The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 20, 1909, Image 5

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(Continued from fourth page)
les and questions mise in it concerning
someone or something, mul. it i un
conciously walling for tin groat fiitnro
to bring composure.
"Certainly if the mind docs not look
forward to the future, mid. if all the
dosiios of lift- lire limited to f ho sunset
of ouch day, if it terminates all nnticl
pntlou by tho same boundurio, it
neither tires itself by so great labor,
nor is it distressed by no mituli anxiety
mid wakefulness, nor does it strivo so
often eonoorning life itself Conse
quently, tlion 11 prophet or prophesy
would be unknown.
"I hold no claim on super nature, I
grasp no unimpeachable on huiniin
nattiro, but standing here as a forotol
lor, I beg lenvo to push asido the cur
tain secluding the future, nud disclose
theso my classmates twenty years
hence. "
"Frederick Maurer stands at tho law
bar dealing out fact and fiction to
judge and jury. He has applied him
self faithfully and and diligently. Ills
ability is good, his reputation is ono
most enviable, his character and his
ontlgrety are without a stain. The
Hon, little Trod, a bright lad crowned
with silvery locks, does in childish
language often speak of papas court."
Tho time has not yet expired for tho
fulfilment of this prophesy. Four
years of that twenty mentioned in tho
beginning yot remain to fulfill this
last clause only.
"Nellio Kuloy after drifting into
publiulifc, stirs up anow the questions
of woman's rights and prohibition. Sho
tirelessly pushed these subjects boforo
tho people, declaring woinuus lovol
witli'inan and preaching crusade after
crusade against tho liquor tralilc. As
a result of hor efforts women are pri
veledged to voto on school officers in
Nobraska, and, no more liquor can be
found In this state than in hor neigh
bor states, Colorado or Wyoming.
Nellie laments the fact that she lacked
but fow votes of representing a revised
independent party in Congress.
The truth of this prophesy noods no
cotnmont whatever. As you well re
moiubor women have boon franchlscd
to vote ever sinco Colonel Hesse was
rst elected to tho legislature.
"Hrueo 1'uyno dwells in an out of
town cottage, surrounded by nature's
art in its supreme beauty. Ho devotes
himself to intellectual pursuit and has
written a book on natural history
which gives many uow and interesting
facts concerning plants, insects and
' animals. Ho has actually ascertained
that watermollons atv ediblo and that
tho mosqultto can feed upon human
blood. Ho has accomplished that
longed for reformation in spoiling and
also has revised Webster's Dictionary.
Now J'.rtico lives out of town and
was tho real fellow and not 1 'resident
Koosovolt that originated that simpli
fied spoiling deal, nud sometimo he will
be proporly rowarded in history.
"Raehael Letson can bo seen in her
home with tho whiteness of ago tint
ing her hair and unsinoothncss creep
ing upon hor face. Her hand was earn
estly sought by two young men, and
twico was she asked the critical ques
tion. Their star of hope at last direct
ed them olsowhero and now Ilachaol
that once beautiful girl of fewer years
sits in tho lapse of time, au old maid."
There still remains four years yot of
that twenty but maybe time will not
help this prophesy. This must be
some kind of a blunder. I remember
uow that I overheard a little conver
sation a fow moments ago between
Vernon Storoy nnd Hoy Tool. Vernon
Summer! nderwear
Evor stand in a draught and feel
tho cool breeze on your face and
hands, nnd feel smothered all
ovor your body?
If you hadon"PertSknU" under
wear instead of tightly knitted, air
proof uuderwear, you would feel
that samo refreshing breeze all
over the body that the uhcovcred
face catches.
"Porosknlt" is naturally a cool
undorwenr. It couldn't be other
wise. It's an open work knit. It's
light in weight, olnstio enough to
mean comfort, and mado of fiuest
coined yarn to givo lastlngness of
Fifty cents tho garment.
johnson & grout
Slid that 'this old ancient class of !:?,
were pretty blooming numerous and
smart mound here this evening. I Soy
said 'that it looked to him as thoy
were trying to steal our thunder, and
something ought to be done about it.
Now then Miss Vorimu said that "Mr.
