timsptmWM&tHmWW j(tocinriiimnwrtarail"Jwe,", ' ;';""i"j"'i'"MUU!5 VrXWrnUKSnrt WTIUifnm-KiKmimm'mm,iS ,.. lira. z , f . jlnttontiwmipyr w Hlik Retiring From Business HBBKatCTTglMaWgJ RfiBsaeiEvKSKa asss'iossM snG333Esras!2 J P Coats Bust thread c Spool io The Public No man or woman can afford to miss this yolden opportunity. A clean, choice, and complete btock to be sold at Public Sale at these quoted prices, at prices lower than 1-2 its value To Save these doll ars, read this circular carefully, and remember no matter how ridicu lously low the prices quoted, they are not exaggerated; they are true and backed by the fairest guaran tee. All new Spring and Summer goods go in this sale. Keoster Silk Thread Public Sale Price c. fiPrlH Thk Official PnhllP hafpmpnt" This isto certify that lhi circular bearing the offical" Hecw liiib uiiiucii ruuju OLdLKiiiKnu statcment to thc elTc.cl th;lt wtit tbc undersiKtu;(J E. "M. IIADELL and CO , Red Cloud, Nebr., place on the market our entire stock which must be sold. By making this statement we know the public will accept this official statui t nt and buy now when the chance is here merchandise for prices that the goods could not be manufuctuicd for, and we fully realize how the public: will appreciate our decision-by selling this mammoth Mock out at these prices in a retail way. Dptflfi TlllB liy R'vi"K lllli l,uulic ,nis official statement buy us, established in Red Cloud, Neb. KtQU IlllUI for the past years, and now, therefore, we want to state this fact, that when we make this statement, having established a reputation in the past here, known as honorable and fair in our dealing with all the public, we want to state that our signature below means the bona- fide truth, and inulore you in your own interest not to confound this advertisement with those ordinarily so called types of sales. ThlQ Inpk lUfnQf ftp nlH ancl we cal1 'our ""ention to the prices quoted on our immense 1 IMS JIUWY UUZl DC JU1U. slock in this Hst which priceS we most einph.lticany guarantee to be absolutely true, and in no way exagerated, no matter how ridiculously low, how impossible they seem, we again guarantee them to be absolutely true and request you to test our claim It is our firm inten tions to sell this stock, and we fully realize that to accomplish this, must give extraordinary values, such as quoted in this circular, you will find commencing Wednesday morning, April 21st at 90'clock. The sale is set for sixteen days and will positively close May 8th. (Signed) E. M. HADELL & GO. Red Cloud. Nebraska. SAVE THIS AND WAIT Sale tens WEDNESDAY kml 21st 16 DAYS Best American and Simpson Prints 4c per yd. Stop And Consider We intend to dispose of our en tire stock within i6 days, we have advertised the stock for Public Sale at rediculous low prices. Every statement and price here made, being absolutely true and not exagerated in the. 'minimum, we shall expect a crowd numbering hundreds of people every day of this sale to supply their wants. Proper preparations are being made to accomodate these masses. Merchants wishing to buy a por tion of this stock at . these prices will be waited upon between the hours of S and'9 Every Morning. t jc wool finished Challies on Sale in 10 yd Patterns at 4SC a pattern. V- News of Vital Importance: open to the public. The entire stock will be marked in plain -figures, this store will be closed Monday ancl Tuesday April 19 and 20 to ena wi u iW uunaim .iii.iiiBuiusuui-K. vu nave recruited a torce ot elliciunt and trained salespeople to wait on th peopie wun proper anc. rapui oispatcn. uon t torget tlie date Wednesday Apiil 21 at 9 a m. the d ors will be throw I'll vfc , Wo tlo not Uli to lo ive a few skeptical ones behind, and therefore whatever purch.tso you make, .should you be dissatislied in any v ay, wo will exoh tngo. take hack or refund your money Immediately. Remember No postpoiie niuiil, C01110 hero expecting to Mud ubsolutly tint host values you over saw You will not be dIsnppo!nU'd - your expectations will be far exceeded in every instance Wo guarantee you that thee prices are lower and the values such as you could only picture) in your most oxhuulted moments of illumination. Were wo lo use emphatic language, wo could not sullleiently impress upon jou I lie importance of tho-o bargains Why, language is simply too faint to convey to you even all Idea of the extraordinary values to bo found. Itut boJir in mind the following