The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 01, 1909, Image 5

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" " " T" 1 " y 5
-55 5i-?ei3if f f-ff Cf-FC-f
T. Walker was In Omaha iatur
Kay Xolhou whs down frOih Inavnlo
. John UtHrtjlh
vr in Guide Hock
Jlrlnt; your eggs and get ea.h. -.1. O.
Fred Temple of Kansas City was in
town this week.
Mrs. l'earl Ely of MeCook is visiting
relatives here.
t C. 1'. llrowu visited in Inavale tlio
last of the. week.
'Charles Putnam was down from
Cowles Tuesday.
Guy Brudbrook returned from Lin
coln Saturday.
' Iceland Caldwell came down from
Hastings Friday.
Lloyd nines came down from I'ni
vcrslty Flaoo Friday.
Fiank Cooper was up kfrom Cluido
Itoelc Wednesday.
Miss Agnes Leonard was down from
Jtiverton Saturday.
Fatlier Fitzgerald returned Satur
day from Kansas City.
Seo Dr. Stoekmau for eyo glasses.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Buy a ton of coal and get a novelty
dust pan. J.0. Caldwell.
For. Sam: Six room nouse, lots
Inquire at Ncwhouso's store. tC
Sir. and .Mrs. Jud Itailey returned
Wednesday from Topcka.
Jack ynllcr aud Jim McBridc were
down from Cowles Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Borcn were
down from Cowles Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Morhart returned
Suudny from a visit in Omaha
Mrs. Mike Finkonbindor returned
Saturday from Lawrence, Xebr.
Mrs. Carrie MeKecby entertained the
Flvo lluudred club Friday evening.
Miss Dessle Ford of MeCook is visit
ing her sister, Mrs. Luther Crabill.
Miss Edith McKoighan lias resigned
her position as cashier at Miner Bros.
Mrs. Sherwood Albright and Miss
lone Albright spent Saturday in Biver
ton. Boports from Excelsior Springs, Mo.,
state that O. W. Pope is improving in
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Miner wore in
the western part of the state the last
of tho week whcrothoyj.iinrchascd
Alcohol to
Ask your doctor how often p prescribes an alcoholic
stimulant for children. He v'1' . -obably say, "Very, very
rarely. Children do v.jI
how often he prescribe
ablv answer.
! about Avcr's
young. VoHuv
The first great rule ot health t
this is not co. Then ask hi.ii about
i n j ii
ill I ' I
IT ft L
If you are open to con
viction, we've an "open"
shirt here that'll open your
You get into
of it just as you would your coat.
It's just a'n "off-and-on-like-a-coat
" sh'irt, made by people who
have been making shirts on honor
for over forty years. And the
llMLliiliniii ,.
is the bestthing they have everdone.
81.50 and more.
m a
Subscribe for the Chic'.
W L'. Thorno of Bladen was in our
mk'ity Saturday and while- here made
1 this OlHCe H Call.
; Aire. Moore returned to Blooinlngton
I Monday after visiting nt tho home of
'" H' kKdo.
Mr?(loo. llnllislei' lvtiii'tioil Kutttr
day from Lincoln bringing her daugh
ter Mario with her.
Before 1 got to SI. l'eter I would like
to know what kind of a janitor ho has
in tho golden house.
Sheridan Vhares spent Sunday in
Bed Cloud. Sheridan is teaching
school near "Guide Book.
l)r Wluterson physician and sur
geon; olllce and residence- phone hiimo
ns T)r. Baltics' Potter hloek.
Mrs. Burnt returned to Hastings the
last of the week after visiting at the
homo of F. W. Studebakcr.
Frank Richardson has removed with
his family to Denver where ho will
mako his home in the future.
Tublor wells, wind mills, pipe fitting
aud ropalrings. Call on T. CiinVAMnu,
Campbell, Ncbr. Write or phone.
FARMKUS AlTI.M'ION I will bo lit
the old Winfrey barn commencing
April 1st. with my jacks and stallions
II. A ..Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Morhart enter
tained Friday ovening at their home.
Progressive douiinoet were played
during the evening.
Win, Wcesner shipped live cars or
cattle and one car load of hogs to Kan
sas City Sunday- Win, Wcesner aud
Lynuiu Kssig accompanied them.
I have just received a fresh lot of
garden 'cods at my feed store, boforo
buying eomo and look them over
A. 0. Biiausiiaw Haskin's old stand.
In connections with his Law business,
E. U. Overman has opened a Farm Loan
Department. Parties desiring a farm
loan will find It to Ihcir advantage to
seo him.
