The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 26, 1909, Image 7

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    ' i l'! i Mi
Amusing, But Somewhat Expensive
as Miss Patty Realized When
the Goat Was Through.
t I , . tl.ll.. (41 I L . t Ftll.
v iiwjj rimy aiicpnrti 01 rtorin nur
rP toenth sttoet wont to the country with
ti party or mends on Memorlul day
i ioy stopped at u farmhouse whero
soiie of tin' party nre well known
Drowsing about was an old gout
When .Miss Patty saw her tho nanny
whb placidly nibbling nt a tow blades
of El'uss. anil Klin linin. witlv tlimicht
W flinf mwti iw.,i titlnttf iiiuinlnplfinj
On tho lawn in front of tho notch she
had put hor handsome now poach
i tmBlcot hat, trimmed with ptotty ,u
I tltlclal rosos, which sho had got from
the stoic tho night boloro. Tho goat
saw tho hat and advanced joyfully to
ward It. Miss Patty laughed '1 ho
old thins thinks they're real tosios,"
alio laughed. "Won't she be fooled
when alio smells thetu?"
Kvorybody Kat still to watch the
goat smell tho artificial flowers and
walk away. Hut tho fool-Mi them
Tho next week Miss imy bought
another hat. Philadelphia Times
No Fear of Any Further Trouble.
David Price, Corydon, la , says: "I
was In tho last stago of kidney troublo
lame, weak, run
down to n meio
skeleton My back
was no bad 1 could
hardly walk and
tho kidney socio
tlons much disor
dered. A week after
I began using
Donn's Kidney Pills
I could walk with
out a cano, and as I continued :ny
health gradually rotut tied. I was so
gi-'oful I mado a public statement of
ny case, and now seven years havo
paused, I nni still porfectly w ell '
Sold by nil dealers. COc n'box Fo3-tor-Mllburn
Co , Duffulo, N Y.
"Would youso mind iendln' mo or
dune Willie?"
Sol at all, old chap. Hut it-, after
.4iitkin' hours an I ain't got nie check
book handy!"
Fifty cents per acre is the prico at
which the Stato of Colorado Is selling
land in tho Little Snake River valley,
Itoutt County, Colorado, which Ib
open for entry under tho Carey Land
Purchasers of land must aioo con
tract for a water tight, to bo paid for
in ten annual assessments, tho total
codt including a perpetual water
rteht in tho Llttlo Snake river canal
ystem, being thirty-live dollars per
I'liis Is pronounced one of tho most
fortilo valleys in Colotado, and word
crops of nil grains, grasses and roots
are now being raised there. Doth
the Moffat Road and tho Union Pacitlc
are building into tho district.
Persons desiring full information
about the land and water should write
to (ho Routt County Colonization Co,
1731 Welton St., Denver, Colorado.
Tho land is sold in tracts of 10, SO.
120 and ICO ncres.
Those desiring land will havo to
act quickly, as the applications be
ing iccelvcd lndlcnto that tho desir
able land will bo quickly disposed of.
The canal plans, water supply, etc.,
are all investigated and approved by
the Stato Engineer.
Plain, Horrid Man.
She So many mtn nowadays mar
ry for money. You wouldn't marry
mo for money, would you, dearest?
Ho (absently) No, darling, I
wouldn't marry you for all the money
in tho world.
Sho Oh, you horrid, horrid wretch!
(q rt'ith a smooth Iron nnd Doflnnce
Btarcu, you can launuer your siuri
waist just ns well at homo ns tho
steam laundry can; It will havo tho
proper stltfnoss nnd finish, there will
bo less wenr and tear of tho goods,
rmd tt will bo n positive pleasure to
use n Starch that doo not stick to tho
Often the Case.
"Why r.TQ you making tt.,0 nor
rlblo faces?"
"I'm nmusing tho baby!"
"Bit tho child Is screeching "
"Ves; somo pooplo can't realize
that thoy are bolng amused."
Important to Mothers.