Garhor had his speech In his pocket."
Those were nil the words, murk you.
words, that she said. 1 am not. going
to make any accusations whatever.
Hut it would bo iuipowiblo for a
prophesy to contain just one such n
blunder and be otherwise so truthful,
i feel very much like an old Christian
womtin who said that "she never gos
siped and did not believe in gossiping
but that the linger of suspicion
pointed mighty straight sometimes."
I have no recollection of ever writing
such a prophesy about any one. The
exact words of tho original prophesy
wore, as I now remember thorn, sub
stantially theso "ISachaol Letson was
soon married to a very handsome, en
terprising and popular young merchant
and lived happily ever aftei'ward "
"Mabel Day is Preceptress of a large
Deaf and Dumb Institute Hor zeal
and pationco have been without paral
lel. She has aided most wonderfully
in the progress and comforts of these
most lamentable unfortunates."
The evidence is here before you.
This prophesy is too true to bo good.
''Maud Greenlee after long continued
study, always doing her best, finally
arrives at the ton. She is versed in
many branches, and with her mastery
of languages she occupies a professor
ship in a university."
At last reports Maud was professor of
theology In the government naval aca
demy at Anapolis, Aid.
"Trix Mizcr supervises a happy
household. Accomplished in music
sho salutes early morn with her well
tuned song, and still makes melody
when tho evening shadows usher in tho
nightfall." There is a young banker
around here somewhere, who will, if
too bashful to speak out, hold up both
hands iu testimony to the truth of
this prophesy.
"Lulu Potter after many meditations
betook it upon herself to go to the
land of tho heathen and teach tho word
of (Jod and tho manners nnd customs
of Christianity to remote humanity.
Her life has that enjoyment which is
known by few." Lulu is not hero at
present, she is in China 1 think. All
of us who aro acquainted with Lulu
can very vividly imagine her reading
hor biblo to a Chinaman. However 1
am not so sure whether she Is iu China
or India. 1 will ask her mother and
tell you tomorrow.
"Dora Henderson is tho principal of
a high school, starting many promising
lads to honor and fame. Her old timo
school gjrl determination has always
asserted Itself and sho has gained a
proud rank among tho workers iu that
great cause "
In this caso It is only a typographical
error, l ho printer lias inserted too
many lads iu manuscript. It should
read fad. Kverybody who sees Dave's
sunny faco day after day, knows that
she is a complete success as n teacher
iu high school.
" I perchance am drifting over life's
unsettled sea, with neither sign nor
omen to foretell my fate. Hut as I
scan the broad expanse,
Sometimes the scenes of other days
ltoturn again to mo.
Tne old familiar places all,
Again I seem to see.
I fancy 'mong tho woodlaud trees
I hoar the song of bird.
And from tho olden hilltops come
Tho echoes ouco I hoard."
We have added a right
new Line of Groceries to
Our Women and Men
Furnishing goods. : : :
Trading, Place
where you can get every
thing to eat and wear.
This week for Men we
are showing.
The Poras-knitt un
derwear in Balbriggans
Colors, ect.
Call in and see
Yours for
Square dealing;
Now, this old time prophesy is inn-
terlalled transformed into marvel-'
ous revelation. Me thinks I hear this'
most indulgent audience saying iu ono
accord, as tho people said unto the
Wlscuion, 'wonderful, most wonderful.'
Hy no means was the piano solo by
Miss Mary Dniiurcll the leiiotlntoi eat
ing part of tho progiam. Miss Mary
bus exceptional musical talent and her
playing was much .appreciated. The
Chief is pleaded to know that the grad
uates of our school aiopiogiessivoaud
desire to win new laurels with each
succeeding vear.
Diner llutler took (he house down
with his Chalk Talk which has become
"the talk of tho town." Mr. Ilutlor
pictured school days as he saw them
while a boy. He certainly has a vivid
recollection and possesses tho ability
to tniiko Ids scenes realistic to tho
great delight of au audience. Wo re
gret our inability to reproduce for our
readers his drawings and address.
Mrs. Dora Kuley read tho following
letter from Miss Willa father which
explains the loason for herlnabilty to
bo in attendance here. Mrs. Kuley
has a very pleasing manner of reading
and owing toiler perfect articulation
she could be easily heard in every
part of tho house.
