l iffiVPMI FREED AT LAST HANDY FEEDING CORN CRIB JKwSHmWmWmWmSmmWmwKmwKKtKmmWt -, ; w From the Awful Tortures of Kidney Disease. Mrs. Ttnchel I vie, Henrietta, Texas, Bays: "I would bo ungrateful If I did not tell what Doan'a Kidney Tills hnvo done for mo. Fifteen years kidney troublo clung to mc, my ex lstence was one of v misery and for two whole years I was un nble to go out of the house. My back ached all the time and I was utterly weak, unable at times to walk without assistance. The kidney secretions wero very Irregular. Doan'a Kidney Pills restored mo to good health, and I am able to do as much work ns the nverago woman, though nearly eighty years old." Remember the name Doan's. Sold by nil dealers. HO cents a box. Foster Mllbum Co., Buffalo, N. Y. When to Send Children to Europe. Some pontile wait so long beforo sending their children to Europe that the little ones are humiliated by others who have already been there. Kvory self-respecting parent will bo careful not to subject his children to this evi dent injustice; at the same time all unseemly hurry Is to be avoided. Some people argue that ns soon ns a child can walk well and speak a few necessary French words, ho should bo placed In a stateroom, next to a private bath, and sent to Paris. Oth ers feel that he must naturally loso much at this age, and that the proper time Is between 11 vo and six, when as an American he has reached his maturity. Probably the Ideal ago Is about four. At four a child can easily do England, Franco nnd Italy, and get home In time for the first night at the opera. Judge's Library. And There Are Others. The cook had been called away to a sick sister, nnd so the newly wed mis tress of the house undertook, with tho nld of tho maid, to get tho Sunday luncheon. Tho llttlo maid, who had been struggling In tho kitchen with a colfeo mill that would not work, con fessed thnt she had forgotten to wusb tho lettuce. "Woll, never mind, Pearl. Go on with the cofTee nnd I'll do It," said tho considerate mistress. "Where do they keep tho soap?" Origin of Word "Bible." Tho word bible is derived from the Latin name biblia, which was treated ns a singular although It comes from tho Greek neuter plural, meaning "llt tlo books." This Greek diminutive was derived from byblus, or papyrus, the famous matorlal on which ancient books wore written. The titlo "Bible" was first used nbout tho middle of tho second Christian century In tho so called second epistle of Clement (xlv., 2). The American Cat-Tail. The cat-tall of tho American swamps Is almost exactly tho same plant as tho Egyptian bulrush. It is no longer used for malting paper, as It onco was, but from Its root Is pre pared an astringent medicine, whilo Its stems, when prepared dry, aro ex cellent for tho manufacture of mats, chair-bottoms and the like. Conclusive. Mother Tommy, why don't you piny with Frank any more? I thought you wero such good chums. Tommy Wo was, but he's a molly coddle! He paid to get Inter ther ball grounds. Unpleasant Encounters, "Does Bllgglns meet his obllga Uons?" "Frequently," answered Miss Cay enne. "But ho Invariably snubs them. FOOD QUESTION Settled with Perfect Satisfaction by a Dyspeptic. It's not an easy matter to satisfy nil the rocmbors of the family at meal time aB every housewife knows. And when tlo husbnnd has dyspep sia and can't cnt tho simplest ordinary food without cnusing troublo, the food question becomes doubly annoying. An Illinois woman writes: "My husband's health was poor, ho had no appotlte for anything I could get for him, it seemed. "Ho was hardly able to work, wob taking medicine continually, nnd as soon ns ho would feel better would go to work again only to glvo up in n fow weeks. Ho suffored severely with stomach trouble. "Tired of everything I had been nblo to got for him to cat, ono day seeing an advertisement nbout Grape-Nuts, I got some and tried It for breakfast tho next morning. "Wo all thought it was pretty good although wo had no Idea of using It regulnrly. But when my husband camo homo at night ho asked for Grape Nuts. "It was tho same next day and I had to got it right along, becauso when wo woald get to tho table tho question, 'Have you any