Examlno carefully evory bottlo or
CASTORIA a safo nnd euro romedy for
Infanta and children, and co tbit It
Signature oXafX&&U
In Use For Over HO Years,
thn Kind You Havo Always Dought
Shows No Improvement.
"I don't seo that hur collego educa-
n has improved her much "
"No. Sho holps her mother with
the hoiiBowork just as if sho hadn't
boon educated." Detroit Free Press.
Tell tho Dealer you want n Lewis' Sinulo
Dtnder cigar for ila rich, mellow quihty.
During her courtship no girl la lu
favor of disarmament.
""' irN
SYNOPSIS. 1 KViJI l V J I -J i ' ' T
"Mini" Dan Miiltliiml, on reaching Us
Now Yotl liiii liolor Hilt, umt nn iittrnt
tlvo yotuiK woman ill the door Jiinlt.u
O'Hiikiiii iissun il li lit t no one hail liocn
w Itliln tint day linn i1l8coi-r"il u worn
nn'H Hiik' i pi hits In iliiHi mi Ill desk
iiIoiik with a 1ft U r fiom IiIh nttornov
Mnltlaml illii'vl with lt.tliiioriiiiin, his (it
totnov Dim Mi-t out for OieonlWlilH, to
Ret his family Jiui'W DmliiK lilrt walk
to tho couiittv hc.k, he mot tho jotinij
uoiniin In cni, whom hi- luiil fceii ki
liiK hl-t ti.i In lorn' i lull I lit nuto hail
liroltrn ilouti ll IImmI It II) u l ntr- hIii
"lost" him .Multliitiil, mi ii'Ui hint: lioni'-,
surprlsi il lml In t;iin'. iiiuldiu; tho M-ifo
eoiiliiltilui; Ills Ki'inx nix- aptiaioiiuv
took him foi ii i ll-l.iiouii iioolt. D.illli'
Aulxty M.ilf-hMuiotli i. M tllliiml oponi it
his 8,i ri took tin n finm tho ji-wrN, anil
K'io tin-in tn Int. tit -tt formtiiK a pitl
imr.shlp In i rliiii- Tin- nal Ii.iii Aulitv.
JOUKllt li pullro of tin irl(l iippi'lltvil
on tho iuiih- nilxolnii .Mnlthiiiil otriiimt
llltll. Ho liu-l the Khl onlslilo the hoilHO
nnil tln-v Hpi-il on to Now Vit-u In lu-r .m
to Ho hail the Jouilrt iiml slu promls il
tn nii-i-t him tlmt iln Mnltlaiiil n-cclvoil
u "Mr Hiiulth," Intioiliii lii- hltnxi-lf us u
ilotortUo To Hllli-lit tin Ulll 111 Kl IV.
Multl Hid, about to Hhnu him tho Ji-u-olti,
Hliiiooillv Inst, wan filled liy a lilow
flom "Hnnlth's" cum- Tin- hitter proved
to lp AiiIrI lilmxelf iiml ho m-cured the
Kerns AnlMy, who was MaltliitnrH dou
ble. iniiMpiriiuleil (is tho lalti-r Tho
erlinltiul kept Maltlatiil'M oiiiriiKciiiont with
the slrl In Kr.iy. lie u.ive lu-r the Kerns,
nflor fnlllnK In Iom1 mi llrst nlKht Tln-
worn to iiaot anil ilUhlo the loot Mall
tnml revlinl mul lOKU-tted uiIhsIiii; his
ciiKiiKemoiit. Anlslv iimHimeuiillii nn
Miiltlauil, nariowlv anliled i upturn
through invsterliiiiH tip The Klrl In Kiuj
vliltnl Mallland's apartments din Imr IiIh
aliscnco mul letinnoil kciiih, ln-lnir din
covered on return Maltlunil. without
cash, called up his homo mul In aril n
woninn's oleo o-cpnsttilatlni; Anlsty,
(llHnulscd ns Mnltlaiul, told her IiIh teal
Identity mid iealUlu- htinsolf tricked
tried to wtIiik from her the loi-ntlon of
thn Kerns. Then ho proposed inanliiKo A
er.ish was heard nt tin ft out door Mntt
lnnd Htm toil for home lh found Anlsty
nun tlie Girl in ills roouiH AKiilu liu ovi
whelmed tho crook, allow Iiik him to es
cape tn shield tho ouiik woman
CHAPTER XI. Continued.