It was a source of considerable re
gret that Ralph and Donald Pope wore
unable to bo here in person tho wc
woro assured that thoy wore with us
in spirit.
Alex IJentloy gaveji graphic roviow
of the early days in ids address on
'Looking Itackward." His advice and
words of warning to the class were
especially timely and they no doubt
will profit by Mr. lientloy's suggest
ions. Supt. Moritz. then briefly introduced
the class to 10. .1. Overing Jr. president
or the board who conferred upon thorn
the diplomas int lie following language:
Class of lOO'.i J congratulate you on
the progress you have therefor made.
I am indeed pleased to learn from
Prof. Moritz that you havo satisfact
orily completed the course of study ns
prescribed in our High School and
that you havo faithfully performed all
tasks sot beforo you. With tho pass
ing of this night your relations wltl.
the world will be considerably changod.
From now on you will be compelled (o
rely upon your own selves more and
more. You will no longer receive the
daily assistance aud suggestion from
your teachers and you must learn to
do your own thinking.
In after j ears you may forget the
conjugation of some Latin verb or the
formula for solving a proposition iu
geometry. Many of tho important
events and dates of history may elude
your memory but bhould all else es
cape you I pray that you will over re
tain the lessons which you havo
learned in discipline. A thoro train
ing in discipline, the knowing of how
to run ones self Is after all the true
test of education In this connection
penult mo to cito you an example
worthy of your thoughtful consider
ation and contemplation.
Two years ago u tornado struck the
barracks lyt Fort Crook, Nobraska.
When tho officers saw the storm ap
proaching and almost at hand they
ordered the (ith. leglmont into batta
lion formation aud iu the midst of
Hying slato roofs and other debris
they marched across that campus In
perfect order to substantial buildings
whero thoy wero put "at rest" and
found places of refuge.
History affords no greater example
of discipline in all Its annals. Tho
charge of tho light brigade was a tri
vial event ns compared with those 000
Americans as they marched into tho
very teeth of that appalling storm and
tho tho wind roared and tho fear
ful black cloud struck error their
hearts yot they obeyed the orders of
their superiors and displayed their un
excelled heroism and dioiplinc.
No glory of conquest spurred them
on. No martial band stirred their
blood Yot they remained true to
their training aud did their duty.
And now iu the namo of the school
district of Red Cloud city I present to
you theso diplomas the ovidenco of
your work successfully performed in
hor schools.
Miss Carrio Shute bus been awarded
the scholarship by the committee mid
I congratulate you on receiving this
honor not so much for tho scholarship
alone ns for your diligence and appli
cation to your studios. Claudo Pierce
is a close second and receives honor
able mention.
A pleasing addition to the program
helped enliven tho ontertalnmont.
After the addresses of the former grad
uates were completed Mr. Overing be
lieved that It would not bo out of
place to hear from tho new class nnd
called upon Claude Piorco to dolivcr
an address. The audience, wero on a
quiver of oxcltomont and all tdiolr
sympathies were aroused in Claudo's
behalf but to tho astonishment of
everybody he came forward aud de
livered ono of the neatest speeches of
the evening and turned the tables.
Tills was hugely enjoyed by tho aud
ience and shows to this editor that the
prosont product of our schools is not'
inferior to those turned out iu the
earlier days,
(Continued next week,)
Ilaininocks at Cottlug's.
ISay (iard was down from Lincoln
this week.
Illue gra nnd white clover seed at
Cott lug's.
Mra. Dr. Jones Is visiting in Alma
this week.
Mrs. SIlnsDnrbor i visiting in Alma
this week.
Lloyd liradbrook spent Sunday iu
ISed Cloud.
IM McAllister was in PhilUpsburg,
Kan. Monday.
Mrs. Henry McCune spent Tuesday
in (iuide ISock.
Hoy Hutchison was up from Norton,
K'is., this week.
Dick (iray of Norton, Kan. is in
town this week.
Fred Temple of Kansas City is in
town this week.
Miss Mary Ford of McCook is here
visiting relatives.
