(Conllnuod f Join first page) 3.8.ri .'(2.10 S1I.74 I. W. Kdaon 7.51 G. H. Unle .W 8.00 , " -15.00 " , 2S.Q0 Com All 107.CO " 02.60 40.26 h.U. TU 67.76 ' 72.60 n " ; 27.60 John May 66.00 A. IJ. Wijtgln 7200 W. A.anrriwn 153.00 Joseph Snladon 40.00 P. ll.Clutte 72.00 Krcd Hunl 72.00 K. Mellrido .' ' C25 .1. V. Drain 0.00 V. P. Itlnkle 75.00 G. I). Robinson 153.00 15. Peters 103 0!) T. It. Hull 10.75 " 18.30 17.05 Nellie W. Caster 2(5.-10 " " 27.85 W. M. Reeves 11.05 Fred Hedge 8.00 .1. II. KobhiBon & Son 0.C0 Webster County Pair 31G..10 Farmars Institute 83.85 11. II 83.C0 Cowlon . .. 25.00 -John W. Ve.-tt 0.00 "It. C. Schultz 75 J. B. I.nne , 1.00 City of Rod Cloud . .' 7.05 Minor Proa. & Co 10.58 1. A. Wullbrnndt -1.50 Clnrence Heed 5.05 W. Richard 7.00 W. II. Mnrtin 3.10 Frank Potcrjon 11.25 Henry Cook 52.00 .1. J. Gather 5.50 .John Ilnrkley -15.50 C. G. I'llnoy 31.25 Dr. C. Wegmnnn 17.50 II. H. Grico Drug Co 101. OS lulius Horn 3.75 Otto Sjjclver 07.50 C. K. Vnughan 5.25 l I,. Stokes 75 00 ,1 nines Ilulmtkn GG CO Louis Ilangcrt 71.70 O. I.. I.iiiBren 70.80 GOO C. 1'. Norria 00.00 E. Hcltlor CO.OO C. 13, Vnughan -l.oi) C. W. Cowley 13.00 Win. Wegmsum 20 Oo E. M. UndoU& Co " 7 M P.luoIIill I.eador 5 51) John I' Kropn 18 05 J nmo Denucluimp 3 00 Morfiart Bros 08 3-1 Prank P Hadley S 00 050 Albright Bros 0 30 M 10-10 Frank Bean 2 10 Henry E Willlnms 2 10 iF. Muurcr 3 00 Bert Callicutt I 10 P. Maurer 3 00 P. A Brown 2 00 Dr. II. Cook 2 00 P. Mnurer 3 00 John Pish 2 00 Uobt Damerell 8.00 M. W Points 2 00 Koht. Damerell 8 00 O. D Hedge 200 I- 11 Port . 875 .1 It Horn 275 13 McBridu 8 50 C. 13. Vaughan 0 00 I. II Port 725 .1 It Horn 2 50 13 McBridu 3 75 L. II Port 0 50 .1 as. A Burden .1 05 Chicago Lhr Co 000 II. C Scott 310 50 Amuck A Chancy 10 50 Smith Premier Co 2 50 J. E Barrett .U 25 1125 W A Patten 7 80 .,,. I tutu Mlkaeh : 10 )." K P. Knines 8 00 i. Mauror y oo E Bean 2 10 It P. Haines 8 (10 J. S Mooro .1 in Uobt Damerell loi'o 800 Mrs. II II Jatknou 2tnt Uobt. l)nmrell 8 oo lsnna Pleb 2 oo Glen Pholpa t 2 00 f. Mauror ' aoo Mr M. W PolntB 2 00 J". Maurer HOt) .Irn S. George 2 00 On motion the following claims vvoro allowed and ordered warrants drawn on bridge. Saunders Pro $1000 (to F. A Good 421.50 Win Irons :;w 33 Com Dist No : t 75 Chicago I.br. Co B II 400 20 It. S. Proudllt Lbr Co 1083 Ml Wostorn Bridge & Sup. Co . 20W.2O On motion bo.ird niljourned sine iiio 13 W Uiu, (Seal) County Cletk S, J. CUNNINGHAM DENTIST Successor to Dr. J. S, llMIOII At the old stand over the .State Bank. Phone 131. nimMwMwwMU4irjiiwnuumx..jwtoKtfji Women Suffer Agonies And Most Women Do Rcnl Cause of incso poor. . unvii.'iK wfvi-.c havo been led to bilicu r.i 1. lr misery of miiiil and body I., i-itno-ly duo to "lllii oftlioir sex." tv.ually the khlueyu and bladder aio re sponsible or largely go. And In Mich cases, the Kidneys and blad der are tho organs, that need and must havo attention. Those tortniing. enervating sick headaches. dragging pains In bade, groin and limbs, bloating and .well ing of the extremities, cxtremo nervousness) or hysteria, listless ness and constant tired, worn-out feeling aro almost certain syuip toma of disordered and diseased kidneys, bladder and liver. DeWilfs Kidney and Bladder Tills have, in thousands of cuk's, been demonstrated as remarkably bcnellclal In all such conditions of female organism -affording the moat prompt relief and permanent benefit. As an llhutratlon of what these Pills will do, Mrs. P. M. Urav of Columbus, Ga writes that she was very ill with kidney trouble, and that sho Is now well and that these Pills aro what cured her. They aro very pleasant to take, and can In no case, produce any deleterious effects upon the system as syrupy, alcoholic, llnuld men FOR SALL L-YALL DKl GGISiS fqSto "'""- ij l. .'