The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 14, 1909, Image 5

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ful opftMtion of
What it ,
in n ii'u
The miiv
any self-lillin fountain pen
dent nils uhollv upon its sim-
' II HI '
piicity. Tlu: more tompiicat
cd its construction anil opcr
ntion, thi' more liable it is to
break or tr t out of order.
Fountain Pen
j. . ,u... -..! "'u' - N" plm tit
v,i!vt-i It .it I rw..-h. :- to wear Mil
Nopump'.i.g. i." 'n ".nil, iiuJliitiji Jo
ui'-in-t ii ' w:M, . o iuke ! lbmet-. no
lon-e pin '-J 01 wort). Ju-t a 'lip in
sin; ink unci u simple touch "M the
Crescent-tiller (IUn nul cleans il in
binntly. As for the ull fashioned
dropper-llllor fuuntalii pen well, no
body wants to bother with n soperato
Idler these days
A trial will convince) you that tho
CuuUlin writes with a luxurious
smoothness and certainty that you
cliiln't imiiiiiu was possible in any
rountain pen. Coino in uml try it.
For Sale By
Chas. L. Cotting,
The Druggist.
A. McL'all has lotnrneil home.
Will West Snndaved at home.
Puan Saundeis went east Monday
Dell TurnurewusMn Chester l-'i iday.
Bessie uokeileft for Omaha Sun-
Mis. M. Able went to Lincoln Thurs
day. VA AmacU is lioine Uoin his eastern
A. A. lionkel is in Colorado this
week. i
Omar P.utler returned from Omaha
Mrs. .John Uarkloy went uast on l(!
Miss.Josio J,Igau is expected home
next week.
Joe Uarta moved in his new home
C. I.. Cotting eamo homo Biiday
from Omaha.
h M. Crabill left for Cripple Creek
'Jhnrsday night.
J C Saylor went to Chicago Satur
day on buslnos"
Geo. Lindsey went to Cripple Creek
Thursday night.
Mr. Davis spent a few days in Exeter
visiting relatives.
Geo. Volland was in lied Cloud tbo
Inst of tho week.
Rev. J. E. .larboe will preach at tho
Tcnnant school hoiiso next Sunday at
II p. tn
A. I'aipenter and wife returned from
Franklin Monday.
The Hist f reeve, frost and snow fall
struck heio Mini. lay.
IVaiiU I'mvdiMi and wife went west
OH t Saturday night.
Mr liyau and family left for the
wvsl Sunday evening
Mis. IKri Moi hint's Hltle sister ar
il vi d Saturday for a visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Masieis came
down fintii llfiti and Tuesday.
Ifoii Sui One j curling coll. In
quire at ilciihlc's Id very Hani.
.Mrs. I'ntlcison left Filday night for
Bloondngtou'to visit a daughter.
Mr and Mrs. Thulium parents of Dr.
Thomas were In I5-d Cloud l'Vlday.
Kin-. .Iiirboe'sncw residence Is going
no in the vi'tcrti pint of the city.
Mis. Anderson .f llliioift is in tho
eil .siting her sister M cm K. Myeis
Mr- . I'., Householder of Dladt n
wn shopping in the elty Wednesday
Hu u tth( uf F-igel, the harness
man. and ,-i ' .1 fan uii the $18
Mi. and Mis. J. W. IJogourlof went
toSnlitui, Ivtc. last Hnturdiiy to visit
A new line of mouldings ntMol
calf's Studio-, Arnbright's old stand.
Potter Itloek.
With every SI whip bought of doe
Fiigel you get a fiec chance on an SIS
singlo harness.
dim Moianville has installed a iiual
phone and tho-o needing veterinary
service call on him.
Mr.'and Mrs. H. B. Potter of Wilcox
are tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge
.Hutchison this week.
I-'imiSui:.-LotsS.'t and HI block .'5
Railroad Addition Inquire of W. o.
lirooks at Kenkle's feed barn.
Get your heating and cook stove in
to shape for w Inter. Order your stove
repairs from Morhart Bros. now.
Nothing so good when you need a pill
as Kings Little Biver Pills .small,
sure. easy. Sold by Henry Cook.
Chas. Crabill and wife returned
Thursday from a two month's trip to
Seattle Fair and along tho coast.
Mr. and Mrs. .lini Klhoiton are the
happy parents of ti 11 pound baby gill
which was born Tuesday morning.
Mis. Anna Tulleys and daughter
Cora, leuo for Colorado Springs. Colo.,
this week wheie they will make their
futuie home.