Miss (irai'o Halo loaves Saturday
for hor lminc iu Aurora. "
Miss Lillian Portnier ofUntdo ISock
was in town Wednesday.
See Dr. Stockman tor eye glasses
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Hiss Clara Abel wont to .McCook
Sunday to visit her sister.
Charley Fort has been visiting Ids
prreiits hero the past week.
Homer Shorwood returned to Salt
Lake City Monday ovening.
Attorney A. II. Keeuey of Denver
Colo , is in town this week.
Clyde Whitukcr and Henry Pharcs
woro iu Franklin Wednesday.
Mrs. Huiunuul Fit, arrived home
Monday from an eastern trip.
.Miss Margcrot MoCutehoou returns
Saturday to her homo at Archer.
Mrs. Karl Danker of Itiverton was
visiting relatives here this week.
Glen ISalph has accepted a position
as "devil" iu the Com. Ad. ollice.
Geo. Morhart and family spent Sun
day visiting relatives in Guide Hock.
Hon McFarland, Hilly I'pwriglit and
Deo. Hushee wero in McCook Sunday.
Chns. Harpliam of Norton, Kan., is
visiting his sister Mrs. It. (J. Runchcy.
Hrueo Robinson has accepted u posi
tion ns bookkeeper at tho State Hank.
Miss Draco James of Fairmont is
visiting her cousin. Miss Clara Hur
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pope arc moving
into their new home iu tho Piatt ad
Dean Smith was called here by (ho
death of his mother, Mrs N. L. D.
Mr. and Mis. licit lor of Cowles wore
visiting her sister Mrs. IS. (J. Itmichey,
Prof. O. W. Caster, former Supt.
of our city schools, was in tho city
this week.
Miss Lotlin Desvittand brother (Jus
sic were visiting relatives iu Guido
Hock last week.
Roy Jones of Clay Center was the
guest, of Mr. and Mrs. John Myers the
first of tho week.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Crabill of Denver
aro hero visiting his parents Mr. and
Mrs. L. M. Crabill.
Several of our town boys spond
every Sunday in ISuldo Hock. Whats
the attraction boys?
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hurgess woio
down from Innvalo Wednesday to at
tend Commencement.
Wednesday, S. K. Wordon had tho
misfortune to break his arm whilo
cranking his automobile.
There will bo no trespassing or tree
cutting allowed on section Sin, Garfield
township If. I).- Sunken.
I) It. Spanoglo and daughter Miss
Hell left Thursday morning for mi ex
tended visit iu Pennsylvania.
Tho Chicago specialist will bo at tho
Hoyal hotel in Kcd Cloud, Thursday,
Juno 10th. Consultation froo.
Do Witt's Little Knrly Risers, tho
famous little llror pills, small, gontle
and bure. Sold by all druggists.
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and
Saturdays. Ice days for Rod Cloud.
Watch for the Lindsoy Ice Wagon.
Mrs. Kenady living just north and
west of this city is quite ill. She has
been afflicted with a stroke of paraly
i'lio ladles f the Congregational
church will bold their monthly mar
ket nt the Homo Grocery store next
Hoy Robinson and Howard Foe do
partod for Caldwell, Idaho, the first
of tho week where they will play in
Snapp's band.
G, W. Hurgess aud wifo came down
from Alma .Monday. Mr. Hurgess has
assumed his dutlos hero au water aud
light commissioner.
Hoes Laxatlvo Cough Syrup is in
stnnt'reliof for coughs, colds, croup,
whooping cough. It is gently laxatlvo
and drives tho cold from the system
clearing tho head and throat. L'lens
aut to take. Good for hoarseness and
all bronchial trouble. Guaranteed be
cause we know what It will do. afje,
GUc and $1. Sold by Henry Cook.
A Spring
Tho Winter Overcoat lists
completed its service and now
is the time for the Spring
Top Coat to receive its duo
Have you a spring Top
Coat, Sir a Coat just as
you would have it?
Perhaps, you haven't.
Thou, in that case, wo would have
you investigate our handsomo now
All tho suiarlest and best In Top
Coals you will Hud horn - of all
stylos and fabrics, silk orSoigo Lined.
