ngaarouiiiiini i om niju.i'jm i mi j u iimmii umiih tnmimm Hinmmjmm MrmiowiwwinMnijm - 1 J K V h J A K you mcr ciicecj fi cling of keen annoyance with the old st.ile dropnor-fl ier fountain jicli, wl.eii tin "n vvi .1 n. t' midd.o of a letter? II" . ; i i ' 1 the npcra' of fl'ltlis; tuns..,-, .lirt. piovt king- t nits t i'ii-ct l' lingers. lcnUy join'"-, ini ran elim inato all this h u-.i GONHUN'S Self-Filling Fountain Pen If it sh iti' 'I" . I'i'.' wilt iiu'. you would i I ' it tin ! it ntmoy c"1. not even it lii li1 ' i'. '''cause lull cm calmly tench fii- an I dip pen In' nearci inkwell, press I In" 'Crc-cent-Filler" "nee, and itistMiii ,. p."i i full of ink Done mi piii-.. that your train of thought I- it i i;eii. Moreovet. t' i i'tini ojii'vatinii kl eps thP fei .' i li 'I I' , . -Ml IIUll lill- i logged s,tlril tli" iiu' f ink isnlwavs ertu'n nnd c.-iii' ii'iinr-- iioit ii balk, hint it skip; uih '-. wtiting deiiph' fully asy. All sizes Hti'i points; com' in .:t1 trv th"ii'i. For Sale By Chas. L, (Dotting, The Druggist. i F Ml ft. t '- 1-8 4 h.vwj,niii,v m -. s" Cd. tiarber was. in tovr Tuesday. Mrs. Tulleys is home from Xaponto. Aitliur Lavri. '. w.mjin M-perior Mon day. Dr. O. A. Ncl-oii whs 1b to?U Son tiny. Fritz I'liMc wert to HasllngS Fri day. litter Storey is iting in Cowles this week. ' Mrs. Person left on 14 for a visit in Kansas. Mrs. Nelllo Caster went to Bin don Monday. Mi&sZcllu Taylor went to Lincoln Tuesday. Goo. Yolhiud of Hasting wu in llio city Friday. Misc Anna Iiichords arrived In the city Friday. Miss Bryan urrived in tlie city Sa.t iirilay ii'ilit. Ste 'Th Wolf at the opera house Friday iiilit. mmmmmmmmsm 10 i urn tir,V M II W ?p nib m iSlzi ctua aJUi lliVCJJCSilil t ba; (23SSSSSSSSS22S2g23SBI2 tUI j 11741 1 wmm&Bsmam nB est things in shown for HL S (SL M Clothing Cravford Shoes Dutchess Trowsers. GLAD TO PAUL STOREY THE CLOTHIER Mr 'Hi I Mrs, U. H. Fulton Kent wnt on !. 'l!i tn ,i ,). Mr (Jen I,'liiMr iirrlwl home. ''"""''' ni).rht. 13Mt (iih-e of Uoiihier. I'olo., In in f V. II ll I- ! Mr ui'il iic. l-.!i u-r llns wari in l)'ii'.'n Til. -.Ia Mi-s Miilfi- arrie1 in tho city I'Vi- 'i' fioiii Illinois is ru Slurry went to l.lneoln Tiii" 'Hi v in it tiinjr. I. A iilllirnliilt is in (7ili-rm1o on biisiin-s , t)ij week Tin- il irhe s'.sltrs nrrivod Frhlny from Walnut. lown Don'l miss ' The Wolf" at the tinom hurtle l-'ruliiy niprlit MUi Carrie Hnhlworth emno home ti l."i Tlnirsi'njp ntfrlit. C. W Kalt uriufii Imuie 1 li'irmlHy fioiu in-, wt'strrii tr;p. I'.isim.istir tlac-Uir returned from Liifi'ln "su'iilny nitrht. I'liii'st Wf'nih nrrivpci hmn' from CiippIc OtM'U Momlay. Mis Alfa i.otiptin Htt ended the IShnhn Fair Wpiiiifs.tHy. V B. i iiui)ii'iHnttiniliii(rih',nnty fair 1 1 lila,!, ii this week. Mi. ami Mr. (reo. Hutchison cntno in on 1 1 Monday moruliifr. Mi. J. C. Brooks went to Snperior Monday inwruiim on bnslnrs. Dr. Thomas' father nml brother of Cwwles were in the city Saturday. Mr. Harvey G nnd wifo left for Boston, Mas- . Saturday morning. Henry Phaii went to Lincoln Satur day to attend the state nniverity. Blsic and Wesley Tuber rehirnod from Lincoln Jlhe lat of the week. Mr. i uud nephew of lllitiolh ar rived in the city Tnvsdny nioruinj; Fred Turnnre nrul dan'iiter. Mi i.rettn were in Chester Wednesday. Mis. G?. .Muihaitutulthidrentipeiit the last of the week in (J-uide Iloek. Cins Boats and wifo wre panftenpern oil li for Michipun Tnesdaj inorniUK. All mi Mlnr of tlio M. V A. lod(rv are requested to nttend lodpe tonight. Miner Sherwood went to Lincoln Tuesday to attend the tLutc university. Miss Norn Lepgott is visiting her grand parents in the country this week. (i. W. Davis