items are merely representative ai.d can only giye you a glimpse of what you can save by quoting prices on a small poi tion of this stock for IT we should dare lo quote pi lees on nil these f....:K. it would require the spaeu of u 21-p.ijre news, a per. nd now then, in ollormg these bargains, wo malco- no reservation, mid include and place at your disposal every article, o'very garment contained in this stool.. To fuliv fralixu and to pmpcily appieciato I he man clous values lo lie tnund heic, you must visit the store yourself. ' ' (TrsinAHi rHT2 Tkff Irfa TAK,J xo,'re,: "Al1 onU M,M fo,,('ash -"" l'm,it on.led. .Moi..y Hounded or purchases exchanged if untisfactory. Albods will positively be sold msh.1voUI.oi1. Sale lusts Slx-Mw-'O'Ji AlAi.tJ.1 HO Jk V-Ca.'C teen iluys only, book for the Hitf K"l Siyiis Uailroad faro paid to all out of town purchasers of $123.00 worth of merchandise or over. Come all. Millinery Our Millinery department comprises an almost endless variation of exquisito styles that rollout charming' Individuality and true millinery uicifiincc. A won derful selection of elegant, stylos at pi ices lower than tiny one ever dreamed of. Ileie, is what you will lie linked to pay: For up to Jl hats '. . . iSc For up toV.'.M) hats Si. HO ' For up to 811 hats SI. 78 For up to $1 hats S'J.28 For up to IGoO IihIh SI .Vs. This new up lo-dale stock wo bought. from D. 1J. Fiso t Co, and up-to-date at prices less than cost of the uumufuu. tuio In this sale wo will include all the ladies' Hats left over from last seat. , oil from '.Me up. They are on .siqmrato display in icar of store. Corsets " Ono 10 do.eii lot Ladies' C'or-ots worth ode ind SI. closing out sale piico -tic (Jmo -peclal line corsets wnrt'i up lo 61. oil. Ill this lot Is included the famous" Kav.o brand, closiui; out s-ile price iSe Spsicry Kcpartmcnt Ladies plain black hose, scimless, all s,cs guaiMnteud. lTic values go for Tu Childrens fast l)biek rll)tietl hosi. a 1 si.es, woith l."m closing out price To Ladies f.ist b ack Seamless hose niwei void for kss tliini 'JOc, closing out pi lec He. Ladies f.uiey black and tan host' a bargain at '.Cm, public sale price lie Ladies huso 10 lo MXj values go for .' ...,'2:ic Itoys bycyclo hoso worth 2.riu, closing out prlco lie llonts hoscsorth 10 and Lie go at 7c A line line gents hoso positively worth 2.V, public sale price llo Laces am Embroidery One special lot Kiubrolderles worth up to U'e, public, sale pilco Impirlod II unb.trg ) Ignis' an'l Insertions worth loc, go for , Imported Uambiic Ldglng and luscttlons I toW iiiclies wide, worth '.:0c. Irico Oc. Ono special lot of wide ombndderics worth 'J.I and Hoc, public sale price. .'tiio corset cover embroidery Torchon laces in pietty designs, worth from " to 10c, sale pi lee Torchon laces worth lo and l"io , b to lUe flench v. it laces :ic 10 to IThj trench al luces l'ublic sale price tin ail line net laces and all over Incos. ladles and Misses Belts Liulios and .Misses' Utslts woith ,)0c. public sale pi Ice lie Toe belts at .:Wc 1.00 belts at. .. ' LSc Ladies ode cot -it ciivi-is at . ','7c Ladies T."ic w bite muslin skirts at :iSo Ladies oOc muslin diaweisat ,..'J7e Ladies S.lc gowns public sale priee ISO All the best grades ladies muslin iiiulerjvo.tr, public sulo price less than ono half cost. ..lo ..So sale .llo .l'.HJ . .:tc ,.re ..5e Ladies Waists Ladles now 1UO0 waists positively thojinest lino over shown in this "part of tho country Ladles S.'ic ami 1 w.tisls.' Public sale price -lc. Ladies beautiful trinied waists positively worth 81..V). Sale price 7Sc. Ladies high grade waists worth Si.7ft '..o, JW. All Ladies ?2.r.O to SO waists. Public Htlo prices h.g than one half. Ladies Elack Eeticqats Ladics.31.J." black petico.tts sale pricu 78c. Ladles SL.VI black peticoats go fortiSc. Ladies S2 potlcoats. Public sale piico Pl.Ul Ladies o..')0 peticoats SI as. rwm rtMutta Ladies Suits, Skfns, i)ri Goats and Jlachet i-auics si.oii I'anaijia sKirls, sa.e price 5'J.OS. Ladies U Pannum skirts. Pub u sale price .IDs lladles &7 Panama skirts 1.7!). Ladies H.uO to fl.r.O french li voiiami panauia sKins, nan.lsoiuely trltnnicd and latest styles, closing out price Sis. Lailios ilo..l() and Sl'2 voil skirts go for S7.."rf. Our enllro new up-to-date I0J!) spring lino of Ladies and .Miv.03 suits will be thrown on tho utarkor unheard of prices. $10.50 suits no for. .5.78. WjM suits go for.. ..7.7s. UT, suits go for.. ..0.73. 