The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 30, 1909, Image 4

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15he CHIEF
Rod Clovid - Nebraska
Bntcrtil In Hit- 1'iiHliifIli'i) Hi tie-it I'loncl.Ncli
til- vi ninl t'lnwi VhIIi t
V lint too Hindi icsfcet for .Mr.
Tuft Id bclli'Ve tlllll III' Wollld be lltt!o
oimiitli to willfully ignore the bind
Ki'i'i'tniKs of a governor of n slnto bo
he t ('publican or dcuiofint. Vo ruiithl
win' Toddy ninl jfi'i bli opinion.
C. It. HAIiK
Till: ONLY IH.Mfil It Mil' I'M'JIt
l iisii:u
Democratic nntl Peonies Inilcjientlcnt
Party Ticket
For ilmloH of the Suprciiiu Court -
It. 1 IIOuD
.F.J. 91' 1,1,1 VAN
.1. it. dija.v
For llctfcrili of Statu l' ni verity
For County Treiisiirer
Por County Clerk
OWUtGKIJADUM, .. . .Ked Cloud
For Stiurill'-
W.M. KIItKI.TIIflC titiiilu Ilofk
For County Kiii(iintc'iilciit
MlSSMAltlMi JMY Rod Cloud
For County ,ludf-o--
I. V. KDSoN lied I loud
For Commissioner, Second Dlst.
L.I'ISKlKi: llliiolllll
For Constable At.. Si a in
For A.ssoshor V. I). Voxw:iii.y
For Justice of Pence Vm AIacm;v
For Komi Overseer... .Jami: MrIxio.n
Por Assessor Ciiaiii.i:s Gricw-i ,nt
1 We hnve hi'iird liolliilltf lately relit
tuototlii' ila, iloL'trio emit nt (nor
for tliat matter I lie monthly li'uuielul
statinieiiL of the eity's iilVtilrs). We
preHiiino Unit the eity futh'r- have this
I well In baud and that u day current
will be installed in due seas in but for
fear the subject may in; lyiiitf doimeiit
xvi' respectfully call ntloiilion to the
qiii'Htioii. We have fa voted a day cur
rent from the .slut t uud eo im reason
wliy we should not continue to advo
cate that necessity. It 1 approaching
the time ol the year when lights will
be turned on at live and continue
buruiiiK till oitfht in the moriiiuir.
After liavini; steam alicady under head
xvay the cvpensc of continuing the
current thtuotit the day would not be
much especially If it smaller engine
wore Installed. Wo arc confident that
there xvonld be power enotii'h tied lo
malic it paying on the Mai t. lleddes
this it would jflxv ninny of oiireitizciis
coinforts and utilities which they do
unt now enjoy.
After rciuling our esteemed ox
changes of the Denver valloy lino
tibout the Ki-uat aiiiuiiut of rain they
bad there last week we judge that they
xvoro busy looking up Noult's recordH
to see If they had reached u now murk.
Wo did not happen to be at either
Hood but after duo investigation wo
nro iiielined to the opinion Unit Noah
utill holds the bolt.
Self preservation is the first law eif
utiiuiiito natuie seems to be true. We
often hear the reinaik that ono has to
look out for number one because no
one else will and this is nil right to u
degree but xv hen number one has
enough ami to spare he ought to give
the remainder of the numerals a little
leeway ami an occasional lift. Why
take advantage or exceptional business
iiuumou (o the detriment of the less
fortunate xv lien the body is already
Millloicntly xxcll uturWItelV Wo con
fess wo do not know and yet in every
city uud hamlet in flic miircrao this
tragedy is being enacted.
The Oxford Standard bluahiugly
acluioxvledgcs that It has siieeesstully
pussoil Its tilth mile stone. It still io
tains the vigor of joutli and yet gives
evidence of u.atuilty. Alter the hesi
tating dlsclosuie ol its age it mildly
give out the information that, should
any friends see lit to bestow a birthday
present, tlieuioslacerpiablegilt would
be a pretty dollar bill for xvlilcli u
ycai'ssubscilption would be exchang
cel by way of mUiiow lodgement.
This is one of the neatest things wo
have read in many a day and the
people of Oxfoid, incidentally, seem
to appreciate the efforts of the genial
cditois of the standard.