"Not quite," Maitland contiadicted,
btusquoly, wearying of the complica
tion. "You hay you mot mo on the
stoop here. At what o'clock?"
"Ono; 'ml yeh takes mo to lunch nt
"Ah! When did I leave you?"
"I leaves yeh there at two."
"Well, O'Hagan will testify that he
left mo In those rooms, In dressing
gown nnd slippers, at about ono. At
four he found mo on this divan, bound
and gagged, by courtesy of your friend,
Mr. Anlsty. Now. when was I with you
in Harlem?"
"At hoven o'clock', to the minute, yeh
comes "
"Never mind. At ten minutes to
seven I took a cab fiom here to tho
Pilmordinl club, where 1 dined at
seven piccisely."
"And what's more," Intcrpohcd tho
cabman, eagetly, "I took yor thoro,
"Thank you. Fuitheiniorc, sleuth,
you Miy that you followed nie around
town from seven o'clock until
"1 said " stammered tho plain
clothes man, purplo with confusion.
"No matter. I didn't lenvo the
Pilmordinl until a quarter to eleven.
Hul all this aside, as I tindoi stand it,
you aio asseiting that, having given
you all this double today, and know
ing that you weto after mo, I dellbei
ately hopped into a cab 15 minutes
ago, came up Fifth avenue at such
breakneck speed that this olllcer
thought It was a runaway, urn! llnally
jumped out nnd ran npslahs here to
flro a revolver thieo times, for no pur
pose whatsoever beyond biinglng you
gentlemen about my tars?"
HIckcy's jaw sagged. The cabby os
tentatiously covered Ids mouth with n
huge red paw and made clinking
"Pass It up. satge, pass It up," he
whispered, houncly.
"Shut yor ttap," snapped thn de
tective. "I know what I'm iloln. This
crook's clover all right, but I got the
kibosh on him this time Lemtne
nlono." Tie squared his shoulders,
blustering to save his face. "I don't
know why yeh done It "
"Then I'll tell you," Malllaiul cut In.
cilsply. "If you'll ho good enough to
listen." And concisely nannted the
ovonts of the past 24 boms, beginning
nt the moment when ho bad discov
ered Anlsty In Maitland Manor. Save
that ho substituted himself for the
man who had escaped fiom Higglns
aiid eliminated all mention ol the giay
glil, his statement was exact and con
vincing As ho came down to tho mo
ment when ho had cnlled up from the
Hnrtholdl and hoard mysterious
sounds lu his lint, substantiating his
story by Indicating tho receiver Hint
fngled useless from tho tolephone,
ovei. Hlckey was staggered.
Hut not beaten. When Mall land
ceufaod shaking tho detectlvo smiled
siipenoiity o audi invention. "Very
ptotty," ho coiL.ded. "Yeh o'n toll It
all to the magistrate to-morrow morn
ing Aleantinio yum mv ,,nL. t0
think up ayatn oplitii.)n' how it come
thnt a ciook llko Anlsty mado tlueo
nttempts In ono day to steal some
Jewels, 'nil didn't got 'em. whom
weio thoy all this time''"
"lu sufo-kceping," Maitland ijd,
manfully, with a furtive glauco toivaul
the alcovo
Whoso''" pursued Mr Hlckey, line
uleutly "Mluo," with t'quanlmlty. "Sorbins
ly sleuth! uro you trying to inuke a
chaige against mo of stealing my own
"Yeh dono It for u hllml. 'Nd that's
,g,1,Ul .,.!, ! 9llllWlL..Ail J -fflJI
vj a-j( f S-3P5v ,X I
iwJF rtU$ I
A. J V M fir VUSC B l H
The Detective Stepped Forward
enough. Ofllcer take this man to tho
station; I'll make the complaint"
The policeman hesitated, and at this
juncture O'Htigan put In an appear
ance, lugging a heavy brown-paper
"Hog pardon. Mlslher Maitland,
sor ?"
