The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 20, 1909, Image 8

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    tfW-i-vA-mJtJtoaruMWih.....s: -rir i . ww err - "-trv a .
M -K- -JT.-.. f ". - natva
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in) T n rU Jmk' 'Jww
8 F
When You go
Away from Mental and PhyoicftI Cares
YmiF.vfls Work On
Pm M-'nwro-irJMwiiiiwii''i,VHmTWiciiTOW
Tli'j New I!(i1tURy b'.-j-i nre rp'tb tf oirroerdid foi
outdoor pmt and rrcrnntior.
H '1 11 li,;li' :i!'i'ij.iiirv f"i (lie wnrc-rn of l'io Hi t.rit
Hl,tK:c.Jil.rlicy gr.e tliMjC ,.i- x-Ar" -UtfM 'l T1 '" l,r0,
jj irt'uiiHHi Nnlure Intended.
Ilnf leu ier cent, or iMliual health light renchcn ilie eye
thr i-.ilt Hi present eyBtn lene you wear.
Alt the liraHh-sirlujrvart It hIiwmIiciI liy the ! nl few of
niiy 1ml tin- hint ryrccli thcdcltailf- tetlim f the eye.
IT 1 Tii K. I,K.Hh rt t I tuotcct, Rive lirtillli ami vlpir.
It , iiiinit the rumen henlth rnyn, mid through lhl nvtnue create
tali 11 1 blojtt fortlicetilltenjrtelM.
Hcalth'Raya Give Easy, Comfortable Vision
No Mriin'tif, or MrMnr; to sec ns oilier sec-no dread of tin- bright
Mill ikicc "brink downs".
If you want llio ernutne, look for
thn aliovr lrad ninrli on each Len.
Jewelers and
I A Nice New Stock
m ... " i!
2J Of Groceries just received a I the Home W
(?) ii
M Grocery. We now have a complete &
i line of fancy and staple groceries. : : jj
fi 'V
m Gome atrtd! See
'f Aso a large assortment of choice $
' 11 . 11" ili
f queensware at the lowest prices possible. fo
';? i
P. A. Wullbrandt
Fulton Grocer Company.
Subscribe for the Chief.
This is the most (liiiiguroUH tiino of
the year to catch cold, and It is the
hnnlest time to cure it. If you should
talte a cold, a fow doses of Kennedy's
Laxative Cough Syrup will act very
promptly. Its laxative principle euros
the cold by driving it from the systom
by a gentle but natural action of the
bowels. Children especially lihe Ken
nedy's Laxative Cough Syrup, a it
tastes so good, nearly like maple sugar.
It is sold by all Druggists.
l.Sn.AMM.VTItltV UllCl'MAl'ISM ClJItlUt IN
I :i
.Morton I. Hill, ol' Lebanon, lud.,
says: "My wife hud Iiitlaiumutory
lJlieuuiatisiu in every in uselo and joint;
her sutl'ering was terrible and her body
and faeo were swollen almost byyond
lecognltioir.liadbi'eninbedforsix weeks
and had eight phvdciiui.s, but received
no benellt until she triedJDr. IMehon's
llelief tor ltliouinatiin. It gave her
iniuiediate relief and she was able to
walk about in three days. I am sure it
saved her life." Sold by Thu II. K.
Oriee Drug To , Hed I'loud. Xcbr.
A New Buddy Or Farm Machinery
We have them all. Remember, our stock of Har
ness, Hardware, Buggies and Farm Machinery Is
Complete at all times. ::::
. . .
Wk pay Sl'KCIAI. attention tn Sim.,l,-I,,.. 11..11.1 .... . t, , . .
r :, .. -.1.r.j..iK iiiuuiiTM uaruware at tlio
Lowest Prices, Best goods. Wk are also in position to do Plumbing
"" "i i iiu uiiiinig aim x- tttliifc ::::;
We will have In a Lino of AUTOMOBILES Soon.
,? Hed Glood' Hafdmape & Implement Go.
s WM WftT.rr. c 4
p. .. . . -..m-,,
for an Outing
Woods Liver .Medicine is a livor re
gulator which acts directly on this
organ, invigorates and produces natur
al nation. Ilrlngs quick relief to sick
headache, constipation, biliousness
and other symtoms of liver disorders
Particularly recommended for jaun
dice, chills, fever and malaria. The 81
size contains 2f times as much as the
fiOo size. Sold by Henry Cook.
, '. .von "xpeet to get. the original Car
bolized Witch Hazel Salve, you must
I ..w -..., .u ,n mi 1, 111. Mv.iiri)omz(Ml witeli
IIiia'1 Salve. It is good for tints, burns
I and bruises, and l espociallv good for
' piles, h'cfnse substitutes ' Sold bv
all druggists. J
I Pile Kemcdy is put up in a
I tube with nozzle attached convenient
for use. May be applied directly to
tlio alleeted parts reducing and reliov
; ing the pain and inllummation. Tot
al! kinds of Piles. Guaranteed. Price
.'.Oe. Sold by Henry Cook.
For lieadacho, Biliousness
rinUllt'a I llil
ucMuioiry, i
v bakin
notice to Creditors.