If reports can bu relied upon we very
much regiet the discourtesy showed
(iov .Shallenberger by President Tuft
when he made his visit to Omaha last
week. It canted no surprise that
Oinahii did not invito the Governor to
be prcseiitd,iriug the visit of our Presi
dent but It is unbelievable that the
chief o.U'eiillvc of this nation .should
fall to acknowledge the greetings sent
biiu by the chief otllcer of the state,
We have been invited to spcit'c right
out in mcctin' icgarding a subject
which tit present weighs heavily upon
our minds. Tho tat iff tinkcrcr". the
trusts the law of supply and detnnud
or some other unholy inllueiice has
been ut work and the icsult is that
tho price of paper has been rapidly
soaring higher ninl higher. Now this
has occurred without our consent or
npprovul but in protection tooursclves
something must be done uud xxe very
much fear that that something xvill bo
n raiso in subscription rates on January
II rst. Just think of it if we wantchick
en for Sunday dinner just two Sundays
in tho year It menus an entire year's
subscription, fifty two copies and be
sides thero is the devil to pay. Wo
have spent uiuny u restb'ss night in
attempting to solve this problem and
only one solution seems possible and
that is an increase in the price of sub
scription. We arc endeavoring to give
you your money's worth and then
some and we feel confident that our
teaduis will gladly pay a little iu addi
tion to their present subscription and
make it possible for us to givo a still
betUr publication.
Tli'stoiy Is told that soon lifter
Chief J list ice Chase (isslllned lliei"i . r
natorial clialr in Ohio he issued his
proclamation appointing Thaulisls it-g
day. To make sine of being orth. do
the governor composed bis proclaim
lion almost entirely of pasmges frni
the Ulble, xvlilehjic did not design. iU
as ipiotntioiis. assuming that every one
would recogni' them and admlic the
fltnes of the words, us well us his
taste in s lection.
Th proclamation meeting the
of a De-iiociath' editor, lie pouii'cd up
on it tit once ami declared that he had
read it before. He could not say e.
aelly xvheie, but he would take his
oatli that it was a downright plagiar
ism from beginning to cud. That
would have been u pretty fair joke,
but the ne.U day u Ilejiublieau editor
came out valiantly in defense or the
governor, pronounced the ohnrge libel
ous and challenged any man living to
ptodtic''oiisinglelineof thoproclatna
tion that had appeared in print before.
That venality eists in the news
paper profession it would be Id!., to
Ml fa 1 9t
C U!C'"
An Improvement over mnny
sysU'"! c f n cold bv acfl.t,; n-satlftf.i.-tl
m i.r monry rc.i.':;.
I'oK si,B
! 'i'i.1 "
'.): 'ii.:l
T Cm K'si
. i i r ; :", '
nKc i sroui:.
UeirtJ'tf. because It ridj the
r.o Diilates. -uar,intecd in ttv
. iJlUJ- CU.. CHICAC.O. U. S. A.
Put hup? in:ui parents have never
renli.ed the Important position the
home paper linu In the family. The
children in growing up become Inter
ested hi petsoii.s and things nioimd
them by reading tibotil them In the
home paper. Gnulually they como to
loolc for the paper's rogulnr visits mid
they acipilre the haliit of reading regu
larly of the ex iiits of their own com
munity. This regular habit grows up
on them ami nets as an unknown educa
tor both In giving Information ami
automatically developing habits of
order ami eoutiuuty Again the child
by hating it interest stimulated learns
to look upon the community as a whole
and broadens the mental horizon lead
ing the way to a larger conceptions
and more dellnate ideals. Without
this ntimulus the child is apt to reach
ouo of two extremes. Hither ho will
be entirely satisfied with what lie sees
or experiences mid thus becomes tiar
iow ami contented with the little
things or life or else lie will give free
vent ton vivid imagination and obtain
a tlistoited view of lire, dwelling on
how things ought to bu or might be
rather on things as they are. Nothing
will cause a boy or a girl to know the
actualities of life better than the
habit of regularly -and thoughtfully
roading tho homo paper. Cot tho
That Lame Back Means
Kidney Disease
And to Relieve the Lame and Aching Back,
You Must First Relievo the Kidnevs
unoro is no cm", tion nliout Hint
at nil for tho lanio and aihlng
back is caused by n elNc.isrd con
dition of tho Kidneys and bladder.
It Is only common ueme, nny way
that you must euro a condition
by removing tho cnuso of tho con
dition. And lanio and aching back
aro not by nny moans tho onlv
symptoms of derangement of the
kidneys anil bladder. There nro a
inultltudo of well-known and un
mlstaKnblo indications of a moro or
loss dnngerous condition. Somo of
theso nro, for Instnrce: Kxtretno
and unnatural lnfsltudo nnd weari
ness, nervous irritability, heart ir
regularity, "nerves on cd?o," tlcep
lesBiiess nnd Inability to Fociin'
rest, scalding scnatlin nnd redi
ment In tho urine. Ii.ti-ii.n ntlon '
tlio bladder and passage:, etc.