Lape Ilerburger who has been inn
ing a job printing ofllco ill Lincoln has
sold out and is visiting frionds in this
city this week-,
Morhart ISros. have their hard coal
stoves on their lloor. Coino in and sco
the finest line of the best stoves you
over looked at.
.lustr ecived another car of extia
choice cabbage at The Miner Bros. Co.
Sl.'J.I per hundred in quanity of a 100
pounds or over.
Mr. and Mrs. George Smolser and
son Milfoid left for Klliston, Montana
Monday evening where they will mako
their future homo.
Or. R. t Unities has removed his
ofllee. to the, MeUnirc building over
Paul Storey's clothing store. Tele
phones remain tho sumo numbers.
For a clear bond, a stout heart and
strong mind, DeWitt's Llttlo Early
Risers, gontlo, Mife, easy, pleasant,
little pills. DeWitt's Carb6liml Witch
Hael Salvo is unequalled for anything
where a salvo is needed, and is espec
ially good for Piles. Sold by all dealers.
. :.?. .
:psn p&".sb
,". " W "
g?rZgZ'S!i J -
feTcsrVill HigtiesS Award
Kl' ' - i- ! N 1 1 '.(i
The first foot ball gaino of tho season
will be played here Friday afternoon,
Hed Cloud high school vs Franklin
Academy Come outaiut sec thcgaine.
The Hpw orth League will give u
social at the M. I', chuich parlor". Fri
day evening, Oct.. l.'ith. Sandwiches,
pickle, cuke and coll'cc for 10c. livery
one invite 1.
Mr. ( barley o. Smith and Miss
Mabte lloyd, daughter of lcnry II
IJoyd of Hladeii. who is one of Webster
Ciiunt,'s prosporotis farmers were
married by Judge II Isoti Wednesday
Mrs. Anna Cat her and Miss Kaley
of Lincoln, who have been lsltlug
their brothers here the past three
weeks th'pnt'tod for Denver this week.
From thcie thoy will go to Cullfoi'uia
to spend the winter.
Pou Si i::- Three nged Kcrkshlre
boms, ilomestcd I'ivmier IM223. Fnl
v" it y Lord IllOtl. and n chotue son
.r i:...iil Unl.ln !'M)10. Twenty Feb.
March. April, boars, bred down ntid
suws with pijrs at ftHt. IJlnidc Lnng
slmn (,ot'Und.--TiKJ.s. I'oi.lit 'M s.
0-ibb Kock.
L, Aa. Ilussong will preach at tho
Christian church both morning ami
evening next Lord's day October Kill.
Morning theme "Business In Christ
ianity." evening set moti to Ked Cloud's
business men on 'Christianity in Busi
ness." A coidial welcome is extended
to the general public to attend.
Tho ladies of the Christian church
tendered their minister and his wife a
most delightful rceoption on Thursday
night, October 7th, which was largely
attended making Elder Ilussong feel
that the welcome on his return to Red
Cloud is most cordial and hearty
Sandwiches, cake and colVeo wore
Two hoboes came into town on Fri
day and mocceded to steal. One of
tho men stole a pair of shoes from
Frank- Smith . the shoo man, and tho
other broko one of .loo Fogcl's front
windows anil madu an oll'ort to get
goods. They were soon run down by
Oilieer Gecr. and are now tho guests
of Shei ill' Hedge. They both drew '.'0
days in the county jail.
Mrs. Mary Copley and son Fred re
turned from Ilngland Monday. They
hae made an extended visit to the old
home in Yorkshire and other places.
They report the condition of the poor
class to be pitiful in the extreme anil
no relief in sight. It has been 10 years
since Mis. Copley saw old Ilngland and
naturally theio were many changes.
We do not doubt but what they were
glad to got back- to free America.
Most women are troubled with Kid
noy complaint, and you know very
many serious and oven fatal diseases
result from these neglected Kidney
troubles. If you will take DoWitt's
Kidne.N ainUllladdi r Pills as directed.
you may be confident of good results
Try them and see iiuw really good they
aie. Ilewaro of imitations, pills that
are intended to deceive you. Bo sure
you get DeWitt's. Sold by all dealers.
Last Sunday's World Ilorald con
tained an excellent cartoon of the
Japanese tea garden as given in the
Ak-Sar-Beii festival in Omaha last
week. The figures showed ti.o Oriental
color and one would never imagine
that a Red Cloud artist could produce
such an eastern elt'eet but tho signa
ture revealed tho nnmo of Omar Iliit-'1
ler. Wo are pleased with Mr. Butler's
rapid advancement and so is the ontiro
Rev. J. M. Bates was elected at
Grand Inland a delegate to the Miss
ionary Conference of tho sixth depait
inent which met at Sioux Falls, South
Dakota, last Sunday, Monday and
Tuesday. This department comprises
eight stales, of whieli Nebraska is the
ceutr.ilono. Mr. Bates hasaNo visited
his family in Lincoln on the way to
and from and will return to KedClniid
the Inst of the i ck and hold surv ices
ne.t Sunday.