"Well, O'HnganV"
"The ciowd at tho duie, sor. is dish
persed," tho janitor fopoitod. "A
couple nv cops kem along tin' fanned
'em. They're askln" for the two nv
yecs," with a cnieless nod to tho po
liceman nnd detective
"Yeh heard what I said." Hlckey an
swered tho officer's look
"I'm thlnkln'," O'Hngan puisued,
calmly Ignoring the presence of tho
outsldeis, "thot these do bo tho soot
that doomed thafe av the wot mid stole
off yo tho day, sor A la-ad lu ought
ut at ayeleven o'clock, sor, wld pintle,
ular layquest thot ut he dayllvered to
yo at once. The papers toie. an' "
"O'Hagan," Maitland ordoied shai li
ly, "undo that parcel. I think I can
sntlsfy you now, sleuth. What kind of
n suit did your luncheon acquaintance
"An hoio ut Is," O'Hagan an
nounced, in ray lug tin clothing upon a
chair "Iv'ry domn' thing, aveu down
to the socks. And a note for ye. hor."
As he shook out the folds of the a squat o white envelope diopped
to tho lloor; the Janitor letrleved and
offered It to his employ ei
'"Dear Mr Maitland.'" he lead
aloud; '"As you will piolubly sur
mise, my motive in thus restoring to
you a portion of your propeity is not
nltogetlier uninlltienced by personal
and selilsh consideiatloiis In brief, I
wish to discover whethei or not you
are to be nt homo tonight, if not, I
hhall take pleasuio In calling; if the
contrary, I shnll fool that In Justice to
myself I must forego the pleasuio of
Impiovlng an acquaintance begun un
der auspices so unfavorable In nithoi
ciise, penult nie to thank you lor the
use of your waidrohe which, quaintly
enough, lias outlived Its usefulness to
nie, u fat-headed detective named
Hlckey will tell you why and to ex
tend lo you espieshlon of my highest
consideration llellovo me, I am en
viously youis, Daniel Anlsty' Signed,"
added Hlckey nieehanleally, his face
"Satlslled, sleuth ?"
Hy way of reply, hut ungiaclously.
the detect tvo stopped forwaul and un
locked the handcuff h.
Multlnnd stood eiect, smiling.
"Thank you voiy much, sleuth. I
shan't forgot you. . . O'Hngun,"
tossing the Janitor the keys fiom his
desk, "you'll And some ah lemon
pop and root-beei in the buffet. This
olllcei and his fi lends will no doubt
join you In a fiicudlv dtiuk down
stalls Cubby, want a word with
you. Cloud morning. -g-ntlo-
llieil. (iocd liiniliiug, sleuth."
And ho showed them Hn- di.oi "I
iihull he at win- -ervlee, oflieei,' ho
calhM over the Janitor.' shoulder, "at
(n- tluo to-nioiiow morning If not
lioie, O'Lagau will toll you whore to
find mo. Ami. O'Hiimut'" Tho janitor
full hzek "Koip it"m ui least an
and Unlocked the Handcuffs.
hour," Malllaiul told him guaidedly
"And say nothing"
The lilshinan pledged his discretion
by a silent look Maitland tinned back
to the cabby.
"You did mo a good turn, Just now,"
he began.
"Don't mention it, sir; 1'vo cniiled
you hoftcn befoio tills ovenln', and ex
cuse my say In' so 1 never 'ad a fine
as tipped 'audhomci'. It's a leal pleas
tile, sir, to bo of sorvlco."
"Thank you," lotunieil Malllaiul.
eying him In .speculative wise "I
wonder "
The man was a tough, buily Kngllsh
man of one of the most Intelligent, if
not intellectual, kind; the Iliitish cab
by, as a type, has few supeihu-s for
sheer quickness of wit nnd under
standing This man had been sharp
ened and lonipoied bv his contact
with Aineilcan conditions His eyes
vveie slnewd, his face honest If weath
er-beateu, his attitude lespectful
"Tve another use foi you tonight,"
Maitland decided, "if vou aio at lib
erty and dlseieel''" The dual woid
was a question, Hung over his shoul
der ns he turned lowaid tho eseilloiie.
