MkorMMtummMim m turn m i BriMinwiiwiwmmiiiiiii'iniin i , i ihmhiii. c.uinrc rock. P. I). (ii.iwbun lifis lici'ii iitti' with 11 cvi't- I'ulil Mr. mid .Irs. .John (ili-usoti wont to Notice 1o Creditors. Siali t Nolir.iRkn. ' tn tin cMitil ( niiri. i u ri'itutitt . i In! .r iniitlir "I tin- Mlnto t Miitilii'in. ltini.1 r. Pit'fiiMil. v. i.uii..uiii nil in rKiitm lm t. ,, . ,.. ..,! iliiiinmls tiimliisl MiiltlmiH llllbboll I'l idu In visit flU'lids. lien . into ill WiMlir ooniiiy. ilooonHiil. i)n tliiu- llvcit lorilllni? oliilniH nit-ilnst f ii.l ilnli' lsl nionlM Irnin iht. r tw'i. Mis. Thayer, mother ol' .Mr.s. Klliott M nil jiormum nro rci-uiri-u m iroM m w,.t to Ointihii Friday to visit another tliolr ilnlniN, wmi inc vouuiiit. A foitrloon pound lioy was born Sun- . .'.;: .: .h.vto.Mr.Minl Mis. H.H. Moianvill.-. i lilt' -l 1111,1 '" to the tliolr ilillniN, Willi ins vuuuivm. -- .i,..,,,!,,.,,. r.iiin y .IiuIko i( iwM" fcouiity, ut lilt oltlco'J,lHK'i ", Dion .i. mi or iMJioro mc 'Jini imy i Ajini lDin. uinlnllclnltiiai-olllcil will ttulimnt Im. fnr.'t ixmlilj-ulgeon tliO.'-Kiul day of April itilii. -it oiio o'clock p. in.; iiiul that the rub iiiliilitjalor Ih allow oil ouo year from tlui Zilh .l:i ol Soitonilor limy. In wlilrh to iny llm iloiiln allow oil aualiiHt nalil ostnloaiul hi ttlii I ho vi in r. .i'i. I. V. Kimov I'oiuily .IihIki. Order to Show Cause, , ii ,if Si IinihWii ' , tin Cuiuit) I mirt. v i-luli r I'mnit l i i roiinty Court liolil nt llio County iui room In nnil tor wil.l miuily I'llilii'. -, .n nilin Jltli. A. P.. l!Ri. in Mir niattirol llio oitatf ol Uooruo W. vtnt MoouimiI. October mill Mr.. Ii. II. Ctowi-xpcuts to start for Texas to visit her son, John l.nifront ami family C. K. Vmifflian ami wife ffi to Like wooil, New Mexico, next week to visit their daughter, Mrs. Carrol Willlliiiti. Mrs. .1. J. Iiosoe of Mindoii leturnod lioino Friday after sevoral days visit willi her mint, Mis. M. J'. VimWooit Mts. Mary Hunt of liopublieuii City .spent Sunday and Monday with her son, Ii, K. Hunt ami other relatives here. Word litis lioen received Unit Mrs. i llnu'in-il UMrt lids llllillM'L'Ono Ii SIU'i'i'SS- ., r. ,,.. V",,!?TnaSllrH.m ' ''"' ,'111!U""" ',,S-mal itnrl prnjinit Hint niiiiiiiiwraiiiiii oi . i ,1, tuny In Kraiilnl In iii-wi'll. Minn- in minimi. . -... iri.tii ttmtitiiirtitrix. jjihH j,,,,.,, limbiTt lias lioon laid up I'M. llnil I'm mliiv tlio I'.ltli oil) Ii ,i, , i V .... V.. i ,t ono nvioi): ,.. in .1. "vt,,, ci'lc with a Hovorely f.pniui-.l i ioi hi'iiiuK wilil piiitioii wiioii nil' niik h. She loll from tlio pon-h :it tin nil I't-lid In KltUI noitli'i limy up- schinil lliiliso. i , i ,iiuv Court to iio lilt in nnil lor . . .. , mi, ,.iul .liowi-aun why llio j.r.iyir H' - ""3 '' 'K'lp '"' ' rt,,1 ?, , .in miiiniiiliioi liouranioiUniut Hint, I ily, Kansas., U-turn homo Tlnii-di;, . H. . r the poiiilouoy ol Miii.l potliion and j nfti-1- a visit with