II ll I , I m an i. I'H'l She CHIEF Red Cloud - - Nobrnskt PUUL1SIIKU KVKUV TIIUUSDAY. Entered In tlio ronttifliru nl Hml C'loiiil. Nol. A Scrawl I'Irm Mullet c. u. ha hi: Till: ONLY li;M()CIATII WKisri:itcii;NTY Democratic anil lccilcs Party Ticket Vov Judges of I lie Supreme Court - H. T. (3001) .T..I. Kt'l.UVAN .1.11. I) HAN For llctfetils of statu I'nivorslty- OIlAKhKST. KNAI'I' IIAItVKV i:. NKWIMtANCll l'or County Treasurer W. U. UKAMUll 'Hod (loud Tor County ( lerk- OKOlKii; HAMJhh .. . J5ed Cloud Vov Mlieriff - VM.KTIUvl,ATHICK....Uuldi'Uiclt l'or Count'y Suppiiiitendont MISS MAllKL DAY Ued Cloud For County Judjfo I. V. RDSON Ked Cloud J'or CoiiimlHsioiier. Second Dint. l,.lISlC.i:il Illuo Hill CITY TlCKHT l'or Constable A i.. Si. in l'or Assessor A. I). Woniu:i:i.v l'or .Justice of Peace Wu. Mauki.v KKD CLOU) TOWNSHIP TICKKT l'or Kund Overseer. . ..I.uir.s McInmisii l''rr Assessor Ciiaiu.kh (Jrn.M'. .111 judgement upon tlio (iiu-Hllon while if iilnccd 011 the general Imllot iniitiy voters would neglect to vote. Iivt'iv onpott unity nlioitlil bo given for a fair mid full vote upon thitiqucs lion It, seems Unit at tin; iiri'vioiis elect - Ions lii'lil this mciisuie was defeated l'i;iil,lsut:iti not because tin people of litis county I were oppostd to the idea or licceslty lAli:it IN ;0f a substantial courtlinuse butbeeauso ' of the method advocated for raising " ! Him necessary funds W see no teas lnilrpCIKlr.nl '(muble olijeetion to the method as pro ' posed by tlio enmity board and il be gins to look 11s tlio Webster eoiiuty would have 11 wife and el editable build ing within tlio !iel lour or live yeair. The Superior Express of lust weok printed u picture of tltoir new and handsome- library building. This building prosonts a hiuidsomu nppear ance and is a credit to tlio city. Tito cost complete, was S'OOO. Tltia library will be nn excellent institution for the people of Superior and wo congratulate our sister city upon lior enterprise and foro sight. There is nothing of a public nature inure calculated to Improve tlio intel lectual condition of any community thun a well appointed library. It solves many problem', which confront cities of all classes. If Superior can establish and main tain a library why not Itcd Cloud? There is no reason under the sun pre venting tills city owning a library ex cept tlio apathy of its citizens. Wo have urged this action before now let us nialto it a reality. All is needed is 11 little push and effort and the tiling is done. .Mr. W. II. Cramer, candidate for countytrcasurer 011 tlio fusion ticket, is one of the self made men of this county. He cume to this county in 18711, a poor man, and tool; a homestead in Uatiu township whcio lie resided for tidily jeais. In l'.)li:i he removed to lied Cloud in which place he now makes his home, in spite of grass hoppers, drouth, hut winds and all the dit-eotirageineiits of a new country he had faith in Nebraska and east his lot with her struggle. Ho lias lived to sec his faith icuuidcd. His iuduuii- ! Council Proceedings. j Pel II inn of the tax payers for better light sfrviee iitidith.il a new engine lie purchased, u'o ten mtiiciidiillutts il (I. W. l.nrce"- liM iinl water com- I Iltissioiicr. were rem' Moved by Uuih-y , til-it we have two expert I'liginci r-. come here, (one to he disinterested) to . view the plant, and ntiike n written re nort to this council an to the ndvis- ihility of buying 1111 etiuino before pur chasing one. Seconded by MeArlhur Ynas. Oat man, Hulley. Pulsipher, Me Arthur. Carried. Mayor appointed Oalinan, I ltd ley and Pulsipher a com mil toe. Me rtliur moved that .Mr. Mart, tio 0110 of the experts. Seconded by Pul sipher. Yeas-, o.ittnan. Uailey, Pulsi pher, McArtliur. Carried. Moved by llailev that both of tlio above motions be reconsidered Seconded by Pulsipher. Yeas, Out man, Ilailey, Pulsipher. (No, Mc Artliur.) Carried. Moved by Dailey that wo got an ex perienced disintoroMcd export engineer to come and report to this council tlio advisability of getting a new engine, also that wo agree to stand by the decision of tliis engineer. Seconded by Oattnan. Yeas? Oatman, Uailey; No, Pulsipher and McArtliur. Lost Tlio above is a part of the record of tlio last council meeting. Acting along the lino of our suggestion not long since tlio council discussed the advisability of sending for an exper ienced electrical engineer to ascertain the needs of