Judge Edson occupied Mr. Cress
man's pulpit Sunday morning. Mr
Cresstnan was called to the country to
conduct tho funeral services of Mrs.
Oliver McCall.
Mrs. Eugenia F. St. .John will lec
ture in the Congregational church to
night on the subject of temperance,
Sho is tho state lecturer for the W. C.
T, L and enjoys tho reputation of
being forceful, tactful, inspiring and
Easter Bazaar! Held at Hunter's
hall Inavlae, Neb., by the ladies of
tho Christian church April 10. Faucy
work, shirtwaists, sunbonnots, aprons
etc. Supper from 0:30 to 10. By
Order of Committee.
' ' '-'imuiating." Ask him
..- .:r diem. He will prob
'iv !lv." Then ask him
y'A',?. as a Ionic for Iheu
. C Ayer Co., Lowell, A c
. i i-.tu of the bowels." Ask your Jjciurii
Aytr's Pills. Sold 'for nearly sixty years.
it, and you get out
XonI Tuesday It city elect ion.
Dr. Bniui's of Lincoln is in town to
day. Donald Sloan is repented sick with
Wade ICooutK roturned from Kansas
Cily Wednesday.
Alviu Snapp wont to MdCook Tues
day on business.
Will Bailey and his sister Mnde
went to CowIom today.
Mr. and Mis. Bud Dankerweredown
from Itivcrton Tuesday.
Editor Woods of tho Bladen Enter
prise was in town Tuesday.
Misses Mario and Kuteryn Burk
went to Blverton Saturday.
( Frisbio came homo from Lin
coln Friday for u vacation.
Mrs. Anna Till leys returned from u
visit in Xaponeo Wednesday.
Mrs. Spraeher and daughter were
do ii from Cov les Wednesday.
('. r. MeConkey beaut Hied his rosl-ih-iico
with a new fence this week.
Fred Turnuiv expects to commence
tlio erection of his now dwelling nt'.vt
Henry Wick mini and daughter
Bertha were up from Outdo "Bock
Prof. Morils is in Lincoln this week.
Mrs. Moril.aud childton are visiting
In Hastings.
Mrs. Carl Furgeson and daughter
eamo down from Oilcans Wednesday
to visit relatives.
Mis. Bello Taylor has been Very sick
but we ato pleased to learn that she is
rapidly recovering
Mrs. Xauniollalo was called to tho
country Monday nf tot noon to take
cure of hor mother, Mrs. Wlttwerwho
is very sick.
Berry's attraction "Bout Tell My
Wife" will be tho next oirertug at tho
Opera House April fith. It is one of
tlie best Musical Farce comedies tour
ing this territory.
Do you want to mary an heiress
worth SdO.OOO.OO'.' visit tho production
of "Dont Tell My Wife" and find out
the conditions; at Opera House Mon
day April nth. N
Prof. B. D. Moritz has resigned as
a candidato on the republican ticket
for alderman from tho south ward.
The committee named Ed. Amaclc to
tako his place.
Berry's attraction "Don't Tell My
Wife" will bo tho next oiforing at tlio
oporn hoiibo April Dtli. It is ono of
tho best musical farce comedies tour
ing tliis territory.
Saturday afternoon while Uoscoo
Weosnor was driving to town one of
his horses had a paralytic stroke and
Boscoc had to get a wagon and haul
tho liorso to town.
Tho Sacrament of the Lord's suppor
will bo celebrated nt tho Congrega
tional church next Sunday morning.
Tlio pastor will preach upon tho sub
ject "Tlio Mission of Jesus." In the
evening ho will glvo tlio experionco of
"Christain and Faithful at Vanity
Fair." He will show the attitude of
these pilgiims toward worldllness.
The evening service will eommonco at
8 o'clock. All cordially invited.
Wii.i.owni!OOK, Caw r., Mar. 2V. 'on.
To Tin: Hi:i Cloud Ciiii:r:
I? have written nothing for your
paper for somo time, thoroforc I will
toll your readers about the Nebraska
picnic which occurred on the 20th of
March nt Hediand by til sea. It was a
beautiful day something like tlio last
of May in Nebraska, only inoro flow
ors were in bloom. Roses and Calla
lillles make a lino show on the lnwns
and noartlio houses tho fruit trees nro
in blossom and every thing is lovely
all along tho way. We drovo ovor to
Gardena and took tlio electric car that
runs from Los Angeles to Bcdlauds.