-T.V;'.,r,."r,ltJ ! 'th,.(nl,ron.
Is tin- nialtcr of tin- estate of Amies )'..
MrCnll. Dt-oi-ascd.
Notlcu Is lierohy ulvmi to all. jirrMiiis hav
liiKi'ltil ins anil letnaiiilsai;aliist Akiics I :. Mr
Cull, into of Webster i'ouiity,ilrcenHil, thai
Hie time llel for llllni; i-lalms umiliiMt said
eHtnta'ls t-lx mniitliH from tlio 'JUth ilny of
Mny WW.
All such ptrxouH nro reipilred to present
tlu-lr clnlniH, with tho votu-lierH, to the
County JiulKe of salil county, at Ills otllee
thereln.oii or bofnrotlieSOth day of November
IWKI; mid nil claims ho tiled will be heard be
fore tho imld Judge on the "Jind day of Novem
ber 11)011, nt 0110 o'clock p. 111.; and that the
adiiilnlHtratorU allowed one- yoar from tho
aithdnyof April luoa, In which to pay the
debts nllowed- nnliiNt said e.stato and Kottlo
tho same.
hkai.1 I. W. Enso.v
County J iidu'e.
tleildcnilorf Found Guilty., Nut., May Hi.-Ilenjaintn
Ileddenoif, the IS year old boy who it
is alleged, shot and killed W. ( Dillon
in his house near Stamford March 1!J,
was found guilty of murder in the first
degree and sentenced to life imprison
ment by a jury 111 district court today.
Thursday's Stnto .lournal.
1 am now located in the Winfrev
breeding barn in Hed Clomt and have
two line Missouri, and 0110 line 10m-oI-
lont Kentucky Jacks, and one line Per-eheron-Xorinan
Stallion for service
for the season of llio!). Call and see
them. II. A .Ioiin.son, proprietor.
A guaranteed Cough remedy is llees
Laxative Cough Syrup. For coughs,
colds, croup, whooping-cough, hoarse
Hess and all bronchial all'eetlons. Hest
for children because it is quick to to
lievo and tastes (rood. (Jeutly laxative
and drives the cold from your the sys
tem .-10111 oy iienry look.
Mr.tiMd.Mrs John Ileal, of Ued Cloud,
Nebraska, old time friends of tho edi
tor of this paper, Tlsitcd here a fow
days the fore part of tho week. They
wero also acquainted with Mr. and
Mrs. L. h. Thomas, living oast of I-xo-ter
where they stayed most of the
time. They are on a tour of the west
and aro well pleased with it. The
Sun, K.veter, Calif.
Hert Harbor who is pitching ball for
Galveston, Texas, pitched a star mum.
again Shrovoport, La., May Oth. at the
later piice and won tho game. Score
Galveston 7, Shrovoport 3. The Gal
veston Daily News.
Itert is 0110 of our homo boys and is
tho best pitclior in tluiUenulillcan vnl.
ley. 0 are glad to hear of his succcsb
in the south
aNo had runaways but none of tho
uorses got Unit'.
Buying soda crackers that are
not Uoeeda Bsscyit is buying by
guess-work and trusting to luck. To
be sure of good luck and good
J, buy no soda crackers
G. A. R. Program.
On Sunday May 30, all soldiers and
sailors of the Civil and Spaniwh Amer
ican wars and tnenborB of tho Woman's
Relief Corps are requested to meet at
tho G. A. K. hall at ten o'clock a. m.
From this place they will march to tlw
Opera house where union services will
be held. The memorial sermon will be
delivered by Rov. Stifller. MuBic will
bo furnished by the M. E. church
On Monday, May 31, all comrades of
of the G. A. R., tho Relief Corps with
all Boldiers of tho Spanish American
wars will meet at the G. A. R. hall at
1 o'clock p. m. Line of march com
manded by d: (J. McConkey will form
on Webster street and march south
west to cemetery.
Detail will he assigned by tho Post Com
mander nnd President of W.R.C. to deco
rate graves of comrades and members of
Releif Corps. After decorating graves
the line of march will form hollow snuare
at the monument of the unknown dead.
Hero will be held tho exercises of tho
relief corps and the comrades of the G.
A. R. Uenediction.
Column will march to Opera house
where the following program will be
Invocation-Rev. Stifller.
Music Red Cloud hand.
Song "America" Choir.
Recitation Penrl McConkey.
Recitation Ruth Johnston.
Reading list of dead comrades Com
rade Richardson.
Adrdress Rev. CrcBsman.
By Order Committee.
The hail ruluod nearly all the Jfruit,
Mr. XorcbtncBky is visiting with the
Poliilcky folks.
Miss Ihnma Havel spent Sunday
with her parents.
Mr M. Vavrlcka visited over Sunday
with his son Joe.
Atnol Poluloky who was badly hi.
jurcd is up and around.
We understand that Kd Ilohrer has
ordered a new automobile.
Mrs. Joe PavllckSr. Is reportod very
111 at the present writing.