Mr. Cross' nloi-e. Mis. M i irii.tftliiiooM.o uiMii t all, ,: j, p,.;or and nephew Armour urn n -tul III wilil inntler. Iiy iiililMilii! hi .) . tllilinnlci Inllin lto.1 Clouil Clllot.nl1 l'os,, m'iki iiowitpiipir iiilnioillii wilil oiini. inr Miss .Mistio StatVord. who has been thru ...uMi'.itlou.U prior loMii.) .my oi , vlhUll), wU n sKu,r in Colorado ar rived here last I'Vlday mornlu";. She will ko on to Indiana with her aunt, Mrs. C M Smith the llrst of thlsweolc. (Delayed) Mr.s. I'l. C. Chi 1st v went to tliu Metho dist Hospital ul Onmlin Tuesday for tionttneiit. Mr. Christy accompanleil her. W. A. Seeley wont uith . K Tump Uuis (real estate man) to the I'.iuliaudle .onntry to look til land. They Htm ted Tuesday. October .'. J. Mr". Henry Loper is at tlio lJiiianuol liospllul in Oiuulii where she uinlor wont ut) operation for tipprndieiiu . . I'.IHON. ClMllll) .lllllljl'. Order To Show Cause. i tnte nt N'olini-Kii. J n. Tin-Coui tj Court Wi-liNtor mintv. I H a County Court In-lit nt Ihu County J .inn r'Miiiiln ami lurs.tlil ooiinly W oilnov it . tolu I i:illi A. I).. I1-0H. ili nmtlor ul Hit oiinti of 1 .1 mi f I'.. i 'm leoi'tiol. . v r. 'iilllIK tlllil lllllltf tlio I'l Ulloil ol Kllllly ii iroy prnyliu: unit iiuiiiuiiMiniioii oi ' '.IICII1!1 llOKIIIIltOlt III lll'l-l II llll tlllil I . Ilnrvoj.iw Ailmliilnti:iirl. . :i n.Tlmt Woitnosilny tliotlilrililn. ol '.t . H.. tux), nt ono o'oloi-k p. in., nul (or ltt-nt lint mlil pi'lltluii. w In n nil i I ....m.u.,. .1 t.. L..I.I a.,., II. r .nil Itltlii4ir ,t i nni-t t In nn.t InrMil.l , ' toporled ns well ua co-l mil sJiowi'hiihi.' wh prnyor l p.'tl-1 poo'tid. ,ii mlil not In-xmnterf: nn.l Hnt iintloo . mliMioy nl wild pt-tlti 'ii mill tlio honr i. ul ho lon to nil ptTHiiUH liitoroHiixl uiltter. Iij puMUliltiC n I'npj' ol thin i the Uwl 4'loutl Clilvl. n weeUly now 1 1 iMtotl In ald county, lor ttiroo oon i woi4ia prior In miI.I Uny l lionrlnv. l.l WW. KIMMIX Count v .liuUu. Onlnr to S'.uv !nusn. In tlio County Court, ul NobronUn i isurioiiiuy i Dimly Court lolil nt tlio County .nil In nn.l f-ir sal.l oounty W oiliion .olior ISlh A. I'.. I!M. . matter ol Hi.' otut of .!,iiph ''wn-'ftrwl. '. ' ll . t I II iiIm 1 llilui the iM'tllton ol loliii i i iln tfltli rtay ol noti'.'it'r i ' lioexntuliuiil'.n nml i .ii ' ototl ol tin- Mini . 1 III ut of flu. I.llllll III" I'll IHTMlIM OIlMlli.l , . awtrllmtluii Hit roMiluo ' ,mii tlioro iiivm mi onlor i in fiiitlirr imri'i n nml i i n. .-nil KNooulor. i i Mon.ln.s tlio IkI iltii ol 1). ltW, ut one ii .I'M'k p. iu Hivld Kieluild med eighty lio.i tnvi died Monday I'm in pHralysi'i Ho was here visit Intf bis sons (!oo. itud .iohti Hleltnrd ninl their families. A short sorxloo wn held at the Iioiim W1.' !i;( '" t-'Mfflti" In- ltv. (1 W. I'gol tind tin iiiiiiiuis sniioi'il ti Ih 'ltt t bo inlorred lioside Ills wife. WatMIolinftrata. A quiet weddintr oeeure.l in ilude Kdsoli'n ultlee Wednesday. (Jet. till), when M'.