."vzy? w?8F fjEBivwiv - j:J -nl Z -O .. -? I ;S.a "s'l J fD II' IS ROT A SAVING POLICY to go without inn m'iiiivu. The rUU Hwumcil is too (fiv.it tup the small premium jmi keep in yuur pueUf rigutv out how niuny Je.tP- ..OU would h:ne t.i lie free f nun nny Hre in unit-r to mve the value uf ywur ho'iM-und euuti'iitf.. Then cuu.ldep tlmt you m.t, ime u tiro thU very nli(ht Theei.' of ov uj , Uttlo blne will lie more than tin pre mium of KIUK l.NSl llANCi: KOI! Y KAILS Uottor have me ismio you it polie, today. It'ha wholu lot buttor to lie sure than sorry, as many an un insured limn has been. O. C. TEEL, Red Cloud, Nebr. jH27nr L" WT?onrjir 2 So Jtr ff JSS irr -j! d&eu liiUit:Yy TlAr, Not Knowing the 'their Condition A?L-i,... ..I1 ,(. ,.' t , f" arrtlrns aie apt to do. J:. V. KcWltt & Co.. Chicago, 111., want cwry man nnd woman wlio havo the least suspicion that they aro alllkted with kidney and blad der diseases to at once write them, and a trial box of these Pills will be sent free by return mail post paid. Ho It to-dav. Fresli and Salt Meats of All Kinds Rod Gioud, Nebr. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clrtn.'i anil lJt'nei th btlr. l'ronitiiri i luiunai t Rniwth. N'vpp Full to l'.oatore Ory Hair to lu Voiulir.il Color. Cunt 'lp iliwi.'i & h.lr lallUc. tne.nilHnitt llnigtMi i i Ham or Bacons,. t '. y tvni Bsksr Biscuit are more than mere soda crackers. They are a distinct, individual food article made from special materials, by special methods, in specially constructed bakeries. They are sealed in a special way which gives them crispness, cleanliness and freshness which "crackers" from the DaDer ba? always lack. They are the Na tion's accepted soda Biscu NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY srnn KMura'KrrK rvwnpawnWMr'VwvtfWAfiRt,fl YU G. 'B'. U. ITEMS. i I'hU i-puce ' Inm.s ! I lir W, c. r, I .1 The .Vlitliinn V (' 'I I' en .V'lUloil vll me. t ill (liii.ii . Di-iiihi-i- .', t-i .". I'.!l. One tlli.il'Uii I l tin- i.i.t. in jut gnieiuts woniHtt will b our gnehts. iiiiijili,i is glvituf :i,i'Ki and ti'ting Hie nud.toriiiiu with new ebalih at an evpeiiHC r rti'(l, tint OiiihIih vm not do it iilone. .'IOiHI un- nn.skii from IhoMjifi unions iiml iIih teipiest is ma In th it eueli un-iii'ier voiitriluim l towiii'il this fund. Do not fail; the money Hluuild Imvu been in the treits. u py .lime 1st. U)i!. j I'llVNCCS H. 1 1 CAM). Pies. Slate O. T. I'. A in 1 my brothep'.s K-eeperV (ead I (!eti. I eh. s to 11 verse: 1st .John .'I ch. j U-V' verse. Keiueiuliur the noon-tidn hour of i prayer now observed alt over the woild. ' Look up if for only a moment. I Without a single vote in opposltien they passed a bill in Alabama to pro hllilt the advertising ot liquor iuuuw.v pupers mill iiiiigaiues. j Aecopding to C. 15. .loi.es c!inirmnn of the Prohibition Inteinational Com mission in t'oiipyears the liquor trallio ditereased :iS!i,()8X,:i:i.l gallons. Atlanta, tin., began its llpst prohibit ion year with SKSli.COO of debts and cloed it with S'JII.I.Ouo in the sinking fund and all current, debts paid. The ladies of the W. T. I' drove out. to Mrs. Henlubowers for their tneeling Aug. ISth Mrs. Ilelllobower lidded to the pleasure of the afternoon by serving eake, ice cream ami lemon ade which were gratefully received. There are a great many po.iple wl o would be thankful if they could pro cure, or if "oineone suggested some thing tliit would itop the anuovance I and Irritation I hut iie'oiiipauies Iteh 1 iuu Piles. Muiiiiii is u proparatiou that will (I i this. It is healing and s lothiug, and is put up in tubes, so that the remedy can bo directly and conveniently applied to the all'ected 1 p.u-t". Sold by Henry Conk. Imi Miiuin Riuu'iiATiHM Ci"in:i laf :i Davs. M.