and family arrived homo from (Jcorgetowu, Ind., Satur day. Miss Gladys Dawson -of (5 utile IJoek Is attending hoot iu this city this year. Fon SAin-An nlnwst new Smith Freinlor Typewriter Bx. ."2H lied Cloud. Buy a whip of I'ogoi, tho harness nan. and jet a free chance on the $ 18 harness. ! Mr. I j. II. Bus' nnd wifo went to lilndeii Wed'icsd.iy morning to attend ! Fair. $emmmm) mmm& . every line ever the Price. Y P. It Lnrrh-k is n Bladen F.iir visit r this 'Mvl. Mr- u'liic Bori'ii of I iaIis lnitcd nl the In. ni of I. I.. H.neii the hint oT the week Bill stiukp of Milwaukee In the gttest of his who live east of toil this week. Oscar Uncles lias conimeiiced M new rfsi.ience smith of Mr. M Kolghnti. Mr. nnd STr. Clms. I 'otter and daughter Fiorine arrived home Mon day nigh". Sherldnn Phnren wnt to Lincoln Friday where he will attend thn slnio uiiivfpslty. Mrs. TTownrd and daughter. Mnblo enme homo on the 2 o'eloek train Mon day morning. With every 91 whip bought of JoO Fogcl yon irt't a free elmnee on nn tH8 sinulp luiv . M- "i il Mrs. Uusi Holmgraiti were vidithur ri-iutivei nenr f ittlde Hock the llrnt, of th wee'.:. Lytunn ii-sig Hhipp d n car load of tattle to KniisMs rfy Sunday He aO vompntiled them. Dwighl Wilson stopped over here Thursday on his way homo frotn Oiiihhu to Bun 1 de r. Uingi LiltlH liiver Fills -easy to take, gentle in action, pleasant offactt Mold liy Hitiry Cook. Miss B.-sle Mursh or Miles City, Moutnnn. is visiting friends and rela tives in this city this woek. The Chicago specialist will bo Ut tho Boyiil IioteL in lied Cloud, Priday, Oct. 1st. Consultation free. Paul .Johnson, Ulcn Walker tind Hoy Teel wont to Iiiucoiti M'ondny morning to nttond tin- stato university. Oet your hciting' and cook stovo In to shapn for v Inter. Onlor your stove, repairs from Morhurt Bros. now. The Uotvon Bros, lmvo sold their dray line and feed barn to Kd. Frey who lias taken possession of the saino. Fou Sam. A huUHe of 4 rooms and two lots cheap if sold soon. Inquire of tlm Chief ortito for f nrllioi' inforiim- tiou. Tho ladies f the CougregnLional church will hold theirmonthly marhel at tho Home Uroeery storo SaUirilny, Sept. tilth. Mrs. Jake lMMugcr and daughter, Dorthy wont to Denvor tlio first of the week to visit liur parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Whlpkoy. .Morlmit Bros, have their hard coal Wolf will be presented til tlie Opera stores on their floor. Come in and sco j House will, undoubtedly serve to at tho lluest line of the host stovos you .tract an audience that will lill our ovur looked at. i cosy opera honso to ovoiih wing. "Tho Kenneth Williams wont to tixotor, i Wotf " ,'"'u '" UH w,,h - liwn-ty imi Xebr, iMondny whoro ho linn u job',arM,,,,n,,tor l,l t'r,,k,,'or x,,w orh hulnluir insUill tlie block svfilom on 'l'"1 Chhvign, whore it enjoyed long t he Burliugtoii railroad Mm hart Bros, curry a complote line of Blectiie lamps, Cur htm. Tungsten anil Tantalum also hi-low lamps KM. itet your lamps of them. In any vtucrgonvy where salve Is re Hiiired, use I'lUesulveCarboB.ed there i nothing better for outs, bums and bruises. Sold by Henry Cook Joe Jcliuek, ivb'i livis north of town had the misfortune to liavo his burn struck by lightuiug and it nnd nix head of horses ware burned up iJatur - day night. Hot-Hi: and Lor t'ott S.i,i:.-A nice (J loom house and 1J lots located clo&o iu. 