"Yes, sir," said the man thought'
fully "I alius can dilvo, sir, even
when I'm dilnkln' 'aidesl and can't
see iiothtiik "
"Yes"' You've been ill Inking to
night?" Maitland smiled quietly, stand
ing at I lie small w King-desk and cv
tiactliig a roll of hills fiom a eoti
co.iiod di aw or.
"I'm fair blind, sir."
"Voiy well." Maitland tin tied and
extended his hand, and despite his
professed alll let Ion, the cabby's eyes
bulged as be appi eclated the size of
the bill.
"My worn!!" ho gasped, stowing It
away In the envoi nous depths of u
tiouseis pockel.
"Yon will wall outside," said Mnlt
laiul, "until I come out or or send
somebody for you to take whorevei
directed Oh, that's all right not an
other word!"
The door closed behind tho over
whelmed iilghthavvk, and tho latch
clicked loudly. For a space Maitland
stood In the hallway, troubled, appre
hensive, heart strangely oppiessed,
vision clouded by tho memory of the
glil as ho had soon her only a few
minutes since; as she had stood be
neath tho chandelier, nfter noting
upon hur primary clear-headed Impulse
to give her roscuei the nld of tho
He seemed to recall very cloarly her
slight llguie, swaying, a-qulvcr with
fright and solicitude euro for him!
hei face, sensitive and sweet beneath
Its mildy crown of hair, that of a
child waking fiom ovll di cuius, her
eyes seeking his with their dumb mes
sage of appeal and of , fie
dated not name what else.
Forlorn, pitiful, llttlo figure' Odd It
soc-med that he should feai to face her
again, alone, that ho should llngei re
luctant to cioss tho tluoshold of his
study, mistiustful mid afiahl alike of
himself nnd of horn thief
Tor what should hu say to her,
oilier than tho words that voiced tho
huiigor of his heart? Yet If ho
spuko . , , wonts such as thosu
to to a thief what would ha
I he end of it nil'
What did It iiinlier' Sureh he.
who knew tin- win id whet elii he Hied
and moved and had his being, knew
hitlei well the win 111 or its vetdlets.
The woild iiiIkIiI go hang, lor all ho
eaied At le.isi Ills life wiih his own,
wheihei to make or lo mui, and ho
had not lo nntuvoi foi It to unv power
this side of the gates of iliukiHW
nil If hi unv net of his the woild
hIioiiIiI he given a mini mid u vvoinau In I
OMMir me nn a unei lino nil iiiu-r, per
haps In the lliuil ledtouiug his life
iiiIkIh not he aeioiiuttMl altogi-lher
He set hack his shoiildeis mul in
spiled deeplv ew-i llghleuliig Mini
utepped into the Htudy. lesnlved
"Mlt.s-" he called huskily: and
slopped, leiulndeil that not yet did he
i-veti know hei name.
' It Is safe now." he atnended, inoie
cleat Iv and steadllv "to eonie out, If
you will."
He heaid no t espouse The long
gleaming folds of the porlleies hung
uiolionlchs Still, n sharp and staeeato
clutt'M of hoofs that had tlseii hi tho
sheet, might have diowned her voice.
'If vou please-''" lie said again,
The silence snug sibilant In IiIb
eats; and he giew conscious of a
Reuse of anleiv and fear stilling In
Its Intensity
At length, slildlug foi wind, with a
swift geslme he Hung the hangings
On Reconsideration,
(ently hut with decision Seigt.
Hlckey set his face against the allure
men! of his vv Ine cup and the Impor
tunities of his fellow olllcei s
He was tiled, lie ullliiuoil with a
weary nod. the lateness of the hour
lendeied him quite indisposed for con
vivial dalliance liven the sight of
O'Hagan, seduction itieni tinted, in tho
vestibule, a bottle under ellher aim,
clutching a box of elgais Jealously
wllh both bauds failed to move tho
temperate soul
"Nab," he waved temptation aside
with a gestuie of duality "I don't
guess I'll take uothln' tonight, thanks.