DoWitt'a Kidney and Bladder
rills nro an exceptionally meritori
ous remedy fur any nnd h!1 nffee
tloua or diseased conditions of
theso organs. Theso PIII3 opornto
directly nnd promptly nnd their
lienoflclal results nro nt onco felt.
They rcgulnto, purify, nnd effec
tually benl nnd restoro tho kid
neys, bladder and liver, to perfect
and hcnlthy condition oven in
Eomo of the most advanced enser.
vS7 c- " ", If-tT
i:. C. ncW'ltt & Co.. Chlenim III
want every man and woman who
havo tho least cusplclon thnt thor
aro mulcted with kidney nnd blad
der diseases to at onco wrlto thorn,
and a trial box of theso Pills will ho
t-ent free by zttuui mall postpnid.
Websler County Fair
DM) IVotr.s of the Doings.
The Fourth Annual Inhibition .(
the Webster I'ouiity Fair Association
opened ut ISladen on the 'Jlsl with nn
inital attendance estimated at 1000.
The exhibits of live stock this year
arc exceptionally line. The hogs and
cattle some of them prize winners from
the state fair. The horses on exhibit
ion show line breoding nnd as good a
bunch would be hard to II ml at any
fair. The exhibit of poultry is very
line nnd some excllent strains being
In the Agricultural hall the exhibit
of grains nnd grasses aro very good.
The showing of corn is exceptionally
Hue considering the season. One
especially tine exhibit is the showing
of tlowers ami shrubs. In the Indies'
department fiuiey work und other ex
hibits makes u line display.
On Tuesday the entertainment con
sisted or a ball game between llladeii
and I'liinpbell. Several track events
which showed some very Hist time and
an able address by (Jov. Shullenbeiger.
Between heats of tho races various
ciitertainntents are given consisting of
juggling, acrobatic performances, etc
The management is highly eoincnd
eel for the splendid showing made on
tho initial day.
On Wednesday the attendance at
the Wobster County Fair was quite
liirio I'cing estimated (it between 170o
and . )00 porsons. The attractions
consisted of racing, a ball gnmo be
tween Iimvnle nnd Jllndeu nnd extra
events such as u novelty rneo for green
horseg. broncho busting etc The day
opened cloudy threatening rain, but
cleared and the day wa Ideal aside
from being somewhat cool for comfort.
in Thin sday the attendance was
tho largest during the fair. Ciuido
Hock, Cowles, I'ed ( loud ami Blue Hill
were well represented. The ball game
between Bladen and Inavi-j was sharp
ly contested. The speed events were
well tilled and very good speed was
shown. The races were saddened by
an accident to one of the liders in the
mile running race In some manner
he lost his balance and in falling in
front of his horse causing the animal
to full on him Ho died in about an
hour. His name was Albert Meir and
gave his homo as Chicago and his ago
as 20 years.
On Friday while the attendance was
not so largo as on Thursday a largo
crowd wits on hand to view the fnlr.
The ball gamo between tho Bladen
Juniors and the ('uide Kock High
School team was interesting up to the
0th inning when the locals went to
pieces, (initio Kock won bv the score
of io to'.'. The running and trotting
i vents were quite fast. Tho unto lace
j vv us only ir cats owned In Webster
i itniiti. iinif ) .io .... ,... i.
locnls and one rom Rod Cloud. The
uicM was won by w. II. Tnber of ltd
The weather was excellent all thru
the fair and mnde it a success from till
points or view. Pipsident Dontoiiand
his assistants doing eveiy tiling in
their power to make everything being
made satisfactory as possible. Sn
friction being felt ut any time.
Heal Eslatc Transfers.
Transfers repotted by tho Fort Ab
stract Co. fur i he ' .tiding Wed-
ite'sduy, gcptciul ci till ,,
lilchnrd I). Moritz to W.J Scnx
nor. lots 17 to 'JO, l!IU. 1, Platts
1st add to lied Cloud, vvd jut)
Winer A. Thomas to AdolaideC.
Stock man, lots?, 8,0, Blk. I,
I'mlclin.? add to Wed (Jloinl.ttd Ci'O
I.'am'i.lphr. ICIikbrldgeotalllof
en t s to N F, llHrvcy, tixv'tO SS
ill. l'-f. Deed -JOOO
Maiy Sinelsvr to C'lvdo (J. Pitney
sv 1 1 U 12, vvd 0"o0
11. 1., savvjer to T. F. Jones, all
subdiv Clot 17, Illk. Q, Saw
yei's add to Innviile, wd 17."
Line of Dry Goods for Fall Wear at
:0 ' SAL', EYALL J ' SCr
Morlgiigts tiled, JdSCfl.dO.
Moitgage'S released, sr-DTi.OO.