-s 1,1 '" V.'i't in. n i-t iluuatHef uf Homy Wult lieoamo the bride of ('tin-.. H.-luip'iiiu. yutiiiKest son of Mr. and Mr-. A. W. Holiiirniu. They were ueeuuipaniuil to Ued tond ty Mr. .laitiHs .Joiininuh and MKs Dura Wnti si-lor o I In- brldo. 'i'lii- brido Was t.istoftilU lUtssid in brown silk with liulnnd shoos to tntitoli and woro vliltocitniatloii. On Thursday nn eluboi-.ite dinner wits (rivoii ut the home of Die bride to ,nl lor In iirlnu wild pctliton win n ull wliieli tin linuiediiito rolutivos of the i intvrovn vllo snlil iiuUtor nia npiwnr ivonU'iu-tinfr parlies woro invited. . ,.unt Curl to W hew in ami l..r , n (iio evening u number of their . . uiity nn.l I'liowonuw wh rnrol , , , . . , ... . ,,, KiioulU no, .',l.'n..,ltrmt V,UK f,1"'K W8" ,nv,,w1 "'1 "10 . r tin- in ml) in ol wiltl pitni.Mi nml ' eveutiitr won spent in duneinK At i uIiik Uioroof Ih- hImii to nit pi is.m elovoii o'clock a dainty luneh was .moiI lii (Mii.l i.uitt.r. i puiiiMii. n I h,.,.v,., for whieli thoeoo'.'s wore hlirli- f tlilHontor in ih. Itnl Clouil CM, (, ft i. . i ii: ' iM.eivWi.r..luiill,',! COHipliniPUUil and clanuiliT was i !iii.-onnoi'uiloi- k prior iokiiIiI ilny i rosuiHed till the wot- sinall liourt when I miik. !tlu- if nests dentil ted wislilnir tliehapnv i ' couple h l.nitf life of piospet'llv and tmppluoss. l-'otlowiuj,' is a list ol presents they ' reeeivnl as a tolien or the esteem in which they are hold: 1 Mr. Henry Watt silver table spoons. Mr. and Mrs. A W. HnluiKi'nlu wool bliiukots and salad bowl. Mr.s. Sealer silver tea sponiis. Miss llnra Watt enl.e plat.-. Mi. ami Mis .Iim. ISiniil.s eloth. lli'iii) and I'r.'d 1'rtj'ikis ji.iuin wu iv. Mr. and Mr. I. Auiael. p.u lm lamp. Mi. and Mr. o. Holm-nun ubu -i i. I. W. K.IIS.IN Count luiliio. , ... Oritur to .Show Must. i . ..I Nflirnskn i . ( wx i nun- . istt r Ciniuty. i -i county Court In-lit nl llio Cuuuiy hi miiiii in unit for Mtilil oouiit Moiluo. I n I'.'toliir Pith A. I)., inoti. In llio mill tor of lllt'l-xllltruf llnril N'nlilo. I'll M-rll. 'ii iiiiilimt ninl illlint iiio poll i ion nl w ii i tor - N.'iiU Mint on tin-I'ltli tint .(iiiiniiir . i i n.i, prnj liiu lor tin.-("ifiiiiin itimi nti'l nt- Inwiiuri of liln tlllill ili'i'uuill ol llii'slnii Mult, i .Ii croc of llsslliuuioat ol llio limits In Iniiu- in. in kiiIiI ontnlo to tin- porou ill lilt t lo'i-loth. Mi.i.'iu Mi's. ,)u.s. UeWitt bell in. mi nr.lor iiuiriiiuilini Hi. idiluc s,1vrult JM, , ,,,,,1 1,,,!,. ln-Will lat.ev -( n iMiiini oHiiitoaml tlion umui nu until' , , , ,, .in, . , ....ilininltmlilui limn lurlhir hunhn unit ! Uwel" Mk ubyl flolintfl'lllll sheets . in. In lit tuilii otllci nxnilmlniKirntor. und pillow en .e,. Mr. mid Mrs. I'lod . IM'I.HKO. thiil ittm-Ml'ij Hi. (tnl ilny 00lls b"l ;iivi.. Mrs. .Joniiiiii's s ilml i v .Miiinir . i. if ii- ii oi nn s ii i .. i ,)ttji i -i.'tici utr in .iri" - ii'i p. iinn mi u nu m 4TjV ytimmmm2im , mm T wmamm j WmW' 'B A ' '"'I U " " I J B g There always, have been soda crackers; there always will be soda crackers But There never vere and never will any other Soda Crackers to equal II ffl W if fe Jl 4Pfe maasffltK m &if mJL $ SS 3 XAjtf1 Mi The Soda Crackers of National- Biscuit- Goodness a NATIONAL BISCUIT COM PAN V t "'iiyy' -i" rwy .V, .