-ii in I, Hill, of Lebanon, lad., s.s. -Ms vift bu( lolliunmutory IJiieiitn .tisin in every itiueL'und joint; ii.-i siifl'eiln vvitN ten ii'l and her body and face were svu.11mi i.lmost biijond recogiiitioa;hud l.eouiiibe.lf.ipix weeks nnd hnd eiyht phvsleinns, but received no tien.'ilt until she tried J)r. Detelion'h l.elief tor HIi.'iiiiuitLiii It gave her lioinediale pallet and she was aide to walk abo in three days, I am sure it miu-.l her life.' hold by The l. L. 1 1 rice Drug 'o , Ked I loud. Nebr. Selfish Philosophy. Pliny: It Is best to profit by tho madness of others. When Love Gro'wa ,Cold. When love grows-'colii.tuere aro like ly to be hot tlmcjrsround the house. rewnotgf pci.TMCTgwg:m ci rwmjiGjicaxszimnvnsvn Dr. intei son pliysleiaii i d sur gem (Mlli e in front roo'iis over lr. CouK'h druir -Lok. lU'inoved from Dr. ! IJuine's ..ei, I'otter Kloek. Hoth , pjioiinq l(.l j. M: lpi'iid. t.'l. Onljuauno Ko, 74. Ai.or.lln .. i.r.M.llna for .o,M. vMios luxes iip.m -in i i,ii,i pro.H-rt) .n the ell) of H.,l . ....!. N. i1kn In.iI. rn.l ...id m .. , Hoiml for .ill ven. nl -ul sn In I piiriiiH.. s;.e- eor.lliiu to the nNHt-isiil Milti.'tUoe ol snlil clt.x TuJL'hiv mMn itih. '""""t '" lU XU" "rM lie it .'...lali.e,! h.v th,- Mv.- un.i . mu-ii.. ii.etity ot It. niotiii Nei.riiskn. (seeilon I. Tlmt ihereiie nn.l h. r. i.y Is tl.t I. .1 !...... ..II . 1 .....l,. i. . iv. i.miii .in i m- iii.-vfiuii- ,rotrri3 w.i.t.u Hie city of Ceil Cloud Nel.rni.ka Ih.IIi Kill and priMinat for the piirpioie of I.-(i-a inu the epeneisof Haiti elty fur the current jtar the following taes upon each dollnr of the asessiil Miliiiitlon tlicrcof fur tho Hpiclilc.) (Minis to wll: (ieueial 1'iinit Id mills. Water limiil I'mnl :) mills. i:i.etrlc l.kht llonil I'uuiCI mills. Miilntalnlim Water Works I mills. Malutahilim Clectrlc I.Il-IiI Works mill.. Si reel UuIiIk mills. .luilifiiicut I'iiiiiI 111 iiiIIIk. MctloiiA This. ordinance shall iak.-ill.cl and he In force from and aft.r Its passatic approal and pulillcatlon. Aiiioul Aimust ith. I'kii. o. c. Turn.. f. II. I'orii.ii. Seal Clly CleiU. laor. Ordinance No. 75. An oftlliiiiiH'PtcriucdTlu- Viuuial A .ro irlatl(in lllll iiiiroirl:itliiu' Midi moiik ii( money iis are iii-eessnry to pay all eieni-cs nail llalillllUmif the eltv nf I!tl Cluinl Ni- lliraskans set forth hy im- Ion- istliutiic ' iiiiiile lor the current j ear. j I lie It (ililulniil by the .Mayor ami iimniil of lied I'lniiil Nelirnska. sictliiu 1. That the follow ho; miiiik of , iiionej he and the (tame are htreli aipro-' prlateil from the amount of tii.rs author led to lie leNhil for the eurrnul ji nr to tie-I fray the necessary t')fiiM-s unci llatillltlthof the said City of lied I 'lu.nl for th. ctiricut llscal caraud fortheiiiirpoMs ln-r. instated. U.'iicral I'lind -.UKi.iM Water Horn! fund . . ... Ucrlrle Unlit Hum! I'lind .. Malntalnluu nter Work . .Malntaliilug Khctrlc I.lht Works Mreel l.ljht .Ituli;iiu'iit I'mnl SIJII.!) SHI.IIU IIJIKI.IK. .'mum Total Sect Ion i Tills ordlnnnee lu.ll tnkeelle.t ami liPla force from and nfur lt r-UMHi.e. approMil aiiil pubiipotlun. t 1 4 ...... j til. tnUt . .ililuiMvu .iubuii uw. o. I , Tl'llU C. II. I'.ilfbin I Seal city curk. yfty.ir. ollee To rruillio'" Slnteof Nihrngkn, iii,!".i my . . .I ' V. ilwiiri oiiniy. . , j lotiu mutter of Uib estuu- of w hi OulliUHllc. Uooeasod. , I Noiiueli. hereby fin lu u!l ki-hiIi uluh nnd domwts uiintONt MMIim m walte. late of velter fount dei Hint the lip ttxd for Mlln ct.i'n s ,i. i .,.i mild CMiitf N six iiioiitlis truni fie - "ii Hi' of sept.ill'lr. VM. AILfi"h persons me re.i m. t 'o pti-scnt lli.'