Our Price Scone
Wd to $22.50
When looking for Good Clothos.
come horo by our Clothes, you
know us.
Protector Collars Cravenctte.
I Gowden-Eialey
Always Reliable
I Amack 8 Chaney
Leaders in Furniture and Undertaking
51Yoii will find us
Furnitiirep Carpefs and Under."
taking of the quality kind
And Our Prices Speak for Themselves. We extend a
Cordial Invitation to all to visit our slorc. : : : : :
Mother's Hay was observed by llev.
Crossmauattbc Congregational church
Sunday morning. Flowers were plenti
ful and the sermon unusually good.
J. Ii. Crane of Kansas City was in
the city Tuesday looking this location
ovor with the intension of locating a
sorghum mill bore If everything is
Havo you soon those Merchandise
Certificate at Johnson ,t Grout's? If
you haven't ask thorn nbout it and see
tliu valuable premiums that they give
you nbbolulely free.
Dr. Wlntoion physician and sur
geon. Otllco in front rooms over Dr.
Cook's drug stojo. Ueniovedjfroih Dr.
Kaiuo's ollice, Potter lllock. Uoth
phones Hell Hed 13. Indepond. 1J31.
In order to accomodate those who
wore unable to obtain scats for tho
High School play, "Under Two Flags"
It will be presented in tho Opera
IIouso Saturday, May 22. Reserved
seats 25, children lfl. Scats on sale
at tho usual place.
The Christian church ha9 made ar
rangements with Judge Edson where
by he will preach for them overy Sun
day morning. TheJudgo Is un able
and interesting speaker and will no
doubt draw many to the morning ser
vices. The P. E. O.'s tondercd a reception
to Miss Jessio Kellogg at tho homo of
Mrs. Nod Grimes. Miss Jessie was u
charter momber of the organization
here and was nn enthulastic worker.
The reception was a succoss In every
Tho body of Miss Minnlo Smltliagcd
38 years, well known iu this city
whero sho had resided for many yoars
but lator a resident of Los Angles,
Calif., urrlvod in this city Wednesday
morning accompanied by her sister
Laura and husband. Funeral services
wero held at the Methodist church
Thursday aftornoon conducted byljov.
StifDer. Interment was made in tho
Hed C loud comotory.
Top Coat
IHm2hLx3ii rw v
Cvpyriyhl, 1009
Glothing Go.
First Door North of Postofficc
in the
The State Hank is making arrange
nionts to increase its capltui stock to
j 550,000. This will make this bank
one oi tne strongest llnancfal institu
tions in iho State. This bank has al
ways roceivod tho confidence of its
patrons but with the added capital its
soundness will be beyond question.
Mrs. X. j, I). Smith who 1ms boon
sick for several years witli cancer of
tho stomach passed away Tuesday at
hor homo in the south ward. Sho was
an old settlor of this county. She
leaves a husband, and several children
to mourn her loss among whom aro
Mrs. Clarence Kcod of this city, John
Smith of this city and Dean Smith of
Topekii, Kas. The funoral took plaeo
Wednesday aftornoon from thoMotho
dlst church in charge of the W. It. C.
"Hank" Maurer and Oliver Hedgo of
Hod Cloud aro two of the most onthust
astiodelogates to tho graud lodge con
vention, Maurer was a nhartor Timm.
bor of the Ked Cloud lodge when tho
coyotes hail tho town and Hedge is
tne shoriff of Webster county nnd one
of its most enterprising men. Both
are interested iu fraternnlism nnd
both are prohibitionists, and there
fore took pains to sco that Lincoln got
the next grand lodge meeting. World
With such forces as those unexpect
edly enlisted in their behalf tho pro
hibitionists of this city can now tako
it easy.
Opened up AgatR.
Tho Hon Ton resturant has under its
now managomontagniu opened up for
meals. Commencing Saturday, May
22nd. I will servo first class meals at
20 cents. nubcrt Neuerburg, Prop,
Card of Thanks.
Lnurn Slavongor and husband tnke.
this molhod of thanking their friends
and the public who so kindly assisted
them during tho death nnd burial of
her sister and also for tho bountiful
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