6 UD73
Know beforti hand That the Black
Stockings yon buy are Going toSatis
fy Yon will make no mistake of yon
buy Your 1IOSI"! Here
Children's i x ' rib. Good hose
for the money at Ij.-sc per pair.
Mo Mm 1 x I Rib fiose
knee, h' i I .n't! tue spliced with extra
linen thn ad at 2c.
g Ms
Ste Sweater Time,
jJPony Coat Sweaters in new designs
carefully knitted of fine Zephyr Wool in
fancy jacquard slilch the newest in sweater
making. This perfect fitting garment has
the stylish V neck, two patch pockets and
closes with good pearl buttons. For real
value this garment is unequalcd in price
from $2.00 to $3.50.
tfJOthcrs at 60c for children. 75c,',
and $1.25 for boys and girls.
Ladies fast
biack no seam
hose 25c,
35c and oc.
For those school l)resos Have a full line of
tiiugliuiu", F cued and fancy wash goods from
We to 2')C
WW )
3fHave a few
odd sizes in'Corset
Covers left 'which
we will close out
cheap. flCome in
and let us show
them to you.
Agert for
itterick P.tterns
1 ii. -i.i-- iiei.iiws in tie xv. 1 r.
K lltur of sjt. l.oul lh:i-lllli d7o
cute, Dr. W. It. Piiluior. , siv; A jim
hpiiHou ninciidine'il will carry in Miss
ouri in 1010 by a uittjiii'y i.f seventy
tlv thousand."
Abdrnm 1 piuposes to eo. if 111. i .iiv'"
if the cimpnign for n p ohlbitiou
atiiun lniPiit is sac 'I'ssful.
ISirmiujjIuim, Ala., Sept I "..
ia!gu for a cotistitutiotial ami'iidnient
for prohibition in Alabama vvaslauiich
iil here today at a conference which
was participated in by several hundred
prohibitionists, anti-saloon league
members and pat tisaiis from all over
the state.
An ollieial statement was made prior
to tho beginning of the meeting that
the conference leprcsents no political
faction or set of politicians. World
"A prohibition amendment will carry
111 .Missouri in IfJlo by a majority of
seventy-live thousand." Dr. W. It. Pal
more, editor of the St. LoiiIh Christian
Advocate, said last week while in Kuu
sas City.
'Mlssouii has become a dumping
ground for Kansas and Tennessee,
which 1110 without saloons. There
soon will be no saloons in Arkansas,
Tesas, Virginia, Kentucky and Indiana.
Missouri cannot all'ord to hold buck
with thli probability staring it in the
face. Waiting can't do no tiny good."
It U Doctor Palinoie's estimate tbnt
liquor and opium are responsible direct
ly or indirectly for 75 per cent of the
criminals In the- prisons of the xvoild.
ThfS ostium! 0 he bases on his investi
gations f prisons in many countries
particularly in Kurnpe.-KniiMis 1 ity
When the kidneys fall for any curse,
to perform their important vvoik of
passing oil" urio acid from the boy,
serious results wjll follow at sdjoh
limos take a good reliable remedy.
0110 Unit you can depend upon. Pty!
eules aro an excellent preparation for
Kidney troutiies. rneycjuieuiy iein ji
backache, weak back, rheumatic painj
etc. t-obl ty lIonrylooK
S3 .a .
m m vypsaei
: M
m aw
7.00 cSc9.00
Mr Peary is liltelv to discover that
, ho isn t the o.ily jubblo on the beach,
T7.;. -m
.r I VM. llll.V IV II I l M I ISM v. I I I 1 I.N
l Daxh.
Morton D Hill, of Lebanon, lad.,
says: "My xvifo bad Inllamniatory
niiouuiatlfcin in ovcry muscle and joint;
her sniveling was terrible und hoibody
ami face- were swollen almost beyond
recogultlonjliad beenlnbedforslx weeks
and had eight physicians but received
no benefit until she tried Dr. Dctchou's
llelicf tor l'houinatliiu. It gave hei
Immediate relief and she was aide to
' walk abo it In three days. 1 am sure It
saved hor life." .Sold by The II K.
(Jrlce Drug 'o , Rod Cloud, Nebr.
The New
Seven Jewel
It is a bridge model, the highest type of Watch
Construction. Seven ruby and Sapphire jewels
protecting the points of wear. Factory guar
anteed for 5 years. ::::::::
Has a conpcnsaling balance patent micrometric regulator
Brcguet Hairspring features found only in higher priced
wale) 2s of other makes. : : :
.00 in
Solid Nickel
in 20 yr
.00 in 10 yr.
A New Stock of Alarm Clocks Guaranteed
$1.00 TO $8.00
Jewelers and Optometrists - - Red Cloud, Nebraska.