- "i. ..u. . .,..-. a-ac2JC3S(' : ,'; Sold Qt:iy in Mmsmn Troof Pnckcgc Vi.' !-. !''' nf f Jr'inJ.', & it JU kVi3ir s,,. WtAlllJI JTJ -MUWLgy- i is?) irrr?t m.v iimf" .1 itj wjt! wtr'wiii J" T- -- s4.x,Wv-vxs.ssys.rvysy j'-,yfjr-S,Jlrj IS IT A HEW STOlE.jOR A r(ew,.Bugy.0r.Farm achinefv havt- them all. Rciiu'inbiT, our slock of liar A -3 .mVA-4A..'?M'SVTirilMlttW Wt r i . d iK-ss llanlwc'ire, I3iixii:s p Complete at all titties and Farm Machinery i '.S 'i p:iy Si-M'ii. iitti-ntioii to Supplying IJulhU-r's llnrtHviirc ut tin- liOwost I'rlo.'s. HisTKoods. 'i. nn- hIbo in position to do Plumbing "iK mid all Kinds of IMpo Ctittlnsriiml i'ittiin;. :::;:: S i L p -L A NO SEE US S W'v ii liai': in n Line ol A UTO U()lilL':S Soon. it Red Gload Handmare & Implement Go. I WM WOLFE. Secretary. J -On'.-s c? -v I 5 i 1 8 I ii it A&&LE & GRANBTi MD! BY OVERING BROTHERS and CO., THE WSONUftSENT MEN, 8 -14 IHE CHIEF 11.00 A YEAR. Are durable, attractive and mechanically correct. fec vioua, - - fNeorasKa. ;kc .'W.w.wac vvr.'' .".a .'. lyj.'.'; . 'IIMUIl luiiu . ; o o i tui4i'Bl.4c.iiiiiMiiJww J . . Ill 1. 1' I ..I I ! 'n III I'l l i'l' ' i Ii'i I. i i 4.U H 11. ' -.! I I I I I ,1 I' ll, r of I ll m iii, Ii . i lf Jki 'i'l I' , i ii . i hi-. Iiilci'i l' i ililHO' i i omit)' i H.iiiri 1. 1' of ih' ii, in mini 'ii ii tt,it i .. i.f'llf. .r ' . n i 'in if i . nrlllll. S(tlll ' i t . U KK.V, u lr. 1 1 I i.- dl ouiforl, nntiiyi. ' -ii . . . n,l l.. nll.iM muv bo. dull l- .1 -i toM rllBrn tiy liiB in- of Mtm ' in. i hi- gr-t plv lunjuy. MnXun . .tt' iioruwl fiii'oUUoo, mil tliim . onecM lirostoiiha ! tflfftKe l(J -'hU in- puiti ul iiftyend. tmntlyttiWm,'1. ill-Hlly tllWHIh Is.ihe '. t .ii.'s. It rtncHi-Hull H'etoilpiU i,iain f tii novtli' AtttiHbfl U H tu'.p in wlliuli MitiZniikpHlI.' HoUj l- Iloury Cook ?l ift . . i v V za mi xi v.- vu ira ur m Kt w vW- j w -o; -vr vn' w its. a ir -ji Pa An WUIim tfl' -.3 Q ii .lid I iii- Ji-niiiiir .lap. p'i. poll's, Mi in,; Mi. ili'Miitdy tit . id id. I'iii.d M.'Mi'.nly nupUtiiK, i ii Kiiiii'lnn tiutn-t lisln'h Nurd . I, ii n i up piuliii. in. liind. i lid , ,,. ili u-la (ihlllNlfili- i,ii''ii; set . lill'li l.i' iH1 l.l'lll-, Willllll' Ml, I I'.i-s-i ' I'. u i)t, nper slnikei ;. i t ii.tlipii'i, lm tor. AJliort nml Jus. l'll slv, -Vlz-A, s1(.l ,1 Ulllll-V uinio aii ninl MtH. i.isi ivrpjr vttka lilitt' Minn', i)tiinstiil.. .,,,,1 l ,,,, " ..... ...,, .. 4M -. Klml-i In- i'.i. i bfiTV mhi in Mr. and . Mrs iu i-si cuKo iiiiilti. Mr ntul (fjk H.iiph i' , , . f.,iKv tuy.,.i, woa. ! carry a complete lint of strictly fresh Groceries u-.'1-r n.Mi-,1 ii.sti. r.trts fu and my prices are such that it will pay you to d . J our buyintj in this line of us. XVl.'R ',i' vWMw'XiZWJts&S atsbies Mi nn I I, SiriN, i..t , -i I 'I'l IMM.k lulll IIIIIIMlll I'rin Mm i.