We found the car so full that thero
was only standing room in the vcstl
bids aud tho uiotormau give 1110 ids
stool to sit on. 1 said to him, is this
tho special cars He said, "no wo
have had threo or four ears as full as
this all Nobraskans." And when we
arrived wejfound a crowd thero. Wo
had tho dinner in a small irrove pre
pared for such purposes, where wo
could look out tho ocean. Judgo Mor
ris formerly of Crcto, Nebraska, who
has been president of this association
several yoars mado somo brief remarks
thon a tourist from Omaha who praised
this country faintly, but said ho did
pot want to como horo to livo at pres
ent ho liked Nebraska better. Several
othor tourists mado short speeches.
They seemed charmed with southern
California, but were not ready to como
hero to llvo yet.
Nebraska was woll represented, thero
wcie peoplo from nil tho difforcnt
parts of tho state, oitlicr residents here
or visitors, nud thoy all socmed to en
joy tho March picnic.
A person has to live liore a year al
least boforo thoy really appreciate tho
climato. If thoy come in tlio winter
thoy do not liko tho rain, whilo tho
residents aro pleased with it on ac
count of tlio good it does. If they
como in tho summer prepared for hot
weather, thoy do not liko tho cool
nights and mornings. Wo novcr have
horo the long continuod day and night
beat that prevails in Mimmor in Ne
braska. Mrs. Scllars an old settler of
witLniajiujijijawwrfWiniiinHi Jiwaiinu'wimnjun 1 1 wu immjjuw MjiuinnTir'i.'wwtfWtfTJ mfjmwh
Successor to Dr. J. S. HUIOII
At the old stand over the
Stnte Sunk, Phone ML
Wobster county visited us the Hist of
this week. Wo nro always glad to seo
people from thero and to hoar from
our friends in that vicinity.
We huvo had a good deal ir rain this
wlnteraud some frosts, hut not severe
enough to hurt the oranges and tlio
trees are beautiful all winter with
their dark gieen foliage aud golden
Los Angeles is growing very fast.
At' night wo can see tlio elect rio lights
from there now. in a few years if tlio
country continues prosperous lite city
will teach to the ocean.
E. B Kniuiii'.
Mrs, Aincs McCall.
Mrs. Agnes MeCall died at her home
live mile smith west of t hit city last
Friday owning March '.'t'lth. B)0i).
Mrs. Mii'.ill was tho widow of tho Into
Oliver M fall who diod May I'Uli 189o.
Mrs. Mot'uM was hot 11 in Clarion
county Pennsylvania March l.Mh ts 15,
and was at Imr death III yrais aud 11
days old.
Agues E. 1 'tinkle and Oliver MeCall
wore iiiHitled in Pennsylvania in tlio
year 1S('.. The same year thoy camo
to old Fort, Calhoun north of Omaha,
where they lived until they moved to
Webster county in March iSTl. Ten
children were born to this union of
which four sons and four daughters
are living, all wore present at tho
burial except 0110 son Joseph living in
The funeral services wero hold at
tho Into homo of tho deceased con
ducted by Bov. A. A. Ciessman pastor
ot the Congiogational church. Be
Oeo. Hummel was present and us pio
neer, neighbor and christian co-worker
spoke ff many kindly acts and Chris
tian deeds of tiie deceased.
Mrs. Mel till wns a member of tho
congregational church uniting with
tho church by letter from her old homo
in Pennsylvania Sho lived an exam
plary christian life, was a kind hearted
neighbor tin indulgent mother. All
must say who knew hor that tho world
is better by hor having lived in it.
Tlio funeral was largely attondod by
friends. The ladies of tho Women's
Ilollef Corps of which Mrs. McCall was
a member conducted 11 ritualistic ser
vice at the grave.
Real Estate Transfers.
Transfers reported by tho Fort Ab
stract Co: for the week ending Wed
nesday, March III, 1 000.
Leonard 11. Bust to Charles S.
Crabill, lots 1,2, Blk. 20, Rod
Cloud, wd TOO
Charles E. Hicks to Harry K.
Anderson, lot 8. Blk. 7, Bladon
' wd
II. 13. Anderson to .1. L. Albert
son, lot 8, Blk. 7, Bladen, wd
Fred G. Turnuro to Dallas W.