Mr. tainuel Custell eume in our sanc
tum MiiietoVlum Tiiosdny with samples
of vegetables raised on his irrigated
farm In tbo Shonsheu country Wyotn
lug. Mo was fortunate enough to bo
one of the men who drew a prize in
tho reservation and is dolighted with
his farm. He showed us three pota
toes the smallest of which weighed 21
lbs.-. Also he showed a large white
onion which except for the husks
might have been taken lor a pumpkin.
Tho -Nebraska Odd Fellow" publish
ed an interesting description of the
lirand Lodgo in its last issue. Por
traits of all the grand olllcora are given
and among them we notice those of
Paul Storey and II. H. Newhouse. Mr.
Storey is Orand Warden of the lirand
lodge and will be Orand Master one
year hence. Mr. Newhouso holds tho
position of Junior Warden in tho Mil
campment degiee and in one year will
hold the highest ntlice in that branch.
Tho Red Cloud lodgo Is well represent
ed in tho upper lodges.
Klir.lMAIISM Cflll.l) in a l..
Dr. Dutoht'on'e Relief for Itho'iinutlMii
and Neuralgia radically cm cd iii 1 to
.3 dajs. It action .ipon the ,tem is
remarkable and mysterious. It ro
moves at once the cause and tho du-
' fltseililiui dililt B li-.tijiUL..! J I ''is-
ijos lj I ' t 'lis . u .1 ll t
,jll J l.u II 1. '. I'" i ' l.
Red:iond Nobr
Successor to Dr. J, S. I:UUII i
At tho old stand over the j
State Bank. Phonefl3V
Strike liml no Terrors for lr.d Wouililo
hi'.e talcing in the k Sai Bell our
iimiihli. ioial citizen, of the hcaw
weight i lass. Mr. Jolinnv Rutledgc.
hapjieiied to board a west bound Far
iiiui stieel ear just as .lobule was ad-jtf-'mg
himself to tho cushions and
lKltig his eiglc eye on the skt scrap
pels in the distance, ho wai gently
tapped on the shoulder (the left side)
and the Basjious shout of (fare pionsei
was wliispetod In bin ear forgetting
himself f.r the ttistinl he handed mcr
I bitts. The conductor (a -cabin Inn
ing liiiii ess in another pint of the
car foi getting Hie change (which hap
peiH-l occasionally ) hut our luknlgliti d
Itllow t iliaeti was thcte with the
jro-i's Cieltlllg a half Nelson be ot
nun In', his change, llii.iiti'idii de
stinc-Hoii wth n .1 J. J. pmu li mil It
pit tUo moii.v.
Auction Sale.
Sdlimhiy. Coloiicr Kith. at S p.m.
"Miu'e Hie Bed ( loud school 1 iaril
hi decided to iU lit. Public Auction
the surplus school supplies and build
ing material, we wish to call tho at
tention of school olllcers whose dis
tricts arc not amply provided with
school desks, globes, black boaids,
stoves, etc. that this is an excellent
opportunity to secure what you want.
None of tho articles are woin out,
many of them as good as new and they
will all be sold regardless of cost to
the highest bidder. Remember the
date October 10th. at :i p. in., north
ward school ground.
The Red Cloud Board of Education
will sell at. Public Auction on the north
ward school grounds, Saturday, Oct.,
Kith at .') p. m,, the following list of
school supplies and building material.
"f school desks singlo or double, II
teacher's desks, l globes, 1'.' stoves, 100
yds. black board cloth, book sht'hlng,
sheathing, flooring, timbors ii(i, di
niensions ','l, axis. 2xs,ii10, moulding,
wainscoating, laths, ceiling, iron ceil
ing, stone, brick.
Cart! of f hanks.
1 desire to thank all those who so
kindly assisted mo during the recent
sickness and death of my beloved hus
band. Mas. Ei. mi it II Mtvi.v.
$9iir s&v
School Suits Are Ready!
H l J ?
i i
'HERE'S n whole army of School Boys to he filled out
. . ..:.!. Q-i. : rit i..:.... .1 r t..
iiu oiiiuui vlulll., (.miiii im: ui-.xi iuv wcchs,
Wo expect to see a large share of them atitl wc promise
in advance the Besl School Suits made and, without a doubt,
the Besl School Suits ever bought for the prices.