our electric light service. Mayor I 'otter stated at the outset that ho would not bo willing to expend any funds belonging to the city for tile services of an expert unless tlio council would vote iiuamtiiously to purchase an engine provided it was found that an exlta one was needed. Tliis seems to 1 s to lie sound business judgement and it is almost increditablo that the entire council would not go 011 lecord favoring such a proposition. This milliner of solving the electric light ililllculty ought to appeal to every one who desires fait ness and straight forward dealing. Av the iptesMou now stands there is nothing doing and tin outlook is that thete will he nothing dour for some time to come. (irlffctlKfoncs A wedding of more than parsing in terest was witnessed 011 Wcdnesilav I Out. Plat tlio hoine of Mr. and Mrs. tablo will and peisevcieiicccunicd him Joint .(iriffcth when their daughter thru. Myia M. was united in marriage to If elected to the olllco to which he 1 t.oroy H. Jones of Clay Center, Xebr aspires the atlair.s of tlio county will The homo was tastily decorated with bo in safe competent hands. Those who have experienced the hardship of pioneer life and have helped to dovolop the county arc worthy of any honor which tlio county is able to bestow. We belleve.that no mistake- will bo made in casting a vote for Mr. Cramer for countv treasurer, man for the place. broad festooning of pink and white ribbons caught back with great gar lands of greon fern-like foliage Lav ish boipiets of white carnations ami great, pinlc roses carried the color scheme to a climax. The cuosts ar rived in z:iii r. m, anil tne itonso was Ho is the rigid. ' tilled witli a merry company. At 'J:.lO I Mrs. Caster, at the piano, struck up ; j tile grand wedding match of Memlels- Thc County Commissioners acting ' solin. The nuptial party soon uppear upon good business sense have deter- oil, led by I.. An. Iltissong of the mined to submit to tlio voters of Web- Christian chinch who in a beautiful stor County a proposition form-ngaii st t'lng-cercinony performed the marriage a county com t hou-e Tho-o gentle men know the condition of our county nil :ii is bctn r than iin one 0K0 and deservo the commendation of all ia. payors of the county for this action. M'hey tnitpu-tiuimblv liiwe the welfare of the eountj at heart ami icnlijc the deplorable eoiidltiuu of all 1 words. They will Mil mil to tlio tlio votets a A Liberal Offer The If, E. Grlcc Druft 0.. Guarantee a Relief for Dyspepsia. If the. Remedy Falls It Costs Notlilnft. To tinipiestionubly prove to the people that indigestion and Dyspepsia can bo permanently relieved and that, Ituxall Dyspepsia Tablet? will bring about litis result, we will futuish the medicine absolutely free if it. fails to give satisfaction to any 0110 using it. The remarkable success of l!eall Dyspepsia Tablets is duo to the high degree of scientific skill used in devis ing their formula as well us to the cute exercised in their tnauiifactnre, where by tltc well known properties of Ills ninth Subtiitrato and Pepsin have been combined with Carminatives ami othet agent.s. IliHtiiiitli-Subnltrato and Pepsin nr constantly employed and recognizer: by the entire medical profession us in valuable in tho treatment of indigest ion und dyspepsia. The Pepsin used in Itexail Dyspepsia Tablets is piepared by a proet s which develops its greatest olllciene, Pep sin supplies to tho digestive ipaiatu one of the most important, elements o. tlio digest he llu!il,and without it tin digestion and assimilation of focd an impossible. The carminatives possess propeltie which aid in relieving tlio disturbance and pain caused by undigested foot. This perfect combination of these it -grcdienls makes a remedy iuvaluabli for the complete relief of indigestion and dyspepsia. Wo are so certain of tliis that wi urgcyou to try Uoxall Dypopsla Tab lets on our own personal guarantee. Three sizes, 2." cents, .10 cents and SI. Uctucmbcr you can obtain Itcxall Remedies in Red Cloud only nt our store, The Rexall Store. Tlio II. K. (trice Drug Co.. Red Cloud, Neb. Morhurt itros. carry a complete lino of Hlcutric lamps, Carbon, Tungsten und Tantalum also lii-luw lamps 1(5-1. (let your lamps of them. 1 Line of Dry Goods for Fail Wear at F. NEWHOUSE'S. ? Know bcforejlinnd Tlwit the Hl.ick Stockings you luy are Going toSatis fy. You will maki! no mistake of you buy Your 1 lOK 1 lete