Cnlght all"
And, wheeling shaped a com so for
The emly moiniiig air breathed chill
but guileful to his fevered brow. Odd
ly enough, In view of the fuel that ho
had Indulged lu no veiy violent exor
cise, he found himself pm spiling pro
fusely. Now and again ho saw fit to
pause, lemovlng his bal and utilizing
a huge soiled hanihiim wllh gilm
At such times his lace would bo up
turned, eyes tialned upon the dim In
finites beyond the pule moon-siulttcn
sky And be would sigh piofoundly
uol the furnace sigh of a lover think
ing of his inlstiess, but tho heaitfolt
and moving sigh of the man of years
and ciiios who has diuiik deep of that
eup of bltleiness called Unappieclatt-d
Then, tucking the clammy bandana
Into u hip pocket, mul wltlidinwlng his
yenning ga7o fiom the heavens, would
struggle on, with a funoieal counte
nance as the oiitwaid and visible mani
festation of a mind huidcned with
mundane concerns, such as (ono
might shrewdly hiiiiiiIho) that auto
giaphed poitialt or a deputy commis
sioner of police which the detective's
lyn.vllke eyes had discovered on Malt
land's esciliolre, unhappily, towanl
the close of their confluence, or, pos
sibly, the mighty piocesses of depart
mental law, with Its attendant annoy
ances of clini ges pieferied, healings
befoio an obviously picjndlced yet
high-principled mnrllticl, repilmands
and tilings, leductious lu tank,
"hi caking," tiansfers; or yet a thlid
possibility- with the pievalllng rate
of wage as contrasted between detec
tive and "sldewalk-pounilei," and the
cost of living as eonl! listed between
Manhattan, on tho one hand, and .Ja
maica, Hronwllle, or Si (leoigo, Sta
ton Island, on the otliei.
A dlinly-llglited side entiance pres
ently loomed Invitingly lu the ser
geant's path Ho glanced up, some
thing suipiised lo Hud himself on
Sixth avenue: then, bowed with the
fatigue of a busy day, tinned aside,
enteilng a tllngv back loom sepaiated
fiom tho bat pioper (at that illicit
lioui) hy a cuitalu of gieen b.iUe A
number of tables whose sloppy Imi
tation i oho wood tops shone dimly In
the muiky gaslight, weio sot about,
heic and there, for the accommodation
of a heid of aleepy-eyed, case-haidenod
Into a vacant chair besldo one of
there the detective dropped, and fiujill
luily lequi'sted tho lantem-Jawed
waiter, who piesently bustled to his
side, to "Hack uieh up a tub of suds,
(leoigo. Nub." In i espouse to
it concerned quoiy. "I ain't feolln' up
In Hindi tn-uklit "
rro in: ClNTI.NCi:i) )
Natural Question.
She How Is II your slstei didn't
sing to-night?
Ho 0, the doctor has foiblddon
hor. He says she miint uol slug for
six months.
She Docs ho llvo ueai hor?
Assured of din ability, the next
(nought In pnlntlng Is benuty tho
complete aim being durable beauty,
or beautiful duiahlllly
National Lead Company hero ngnln
offer you the inopeiullou of tholr
paint opei t.s this limn In tho llnu
of color M-hciiii m, artistic, harmonious
and appropilate. You have only to
write National L rd Company, 19015
Tilnlty llulldlng, Now Voik City, for
"llotiseovvneis' Painting Out lit No.
ID," and you will pioinptly recelvo
what Is ically a lomplelu guide to
painting, including a hook of color
schemes for elthei exlotlor or Intel lor
painting (as you may request), u
hook of speellleatlous, and also an In
stiumeut tor detecting adulteration
in pnltit uiateilals. This outfit Is sent
fiee. and, to say tho loust, Is well
wotth wilting for.