Reefer. Norfolk and Blouse Suits from choice, durable fabrics.
The tailoring is double strength all the way through
" All Sizes From 6 Years Up
$1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.50 to $750
JInvestigatc our School Suits, and the Suits themselves
will speak of their goodness in many ways.
Gowden-Kaley Clothing Co.
Always Reliable
First Door North of Postoffice
Letter List.
List of letters lemaiiiiug uncalled
for at postotllco at Wed Cloud. Nob.
ior Hie week ending October II, UK I'd,
Mis. F. A Davis. C. B. M, Ben
0ctis, Mrs. g.Tnuison. (irace Ft incon
These will be sent to the dead loiter
olllce Oct , 'Ifi. li'O'.i, if uncalled for
befoie. Vhen calling lot idune please
saj "advertised."
T. C. llu'Ki'.it, 1 'ost mast or.
I f you have trouble w ith your kid neys
and MilVcr lioni backache, iiillainina
tlon of the bladder, uiinaiy disorders
orrheuniatic pains, take I'ineules.
Pineules promptly give relief in all
cases of kidney trouble. They are
sold by Henry Cook
Bees Laxative Cough Syrup is so
highly recommended, especially by
mothers, because it not only moves
tho bowels gently and thereby stops
the' cold, but it hlso allays inllamma
tiou of tho lungs and throat, and in
that way stops tho cough. It is pleas
ant to take. Sold by Henry Cook.
To help the kidneys when they need
help, use i'ineules -the now kidney
remedy. Pineules will promptly ie
loivo backache, rheumatic pains, pains
in the bladder, urinary disorders etc.
They are for weak kidneys. Sold by
Henry Cook.
There is danger when a cold becomes
obstinate and causes continued cough
ing. Don't neglect a cold. First of
all, tnko a good, reliable laxutlvo to
move the bowels. Does Laxntlvo
Cough Syrup gently but freely creates
a movement of the bowols, and at tho
saiuu time it heals Irritation and stops
tho cough. Sold by Henry Cook.
You ueeii not bo be troubled in any
way with tho stomach, if you will sim
ply take Kodol at thoso times when
you feel that you need It. Kodol Is
guaranteed to relievo you. If it falls
your money will bo refunded to you
by tho druggist from whom you pur
chased It. Try it today on this guar
antee. Sold by nil dealers.
Market Report
As Furnished Ijy Hanson li Trine
Hens (fat) per lb
Cox :i " "
Springs ' ." "
Ducks V ' '
(lees 7
Butter 2U " "
Bggs " " "
Chronic and Serious Diseases.
Rod Cloud, office Royal Mold.
C. vl-xtirn 1 t , aya'n
I riday Octolr 29th.
Amack 8 Chancy
Furniture, Carpets
HHfriY ft. &1
i .r.;i n
REDFERN Whalebone
Dlrectolrc Motile 39 is moderately short and full
above the waist, but has tho very long skirt, fully
encasing the hips, suppressing their fullness and
producing tho straight hip line. Designed for
rather short, full forms. An addition to tMs
model that adds to its comfort and liting beauty
is found in the
SECURITY Rubber Button Hose
lust piool of ionise- which iiie accurately placed
by the designer of these model- at tiotit Mild -ides.
Hc'lcl :U) WlilK: Kutlstc, White Coutillc
l'-'illl: SI-00 to $5.00
.Same Pattern In delicate White Floured Creche;
immo; $1 00 to S5.00
i.iMMktbii&iiliiiibitiltbU'MiWVi)btiit4ni4- Ultliil;iiiMlJ;UvWiliilcf-vliivVJi
Do you know that it will pay YOU, as
woll us US, to buy your Building Ma
terial and Coal at ouryards? Not only
that our prices aveiuok lower, or at
least as low, as those of our competit
ors, but nEOADSE wo take especial care
of and protect all can be classed a
K H i U B A B C U H T O M K li S
Coal. Lumber.
& 6-
arr"ilT'MT'i m,1l1V'n','',, i,(,,','ini'iii:iTV'nii.,ii,ivimf(i(ilrjiljJVjlj()((B
"Wlirni..iiMltfnl iwi
For Sale- IB. i. si- mi l.ors you nice
KjO.ures near Bird City. ICa., to ''" house and 4'j loU located
-. w 'i int.. s,,n. i.,t.. i . l s m (IK U ,i nice place. In-
I 1 'l 11 s i v ,
i t
ofjl, f, i fm-thor