Turniire, und 'j lots I, 5, 0",
Blk. 1, JLoDuc'b add to B.C. wd
Mary I'jva'litout to Laura D. Fox
lots l, :J0. Blk. 5, Smith &
Moores add to Bed Cloud, wd
Peter A. Maliclc to George O.
Holt, wi lot 4, all 5,0, Blk. 1,
Cowles, wd
George G. Iloit to Andoroou J.
White, vyd lot , all 5, 0, Blk.
10, Cowles, wd...
Susan-B. McBrldc to J. B. Wag
oner, & lot 4, all 5, 0, Blk. 28
Bed Cloud, wd ,
Mary F. Reed to Henry Spilkor,
SW25-IM0, wd 10J00
Guy Cono to Mao Cone, undj b"
so 15-2 0. wd 1000
Adam Fringer to Nathan 13.
Simpson, e'J no (M-0, wd U70O
Euclid Martin ot al to Otto E.
StofTregan, partlotll. Bojirers
add to Bluo Hill, ex d
Richard J. Skeen to Frank S.
King, part o2 n2 no 20-Mo, wd
II. G Sawyer to Clntha Fulton,
u 50 ft lots 13, IV, Blk 2, Snw-
yors add to Inavale, wd
Bank of Campbell to Jacob G.
Battorif, ptnw 10-4-12, wd....
Mary Franco to Jcsslo B. France
n2 Bv, 62 nw 28-3-10, wd
Jessie li. Franco to Frank E.
Motter, to nw, no sv 28-3-10,
O. P. Gund to Gustav Novak, w2
s w, w3 2 se 7-4-9, wd
William Barnes to William Keal
sw 2-3-0, wd
John II. Bangcrt to Frederick C.
Nnss, n2 nw 23-3 0, wd 4450
Goorgo II. Paul to International
Land & Inv. Co., part lot 3, nil
t, 5, 0, 7, 8, Blk. S, Red Cloud,
wd 1
Mortgages filed, $1811.1.50.
Mortgages released 821250.
Tho eleotrlc chair oughttobe a, good
euro for kidnapping.
MnnZuu Pllo Remedy is put up in a
tube with nozzle attached convenient
for use. May bo applied directly to
the atfocted parts reducing and reliev
ing the pain and inilammation. For
nil kinds of Piles. Guaranteed. Prica
50c. Sold by Uonry Cook.
C ELECT your Spring Suits
sJ early, Sir Sclccl it now!
S There never was a
belter time for the Spring
styles arc jusl in from the
World's Best Tailor Shops.
Choice and handsome gar
mentsall blooming with the
new styles features and Spring
Correct models and fabrics
for Middle Aged Men and
all the swell stunts for the
Dashing Young Dressers.
$10, $15, $20 tip to $25
F rrnTTiT MiMiimmj mm jh Li
Remember thai luck or
chance never enter into a
purchase made hcrc"and
? thai there's no time like now
to choose your Spring Suits.
wden-E4aley Clothing 0,
C Always Reliable
A tiAsi n..A 1
For 10 days.
Look to your Interests
and buy now,
Leaders in Furniture and Undertaking
; Amacli Chaney
A flew Snappy Line of Ladies'
Furnishing Goods.
sr in The Fair Store Building.
We will be in shape to" fill your wants in Every Thing in
Ladies' Furnishings, in the way of Shirt Waists, Muslin
and Gauze underwear. Ladies', Misses and Childrens
Hose. Gloves, Collars, Belts, Face Vales and notions
of all kinds. '
Ladles' Suits and Skirts made To Order a Specialty.
Will be adding more goods rapidly from time to time
All Special Orders filled promptly. Call and See us.
Yours For Business,
Geo. P. Johnson.
A New Buftfty Or Farm Machinery
We have them all. Rememjber, our stock of Har
ness, Hardware, Buggies and Farm Machinery is
Complete at all times. :::::.: : : : : :
Wb pay Si'i'.ciAi. attention to Supplying Builder's Hardware at tho
Lowest Trices, Best goods. Wb aro also in position to do Plumbing
work, und all Kinds of IMpo Cutting and Fitting. : : : -: : s :
We will have In a Line ot AUTOMOBILES Soon.
Red Cload flafltaaFe & Implement Go.
WM WOLFE, Secretary.
'vAvAaAWAaA ii i
Tit 1 teuurt nt Kunnlieiirt ,
Cliicago 1
First Door North of Poslofficc
l Ml
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