue Hill to
e. A. DelahoydelotT blk 14
IJlue Hill w, d
Wallace A. Mnyn&rd tq M. R.
lllAAnn I ' o (in n ' n n
M a M ue .lt-2-lO w.. d......UOOO,00
M. E, Hidden to Ly,man Es'3GLalae ' k n
J ne-.10 jfcT. . . ; oooo.oo
Jertyagea relekSMt,fSlo
The net time one of the children
cateli cold, give it something that will
ptoinptly and freely but gently movo
the bowels. In that way the cold will
j at once 1)0 driven out of the system
Keniicdj's Laxative Coiigli Syrup
, moves tho bowels promptly and freely,
yet gently, aud at the same time heals
irritation and stops the cough. It is
especially good for children. Sold by
'all druggists.
Letter List.
! List of lettors remaining uncalled
for nt postofllce at Rod Cloud, Neb.
for the weok ending Nov-. iMth. lflO.i.
L. H. Clark. John II. Kt-lly, Miss N.
I'ointbaugh. It. J. Bamm, A. Sheestac,
Loyd Stanborg
These will be sent to the dead letter
office Deo , 0th 1009, if uncalled for
before. When calling for above please
say "advertised."
T. C. Hackxr, Postmaster.
The symptoms of kidney trouble are
urinary disorders, weak back and
backache, rheumatism and rheumatio
pains and twinges, peine in the groin,
etc, Tb.rrvUs,tnotirijig,a gqod for kid
ney and bladder trouble,, as .DoWltt'a
Kidney end Bladder 'I'lils. 'You may
(depeud upon the' give entire satis
faction." -They - are antiseptic, aot '
promptly aod aoothe pita. Sold ly all
fyt,UMhviViitfWsi'' -y-ff-' j