Grape-Nuts' was a reg ular thing. So I began to buy It by the dozen pkgs. "My hii3bnnd'B health began to lm provo right along. I somotlmes felt offended when I'd mako something I thought ho would llko foV a change, nnd still hear tho samo old question, 'Hnvo you any Grnpe-Nuts?' "Ho got so woll that for tho laat two years ho has hardly lost a day from his work, nnd wo nro still using Grapo-Nuts." Bead tho book, "Tho Boad to Wcllvlllo," In pkgs. "Tberc-s n reason." i:iT rend (lie nlioin l'M.rf A iiimv one iipiH-iirM from tlmo lo time. Tlu-y nrr kiiiiiIih-, true, nud full of liumuu lutcrcat. ft' 1 ft 7tiB'" ONE-POLE HAY-STACKER PLAN Care Should Be Exercised In Selecting the Timber to Avoid Getting One with Flaws. The accompanying Illustration shows how the one-polo form of liny stacker Is usually constructed. Somo caro should bo used In selecting tho upright pole In order to avoid one possessing a flaw or weak place. A good cedar telephone pole serveB the purpose well. Tho arm should also bo sound and freo from Haws, and It Is fastened to tho main pole by moans of plank cleats nnd a largo bolt. Tho outer end Is held In place by n guy ropo fastened to the top of tho upright pole. Threo guy ropes nro used to hold tho stacker In position. These should be placed so as not to Interfere with tho nrm when It swings from tho load to tho stack. The hay-fork should Hay-Stacker. operate on n pulley, one end of tho hay rope being attached to tho other end of tho nrm. Tho other end of the hay rope passes over a pulley near tho end of the arm from thence to ono attached to tho top of tho upright polo, then downward to a pulley attached to the base of the upright pole, where upon the singletree Is attached. Tho pulleys over which tho hay ropo runs nt tho top and bottom of tho upright pole are in Uno only when the arm of tho stacker 1,8 above tho stack When above tho load these pulleys nro out of line. The strain put on tho hay ropo when pulling up n load tends to bring theso pulleys back Into line again, which Bwlngs the nrm over the stack. HOW TO KEEP RATS AWAY Practical Method of Preventing Ro dents from Getting Into Water by Concrete Curbing. A very practical idea for preventing rats from working under well plat forms and around tho curbing, in which caso they foul tho water more or less, is to surround tho curbing with concrete to a thickness of from four to six inches. This is dono by digging down tho side of tho curbing with n ttlo spado and then Ailing In with concrete. A mixture of ono part Concrete Curb. cement, throe parts sand, and six parts broken tile or rock is very sat isfactory for this purpose. Tho con crete should extend down tho sides of tho well at least threo feet. It Is also a good plan If tho well Is on lovol ground to extend tho concroto six Inches or a foot abovo tho Burfaco and then grndo around tho same. This will prevent surface wuter from enter ing tho well. Skim-Milk Paint. Tho Scientific Amerlcnn, In com mending skim milk for painting, gives tho following directions for making it nnd somo results from Its use. It says: "Stir Into n gallon of milk nbout three pounds of Portland cement nnd ndd sufllclent Venotlnn red paint pow der to impurt a good color. Any other colored paint powder mny as well be used. Tho milk will hold tho paint in suspension, but tho cement, being heavy, will sink to tho bottom, so that it becomes necessary to keep the mlxturo well stirred with a paddle. Mix only enough at a time for one day's uso. Six hours after painting this paint will bo as Immov nblo and unaffected by water ns n month-old paint. Cases nro on record at this Bort of pnlnt bolng in good condition nftor 20 years and It has preserved the wood admirably. Tho addition of carbolic acid or somo other disinfectant makes it very suit able for dairy work, as It then has a cleansing effect. Practical Farming. Hay should bo well forked nml shaken nnd slightly dampened nnd fed on tho floor or in slatted man gors. The farmer should not buy his work horses ho should rnlso them. Ho can grow thorn at a profit. It Is better for tho average farmer to ralso draft colts. Only tho man who Is a horn horso lover can ralso roadsters profitably. Colts