'Ibis is a nice place. l. OUiio at tho Chief olllee for further pnrticulnis. Thoinns II. Adams will give his il- liihtratcd lecture on Tlwi Slm.lnw... A (irout City." Monday night, Sept. 27 at the ( hrlbtaln aluirch. Tlclcots lftc. ohlldrou 10c ..,,', Hy tailing a dose or two of Bees UxuUvo Cough Syrup, you will get prompt rtliof from a cough or cold. fit gently moves tho bowels, heals In I - intion o the throat and stot-s the cough. ItlH pleasant to take. Mold Uy Honry Cook. Tnko cine of your stomach. Let Hodol digest nil the food you eat. for that is what Kodol docs. Bvory table spoonful of Kodol digests 2' pounds of food. Try it today. It is gniiran teed. to relievo you or your money haul:. Sold by all dealers The Methodist Stllte ennfereiw.,. appointed Bev. M. T. StBller U) the cliargo in this city for thocoiniiigyear. Bev. StilJIer 1ms give excellent satis faction for tlie past two yours both to tho church and the people, of the com munity and wo welcomo him back to our midst. Mr, Ceo. MeKlnney and wife living east of town was called to Oskaloosa, Jowa by the serious illness of Ills mother, and on August lfith she de- parted thin life, to dwell in tho great j Bicketts and to them one son was beyond. Tlie Chief with their many ' born. Tho body of the deceased ar friends extend to them our heart felt J rived on Saturday and Sunday morn sympathhs in tliis their bad bereave-1 iug at H o'clock Cider L. An. Ilnssoug men!. coiuluited services at the family home Mi. Dave iioniebower luouglit two l'ececdl.,g the j mrney to iirioieeeme ears of corn Into this otllce which are , lu,'rv ln K,",:Mh11 U": Kicli,'U" WUS, "" ortaiuly line specimens oi that rcrul,l. , !mlo,,t ' Jthui when at her best Their combined weight is 3 lb. ,md I ""T? i"' ""V" aL't'0",; mesures ll', inches in length" and the "'"' ed "'" l"f h1o n ,ltl other 12 inches. Mr. HeBlobower in- "1" unvlvan ut the school house forms us that ho did not go to IU1,' noar the cemetery wl.o.e a great co.u- trouble to ilnd the largest ears bllt slmpjy selected the first two largeones (Oil is III l,ll tills !!!'. li'U' winl to lihiilen Mr-.. ( ,ii i Tii nr l.iv Ml'S. I'll I'S' II- is lill siel from n , paralytic sti l 'tmJ .lti.-l" But eilwn hod it poui ljMt' slndi l'ii 1 1 . . Bond K i I. isseissBi aid els(. Wher in ito pipei . .Mrs. Will tu l.ovd Cinliill attended the Bladen I'M- TUui , liy. -TheW.C I' F. will meet with Mrs Jj L lloren it ( 'Aedneiduv at U:!k). Mr. nn.l i . rim-. Hntelser are visit ing in the i '. i e fore going to Mon I nun. Miss, Kuril In Caldwell Is the new elefk In Tiniiuio's dry goods depart ment store. Fon fi m i Lots AT and HI block U Ilitltrnnd ..iiti-n Inquire of W (. Brooks at ll.-nUI.-'s fcod barn. Will Duel, r family retuine.l to their li nn in Oklahoma after a month's Mi' with his mother. The fid'. Mini lire thi" pastors assign ed by the M. tliomst conference, to tlie Vnrinns clri;'es In Webster County: Ash Cm. k d. W Fool. Bladen O i. IV.iiitlh Bine llf! .1 W. Bull-. Cowlcs It I'. Angle. Olllde Bock i. W Fool. lnnvtile -U. F. Summers. lied l loi.l M. T. Stllller We lire pleased to note that Dr. L. A. Thomas of this city has been ap pointed to a position on the state board of dental secretaries by the sttvf'o hoai d of In alt li. This honor lias iieeti right l. conferred us Dr. Thomas is ranked nuong tlio U-stof practicing dentists. His term will expire An;;. I, KM I. Th" doctor has boon prominent In state meetings of recent years and is rocogui.ed as olio of Nebraska's ablest dental authorities. Time cud: Church of Christ. U-d Cloud. IVr Saturday and Sunday Hept. 23 ami 2ii Tlios. II. Adnin. field see y ofCotnci 1 ul., will lecture S.iturdcv ntglit. on "Beiuitiful Bethany. Ho will preach Sunday morning on 'I1il ucntloti; Its meatm and measure" Sunday nilit Mr. Adams will present an evenings work , on "Illustrated Songs" using the powerful cnlititu light Hi reoptieonhoth Saturday nlglit I and Sunday nigjit Seats free to all. Come at i o'clock for lectures. L. An Ihissoni;. ininlster. The tii. re atiiiouucetiient that tu'M Frldil.' evening S ptembcr Ultti. "The nnd prosperous runs, nnd will he ren dered bore with n wonderfully strong cast and elaborate stage scttiiics, pre cisely the s:une in every detail which led to its sue Oss in tflO two gnat metropolitan cities. The piece tells a toiy of life of the Hudson Bay country, anil, introduces types of characters thai any otto fami liar with that section will readily recog nize. Seats nro now on sale at Orlco . Drug Co. 