.r'olttlins null the o.ivhfi. in til- Cm. lit. Jifitire of said cniiniv. at lil.s olllee tlieroin, u Vor liefore thestiond d:iv of Mai. h 191". unit all ulnhiis so Died 111 lie hoard hcfoiv the s.ud Judu'o on the thiol .liiy of March. 1910: at mm o'uloult p. in j and tlmt the iiflinliilstiator Is al lowed mm year from the fourth day of August ltWJ, In which to pay the debts allowed OKiunm miiii fsimo unii hciuo uie s.iihp. (sua,., ;c y JvAw nmnviumwaaxin'weAXMxxKxvcx.'srAxxxvza See the Chief for up-to'date tub oik DeWlttV Little Karl.v Ulset-s, the pleasant, snfo. sure, easy little liver , plll. A salve you may always depend , upon in auy ease wliuro von uped salve. s PeWittS r.ilboll.ed Wlteh Ilae' u..t... - ., ., .... . ,' JU,VP " P'xl Bkk1 for piles. Sold by all ile.ilers. , i i",,""1 ttP-' U "J '! " lid I t,'OM,''e- 'I'liof promptly assist in e.- ' pelling poison from the aytem, and j are very ell'eclive In cases of lame I. .... back, backache, iiillainmation of the bladder and urinary troubles. Sold by Henry Cook. The proper way and method of treat ing a cough or cold is to Ilrst of all gently movo the bowels This you can most conveniently do by taking a dose or two of Ilees Laxative Cough Syrup. It is pleasant to take, nets piomptly. Children like it. .Sold by Henry Cook Tho Kidneys eliminate poisons by acting us filters for the blood. When they fail in this respect serious all monts must result, l'iiionles for the kidneys are what you should take at the Ilrst waruingbign of kidney trouble They assist the kidneys in expelling uric acid poison. Sold by Henry Cook. HlllUMAlISM (llll. I. I.N A 1)A. Dr. I)eteohons Kelief fop Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cured in 1 to :i days. It action .tpon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It ro- moves at oneo the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The (lis- dose great! j beiioilts 7.1c and SI. Ilrst Sold i.y The II K. firice Drug Co., Ked Cloud. Nebr. The next time any of the little ones lu your home havo a cough or cold" and show little signs of lever, ia not got i.wo.110 excited or nlnriurd It iiiiotiieeessiiiv -! I l" vM " ,,0"t"'- ,,,,hl &ot ,!lV,, Iimi UT.. ! ,lvu CougIyrtip. A dose or t. w . I -" "- """ii ...us .. .v.. IFnnl Ir. . .DVll flirt lmntf1. tl.it. eoustlon, reduco the fever, ami t.o ,hiIdrou like to take it. Thov mI isk . Xov m,.p. SO il iv Hnni'V fn1. " - "" W".. CO YEAKG :xpt:nit ;-c Tpade Mahpi OEOlr.MB Copy i guts &.c. AnynuB onrtlu,' a r-Uplrli nml donci .ntini) tnny niili'kly ixi-f ri.i.ii nr ..pin . a (rui nlirtlipr nil iiivumii' u is Miiniiiiy ji imiinnni. . .illlflllllllrit iinnspitiL-iiy L-niiinioiiiiiii, MlNUcUUIl o m'lit fri'ii. n. test iiitnnry fomeruoiifrpnteiitF, I'-iiHiiiM o.iioii ilirmiuli Muiui & tV icccl lifrldl noilff. iTltlioutcliniYO. Ilitiio on I'l.tt'iita ICIIIIi. tccclvo cieittific Hiiicricaii A hniidnmoly llliutrntnd vrcckly. Lnrcpit rlr. nilntlnt. of nay vclontllln Journul. Ternn, CI a ir, f011r ,o,,ti,, . Hold bykil newidMlcr". i , MUNN & ,uo .r!r' New YorK um. ,,w3J3iHwBvlB.-n' ' "rrmw ;( f ( I . If I KrS4 '.