llko lino liny much better thnn they do coarse. Second-growth hay, fed n llttlo at a time, Is preferable. Shredded corn fodder Is rollshed, hut should bo fed In the samo way a llttlo at n time. Grain should bo fed liberally. g I Mil lwil!Aft'''''';fel9i ii'ty. tfi! h i i Arranged So That Feed May Be Tak en from It Without Opening Any of the Upper Portion. A corn crib from which the corn may be taken when wanted, without opening any ot uio upper portion or without tho uso of a ladder or steps may bo made ns shown. The floor slopes from one side to tho other, nnd Its lower mnrgln pro jects beyond tho sldo of tho crib sulllclently to permit tho uso of a box in which a scoop or shovel can bo used, writes .1. E, Brldgman In Mis souri Valley Farmer. The projecting part of tho floor Is made tho bottom of the box. A cover Is hinged to tho box so that It may bo taken out, iib shown by tho dotted lines. To facil itate the use of the shovel, tho open ing Into tho crib is closed for a space of two feet, either in the middle or at each end. At tho3o closed places theso will bo no corn upon tho floor of the box, so it will bo ensy to Bhovol out tho corn. SET ASPARAGUS AND RHUBARB In October and November Is Time to Set Out These Hardy Plants. Best All hardy plants that commenco growth as soon ns frost la out of tho giound should bo set out In the fall. The best tlmo In the middle Atlnntic states is from October 10 to Novem ber 20. If set out later than UiIb period they should bo covered with a little long stable manure or leaves to prevent Injury fiom deep freezing. Ithuharb and asparagus plants, wheth er young or old, begin to develop buds which form tho stalks Just as soon ns tho weather turns mild in the spring. As soon as tho buds develop there la a corresponding growth ot rootlets. When the plants are set out In tho fall tho earth Is settled about the plants nnd root nnd top growth starts early In spring, frequently ns early us the last week In March. Fall planted roots not only mnko an early growth, but they becomo so firmly es tablished In their new homo ns to bo better able to resist tho dry, hot days of tho following summer. Hardy Bhrubs, deciduous trees, also apple, pear and plum trees, black berry, raspberry and currant busheB should always bo set out In tho fall If It Is possible to obtain the trees and bushes. If planted In spring they should be set out just ns soon ns tho frost Is out of the ground and tho ground Is dry enough to handle. This work should not be commenced until tho lenves fall that Is, not beforo tho tenth of October. PROBLEM OF ARID FARMING Securing of Moisture, Which Must First Be Gotten Into Soli and Kept There. The great problem of arid fnrming is the securing of moisture, which must first be gotten into tho soil nnd then kept there until tho plnnts need it. The land should be plowed deep ly In the fall to make an adequato reservoir for tho storing of tho win ter moisture. The land should bo fal lowed during alternate years so that tho molsturo of two years will bo avallablo to tho crop. Tho fallow land should bo kept cultivated nnd freo from weeds to prevent the evap oration of water from tho surface. Deep-rooted crops should bo selected so that they can reach far and wldo for moisture. USEFUL RAKE IN ROOT CROPS Illustration Showing How to Make Implement for Moving and Assort ing Potatoes Costs Little. A convenient Implement for moving potntocs may bo made by fastening bent wires, ns shown in tho il lustration, to a rake-like imple ment. About No. 0 wire shonlil hn VJ-f--g used. This lmple- Vegetable Kake. tively movo potn toes from ono place to another nnd will separata the dirt from them as they nro moved. Late Celery. It Is about tlmo to plant lato celery and too much attention ennnot bo given in propnring tho boII, says tho Cultivator. Celery thrives best in nolla abounding in vegetnblo matter, so that any kind of manuro enn bo used freoly for this crop. It should bo thoroughly Incorporated with tho soil to a depth of at lenst eight inches. Muny small growers ntill f practice growing in trenches, but level cuituro is preicrreu tor various rea sons. If tho crop is to bo blanched with soil thero