Children's 1 :; ' rib. Good host for the mone at laJJc. per pair. Mo tad fl x 13 B$ib Iflose knee, lu:cl and toe spliced with extra linen thn ad at 2c. 1 I Hi 4&& mt b tern -km HA mpM lr&ft Ladies fast bi.tck no scam lioe ar 25c, VSc and j : . GINGHAMS For those school Dresses. Have n full lino of (lingliams, Fleeced and fancy wasli goods from 10c to 21o. Sfs Sweater me0 JjjPony Coat Sweaters in new designs carefully knitted of fine Zephyr Wool in fancy jacquaid stitch the newest in sweater making. Tins perfect fitting garment has the stylish V neck, two patcli pockets and closes with good peail buttons. For real value this garment is uuequaled in price from $2.00 to $3.50. CJJOlhcro at 60c for children. 75c, $ 1 and $1.25 for boys and girls. ftamk m-mt IMIlflklPI M MNfift.4 fife- A .dm j sjHave a few odd sizes in Corset Covers left which wc will close out cheap. 4fComc in and let us show them to you. Agervt for Bvitterick Patterns i sjggm rites. Iii the proet sslon Mr. llussoiig was followed by Mr. lieorge Corner, groomsman, on whose arm clung Miss Nelllo 1. Joue-, bridesinaid and Mater of the groom. Tltc bride and groom weioprececded by wee Violet Cirilletli, hor ueice, whuhoro tho wedding ring on tho heart-petals of a magnillectit AtuBriean Ileauty rose. The brido was proposition fur a courtliouso costing elegantly attired in a hnndsoino and not to exceed gtlu.oiw to bo paid for by elaborate gown or brocaded satin, making a live null levy or three years. 'J''10 KltH"i was hatidsomo in ills suit Wo believe that tliis method will up-, ot' "luck. Tho ceremony was of nice peal htrougly to the propetty owners appointment und Impressive. Abounti- as it will pay for the courtliouso and fu' '!,lt f presents, Including cheeks, leave no debt. coin and ciirtency showed tlio high There will be no feeling of a bin den ''sti'oin in which the contracting par on tho pint of any one as for instance ties nro held. Refreshments of cakes take a person who owns SlooO.UO worth ' "1 cream were served following con of propotty ids assessed valuation ' gratulutions. The out of town irucsts ysaiiw MmfllfeSIBi rs A. mmmwmmmiT'm:r'mmEEjMgrmm W OU may have found "the hase' ? for perhaps, ? le riefnt SOO( would lie f'JoO.oO and that anion tit cost tho sum of gl.'2,'i cents a year or $1.75 his share of the court house. A person owningSMMO.GO worth of proper ty would pay in three years the. sum of $15.00 and it would be all over. Some seom to be of the opinion t hut 300,000 will not bo enough money to build a court house such us Webster county needs but we arecontldent that 'i"st highly esteemed young that amount of money is ample. If favorite as far ns hor circle were .Mr. and .Mis n. K. Jones, parents of tho groom. Clay Center. Xebr.. Mr. and Mrs. Otto lhuloke and Archie Jones 1'rinooton, Minn., Mrs. J. I). Jones Lincoln, .Nobr.. Mr. and.Mrs. Turnip seed, Franklin. Xebr., Mr. and Mrs. Mills and Mr.and Mrs Putuuni.Cowles Xebr., and Miss Xellio I. Jone, Clay Center, Xol r. The bride Is one of our ladies, of no- clothes difficult, wrong scent thing at last, and buy it. or the nil frills and fancies aio eliminated U'laintatice reaches Mr Jones is a gC0l)O will build a ph-ndcd struct me. inuspeiuiis farmer of Clay Comity, Jf tho building is huftt on thq classi- Nfh".. and cousin to Mr. and Mr. J. cal order it will always l.n in stj le and (-' Myers. Mr. and Mrs. Jones depart- wlll be coiuodious mid comfortable- ,:" "' '" for a trip into Colorado uud '. Wo advocate plsclng the iiuihtiou of u" heir returu will muko thoir home courthouse 01 no courthouse "ii a "i t'hy C "n.v wlu-ie we with ,i lm! ..iini.ii Lai ul for the voters i ...i,, ...-.-, .M -,i-r. ,j ,. oi.vie.i maniior every voter wou'd rc'-lMc h' f . til disappointing; a ialse start, picked up; you think you've found You may find yourself mistaken; cotton-mixed fabrics, fit wrong, bad tailoring that doesn't stay in shape; you're likely to get any one of a dozen things you tlont want. If you'll come to us youll find our LJ-..I. CJL-ZL- q. TV I 1 .1 i iau ouiaimer oc iviarx uotries are the right thing; when you strike that trail you can go as hard as you please; you'll finish in front; you'll get the prize. This store is the place; we have plenty of these famous clolhes to sh from $20 to $45; overcoats from $16.50 to $60 This store ix the home of Hart Schaffncr & Marx clothes PAUL STOREY. iow you. Suits CLOTHIER. b A a sj awi