618 suits ko for ...PJ.4S. S.MI suits trtt for.... J:s tS. .-. sils .,n f.... mra - hwj k' iw au.il: ladies Gloves Ladles 50i fabric ami lisle gloves, public sale price All the ladies lonsilk gloves at less lhau manufactures cost. ,'J!)c Daily Necesitles Host .io pe;irl bullous i'c Host fi and 10c safety pins .'Jc f0 ladies hair pins in fancy cabinet 2c ','Oo yd King spool cotton thiead . .'-'c Host hooks and eyes ic Best 10c elastic wolib yard 5o ThimlilesSe lUo key chains L'e loo aloeve holders tie Dins seem tape ;tu Feather stick braid !lo Men's 'J.'o ties Oj Men's 2,'ie hoso supporters So Uest braml silko, sale jirlee :io 10c shoe laces tc doon Full count paper pins lc Childrens handkerchiefs le Ladlos heinstichetl .lo handkerchief 2c Lttiies lOo homstiched handkerchiefs to Mens too turkey red handeriditefsao Eladies, Misses and Children's Shoe Department Ladies shoes, siimi Ust spiing and summer styles worth 82.12'. Public sale price ci ,i.i. .Ml the new spring coats and jackets at public sale 1)rt.eSi n 01 t,cjl,ts,lt Ladies shoos in black, viol kid. patent worth up to '2.7., alt the new stylos :!.7S 7 .Ml jackets at 1.73. 10..10 silk coats at 0.78. lii.r.O hllk coats at 7 S " and lasts Public sale pi loo M ilti. silk coats at 1 1. tS. - l.acties lino vim ktil shoes, new stylo too and last, positively worth up to c.'l. o0 special lot of parcalo and Itannollet rappers was 1.25, l.r.o and oaie price ci vs. haic m this public sab- at ."Si Ladies high grade Hhoos, all the swollost spring and summer stylo toos and Wo have r.O ladies 50 inch Uro.tdcloth and K'earsoy coats. Some are satin lasts, viol kid, patents and tan. p isltlvely worth up to ea.no. Public sale price n0 1 throughout and somo one half lined. Prices were from 57 'to S'5. Tho s v , wuvu lot at practically your own price. Also all the Misses and Ch i. mi ion mgii riiuu, lilies, slj ie, jjotai .your wuu, iiuuiii lip, jf nil metal lop coals Oil sale same Wav. ...u.V!.,. 1.1.M) llrussels rug for H..3. $20 llrussols rug sale price 12.18. 535 Ax.ninls. Kiiuivn inKu Kiniiu uinn in mutit, inn nun iimiiuiiii, lirsmtui (H Ul UJ. U'l' I UgS gO 1 01" III. 1 S. .'7 A.Mllilllstor 1'UgS gO for 18 18 to f'l.M), while they last 81 111 to t'J.. go for 21.-18. A lino lino of Mlssiw Shoes in latest stylos, black and .tan, worth SI nO to 8S.fi0 Closlug out price Sl.lt to 81 (50. infants and childrens complete up-to-dato line of shoes, blue': and tan from !K!o to HSc Less than one half their former cost. Children 'tnd Misses' oxfords in blank and tan, host styles and makes, from 1.3.1 to 81.75. Closing out price SHc to $13 1.73 .ill on hlldreus S.10 Axmlnister rug.s Men's Shirts One special lot ot Men's Shirts worth from r0o to SI. Public sale price "'lo 12 doeu Men's 7.".o and 81 dross shirts. Tho entire lot at public sale for TtOo .'acli. In this stock wo (ind about SGoO worth of Mou's. Ladles and Chihl.-M,' J. Hoys' shoes Pontine brand, latest styles, ovory pair warrantod. Uogular , tor ""dorwoar. It is nearly all in the better Blades but in' broken sizes Wo price 81.75 to 82.75 Closing out price 8 1. 1 to 81 08. ' wl" se" tUv otIr lot during this public sale regardless of cost. Fof Vant Of SOnCe tO qUOte prices: We announce a full complete new up-to-date line of the new wash dress fabrics, new wool dress goods, silk velvets, satins, all on sale at closing out Priccst The grealsst Bargain values you have ever seen all the 7c outings Public Sale Price '4c. 12 1-2 oulings at' 8c. 18c. fcalherckirgs at 12 l-2c. 12 I -2c tickings at 9c. 7c towling at 4c. 7c. muslin at 5c 10 .muslin at 7c. 35c Table Damisk at 19c. 1 Oc Zephyr Gingham at 6c. $300.00 lot o( fine Imported China dishes at unheard of prices. ' Free Railroad Ftsure to All 0it-of-Town Customers PURCHAfNG S25.0U WORTH OF MERCHANDISE OR OVER ' ISICTS (T581 A FJ A ryTTFF?.Wi nssiur pnr.h anrl PA'Afv nHrpiiaspl1 nlvsnliito sntUinptinn. Wp mirtrAnlpp fnrh .inrl nvirv nlatimpnt Unrt mnelo nnrl r An ynraU-,, n.. t ML - . t .i . ' wwbv. tnn;wit.iMiiiuiuu- " ---z i - - - t ;-v - ., .. "v- w ..vii. ujjv, iu tAuiiaiigt: ur reiunn me money on every V purchase, if so dcsiied. Every garment, cycry article marked in plain figures. ONE PRICE TQ ALL! . ' ' i 'i' 1 ' . .... '. ., "' Mr isig Km canvas Qtgns win suiuc you io tne nsut place. & 3 f NEW YORK STORE. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. i y$w$mkhM, . aaciT.'r -n -mM&T ti' "X" imtiia'vi - ja trvi-mMH K-ri2i22Sgi!31Iiii