should bo from four to five feet of spaco between rows. It is cus tomary to spaco six to eight inches apart In tho row, but flvo or six inches Is sufllclent If tho ground is very rich. Weeds In Unclean Seed. Most of our worst weeds nro intro duced In unclean seed grain. It is more dlfllcult to produce clean seed than it is unclean, nnd for thnt rea son many seed growers nro tempted to sell seed which contains many of tho Injurious weeds, v v v This for an. ear of Corn Made by Tiffany. Ncarly3 ft.high in solid gold and sil ver. Actual contract price 1, (XX). To be awarded at the National Corn Exposition, Omaha J? "iSJ to the man, woman or child producing the best car of corn grown this year in the United States. Open to everybody belonging to the Association Nothing to buy or sell. The purposo of tho donor of this trophy W. K. KcIIorr it to Improvo tho quality of tho millions of bushels of com used In making Kcllogg's Toasted Corn Flakes. Many pcoplo think tho perfection of corn flavor has been reached in ToaMeil Corn Flakes. Perhaps it has. If you don't know how good Kellogg's thogenulno Toasted Corn Flakes is, try it. Then you'll sco how hard n task we aro giving oursolvcn to Improvo it, and the only way wo can improvo it is by tho better ment of tho corn itself. Profcuor Holden, of tho Iowa Stato CoIIcro, tho greatest authority on corn in tho world, will award tho prize at tho Natiounl Corn Exposition, to bo hold nt Omaha, Neb., Dec. Oih to 18th, 1!H)L. Two simplo rules will govern tho plan, nnd they are that you send your best car of corn to tho National Corn Exposition, Omaha, Neb., beforo November 27, 1001), nnd that you aro a member of tho National Corn Asso ciationfull particulars regarding which can bo had by writing to National Corn Exposition, Omaha, Neb. Tio a tag securely to your specimen nnd word it. "Kor tho Kellogg Trophy Contest," nnd write your namo and address plainly. If yours is judged tho beat, you will get tho trophy for 11110. If you succeed aain next year or tho year following, tho trophy will become your property for all time. Tho contcit will bo open to every stato in tho Union. Professor Holden will judgo tlln rurn nirliz-nlirlt, tn 1... I. ... nf Himl.t.. 'l-l... ...!.. f ...... .. per aero is ono object of tho award, but tho main purposo of tho founder of tho trophv is for improving the quality ot corn uied in making KELLOGG'S TOASTED CORN FLAKES. If you haven't tried this delicious cereal, begin your education in "good things to cat" today. All grocers havo it. lyS jrffjr dflif jflb J&V JPt0m " r 'I BT AJTl Mfm KT UP' WT MT W V T aJ ' ffiWTTV? ry e s fee- s&-;f" ESffl KELLOGG TOASTED CORN HAD ONE GOOD POINT Young Guest It seems to mo that you don't object to tho mosquitoes singing In your room. Old Guest You bet I don't. Why, when tho mosquitoes nro Blnglng I can't hear tho glee club practicing on tho plnzzn. TOTAL LOSS OF HAIR. 8eemed Imminent Scalp Was Very Scaly and Hair Came Out by Hand. fuls Scalp Now Clear and New Hair Grown by Cutlcura. "About two yearn ago I was troubled with my head being scaly. Shortly aftor that I had an nttack of typhoid fever nnd I was out of tho hospital possibly two months, when I first no ticed tho loss of hair, my scalp being still scaly. I started to uso dandruff cures to no effect whatever. I had actually lost hopo of saving any hair nt all. I could brush It off my coat by tho handful. I was afraid to comb It. But after using two cakes of Cutl cura Soap and nearly a box of Cutl cura Ointment, tho chnngo wao sur prising. My scalp Is now clear nnd healthy as could bo and my hair thick er than ovor, wherens I had my mind mado up to bo bald. W. F. Stceso, G812 Broad St., Pittsburg, Penn., May 7 nnd 21, 1908." Potter Drag A Cbom. Corp., Solo Props., Boston. True Representative of Race. Dr. Bcthmnnn-IIollwcg mny claim this distinction, thnt ho Is tho first German chancellor to wear a beard. Bismarck hastened to shavo his off whon ho entered upon diplomacy, nnd showed his rlvnls nnd enemies n masslvo Jaw and clear-cut chin; and ho shaved to tho end, with an inter val enforced by neuralgia in tho early '80s. As a soldier, too Caprlvl shaved, all but his mustache, nnd