Hurglnr Hands up'
Wire Oh, John, ho careful of thos-i
globes, you'll bicak thorn '
Wedding Fee In Installments.
Some of the 'siiulies In rustle Now
Jersey seem to he pietty hard pushed
for cash. To get the cash thoy do not
hesitate to use most unusual methods
One of thosu J P.'s advertised tho
other day that he was ready and will
ing to marry couples at any tlmo, day
or night, for a consideration of $!i and
that ho was willing to nccopt In
cash down and tho icst In weekly In
stallments or ? I until tho fee of $5
was paid up. Tho very night nfter tho
llrst apjioaiance of this ndverllsomont
the J. P. referred to was called upon
to "make good ' his bluu Shortly nfter
midnight a couple which had come In
an automobile uwakeued him from his
sleep nnd asked to bo married under
the Installment plan offered In tho
ailveitiseincnt And tho J P was
game and made good
Unfortunately Coupled.
Alison tells how dining Napoleon'n
L'gyptlan campaign no sooner were
the Mamelukes observed at a dis
tance than the word wiih given.
"Form squiiro; artillery to tho an
gles, asses and savans to tho center."
'I lie command uffoidcd no llttlo merri
ment to the soldiers oven at such an
exciting moment, and made them call
the nrses doml-savans
Trifle Too Esthetic.
"Tbeie's no use o' talkln'," said
Parmer Corntossel, ns iio sat down on
the hoi so tiough. "1 can't git along
with some o' these hoio summer
guests" "What's tho trouble?" "I
havo Jos' been lectured by that good
lookln' young woman with glasses fur
sp'llln' the color scliemo of the gar
den by puttln' parls gieen on the vog
etaliles "
Measuring Drains.
The cephalic Index of old Athenians
was a wee, wee bit bettor than ours
Cephalic Index means volume of brain
It is found hy lining a skull with peas
mid then measuring them Ancient
Athenians liavo a few peas on us Tho
Greeks never lusted bloodshed llko
tho Romans and some of us moderns
New York Post
Motlier-in-Law Again. ,
Husband- Why do you hate to sue
mo come home smiling?
Wife Hecnuso I know It means
something has happened to poor moth
er. Illustiated Hits.
A New Fad.
Rurnl Auntie My dear,, your moth
er tells mo you are going to got mar
Miss doFnd--Yes, auntio; It's all
the stylo now. Now York Weekly.
Each with Two Legs and Ten Fingers.
A Hoston woman who is a fond
mother writes an nmusing article
about hor oxperlenco footling her boys
Among other things sho says.
"Threo chubby, rosy-cheokod boys,
Rob, Jack and Dick, ngod C, nnd 2
years respectively, aro threo of our
reasons for using and rocomondlng tho
food, Grape-Nuts, for those youngsters
havo been fed on Grape-Nuts slnco In
fancy, and ofton botweon meals whon
other children would have been given
"I gave a pnekago of Grapo-Nuts to
a neighbor whoso 3 yoar old child was
a weazened llttlo thing1, ill half the
tlmo. Tho llttlo tot nto tho Grapo
Nuts nnd cream grcodlly and tho moth
er continued tho good work, nnd It
wns not long boforo n truly wondorful
chnngo manifested itself in the child's
faco and body. Tho results wero ro
mnrkablo, oven for Grapo-Nuts,
"Doth husband and I uso Grapo
Nuts ovory day nnd keep strong nnd
well and havo threo of tho finest,
healthiest boys vou can find in a day's
Many mothers Instead of destroying
tho children's stomachs with candy
and cake give tho youngsters n hand
ful of Grapo-Nuts whon they nro beg
ging for something In the way of
swoots. Tho result is soon shown in
greatly Incrensod health, strength nnd
mental activity.
"Thoro's n Reason,"
Look in plcgs. for tho famous llttlo
oook, "Tho Road to Wollvillo."
i:cr roinl tlie hIiiivu Idler? A m-vr
npi'i-iir" from tliim tit lime, Tliry
ire Kt-iuilue. true, unit full of liuiuuu
T f r- '