No inoro hot winds since the bad
hall and line ruin last Friday
Tho hail Friday afternoon caused
.loo Viivrloku'b team to runaway,
Vance Sorganson and Henry F.rlekso
Moisture Proof
Willie Vavriekii and I-'rank Watkins
got lost going home from Louis Vuv
ricka's dance last Saturday night.
Willie didn't discover ho took the
wrong road till he got over to Jelinek's
and Frank didn't till he got ovor. to
Mrs. James McGuire was in Riverton
this week.
U. ( Horum was in the southern
part of Kansas this week.
Curl Wilson and wife came down
from Hastings Thursday to visit rela
tives. Miss Bessie Simpson and Master
Howard left Friday mornin g for Peru,
Nebr., for an extended stay.
You never have to go out of your
way to walk to the right-Salt Lake
The Standard Bred Trotting
Oscar Wagnef, No. 30507
will make tlio hPiison of IlKKi, nt Dr. .Uher's
barn, Hed Cloud. Three of his Kit have
shown ability to go In j::io and oim could beat
'J.-J0 lust year and kcvcrnlothcrri en 11 o In 2: 10
or belter. Ills breeding Is btroni; In trotting
lius from end to end, no weak hpots on tho
Hides to slip out at, lie has more laro rolts
thnn any oth er trotting horno that ever Mood
11 tho eon nly. Oscar Winner, 30-V)7 was
Mrcd by Norvnl Chief No. 18IWI, record 2:10 M;
ho by Nerval Mitt, by Electioneer II), by
llainblotoiilan 10, Ohciir Wanner 1st, dam by
Madrid ifftV.'ud dam by (inward llll.rid dam
Seotts Thomas tim, It Ii dam by Planet. ocar
Wiimicr HOW 1 1 en rest paternal nm-cMors aro
as follows: Nerval Chief record 'J:lil m, Klro
of six from 2:l!i to .::, Norvnl record All 1-1
hire ol 10S, from 2.-00I-1 to 2W; Onward llll,
sire ol IDS from 2:0M. to 2Slo;.Elftii,iiecr hire
1(11, fioinlMlTa-l to2:.'l; (leorne Wilkes No.5lU
Mreofsi). from 2:i:i 1-2 to 2::si); llniiibletonlnii
10, hire ol 10 (nun 2:17 1-1 to ".to. (Mnr Was
net's pnlcriinl iiiieeslors havoHlred, koiik hired
and daiiKlitcrs prodiui-d nearly one-ihlrd of
all the 2-10 performers to date. Oscar Wait
tier U a heal biowu, pi l-i bands blh, welht
iilmut jiw In full jiip.1,, can at barn mid ncu
John Gilbert.
y 3B
Realizing that, it will require s0mo
tiino to establish cDnlidonce in the
minds of the people of Red Cloud md
vicinity as to my ability to do first
class, up-to-dato dentistry. I will, for
the months of April and May make an
exceptional eu"ort to ploate. Consul
tation and examination free. All work
satisfactory. S. J.Cunninoham,
Successor to J. S. Emigh
Pluasalva Carbolized, acts like a
poultice and draws out Inflamnmtioa.
For chapped skin. For cuts, burns,
soras, bruises, skin diseases. Should
be kept in ovary homo. Price 2.".
Sold by Honrv Cook.
Plneulos nre for backache, nnd bring
quick relief to lumbago, rheumatism,
tlltlL'lll mill fill nf 1i,... . ............ r ,!.'
T. v. njiiuuun i jvkj.
tini (MLimona 'I'l.n.. ...... .. a 1 . ..
.... ....v.. iliuj UIU1V IUIIH! U) too
entire systom and build up strength
"-" " - -v'w nun ci. OOIU
by Henry Cook.
Everybody is likely to have kidney
nnd bladder trouble. In fact nearly
everybody has some trouble of this
Kind that is tho reason why von so
often have pains in the back and groin
scalding sensation, urinary disorders
etc. - that -h your kidnejs. The best
thing to do is to get somo of HeWitt'H
Kidney and Bladder Pills right uwav
lake them for a few davs or a week
oi'io and you will feel'all right. In
this way, too, you will ward olV ( an
gorotis mid possibly serious ailments.
Jhoy aro perfectly harmless, and aro
not only antiseptic, but allay pain
quickly by tholr healing proporties.
Send your name to E. C. UoWitt &. Co.
Chicago, for a free trial box. Thev
lire sold hero by all druggists
Dose Hnll
The Base Ball season opons nt Red
Cloud Juno 3d, Norton KJus., V9t Jlcil
Oloiid 3 games .Tune fld, 4th, nth.
Ihoso will bo fast gamen as both
towns have fast teams this season.
New Restaurant"
I have oponod a new restaurant and
lunoh room in tho old Nation ofllco.
Everything new, neatand cloau. Meals
at all hours. We are here to please.
Call on us Will LIndloy.
Bring your eggs nnd get cash.-j. o.
Tubler weTlTwT.rd'nT, pu fitting
and repalrings. Call on T. CliEVAMrn
Campbell, Nebr. Write or phone '
Sick headache, constipation and
biliousness aro rnlivn,i 1... ii....