so did llohenlohe nnd Ilulow. But Both-mann-Hollweg is gaunt, rugged, hir sute, pan-Germanic. Laundry work nt homo would ho much moro satisfactory if tho right Starch wero used. In ordor to got tho desired stiffness. It Is usually neces sary to uso so much Btnrch that tho beauty and llneness of tho fabric Is hidden behind a pasto of varying thickness, which not only destroys tho nppenranco, but also affects tho wear ing quality of tho goods. This trou blo can bo entirely overcome by using Defiance Starch, us It can bo applied much more thinly becauso of its great er strength than other makes. Reaching Life's Goal. If you wnnt to bo somebody In this world you must nssert your Individ uallty and assort It In tho right direc tion, so thnt it may lead to a goal of honor for yourself nnd bo nn example for others. Find out what you ought to do, say to yourself: "1 must do It," then begin right away with "I will do It," and keep at it until It is douo. Wholesale and Retail. "What businoss did you say Miss Caddlo was In?" "Oh, sho'B In everybody's business." "Wholesale, eh?" "Ves, except when It cornea to a bit of scandal. She retails that." "MtS MOOO29 TOASTED QRNdfl FLAKES FLAKE CO., Battle Creeli, Mich. RECEIVED HIGHEST 2 h At the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition AGAINST ALL COMPETITORS ON PICKLES -OLIVES -CONDIMENTS -CALIFORNIA ASPARAGUS PRCSERVES-JELUEft SALAD DRESSING-CONDENSED MILK-CVAPORATED MILK-CALIFORNIA FRUITS CANNED MEATS CORNED DEEF-SLICED DRIED DEEF-OX TONCUE-VEAL LOAF HAM LOAF VIENNA SAUSAGE WHERE QUALITY COUNTS WE LEAD Your Grocer Has Them Insist on Getting Libby's L-IBBY. McNEILL fie L.IBBY Definite Location. Every visitor at tlie now capltol at Harrlsburg, Pa who gets as far as the registration room, Ib expected to write his niinio In a big book, together with liis blrthplnco and present resi dence, MiyB tho Troy TInieB. Not long ngo, when a crowd of excursion ists visited the grounds nnd buildings, u stout girl started to register. She paused, pen poised In air, nnd cnlled out to nn elderly lndy, com fortably seated In a big chair, "Mon, vere vas I horned at?" "Vnt you vnnt to know dat for?" "DIs man vunta to put It In dor big book." "Ach," answered tho mother, "you know veil enough In dor old stono house." A Steady Thing. Something nnd gone amiss with Dobblo and ho had sought the comfort of tears. Noticing his wot cheeks, his mother snld In n consolatory tone: "Como here, dear, nnd let mo wipe your eyes." "Tnln't no use, muvvcr," returned Ilobblo with n llttlo choke; "I's doln' to cry ngnln In a minute!" Woman's Homo Compnnlon. ( Children Like l) Tfair em s, CURE mfltST mUtttTQl(6)lGlS,ft(gUS It is so pleasant to take slops the cough so quickly. Absolutely safe too and contains no opiates. All DruuguU, 25 cent. MKifflY'M WW2&'5' 'MtVllll FT . M v B ' hi 'iWfflf I uttu tntn hum. U ryr KWwr Food Products THE ONLY AWARDS) Quaker Oats is the perfectly balanced human food China for your tnblo In tho Faintly Blze fat'lmges aoi:nthi ip i kni:w youu namh, i urniil kun'l youuurS.MUKiiiiiloiititlll li"u tlilavury iiilnutK. l.( t inn fcUri )uu In a iJintltuulu liuMnetx. Von tin not nci'il (inn milt ur capital. lUpurlrnuu unni-vtfh.irr. Mi profit, ('milt nlvun. rromluma. tn-lglit iwlil. (Jluim-iiUi win! uolntcoliloxim. KTrir mill nml wnni.in kuuulil wnn inn lor lit'ii ouinu J At II LICK, I'mlM, i!IU llinrl hlrr.l, Holloa. u. TaTJT KER'S HAIR BALSAM fltanirj and bwitlfltf tlu batr. rromutci a luiuilml grunth. Nevor Valla to lleatoro Gray Hair to Its Youthful Color. Cum iralp illirtKt St hair talluiK. ioo, null un at Drareliu DERANGE STMGH- IS ounro to Itio packn I iitlicr atarclixH only U ouncon name prlco and 'DEFIANCE:" IS SUPERIOR QUALITY. UOTLS I Thompson's yc Water Prize I LIVE STOCK AND 0 1 1 MISCELLANEOUS 1 Electrotypes J MHMHiMMMMMHIilH I IN QREAT VARIRTY I FORj SALB tAT THE I LOWEST PRICES UY B' WESTEKN NKWSI'AFKIt UNION B. 554 W. Adams St., Chicago U J l ..illMM.M -.-- .Ill III II JJ of thii paper de- I I JXedders '?' ,b7 I I anything aclver- B II turd in its columns shoula insiit upon I 1 II having what tlieyailc (or, refuting ell I II lubflitutet or imitation!. I t. i Hw v. a mam BHygtrg,