's store. I ' i A (iuantntcctl Attraction. I "The Wolf." by Iiugeno Wnllor, nnd ' "'' "'l' direction of Messrs. Sam S. nnd Leo Shubort, will be the olVorlng 'l tl10 ,il''1 loII(l Opera House next Friduyi September 21th. The piece iuis played a successful I I. ..If I.. V..l. nil""' -LUI iiKnKiiiin-m, ill i.o hi iv 1 ,1III'lll,",s i"st 0,,1"0', " of rn'"""lJ's v v """" " " '" " ' -- ! h"UUl'rts I" t"ur ,n0 pleco for n sliort ' time previous to its return to those (.,ljw. ..Tho Wolf" has to do with tho Cauudhm Hudson Bay tcrritoiy, tho ,.,. ,u ,frMu.h , ., , tullrl ,,. ., . 111 ...., ., ,vlin , nllnua ,, (!imvll ,ho (l.aUl o hi(j j h,r,f MbUrt ,lo Hllrtll ,llln M tho VM. Mn Q a Scotcll trail0r. who is sohem- ( ,s to get hold of Hilda, the very girl j (m0n whom ho has set his own heart. ' The trader lias tlie young wonuin's father on his side, but tlie hero suc ceeds in carrying her oil' in a light, .,,,,1 in the closing act hills liis rival in ' a .snnsutionnl duel. Tho cast is said t(l 1)U OlIC Of dramatic OXCOlIOIICU. TilO same big production used at tlie New York Lyric Theatre will be used. Died. Mrs lilvi McCinnis Bicketts do parted this life at Hustings, Nob., September tilth, UlO'.i. Sho was born .Septomber 22, 10!) and reared to life iu and near this city where her mother ' has resided for many years. Beaching j womanhood sho was married loC.oorgu PW oi om u ...e ,mims ..a.Kau e.c. Her motliur, three brothels and one CllM ( y' Vvn New AfflVIIMl Coiine in and see the 1 new styles for fall i c? vjinFzii-n Always glad to i W.SMWSniaWHISIWHlIMiSHl'i"W i I tmimhMky Clothing C Aiwavs Rcliablo First Door North of Postoflicc d .rysj-sNyrv,vp,,yvryA. I y AillGii k i ieadquarters FOR urmture, Carpets AND , UNDERTAKING V svsV'isyswN.SA,v7. JOHN kUiUdkUMlilobilikbifaiikii'Mill'PiliOitfiy ,.. UiiliVlnui'.l(iitiilibil&&& SAY, niSTER! Do you know that it will pay YOU, as wollas US, to buy your Building Ma terinl and Coal at our yards? Not only that our prices averaciu lowor, or at loast as low, as those of our compel it. ors, butiiECAisE we tako especial care of and protect all enn bo classed s It E (i U L A B CUsi'DJH PLATT Coal. -tiTTTiiviTi'i,iii'vi'ii,r.iiiiiTiiiTii'Piiiiiii'ii'r'ra(Uifcwii The Chief $ 1 a year tn . r s s c5 show you. ), fl"IF if iiciarev ) il. If, 11 t'n m IB ii ia , , r f r REDFERN Whalebone CiSETS BIrrxtoln: Modlc ,19 is moderately short and full above the waist, but litis, the very long skirt, fully oucusing tlie hips, (oppressing their fullness and producing tlio straight hip lino. Designed for Ynther short, full forms. Au addition to tbls tnoilel that ndds to its comfoit and Hting beauty is found iu tlie SECURITY Rubber Button Hose . Sujiportersa Mist proof, of eouise - wl.ii li an' ai'ciiiatcly placed by tin ihsiiu i ut th(sL in. .!i ! at liont mid stdes. Model .' While Knllstc White Coullllc PRICE 51 00 to 55.00 Same. Pattern In delicate White Figured Broclic. I'lJIlb $1 00 to $500 SON & GR01T Liiidiin FREES CO, Lumber. Hi 7 s ! 1 f- f-e- Sr t- fr e- t-f-f-c-. t. 6-5- J-g- fi i- it -3 hehiippcncd to find. sister remain to miss her. C.. r. wln'JHri ...c .jMtiX