-ii I. Mill oi l.ei .limn. I ml.. i ' .M- wfi I. u, Iiiil.itamaloiy ! Wit i i. .'.is'., i,, , i i n,u,.uinl jmntj hi'. t uiivi i ii"'iibliHiid her L'uilv a;ul f.ii.. m.iv Mivolliii ului'ist bi-yotm if)('oKii.iloii;linlti(i.tilnWil(i'Mx imIiS n iiitHi'litl' wUvi. ono tliHt hi-al., Hud hud fit-In phU-iuiih, tmt u-roiri'tl bolli'il. It is iiiifyililUiMl fi'- cm,,!l1ll , ,,, tlli,Mi ,,11' to liurns nml br-u - ( " '" n--''". wnii. ui. ii.i , i.,y, I .mi snriM if ook. avi-,1 In i i '. ... i u tjjo j- tiiliv Dm" . Ui.i I'lmid Nel.i to W I ! W I (1 i p"y you to iu vw i Only the firBt-clas (ij t brands of canned and package goods carried. h I 3; All staph- Groceries in bulls at Bed-rock Price.. & ' 'f) t , . , , m j 'l P1nnr1ifnrr '" tt ,l'"t','y nw nioio tlitm In nuythlntt ilsi- , fj, UloClIlllllCJbb t,HyP,.b slioiilU'leuiuml Al.tto Uer-nlln.'-f If? "i i.inmit Imy liiiii'i'iics in u illiti, Ul-kipt plutn- tuid In- huh- u y-JJf rtt pin I-1.' mils Cloiuiliiii'ss nnd .saiiltHtioii Hi-i-iiiir holiliirs, : li v; VW .' S C J1W ! 5.1W 4. W , ? . . . . . ii . t S?" - S"" S"'' " ' f " S" ff" . ' s s S,.. .. .vMk.s.s.M.sw,. That Lame Back Means Kidney Disease And to Relieve the Lame and Aching Back, You Must First Relieve the Kidneys Thrro is no qupRtlon nhout that nt nil fur tho lnmo ninl nflilnc hack hi cmiM-il by a dl-r.i"! con illllon of tl.f kldi cya n.ul It la only coiumun ecn-o, an;- way that you ljinst euro n rrmlltlou liy romovlng tho ciutso of tho con dition. And l.i mo and aching bark nro not by at.v mentis tlio only nyinntoniH of ih-ranKenunt of tho kidneys and bladder. Tliero ure a mullltudo of wolbknown and tin-' tiilBtnlinblo Indications of a moro or loaB dansorous condition. Soruo ol those nro, for instant" . Kxtrinic nnd unnatural lnEBltndu and scarl no8, nenous irritability, heart ir regularity, "nerves on edge," t-lcr-lessnosB and Inability to eoctr. o rout, ncalding eengntlon nud Ffd. mont in tho urine, inllnmmnttnn of tho bladder and paiaa303, etc. DoWItl'a Kidney and Bladder Pills aro nn exceptionally m ri'orl oils. remedy for iny and U offc t!6n or dlHcnod condUloiiH of those organs. These Pills' operate dlroetly nnd promptly- and their bonoflclnl rc&ults aro at tuco felt. They regulate, jitirjfjr, and offoc tually lio'al and restore tlio kid noys, bladder nnd liver, to perfect and healthy condition own In Eome of tlio most advanced cases. nTrr" ig) i via v. o ? U i www) tWT,' l)fifl''iv v a V C. in Witt t Co., 011Jeaj,o, 111., want vvi'iy luitu and wonnin who havo tho Irabt euaplclon that thoy nro nniUtcd villi kidney and blad der diseases to at oneo wrlto them, and n trial box or thoso Pills will bo sent freo by return mall postpaid. crcr 0 SALr i ALL D A X 4 or fl A 8 r-4 ii It C'. It 5! Si 11 i